technology for differently abled persons

Mrs Deepa P Assistant Professor Govt College of Nursing Alappuzha

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Post on 11-Apr-2017



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Mrs Deepa PAssistant ProfessorGovt College of NursingAlappuzha

DefinitionsMedical ScienceThe branch of science concerned with the study of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

NursingIt is an integral part of the health care system, encompasses the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of physically ill, mentally ill, and disabled people of all ages, in all health care and other community settings.

National Science day28th FebruaryTheme Science and Technology for Specially Abled Persons

Medical technologiesMedical technologies are devices that extend and/or improve life.They can reduce pain, injury or a handicap as well as increase the effectiveness of patient care.

Advancements in care such as operating rooms, rooms for labour, ambulances, biopsy labs, etc since they help improve and extend life and improve patient care as well.



X ray machineMRI machine





The BenefitsEarlier detection of problemsLess invasive treatment optionsReduction in hospital staysReduction in rehabilitation time

SubcategoriesMedical DevicesMedical ResearchTraining DevicesInformation Technology

Medical DevicesIt is a health or medical instrument used in the treatment, mitigation, diagnosis or prevention of a disease or abnormal physical condition.


Low risk devicesThermometer Breast pumpBP apparatusInfusion pump

Medium risk devicesUltrasound machines Surgical drillsif used improperly could seriously harm a patient.

High risk devicesAnesthesia machinesVentilators and Incubators

which if used improperly could kill a patient.

Medical ResearchIt is simply any research that has increased the body of knowledge in the field of medicine.

It can be done to test and find new surgical techniques such as microsurgery.

It can be done to find and test possible new cures for diseases.penicillin to treat bacterial infections,human insulin for diabetics vaccines to combat harmful viruses.

Training DevicesThese are simply devices doctors and nurses in training would use that help them develop their skills without the potential harm to a living patient.Examples are practice Epi-pens and Virtual Patient websites.

IV MannequinLabour Mannequin

CPR mannequin

Information TechnologyThe study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.

Co-ordination of all the patients medical records together in one place/file.Beneficial to keeping track of patient medical allergies and their current medications.

Medical informaticsMedical informatics is the intersection of information science, computer science, and health care. It deals with the resources, devices, and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine.

Examples of Medical Informatics AreasHospital information systemsElectronic medical records & medical vocabulariesLaboratory information systemsPharmaceutical information systemsRadiological (imaging) information systemsPatient monitoring systemsClinical decision-support systemsDiagnosis/interpretationTherapy/management

Electronic medical records

Laboratory information systems

Pharmaceutical information systems

Radiological Information systems

Patient monitoring systems

Why I am here today?

Use of technology for specially abled persons

Major Devender Pal,India's blade runner

Meet India's blade runner, Major Devender Pal. Despite losing his right leg to a Pakistani mortar during the Kargil War, Pal challenges himself each passing day, makinghis disability hisstrength. Hisdetermination to do something different and his never-say-die attitude has seen him becomeIndia's first blade runner. His passion for running has seenhim participate in 9marathons. After he ran three half marathons with a normal walking leg successfully, the army came to his rescue and gave him an Ireland-made prosthesis which costs about Rs 4.5 lakh. You are truly an inspiration, sir!


Sharath Gayakwad, Paralympic swimmer

Being born with a deformed left hand did not deter this starry-eyed kid who started taking swimming lessons when he was just9. Sharath recently created history by winning 6medals at the Para Incheon Asian Games 2014. With this, he broke the legendary PT Usha's 28-year-old record at the Asian Games. Not only this, he also has over 30 international and 40 national medals to his name. He was also the first Indian to qualify for the London Olympics for the disabled in 2010. Kudos to you, Sharath!


Specially abled personsDifferently Abledlack of normal functioning of physical, mental or psychological processes. It is also defined as learning difficulties or difficulties in adjusting socially, which interfaces with a persons normal growth and development.

Divyang jan

Nov 2:Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday said his reference in his radio address to specially-abled children inspired the HRD ministry to provide scholarships to 1,000 such meritorious children who want study in technical institutes


I cant..

Individual lifeSocial life including work

A disabled child has been defined as one who is unable to ensure by himself, wholly or partially the necessities of a normal individual or social life including work as a result of deficiency whether congenital or not in his physical or mental capabilities.


Disease- AccidentImpairment- Loss of footDisability- Cannot walkHandicap- Unemployed

Who are differently abled persons?

As per the provisions of the Persons with Disability (PWD) Act 1995 it means:-

1. Blindness2. Low vision3. Leprosy cured4. Hearing impairment5. Locomotor disability6. Mental retardation and7. Mental illness

Research evidencesdenial of disability physical restraintssocial boycottdenial of property rightsdecreased marital life prospectsimplications on sexuality of people with disabilitywomen with disability discrepancies in state welfare programsproblems in measuring disabilities.

case studies describes the various ugly forms of the discriminatory practices seen in the community towards differently abled children, same been categorized as


WHOAbout 650 million people live with disabilities Congenital diseasesChronic diseasesInjuriesCar crashesFallsViolence andAgeing. 80% live in low-income countries

; most are poor and have limited or no access to basic services, including rehabilitation facilities.49

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

India and Kerala8.61 lakhs (3.92% of the total disabled persons in India).53.2% are males and 46.7% are females

Acts for the Specially Abled in IndiaRehabilitation Council of India Act (1992): states that CWSN will be taught by a trained teacher. Persons with Disabilities Act (1995): educational entitlement for all CWSN up to 18 years in an appropriate environment. National Trust Act (1999): provide services and support to severely disabled children. The 86th Constitutional Amendment (2007): free and compulsory education to children, up to 14 years.

Barriers to education Dr. Nidhi Singhal 2009Negative Attitudes and StereotypesInadequate fundingLack of skilled teachersPhysical Inaccessibility and poor infra structureRigid curricula and assessment systemsGap in the availability of accessible higher education facilities.Poverty and lack of awareness of the parentsAbsence of statistical data and the attitudes of the policy makers.

SSA and its focus on children with special needs8 priority areas of intervention for inclusive education:1) Survey for identification of CWSN2) Assessment of CWSN 3) Providing assistive devices 4) Networking with NGOs/Government schemes 5) Barrier free access 6) Training of teachers on Inclusive Education7) Appointment of resource teachers 8) Curricula adaptation/textbooks/appropriate Teaching Learning Materials

WHO Assistive TechnologyAssistive devices and technologies are those whose primary purpose is to maintain or improve an individuals functioning and independence to facilitate participation and to enhance overall well-being.

Assistive devices can help a differently abled person to improve the quality of life and maintain sense of independence.


WheelchairsProsthetics- artificial limbHearing aids Visual aidsSpecialized computer software and hardware that increase mobility, hearing, vision, or communication capacities.only 5-15% of people are able to get them.

Are able to get56

Assistive technology (AT)includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities.acquired commercially, modified, or customized.It is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.

Assistive devices may help a differently abled to move around, see, communicate, eat, or get dressed/undressed.Assistive devices for mobility/ambulation is referred to as ambulatory aids. eg, canes, crutches, walkers

Adaptive technologyAdaptive technology covers items that are specifically designed for persons with disabilities and will not be used by non-disabled persons.

Wheel chairs

DEKA iBOT self-balancing technologynegotiate tough terrain and stairways elevates the user so that he or she can be at eye-level with others who are standing

Crutches and canes

Prosthetics or artificial limbCirculation problems from atherosclerosis or diabetes. Patients need anamputation.Traumatic injuries, including from traffic accidents and military combatCancerBirth defects

Myo electric prostheses

The structure of the prosthesis should result in intu-itive control to improve user acceptance. This can be accomplished by making the signal flow between the prosthesis and the user resemble that of the nondisabled body. The signal flow can be divided into three parts: user intent, motion control, and sensory feedback. A prosthesis should contain subsystems that account for each of these parts; such a desired system is shown inFigure 1. The subsystems are described as follows: electromyographic (EMG) sensing, which determines user intent by detecting the activity of residual muscles through electrodes on the skin; control system, which actuates the prosthesis according to control signals received from EMG sensing; and feedback system, which provides the user with artificial sensory information. The combination of these three subsystems gives the user a noninvasive way to control an electronic prosthesis with the residual limb.66

Upper arm prostheses

Lower arm prosthetics

Above knee prostheses

Below knee prostheses

Rehabilitation - training

Hearing aids

American Sign Language to real time speech- Uber

Projects of students in Indian InstitutesDumb Sign System Using Speech CommunicationObject Identification For Deaf And Dumb A Portable Glove Based Sign Language Translator With Liquid Crystal Display GSM Based Calling Bell For Deaf And DumbGesture vocalizer

GSM(Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephony system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world.LCD(liquid crystal display) is the technology used for displays in notebook and other smaller computers. Like light-emitting diode (LED) and gas-plasma technologies,LCDsallow displays to be much thinner than cathode ray tube (CRT) technology.75

White cane

White canes with ultrasonic devices that detect obstacles up to nine feet away.October 15th


Braille watch

BrainPort V100- Seeing with mouthWearers can learn to understand the tingles and see where objects are located

Seeing with your mouth79

Eye Caneand Eye Music

EyeCane, a flashlight-like devicesends out infrared rayssense objects within a range of up to five meters.

EyeMusic, is a mini-camera system translates location of objects into soundscapes which the brain can interpret visually.

Blind people can recognize the letters of the alphabet and identify pictures of people EyeCane, a flashlight-like device, sends out infrared rays to translate distance into auditory and tactile cues, letting the user sense objects within a range of up to five meters. The second device,EyeMusic, is a mini-camera system connected to an app that translates colors, shapes and location of objects into soundscapes which the brain can interpret visually.80

Assisted vision smart glasses

These glasses allow them to navigate their daily lives with maximum comfort

these glasses allow them to navigate their daily lives with maximum comfort without having to undergo any invasive surgeries81

Blitab tactile tablet for the blind and visually impaired

Blitab is the first ever true tactile tablet for the blind and visually impaired. The innovative smart liquid technology inside the device also makes it possible to display tactile pictures to directly address blind users that are non-braille readers83

Finger Reader

It reads aloud in real-time

TaptapseeThe app utilizes the devices camera and VoiceOver functions to photograph objects and identify them out loud for the user.

Arianna ApppAth Recognition for Indoor Assisted NavigatioN with Augmented perception

Google Glass

Optical head-mounted displaydesigned in the shape of a pair of eyeglassesCamera attached to itInternet accessibilityGoogle announced that it would stop producing the Google Glass prototype in 2015

Use of internetPeople with disabilities access and navigate the Web in different ways, depending on their individual needs and preferences.

Tools and preferencesAssistive Technologies- software or hardware that people with disabilities use to improve interaction with the web. Eg: read aloud web pages, screen magnifiersAdaptive Strategies- techniques that people with disabilities use to improve interaction with the web. Eg: reducing mouse speed

Modifications Content formats - hearing, feeling, and seeingRefreshable braille displayscreen reader voice browserPresentation - distinguishing and understandingPop-up and animations blockersReading assistantsScreen magnifierVolume control

User interaction - typing, writing, and clickingAlternative keyboard and mouseEye trackingOn-screen keyboardVoice recognitionWord predictionDesign solutions - navigating and finding contentBookmarks and historyKeyword searchKeyboard navigationPage mapsPictorial links

Alternative keyboard and mouse

Keyboards with larger keys, key labels, key spacing, illuminated keys, or custom layoutsOn-screen keyboards, touch-screens, sip-and-puff switches, and single-key switchesTrackballs, joysticks, touch-pads, specially designed mice, and other pointing devices

SummaryMedicineNursingMedical technologies - scope, benefits, subcategoriesSpecially abled personsIncidenceActs for the specially abledBarriers of educationSSA and its focus on CWSNAssistive technologyExamples

ConclusionOver the centuries, new medical developments and techniques have changed the face of healthcare. The medical field has always brought together the best and brightest of society to help those in need. From treating cancer and delivering babies to dealing with heart attacks, it hasdeveloped technology and improved techniques.And it will continue to do so in future.

The only disability in life is a bad attitude

Scott Hamilton