technology that is destoying the planet


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Three technologies that can destroy our planet

Katlin Graham & Katelyn MintenThree technologies that can destroy our planet

Websters Dictionary defines technology as

the use of science in industry, engineering, etc., to invent useful things or to solve problemsa machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is created by technology(July 2016)

Technology has always been a way for the human species to advance their life, however some of these technologies can do more harm than good.

What is technology?

NANO BotsSource: describes a wide variety of technologies and materials that share one thing in common: They are incredibly small in size. Typical nanostructures are the width of a strand of DNA (2 nanometers), 50 thousand times smaller than the width of a strand of hair (Taylor, 2013).

Nanotechnology is mainly used in medical treatments it can help with Drug Delivery - delivers drugs to specific locations in the body instead of just taking medicationsDetox- they can be used to absorb toxins/remove them from the bodyMonitor Health Condition- some have the ability to detect levels of chemicals and nutrients Tissue Repair- could be equipped with DNA or certain healing chemicalsCancer-testing stages for nanosensors to have the ability to detect low levels of cancer(Chang, 2014)

PROCan be injected in the bloodstream to fight cancer cells and microorganismsCan deliver medication to specific locations of the body that a needle couldn't doCan absorb toxins from organs and bloodstreams to help those with liver issuesCan detect nutrients and chemical levels in the body which can help diagnose diseases and health conditions(Chang, 2014)CONCould be used as a weapon to destroy the human body (Chang, 2014)Can weaken the bodys natural defense system from being relied on (Chang, 2014)Could eventually make the body dependent on the nanotechnology to survive from too much usage (Chang, 2014)Can pass easily through the blood-brain barrier and harm the brain undetected due to toxins (Taylor, 2013)Nanobots

THE DANGER OF NANOBOTSA threat of nanobots could arise from the Gray Goo Problem. Gray Goo is easily defined and explained as, runaway nanobots: Aswarm of rapidly self-replicating nanobots, in a ravenous quest for fuel, which would consume the entire biosphere until nothing remained but an immense, sludge like robotic mass (Taylor, 2013)

Like most technology there is always risk, but nonobots in the wrong hands could impact the planet is a very serious and dangerous way if we are not careful with who has access to the information to create and/or distribute them. NANOBOTS

Simply put, artificial intelligence is a sub-field of computer science. Its goal is to enable the development of computers that are able to do things normally done by people -- in particular, things associated with people acting intelligentlyany program can be considered AI if it does something that we would normally think of as intelligent in humans. How the program does it is not the issue, just that is able to do it at all. That is, it is AI if it is smart, but it doesnt have to be smart like us (Hammond, 2015). Artificial intelligence

PROMachines do not need to take breaks to sleep, eat, or to use the bathroom and can be used 24/7, 365 days a yearCan do tasks that would be inhumane for humans such as being sent for space exploration, and can stay there foreverMachines do not have any emotions therefore will not get caught up in gossip, work emotions, and have to go on a stress leaveArtificial intelligence gives a cost efficient alternative that don't require you to hand over a paycheck every week. But instead to only buy and do maintenance. (Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence, 2014)CONSecurity concerns such as hacking into machines to turn against humans or the original task (Taylor, 2013)Job loss due to machines completing humans jobs quicker and cheaper (Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence, 2014)Lack of emotions such as sympathy (Robots in healthcare with no emotions towards the patient) (Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence, 2014)Possible evolution of artificial intelligence thinking for themselves (Taylor, 2013)

Artificial intelligence

The biggest danger of Artificial Intelligence is When AI is unleashed, there is nothing that can stop it. No amount of human wrangling can bring in a fully-activated and far-reaching network composed of millions of computers acting with the level of consciousness thats akin to humans. An emotional, reactive machine aware of its own existencecould lash out if it were threatened. And if it were truly autonomous, it could improve upon its design, engineerstealthy weapons, infiltrate impenetrable systems, and act in accordance to its own survival (Adams, 2016).

Artificial intelligenceSource:

Biotechnology is technology based on biology - biotechnology harnesses cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve our lives and the health of our planet (Biotechnology Innovation Organization, 2016)

Three Major Components1. FUEL THE WORLDBiotech uses biological processes such as fermentation and harnesses biocatalysts such as enzymes, yeast, and other microbes to become microscopic manufacturing plants2. FEED THE WORLDBiotech improves crop insect resistance, enhances crop herbicide tolerance and facilitates the use of more environmentally sustainable farming practices3. HEAL THE WORLDBiotech is helping to heal the world by harnessing nature's own toolbox and using our own genetic makeup to heal and guide lines of research(Innovation Organization, 2016)Biotechnology

PROCan be used to reduce infectious disease rates and offer treatments, in the long run can lower panic rates of a spreading diseaseThe odds of diseases that were once untreatable have been changed due to BiotechnologyBiotechnology has the option to save lives all across the world to cure many diseases and improve health(5 Pros and Cons of Biotechnology, 2015)

CONAny disease that we can imagine can be created that are contagious, airborne, and have long life spans. (Taylor, 2013)These diseases can target anything that the creator wants such as killing people under a certain age. (Taylor, 2013)Using Biotechnology can be viewed as humans playing God which is a huge ethical issue(5 Pros and Cons of Biotechnology, 2015)Biotechnology is very expensive and lacks resources for research (5 Pros and Cons of Biotechnology, 2015)Biotechnology

A danger of biotechnology is it is just as easy to imagine major dangers. Gene drives may upend existing ecosystems in unforeseen ways. Modification of humans could open a Pandoras box, altering the very meaning of humanity. Perhaps most alarming is that a clear understanding and easy re-engineering of human pathogens could lead to deliberate or accidental release of hugely destructive pathogens (Future of Life Institute, 2016). Biotechnology

In recent years technology has come a long way. Some technologies are bad and some are good. With any new technology you have to be careful with who can have access to the information and the resources to use it/build it.

Well having the newest technology might get you cool points some of them are very dangerous and could even put our lives at risk. Technology is something that this generation has started to uncover and master.

There is a lot to know about new technology and do not be afraid to research and ask as many questions as you can.


(n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from Pros and Cons of Biotechnology in Humans - HRFnd. (2015, June 26). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from BIO. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from, R. (2016, March 25). Is Artificial Intelligence Dangerous? Retrieved July 30, 2016, from, P. (2014, April 24). Nanotechnology: Potential Pros and Cons for Humanity. Retrieved July 30, 2016, from, K. (2015). What is artificial intelligence? Retrieved July 30, 2016, from and Cons of Artificial Intelligence - HRFnd. (2014, March 01). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from, G. (2013, July 07). 5 Emerging Technologies that Could Destroy the World. Retrieved July 30, 2016, from
