tenancy kemasek hainan

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  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan




    THIS AGREE ME NT is m ade thi s day of

    BET W EE N

    HEE WAN KIAN G (Nric No. : 350216- 11- 5009 ), FOO FONG @ F OO O NG !E E(Nri c No.: 3"1112 -11-5113) and !EONG EEK #$AN @ !I% &OK KI% (Nric No. :3"0902 -11-501") all as Tru stees of and for and on behal f of KE%A# EK HAINANA##O'IATIO N TE EN GGAN$ , a registered fr iendly so iety !r esently ha"in g an addr essat #$T$ %& # 'alan Air 'e rnih, %(%) * + ema se , Ter engganu -arul lman .her einafter r eferr ed toas / the 0 andlo rd/1 o f the one !art2


    FOO # $ AN W EN .Nri No$3 4)*5*67))76%56 8 4%59)961 !resen tly No, 569 A ir 'ernih,%(%)* +ema si , +e maman, Terengganu - arul Iman . hereinafter referr ed to as / the Te nant/1 ofthe other !art$

    E' I T A ! #

    )$ The 0 andlo rd is the regi stered and benefi ial o:n er of th e : hole of the !remi ses.;#remisesed hereto$

    2. The 0 andlord ha s agre ed to gran t to th e Te nant a nd th e Tenant has agr eed to ta efrom the 0andlord a tenan y of th e :hole o f the #r emise s for the duration of the termstated in #*c+io of the same Fir + #c/* * . / Term/1 tog ether : ith all th e fi>ture sand fitt ings therein and all the a essories and e?ui!m ent enumera ted in the Se ondS hedule ann e>ed her eto sub@e t to allthe terms and onditions hereinafter ontained$

    NOW IT I# HE EB AG EE as follo:s 3


    1.1 *4i i+io

    In thi s Agre ement, unless th ere is s omethin g in th e sub@e t or on te>t : hi h is i n onsistent :ithsu h onstru tion o r unless it is other:ise !ro"id ed3

    .a1 / #r emise s/ means the !r emises des ribed in Se tion ) o f the =irst S hedule ann e>edhereto and in lude s3

    .i1 all !i! es, se:e rs, drains , main s, du ts, ondui ts, gutters, :i res, ables andondui ts in, on and under the #r emises from time to time2 and

    .ii1 all ere t ions, fi>tures, fitt ings and a!! urtenan es on the # remises an d alladditions , altera tions and im!ro "e ments arrie d out dur ing the T erm2 and

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan



    .iii1 all the a essories and e?ui!ment enumerated in the #*co #c/* * anne>edhereto, but e> ludes3.I1 the Common Ar eas as herein d efined . if any1, and.II1 any fi >tures in stalled by th e Tena nt th at an be remo "e d from

    the #r emises :i thout de fa ing the # remises$

    nl ess the ontr ary is e>! ressly stated, / #r emis es/ in ludes an y !a rt or !a rts

    of the #remises$

    .b1 /Co mmo n Area s/ mean s t h e !remises des ribed in Se tion % of the =ir stS hedule anne >ed hereto $

    . 1 / #ermitted #ur!o se/ means the !ur!o se des ribed in Se tion & of the = irstS hedule anne>ed hereto$

    .d1 /Te rm/ means th e !eri od o f time stated in Se tion ( o f the =irst S h eduleanne>ed h ereto :hi h ommen es on the Commen em ent -ate and , sub@e tto th e furth er ! ro"i sions of this Agreement, e >! ires on th e E>! iry -at e$

    .e1 /C omme n ement -ate / mean s the date stated in Se tion 6.a1 of the =irstS hedule anne>ed heret o$

    .f1 /E> !ir y - ate/ means the date stated in Se tion 6.b1 of th e =irst S heduleanne >ed hereto$

    .g1 / Rent/ me ans the monthl y renta l !a yable by th e Te nant for th e tenan y of the#r emises and : hi h is in th e sum in Malaysian Ring git stated in Se tion 4 o f the=irst S hedule anne >ed h ereto$

    .h1 / Se urity -e!o sit/ mean s the sum in Malaysian Ring git stated in Se tion 9 ofthe =irst S h edule anne> ed here to : hi h is !a yable b y the Tenan t u!on thee>e ution of this Agree ment as se urity for th e due and !un tual obser" an eand ! erforman e by the Tenant o f the T enant Bs obli gations under thisAgre ement$

    .i1 / Ser"i e C harge / means th e sum in Ma laysian Ri nggit stated in Se tion 5 ofthe =irst S hedule ann e>ed hereto and : hi h is !a yable by th e Tenant for theser"i es, fa ilities and8or amen ities . if an y1 ! ro"i ded by the 0a ndlord , :h i hser" i es, fa ilities and8or amenitie s are des ribed in Se tion 5 of t he =irstS hedule , and in ludes a ny addition al sum :hi h is sti!ul ated in th at Se tion 5$

    .@1 / Interest Rate/ m eans th e rate o f interest stated in Se t ion of th e =irst S hedu leanne>ed h ereto$

    1.2 I +*r r*+ +io

    .a1 nless e>! ressly state d to th e ontrary, the e>!re ssion / this Agre ement / in ludes anydo ument su! ! lemental to or ollateral :ith th is do ument o r entered into ina ordan e :i th thi s do ument$

    .b1 Refere n es to / onsent of the 0andlord / o r : ords to similar effe t are referen esto a ! rior :r itten onsent signed by or on b ehalf o f the 0andlord and r eferen es tothe need for anythi ng to b e / a!!ro"ed by the 0a ndlord/ or :ord s to simil ar effe t arereferen es to the n eed for a !ri or :ritten a!! ro" al by or o n behalf o f the 0a ndlord $

    . 1 Any o"e nant b y the T enant not to d o an ythi ng in ludes an obligation not to a llo: or!e rmit o r suffer that thing to b e done by another ! erson$

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    !ayment and8or settlement of any outstanding har ges .in luding finesand !enalties1 due fr om the Tenant to the re le"ant authorities or utilities


    . 1 If the Se urity -e!o sit is insuffi ien t to meet su h ! ayments , the T enantmust !ay on demand .a nd :ith interest the reon1 the diffe ren e bet:een the S e urity-e!o sit and the a tual amou nt !ay able to settle al l the afor esaid sums due and o:in g$

    .6 For4*i+ r * o4 * o i+

    If this Agreemen t or the Term is te rmin ated by the 0a ndlord by re ason of the Tena ntBsbrea h or defau lt, or is terminated for any othe r reason .other than the 0andlordB sbrea h or default or in on se?uen e of the o!eration of the !r o"isions of C lause ))belo:1 , the Se urity -e!osit s hall be forfeited to the 0andlord ab solutely bu t :i thout!re@udi e to the 0andlord Bs right to laim f or damage s :ith r es! e t to any in@ury ordamage to th e #remi ses or fo r any arrear s of th e Rent and lo ss of r ental a nd otheroutstanding monie s herein o"enanted to be !aid $


    6$) t ility an d ther Ser"i es

    .a1 The Tenant must !rom ! tly !a y to the su!! liers and th e rele" ant author ities andshall ind emnif y the 0and lord against a ll harges in luding onn e ting harges .if any1 ,meter rents , de!osit s and fees for :ater, ele tri ity , gas , tele ommuni ation , se: erageand oth er ser" i es su!!lied to or onsumed by the Tenant or other:is e used or in urredin relatio n to th e #r emises by the Tenant$

    .b 1 The T enant m ust, in relation to su h utilities and ser"i es, om! ly :ith th ela: ful re?uirem ents and regulation s of the re s! e ti" e su!!lie rs and rele"a nt authoriti esand mu st indemnif y and ee! indemnified t he 0and lord against any loss or damagearising from any b rea h of or n on om!lian e :ith su h re?uir emen ts or regulation sby the Tenant$

    . 1 If any o f the harges are not m etered or a ssesse d se! arately against th e #remi ses,the 0andlord shall a!!ortion to the Tenant t he amount of h arges !a yable b y theTe nant in r es! e t of the #remise s and bill the Tenant a ordi ngly$ The Tenant mu st!ay the amount s! e ified in th e bill to the 0 andlord :ithin se"en .91 day s from th e dateof the bill$

    .d1 The Tenant mu st !ay and ontinu e to !ay th e amount s s! e ified in thi s Clau se6$) regardle ss of any se t7off , ross laim or dedu tion it may laim a gainst the0andlord and r egardle ss of an y dis!ut e :hi h may ari se bet:ee n th e !arti es out o f theterms and onditi ons of this Agreement$

    6$% Ser"i e Charge .If A!!li abl e1

    .a1 The T enant must, :ithout demand, ! ay to th e 0andlord during t he Term, inadditio n to the R ent, the S er"i e Charge$

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    .b1 Th e Se r"i e Charge shall b e ! ayable monthl y in ad" an e an d on th e same daysand in t he same mann er in :hi h th e Tena nt is re?u ired to !a y the Rent$

    . 1 If there is any in rease in any of t he outgoing s, osts and e>!en ses s! e ified inthe defmition ofSer"i e Charg e the 0andlord shall be entitled to in reas e the Ser"i e Charge a ordingly$

    .d1 The T enant must not e>er ise or see to e>er ise any right or lai m to:i thho ld ! ayment of theSer"i e Charge , or an y right or laim to l eg or e?uit able set7off : ith r es!e t to thesame$


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    4$ SE = # REMISES

    4$) #ermitted se

    The Te nant m ust use the #r emises for the #ermi tted se o nly o r, :it h the ! rior onsent of the0 andlord . : hi h onsent m ay be granted or :i thheld as the 0 andlord d eems fit :ithoutassignin g any rea son therefor1, for the o!eration of su h business of th e Tenant as may la:fu lly

    and legi tima tely b e arried o n there in$

    4$% #rohibitions

    .a1 The Tenant must n ot use th e #remises for the ! ur!o se of any trade or business othe rthan that ! ermitted u nder Clause 4 $) ab o"e$

    .b1 The Tenant must not use the #remises as s lee! ing a ommo datio n or for residentia l!ur!oses or ee! any animals on th em$

    . 1 The Tenant mu st no t use the #r emises f or a ny illegal, immoral or im !r o!er ! ur! ose$ .d1The Tenant must not ho ld any au tion o n the #r emises$.e1 The Tenant mu st not do in or on th e #remise s anything : hi h might onstitute abrea h of any :ritten la : in for e for the time bein g affe ting the #r emises$


    9$) Te nant to Com!l y

    The Ten ant o"e nants :ith the 0andlo rd to ob ser"e and ! erform the re?uirements of this C lause9 and as :ell as all other re? uirements on his ! art in this Agreement ontained$

    9$% Assignment

    .a1 The Te nant must not assig n or sublet or !a rt :ith ! ossessio n o f the #remises or any !a rtthereof or ! ermit another to o u!y th em or any !art there of : ithou t the !rio r onsen t of t he0a ndlord$

    .b 1 The 0 and lord sh all be entitled to im! ose su h onditions as he deems fit :hengranting his onsent u nder sub7 lause .a1 abo" e$

    9$& -amage

    .a 1 The Te nant must not ommit any :aste and mu st not d amage or allo: to be damagedthe #remis es or any ! art thereo f2 in the e"ent o f su h damage the Tenant m ust forth:ith notifythe 0and lord o f the same and mus t imm ediately ma e good su h damage a t the Te nantBs o:n

    ost and e>! ense$

    .b1 F ithout ! re@udi e to the generality of sub7 lause . a1 abo"e, the Tenant m ust not utmaim or in@ure, or ! ermi t or suffe r to be ut maimed o r in@ured, a ny of the :a lls or any other!arts of the # remises or uni te the #r emises :i th any ad @oining !r emises$

    9$( Alterations

    .a1 The Te nant must not ma e any s tru tural or o ther al terations or addi tions to the #remisesunless he fi rst3

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    .i1 ma es an a!!l i ation t o th e 0an dlord for onsent, su!!orted by dra:in gs and :h erea!!ro ! riate a s! e ifi ation !re!ared by an ar hit e t, or a member of som e othera!!ro ! riate !rofe ssi

    7on, :ho must th e :or throu ghout to om!l etion2


  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


    . ii1 obtains th e onsent o f the 0andlo rd, :hi h onsent shall be at t he 0an dlordBsabsolute dis retion$

    .b1 Fhere onsent is gi"e n by the 0a ndlord und er this C lause 9$( for th e e>e ution ofany alterati on or add ition to the #r emises , the T enan t must obtain the a!!ro "a l or! ermission of t he om! etent authority and others ne essary for the e>e ution of th e saidalterations and additions and mus t om!ly :ith th e regulations by e7la:s and other

    re?uirement s !r es ribed b y su h om!e tent authori ty or other ! ersons eith er generallyor in res! e t of the s! e ifi : or s underta en in su h alteratio ns or additi ons a nd m ustnot ause any in on"e nien e, nu isan e or dama ge o f any i nd to any o:ner of anad@oining !ro!e rty or to any ad@oining !ro! erty$

    . 1 All the !ro " isions ontain ed in thi s Clau se 9 $( shall b e om!lied :it h at thesole ost and e>!en se of the Ten ant$

    .d1 =or a"oidan e of doubt , nothing in this Clau se 9$( shall b e onstrued to !e rmitthe Tenant to ! enetrate, disturb , damage or int erfere : ith an y eleme nts of thestru ture of the #remises .in lud ing but not limi ted to any : all the sub@et of anyeasement affe t ing the #r emises1 :hi h !ro"ide any form of su!!ort to the #remi ses o rto any ad@oining building$

    9$6 % i +* c* * ir

    .a1 The Tenant must !aint the inside and outside of the #remi ses in a good and: or manli e manner and :ith a!!ro!ria te !aint of good ?uality to th e reasonabl esatisf a tion o f the 0andlord $

    .b1 The !ainting must b e done as o ften as i s ne essary in orde r to maint ain a highstandard of d e orati" e finish and attra ti " eness throughout the dura tion o f the Term an d at th eend o f the Term$ Any hange in the olours of the !a ints use d and in th e ! atte rns of thede oration m ust be a!!ro" ed by the 0andlo rd, : hose a !!ro"al mu st not b e unreasonabl y:i thheld$

    . 1 The Tenant must also ee! the : hole of th e #r emises and all th e 0andlord Bs fittings andfi>tures and e?ui!m ent th erein . if an y1 and all im!ro " ements a nd addi tions the reto by the0 and lord o r the Ten ant in good and substanti al re!air and ondi tion through out th e Term$

    .d1 Th e Ten ant must r e!la e or ren e: all th e 0andlord Bs fi>tures a nd fi ttings and e ?u i! mentin the #remises : hi h ar e, through normal usa ge, bey ond re! air or br o en at a ny time durin g orat the e nd o f the Term $

    .e1 In the e " ent of any brea hes of thi s Clause 9$6 the Ten ant mu st indemnify t he0 andlor d agains t the osts of remedying any su h brea hes$

    9$4 ! or 7 i8/+ +o I *c+

    .a1 The T enant mu st ! ermit th e 0 andlord and hi s duly au thori sed agen ts at all reasona bletimes of the da y to e nter u!on the #re mises and u!on any addition th ereto3

    .i1 to in s!e t the state o f re!air and ondition o f the same an d

    .i i1 to as ertain th at there h as been no brea h or n on7 om! lian e by the T enant in res!e tof any of hi s o"enants herein onta ined$

    .b1 The 0 andlord ma y, after su h in s! e tion, gi"e to th e Tenan t a noti e s!e ify ing there!airs and other : or s re ?uir ed to be arri ed out in order to rem edy any brea h of th e TenantBs

    o"enants herein$

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    . 1 If the 0 andlo rd ser" es u!on th e Tenan t su h a ti e, the Tenan t must !r o eeddiligen tly :ith the e>e ution of su h re!a irs and other :o r s$//

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    .d1 If :ithin ten .)*1 days aft er the ser"i e of su h noti e the Tenant fails toe>e ute the re!airs and8or oth er : or s s! e ified in the n oti e or is not ! ro eedingdiligen tly :ith them , the 0an dlord shall be en titled .b ut :ith out ! re@udi e to a nyother remedies of the 0and lord hereund er1 to enter u!on th e # remise s :i th or :i thout: or men a nd e>e ute su h re! airs and othe r : or s the osts : hereof shall b e a debtdue from the Ten ant to the 0an dlord and sha ll be fort h: ith !a id by the Tenant to th e0andlo rd$

    .e1 F ithout ! re @udie to any other ri ght of th e 0 andlord hereund er, the0andlor d may in h is dis retion at any time a!!ro! riate and a! !l y so mu h of theSe urity - e!o sit in !ayme nt for the os ts of su h re!air s and oth er : or s$

    .)1 In th e e" ent that th e 0an dlord a!! ro!r iates any a mount from the Se uri ty -e! osit!ursuant to sub7 lause . e1 abo" e the Tenant mu st :i thin se"en .91 days a fter the re ei!t o f ademand by the 0andlord r einstate the Se urity - e!o sit by !a ying to the 0a ndlo rd the amounta!!r o!r iated $

    9$9 Nuisan e, No ise and bstru tion

    .a 1 The Tenant mu st not do u!on th e #remis es anyth ing : hi h in the o ! inion of the0and lord may be o r be ome a nu isan e or a nnoyan e to or : hi h i n the o! inion of the 0andl ordmay in an y : ay interf ere :ith the ?uiet en@oyment and8or omfort of the oth er re sidents oro u! ants in the building s or !remi ses a d@oining or ad@a ent to or nearby the #r emises$

    .b 1 The Tenant must no t install or use in o r u!on the #remi ses any ma hinery or a ! ! aratus

    .other than usua l offi e ma hine ry1 that : ill ause noi se or " ibration th at an be hea rd or felt innear by ! remises or out side the #r emises$

    . 1 The T enant mu st not ause a ny obstru tion u!on an y a ess roads or r ight of : ayleading to th e #remises or the buildin gs or !re mises ad @aent to or a d@oining the #remi ses andmust not do a nything : hi h im! edes or !r e" ents a ess to or egress from th e buildin gs or! remises ad @a ent to or ad@oining the #r emises by th e !a r ing of "e hi les of any ind in ludingmotor7 y les, s ooters, bi y les or an y other fo rm of trans!ort or by the de!o siting of anygoods or o ther thi ngs u! on su h a ess roads or rig ht of :ay $

    9$5 A ts Affe tin g Insuran e

    .a1 The Tenant must n ot do an ything :h ereby any !oli y o r !oli ies of insur an e ta enout b y the 0 andlord on th e #remises may be ome " oid or " oidable or : hereb y the !remiumthereon ma y be in reased and must ma e good all dama ges suf fered by the 0andlord a nd mustre!ay to the 0a ndlord on dema nd all sums !aid by th e 0an dlord by :a y of in rease d ! remiumsand all e>!e nses in urred by the 0 and lord in or abo ut any rene:a l of su h !o li y or !ol i iesrendered n e essary by a brea h or non7obser"an e of thi s o"enant :ithout ! re@udi e to theother rights of the 0a ndlo rd h ereunder$

    .b1 The Te nant must not store on t he #re mises or brin g onto them anything o f as!e ially ombustible, infl ammab le o r e>!lo si"e natur e, and mu st om!ly : ith the re?u irementsand r e omm enda tions o f the fi re authori ty and the reaso nable re ?uirements of the 0 andlord asto fire !r e autions relating to th e #r emises$

    . 1 The T enant mu st not o bstru t the a ess to any fire e?ui !me nt or the means of es a! efrom the#remises or lo any fire door : hile the #r emises a re o u! ied$

    .d1 The Tenant must gi" e immed iate noti e to th e 0andl ord o f any e" ent that mi ghtaffe t any insuran e ! oli y on or relating to the #remise and of a ny e"ent against :hi h th e0andlord might ha" e insured under this Agreemen t$

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    9$ "erloading

    .a1 The Tenant mu st not at any time bring into o r ee! or !l a e or all o: to remai non th e # remis es any fi>ture or fitting or thing : hi h in th e o!inion of th e 0and lord mighto"e rload the stru ture or any ! art of the #r emises or ause stru tural str ess or dama geto the #re mises o r any !art of thereof$

    .b1 The T enant must not at any time in stall in, u se or o! erate on th e #remises any!l ant, e?ui!ment or other a!!aratu s :hi h in the o!inion o f the 0and lord mig ht ausestru tural stress or damage to the #remi ses or any !art of thereof$

    . 1 In the e"ent of an y brea hes of thi s Clau se 9$ the T enant mu st inde mni fy th e0 andlor d aga inst the osts of re!airing any dam age resulting from su h bre a hes$

    9$)* #o:er #oints, et

    .a1 The T enant mu st not in rease th e numb er of ! o:e r ! oints or ad d to theele tri ables :ires s :it he s @un tions or other a!!aratus in th e #remises or installadditional :a ter !i!e s ondui ts or mains in the #r emises :ithout the !rior a!!ro"al o fthe 0andl ord, : hi h a!!r o" al shall b e a t the 0andlordBs absolute dis retion $

    .b1 The Tenant must not ere t any !ole or ma st or in stall an y able o r :ire onany ! art of the#remis es, : hether in onne tion : ith tele ommuni at ions or other :is e$

    9$)) se of A!!aratus

    The Tenant must not use any o f the 0andlo rdBs e?ui!m ent, ma hinery and ot hera!!a ratus both in the #remi ses and in th e Common Ar eas for an y !ur!o se other thanthose fo r :hi h they : ere onstru ted and must no t misuse any su h e? ui!me nt,ma hinery and o ther a! ! aratus a nd in th e e"ent of any im!ro!er u se or misu se of anyof tho se thing s by th e Tenant, hi s ser"ant s, agents, em!loyees, li ensees or in"itee s theTenan t must ind emni fy th e 0 andlord a gainst all the loss a nd damag e in urred by the0andlord .in luding the o sts of re!airin g any damage resulting to any of those thing s1as a result of su h im!ro! er use or mi suse and on demand m ust !ay the full amountof su h loss and dama ge to the 0andlord$

    9$)% -is!osal of Rubbish, et $

    .a1 The Tenant must not dis!os e of or dis harge any !rohibited subs tan einto the s in s, baths, la"atori es, isterns , drain s or other !la es in the #r emises and inthe e"ent of a ny brea hes of this Clau se 9$)% all osts and e>!ens es f or an y of there!air s or remedial ste!s o r a tions rendered n e essary b y su h brea hes a nd all! enalties in urre d or losses sustaine d by t he 0andlord in onse?u en e thereof shallbe !aid for and borne b y the Tenant ab solu tely$

    .b1 The !rohibited sub stan e referred to in sub7 lause .a 1 abo" e shall in lude an yrubbish or trade effluent s or any no>iou s or d eleterious matter or sub stan e : hi h, if s odis!osed or dis ha rged, might ause any blo age or damage or be ome a sour e ofdanger or i n@ury t o th e main s e:erage or :a ste di s!osal or drainage syste ms :ith in

    the #r emises or oth er: ise ser"i ng the same or : hi h might be in br ea h of anyla:s or r egula tions relating to the dis! osal o r treatm ent o f trad e effluent s or no>i ousor d eleteriou s ma tter or substan e$

    9$)& Sanitation

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    .a1 The Tenan t must at all time s ee! the #remi ses lean and in a !r o! er andsanitary ondition$

    .b1 The Ten ant must not ! ermit any rubb ish, re fuse, debris or o ther materi alsto olle t or a umula te :ithin o r in the " i inity of the # remises$

    . 1 The Tenant must a t its o:n ost ee! the

    #remises " ermin and mu st not ause or allo: the#remises to throu gh s u h inf estation $

    e and lear of ! ests, inse ts,

    roden ts and a sour e ofinfestation or a healt h ha ard


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    9$)( -is!lays, Signboards, et $

    .a1 The Tenant must not ere t, affi> or e>hibit any dis!la y or any signboard orad" ertisement : hi h may b e "i sible from the outside of the #remi ses :i thout the !ri or

    onsent o f the 0a ndlord$

    .b1 The !rohibition ont ained in sub7 lause .a1 abo"e shall not a!!ly t o su h

    reasonable di s! lays or signboards as the Tenant may b e re?uired by la: to affi> ore>hibi t$

    . 1 Fher e the 0andlord has onse nted to th e e re ting, affi>ing ore>hib iting of any dis !l ay o r signboard or ad"erti sement, or :her e sub7 lause .b1 isa!!li abl e, the Tenant m ust : hene"er ne essary obtain the !ermis sion of the rele " antauthoritie s and mus t !ay a ny fees or harges !ayable for the ere ting, afft >ing ore>hibitin g of su h di s!la y or sign board or a d"e rtisement . as the as e may be1$

    .d1 The 0andlord may, at the Tenant Bs ost, remo"e any d is!lay, si gnbo ard orad"ert isemen t : hi h ontra " enes this Clau se 9 $)( and may if ne essary ent er the #r emisesto do so$

    9$)6 bser"an e of 0a:s , ye70a:s, et $

    .a1 The Tenant mu st ob ser"e and om!ly :ith the !ro"i sions of all la :s bye7la:s,rules an d regulation s :hi h are no: in for e or :hi h might h ereafter be ena ted affe ting the#remis es or the us e thereof by the Tenant and must not do or suffer or !ermit to be doneanything in or near th e #r emises :hi h mi ght ontra "e ne and8or br ea h an y la:, bye7la:, lo alstatute o r regulation or :hereby the 0andlord is o r might be e >!o sed to ! enalty, fine and8orforfei ture o r might in ur any lo sses under any su h !ro " isions $

    .b1 The Tenant mus t at all times her eafter ind emnify and e e! the 0an dlord ind emnifi edagainst all a tions laims o sts and e >!en ses dema nds and !ro eedings :h atsoe"e r in res!e tof any a t matter or thing done or omitt ed to be done in ontra" ention of any o f the! ro" isions of su h la:s by e7la:s, rules and regulations$

    . 1 The Tenant must gi "e to th e 0andlord full ! arti ular s of any no ti e, dire tion, o rder or!ro!osa l relatin g to the #remi ses ma de, gi" en or is sued to the Tenant or other:isedeli" ered to t he #remise s by any go"ernment or lo al or oth er authority or ourt :ith inse" en .91 days of re ei!t or d eli"ery, and if so re?u ested by the 0andlord shall fo rth:i th!rodu e the s ame to th e 0andlord $

    .d1 The Tenant must :ithout delay ta e all ne essary ste! s to om!l y :ith su h not i e,dire tion or order or , at the ele tion of the 0andlord , but at the T enantBs o:n ost, to ma e or

    @oin:i th the 0andlo rd in ma ing an y ob@e tion or re!re sentation th e 0andlo rd d eems e>!edi entagainst or in res! e t of an y noti e, dire tion, ord er or !r o!o sal$

    9$)4 A!!li ation for 0i en es , et $

    .a1 The Te nant must a!!l y forth:ith to th e a!!ro!riate au thorities f or a ll ne essary li en es!e rmi ts or onsent to o!erate the Tenant Bs busine sses .insofar as su h bu sinesses are arriedon in or from the #remise s and insofar as su h bu sinesses a re !ermitt ed by this Agre ement to

    be so arried on1 and for th e entire duration of the T erm mu st obtain th e rene:al of the s aidli en es !ermits or onsent .as the ase may be1, all a t the T enantBs sole osts a nd e>!enses$

    .b1!ermit s and onsen t obtainedby the

    as and :hen re?uir ed o! ies of all su hli en es, !ur suan t to this Clause 9$)4$

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    9$)9 TenantBs Indemnity

    The Tenant must hold and ee! th e 0and lord fully indemnified from and against allosts, losses or damag es and liability in res!e t of in@ury or damage to !erson or !ro! erty

    .in luding in@ury or damage to the #remises and ad@oining and ad@a ent !ro!erties1:hi h may be suffered from th e a t, negle t or default o f the Tenant .or of any! erson at the #remi ses e>!r essly or b y im!li ation :ith his autho rity or for :hom

    the Tenant is res!onsible1 or from any im!ro!er or ill egal use of the #remises or fromany brea hes of any a!!li able li en e or any rele"ant la: s, bye7la:s , lo al statutes orregulations$ Thi s o" enant to indemnify shall in lude an indemni ty in re s! e t of alla tions, laims , osts and e >!ense s, demands and !ro e edings for or r elating to an y orall of the aforesaid $

    9$)5 Se urity of #remises

    The Tenant mu st at all tim es ee! the #r emise s and any !ro! erty ontained thereinsafe and guarded against theft or burglary and the Tenant shall be liabl e for any lossor dama ge to th e #remises in the e " ent of a theft or burgla ry$

    9$) #ayment of Additional Rates, et $

    If the rates, asse ssments , ?uit rent or other im!ost s le" ied and im!osed by th e lo alor othe r go" ernmental authority u!on or in re s!e t o f the #r emises imm ediately!rior to th e Commen ement -ate is in rea sed due !rin i! ally to the use of the#r emise s by the T enant or th e nature of the T enantBs business or business es arriedthereon, the Tenant must on demand !ay to the 0andlord, o"er and abo"e the Rent , thefull amount of su h in rease $

    9$%* Interest on Arrears

    .a1 Th e Tenant must !ay interest, both before and after any @udgment , at the InterestRate on 3

    .a1 any of the Rents and Ser"i e Charge s :hi h are not !aid b y the du e date: hether formally demanded or not2 and

    .b1 all other sums du e under this Agreem ent tha t are not !aid by the due date or , inases :h ere su h sums a re !ayable on demand , after the ser" i e of a formal d emand for

    su h sums $

    .b1 The T enantBs obli gation to !a y the out standing amount on the date it b e omesdue for ! ayment is not affe t ed by sub7 lause .a 1 abo"e and the Tenant is notentitled to : ithhold or dela y !ayment of any amount :hi h has be ome due under thisAgreement and sub7 lause .a1 abo"e do es not !re" ent the 0andlord from re o"eringfrom th e Tenant su h out standing amounts o r from e>e r ising any oth er rights or!o : ers :hi h he might h a"e under this Agreem ent as a onse?uen e of any amountnot being !aid :hen due$

    9$%) 0andlordBs Rights

    The Tenant must ! ermit the 0andlord to e >er ise any of the right s grant ed to him by" irtue o f the !ro"isions of this Agreement at all time s during the Term :ithoutinterru!tion or inte rferen e$

    5$ 0AN-0 R-BS C DENANTS

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    5$) 0andlordBs Co"enants

    The 0andlo rd agrees and o"enants:ith this Clause 5 $

    enant to ob ser"e a nd ! erform the re?uirement sof

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    5$% #ayment of Rates, et $

    Sub@e t to and :ithout !re@udi e to the !ro"isions of Claus e 6 and Clau se 9$)abo"e, the 0andlo rd shall must all rate s, ta>es and oth er ou tgoings f alling due inres!e t of the #remis es during the ontinuan e of th e Term in ludin g3

    .a1 the rent due to the Stat e Authority 2

    .b1 any other outgoing s : hi h, by " irtue of any :r itten la: fo r the time being infor e, is !ayable e> lusi"ely by the 0andlord as regist ered o:ner o f the #remi ses$

    5$& Juiet En@oyment

    If the T enant !ays the Rent !un tually and obser"es the o " enants and sti!ulation son the TenantBs !art herein on tained the 0andlo rd must !ermit the Ten ant to! ea efully hold and en@oy the #remis es during the T erm : ithout i nterru!ti on by th e0 andlord or any ! erson la:fully laiming und er or in tru st for th e 0 andlord $

    5$( Maintenan e of Main Stru ture

    The 0andlord mu st maintain and ee! the mai n s tru ture of th e #r emis es in goo d andtenanta ble re!air and ondition throughout the Term h ereby grant ed$

    #ro"ided Al:ays that : here re!air under th is o" enant shall b e ome ne essary byreason of the negligen e of the T enan t or of any !er son a t the #r emises e >!r essly or byim! li ation :ith his authority or for :hom the Tenant is res!on sible then th e 0andlordshall arry out su h re!airs a t the TenantBs sole ost and e>!en se$

    5$6 Insuran e

    .a1 The 0andlord must insure and ee! insur ed th e #remise s again st loss ordamage b y f ire and su h other aus es as the 0andlord may d eem ne es sary .unle ss theinsuran e is " itiated b y any a t of th e Tenant or b y any !er son at th e #r emises e >!r ess lyor b y im!li ation :ith his authority or for :hom the Tenant is res!onsible1 $

    .b1 The in suran e shall b e e ffe ted :ith su h substantial and re!u table ins uran eoffi e, or :i th su h under:rite rs, and throu gh su h agen y as the 0and lord de ides fromtime to time$

    . 1 Nothing in this Clau se 5$6 shall re?uire th e 0 andlord to insure a gainst3

    .i1 loss of rent ari sing from the #r emises being d amag ed by an insured ris 2

    .ii1 any loss or damage or de stru tion to the TenantBs as sets or !ro!erty i n the#remi ses$

    5$4 Ser"i es

    .a1 Sub@e t to the Tenant !aying the Ser"i e Charge and ob ser"ing and!erforming the o" enants and other terms of this Agr eement and sub@e t also to sub7

    lause .b 1 belo:, the 0an dlord must !erform or !ro"ide the ser"i es fa ilitie s andamenitie s .if an y1 stated in Se tion 5 o f the =irst S hedule anne>ed hereto throughoutthe Term $

    .b1 The 0andl ord is entitled at an y time and from time * time to sus! end all o r any ofthe ser"i es fa ilities or amenitie s as the 0andlord d eems fi the !ur!o se of arrying outre!a irs a nd8or

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    other :or s of maintenan e$7



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    $ RIS+S = -AMAGE

    $) u! y at Ris of Tenant

    .a 1 The Tenant s hall o u! y and use the #r emises a t the r is s of th e Tenant andthe 0and lord shall not be res !ons ible to the T enant, the Ten antBs ser"an ts, agents,in"itees or li ensees for any damag e in@ury or lo ss :hi h may at any ti me during th e

    Term b e aused to o r suffered by the Te nan t or su h oth er ! ersons as afo resaid oraused to any !r o! erty o r good s of the Tenan t or of s u h other ! ersons as afor esaid inor abo ut the # remises unless su h in@ury or loss is aused or brou ght about by an ydelib era te a t or : ilful d efault on th e !art of the 0a ndlord or the 0 andlordBsser"ant s or agent s or any !er son for :hom the 0 and lord is res! ons ible$

    .b 1 In am! lifi ation and not in derog ation of sub7 lause .a1 abo" e, the0andlo rd : ill not be res!on sible to the Te nant , the Te nant Bs ser" ants , agen ts, i n" iteesor li ensees for any da mage in @ury or loss arising out of o r aused by 3

    .i 1 any defe t in the #remise s or a ny defe ts in an y a! ! lian es !i!es able sa!! aratus !l ant or other ma hinery in o r inst alled f or the ! ur!o ses of the #remise sor the Common Ar eas or the defe ti"e : or ing sto !!a ge brea age fa ilure orineffe tu al o! eration of su h a! !li an es ! i! es ables a ! ! aratus ! lant o r other ma hinery2or

    .ii1 any a t omi ssion or n egligen e of any ! erson underta ing any of theser"i es o r fa ilities o r amenities ! ro" ided by the 0 andl ord und er this Ag reement o ren@oyed by the Tenant in on@un tion :ith th e #remi ses or the failure or int erru!tionof any of su h se r" i es or fa ilities or am enities2 or

    .iii1 the failur e or interru!tion of su!!l y of ele tri ity or oth er su!!l ies to the#r emises or th e burst ing of : ater ! i!es and8or tan s or th e o"e rflo : of :at er to or fro many !art or ! arts of the #r emises$

    . 1 The Tenant agree s to and mu st ee! the 0andl ord ind emnified against a llliability in res! e t of all and any a tions, laims , dema nds and ! ro eedings : hatsoe" erarising out of all or any of the matt ers referred to in thi s Clause u nless it is aused orbrought about by any deliberat e a t or :ilful d efault on t he ! art of the 0andlord or th e0 and lord Bs ser"an ts or agent s or a ny !erson fo r :hom the 0andlord is res!on sible$

    )*$ INS RANCE

    )* $) Insuran e for #ubli Ris s

    The T enan t must ta e out and maintain : ith a re!u table insuran e om!a ny an insuran e!oli y or !ol i ies o"ering liability to th e Tenan tBs ustomers, guests, "isi tors or anyother ! ersons oming on to th e #r emises in onne tion : ith th e Te nan tBs bu siness orothe r:ise for death ! ersonal in @ury or damage t o !r o! erty .o ther than th e Te nan tBs!ro ! erty1 aused b y3

    .a1 defe ts in th e #remi ses or in the a!!lian e s a!! aratu s or e?ui !m ent use d

    or installed therein and

    .b1 any omission or neg ligen e of the Tenant o r of any ! ersons in theTenan tBs em!loyment in or about th e #remi ses or in th e ourse o f the TenantBs business$

    ) *$% Terms of Insuran e

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    The insur an e !oli y or !oli i es s hall3

    .a1 .b1 be ta en out in th e @oint names of the Tenan t and the 0 andlord2

    ! ro" ide fo r a mi nim um o"e r of RM& *,***$** for ea h a ident,laim or e "e nt or s u h other amount as the 0a ndlord ti!u late fr om

    time to tim e2


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    then the R ent !ay able hereunde r or a fair !ro!ortion th ereof a ording t o the e>tentand nature of th e damage sust ained shall b e sus!ended until th e #remis es or theaffe ted !art shall ha"e been so fa r re!air ed by the 0and lord as to e nable the s ame to b efit for o u! ation an d use$

    )) $% Rebuilding or Rein statement

    .a1 In the e"ent of su h destru tion or dama ge, the 0andlord ma y, but shall notbe obliged or om! elled to , rebuild or rein state the #remi ses$

    .b1 If th e 0 andlord de ides to rebuild or reinst ate the #r emises, the 0 andlordshall as s oon as it is reasonably !ra ti able .but in any e" ent no t later than fourteen. )( 1 days after the des tru tion or dama ge1 notify the Te nant a ordin gly and shallthen om!let e all the rebu ilding o r reinst ateme nt :or s : ithin si > .4 1 months fromthe date of the damage or de stru tion2 if no su h noti e is gi" en or, ha"in g beengi"e n, the rebuilding o r reinstatement : or s are not om!let ed :ithin th e said si>7month !eriod , the 0an dlord sha ll be deemed to ha"e ele ted not to rebuild or reinstat ethe #remis es and th e !ro "isi ons of Clause )) $& shall then a!! ly a ordin gly$

    ))$& 0andlord Not Rebuilding

    If the 0 andlord d e ides not to rebuild or reinstate the #remises and gi"es noti e to theTe nant to that eff e t, then3

    .a1 this Agre ement shall t erminate and be of no furth er ef fe t and the Renthereby reser"ed shall ea se an d determin e from the time of su h destru tion o rdamage a s aforesaid2 and

    .b1 the Tenant shall !ea eably and ? uietly l ea" e and s urrende r to the 0an dlord" a ant !o ssession o f the #remi ses2 and

    . 1 the Se urity -e!osit shall be r efund ed to the Tenan t by the 0andl ord freeof in terest.le ss su h dedu tions th erefrom a s !ro "i ded fo r in Clau se 6 a bo"e 12

    .d1 the Tenant shall not be entitl ed to any om! ensati on from t he 0an dlordfor t he termination of this Agreement$

    ) )$( Insuran e Money Irre o"erable

    If the #remi ses or any !art thereo f is de stroyed or damag ed by fire or by any othe rause an d if be aus e of any a t or default on th e !art of th e Tenant or an yone a t the

    #r emises e> !r essl y or by im!li at ion :i th hi s authori ty or fo r :hom the Tenant isres! onsible the ! oli y or ! oli ies of insuran e effe ted by the 0andlo rd on th e#remis es !ursu ant to the 0 andlordBs ob ligations herein h a"e been or :i ll be "itiatedor the ! ayment of the !re miums t herefor refu sed i n : hole or in !art a nd the in suran emon ey thereunder i s rend ered : holly or ! artly irre o"e rable, then the Ten ant mu st, inaddition to the Rent , either3

    .a1 !ay to th e 0andlord on demand the amount o f the insura n e money : hi h

    is so irre o"erable or

    .b1 ! ay to the 0 andlord on d emand the : hole o r . as the ase may be1 a fair!r o!ortion o f the ost of r ebuilding and8o r reinstatement of th e #remi ses ,

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    as the 0and lord shall e le t, and :it h int erest thereon , but : ithout ! re @udi e to the0andlo rdBs ri ght to re o"e r from the Ten ant any oth er loss r damage in urred orsustai ned by him b y reason of su h a t or default$

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    )%$ EFA$! T AN FO FE IT$ E

    )%$) *4 +


    .a1 the Rent o r the Ser" i e Charge or any ! art of it is in arrear s and un!aid after the dat e

    the same has be om e due and ! ayable .:hether formall y demand ed or not1 2or

    .b1 the Tenan t ommits a br ea h of an y other !ro " ision o f this Agree ment or there is anybrea h non 7! erforman e or non 7obser" an e of any of th e other o" enants oragreements on the !art of the Te nan t herein ontained 2 or

    . 1 the Tenant defaults in th e ! ayment of an y mon eys .oth er than R ent or Ser"i e C harge1o:i ng to the 0an dlord und er this Agre ement aft er :ritt en dema nd for !ayment h as beenmade by th e 0 andlo rd on th e Tenant 2or

    .d1 the T enant fail s to om!l ete any of the r e!a irs re?u ired by any noti e gi" en by the0andlord und er Clause 9$4 abo "e :i thin the tim e s!e ified in the noti e2 or

    .e1 the Tenant enters into any arra ngement or om!os ition for th e benefit of his reditor sor suff ers any di stress or e>e ution to b e le" ied against his g oods2

    .f1 :here the Tenant is a or!ora tion, th e Tenant eases or threat ens to ease toarryon business o r goe s into li?uidation : hether " olunt ary or other:i se or i s : ound u! or if a

    li?u idator or re ei " er .in both ases : hether !ro "isi onal o r other:i se1 is a!!ointed2 or

    .g1 :he re th e Tenant is a or! oration, the Te nant i s !l a ed und erli?uidat ion or re ei"e rshi! or a re ei"er or li?u idato r .:hether !ro " isional o r other:i se1 isa!!ointed unde r or !ursua nt to th e ! ro" isions of th e Com! anies A t )C46 or other:is e2or

    .h1 :her e the Te nant is a or!ora tion, an o rder is made or a re solut ion is !as sedfor the :indin g u! of the T enant .e > e!t for the !ur!o se of re onstru tion o r amalgam ation:i th the on sent o f the 0andlord :hi h onsent shall n ot be unreasonabl y : ithheld12or

    .i1 : here the Tenan t is an indi "i dual, the Tenant h as an ad@udi ation order or a re ei"in gorder made again st him or h as ban ru!t y !ro eedings omm en ed against him 2or

    .@1 the interest of t he Tenant und er this Agr eemen t is ta en in e >e ution2 THEN the0 andlord ma y in additi on to it s other !o : ers either3.i1 in any of the a ses rela ting to br ea h o f o"enant or a greem ent . in luding a brea h of orin"ol"in g the o" enant to !a y the R ent1 : here th e brea h is a!abl e of being remedied , the0andlord shall be entitled to all u!on th e Tenant b y noti e in :riting to ma e good or rem edyany s u h brea h in ?uestion insofar a s the sam e shall b e a!ab le of r emedy and if th e Tenantfails to om! ly : ith su h noti e :i thin se"en .9 1 days from the date of ser"i e thereo f thisAgreem ent sh all be deemed to ha" e been termina ted forth :i th and all righ ts of th e Te nan thereunder e>tinguis hed but : ithout ! re @udi eto any of the rights of th e 0 andlord h ereunder2

    . ii1 in any of the oth er remaining ases . that is t o say , ases : here the brea h is nota!able of being remedi ed1 this Agreement shall u!on the ha!! ening of an y o f su h e"ents and

    after :ritten noti e thereof b eing gi "e n by the 0 andlord to the Tenant t o that effe timm ediately ease and d ete $ e and all ri ghts of the Te nant her eunder e>tinguished but:ithout ! re@udi e to ofthe rights of the 0andlo rd he reund er$

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    )%$% Right of Re7Entry

    If thi s Agreement is terminated by the 0andlord !ursuant to Clause )%$) abo " e, the0andlord shall u!on su h termination be entitled to immediatel y re7enter into !ossessionof the #remises or any !art thereof in the name of the :hole and then eforth hold anden@oy the same as if this tenan y had not been granted and :hene" er this !o:e r of re7entry shall ari se .:hether the same be e>er ised or not1 the Rent for the month then

    urrent shall immediately be ome !a yable$

    )%$& No Fai"er

    A e!tan e of the Rent by the 0andlord shall not , insofar as the la: shall !ermit , bedeemed to o!erate as a :ai"er by the 0andlord of any right of a tion again st the Tenantin res!e t of any default by the Tenant or an y brea h by the Tenant of any of hisobligations under this Ag reement$

    )%$( Arrears, 0oss of Rental and Sur"i"al of Causes

    If the 0andlord terminates this Agreement !ursuant to Clause )% $) abo" e the 0andlordshall be entitl ed .in addition to any other right s and remedies : hi h the 0andlord ma yha" e1 to re o"er from the Tenant3

    .a1 all the arrears of Rent and Ser"i e Charge o:ing by the Tenant as at th edate of t ermination :ith interests thereon as herein !ro " ided2 and

    .b1 all damages for the loss of r ental arising from the !remature termination ofthe Term 2and

    . 1 all damages for any brea h or non7obser"an e of or no n7 om!lian e :ith any!ro"ision of this Agr eement by the Ten ant2

    and the r emedies a"ailabl e to the 0andlord for su h arrears and damage s shall not beaffe ted by su h termination $

    )&$ YIE0-ING #, ETC$

    )&$) Yielding u!

    At the end of the Term or sooner de termination thereof the Tenant must3

    .a1 yield u! the #remi ses :ith "a ant !os session and in the ondition re?uiredby the !ro"isions of this Agreement and :ith all the 0andlordB s fi>tures andfittings and im!ro"ements and additions thereto in su h re!air and ondition asafore said and gi" e u! all eys of the #remises to the 0andlord 2

    .b1 if the 0andlord shall so re?uire, remo"e all alterations and additions to t he#remise s :hi h ha"e been arried out by the Tenant !ursuant to Clau se 9$( abo"e andrestore the #remises in all res!e ts to its former state and ondition2

    . 1 e> e!t :hen sub7!aragra!h .ii1 abo"e i s a!!li able , yield u! all su halteration s and additions to the #remi ses inta t and in su h re!air and ondition a saforesaid and :ithout the Tenant being entitled to a ny reimburs ement of osts ordamages by t he 0andlord in res!e t of the same .:hi h shall be ome th e !ro!ertyof the 0 andlord1 #ro"ided that the Tenant may remo"e th e TenantBs fittings :hi h are

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    not ! ermanently affi>ed to the #remises and :hi h are remo"able :ithout ausing anydamage to th e #remises2

    K777 K


    sub@e t to sub7!a ragra!h .ii i1 abo"e, remo"e the TenantBsfi>tures, fitting s and hattel s in, on or n ear the #remisesimme iately and ma e good a ny damage aus ed by their

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    .e1 remo"e an y lettering , sig ns, names , ad"e rtisement s and noti es ! ainted,ere ted, dis!la yed or affi>ed onto or : ithin the # remises imm ediately and ma egood an y dama ge aused by reason of su h !aintin g, ere tion, dis!la ying, affi >ing orremo" al2

    .f1 if befor e or afte r the ommen ement of th e Te rm the # remise s had b eenunited :ith ad@oining ! remises, reinstat e the #remi ses . at the T enant Bs ost and

    e>! ense1 to the original state and ondition e>is ting b efore su h union if r e?ue stedto do so by the 0 andlo rd2

    .g1 ifbefore or aft er the omm en ement of th e Term the Te nant h ad e re ted anystru ture or shed or buildin g so as to ad@oin or abut onto the #r emises, demoli sh su hstru ture, shed or buildin g and reinstate the land on : hi h it stand s .all at the T enantBsost and e>!ense 1 to th e original stat e and ond ition e>isting before su h ere tion if

    re?u ested t o do so by th e 0 andlo rd$

    )&$% TenantBs =ailure to Remo"e

    If, after the end of th e Term or sooner determination th ereof , any !ro! erty of Tenan tontinu es to remain in or on the # remi ses and he fail s to remo " e it : ithin a !eriod of

    se"en .91 days aft er a :ri tten re?uest from the 0andlord to do so, or , if the 0andlordis unable to ma e su h a re?ue st to the Tenant , :ithin fourteen .)(1 days from thefirst attem!t in ma in g su h re?ue st, then th e 0andlord ma y3

    .a 1 as the age nt of the Tenant , se ll all or an y ! art of s u h !ro! erty2

    .b1 remo" e from the #remis es all or any su h ! ro!erty and sto re it at su hlo ation a s the0 andlord may in his sole dis retion determin e and at the TenantBs ost and e>! ense2

    . 1 treat all o r any su h !ro!erty as ha"ing b eing abandon ed by the Tenan t .in: hi h ase the 0andlord ma y then deal : ith th em in su h manner a s the 0 andlorddetermin es1$

    )&$& Conse?uen es of Sale

    Fhe re the 0andlord ha s sold the Ten antBs !ro!erty !ur suant t o the autho ritygrant ed underClau se )&$% abo"e3

    .i1 the 0andlord may a!!ly the n et !ro eeds o f su h sale in !ayment of any monie sdue by the Tenant to the 0 andlord under this Ag reement and if the re is anysur!lu s, the 0a ndlord shall a ount to the Te nant for th at sur!l us2

    .ii1 the Tenant mu st indemn ify the 0andlo rd against a ny liability in urred bythe 0 andlord t o any third ! arty : hose ! ro! erty is sold by him in the mist a en beliefheld in good faith .:hi h is to be !re sumed unless the ontr ary is !ro" ed1 that the!ro! erty belo nged to the Tenant$

    )&$( Sur!lus #ro eeds

    If, ha"ing made reason able efforts to do so, the 0a ndlord is unable to lo ate the Tenant ,then th e 0andlo rd ma y reta in th e ! ro eeds of sale or .a s the ase m ay be1 the sur!lu sthereof absolutely unl ess th e Tenant la ims th em :i thin a ! eriod of thirty .&*1 days ofthe date o f su h sale$

    )&$6 Indemnity

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    The Tenant must ind emnify the 0 andlord against any damage o asioned to th e#r emises and an y losses aused b y or relat ed to th e !re sen e of the Tenant Bs!r o! erty left in or on the #remises afte r the end o f the Term or sooner d $ ationthereof $


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    )( $) Rights of Entry

    The Tenan t mu st ! ermi t the 0a ndlord an d8or his it s agen ts at all reasona ble times toenter the#remi ses or any !art o f the #r emises for anyone or more of the follo: ing ! ur!os es3

    .a1 om!l ying :i th the terms of an y legislation affe ting the #remises and anynoti es s er" ed on th e 0andlo rd by any rele" ant authori ty2

    .b1 arrying out any re!airs , alterati ons or :or s of a stru tural nature2

    . 1 arrying out any : or : hi h the 0 andlord ma y re?u ire to be done to an y! ro!erty of the 0andlord : hi h ad@oins the #remises and : hi h, in the o!ini on of the0 andlord, is on" eniently a essible from or thr ough th e #r emise s2

    .d1 laying, fi >ing, leadin g in and8or through the #r emises and r e!airing a ll su h:ire s, ables !i! es and onduits for ele tri ity, gas, :a ter a nd se: erage ser" i esas the 0andlord may from time to tim e re?uire for u se in th e 0 andlordBs ! ro!e rtyad@oining the #r emises2

    .e1 ta ing in " entories of the 0andlordB s fi>ture s, fittings a nd e?ui!m ent2

    .f1 e>er ising th e ! o:er s and authorit ies of th e 0 andlord und er thi s Agreeme nt$

    In arrying out the :or s r eferred to in this Cl ause )( $) the 0 andlord sh allnot ause unne essary interferen e :ith th e use o f the #remise s by the Te nant$

    )( $% #assage of Ser"i es

    The 0andlord res er" es to himsel f and all oth ers authori sed by th e 0 andlord t he !a ssageof :i res, ables, du ts, !i!e s and onduit s for ele tri ity, g as, : ater an d se:er ageser"i es and any other se r"i es through , along, in or int o the #r emises$

    )($& Die:ing

    The Tenant m ust3

    .i1 during the !eriod o f si> .41 months imm ediately !re eding the e>! iry orsoone r determination of th e Term, !ermit the 0andlord to !u t u! on th e #r emises orany ons!i uous ! art th ereof su h noti es as may be reasonab le or a!!ro! riatefor ad"ertising the a " ailability of the #remi ses for re7letting2

    .ii1 during th e ! eriod o f si> .41 months imm ediately !re ed ing thee>! iry or soone r determin ation of t he Term, ! ermit th e 0 andlor d or its ag entsand intend ing o r ! ros !e ti"e tenants and others :i th th e :r itten author ity of t he0andlo rd to enter a t all reasonabl e times of th e day to "i e: the #remis es2 and

    .i ii1 at any time during th e Term and u!o n reasonable noti e being gi"en t o the

    Tena nt, ! ermi t the 0andlord and any !ro s! e ti"e !ur haser s of the 0 andlordBsre"ersion o r interest in the # remises or any ag ents or "alu er instru t ed i n onne tion:i th the s ale of the re"er sion or su h an interest , to "ie: the #re mises :ithou tinterru!tion$

    )($( Emergen ies

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    In th e e"e nt of an emergen y and for the !ur!o se of ! reser"ation of life an d !ro!erty the0 andlord may e nter u! on th e #r emises o r any !art th ereof an d, if ne essary , to do so by for eand th e 0 andlord shall not b e liable for any )* or d amage aused b y or r esulting fr om su hentry or fo r ible entry $


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    )6$ C MM N AREAS

    )6$) 0andlord Bs Right to Alter and Manage

    The Common Ar eas are sub@e t at all times to the e> lusi"e ontrol and manag ementof th e 0andlo rd and the Tenan t must om!ly :ith all r easonable dire ti" es, rule sand re gulation s im!o sed by the 0andlord from tim e to ti me for th e sound manage ment


    )6$% Common se

    Sub@e t to Clause )6 $) abo"e , the Te nant has the r ight to use th e Common Area s, i nommon :ith th e 0 andlord and all other ! ersons ha" ing the li e right, f or a ll

    !ro !er !ur!oses in onn e tion :ith th e use and en@oyment of the #r emises at su htimes as they are o!en in a ordan e :ith the 0an dlordBs obl igation unde r thisAgreement$

    )6 $& 0andlordBs Rights

    The 0 andlord ma y at any tim e afte r reasonabl e noti e lose tem!o rarily all or an y! art of the Common Areas for the arryin g out of an y re! airs or othe r :o r s : hi hin the 0a ndlor dBso! inion are reasonably ne essary fo r the !ro! er maintenan e thereof$

    ) 6$( Reasonable ser

    The T enant mu st not u se the Common Areas or an y ! art of them or an y fa ilities in themin an y manner : hi h unrea sonably interf eres :ith the u se of them b y the 0andlordor any !erson ha"ing the same right of u se or aus e any obstru tion of the CommonAreas and mu st not !la e or lea"e any arti le or thin g in th e Common Area s : hi h mightause su h obstru tion or : hi h in th e o!inion o f the 0a ndlord might unrea sonably

    interfere :i th the use of them b y the 0a ndlord o r any !e rson ha"ing the same right ofuse$

    )6 $6 Se urity of Common Areas

    The Tenant must e e! an y door or gate leading to o r from th e C omm on Area s se ure lylo ed aft er e a h en try to o r e>it from th e Comm on Area s$

    )4 $ #TI N= RRENEFA0

    )4 $) E>er ise of !tion

    If the Te nant :i shes to ontinu e the te nan y of th e #r emises reated by thisAgreement for a further term at the end o f the Term granted by his Agreement, he mu stgi"e the 0andlord :ritten noti e of his :ish at least three .&1 months befor e the e>!iryof the Term $

    )4 $% Conditions for Rene:al

    If the Tenant 3

    .a1 " alidly se r" es on the 0andlord th e noti e to r ene: sti!ulat ed in Clau se )4$)abo" e and in stri t om!l ian e there:ith, and

    .b1 !ay s the Rent and substan tially !erforms and obser"e s and i s not mate rially inbrea h of the o"en ants ontained in this Agreement u! to the end o f the Term,

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    the 0 andlord mu st, at th e ost of th e Te nant , gran t to him a furth er term o f the ! eriodstated in Se tion 10 of the =irst S hedule anne>ed hereto from th e date of e> !i ry of th e Te rmsub@e t to the s ti!ula tion a s to rent and oth er ma tters onta ined i n Claus e ) 4$&belo: a ndsub @e t in all ot her res ! e ts to th e sa me terms a nd ondition s as a re ontained i n thisAgreem ent e> e!t thi s o!tio n for a furthe r tenan y ontained in this )4 . : hi h shall b ee> luded1$77

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    )4$& Rent #ayable u!o n Rene :al, et $

    If a furthe r term is granted to th e Tenant !ursuant to Claus e )4$% abo"e3

    .a1 the m onthly re ntal !aya ble by the Tenant during the further term shallbe the sum : hi h is agreed b et: een the 0and lord and the T enant to be the th en! re" ailing mar et monthly rental for the #remi ses, and

    .b1 the se urity de!osit !ayab le by the T enant during th e further t erm forthe du e and !un tual obser"an e an d !erforma n e by the Ten ant of the TenantBsobligations shall be the s um : hi h is the e?ui"alent of t: o .%1 times the monthl y renta lfor the furth er term, and

    . 1 the amount of the mo nthly ser" i e harge !aya ble by the Tenan t durin g thefurthe r term s hall be an amoun t determined b y the 0an dlord but :hi h shall be fairand rea sonable in all the ir ums tan es$

    )4$( -et ermination of Ren t for =urther Te rm

    If afte r fourteen . )( 1 days fo llo:i ng the ser"i e of the :ritten re? uest b y the T enant!ur suan t to C lause ) 4$) abo"e the !arties are unable t o agree as to :ha t is the then!r e" ailing mar et monthly renta l for the #remi ses, then the amoun t of su h renta lshall b e determined by a !rofessiona l and re! utabl e " aluer a!!o inted by t he 0 and lordand the d e ision of su h " aluer sha ll be fmal and bindi ng u!on the !arties hereto$ The

    osts of a!!ointing the "alu er sha ll be borne b y the !arties hereto in e? ual shares$

    )9 $ H 0 - ING DER

    ) 9$) Holding "e r

    If the Tena nt, :ith th e onsent of the 0a ndlord , ontinu es in o u! ation of t he #r emisesafter th e e>!iry of the Te rm the Tenant s hall be deemed a monthly t enant at the rate ofrent and ser" i e harge !ayab le imm ediate ly !rio r to the e>!irat ion of the Term or atany oth er or hig her ra te determined by the 0and lord at his sole dis retion$

    ) 9$% Terms

    Su h tena n y sha ll be determi nable by thirty .&*1 daysB noti e in :rit ing by either! arty to the othe r e>!iring a t any ti me and oth er:ise sha ll in all oth er res!e ts besub @e t to the same o" enants and onditions a s are ontained or im! lied in thisAgree ment e> e! t for the !ro "is ion or o!tion for rene:al . : hi h !ro " ision or o!tion ishereby e>! ressly e> luded1$

    ) 5$ GENERA0 # R DISI NS

    ) 5$) Com! ulsory A ?uisition

    If th e :ho le or any !art of the #remises is om!ulsori ly a ?uired or ta en for

    any !ub li !ur!o se by the r ele"a nt authority during the T erm then th e 0an dlord ma y bynoti e in :ri ting to the Tenant termin ate thi s Agreement :i thou t right or laim onthe ! art of the Te nant for damag es by reason o f su h termination and : ithout!re@udi e to the r ight s of either ! arty f or any !rior br ea h of o"e nant$

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    )5 $% Farranti es

    .a 1 The Tenant a no:ledges that it has enter ed into this Agr eem ent :i thoutrelyin g on an y re!resentation or :arranty .:h ether e>! ress or im!lied1 by the 0andlo rdas to the suitability of the #remises fo r the !ur!ose f or :hi h th e #remises are letor a s to the onformi ty of the #remises :it h any la: or regulation and the Tenant has!rior to the e>e utio n of this Agreem ent satisfied himself : ith regard to su h ma tters$

    .b1 This d o ument emb odies the : hole transa tion of letting made bythis Agreem ent and all :arra nties onditions an d re! resentations ollatera l orother:i se on erning the t enan y : hether :ri tten oral e> !ress o r im! lied and: hether or not onsistent :i th this Ag reement are an elle d$

    )5 $& No Fa i" er of rea h

    .a1 +no: ledge or a ?uies en e by the 0an dlord of any bre a h by th e Tenant of an yof the terms o r onditions of this Agreemen t shall not o!erate as o r be dee med to be a:ai "er of su h terms o r onditio ns and , not: ithstand ing su h no:ledge ora ?uies en e or an y indulgen e g i" en by the 0 andlor d, the 0a ndlord shall be entitledto e>er ise his right s under this Agreement and to re?u ire stri t !e rforman e by t heTenant of t he terms and o nditio ns h erein$

    .b1 No :a i"er .:he ther e> ! ress or im!lied1 by the 0andlord of any brea h bythe Tenant shall o!erate as a :a i"er of any other brea h by the Tenan t of a ny of theterms or ondi tions of this Agreemen t$

    . 1 Any dema nd by the 0a ndlo rd f or, or any a e!tan e by the 0andlor d of, Rent,Ser"i e Ch arge o r oth er mon eys !a yable under this Agreeme nt shall not onstitute a:ai"er by the 0andlo rd of any brea h of any ! ro" ision in this Agreement an d shall not

    reate a ny ne: tenan y be t: een the !arties $

    .d1 No ustom or !r a ti e :hi h has gro:n u! b et: een the ! artie s in the our seof admin istering this Agree ment sha ll be onstrued so a s to :a i"e or lessen the righ t ofthe 0 andlord t o insist on the !erforman e by t he Tenant of all or any o f the TenantBsobliga tions under thi s A greemen t$

    ) 5$( Da riation

    The !ro"isio ns and terms of this Agr eement may not be "aried or amendede> e! t by an e> hange of letters signed by the !artie s or by one or more :ritt eninstrument s or memoranda signe d by the !arties2 and any "ariation.s1 and oramendmen t.s1 so e " iden ed and agreed u! on shall be deemed to b e effe ti"e and bindingon the !arties and this Agree ment shall thereafter be o nstrued as if su h " ariation. s1and or amendme nt. s 1 had been in or!orated in and had formed !art of this Agreement$

    )5 $6 Cha nge in Tenant

    .a1 If the Te nant is a or! oration and if at any time after the date o f this Agreementthe ! erson or ! ersons :h o either benefi ia lly o:n or ben efi ially ontrol thirty !e r ent.&*L 1 or more o f its "oting sha res at t he date of t his Agreem ent ease t o do s o .e> e! t

    as a r esult of tran sfers effe ted in a ordan e :ith t he la: of su ession1 then3

    .i1 the Te nant shall so notify the 0andlord of the hange in s hare holding in t heTen ant2and

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    .ii1 :hether or not su h a noti e i s gi" en, the 0 and lord may at an y t ime afte r su hhange in share h olding terminate thi s Agreement by noti e in :riting to the Tenant

    .: hi h noti e must not e>!ire le ss than three .&1 months fr om the date of ser" i e thereof1$

    .b1 If this Agreemen t is terminate d in a ordan e :ith su b7 lause .a1 abo"e, the0 andlord i s not re? uired t o !a any o nsati on :hatsoe"e to the Tena nt$8

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


    ) 5$4 Noti es

    .a1 All noti es to b e gi" en under this Agreem ent must be in :riting and shall be"alid ifit is g i"en by hand a t or sent b y registered ! ost to3

    . i1 in the ase o f the Te nant, the # remises or the addr ess of the Te nant gi"e nin this Agree ment or . if the Te nant i s a limi ted om! any or a or!ora tion1 the

    Te nantBsregis tered o ffi e2

    . ii1 in the ase of the 0 andlord , the addr ess of the 0andlo rd gi"e n in thisAgreement or su h othe r address as the 0 andlo rd ma y ha"e n otified in :r iting to theTenant as his addre ss for se r"i e of noti es$

    .b1 A noti e shall be d eemed to ha"e bee n dul y ser"e d3. i1 if it is gi " en b y hand,on d eli"ery t hereof2.i i1 if sent by r egistere d !ost, on th e third . &Td1 day after the date of !o sting thereofnot:ithstandin g that the same may ha"e b een returned by the ! ost offi e un 7deli" ered$

    ) 5$9 0e gal Costs

    .a1 The Te nant mu st !a y a ll th e osts and e> !ense s in urred in th e !r e!a ration of thisAgreement, in luding the stam! duty ! ayable on thi s Agreeme nt and the 0a ndlordBs soli itorsfees and di sbursement s$

    .b1 The Te nant mu st also ! ay to the 0 andlo rd on an indemni ty basis all osts, fees,harges, disburse ments and e>!e nses, in luding le gal fees on a soli itor7and7 lient basis,

    ! ro! erly and reasonably in urred by the 0andlo rd in r elation to or in idental to3

    . i1 the !r e!ar ation a nd ser" i e of a noti e under Clause ) % abo" e or t he ta ing of! ro eedings for th e forfeitur e of the tenan y hereby gran ted2

    .ii 1 the re o"e ry or attem! ted r e o"ery of arrears of Rent or Ser"i e Charge or oth er sumsdue unde r this Agree ment, and

    .iii1 any o ther ste! s ta en in onne tion : ith th e enfor ement of this Agr eement$

    ) 5$5 Se" erabili ty

    If any !ro" ision or any !art of an y !ro " ision o f this Agree ment or t he a! !li ation of it is orbe omes illegal, in " alid o r unenfor eable then th e 0an dlor d may se"er it fro m this Agreementand the rema ining !ro " isions or the remainin g ! art of an y !ro"i sion shall not b e affe ted b y these" eran e$

    ) 5$ Shared =a ilities

    Fh ere the use of any of the !i ! es, drains , gutte rs, se:e rs or any boundary s tru tures or otherthings is ommon to th e #re mises and any ad@oining or other !r o! erty , the Tenant mustunderta e all : or in r elation to th em that i s his res! onsibili ty and m ust indemnify the 0 andlordagains t any laim, d eman d and osts in urred by him u! on the TenantBs defa ult$

    )5 $)* Time

    Time :her e"er m entioned in this Agreement shall b e of th e essen e of the !ro " isions hereof,both a s regards the dat es an d ! eriods s ! e ifi ally m entioned and a s to any date s and ! eriods:hi h may hereafter be agreed in :riting be en the ! arties to be substitut ed for th em$

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    )5 $)) i8/+ ' +i *

    All rights granted to the 0andlord shall be umulati"e and no e>er ise by the 0andlord of anyright under this Agreement shall restri t or !re@udi e the e>er ise of any other right granted bythis Agreement or other:ise a"ailable to him$

    )5$)% &6r+i*. Bo

    This Agreement shall be binding u!on the !arties hereto as :ell as their res!e ti"e su essorsin7title, administrators and !ermitted assigns .as the ase may be1$

    )5$)& Go *r i 8 ! ;

    This Agreement shall be go"erned by and onstrued in a ordan e :ith the la:s of Malaysiaand the !arties hereby agree to submit to the @urisdi tion of the ourts of Malaysia in res!e t ofany matter onne ted :ith the rights obligations and liabilities of the !arties under or arising outof this Agreement$

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan




    IN FITNESS FHERE = the ! arties hereto ha"e he reun to du ly set their hand s theday and year fir st abo"e :ritten$

    SIGNE- b y HEE FAN

    +IANG .N ri

    No$3 &6*%)47))76** 1, == NG

    K L

    33326-' 7N$$$

    = ' NG 0EE .Nr i No$3&9)))%7)) 7

    6) )&1 and 0E NG 'EE+ S AN 0IM 1 # + +IM .Nri N o$3 &9* *%7))7 6*) 91, all 1 as Tru stees of a nd forand on behalf of the 1 0AN- 0 R-,+EMASE+ HAINAN 1ASS CIATI N TEREN GGAN , inthe !re KnKK1

    0IM MING FA H Ad" o ate O Soli itoP+ema man

    SIGNE- b y the Tenan t, = S ANFEN 1 .Nr i No$3 4)*5*67))7 6%56 I4%59)961 , in 1 the !r esen e of31

    0IM MING F AH A d"o ate O Soli it.1Q+e maman


    = = NG = ' NG 0EE

    KKK$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$KKK $0E NG 'EE + S AN 0IM # + +IM

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


    =IRS T SCH E- 0 E

    #arti ular s of the #r emises, the Term of the Tenan y , et


    )$ The # remises The G round = loor only of the u ildingno:n as3

    #T %' alan Air ' ernih ,%(%)* + ema si , +ema man ,Terengg anu -arul Iman$

    %$ Common Areas None$

    &$ The #ermi tted #ur! ose Mini Mar et for retai l sale of ons umergoods . but not in lud ing goods oo ed on the #r emises1$

    ( $ The Term of the Tenan yhereby rea ted

    A ! eriod o f three . &1 years omm en ingfrom the *)6 t day o f May, %** , andending o n th e &*th day of A ! ril, %*)%.both date s in lusi"e 1$

    6$ .a1 Commen ement -a te oftheTe rm

    .b1 E>! iry -at e of the Term

    *) 6) May %** $

    &*th A! ril %*)%$

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


    4$ The Rent #aya ble during theTerm

    Ringgit Mal aysia n e Thousa nd andThree .RMl,* *&$**1 ! er month $

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


    =mST SCHE - 0E . o ntinued1

    #arti ulars of the #remises , the Term of the Tenan y , et





    ) *$

    The Se urity - e! osit

    The S er"i e Cha rge

    The Interest Rate

    The =urther T erm . ifa!!li able1

    .a1 Rental -e!osit3

    Ringgit Mala ysia T: o Thousand and Si>.RM %,**4$**1 only$

    .b1 tiliti es - e!o sit3

    Ring git Malays ia = i" e H undr ed.RMS $ 1only$


    The 0andl ord is no t re?u ired nor ob liged to!ro " ide any ser"i es or fa ilit ies oramenities of any ind und er this Agree ment$

    Ten !e r entum . ) *L 1 !er annum

    The ! eriod of t:o . %1 years from thee>!iration o f the Term s tated in Se tion & ofthis =irst S hedule$

  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan



  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan


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  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan



  • 8/12/2019 Tenancy Kemasek Hainan
