teimun 2010 newsletter january

The European International Model United Nations. Newsletter January 2010 Contents: Greetings | GrunnMUN | Gerrit Zalm | Registration Dear readers, Hereby we present you the first newsletter of 2010. From this moment onwards we will publish periodically newsletters to keep you updated on the organizational progress and developments. After the enervating conference of 2009 the Board of 2009 handed over all the responsibility to us. It took us some time to get familiar with procedures and state of affairs. But only after a few weeks we became accustomed with our office in Groningen and the many phone calls and trips to The Hague. At the moment we are working very hard to make the Model UN called ‘GrunnMun’ into a success. This ori ginally small conference in Groningen is transformed into a con- ference with hopefully over 100 participants. The conference will be held in the promi- nent building called the ‘Academy Building’. We arranged a day of debating with many delegates, talented and experienced chairs, a nice lunch and after session drinks for 7,50 euro per participant. Our Special guest speaker will be Tom de Bruijn, permanent representative of the Netherlands in the European Union. In the spirit of the theme ‘Battle of the Sexes; clash or coordination of interest?’ we came up with some inter- esting topics, which were recently uploaded on the website. This conference is meant especially for the not so experienced delegates to get familiar with de- bating and discussing world issues. For the ones who are interested in participating in this great event; registration is now open! Also TEIMUN 2010, organized in The Hague, is com- ing closer and closer. We are working on the final program for the conference and we uploaded the topics for all councils. Kind regards, Tessa van Swieten Chair of the Board of 2010

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This is the first newsletter of TEIMUN 2010. It entails an introduction of the new Board of Directors and information about the registration, GrunnMUN and Gerrit Zalm, our first speaker for the conference. Enjoy!


Page 1: TEIMUN 2010 newsletter January

The European International Model United Nations.Newsletter January 2010

Contents: Greetings | GrunnMUN | Gerrit Zalm | Registration

Dear readers,Hereby we present you the fi rst newsletter of 2010. From this moment onwards we will publish periodically newsletters to keep you updated on the organizational progress and developments.After the enervating conference of 2009 the Board of 2009 handed over all the responsibility to us. It took us some time to get familiar with procedures and state of aff airs. But only after a few weeks we became accustomed with our offi ce in Groningen and the many phone calls and trips to The Hague.At the moment we are working very hard to make the Model UN called ‘GrunnMun’ into a success. This ori ginally small conference in Groningen is transformed into a con-ference with hopefully over 100 participants. The conference will be held in the promi-nent building called the ‘Academy Building’. We arranged a day of debating with many delegates, talented and experienced chairs, a nice lunch and after session drinks for 7,50 euro per participant. Our Special guest speaker will be Tom de Bruijn, permanent representative of the Netherlands in the European Union. In the spirit of the theme ‘Battle of the Sexes; clash or coordination of interest?’ we came up with some inter-esting topics, which were recently uploaded on the website. This conference is meant especially for the not so experienced delegates to get familiar with de-bating and discussing world issues. For the ones who are interested in participating in this great event; registration is now open! Also TEIMUN 2010, organized in The Hague, is com-ing closer and closer. We are working on the fi nal program for the conference and we uploaded the topics for all councils.Kind regards,

Tessa van SwietenChair of the Board of 2010

Model United Nations.

Contents: Greetings | GrunnMUN | Gerrit Zalm | Registration

Page 2: TEIMUN 2010 newsletter January

Dear international students,

With great pleasure efforts have been made to promote the conference in every part of the world, and the first reg-istrations indicate that numerous nationalities have been reached. It will be a real global gathering again!If you think simulating the UN is dull or bureaucratic, think again. Representing another country than your home coun-try in one of our 7 councils expands your mind in multiple ways. Firstly, you need to get to know the country’s back-ground and its related international issues. Who are your friends, what are non-discussable topics, what decisions would be best for your country, and who should not be trust-ed? Secondly, you have to determine your statements and positions for the council topics of the conference. Make al-liances, decide negotiable factors, and prepare for clash or cooperation. Thirdly, be the representative! Make Obama, da Silva, Medvedev, Zuma, Sarkozy, Ahmadinejad, Yudhoyono, Jintao, Chavez, or Balkenende proud with your work.TEIMUN is known among other MUN’s for the participants’ diversity, the high-quality of staff members, and its fabulous social activities. People from around the world become close friends in one week of joining TEIMUN. Participants enlarge their international network and will remain in contact with each other for the rest of their lives. As the last years have proven, TEIMUN-participants meet each other everywhere and will walk into one another in their future career.This year the 23rd conference will be held from 5 till 11 July 2010. Many years of experience in the organization of such an event have contributed to this high standard. The Hague remains our international spot where all the TEIMUN-activ-ities take place and with Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, and London just around the corner, it is a great spring-board into Europe. With a contemporary but always interesting theme like: ‘Rise & Fall, challenging the ongoing processes of his-tory,’ we know that you will have enough to debate on and that you will enjoy TEIMUN to the fullest. Our Board is really enthusiastic to welcome you at TEIMUN 2010!

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Emma de Jong & Svend TalmaParticipants Coordinators

Gerrit Zalm as our first speaker for the Openings ceremony!

Gerrit Zalm has been one of the key players in the Dutch politics for more than a decade. He has served as Minister of Finance from 1994 until 2002 and was reap-pointed in 2003. Not un-til 2007 he was succeed-ed by the current Dutch Minister of Finance, Mr.

Bos. Mr. Zalm was the longest incumbent Minister of Finance in the history of Dutch politics and as a result he has successfully earned his nickname ‘Il Duro’. During his years in office, he came to be known as a passionate pinball player. He even had a pinball machine installed in the Ministry of Fi-nance.After he took his chances in Hollywood and played the role of a bank manager in 2004, he decided he not just wanted to be one on the white screen, but that he wanted to be a CEO in real life too. In 2007 he took position on the Board of Directors of the Dirk Scheringa Bank. In 2008 he replaced the DSB Bank for the ABN-AMRO bank. This bank was heavily criticised when it took-over the Fortis bank. Due to his experience in the public and pri-vate public sector, Gerrit Zalm will be able to give a detailed explanation of the fall of the interna-tional financial system. The Board of Directors is convinced he will give a unique view on this year’s theme. On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Suzanne KleinschaarsbergProgramma Coordinator

The European International Model United Nations. Newsletter January 2010

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