tel state of the art presentation narration

Technology-enabled learning: state of the art Dr. Eric Kluijfhout

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Post on 25-May-2015




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  • 1. Technology-enabled learning:state of the artDr. Eric Kluijfhout

2. Generations in distance learning First generation: Correspondence courses Second generation: Broadcasting Third generation: Multi-media Fourth generation: Computer- and web-basedlearning Fifth generation: Personalised, ubiquitous life-long learning & professional development 3. Drivers1. Correspondence Accessibility & a-synchronouscommunication2. Broadcasting Open access3. Multi-mediaEnrichment4. E-learning Synchronous and a-synchro-nous communication5. Networked learning Continuous professionaldevelopment 4. Trends Learning as a life-long process Formal (higher) education = initial education Employability: individual responsible for CPD The web as a source of: up-to-date information access to fellow-professionals professional services 5. What is actually happening in HE? 6. Typical TEL implementations To substitute (part of) traditional teaching andlearning: substitution To improve (part of) traditional teaching andlearning: innovation To radically change the institutions corebusiness: transformation 7. Relation to traditional teaching TEL in addition and parallel to traditionalmeans of teaching and learning: extendedclassroom TEL to replace part of the traditionalcurriculum and teaching setting: blendedlearning TEL to facilitate learning independent of place,time and pace: distributed learning 8. Effort transformationinnovation substitution Time 9. Implications for HEIs Role of libraries Role of teachers Infrastructure Institutional Sector-level Networked organization 10. What about Ethiopian HEIs? Role of libraries Role of teachers Networked organization Learning resources (OERs) Educational offerings (courses, programmes) Teachers, researchers and subject experts Learners and professionals (alumni) ICT infrastructure requirements Institutional Sector-, national- and international 11. Your update please .....during the discussion Now:ODL in a technology-challengedenvironment 12. Eric Kluijfhout Competence [email protected]:// license: attribution non-commercial share alike 13. National and regional connectivity WoredaNet Ethiopian Higher Education and Research Net (EtHERNet) National ICTs in Higher Education Initiative Ethiopian ICT Development Agency