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  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    Natural User Interfaces for healthcare

    T e d C u b eImagine controlling your PC with the wave of ahand. In surgeries it means saving time, increasing

    safety, improving infection control, avoidingdistractions...

    Now this is possible with TedCube

    S e n s o r sS e n s o r s

    K I S Seep t imple in urgery



    afeS in

  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    P r o b l m : Ty p i c a l o p r a t i n g r o o m

    W h a t d o e s T e d C u b e a l l o w ?

    Surgeons and MDs cannot use their hands to get access to the information they need insidesterile zones. They have to unscrub, consult the information and scrubbing again.

    Otherwise, extra personnel is required to follow their instructions.

    C l i n i c a lW o r k S t a t i o n

    ( M e d i c a l v i e w e r s )

    C l i n i c a lW o r k S t a t i o n

    ( M e d i c a l v i e w e r s )

    P A C S . . .

    N o n i n t r u s i v s o l u t i o n : T d C u b

    T e d C a s d e v i c e

    s sor


    * N o s o f t w a r eo r d r i v e r

    i n s t a l l a t i o ni s r e q u i r e d

    * P l u g a n d p l a y

    * A n y s e n s o r

    * P l u g a n d p l a y

    * A n y s e n s o r

    C l i n i c a lW o r k S t a t i o n

    ( M e d i c a l v i e w e r s )

    C l i n i c a lW o r k S t a t i o n

    ( M e d i c a l v i e w e r s )

    P A C S . . .

    O p e r a t i n g r o o m

    O p e r a t i n g r o o m

    * I t a l l o w s s t e r i l eh a n d l i n g

    * I t a l l o w s s t e r i l eh a n d l i n g

    TEDCUBE is a small device that allows control any

    system through gestures and voice, in a completely

    sterile way and without touching anything.

    100% COMPATIBLE. Independent of the Operating

    System. Compatible with any medical equipment.

    Independent of the platform, version and technology

    of the system. Only recognition of standard keyboard

    and mouse is required.

    EASY AND INTUITIVEfor an optimal use. Accurate recognition of gestures and movements.

    * N o s o f t w a r eo r d r i v e r

    i n s t a l l a t i o ni s r e q u i r e d

  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    TEDCUBE & LEAP Motion- Dr. Nicola BizzottoOrthopaedic and Trauma surgery(Alma3D, ClearCanvas, RadiAnt, OsiriX...)

    Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata

    (Verona) -ITALY-

    TEDCUBE & KINECT V2- Dr. Rafael SdabaCardiac surgery (Philips DiagNet, Siemens

    Acom.PC and Syngo Fast View...)Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra

    (Navarra) -SPAIN-

    TEDCUBE & MYO- Dr. Pierre TheodoreCardio-thoracic surgery

    University of Californa, San Francisco (UCSF)

    (San Francisco) -USA-

    U s e c a s e s

    TEDCUBE & All Sensors- Dr. Francisco M. SnchezResearch and innovation in health sciences

    Minimally Invasive Surgery Center Jess Usn(Cceres) -SPAIN-

    TEDCUBE & MYO+Voice - Dr. Nuria BasterraHemodynamics (Siemens & Philips hybrid ORs)

    Electrophysiology (Navex and Carto3 software)Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra

    (Navarra) -SPAIN-

    TEDCUBE & MYO+Voice- Dr. Marlies P. SchijvenLaparoscopic surgery

    Academic Medical Center (AMC)(Amsterdam) -NETHERLANDS-

  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    Other hospitals and centers...

    - Clnica Universitaria de Navarra (CUN). Hemodynamics and electrophysiology;

    Neurosurgery (Medtronic and Brainlab neuronavigators). (Navarra) -SPAIN-- Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid) -SPAIN-

    - Hospital Universitario Fundacin de Alcorcn (Madrid) -SPAIN-- Annapolis Surgery Center (Maryland) -USA-

    C o n t a c t

    C e r t i f i c a t i o n s

    The Center of Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)of the United States has stated that as our technology does not itself perform, any action on patient

    data, nor does it add any new data processing or data analysis functionality, and by its genericcharacter, not intrusive and simultaneously alternative to a conventional keyboard and mouse, theTedCube device has not the consideration of Medical Device. However, TedCube complies MedicalDevice Class I, exempt from the premarket notication 510 (k) but complying the quality systemregulations 21 CFR Part 820.

    Our hardware has passed the laboratory tests (UNE-EN 55024, UNE-EN 55022, UNE-EN 60950,UNE-EN 61000-3-3), at the CEMITEC techonological center, for CE marking, and FCC Rules andRegulations 47 CFR Chapter I Part 15 Subpart B (10-01-13 Edition) & ICES-003 ISSUE 5, at


    TedCube device is provided with a medical grade power adapter: Class I; 2x MOPP; IEC/EN60601-1.


    @ [email protected] @@@@@ @@@@@@


    [email protected]

    Social Networks www.facebook.com/TedCasMedicalSystems






  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    T e d C a s M e d i c a l S y s t e m s

    - M a i n g e s t u r a l s e n s o r s -

    - V o i c e c o m m a n d s -


    Kinect V2


    Range: 1.5 m - 3.5 m


    Body tracking

    Users: 1 - 2

    Range: Freedom of movement


    Arm movement and hand gestures

    Users: 1

    Range: 20 cm - 60 cm


    Finger tracking

    Hands: 1 - 2

    Range: 1.5 m - 3.5 m


    Body tracking

    Users: 1 - 2


    Range: Freedom of movement


    Noise cancellation

    Audio and voice

    Leap Motion

  • 7/24/2019 TedCube


    T e d C a s M e d i c a l S y s t e m s

    - M o r e g e s t u r a l s e n s o r s -

    - S m a r t G l a s s e s -


    Range: Freedom of movement


    Voice commands, imaging and sound


    Range: 0.15 m - 1.0 m


    Hand tracking

    Hands: 1 - 2


    Range: 1.5 m - 4.5 m


    Body tracking

    Users: 1 - 2

    Google Glass



    Voice commands, hand tracking,imaging and sound.


    Range: 45 cm - 75 cm


    Eye tracking

    Users: 1