tell me your name, i will tell you who you are

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  • 8/9/2019 Tell me your name, I will tell you who you are


    Tell me your name, I will tell who you are!

    Prospero and Ariel: their origins and relationship

    My essay is about William Shakespeare's last play The Tempest written in " William A"

    #uayle writer and bishop o$ the Methodist %pis&opal hur&h wrote about him in one o$ his essays

    that (We shall ne)er o)erestimate Shakespeare, be&ause we &an not" Some men and things lie

    beyond the danger o$ hyperbole" *o e+aggeration is possible &on&erning them, seeing they

    trans&end all dreams" Spa&e &an not be &on&ei)ed by the most lu+uriant imagination, holding, as it

    does, all worlds, and &apable o$ holding another uni)erse besides, and with room to spare" learly,

    we &an not o)erestimate spa&e" Thought and )o&abulary be&ome bankrupt when they attempt this

    bewildering deed" enius is as immeasurable as spa&e" Shakespeare &an not be measured"-

    I &hoose two &hara&ters, Prospero and Ariel to des&ribe" In my essay I would like to dis&o)er

    the sour&e and probable meanings o$ the two &hara&ters' names and I would like to show their

    relationship whi&h I think is in &onne&tion with their names" .irstly I will list the di$$erent sour&es

    o$ their names whi&h I $ound in se&ondary readings, than I would like to dis&uss the meaning o$

    their names" Thirdly I would like to pro)e the relationship between them with e+amples $rom the


    There are $i)e probable sour&es $or Prospero's name mentioned in an essay titled Prospero's

    Table: The Name of Shakespeare's Duke of Milanwritten by Alan /" 0oung" The $irst is $rom The

    Historye of Italyewritten by William Thomas where Prospero Adorno eno)ese duke is $or&ed to

    Some Words on 1o)ing Shakespeare $rom A 2ero and Some 3ther .olk, The Methodist 4ook on&ern, 566"

  • 8/9/2019 Tell me your name, I will tell you who you are


    resign $rom his dukedom by the .regosi" The se&ond is $romEvery Man in his Humour written by

    4en 7onson where one &hara&ter is &alled Prospero" The third is The Historie of Phillip de

    ommineswhere there is also a re$eren&e to someone &alled Prospero allone" The $ourth is

    %dmond Malone's remark (that Prospero was the name o$ a riding8master in 1ondon in

    Shakespeare's time,"""- 90oung ;6

  • 8/9/2019 Tell me your name, I will tell you who you are


  • 8/9/2019 Tell me your name, I will tell you who you are


  • 8/9/2019 Tell me your name, I will tell you who you are


    Works ited

    Shakespeare, William" The Tempest# The omplete $orks of $illiam Shakespeare#The Te&h" Web"

    Apr @;;

    (The most $amous Huotations about William Shakespeare-" Shakespeare8online"&om" Amanda

    Mabillard" .eb @;;" Web" Apr @;;

    7ohnson, W" Sta&y (The enesis o$ Ariel- Shakespeare %uarterly, >ol" @, *o" L 97ul", 6ol" L;, *o" L 9Summer, 66