technologies that transform our digital world (166238936)

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Cisco/Wisconsin Partnership

Designing the Future of Advanced

Computing Infrastructure, Together 

Allen Kluender, Cisco

Bruce Maas, University of Wisconsin

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A History Based on Shared Values

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Key Information About UW-Madison

Consistent top 5 research university, over $1B for several years

100 Year Anniversary of Wisconsin Idea-Boundaries of University are boundaries of state, nation, and world. Research mustbenefit humankind.

In midst of transformative reinvention of teaching,learning and research at scale.

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An Engaging Place

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Taking an Holistic Approach

Integrated approach to Advanced ComputingInfrastructure (ACI) that brings together Networking, Computing and Storage

The CIO and Campus Researchers are fullyaligned in ACI activities

 ACI faculty governance has domain sciencedriving our agenda.

Building on a campus wide laboratory to drive ACI innovation through experimentation.

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New Sponsorship at UW-Madison

Miron Livny

Professor – Computer Science

CTO - Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

Director – Center for High Throughput ComputingPrincipal Investigator-Open Science Grid (OSG) andthe HTCondor project

Bruce Maas

Vice Provost for Information Technology and CIO

Co Principal Investigator – CCNIE and EAGER ScienceDMZ Grants with CS Dept

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With Key Stakeholders

Paul Wilson - Professor of Nuclear EngineeringFaculty Director of ACI

Pat Christian- Network Engineering - CTO for ACI

 Aditya Akella-Associate Professor of CS – SDN

Suman Banerjee-Associate Professor of CS- WiFi

Steve Krogull - Director of Systems Engineering

Larry Landweber-UW CS Professor Emeritus andConsultant NSF GENI Project

 Already in Place! 

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Leadership for Experimental ACI

The synergy of being one of the lead institutionsfor the OSG (Livny PI and technical Director),

along with the Grid Laboratory of Wisconsin(GLOW), and world class domain scientistswho are actively engaged in adopting theend-to-end capabilities we offer and the ACI

framework we have put in place, makes UW-Madison unique.

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A Natural Place for Cisco to Look!

Phil Casini-Product Manager at Cisco Systems A 

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What are we Doing At UW-Madison?

We have brought the computer scientists andnetwork engineers together in partnership.

 Aditya Akella’s team is working on SDN and

worked with our network engineers and Ciscoon the early SDN design of Cisco controllers

Network Engineers and Akella team working onthe UW Science DMZ architecture

Enterprise storage and compute teams beingintegrated into ACI planning and execution

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What is a Science DMZ


A Scalable Network Design Model for 

Optimizing Science Data Transfers

The Science DMZ is a portion of the network, builtat or near the campus or laboratory's localnetwork perimeter that is designed such thatthe equipment, configuration, and security

policies are optimized for high-performancescientific applications rather than for general-purpose business systems or “enterprise”computing.

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What Else is Wisconsin Doing?

100 gb campus backbone upgrade underway

100 gb connections to I2 underway

Experimental Science DMZ network underway funded by NSF CC-NIE Grant (Livny co-PI)

Collaborating with University of Nebraska on CC-NIE LARK whichis proposed to make HTCondor more network aware

Immersion of Network Engineers into OSG planning occurring

Regular participation by researchers in Network Engineering

meetings occurringNSF EAGER grant with GENI (Banerjee co-PI) underway

Cisco and HP GENI racks soon, Dell?

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Specific Cisco-Wisconsin Actions

- We have partnered with Cisco on their Software

Defined Networking endeavors- Presently providing feedback on SDN controller 

- Testing alpha software on 3750x series

switches; waiting on Cisco 3850x , 4500x, ASRand Nexus platforms

-  Participated in London CISCO Live! January2013 demo. Showed how HTCondor could benetwork aware and use best path for processing (created a slice to end aroundfirewall) using Cisco controller and Open V-


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Complementary Wisconsin Actions

* Vice Provost for IT and CIO strategy of refocusing central IT staff attrition andadministrative system efficiencies towards

supporting research and teaching/learningmissions.

* Development efforts on campus with Aditya Akella’s senior grad student teaching SDN

topics in 2 sections in addition to sendingengineers to training opportunities facilitated byInternet2 (60+ students in 2 sections for 6x1.5hr sessions.

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2013 SDN Trends

2013 is seeing the expansion of SDN to includeleading edge businesses who have a history of early technology adoption, such as the financial

sector.The applications that are emerging for SDN are

simple so that newcomers can learn andexperiment. Network tapping (the data center 

for improved monitoring and visibility) is anemerging use case.

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2013 SDN Trends

It is clear that the expansion of SDN adoption willgrow but with caution as there are so manymoving parts that any IT department has to

balance the promise of OPEX savings andagility with the potential risks because many of the SDN components are still not mature.

University of Wisconsin continues to build SDN

infrastructure to create a real life laboratory,based on earlier success of GLOW, to provideend to end solutions for domain science.

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2013 SDN Trends

This leads to the continued importance of university research in maturing SDN.Universities are built so that experimentation

can lead to maturity and can take larger risksthan private sector for-profit enterprises.Universities working with enterprises can leadto SDN component maturity acceleration while

managing experimental risks. The University of Wisconsin has all the pieces in place to be thatincubator of real life success stories.

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Vision at UW-Madison

Through our partnership between a world classgroup of domain scientists and a nationallyrespected enterprise team of network

engineers and systems engineers, and privatesector partnerships with companies such asCisco, and with the support of donors,combined with over 25 years of evolving

HTCondor, and successfully running GLOWand Open Science Grid, we are creating the

leading Advanced Computing Infrastructure

model in support of science.