telstar october 2013

COMMUNICATING IN STOWUPLAND IN THIS ISSUE STOWUPLAND GARDEN WINS AWARD 3 Manure Delivery ALLOTMENT LIFE 5 Autumn on the way COUNTRYSIDE RAMBLER 25 Reports from Parish Council Churches Village Clubs SUFFOLK Newsletter of the Year Harrison gets his trike (see page 13) October 2013 No 259

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Telstar October 2013


Page 1: Telstar  October 2013



In ThIs Issue

sTowupland garden wIns award 3

Manure DeliveryalloTmenT lIfe 5

Autumn on the wayCounTrysIde rambler 25

Reports from Parish Council Churches Village Clubs

S U F F O L KNewsletter of the YearHarrison gets his trike

(see page 13)

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 3No 259

Page 2: Telstar  October 2013


Chairman’s Remarks Keith Welham, Stowupland Parish Council

What a change in the weather since the beginning of September! But despite the recent rain, the earlier dry conditions meant that the

water level has continued to fall in the pond by The Retreat and we have had to call on the Fire and Rescue Service twice to provide enough water for the remaining fish. The low water level gave us the opportunity to clear rubbish from the pond, including a 15 foot bent scaffold pole and a rusty push-bike. Branches that had fallen into the water were dragged out, left to dry and subsequently got rid of and the area surrounding the pond was strimmed. It looks much more attractive now; many thanks to all who helped with the work.

The phantom remover of posters from notice boards has been busy of late. If there is someone in the village who has an objection to events being held in the village, please let me know. Some of the posters from the notice board at Dents’ Corner were taken down and left in the nearby bus shelter. Posters advertising the recent quiz were removed from other notice boards too. If anyone sees posters being taken down, please let me know.

The cooler weather or darker evenings seem to have resulted in an increase in dog poo around the village, especially on The Green. Are some owners more reluctant to pick up their dog poo if it’s cold or wet? Please remember that children play in many of the areas used for dog walking so, please, if you are one of those who can’t be bothered to pick up your dog’s poo, it could be a friend’s or neighbour’s child who gets it on their clothes, hands or, even worse, on their face. Most dog owners always clean up after their dogs. As in most areas of society, it is a small minority who cause difficulties for the majority.

On a more positive front, I am pleased that another step has been taken towards providing affordable housing in the village. Many thanks to Hastoe for the public exhibition of the proposed scheme for 13 new homes off Gipping Road – 7 houses and 6 flats. Two of the houses are likely to be offered for shared ownership. I’m pleased that a good number of residents came along to find out more about the proposals and some visitors to the exhibition expressed an interest in applying for one of the properties. Highest priority will be given to applicants with a connection with Stowupland. If all goes well, construction could start next summer.

I’m presently in training for two imminent challenges. The first is the Walker Cup and I hope that by the time you read this Stowupland will

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Stowupland garden wins award

Two years ago Paul and Alicia Banbury moved into

Columbyne Close, Stowupland, to a garden that contained little more than two rose bushes.

Having spent hours and months designing and labouring in the garden their efforts have finally paid off.

Not only were they able to open their garden for Stowupland Open Gardens Day in July this year but they have just been awarded the prize for the best Window Box, and more importantly, overall winner in the Mid Suffolk and Babergh District Council ‘Household Annual Gardening Competition.’

They now proudly display a large shield that bears their names, which sadly has to be handed back for next year. They were also given gardening tools and vouchers to assist with their future plans.

Following in his parents footsteps their son Brandon won the prize for the tallest sunflower.

Congratulations to you all.

have won the cup back from Old Newton. The second is the Three Peaks Challenge. Please come along to The Retreat on 6th October from 11.00am onwards and tackle one or more of the highest points in the village. The walk is almost entirely on public footpaths or lightly trafficked roads; the shortest challenge should take just an hour; the round trip of all three peaks, ending up back in The Retreat, should take less than three hours. Maps and support from the Mountain Rescue Team will be available. Donations towards the Harrison Kemp Cerebral Palsy Fund will be appreciated.

As always, if you have any concerns about Parish Council matters, please contact me or, even better, come along to a Council meeting on the second Thursday of every month. Dates of working group meetings are given in the centre pages of every edition of Telstar and are advertised on our notice boards. All meetings are open to any resident to attend. Please come along.

Page 4: Telstar  October 2013

We still need volunteers! If you would like to make a difference to our village and can spare a couple of hours a month, please contact me or

any Parish Councillor and we will welcome you. The scheme will operate in four locations within the village – Saxham

Street, Church Road, the B1115 adjacent to Devon Road and Thorney Green/Gipping Road. These areas would normally be monitored by the scheme members from Onehouse and we, the Stowupland volunteers, will monitor the three areas identified in Onehouse. We will operate in teams of three and FULL training is given by the police and of course, you will be fully covered by police insurance. We have all the equipment – speed gun, road signs and hi-viz jackets for all volunteers.

Community Speedwatch Scheme Morris Brand, Tel. 01449 770 678


Thank you to Stowupland residents for supporting Nathan Tupper in raising funds for CLIC Sargent. Nathan entered the ‘banger and caravan’ race at Foxhall Stadium, Ipswich, and the caravan contained 400 sponsored balloons. The total monies raised through sponsorship and a bucket collection at the turnstiles and in the pit area totalled £543.05.

This fundraising event has taken place due to my 11 year old neice being diagnosed with ‘neurofibromatosis’. As a familiy we have now been touched by cancer and we now realise the impact this has on the entire family, siblings and friends. For this reason we are supporting the work of CLIC Sargent.

I have received overwhelming support for this event with Stowupland residents stopping me to donate money and putting extra donations in the pot.

Thank you to The Retreat, The Crown and patrons for your support in helping me with gaining sponsors.

However, there was a near fatal error in my plans – I can’t tie balloons.Thanks to everyone’s generosity, 400 sponsored balloons, 100 CLIC Sargent balloons and the extra added by ‘The Event Shop’ needed filling and tying! Thank you Hayley, Chloe and, of course, Nigel for their ability to tie balloons!

A very special thank you must be said to the residents of Reeds Way and, especially, our neighbours who had the visual eye-sore of the caravan for a few days as it changed colour and contents. A very big thank you to Richard who kindly moved the caravan from my house.

My final, but by no means least, thank yous go to Sue, Sion & Eddie, Prickly, Nigel, the team Zigga lads and, of course, Nath. Lesley Tupper

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Allotment Life David Andrew


The big day had arrived! Mary telephoned to advise that the manure would be delivered the following day and

could we all ensure that suitable markers were in place to assist with the delivery. This all seemed very efficient and excitement was at fever pitch as we gathered early in the morning to discuss the day’s important event.

Blue carrier bags, a multi-coloured towel and various pieces of sheets and pillowcases were proudly fluttering in the breeze but there was one notable absentee. Keith had forgotten to indicate where his manure was to be left and was advised that no marker meant no delivery. Not wishing to miss out, he quickly disappeared and returned with a Union Jack that he attached to a makeshift flagpole. The only problem was that it was flown upside down which may go someway to explain any non-germination problems on his plot – the seeds were probably sown upside down as well!

Our attention then turned to the notices confirming the quantities ordered. Considerable debate ensued over Andy’s notice. Did it say l or 6 loads, as the figure was barely discernible? Should we add 1 in front to at least ensure he had enough? We decided to leave well alone as a possible 16 loads in one location would severely test anyone’s sense of humour and result in a potential problem for the allotment inspectors who would have to hurriedly call an extraordinary meeting to decide if it needed retrospective planning permission.

But where was Bob’s placard? Sawing and banging from just outside his shed provided the answer. One was being hurriedly constructed as we spoke – and what a notice it turned out to be with letters all the same size and evenly spaced. He then proceeded to sign it at the bottom – the theory being that a work of art is worth far more when the originator signs it! Next, how to fix it in the ground? Not a problem – just hammer it in. No chance; the ground had been baked hard by the summer sun. We then witnessed the sight of a grown man on his knees, hitting the ground with the blunt end of the hammer in an effort to make a hole big enough to take the notice. I am sure that even his little dog had a somewhat quizzical look on his face. Eventually the notice was erected and everything seemed to be in place.

All we had left to do was to wait for the delivery, but where was it? It was being spread on the fields adjacent but not coming our way. A rota was established in order to monitor the situation and all bar one retired for lunch. Upon returning, Bob was still sitting under the ash tree. (He is really very fond of this tree and is often seen talking to it – at least, I think that is what he does!) However, I digress. The manure eventually arrived and to see wheelbarrows in full transportation mode spreading their contents meant that, at last, all was well with the world.

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M & M ButchersMark Hammond

Suppliers of high quality meats, poultry, game and award winning sausages

Local meats ❈ Home-cooked piesHome cooked hams

Dry-cured bacon and gammonSelection of homemade burgers

Big selection of specialist cheesesLocal Delivery

O P E N I N G H O U R S Monday & Tuesday – 7.00am to 1.00pm Wednesday, Thursday & Friday – 7.00am to 5.00pm Saturday – 7.00am to 12.30pm

The Green, Stowupland, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 4AR

Telephone: 01449 677 720

Page 7: Telstar  October 2013


Community Events Keith Welham

The yard sale attracted 40 yards this year and, judging by the number of cars and people walking around the village, there were a good number of

buyers too. Many thanks to everyone who took part: the event raised nearly £300 which we hope to put towards the cost of tickets for residents who would otherwise find it difficult to get to the theatre. What a pity that there were again two residents who would not contribute £6.00 to what most people in the village would see as worthwhile. They know who they are – and so do their neighbours – and it’s not too late to make a voluntary donation if you wish.

We were not able to hold the historic car rally this year but if you know anyone who would like to organise such an event for next year, please let me know. Planning needs to start before the end of the year because car enthusiasts plan ahead; so we would need to advertise our event early.

Our barn dance is on Saturday, 19th October – 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Last year’s was very nearly sold out so please get your tickets early – from the Post Office or by telephoning 673 185. It is such a fun evening; ability to dance – or just keep time with the music – is not essential. A caller will give detailed directions for your feet to follow. The bar will be open.

We have two events in November. Bingo in the Village Hall on Friday, 8th November. Doors will open at 7.00pm for a prompt start at 7.30pm. Then on Saturday, 30th November, starting at 7.30pm, we will be holding another Casino Night in the Village Hall. Tickets will be available soon but, in the meantime, please speak to Adam Bennett for details.

I end with my perpetual plea for more people to volunteer to help with the planning for Music Day on The Green. We need four extra people to help with advertising and publicity, booking stalls, arranging children’s entertainment, and bar supplies and rota. None of these tasks will take up more than a few hours each month but all are essential to make the Music Day a success. Please help if you can.

The Three Peaks Challengeon Sunday, 6th October from 11.00am at The Retreat.

Maps provided.

Various walks possible between 1 hour and 3 hours.

Donations requested towards the ‘Harrison Kemp Cerebral Palsy Fund’

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Acorn Kennels

Jodi Palmer


Wash Lane




IP14 5TD

Opening Hours

Mon – Sat

9.00am to 12.00pm

Visitors welcome other times

by Appointment

Fully Licensed and Insured


01449 767160

07754 851789

For friendly

personal care

Lothlorien, Church Road, Stowupland, Stowmarket,

Suffolk. IP14 4BH

01449 678213

C.M. Hayward

Electrical Services




Carpets & Decorating

Wide range of quality carpets supplied & fitted

Carpets01449 771682

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Quality need not be expensive

Bespoke Framing Service

Greeting Cards & Photo FramesX-Stitches Stretched & Framed

Fast & Reliable Service

Red House Farm,Station Road


Tel. 01449 675897

Monday – Friday9.00am – 5.00pm

Saturday 9.00am – 12noon

Page 9: Telstar  October 2013


Parish Council Report Keith Welham

September meeting

The clerk is to meet with the grave digger shortly to discuss the misalignment of headstones in the

cemetery. It is possible that the graves have been dug to the correct alignment but headstones not set in a straight line parallel to the access road. The clerk is to discuss further

with the stonemasons following the meeting with the grave digger.The Fire Service pumped water into the pond by The Retreat as the level

was dangerously low. The water level is again very low; Councillor Welham will contact the Fire Service again. Most of the rubbish cleared from the pond was burnt or taken away by Mid Suffolk District Council.

The area of The Green in front of Willow Wood has been weeded and reseeded.Trees on The Green in front of the Old Pumping Station site at Birch

Close have been cut back. Concerns from a member of the public were investigated by Councillors Reeves and Welham who felt that they had been cut back as per the agreement with the Parish Council. Councillor Carter advised that a willow tree growing out of the bank is blocking the ditch and offered to remove it. Councillors accepted his offer.

Councillor Welham has looked at the bridge over the culvert near Columbyne Close and suggested asking Suffolk County Council to investigate whether there is a structural weakness. The clerk will contact Suffolk County Council. He also advised that the owner of 4 Columbyne Close has cut back conifers exposing the ditch. Councillor Welham erected orange fencing to highlight the open ditch.

Hastoe Housing Association are to hold a public meeting regarding the proposed affordable housing project on 16th September. Councillors Cooper, Burden and Voden agreed to attend the meeting to answer questions from members of the public.

Councillor Reeves advised that, following an allotment inspection, some holders would not be invited to renew their tenancy and others were to be reminded to cultivate the whole plot. Some have given notice to quit so there will be spaces in October. Two quarter plots have been amalgamated to create one half plot. An allotment holder has advised that the ash tree near his allotment is causing him problems and this will be investigated. A volunteer has offered to survey the trees around the allotments.

Councillor Brand advised that he is still waiting to hear back from Onehouse regarding Speedwatch. A group of members are to count traffic on Church Road on one morning and afternoon in October to ascertain the number of vehicles travelling to and from the schools.

Councillor Burden confirmed that a local scout troop will care for the Millennium garden at the rear of the Village Hall. Councillor Voden reported

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overgrowth from the rear of houses in Sycamore Road which is a nuisance to people walking along the B1115 footway; this will be reported to Suffolk County Council.

The clerk advised that the External Audit had been completed and all was in order.County Councillor Green advised that road markings will be applied in

Gipping Road and signs erected to advise of children playing.The police reported that there had been three crimes reported since the

last meeting and speed checks have been carried out around the village.Planning applications for Grange Farm, Saxham Street and 1 Water Run

Farm, Gipping Road were considered and no objections raised.A request for council to reconsider conditions imposed on access across

The Green for construction traffic to 4 Columbyne Close was considered. It was felt that no decision can be made until Suffolk County Council have reported on the state of the culvert.

A letter raising issues about the overgrown garden land at Stowupland High School was read. The concerns will be discussed when Councillor Welham and the clerk meet with the school.

A report of a meeting attended by Councillors Reeves and Welham and the clerk at the office of Nigel Farthing at Birketts (Solicitors) to discuss the claimed right of way to the land between Walnut and Caxton Cottage had been circulated. Due to the sensitive nature of the issues raised, members of the public and Councillors with a prejudicial interest were excluded to allow discussion on how to proceed with this issue.

Sports & Social Club Rick Langford, Chairman

After going through some turbulent times in recent months, the Sports and Social Club is now back on an even keel and opening on a regular

basis. We have had no discernible stock shrinkage since May, which means all money taken over the bar is going to the benefit of all members. We are looking for volunteers to run the occasional shift at the bar, and I can be contacted on 07790 169 859 by anyone who feels able to help; training will be given.

We do have Sky television installed and free wifi available to members.We have a social night planned for 12th October when ‘Elvis’ will enter

the building; so come along and enjoy a night of nostalgia.Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers for their

help in getting us through this difficult time. Special thanks must go to Richard and Mary for running the bar at the village on a Sunday night, and not forgetting all members of the committee who have supported me.

Page 11: Telstar  October 2013


Parish Council Bits and Pieces Rachel Godbold, Parish Clerk

Planning ApplicationsApplication No.: 2358/13 Location: 1 Water Run Farm, Gipping RoadDetails: Replacement of 4 windows and front entrance door to front elevation and associated works. Cllr Bloom declared an interest as a neighbour. Parish Council decision: Support.

Parish Council Accounts The accounts for the year ending 31st March 2013 have been audited and were found to be in order. If you wish to see the accounts, please contact the Clerk.

Christmas shopping trip to NorwichSaturday, 7th December Leaving the village at 9.00am, departing the city at 4.00pm. Coach fare – max. £9.00.

If interested, please contact Judy Clarke Tel 01449 615 386

Christmas Shoe BoxesOnce again this year we will be sending shoeboxes full of gifts for

families living in abject poverty in Romania and Moldova.If you would like to fill a box you will find the necessary

leaflets at the back of the church, (the church is open on Wednesday from 2.00pm – 4.00pm), or if you call me on 01449 720 567 I will bring one to you.

The boxes must be returned to the church by 31st October or again if you call me I will arrange to have someone collect them from you.

Last year we sent over 90 boxes from our three churches. Hopefully this year we can do the same or even better.

Thank you. Nancy Baird



Page 12: Telstar  October 2013


From Tiny



Oaks Grow



Fast Test can service all makes and models of cars

and light commercial vans, as well as welding

repairs, computer diagnostics and

Air-Con re-gassing. Fast Test can also offer a lift home

or to work in the surrounding Stowmarket area or a courtesy


Contact: Adam Bennett

Tel: 01449 770902

Address: Unit 12

Tomo Business Park Tomo Road

Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 5EP



Fast Test can service all makes and models of cars

and light commercial vans, as well as welding

repairs, computer diagnostics and

Air-Con re-gassing. Fast Test can also offer a lift home

or to work in the surrounding Stowmarket area or a courtesy


Contact: Adam Bennett

Tel: 01449 770902

Address: Unit 12

Tomo Business Park Tomo Road

Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 5EP



Fast Test can service all makes and models of cars

and light commercial vans, as well as welding

repairs, computer diagnostics and

Air-Con re-gassing. Fast Test can also offer a lift home

or to work in the surrounding Stowmarket area or a courtesy


Contact: Adam Bennett

Tel: 01449 770902

Address: Unit 12

Tomo Business Park Tomo Road

Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 5EP

Contact: Adam BennettTel: 01449 770902

Address:Unit 12, Tomo Business Park,

Tomo Road, Stowmarket,Suffolk, IP14 5EP

Fast Test can service all makes and models of cars and light

commercial vans, as well as weldingrepairs, computer diagnostics

and Air-Con re-gassing.Fast Test can also offer a lift home

or to work in the surroundingStowmarket area or a courtesy vehicle.


Building contractors

Extensions, Alterations,

Ground works.

We can help with planning

and designing.

01449 711303

07941 317151

Page 13: Telstar  October 2013


Supporting Harrison Where the money went.

Last year the village supported Harrison and his mum through sponsorship in the

Martlesham 10k race and we wanted to let you know where the money has been spent.

At the start of the summer Harrison received a Tomcat Trike. The Trike cost £2000 and was paid for with the money raised from the run and with support from the Variety club.

As you can see from the picture Harrison loves his trike and is so grateful for everyone who helped him towards getting it. The trike gives Harrison freedom and exercise that he can’t get elsewhere so thank you so much for helping make this possible.

Freeman Community Primary School

Open MorningsIf your child’s birthday is between 1st September

2009 and 31st August 2010 you will be looking for a school place for September 2014.

Did you know that applications need to be made by Wednesday, 15th January 2014.

Did you know that your child is entitled to five morning sessions in our Nursery?

Freeman Community Primary School will be holding two Open Mornings for prospective parents

this term where you will be able to come and see the school in action.

From Tiny



Oaks Grow

Wednesday, 9th October and Wednesday, 4th December from 10.00am – 11.30am.

Come and join us. We will happily answer any questions and direct you on how to apply for a place.

Freeman Community Primary School Church Road, Stowupland, Stowmarket

Telephone: 01449 612 067 Website :

Page 14: Telstar  October 2013


U.R.C. ChapelMinister: Revd Chris Wood Telephone 01449 678 173

The Joys of the Countryside ...

While staying on a campsite just outside Bala in North Wales, we were highly

amused by a lady who asked the Warden to do something about the sheep in the field next to the site. She complained that the sheep were waking her children up at 5 o’clock in the morning, who in turn were waking herself and her husband. The point she sought to make was that she didn’t like being woken at that unearthly hour and therefore wanted the sheep moved!

Strange, others complained about the ‘fresh’ smell that would occasionally drift across the site, tractors taking up too much room on the country roads, a rather loud cockerel belonging to the Warden; sheep on the road; or swallow chicks that had been nesting under a roof space but not caring where their drops landed.

I was left wondering why some people chose to take their holidays in the countryside – or why some settle in village life, but object to the church bells pealing away on a Sunday morning. I even hear stories of how many city and town children have no understanding where their food really comes from – except off the shelves of the local supermarket!

For ourselves, we were enthralled with incredible sights and sounds – including amazing waterfalls; spectacular valleys; glorious sunsets; fascinating mines; beautiful ancient buildings; lovely people and, for once, beautiful weather. On one of the last days in Wales we were able to visit the Bala Country Show, where we entered a large marquee and were met by a cacophony of sound emanating from hens, cockerels, ducks and geese – to mention but a few. All good stuff!

These are the kind of memories I will bring to our Harvest Festival this year, leaving me in no doubt that we live in a beautiful world where we are dependent upon those who work hard upon the land, tend the cattle to produce an abundant harvest for our tables, and the way we are called to appreciate creation in all its wonder, and give thanks to God for His bountiful generosity each and every day.

God Bless,




Page 15: Telstar  October 2013


On Saturday, 14th September the Chapel was open to welcome the cyclists taking part in the Historic Churches Cycle Ride. It was so

encouraging to see so many enthusiastic people, young and not so young, taking part in this worthwhile cause.

We will have held our coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support by the time you receive your October Telstar Magazine. This took place on 27th September and the results will be reported in the November edition of Telstar.

Our next coffee morning is on Friday, 25th October 10.00am to 12.00noon. We would love to see anyone who would like to drop in and have a cuppa, chat and a cake.

On Sunday, 22nd September we united with Holy Trinity Church for their Harvest Festival and they will join us for our Harvest Festival on Sunday, 6th October. This service commences at 10.30am and will be led by the Revd Chris Wood.

Services at the URC Chapel are held each Sunday at 10.30am and we cordially invite anyone who wishes to join us in our worship. A warm welcome awaits you.Our speakers for October are as follows:

6th October Revd Chris Wood Harvest Festival commencing at 10.30am

united service with Holy Trinity13th October Nichola Glasse20th October Mary Durrant27th October Stephen Horrex

Afternoon FellowshipWe recommence on Monday, 7th October at 2.00pm. The Revd Chris

Wood will be our opening speaker and it will be our Harvest meeting. 21st October Janet Wood Caroline BrownWe welcome anyone who would like to join us at our meetings (male or

female). Come and enjoy the fellowship.Mary Clark

TELSTAR is also available as a link on the Parish Council website:

www.stowupland.onesuffolk .net

Page 16: Telstar  October 2013


Colin Moyes Home ImprovementsComplete kitchen and bathroom and bedroom refurbishments.For purpose made joinery requirements and carpentry works,uPVC doors, windows and conservatories.

Now celebrating their 30th Year of trading

To contact Colin Moyes Home Improvements

Marshalls Meadow, Thorney Green Road, Stowupland

Call either 01449 615548 or 07802 927885.

In aid of the

NSPCC14b Bury Street, Stowmarket, IP14 4RA

Phone 01449 614 993 (Home) 07900 640 441 (Mobile)

Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 4.00pmWe are a 100% voluntary shop. Unlike all the other charity shops in

Stowmarket, we do not have a manager & assistant manager on salary. We have to pay rent and utilities, after that everything goes to the children.

I will be happy to come along to see you any time after 4.00pm. We would be grateful for any clothes, shoes, household items, furniture of

any kind, in fact, we will be grateful for anything you can donate.

Thanks to the residents of Stowupland, for all their kind support, both in donating goods for the shop and supporting us by buying from the shop, I am amazed at how kind people have been. It is with your help that we

have been able to support the society over the past twelve months.

Page 17: Telstar  October 2013


4th September Meeting

It was a great pleasure to welcome Dr Nick Sign to our meeting. He is a distinguished historian

as well as Vice-Chairman of the Suffolk Local History Council, to which our group belongs.

Nick began by asking whether the servants of the past were a down-trodden class or whether their work was manageable and they were reasonably contented. This depended on their employers and on their position in the hierarchy of servants. The employment of servants evolved from the days when upper-class sons worked as servants and companions to manorial lords. Gradually, people from humbler backgrounds were employed. By the time of the Industrial Revolution, going into service was often a good alternative to working in industry; the work was better paid and country people were seen as most suitable.

Butlers and housekeepers were the managers at the top of the tree, usually with their own rooms. Lower servants had to wait on the upper ones and often never saw their masters or mistresses. An employer’s image depended on trustworthy servants, so good character references were essential for employment. Jobs at the humble level were sometimes inherited. There were still hiring fares in the mid-1800s and, as time went on, employment agencies were established, often run by widows.

Servants lived in close confinement. Their days were long and their work often demanding. They usually slept in cold attic rooms and worked ‘below stairs’. When architecture changed in the 19th century, sleeping accommodation tended to be in basements or cellars, frequently damp. Some houses were built with tunnels, so that servants carrying food from the kitchen to the dining room would not be seen. The introduction of the bell-pull kept the staff away from their employers.

Romance between servants usually ended in dismissal. Loyalty was sometimes rewarded with a small pension but again the employer’s attitude made a huge difference: those who were too old to work were often sent to the workhouse.

Nick showed us many pictures of servants at work, among them a laundry maid with clearly raw hands, footmen in their 18th century livery and maids helping a lady into a crinoline by means of a special device. His talk was warmly appreciated.

Jeanette Baldry will be speaking about ‘The Servants of Abbots Hall’ at our 5th February meeting.

Local History GroupMarion Harris – Tel. 01449 770 895


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A Look-Ahead to 4th December December is approaching and we felt that some advance notice of

plans for our last meeting of the year would be useful. We are hoping that everyone can bring something of historical interest (not necessarily associated with the village) for all to see. It might be best to avoid fragile objects. Perhaps you can come up with something that tells a story. Remembering Roger Carter’s talk last year, a few mystery objects would be good! Although we have not quite worked out the best way to organise the event, please do not feel threatened: we shall not ask you to stand up and talk in front of everyone else.

Talking-Point We asked for the names of the local manors. Neil Langridge has kindly

provided the following list:

Thorney Hotot later Thorney Columbers, Thorney Campsey, Thorney Hall, Thorney Lezons, Thorney Kebles, Thorney Mumpliers with Braziers and, lastly, Abbots Hall.

Even if you own a relatively new property, one or two of these names could well appear on your deeds, tracing the ownership of the land. The deeds of our 1930s bungalow, for example, name the manors of Thorney Hall and Thorney Lezons. In the early 20th century the land was part of a large estate on the south side of the village, including Elm Farm and Oak Farm. The deeds give details of the sale of the estate in 1908 and state that the Thorney Hall part of it included “…all that close called Walter Steepings containing by estimation one acre and also certain lands called Prouds with a grove containing by estimation three acres…”

For our next ‘Talking Point’, does anyone recognise the names ‘Walter Steepings’ and ‘Prouds’ or know where those areas were, please?

ProgrammeSpeakers at our next two meetings will be as follows:Wednesday, 2nd October.

Our speaker will be Neil Langridge and his topic ‘ The Revd Hollingsworth and the Founding of Stowupland Church’.

Wednesday, 6th November. Peter Twitchett will be giving a talk about family history research.

We meet at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall. Visitors are always welcome. Refreshments are available. Admission £1 for members, £3 for non-members.

We look forward to seeing you.


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Coffee Morningat Stowupland Chapel on Friday, 25th October10.00am to 12.00noon

Everyone welcome for coffee / tea, cake and a chat.


* C L U B C O N T A C T D E T A I L SBook Group: Patricia 672 127 or Anne 01449 672 592 Baby and Toddler Group: Hannah Taylor 07788 425 725Bowls Club: John Mollett 01449 775 369 Country & Western Dance: Winston & Janet Adams 01206 501 866Dance Club: May & Paul Durham 01449 672 601Local History Group: Marion Harris 01449 770 895Short Mat Bowls: Pam Fayers 01449 770 080 Sports & Social Club: Rick Langford 01449 770 402W. I. Judy Clarke 01449 615 386Community Events Keith Welham 01449 673 185Mobile Library: 07721 879 855


Plant Heritage Suffolk grouP talk to be held at Stowupland Village Hall

at 2.30pm on

Saturday, 19th October 2013

Richard Todd, Head Gardener, Anglesey Abbey

‘Winter Gardening, a Special Beauty’The talk is free to members, with £4.00 entrance fee for non-members.

New members and non-members are most NCCPG Reg. Charity 1004009

Page 20: Telstar  October 2013



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Page 21: Telstar  October 2013


Stowupland Good neiGhbourS

A volunteer service run by residents for residentsHelpline 07591 539 621 (New Number)

Wendy Parris Committee Member

One of today’s big failings is communication and it seems to be getting worse. As my old Mum used to say the left leg doesn’t seem to know

what the right leg is doing. She herself had problems with her right leg so she had no option but to know what they were doing.

One of our biggest problems is impatience, putting the phone down too quickly and not giving people the chance to answer it. I have problems, like many of us, getting out of a chair, and it is very frustrating reaching the phone just in time for it to stop ringing. The other problem I have is garbled messages. It helps if your name and number are said slowly and clearly. This has happened to me when I have been responsible for the Good Neighbours phone and I know it can be frustrating for the caller when they don’t get the response they would like. With today’s modern communication, we seem slowly becoming a world of computers talking to computers. Whatever happened to a nice hand-written note or letter.

Clocks go back this month so you may need to check your torch batteries in case of emergencies.

On another note, don’t forget that Good Neighbours are available to ferry you to Health Centres for flu jabs. Please give us adequate notice by ringing the Good Neighbour phone: 07591 539 621.

Over 60 Club P Prentice, 01449 771 724

On 10th September we had our Harvest Service. We invited Revd Chris Wood from the U.R.C. and we thank him very much for an enjoyable

afternoon. With telling stories and light, fun songs accompanied by his guitar he made us think of all the things we should, and can, give thanks for. Well done and thanks for the well supported, and traditional, thanksgiving stall and draw to all the members.

Details were given out for our lunch on 8th October when we will be going to Thorndon Black Horse for a carvery lunch. We all look forward to dining at The Black Horse as the food is very good. The coach will pick members up at 11.15am from Maple Road, Reeds Way and then Birch Close.

See you all then,

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Book the Date OctoberTues 1 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtTues 1 Beetle Drive 2.30pm Church HallWed 2 Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Village HallWed 2 Stowupland Book Club 2.00pmWed 2 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchWed 2 Local History Group (see page 18) 7.30pm Village HallThur 3 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village HallSun 6 Three Peaks Challenge (see page 7) 11.00am The RetreatSun 6 Country & Western Dance 7.30pm Village HallMon 7 Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm URC ChapelMon 7 Dance Club 7.30pm Village HallTues 8 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtTues 8 Over 60 Club – Out to LunchWed 9 Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Village HallWed 9 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchThur 10 Parish Council 7.30pm V. H. Meeting Room Thur 10 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village HallSat 12 Music with ‘Elvis’ 8.00pm Sports & Social ClubSun 13 TELSTAR DEADLINE DATE – November issueSun 13 Country & Western Dance 7.30pm Village HallMon 14 Dance Club 7.30pm Village HallTues 15 Mobile Library 9.30am Jubilee CourtTues 15 Mobile Library 9.55am The GreenTues 15 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtWed 16 Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Village HallWed 16 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchWed 16 W.I. – Pakenham Mill 7.30pm Village Hall Thur 17 P.C. Community Events W.G. 7.30pm URC ChapelThur 17 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village HallSat 19 Barn Dance (see back cover) 7.30pm Village HallSun 20 Country & Western Dance 7.30pm Village HallMon 21 Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm URC ChapelMon 21 Dance Club 7.30pm Village HallTues 22 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtTues 22 Beetle Drive 2.30pm Church Hall

Page 23: Telstar  October 2013

Diary Dates Contact Marion by email: [email protected] or Tel: 01449 770 895.For contact details for clubs / groups etc. see page 19.


Wed 23 Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Village HallWed 23 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchThur 24 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village HallFri 25 Coffee Morning 10.00am URC ChapelSat 26 P.C. Allotments W.G. 10.00am The AllotmentsSun 27 Country & Western Dance 7.30pm Village HallMon 28 Dance Club 7.30pm Village HallTues 29 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtWed 30 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchWed 30 P.C. Footpaths W.G. 7.30pm Church HallThur 31 P.C. Finance & Policy Meeting 7.30pm URC ChapelThur 31 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village Hall

Book the Date NovemberSun 3 Country & Western Dance 7.30pm Village HallMon 4 Afternoon Fellowship 2.00pm URC ChapelMon 4 Dance Club 7.30pm Village HallTues 5 Coffee Morning 10.00am Jubilee CourtTues 5 Beetle Drive 2.30pm Church HallWed 6 Baby & Toddler Group 9.30am Village HallWed 6 Stowupland Book Club 2.00pmWed 6 Open Church 2.00pm Holy Trinity ChurchWed 6 P.C. Transport, Traffic & Safety W.G. 7.30pm Church HallWed 6 Local History Group (see page 18) 7.30pm Village HallThur 7 Short Mat Bowls 7.30pm Village Hall

Future Events in 2013Nov 8 Community Bingo

Dec 31 New Year’s Eve Party (see page 33)

If you wish to attend one of the events listed, and would like help with transport, please contact Good Neighbours on 07591 539 621 (new no.)

Page 24: Telstar  October 2013


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Suzanne Hume • S C H O O L O F D A N C E

Page 25: Telstar  October 2013


Have you noticed the mornings have a chill about them recently and no sooner have you settled

down for the evening and look outside it is pitch black and daylight has long gone. Yes, autumn is just around the corner bringing with it a bonanza of fungi in the woodland and a vast array of colours as the leaves change before they drop.

You hear a lot about foxes moving into towns and eking out an existence amid the clamour of town life at night. l was fortunate to witness this recently in Thetford. My wife and I had just left some good friends in the early hours and in the middle of the road stood a rather bedraggled looking fox, attempting to eat a recently killed hedgehog (road kill). We were in a large housing estate and it simply skulked away onto the verge until we passed. On mentioning this to another friend who lives in Ipswich he told me he has foxes in his garden and one even comes up to his patio door to watch his Alsatian dog inside.

Some butterflies are very scarce this year. I have only seen one painted lady and only a few red admirals. WhiIe walking on Wortham Ling, a small heath near Diss, I identified quite a few butterflies: small heath, common blue and speckled wood along the tree boundary also a few small copper were evident along with other heath butterflies.

On another walk nearby I was scolded by a willow tit. For some reason it took a dislike to me sitting there quietly in its territory. This is now quite a scarce member of the tit family and it was a pleasant surprise to see one. On walking a little further, I came across a large spider I had never seen before. It had a large white body with a black triangle at its centre. After checking its identification at home, it was one of the orb-web spiders, of which there are several in the British Isles. Another unusual insect I came across was, I believe, a timberman – a long horned beetle; with its distinctive antennae outstretched it is quite a magnificent beetle.

I normally leave my walks along the estuaries and mud flats until late autumn and winter but with the urge to inhale some sea air I ventured out and walked from the picnic site just down river from the Orwell Bridge and headed towards Levington. It was a glorious day and the tide was going out leaving me the option to walk on the shore line. Waders were everywhere: all the normal sightings – oyster catcher, curlew, redshank and the most black tailed godwit I have seen here, probably over one hundred birds as I strolled along. On the return journey I took the high footpath above the river and enjoyed the scenery as the tide retreated.

Countryside Rambler Brian Ward

Page 26: Telstar  October 2013

Stowupland Mountain Rescue Team Cathy Welham

As part of our ongoing training and in readiness for any emergency the team may be called to, three members took part in the 11.2 miles Girls

Night Out on Saturday, 14th September, in aid of St Nicholas Hospice in Bury St Edmunds.

Wearing specially sourced mountain rescue pyjamas (to be found in a major national retail outlet), Karen Hamilton, Danielle Hele and Cathy Welham joined 997 other pyjama clad ladies and a few men in Angel Hill. Specially chosen, owing to the altitude and challenging terrain, the walk enabled team members to test their mental strength,

ability and endurance in a rapidly cooling climate in the hours of darkness.

The organisation of the walk was first class with the presence of the Army and refreshments at regular intervals. Times between the refreshment stops reduced considerably at the thought of the topless men waiting to offer chocolates and other inducements to restore energy levels. We were entertained along the route by a variety of different music groups including a Scottish Pipe Band at the 10½ mile point, prompting dancing of indeterminate origin to the finishing line.

St Nicholas Hospice use the Girls Night Out as a major fundraiser. At the time of going to press we have raised just under £400. If you wish to make a donation the Hospice website can be found at


‘Swan Lake’ – Russian State Ballet Ipswich Regent theatre, Thursday, 13th February for the 7.30pm performance. Ticket: £27.50 plus coach fare.

Please contact Judy Clarke – Tel 01449 615 386.OUT


Page 27: Telstar  October 2013


Report Judy Clarke

The August meeting saw many fund raising activities for the Macmillan cancer charity, with a raffle, guessing the name of the Steiff bear, a

sales table and a delicious assortment of home made cakes which tempted everyone to try a slice or two. A small queue formed to sample Nicky Day’s Indian head massage, while Gillian valued items which ranged from a Chad Valley teddy bear to a silver snuff box to a Bohemian glass vase.

The usual competitions were held, with the following results: alphabet letter T – Mary M. – a Titanic serviette (purchased from the Belfast museum), Lesley – shark’s tooth earrings, Judy – toast rack. Flower of the month: Christine with a huge cultured variety of thistle, Claire – Chinese lantern, Yvonne – zinnia. With the raffle drawn and ‘Spike’ revealed as the name of the bear, Gillian thanked everyone for attending and making the evening so enjoyable. (The final figure for the charity was £160.00).

On Saturday, 7th September a party of friends and family went by coach to Southwold for the summer theatre. The play ‘Sleuth’ was brilliant and we were full of admiration for the two actors who spent two hours on stage, performing flawlessly and keeping us wondering as to the ending. Another good day and thoughts are already turning to the 2014 season!

‘…Whom we love, but see no longer’There will be a Memorial and Thanksgiving Service in Holy

Trinity Church, Stowupland, on Sunday, 27th October at 4.00pm: a service where we remember loved ones who have died. There will be an opportunity, if you would like, to light a candle in memory of your loved one(s). Many find this a very helpful occasion.

We will be sending letters of invitation to those we know of who have lost loved ones during the last two years. But all are welcome to come, no matter how long ago you were bereaved.

Have you noticed that when someone says “To make a long story short...”

it’s generally too late?

Page 28: Telstar  October 2013


The Vicar’s Letter Revd David Swales

Dear FriendsWalking the Way

It’s amazing how many well-loved hymns and songs are about journeys. Perhaps this is not so surprising: we often speak of life as a journey, with its twists and turns, with smooth going and rough, with a beginning and an end;

and, for the person of faith, with God as travelling companion and guide. And so we sing, ‘One more step along the world I go…Keep me travelling along with you’; or ‘Guide me, O thou great Redeemer, Pilgrim through this barren land’.

A Pilgrim, of course, is on a special kind of journey. For years I have reached for the image of Pilgrimage when speaking about the Christian life, both for the individual and for the church community. A Pilgrim is not aimlessly wandering, but moving to a destination; and not travelling simply to ‘get there’, but because in the very act of travelling discoveries are made, abilities are strengthened, relationships are forged. And in a Pilgrim Community there is a place for everyone: the old, who may now need support, have guidance to impart; the young, who at times need carrying, at other times will run ahead, or point out things along the way which the adults might have missed. Above all, Pilgrims need to trust God daily to guide and strengthen them.

After years of using the idea of Pilgrimage in this way, it was wonderful for me this summer to experience, for the first time, an actual Pilgrimage. Over five weeks I walked the 500 miles of the ‘Camino de Santiago’ (‘Way of St James) in northern Spain. Pilgrims have walked that route for hundreds of years, and still today it is very popular. My adventures were too many to recount here: suffice to say that I returned from the experience more sure than ever that Pilgrimage – that ‘journey with a meaning’ – remains one of the best ways to describe the Christian life!

May God guide and strengthen you on the Way.Your vicar,


A P r a y e r f o r t h e B e r e a v e dGrant, O Lord, to all who are bereaved, the spirit of faith and courage, that they may have the strength to meet the days to come with steadfastness and patience; not sorrowing as those without hope, but in thankful remembrance of your great goodness in past years, and in the sure expectation of a joyful reunion in the heavenly places; and this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Holy Trinity ChurchVicar: Revd David Swales Tel: 01449 675 503

Curate: Revd Paul Clarke Tel: 01449 672 140

Churchwarden: Mrs Ann Doubtfire Tel. 01449 770 363

Church Email: [email protected]

S e r v i c e s i n O c t o b e r 2 0 1 3October 6th 10.30am Harvest Festival at the URC

4.00pm 1st @ 4 Service – Church with a difference!

October 13th 9.30am Morning Worship and Trinity Starz

6.30pm Evensong (B.C.P.)

October 20th 8.00am Holy Communion (B.C.P.)

8.30am Morning Prayer (B.C.P.)

October 21st (Mon) 10.30am Songs of Praise at Steeple View. All welcome!

October 27th 9.30am All-Age Family Shoe Box Service

4.00pm Annual Memorial Service (B.C.P. – Book of Common Prayer)

C h u r c h G i f t D a y The time-honoured tradition of the annual Church Gift Day is

approaching. This is on Saturday, October 12th from 10.00am to 12 noon, when the whole community is invited to help with the upkeep of the structure of their local parish church.

Whatever the amount, the Church Council is extremely grateful for financial assistance to protect, repair and maintain our lovely church and make it available for baptisms, weddings and funerals, as well as social events and Sunday services.

Your donations will be put towards the ongoing challenge to repair and maintain this unique Victorian Church as we receive no help with maintenance from any other source.

Our priest, the Revd David Swales, will be at the Church Hall to welcome you, receive your gift envelopes and help serve you refreshments. We thank you for your help and interest. (see page 35)

Page 30: Telstar  October 2013

C h u r c h H a l l B o o k i n g sOur well-appointed Church Hall is available for your party, meeting or function. For bookings or for further information, please contact John & Ann Parsell on tel. 01449 672592.


1 0 0 C l u bCongratulations to the following winners

September Draw

1st 84 Mr A Stevens

2nd 69 Mr D Hall

3rd 22 Mrs R Rozier

B e e t l e D r i v e sCome along to enjoy a chat and have some fun in congenial company at the Beetle Drives which will be held on Tuesdays, 1st and 22nd October in the Church Hall. All are most welcome to join us!

Weekly Coffee ChurchHoly Trinity Church has an Open Church & Social Session from 2.00pm to 4.00pm each Wednesday. Come on in and enjoy your Parish Church, for a free cup of tea/coffee and a chat in the Church Hall, or to wait for children coming out of school, or for a quiet prayer, or just to enquire about church activities etc.

F o o d B a n k B o xIf you would like to donate items for the Food Bank to help those in need of a helping hand, we now have a box at the back of the church for you to leave your items. Thank you!

P a r i s h R e g i s t e r sB a p t i s m

We welcome into the family of Christ’s Church:

11th August Brogains Finnley Baston

W e d d i n gOur congratulations to those who

have recently married:7th September

Tony Mayhew & Eloise Firman

F u n e r a lOur love, sympathy and prayers to the families of of those who

have recently died:19th September

James Isaac Wyndam

Steeple ViewThe residents warmly invite you to join them for their Songs of Praise Service at Steeple View at 10.30am on Monday, 15th October and which is followed by a short Communion for those who wish to stay.

Holy T r in i ty Church N O T I C E B O A R D

Page 31: Telstar  October 2013

Ploughman’s LunchHow would you like to partake of an appetising lunch in congenial company, and with no washing up afterwards? Then why not come to the ploughman’s lunch in the Church Hall on Tuesday, October 15th from 12 noon. You will not be disappointed.


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Page 32: Telstar  October 2013


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Page 33: Telstar  October 2013


Page 34: Telstar  October 2013


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Page 35: Telstar  October 2013

Whatever the amount, the Church Council is extremely grateful for financial assistance to protect, repair and maintain your lovely church and make it available for baptisms, weddings, funerals and social events as well as Sunday services.

Your donations will be put towards the ongoing challenge to repair and maintain this unique Victorian Church as we receive no help with maintenance from any other source.

Please help and bring your most welcome gifts between 10.00am – 12.00noon, have a coffee and a chat.


Would you HOST an overseas student?

Could you offer someone a home far from home for just a day or two? HOST, a well-established charity, is hoping to hear from people who

enjoy making others feel at home, and who would love to meet interesting young adults from other parts of the world who are currently studying at universities in the UK, and who want to understand this country better.One host wrote: ‘It is a great to welcome these students and make them feel wanted. They get to see a good side of life in Britain in contrast to what they might learn from the media. It is also fun getting to know someone from another country.’Invitations can be for a day, a weekend, or three days at Christmas. Sharing Christmas with someone who has little idea what Christmas is can be really special – and for the guest, much better than being on a deserted university campus. Invitations are urgently needed from volunteer hosts, no matter how far they live from a university. To find out more, please see or contact local organiser David Patey 01508 483838 [email protected] Thank you.

Saturday, 26th October is the last day of British Summer Time. Remember! You need to put your clocks back one

hour ready for the morning of Sunday, 27th October.

Page 36: Telstar  October 2013


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Page 37: Telstar  October 2013


Stuck for something to do with your little ones in the October Half Term?Come join us for a fun few hours on

Friday 25th October 2013 for a Treasure HuntIt starts at 10.00am at Needham Market Community Centre

where you can collect your treasure hunt questions and route map.

It should last between 1½hours – 2½hours depending if you stop for refreshments / toilet breaks along the route.

A treasure given to each child upon completion.

If you prebook your space the cost is £2.00 per person or £5.00 for 3 people or cost on the day will be £3.00 per individual with no discount.

Contact Louise to book your space: 07428 595 354.Sponsored by Stowmarkers Netball Club


When the new session begins on the 11th September, the Boys’ Brigade will be celebrating 130 years since it’s founder Sir William Alexander Smith began the BB in Scotland 1883.

To celebrate this, we invite all former members to join with us for Afternoon Tea at the headquarters in Combs lane.

This will be held on 23rd November 2013 at 2.30pm.Numbers will be limited so please book your place as soon as possible

with Julie and David Francis on 01449 736 185.We so enjoyed seeing so many of you at the Open day last year and

hope you will join us again. If you have a child aged 5+ and you are interested in the Boys’ Brigade

and Girls Association please call our Captain Martin on 01449 672 696.

Page 38: Telstar  October 2013

From TelsTar commiTTee

Please note that the opinions expressed in letters and articles are not necessarily those of the Telstar committee or the Parish Council. We cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of material submitted for publication, however we reserve the right to include, edit or amend as we think appropriate.

Telstar is produced in good faith but errors and omissions may occur during the process of production. Please let us know if this is the case so that these errors may be corrected.


Don’t forget we openfor season 9 on

Good Friday

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nursery with over 200 varieties of perennial plants.

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Everything is full steam ahead for another busy year.

The plants are really starting to grow now with the

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Lavenders, Lupins, Phlox, and many many more.

New plants for this year include Peonies!!

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Page 39: Telstar  October 2013


Support our Village Hall

Reg.Charity No 304822

COMMUNITY BINGO£ Friday, 8th November

at Stowupland Village HallDoors open at 7.00pm Eyes Down at 7.30pm


h P



Is situated on Church Road and is available for Clubs, Groups, private parties and weddings.

Facilities include:• Large main hall • Small meeting room, ideal

for small group meetings• Kitchen area available• Licenced bar • Ample parkingFor more details please

contact our booking secretary, Hugh Blanch on 01449 612 156

Also a range of recycling facilities some of which raise funds for the village hall.

Will You Help?

The Village Hall is a well used and very good facility in the village but the Village Hall committee is presently in need of new committee members who become trustees of the Hall and also a new committee secretary.

Any volunteers for the committee would need to attend a monthly meeting on the 2nd Monday of the month.

They would also help and get involved with the running of the Hall.

The Secretary is responsible for the agenda preparing monthly meeting minutes and general correspondence.If you would like to be

involved, please contact Jerry Voden Tel. 01449 770 334 who will be pleased to hear from you.

Page 40: Telstar  October 2013


Cricket Club Bob Moore, Chairman

Four games have been played since returning from the tour of Hailsham. I can only report on two as

owing to one reason or another I missed the other two. In the game against Stradbroke it was a case of after the Lord Mayor’s show: Stradbroke scored 100 for seven with Luke Abb starring with the ball taking 4 for 44 and veteran Jeff Lewis taking 1 for 34. Then the batting: what a disaster! We were bowled out for 54, with only Gavin Johnson getting any score at all with twenty runs.

The following week we played Brantham at home and it was an entirely different story. Batting first we scored 227 for the loss of only five wickets with Tom Wray batting brilliantly for 78. He was ably supported by Dave Colbourne with 55 and Trevor Scarlett with 38. Brantham, who we knew to be a strong batting side, then set about trying to beat our score but our bowlers restricted the scoring so much they were soon behind the clock. Nathan Long bowled well to get three wickets for 32 runs and Tom Abbott 2 for 16. In the end Brantham were restricted to 151 for seven.

On a sad note David Long has decided that he will be standing down as second eleven captain as from the end of this season. Dave will be sadly missed and has done a wonderful job over the last few seasons. He has led a team of mostly young lads, ably supported by three or four elder players, and has left the club in great shape for the years to come. We look forward to Dave continuing to play and encourage the young players in the future. From all of us Dave: thank you.

We have handed over the playing area to our friends in the football section and wish them good luck for their season ahead. For us it is the presentation dinner and evening at Cedars Hotel on 18th October, when the players will be rewarded for their efforts throughout the season.

I would like to say, as usual at the end of the season, a big thank you to all who work behind the scenes; to Jo Abbott and her tea ladies who continue to do a wonderful job; to Rick and his helpers for the work on the pitch and the surrounding outfield, it always looks immaculate; to Theresa for her work behind the bar and anyone who I may have missed. A special thank you to our Sponsor, Roger Gregory. His contribution is invaluable to us and, as well as financial help, he has provided two excellent cricketing sons. Oh, and one more person I must mention: Shaun’s partner, Sue, for the ever popular curries on Wednesday midweek evenings; thanks Sue.

That’s it for this report. My next one will be after the presentation evening when I will let you know who all the award winners were. Then onto the

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Falcons Football Club Neal Smith, Chairman Mob: 0772 559 1785.

The season is off to a great start with all our Adult and Youth teams in action over the first weekend of

September. The Adult First team had an initial 1-0 away win at

Stonham Aspal and our A Team had a 3-0 home win against Shotley Reserves. Unfortunately the Reserves team first game of the season had to be abandoned due to the lack of a referee, so at the time of writing they had not started their campaign this season.

7th September was also our Club signing on day, which is a day set aside for the Club to come together and have their team photos, a couple of friendly games with other age groups in the Club and pay their subscriptions. A great start to the season and great to see all the teams in their yellow and blue kits. Thanks to all those who helped out by serving teas and burgers, as well as the Social Club for the bar.

We now have three girls teams, (U11, U12, and U16) 14 boys teams and some mixed teams playing on a Sunday. If you’d like to watch some great football on a Sunday morning, just wander over to the Village Hall and you’re bound to see two or three games going. Most games kick off at 10:30 and there are plenty of tea tables running to keep you warm on those cooler mornings, some even serving bacon rolls!

Our Youth teams got off to a great start over the first weekend of September recording four wins in the first weekend (note: Under 8 and Under 9’s are now non-competitive so we don’t count these) and not all teams got to play on the first weekend.

We continue to be very grateful to the Parish Council for use of the Green pitch and also the High School for their pitches.

Our Saturday Morning Club continues to run right through the autumn, so if any 4-11’s would like to have some free coaching, come along Saturday morning from 10.00am to 11.15am. This Club has been going for more than

winter and a long wait for another season when we will be playing in a different league. More on that next time. Before I close, a special mention of fellow Codger, Alan Clarke. He has hardly missed a game all season and has been great company. Enjoy the winter, Al, and your many holidays.

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18 years now and has produced some great footballers for our Club. So please bring your son, daughter, grandchild along. You don’t have to come every week and it is completely free.

We are continuing our search for new sponsors and any local businesses who may be interested in working with our Club, please drop me a line.

Some of our teams are still looking for players. Under 10, Under 12, Under 12 Girls and Under 17’s all have spaces and would love to hear from any enthusiastic players, at any level of ability. There are a few spaces in other teams, so please get in touch with the appropriate manager via our website.

We are starting to plan our events for the year ahead now and our BIG 5-a-side will be on June 7th and 8th, 2014. We will also be arranging a number of events through the year so look out on our website or Facebook page for details.

Bowls Club John Mollett

The season has ended and congratulations to Bob Garland and the Monday evening 2 wood

team for finishing second in their division.Malcolm’s year as President of Suffolk Bowls

Association came to an end with a bowls tour to Southsea. The tour was an outstanding event with Suffolk winning all five of their games and provided a

fitting end to an excellent year for Malcolm.The only sad note was the absence of Doreen and Terry Button. Doreen

is not very well and we all wish her a speedy recovery. She did much to make Malcolm’s year so successful.

We had our finals day on Sunday, 15th September and have our Presentation Evening on Saturday, 19th October when we hope to enjoy a fish and chip supper. Please support the club.

By the time this is published the winter work on the green should have been completed. This will be my last year of dealing with this work and this is my last contribution to Telstar. I send my best wishes to those who follow and thank all for the kindness and friendship shown to Shirley and myself over the years. We feel that it has been a great privilege to help with the bowls club and we step down with some regret. Our very best wishes for the future of the club.

John and Shlrley

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Stowupland Village

Parish Council Minutes of meetings and agendas are displayed at the Village Hall notice board (left of main entrance)

Parish Council: Chairman - Keith Welham 01449 673 185 Vice Chair - Sally Reeves 01449 612 870 Mary Bloom 01449 676 549 Morris Brand 01449 770 678 Gary Burden 07725 182 805 Roger Carter 01449 612 856 Roy Cooper 01449 674 211 Rick Hamilton 01449 775 403 Ben Miller 07765 408 001 Nic Perks 01449 774 200 Jerry Voden 01449 770 334

Clerk to the Parish Council:Rachel Godbold

1 Felix Road, IP14 4DD01449 770 660

[email protected] You can contact the Clerk as follows:

Tues – Thurs from 10.00am – 12.00noon

Mid Suffolk District Council:Caroline Byles 07515 730 097

Caroline is happy to help you with anyDistrict Council matter.

Suffolk County CouncilGary Green 07545 423 824 [email protected]

Police Safer Neighbourhood TeamPC 1443 Stefan Henriksen

Police Station, Violet Hill Road, StowmarketIP14 1NJ 01473 613 500

[email protected]

Good Neighbour Scheme: HELPLINE No. 07591 539 621 (new no.)

Village Hall Bookings: Hugh Blanch – 01449 612 156

STOWuPLAND TELSTAr11 issues per year.

Joint issue in December/JanuaryDelivered to every residence.

We welcome new residents to the village.

Articles for Telstar to:Karadene, The Green IP14 4AE


Business Advertising:Claire Pizzey

01449 677 005Email: [email protected]

adv e rt i S i n g di S c l a i m e r:All adverts are placed in good faith

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on to other publishers.

Diary Dates:Marion Harris01449 770 895

Email: [email protected]

If an event has been organised,whether a one-off or a regular one

please do not assume that everyoneknows the details, venue, date, etc.

Advertise it in Telstar

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