tel concertation meeting project presentations - 7-2-2014

C 2 Learn – We are: 7 partners from 5 countries (AT, DK, GR, MT, UK) Coordinator: Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA), a school in Greece (here today) Our aims: An innovative digital gaming and social networking environment (incorporating diverse computational tools), to foster co-creativity in the learning of today’s children and young people (in and around schools, 10-18-year-olds) Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects 7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Project presentation slides from the concertation meeting with FP7 and CIP projects on technology-enhanced learning in Luxembourg on 7 February 2014


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C2Learn –

We are:

7 partners from 5 countries (AT, DK, GR, MT, UK)

Coordinator: Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA), a school

in Greece (here today)

Our aims:

An innovative digital gaming and social networking environment (incorporating diverse

computational tools), to foster co-creativity in the learning of today’s children and young people (in

and around schools, 10-18-year-olds)

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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C2Learn –

• Our key strengths:


theoretical foundations (creativity in education and creative thinking)

game design & development and AI back-end

school community involvement (co-designing)

Helping students and teachers realise their creative potential, providing technology WITH pedagogy (in and around technology, in and outside the

classroom) Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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7: Paris Descartes University, Imperial College London, University College London, University of Geneva, CERN, United Nations institute for training & research, The Mobile Collective

Areas: educational technology, human-computer interaction, Citizen science and its enabling technologies

Aim: evaluation & creation of on-line collaborative environments and tools stimulating learning & creativity in Citizen Cyberscience

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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• Key strengths:

Mechanics of citizen science projects,

Mobile technologies for data collection, cloud computing, virtualisation technologies, participative geotagging

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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FP7-ICT-2011-8 / 317882 CP, 01.09.2012, 36 months

Consortium: 9 partners from 7 countries

Today: Miodrag Temerinac, Vlado Sruk, Ivan Kastelan

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg


Unified platform covering the complete learning process

for embedded system engineering

Scalability for easy adding of new technology modules

Modular approach supporting individualization of learning

Learning fields:

o Embedded computer architectures and programming

o Digital signal processing and real-time implementations

o Digital system design (FPGA) with verification

o Networks and interfaces

o System integration

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Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg


Platform: mother board with extension boards

Basic set of exercises – open source

Augmented reality interface (ARI)

Remote lab (RL)

Learning process evaluation methodology with tools (EMT)


1st year: platform and basic set of exercises

2nd year: ARI and RL, internal verification

3rd year: EMT, external promotion and propagation

[email protected]

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EnhAnced Government LEarning

We are:

10 partners from UK (WLV), Ireland (DCU), Germany (FhG FOKUS, DHBW , HRW), Austria (SRFG), Switzerland (ZHAW, accelopment), Montenegro (UNIM) and Luxemburg (CRP Henri Tudor) + validation partners in 4 countries.

Our aims:

Equip employees in local government administration in rural communities with a holistic training solution that supports learning of critical transversal skills such as ICT literacy, information literacy and professional management of change situations in entire organisations at all levels.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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EnhAnced Government LEarning

• Our key strengths:

Close collaboration with validation partners through pre-study and associated partners.

Mix of established and new research partners with a distinct research focus each and closely connected core team.

Experienced project management partners.

Game changer

Drop out of validation partners (T)

OER input from other projects (O)

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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ECO Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Mobile, massive and ubiquitous learning

We are:

Our aims: ECO´s main aim is to develop the courses, in different languages, which is intended to give new and diverse forms of accreditation of knowledge concerning processes of communication, mobile learning, mobile technologies and ubiquitous learning. These courses focus on the acquisition of innovative knowledge for teachers’ educators and teachers, although they will be available to the entire population interested in obtaining new skills related to MOOCs and other subjects (Maths and Computing, Digital Literacy, Art and Creativity, Geography, etc.)

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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ECO Elearning, Communication and Open-data: Mobile, massive and ubiquitous learning

• Our key strengths:

ECO will unlock the full spectrum of the mobile channel value chain to the benefit of all end users in the eLearning scenario, including tutors/teachers, students, institutions and industrial players. The envisaged platform will enable to offer advanced mobile open massive eLearning services and applications to a selected group of regional hubs that have demonstrated being poles of excellence in innovative learning.

The expected impact of ECO will be to prepare certified teachers, who will be able to create their own online courses and other open educational resources, and to distribute them through the open learning platform that gathers all the pilot projects.

ECO will respond to the social demands in the accessible design of open content for all, assessment and certification of knowledge, architecture of participation, convergence culture, etc.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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EMMA European Multiple Mooc Aggregator

We are:

The coordinator: University of Naples Federico II (I)

The consortium membership: Atos Spain (E), IPSOS (I), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (E), Open Universiteit Nederland (NL), Universidade Aberta (P), University of Leicester (UK), Université de Bourgogne (F), University of Tallinn (EST), Universitat Politècnica de València (E), CSP - Innovazione nelle Ict (I), ATiT (B)

Presenting today: Prof. Rosanna De Rosa, Project coordinator, Carmen L. Padròn-Nàpoles, ATOS WP Leader, Exploitation and Sustainability

Our aims:

Create a pan-European platform to support ICT-based innovation in higher education

Offer MOOCs provided by accredited institutions from around Europe with different teaching methodologies and elearning approaches

Offer an extensive and multilingual transcription/translation system Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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EMMA European Multiple Mooc Aggregator

• Our key strengths:

Better take-up and reuse of MOOCS in EU overcoming the language barrier

Implement an innovative, customised approach to MOOCS valorizing EU digital content (web-learning environment)

Possible gamechangers:

Multi-lingual, personal learning environment, content bookmarking, social activities learning data, inbuilt cycles of improvement, European MOOC model, translation/transcription, free access e-books, content clustering and cross-border harvesting

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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We are:

University of Birmingham, INESC-ID, Heriot Watt University, Jacobs University Bremen, University of Gothenburg, YDreams Robotics

Present: Arvid Kappas (Jacobs), Monica Pedro (YDreams)

Our aims:

To explore how the exchange of emotional cues with an artificial tutor can create a sense of connection and act as a facilitator of the learning experience.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

embodied perceptive tutors for empathy-based learning

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• Our key strengths:

adaptive, personalised robots acting as educational agents

users learning from robots in an intuitive, natural way

new machine learning approaches for adaptive personalisation

strong interdisciplinary collaboration, involving affective computing, social robotics, psychology, TEL

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

embodied perceptive tutors for empathy-based learning

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We are:

Who is here? Anette Scoppetta; ZSI-Centre for Social Innovation

Our aims: to deliver comprehensive, sustainable, and

cost-effective support for the facilitation of professional identity transformation in Public Employment Services (PES) as a complex and continuous learning process, on an individual, organisational and European network level

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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•Our key strengths: o Empirically grounded understanding of facilitation

(roles, activities) and identity transformation

• Consortium‘s expertise nd background

• Provision of scalable & cost-effective solutions, combining reflection, coaching, creativity, networking and MOOCs

Key innovation of the project

Game changers:

Modernisation of PES (transformation process)

Facilitation of learning in changing workplaces

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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GALA: Games and Learning Alliance

We are:

A Network of Excellence of 31 partner coordinated by Prof. Alessandro De Gloria present at this meeting

Our aims:

• GALA aims to shape the scientific community and build a European Virtual Research Centre (VRC) aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing fostering and coordinating research, innovation and deployment of Serious Games and disseminating knowledge, best practices and tools as a reference point at an international level.

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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• Our key strengths:

Scientific approach to SGs

Definition of a methodology for analysis and design of SGs

The Serious Games Society (80 Members)

The International Journal of Serious Games

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Go-Lab (

We are:

19 partners (3 in pedagogy; 7 in technology; and 9 community and outreach entities) coordinated by Twente • Represented today by EPFL and EA

Our aims:

Go-Lab aims to develop inquiry learning approaches for school students (10-18 y/o) around online labs in order to enhance knowledge acquisition and raise motivation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Go-Lab (

• Our key strengths:

A focus on classroom activities with online labs embedded in guidance and scaffolds

One-click access to learning spaces for students; straightforward facilities for authoring for teachers

Bottom-up large-scale adoption based on actual teachers’ needs; enabling sustainability though communities

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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We are:

A multistakeholder group of partners (MENON Network, Brunel University, ATOS, EFQUEL, ELIG), from research, private sector, and practice.

Our aim:

Design, test and mainstream an innovation support model to speed up mainstreaming of innovation in TEL, in the sectors of Higher Education, Professional Communities, Corporate training.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Our key strengths:

Connecting TEL emerging technologies with learning theories

Working with 30 grassroots innovators: 3 Exploratorium Labs established and working full speed to validate the Innovation Support Model

Next & more info:

Experts workshop connecting technology and theory (London, 14 March 2014) Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Inspiring Science Education: Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics

and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools

We are:

30 partners from 16 countries

Pedagogues, Technology Providers, Researchers, Policy Experts, and Content Providers

Represented by Project Manager & Quality Manager

Our aims:

To support the adoption of eLearning tools through 150 demonstrators

To stimulate the demand for eLearning resources in 5000 schools

To improve the eLearning use & integration in national curricula

To benchmark the use of eLearning and to assess the impact of the intervention with 10,000 registered members

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Inspiring Science Education: Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics

and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools

• Our key strengths:

A design based approach of collaborative learning and inquiry between professional practitioner, creating “pull” rather than “push”

Demonstrators in schools promoting best practices of innovative teachers providing recognition and support

Provide guidelines and tools to identify barriers in existing curricula and overcome them

Provide higher order, authentic and challenging learning experiences through: Continuous measures of competence assisting Teachers work effectively with


eLearning tools and digital educational resources

Offering activities closely related to contemporary technological achievements Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

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We are:

4 commercial partners, 3 research institutions and 5 universities (ES,NL,IT,UK,IL,DE)

Peter A. Henning, Karlsruhe U of Applied Sciences, Daniel Burgos, International U of La Rioja

Our aims:

Expand existing LMS into adaptive, ontology driven systems providing tutorial guidance after automatic pedagogical reasoning.

Innovative market-ready systems, usable in any TEL scenario to improve learner experience.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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• Our key strengths:

Machine Based Reasoning for tutorial guidance

Adaptivity based on pedagogical models

Individual vs. Pre-defined Learning Pathways

provide meta-cognitive skills to the learner

Plugin/extension for existing LMS

Semantic Web Technology for Learning Content

Lacing together Small OER to create didactically excellent large courses including guidance

Overcome serious problems of TEL, e.g. dropout quote

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Our aims: Adaptive support for learners

through machine learning from large-scale interaction data switching between structured and exploratory tasks taking cues from learners talking along

Application domain: learning fractions for children aged 8-12

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

L. Schmidt-Thieme

N. Rummel

M. Mavrikis

S. Gutierrez-Santos

R. Marett

I. Orvieto

G. Backfried

We are:

(U Hildesheim, D)

(U Bochum, D)

(U London, UK)

(U London, UK)

(Whizz, UK)

(Testaluna, I)

(Sail, A)

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• Our key strengths: Novel and highly accurate intervention selection models

based on cutting-edge machine learning methods

Exploratory learning environment with intelligent computer-based support

Intuitive interfaces esp. using speech recognition

Gamechangers: Adaptive guidance will make access to learning tasks

/exercises feasible

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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We are:

A four-year, Integrating Project of 17 European education ministries with academic research organisations and ICT suppliers. Represented by Will Ellis (PM), and Jim Ayre (Senior Advisor).

Our aims:

Large-scale piloting of future classroom scenarios and learning activities (2,000 classrooms) in order to upscale ICT use and address the mainstreaming gap.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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iTEC • Our key strengths:

Diverse and influential partnership. Building on research and previous work, not reinventing the wheel. Innovation grounded in realism.

Innovation change management toolkits

Trends analysis and innovation maturity modelling

Advanced scenarios and inspirational Learning Activities

Technology supporting learning, not directing learning

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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LACE - Learning Analytics Community Exchange

We are:

Experts in the field of LA/EDM technologies and stakeholders from different educational sectors

Our aims:

Collect open empirical evidence in an evidence hub from schools, workplace, and HE practices

Promote knowledge sharing and discourse

Promote interoperability in LA and define future directions of LA research

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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• Our key strengths:

Linking practical problems and research challenges and results, highlevel and very experienced partners from all sectors and backgrounds

Critical mass of communication round empirical evidence and return on investment in education of LA technologies

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

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LAYERS Scaling up technologies for informal learning in SMEs

We are:

17+3: Information systems, knowledge management, design research, educational technologies, computer science, scaling partners, application and industry partners

Our aims:

Scaling up technologies for informal learning in SMEs

Unlock peer production and scaffold networked learning

Develop technology platform for flexible deployment

Co-create with (regional) stakeholders

Build capabilities in key regional scaling partners

Scale to 1000 users in healthcare and construction clusters

Create sustainable business models for skills and competency development

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Our key strengths:

7 business-side and application partners

Deep stakeholder engagement, to build capacity

Early spin-out activities, to mobilise resources

Game changers (informal learning@work):

E.g. sensing, wearables, augmented reality, …

E.g. personal learning networks in and across organisations

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

LAYERS Scaling up technologies for informal learning in SMEs

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Learn PAd We are:

A consortium of nine partners:

3 Universities, 1 Research Body, 1 Pub. Admin., 2 SMEs (FOSS), 2 Companies

4 It, 2 Fr, 1 Ch, 1 Au, 1 Lt

Our aims:

Model-based social learning for PAs, i.e.:

Develop and experiment a platform for collaborative learning, in which civil servants are prosumers of BP models and contents

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Learn PAd

• Our key strengths:

Leverage expertise of skilled colleagues and establish a virtuous continuous learning process, rewarding cooperation and assuring coherence

Replace document-oriented with process-oriented learning

Manage evolution of bureaucracy by model-based technology support

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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We are: 2 research organizations (concentrating on the assessment, analyses, and

use of data in form of open learner model and adaptive tutorial systems): Graz University of Technology and the University of Birmingham Presented by Michael Kickmeier-Rust from TU Graz, Austria

2 SMEs providing schools in the Czech Republic and Turkey with technology: SCIO Prague and SEBIT, Ankara

Our aims: An innovative toolbox for a competence-based formatively inspired

assessment of performance data coming from various sources, theory-based analyses algorithms (on the basis of CbKST and FCA), and novel and intuitive visualization techniques/modules.

The tools will be deployed to a large amount of schools (K12)

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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• Our key strengths:

Long experience in theory-grounded, multidisciplinary research in ‚dealing‘ with human learning and 2 business partners that bring us researchers in the „reality“

The prime ‘gamechangers’ are doubtlessly the users: children, teachers, parents … The first experiences (hopefully) will boost interest an ignite a strong multiplier role.

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Living Schools Lab (LSL) We are:

A European Schoolnet two-year Coordination Action with 12 Ministries of Education. Represented by Jim Ayre (Senior Advisor).

Our aims:

A sustainable pan-European network of ‘living schools’

…demonstrating / showcasing innovative practice

…supporting whole school use of ICT

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Living Schools Lab (LSL)

• Our key strengths:

MoE models for mainstreaming ICT use – 24 Advanced Schools working with 60 Advanced Practitioners in regional clusters

Professional development and active teacher community related to change management

Now extending the community to 500+ teachers

Offering a turnkey validation service in Year 2

Synergy with the EUN Future Classroom Lab (iTEC, CPDLab, Creative Classrooms Lab, EUN Academy)

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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MIRROR – Reflective Learning at Work

We are:

7 research institutes, 3 software/service companies, 5 application partners. Coord: IMC

Our aims:

Developing a methodology and tools, to:

Record work experiences

Reflect on them to create insights and change work practice

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MIRROR – Reflective Learning

• We offer to other projects:

A model of Computer Supported Reflective Learning

A Technical Integration Framework (for protected real-time collaboration / data synchronisation)

23 Applications supporting reflective learning

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We are:

12 partners in 6 countries (DE, A, IT, UK, DK, NO) coordinated by Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria.

Our aims:

To provide teachers in the technology rich classroom with real-time information on students’ learning, tracing learning within and across a number of web platforms (Moodle, Google Docs, OpenSim)

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• Our key strengths:

Comprehensive whole school approach.

Beyond where the light is bright: Not only more data, but new kinds of data on learning.

Beyond activity tracing; focus on learning knowledge/skill & competence development.

Teachers are given role of co-innovators and co-researchers.

Standards-based process-modelling approach

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Open Discovery Space: A socially-powered & multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning -

To Opening Up Education by eLearning in All European Schools!

We are:

53 partners from 25 countries

Pedagogues, Technology Providers, Researchers, Policy Experts, and Content Providers

Represented by Project Manager & Quality Manager

Our aims:

• Action 68 of the Digital Agenda for Europe: Modernization of Education

• an accelerator of the sharing, adoption, usage, and re-purposing of the already existing rich educational content base

• community building between numerous teachers and schools of Europe

• demonstrate ways to involve school communities in innovative teaching and learning practices through the effective use of eLearning resources

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

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Open Discovery Space: A socially-powered & multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning -

To Opening Up Education by eLearning in All European Schools!

• Our key strengths:

Practitioner Led Innovation

Grass roots work with 481 engaged schools & the project target of 2000 schools at end of 2015

Engagement more than 2560 teachers

European Innovation Platform supporting

1376 registered primary and secondary Teachers

176 Thematic and school communities

~620.000 Open and Commercial Educational Resources

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We are: The consortium expertise spans from interaction design,

perceptual and platform technologies, learning technologies and training

13 partners in total coordinated by Jamie Allen (CIID) The project is represented by Emanuele Ruffaldi (SSSA)

and Manolis Mavrikis (IOE) Our aims: The project aims at approaching the learning of STEM in

multiple contexts, from design studios to secondary-leverl high schools, by introducing analytics in hands-on project-based and experiential learning scenarios.

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• Our key strengths: Creating a new learning analytics

framework based on behavioral recordings, supported by perceptual technologies and instrumented material

Provide better understainding of learners’ knowledge in physical activities

Explore new ways of providing feedback for improving the learning process in STEM

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We are:

IIIA-CSIC (AI), Goldsmiths College (Music & Computing), VUB (Pedagogy), SONY (Composition)

Our aims:

PRAISE is a social network for music education with tools for giving and receiving feedback. It aims to widen access to music education and make learning music more accessible and more social. (Applied to schools and the general public)

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• Our key strengths:

Workflow management, Open system, Distributed infrastructure, Audio and Gesture analisis, Trust management.

Gamechangers: Community MOOCs, New P2P infrastructures (

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TELL ME We are:

The consortium is leaded by TXT e-solutions and includes 14 partners.

Here today: Eva Coscia (TXT)-coordinator; Fridolin Wild (Open University)

Our aims:

• To develop a cross-enterprise meta-methodology and inter-operable IT to support SMEs and blue collar workers from FOF Manufacturing sector in «learning by doing»

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7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

Consortium TEL Research

FoF and Manufacturing Research

3 End Users

TELL ME project 51

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• Our key strengths:

A flexible, customisable meta-methodology to create viable mixes of proven and emerging methods

Supported by an innovative IT architecture combining RealWorld (IoT-enabled services for context-aware training), DigitalWorld (mixes of multimedia learning contents) and VirtualWorld (providing AR solutions)

Assessment is beyond the usual KPIs: TELL ME is exploring ways to introduce Value Stream Mapping to TEL (e.g., adding “lean” to TEL’s goal of “Skilled Performance, Affordably, via the Right Information at the Right Time in the Right Place”).

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TELL US Technology Enhanced Learning Leading to Unique Stories

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Presented by Camille Vidaud, inno TSD

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Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

• FP7 project funded by the EC/ DG CONNECT • Project Officer: Liina-Maria Munari • Coordination and support action • Start: 01/12/2013 • Duration: 24 months (until 30/11/15) • Budget : 800 K€

TELL US project aims at addressing the

inertia of the TEL deployment in European

formal education systems by organising a two

stage contest process throughout Europe 28

and by demonstrating successful adoption

and scaling-up of the awarded products and

demand by the formal learning context.

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Main key strenghths

• • Unique European (28 countries) contest in TEL.

• To help the contest candidates to scale up and deploy the new and existing TEL in a formal education context.

• The target groups for the competition are defined. (Schools and the formal education institutes; Vocational training)

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TEL projects 7 February 2014


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We are: 6 institutes (one associate) in teacher, medical and veterinary

education and 5 technical institutes (including 3 SMEs)

Expertise in all elements of the Learning analytics cycle: learning and assessment, data-gathering metrics and analysis, visualisation of data, intervening with the developed system to improve learning

Project coordinators: Marieke van der Schaaf, Utrecht University and Jeroen Donkers Maastricht University the Netherlands

Our aims: Improving workplace-based feedback, assessment and professional development by means of and electronic mobile portfolio system that is enhanced by learning analytics.

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• Our key strengths:

Student models that monitor the learners’ competency development to identify learners’ needs and tailor feedback appropriately.

Visualisation tools that inform learners, teachers and institutes just in time as well as on an analytical level.

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We are:

CSA – 8 partners, supporting exploration & creativity at schools


Anna-Kaarina Kairamo, Aalto Univesity (coordinator)

Nikos Zygouritsas, MENON Network

Our aims:

We support the development collaborative, explorative learning journeys called learning expeditions, utilizing ICT, involving: young people – teachers – master explorers – guides

We link schools around the expeditions across regions and countries

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

Page 59: Tel concertation meeting   project presentations - 7-2-2014

Our key strengths:

Facilitators, expeditions "matching service" (for schools, teachers, learners)

Larger number of schools involved than expected

Technology pool: evolving set of collaborative technologies

Crowdsupport mechanism (people, things, funding) for expeditions

Support creativity, visualisation, unique content

International component

Tools, stories facilitating LE:s

Impact indicators

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

Page 60: Tel concertation meeting   project presentations - 7-2-2014

weSPOT - Working Environment with Social and

Personal Open Tools for inquiry based learning

We are:

3 technological partners (KUL, OUUK, OUNL, ELS) developing inquiry supported learning toolkit, based on a pedagogical model (TUG, FAU) and evaluated in 21 pilot studies (IPAK, FORTH, UNISOFI)

Our aims:

Support inquiry-based learning in secondary education and evaluate effectiveness of ICT use

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg

Page 61: Tel concertation meeting   project presentations - 7-2-2014


• Our key strengths:

Linking of theory, implementation and evaluation in an agile development approach

Linking European and National approaches is hard but aimed at.

Acceptance of inquiry-based learning in schools is high, hands-on tools and solutions are close to educational practice

Concertation meeting FP7/CIP TEL projects

7 February 2014 - Luxembourg