telling and sharing booklet

Telling and Sharing our Histories A Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community Project

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Telling and Sharing our Histories A Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community Project

The aim of the project is to bring together members of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community to share and

participate in learning on 3 residential weekends.

Learning through having fun and

working together

Making a Book

Talking about our lives Who we are and what we believe in Discrimination Our histories and life


Sharing Poetry and Songs

Singing together Performing Listening to poetry Using musical instruments,


Art and Craft

Using paints to explore Making pictures

Film Making

Learning how to use the camera and equipment Filming each other Evaluating the project on film

The Team

Jackie Nevin from Redbridge Traveller Group, Oxford

Youth Workers from the Harrow Club

Phil Regan, Project Leader

Volunteer Lucy Purcell: Film maker

Iona Constantinesco: Film maker

Volunteer Lisa, musician and song writer

Valdemar Kalinin. Poet

Sylvie Parkes: Teacher

Climbing, helping and supporting each other, working as a team, balancing and thinking about safety

Orienteering and assault Course The residential was set in the beautiful grounds of High Ashurst Activity Centre. There were lots of opportunities to be outside and join in team building activities….and getting lost!!

We were dressed for al weathers. The setting was beautiful and very well equipped. ‘Where adults and young people engaged with activities there seems to have been some real learning, strong stories and fun for all’ Phil Regan ‘I liked the way we could begin to think about how we wanted to learn and what we felt was important to record. It felt like the beginning of something very special’

Jackie Nevin

We shared our meals together in the big hall giving us the chance to get to know each other. Here is Pat giving his grandson a helping hand at breakfast

Jose talked about her work with the Gypsy and Traveller Support Group. Tina is also setting up a Women’s Group for Travellers in London. ‘We have all got to know each other a little bit more’

Jackie Nevin

Young Travellers talked about their lives, learning to drive, education and the discrimination they face in the settled community. ‘The community need to take on board the importance of this project and how it will contribute towards Gypsies and Travellers histories for generations to come

Lisa came as a volunteer. She brought with her a guitar, sang songs and made up a poem about the weekend. The children loved singing and wanted to perform lots of songs on stage.

We slept in Cabins that could be used in the day to have tea, talk to each other, make some music and get creative,

We dressed up in some traditional Gypsy clothes brought in by Valdemar

At the end of the residential we all gathered in the main hall. Tina and Jose took to the camera to film our thoughts about the experience. Lots of people wanted to perform in front of the camera and share their talents, so the end of the residential turned into a very spontaneous little show.

We are on our way to developing a Traveller archive through film, audio, art, a book and an exhibition for the Traveller and Gypsy History Month. As it was our first residential it was hard to know how things would pan out, as much of the time was participant led, finding out what people wanted to create. We worked together as a team, being aware of what we would change for the next residential. We thought about what worked well and not so well and are planning a meeting to make the next residential a truly inspiring experience! So until next time….