tell the truth - augustana · wondrous encounters lenten devotion february 26, ash wednesday 2...

February 2020 Liturgical Season: Epiphany Mid-Week Worship Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devoon February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 Ancipate God’s Goodness March 4: Genesis 7:1-16 Trust God March 11: Isaiah 40:27-41:1 Live with Expectancy The congregaon is invited to join this Lenten Encounter with the Bible. Engage in a wondrously simple, yet profound daily meditaon wrien by Fr. Richard Rohr. Experience the joy and energy of connecng with God and the lim- its, boundaries and humility of our humanness. This devoonal will help you grow “in wisdom, maturi- ty and grace” (Luke 2:40) Books ($10) can be purchased and picked up in the Jerusalem Room on Sunday mornings or by con- tacng Stacy Eichman-Cardwell at [email protected]. Adult Forum on Sunday, March 22 will highlight and share devoons from the book that have inspired us. Wednesdays: 11:30 am & 7:07 pm HEAR THE PROMISE Tell the Truth One of our goals this year is to help you culvate and nurture a faith so strong and relentless that you will be prepared to respond by faith no maer what life throws your way. During this season of Lent we will work on preparaon, acon, and introspecon. The promise of Jesus is living, acve, and new every day. We hear God’s promise to be at work in our lives today as God has been throughout history. When the unexpected happens, we are prepared because God goes with us. Trusng God’s promise helps and empowers us to tell the truth about who we are and what God is doing in our lives. March 18: Joshua 1:1-9 Embrace Change March 25: Acts 16:16-34 Rise with Resiliency April 1: Revelaon 22:1-7 Choose Hope

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Page 1: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

February 2020 Liturgical Season: Epiphany

Mid-Week Worship

Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion

February 26, Ash Wednesday

2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Anticipate God’s Goodness

March 4: Genesis 7:1-16

Trust God

March 11: Isaiah 40:27-41:1

Live with Expectancy

The congregation

is invited to join this Lenten

Encounter with the Bible.

Engage in a wondrously simple,

yet profound daily meditation

written by Fr. Richard Rohr.

Experience the joy and energy of

connecting with God and the lim-

its, boundaries and humility of our

humanness. This devotional will

help you grow “in wisdom, maturi-

ty and grace” (Luke 2:40)

Books ($10) can be purchased and

picked up in the Jerusalem Room

on Sunday mornings or by con-

tacting Stacy Eichman-Cardwell at

[email protected].

Adult Forum on Sunday, March 22

will highlight and share devotions

from the book that have inspired

us. Wednesdays:

11:30 am & 7:07 pm


One of our goals this year is to help you cultivate and nurture a faith so strong and

relentless that you will be prepared to respond by faith no matter what life throws

your way.

During this season of Lent we will work on preparation, action, and introspection.

The promise of Jesus is living, active, and new every day. We hear God’s promise

to be at work in our lives today as God has been throughout history. When the

unexpected happens, we are prepared because God goes with us. Trusting God’s

promise helps and empowers us to tell the truth about who we are and what God

is doing in our lives.

March 18: Joshua 1:1-9

Embrace Change

March 25: Acts 16:16-34

Rise with Resiliency

April 1: Revelation 22:1-7

Choose Hope

Page 2: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Pastor Torgerson

This is the seventh year of Living Faith At Augustana, a Bi-

ble study I lead via Facebook and email. Here’s how it

works. For each of the twenty weeks of the study, partici-

pants engage a different Bible story guided by a study and

reflection I send out. I always find myself grateful for the

cycle of reading, researching, reflecting, and writing that

comes with the weeks of this study. Because it usually

overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and

discipline for me.

This year’s study focuses on hope. It uses a variety of texts

from throughout scripture to help us hear what hope looks

like for people of faith. The first study focused on the story

of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-9, 15:1-6, 18:1-15, 21:1-7).

Here’s a section of that week’s reflection:


Abraham’s story has much to say about hope. The story is

based solely in Abraham and Sarah’s hope centered in

God’s promise. Without any apparent input or deserving on

Abraham’s part, God makes a promise to Abraham. Better

yet, through God’s promise to Abraham, all the world re-

ceives God’s blessings. God’s specific promise ensures life

and a future for all people in general. God promises a fu-

ture to Abraham; therefore, we have hope for our lives.

It’s tempting to overanalyze the equation. But how exactly

are we and “all the families of the earth” (12:3) blessed by

virtue of God’s promise to Abraham? What precisely does it

mean for us that God’s promise to Sarah and Abraham is

fulfilled in their son, Isaac? How do we know that God’s

promise still means anything for us today? It’s human na-

ture to want to lift the curtain and see the inner workings of

God’s hope factory. We want to make sure we can pull the

right levers and hit the right buttons so God can keep pro-

ducing good promises and we can keep acting faithfully so

hope will carry us through.

Lent gives us permission to prepare our hearts and minds for the truth of Jesus’ life-saving death and resurrection.

But that’s not how it works. We can’t force God’s hand and

therefore God’s promises. We can’t choose which promises

God will make. We can’t act in a way that guarantees God’s

guarantees. God is God; we are not. God makes promises

based solely in God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, and will

for creation. God decides. We receive.

And that is good news. If we somehow had to choose the

promises God made for us, we could get it wrong. If we

somehow had to deserve the promises God made for us, we

would surely fall short. If we somehow had to convince God

to remain faithful, we would have no god at all. God’s first

action after creation is promise. This is who God is. This is

what God does. God makes all things, including the promis-

es that shape the future of all things. In these promises we

find the nature of faith and the shape of our hope.


Whether or not you choose to join in the study this year –

and you’re always welcome to join, even if you’ve missed

the beginning – you might still consider taking on a faith

practice for Lent. Too often we think only of what we

should give up for Lent and it becomes confused with self-

improvement. Rather, Lent gives us permission to prepare

our hearts and minds for the truth of Jesus’ life-saving

death and resurrection. We are welcomed to pick up new

habits and perspectives for the sake of the faith we claim.

That’s worth making space in your calendar and bank ac-

count for renewed prayer, study, service, giving, or any

other act that demands more of you.

Living Faith at Augustana focused on hope this year be-

cause it felt like we all needed it. Lent, for all its seriousness

and austerity, also makes space for hope. It reminds us that

while death is inevitable it is not final. We suffer much but

receive still greater. Those who hope in God will not be

disappointed. As we prepare for Lent, may hope guide us

and faith fill us.

Soli deo Gloria,

Page 3: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Nursery is available during the

9:45 am Sanctuary service for children

3 years of age and younger.

ASL Interpretation will be available on

February 2 at the 9:45 am service.

Please contact the church office with

requests or questions.

Favorite Hymn Request On February 2, 9, and 16, all hymns at the 8:30 and 9:45

services will be chosen by the congregation. You’re invited to

submit your favorite hymn for consideration. The worship

team will pick the most popular hymns that best align with

worship each week. So what hymn would you like to

hear? Write down your suggestion in Sunday’s Connection

Card or email your request to Pastor Torgerson at mtorg-

[email protected].

Thank You

Sue Triplett!

Sue Triplett, who has served with distinction as Augustana’s

bookkeeper for almost 18 years, has announced her retire-

ment this spring. We thank Sue for her dedication and wish

her well as she enjoys more time with her family, especially

her grandchildren, and traveling.

Augustana seeks an experienced accountant for various

financial responsibilities, including payroll, bill payment, and

preparation of financial statements, on a part-time basis. A

degree in accounting and experience are required. If you

have interest in this position, please contact Pastor Aune or

Brandt Richardson, Business Administrator.

Sunday, February 2 ~ 4th Sunday After Epiphany

8:30 am Traditional Worship

Holy Communion

9:45 am Traditional Worship

Holy Communion

11:00 am Celebration Worship

Holy Communion

Sunday, February 9 ~ 5th Sunday After Epiphany

8:30 am Traditional Worship

9:45 am Traditional Worship

11:00 am Celebration Worship

Holy Communion

Sunday, February 16 ~ 6th Sunday After Epiphany

8:30 am Traditional Worship

Holy Communion

9:45 am Traditional Worship

11:00 am Celebration Worship

Holy Communion

Sunday, February 23 ~ Transfiguration of Our Lord

8:30 am Traditional Worship—A Hymn Festival

9:45 am Traditional Worship—A Hymn Festival

11:00 am Celebration Worship

Holy Communion

Wednesday, February 26 ~ Ash Wednesday

11:30 am Worship with Imposition of Ashes

Holy Communion

7:07 pm Worship with Imposition of Ashes

Holy Communion


Kinsley Ann Youness, daughter of Anthony & Christine

Youness. Sponsors are Richard Michaelsen & Amanda


Noah Anthony Youness, son of Anthony & Christine

Youness. Sponsors are Richard Michaelsen & Portia


Z’Leinn Marquis Stafford, son of Rabecca Ollie.

His sponsor is Mary Wilmes.

Za’Devia LaStarr Davis, daughter of Rabecca Ollie.

Her sponsor is Mary Wilmes.


Carol Swenson, wife of Dan Swenson.

Nancy Schreiner, sister of Bev Mamer.

Dorothy Cashman, mother of Linnae Ebel.

Florence Thomson.

Page 4: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Our conversation about

mental health continues . . .

February 2, 12:00 pm, Jerusalem Room

SCREENAGERS NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience

Lunch and discussion will follow the movie

This movie examines the impact of social media our teens’ mental health and

what we can do to help. In a follow-up to her first Screenagers movie, Dr. Delaney

Ruston explores the challenges in our screen-filled society, and how we, as par-

ents and educators, can empower teens to overcome mental health challenges

and build stress resilience. Sign up at the Information Center or call the church

office 651.457.3373 if you plan to stay for lunch.

Where Faith Meets Life

The Befriender ministry serves as a living reminder of God’s

love. “The joy for me is that I am serving a purpose by listening,

being present, and seeing the growth in my friend who has

been hurting”. BeFrienders are companions on a journey. If this

ministry interests you, we invite you to an information session

on March 22. The training dates are scheduled for April 18, 19,

and 25. Questions? Contact Joann Arneberg, Faith Community

Nurse (651.457.3373).

Personal Prayer

Sunday, February 2, 9:30-11:00 am

Are you feeling the need for personal pray-

er? Stop by the Prayer Chapel on the first

Sunday of each month to be prayed for by

someone from the Augustana prayer min-

istry. All prayer requests will be kept confi-


Care Team Celebration Dinner

Tuesday, February 11 at 5:45 pm

Cherokee Sirloin Room, West St. Paul

Care Team volunteers and family members

are invited to celebrate our ministry. Appe-

tizers provided; individuals pay for their

own dinner. RSVP in the Health Ministries

binder at the Information Center or call the

church office (651.457.3373).

Compassionate Caregiving Forum

Thursday, March 5, 10:00 am-noon

Jerusalem Room

Plan to attend Lyngblomsten’s Older Adult

Ministry Forum. The presenter is our own

Marian Eisenmann, retired pastor, chap-

lain, nurse, and author. Marian will give an

overview of caregiving from a Biblical per-

spective. Registration required by calling

Lyngblomsten at (651.632.5330).

Help Wanted for The Gathering

The Gathering is a ministry that provides

respite to caregivers of family members

experiencing memory loss. They meet at

Augustana on the first and third Tuesdays

of each month. We currently need MEN to

join our volunteer team. Training is provid-

ed. You choose your days to volunteer.

Please contact Joann Arneberg, Faith Com-

munity Nurse (651.457.3373) with ques-




Walk like a penguin to avoid injuries related to falling on the ice.

Page 5: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Adult Forums

Sunday mornings, 9:45—10:45 am & 10:50—11:45 am in the Jerusalem Room

February 2 Expect the Unexpected! “God Sightings” or “God Moments”

By Rev. Bill Eisenmann

Using the “Road to Emmaus” story (Luke 24:13-35) and others from the Bible and

our lives, former pastor Bill Eisenmann will lead a study and discussion on our

“showing up” to God’s presence in our lives.

February 9 & 16 Immigration: What You May Not Know

By Marc Prokosch, Immigration Attorney

Marc founded Prokosch Law in 2019 after working 16 years at a previous immi-

gration firm. He handles complex immigration cases representing individuals

throughout the immigration process and practices before USCIS, the immigration

court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, U.S. District Courts, and the Circuit

Courts of Appeal. In this two-part series Marc will include:

A brief and thoroughly incomplete history of immigration in the USA

An overview of the current administration’s restrictions on refugees and asylum


An update on the current administration’s restrictions on legal immigration

The new sanctuary movement and the many myths about immigration

February 23—International Director Lutheran Mideast Director

Learn about the compelling and hope-filled progress Lutheran Mideast Develop-

ment has made with the Kurds and their neighbors in the Middle East through

education, personal empowerment, vocational training, and advocacy.

Spiritual Enrichment Series

Tuesday evenings, 6:30 -7:30 pm

Part of our ongoing faith development is the willingness to open our mind and

heart to the mysterious ways God interacts with us. This series offers a number of

different methods to calm your mind and experience a spiritual connection with

God. Come to one session or all of them - EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

February 4 The Unexpected Connection between Intuition and God

February 11 Drumscents – Cheri Bunker

February 18 Aromatherapy Make and Take – Cheri Bunker

February 25 Intuitive Eating

Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study—Present over Perfect

March 3- 31, 9:30 -11:30 am Cost: $8 for participant book

This Bible Study by Shauna Niequist will take you from frantic to free! Liberating

you from the pressure of perfection, she invites you to be open to God’s uncondi-

tional love, focus on the present moment, and experience a deeper sense of

grace, space, and connection. Join facilitator Flossie Lund for this five-session,

video-based Bible study. Email Flossie ([email protected]) to sign up.

Coffee and Conversation

Mondays, 10:00 – 11:30 am

Jerusalem Room

This "come when you can" women's

group provides a variety of spiritual,

educational, and entertaining topics.

Living Faith at Augustana

Pastor Torgerson’s digital Bible study

will run through May. You are welcome

to join at any time. Stop by the Infor-

mation Center for details.

Where Faith Meets Life Bible Study Wednesday evenings, 6:00 pm

Join one of the pastors to explore the

upcoming preaching text.

Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion See the front cover for more details.

Men’s Breakfast

Wednesday, February 5, 6:30 -7:30 am

The text will be Mark 6:1-29, the death

of John the Baptist.

Working Women of Faith Thursday, March 5 at 6:00 pm

Facilitator: Susan Berg-Williams

Contact Susan Berg-Williams at

[email protected] for more

information or to RSVP.

Augustana Men’s Meet and Eat

Third Tuesday of each month

Email Tim Turgeon at [email protected]

for details.

Find event details in the Adult Forum, Adult Ministry, and Coffee & Conversation flyers and in the Adult Ministry binders

found in the Information Center. Contact Stacy Eichman-Cardwell with questions.

Page 6: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Summer Camp Dates

June 8-11: Music & Arts Camp

June 22-25: Vacation Bible School (VBS), session 1

July 6-9: VBS, session 2

July 10-12: Camp Wapo Seed Weekend

July 12-17: Camp Wapo Weeklong camp

July 13-16: VBS, session 3

July 27-30: Girls of Grit & Grace

August 3-6: Service Over Self Camp

August 14-17: Wapo Family Camp (see Cathy for more info)

Camp brochures will be available on or near February 9.

Camp Wapo Registration

Camp Wapo registration is available online at

All registrations must be done online through Camp Wapo.

Space is limited, so don’t wait to register your camper.

New Camps Coming This Summer!

Three new camps will be added to the schedule this summer.

Girls of Grit & Grace. We will go on different adventures off-

site during this camp along with learning about the heroic

things the women did during Biblical times. We will also talk

about positive body image and how girls can do and be any-

thing they want to be. This camp is open to girls finishing

grades 2–5.

Service Over Self. Campers will participate in a community

service project each morning, then have a little fun in the after-

noon when the work is done. Meals on Wheels, Second Stork,

and Second Harvest are a few of the places we will be volun-

teering. Our afternoon fun will include a waterpark, bowling,

and more. This camp is open to children finishing grades 2 and


WAPO Family Camp is our third new camp this summer. Camp

Wapo is hosting two weekends, one in June and one in August

for families and churches to come together for a weekend of

faith, fun, and friendship. Registration and more information

about family camp can be found on the Wapo website or by

contacting Cathy Hendrikson.

Baptism Class

Sunday, February 9, 11:00am or Tuesday, February 18, 6:00pm

If someone in your family anticipates being baptized at Au-

gustana in the next year, please attend a required 60 minute

baptism class. You will learn about the Lutheran theology of

baptism, how we practice baptism in this congregation, and

how to live your baptismal promises all year round. Please RSVP

by contacting the church office at 651.457.3373 if you plan to

attend. If no one is signed up for the class, it may be cancelled.

Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays, February 25-March 24

5:30-6:30 pm Cost $20 includes book and study guide

This five week bible study, Rhythms of Renewal, by Rebekah

Lyons, is for those struggling with stress, anxiety, fear, depres-

sion, or any other mental health issue. Participants will be

equipped through common experiences with simple daily prac-

tices and tips that help them own a new sense of peace,

strength, and purpose. The result of Rhythms of Renewal is

being filled with a Christ-like peace while being a blessing to others. This Bible study is being led by Cathy Hendrikson.

Please sign up in the Adult Ministry binder with payment at the

Information Center by February 9 so books can be ordered.

All Congregation BINGO and Dinner

Friday, February 28, 5:30-7:30pm

Join us for dinner and an evening of bingo fun. This event is

open to the Augustana congregation and friends. Dinner will be

lasagna, bread sticks, and salad. Free will offering for dinner. If

you would like to donate a prize for bingo, it would be appreci-

ated. Please bring donated prizes the night of the event. Sign-

up in the Congregation Event binder at the Information Center.

First Communion Instruction Classes

Sunday, March 15, 12:00-1:00 pm OR

Thursday, April 2, 6:00-7:00 pm

Children in 2nd grade and older are invited to attend one of

two instruction classes being held at Augustana. Attending an instruction class is mandatory in order to make your First Com-

munion on Holy Thursday, April 9. All children MUST be accom-

panied by at least one parent or adult. Please sign-up in the

Children's Ministry binder at the Information Center.

Page 7: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Where Faith Meets Family Mental Health Movie

Sunday, February 2, 12:00 pm in the Jerusalem Room

Series—SCREENAGERS NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for

Stress Resilience

Lunch and discussion will follow the movie

This movie examines the impact of social media on our teens’

mental health and what we can do to help. In a follow up to

her first Screenagers movie, Dr. Delaney Ruston explores the

challenges in our screen-filled society, and how we as parents

and educators can empower teens to overcome mental health

challenges and build stress resilience. Sign up in the Infor-

mation Center or call the church office if you plan to stay for


Save the date for the final movie in the series:

Sunday, March 1


Sundays with High School

Second & Fourth Sundays of each month

February 9 & 23, 6:30-8:00 pm

Come connect with your church friends. All students in

grades 9—12 are invited and encouraged to attend! In addi-

tion to devotions and time to talk about life, activities rotate

between service, fellowship, and education.

Lenten Mentoring 2020

Lenten Mentoring kickoff is just around the corner on Ash

Wednesday, February 26. Confirmation students and men-

tors will spend the six weeks of Lent deepening their explora-

tion of our congregational theme, EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED.

Using this theme students and mentors will engage in con-

versations and activities to help them build faith practices to

develop a strong and relentless faith, no matter what life

brings. Below are questions for each of the six weeks of Lent

to further your conversations and practices at home.

Ash Wednesday, February 26— Anticipate God’s Goodness

Where have you most recently experienced God’s


What surprised you about it?

March 4—Trust God

What outcome have you been surprised by when you

put your trust in God?

How did this experience impact your trust in God?

March 11—Live with Expectancy

What is something you expect to happen in your life?

How has God shown up in an unexpected way for you?

March 18—Embrace Change

What is a change you have recently experienced or will

be experiencing soon?

How was your faith part of that change?

March 25—Rise with Resiliency

What is challenging in your life right now?

How can your faith help you with this challenge?

April 1—Choose Hope

What is a fear you have in your life today?

Where can you find God to help and guide you with this


Page 8: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

Boys & Girls Club

Taco Tuesday 291 East Belvidere, St. Paul, MN

Tuesday, February 25

3:00—6:00 pm

Loaves & Fishes St. Matthew’s Catholic Church

510 Hall Ave, St. Paul MN

Tuesday, February 4 or Monday, February 10

Shifts: 3:00-4:30; 4:30-6:30; 5:30-7:00 pm

Sign up at the Information Center.

February Wednesday Night Dinner Menus

February 5 Sloppy Joes Salad Bar Chips

Thank you to everyone who made it possible for Augustana

to partner with Matrix Housing Services and provide 21

nights of safe shelter for 50 guests each night, resulting in

1,050 safe shelter beds.

The love of Jesus was made real to our nightly guests in the

hospitality shown by so many people. Meals were provided,

supplies were donated, and compromises were made to re-

locate activities normally scheduled in the Fellowship Hall.

A big thank you to the Augustana custodians, Carie Clos-

more, John Closmore, Lowell, Steenberg, Deb Bechtold, and

Steve Bechtold for all of their hard work, additional time, and

extra effort ensuring our church was clean, safe, and secure.

And thank you to Cori Pochardt for planning and coordi-

nating with Matrix and Augustana ministries.

Would you like to be part of a ministry that

provides valuable support to families who have

experienced the loss of a loved one?

Families planning a funeral for a loved one are invited to have

a catered luncheon or reception at Augustana. This time for

fellowship is an important part of the grieving process. Au-

gustana funeral volunteers are needed to greet guests during

the visitation and funeral and to help serve the luncheon al-

lowing the family to share a meal while visiting with guests

and remembering their loved one.

This is an “on-call” ministry. Your name will be added to a call

list and you will be contacted when a funeral is scheduled to

help greet, serve the meal, and clean up afterward. Please

note that most of the funerals are scheduled for weekdays,

so we need you to be available during the daytime. When we

learn of a funeral at Augustana, we contact volunteers to find

people who are available to help. If you are on the volunteer

list, you will receive a phone call asking if you are available.

Please prayerfully consider volunteering your time to help

with funeral lunches. Contact Barb Rolfes in the church office

at 651 457.3373 or [email protected] if you are availa-

ble to help.

February 12 Pizza & Breadsticks Salad Bar

February 19 Subway Sandwiches Salad Bar

February 26 Assorted Soups Grilled Cheese Salad Bar

Minnesota FoodShare

is Coming!

Each March, Augustana’s ridiculous generosi-

ty provides extra dollars and pounds of food

for our local mission partner Neighbors, Inc. MN FoodShare

makes sure that every donation increases in impact so hun-

gry families in our community can be fed. Last year, you gave

over 33,000 combined dollars and pounds of food. Can you

do it again in 2020? Keep an eye out for more information,

including pastoral competition details and more fun.

Page 9: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

The Psalmist speaks of the skies as being able to speak, share knowledge and give voice to declare the glory of

God. As people of God, how often do we think of all of God’s creation as having that ability? Would we say the

same for the lakes and rivers of our state, the fertile soils that produce such abundance, the creatures who sur-

round us every day in all of God’s creation?

“Expect the Unexpected” is our Stewardship Theme this year. However, do we expect ourselves to daily embrace

the thought that we are surrounded by God’s living creation with speech, knowledge, and words to reach the

end of the earth? Maybe that’s expecting too much. But is it?

Last month we reported that Augustana, OUR CHURCH, is a Creation-Care Congregation. We outlined some of

the many steps that can be taken to physically impact the corner of the world in which we in OUR COMMUNITY

live. This month, consider with YOUR FAMILY a daily routine to better center your life around Creation Care by

observing the world in which we live. The variety of climate we experience can be a source of angst to some, but

what do those changing seasons proclaim? Fires in Australia are devastating, yet how do they give voice? What in

nature excites you and what might you observe as a way to give glory to God daily?

Become more observant and inspired about the world in which we live. Share your ideas with others and be in-

tentional about what it means to you. God’s creation is for us to enjoy and use while also knowing the creation

has speech, knowledge, and voice to proclaim the glory of God. Perhaps daily observation of God’s creation

should be expected from each of us to better protect our world.

Caring for Creation

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day

they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use

no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words

to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. Psalm 19:1-4

Earth Keepers: Diane Blake, Shari Hansen, Carol Hall, Bill Larson, Jim McClosky,

Kristen Mertens, Twila Peterson, Scott Thorson, Barb & Jonathan Wagner

Page 10: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

The deadline for the

March 2020 issue of

Augustana Life is

February 11, 2020.

If you have questions,

contact Carla Pfeifer at

651 457.3373 or

[email protected]

Augustana Life is published monthly

by Augustana Lutheran Church

1400 South Robert Street

West Saint Paul, MN 55118-3197

Church Office 651 457-3373

Pastors Mark Aune [email protected]

Megan Torgerson [email protected]

Teleen Saunders, Intern [email protected]

Program Staff Laurie Armon, Program Assistant,

Children & Family Ministry

[email protected]

Joann Arneberg, RN MPH, Faith Community Nurse

[email protected]

Teri Collins, Preschool Director

[email protected]

Stacy Eichman-Cardwell, Director, Adult


[email protected]

Cathy Hendrikson, Director, Children &

Family Ministry; Volunteer Coordinator

[email protected]

Abby Norlin-Weaver, Director, Youth &

Family Ministry

[email protected]

Carla Pfeifer, Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

Music Staff Kathy Andrews, Co-director of Music

Kristina Langlois, Co-director of Music

Lisa Griffin, Celebration Band Director

Sarah Youngner, Handbell Director

Kim Zemple, Chorister Choir Director

Office Staff

Vanessa Hernandez, Nursery Coordinator

Brandt Richardson, Business Administrator

[email protected]

Cori Pochardt, Secretary

[email protected]

Barbara Rolfes, Administrative Secretary

[email protected]

Susan Triplett, Bookkeeper

[email protected]

Deb Van, Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Preschool Teachers Teri Collins

Nancy Leitch

Katie Koehnen

Custodial Staff Steve Bechtold Deb Bechtold

Carie Closmore John Closmore

Will Miedema Lowell Steenberg

During the month of February we have so many fun themes for the preschool-

ers. We will be learning about Dr. Seuss, love and kindness (Valentine’s Day), as

well as dental health and the human body. It is so fun to build on what children

already know. Dental health and the human body are subjects preschoolers

know a lot about.

Registration for the 2020-21 school year starts in February. September seems far

off but we start registration now so we can plan for the school year. If you are

interested in Augustana Preschool, please come visit or check us out on the web-

site at

There are many options available for children 33 months to 5 years old. Children

must be toilet trained to be part of our program. If you would like more infor-

mation or want to schedule a tour, contact me at 651-457-3373 or pre-

[email protected].

Somedays we play inside and some days we embrace winter! But no matter

where we play, we always have a great time! Stay warm!

Teri Collins

Page 11: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline
Page 12: Tell the Truth - Augustana · Wondrous Encounters Lenten Devotion February 26, Ash Wednesday 2 orinthians 5:11-21 ... overlaps with Lent, the study becomes a faith practice and discipline

This Is My Beloved Son

A Hymn Festival led by Dr. Michael Burkhardt

Sunday, February 23

8:30 & 9:45 am

Dr. Michael Burkhardt, organist and Augustana Choirs and

Instrumentalists will lead two identical worship services of

scripture, readings, music, and prayer around the theme of

the Transfiguration and the significance that events hold

for us today.

Known for his innovative and inspiring hymn festivals,

Michael Burkhardt is in frequent demand as a choral

clinician, organ recitalist, and hymn festival leader.

He has performed and led seminars for the American Guild

of Organists, the Hymn Society, and the Association of

Lutheran Church Musicians. Since 2003 he has made nine

performance-teaching tours to South Korea and Singapore.

Augustana University Choir

(South Dakota)

Saturday, March 7

7:00 pm

The choir is on its midwest tour

and Augustana will host and house

them on the Twin Cities leg of

their tour.

Don’t miss this inspiring choir

under the direction of

Dr. Paul Nesheim.

The concert is free and open to

the public. A freewill offering will

be taken.

Mississippi Valley


Sunday, February 9

3:00 pm

A pre-concert talk will take place

at 2:15 in the Fellowship Hall.

The program includes Yellow

River Piano Concerto by Xian

Xinghai; Symphony No. 7

by Beethoven; and a piano

concerto. The orchestra is joined

by pianist Fanya Lin, pianist, and

the winner of the St. Paul Piano

Teachers Association Concerto


The concert is free and open to

the public. Child care is available

during the concert.