tennis devotions - clover · patrickʼs...

Tennis Devotions Practice 1 Virtue & Definition: Determination is deciding itʼs worth it to finish what youʼve started. Scripture Verse: Let us keep on running the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 (NIrV) Bottom Line: Keep doing what you should do so you wonʼt miss something really good. Introduction: Have you ever seen a great big mountain? Did you know that God covered nearly a fourth of the earth with mountains? Hikers spend hours, even days and weeks, climbing those same mountains and exploring their beauty. But mountain climbing isnʼt easy. In fact, some hikers turn around before ever making it to the top. The problem is, the best views come at the top of the mountain! Itʼs true that some of the best things in life come after a lot of hard work. If youʼve ever been doing the right thing and come close to giving up, how did it feel when you decided to keep going? It felt great, didnʼt it? Just like when a hiker is determined to finish the hike, he or she is rewarded not just with amazing views of Godʼs creation, but also with a great sense of satisfaction at what he or she has done. Thereʼs something really cool about pressing on and eventually receiving the benefits of hard work. Activity: Play Charades. Have the players individually act out the activities and have the other play- ers guess what they are acting out. Using one player at a time, whisper one of the following activities to them to act out: exercise, study hard, work hard, climb mountain, do chores, practice instrument, etc. Remember, the “actor” cannot use words, only motions! Practice 1 Devotion

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Page 1: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Tennis Devotions

Practice 1

Virtue & Definition:Determination is deciding itʼs worth it to finish what youʼve started.

Scripture Verse:Let us keep on running the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Keep doing what you should do so you wonʼt miss something really good.

Introduction:Have you ever seen a great big mountain? Did you know that God covered nearly a fourth of the earth with mountains? Hikers spend hours, even days and weeks, climbing those same mountains and exploring their beauty. But mountain climbing isnʼt easy. In fact, some hikers turn around before ever making it to the top. The problem is, the best views come at the top of the mountain!

Itʼs true that some of the best things in life come after a lot of hard work. If youʼve ever been doing the right thing and come close to giving up, how did it feel when you decided to keep going? It felt great, didnʼt it? Just like when a hiker is determined to finish the hike, he or she is rewarded not just with amazing views of Godʼs creation, but also with a great sense of satisfaction at what he or she has done. Thereʼs something really cool about pressing on and eventually receiving the benefits of hard work.

Activity:Play Charades. Have the players individually act out the activities and have the other play-ers guess what they are acting out. Using one player at a time, whisper one of the following activities to them to act out: exercise, study hard, work hard, climb mountain, do chores, practice instrument, etc. Remember, the “actor” cannot use words, only motions!

Practice 1 Devotion

Page 2: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. Can you think of a time when you were really tired, but you kept working hard? How did it pay off?

2. What are some of the things we should do at home, at school, or with our friends? (chores, homework, help out with a project or need of some kind, etc.)

3. What good might come from our determination to keep doing those things? (get an allowance, feel proud, get good grades, make new friends, etc.)

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application:Just because you study hard, you may not get 100 percent on your test, and if you eat right and exercise, you still might get sick. There are no guarantees in life. But if we keep doing the right things even when itʼs hard, we will almost always experience a reward. When we study hard, even if we donʼt make an A, we learn something important—something that might help us down the road. When we spend time doing our chores like our parents asked us to, weʼll not only reap the benefit of more free time or perhaps an allowance, but weʼll also make our parents really proud of us. And when we practice for our game, itʼs no guar-antee weʼll win the game, but we will get better and maybe even have more fun! When we are determined to keep doing the right thing, there are almost always good things waiting at the finish line—and along the way! So make sure you keep doing what you should do so you wonʼt miss something really good!

Prayer:Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the good things you have blessed us with already, and we are excited about the good things that await when we are determined to do the right thing. Sometimes itʼs hard to keep running the good race—we feel tired, we arenʼt sure it will pay off. But we know we can do it all with your help, and we thank you for that. Please help us to finish what we start so that we wonʼt miss anything good. We ask these things in Jesusʼ name, amen.

Prayer:� Thank God for all the good things he has blessed us with.� Ask Him to help us to stay determined to finish what weʼve started even when it gets hard.� Thank God for being with us in both the easy and hard times.

Practice 1 Devotion

Page 3: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 2

Virtue & Definition:Determination is deciding itʼs worth it to finish what youʼve started.

Scripture Verse:Let us keep on running the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Keep doing what you should do because God says you can.

Introduction:Weʼve been talking about determination—deciding itʼs worth it to finish what youʼve started. But sometimes it seems downright impossible to finish what weʼve started, doesnʼt it? We get tired of cleaning our room, tired of running up and down the court during practice, and tired of being nice to our kid sister who is always following us around. At times it feels like stopping would be easier. But if you stop before you finish, itʼs really the same as never starting, isnʼt it? The end result is the same—you donʼt finish.

Patrick Henry Hughes was born without eyes and because he cannot fully straighten his arms or legs, he is confined to a wheelchair. Despite all these physical obstacles, he is an extremely accomplished musician, winning many competitions in piano, trumpet and voice. Not only that, he plays the trumpet in the University of Louisvilleʼs marching band, thanks to one very important person: his father. Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping up with the formations as best he can. To be able to do this, Patrickʼs father goes to work at night all night long and gets little sleep so that he can help his son in his college classes and on the court during band practice.

Activity:Have one player hold a ball out in front of her, telling her to hold it up for one minute. Now press down on the ball with one of your hands, forcing her arm down and demonstrating the strength she needs to endure.

Now have another player stand beside her and hold up her arm using both hands. Try again to push down on the ball. This time her arm will be much harder to push down and she should be able to keep it up for the full minute.

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 2 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 4: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. Have you ever felt you just couldnʼt go on? When?

2. Have you ever stopped to ask God for help? If so, what happened?

3. In what ways can God be your strength? (read the Bible, pray, memorize Scripture, etc.)

3rd-6th Grade Only

Explain: It really wasnʼt hard for me to push (playerʼs name)ʼs arm down when she was by herself, was it? She may have been determined, but when I put an obstacle in her path, it really wasnʼt possible to finish the full minute. But when she had help—when (insert other playerʼs name) helped hold her arm up—she was able to finish the challenge.

Application: Just like Patrickʼs father helps make his success possible, we have a heavenly Father who makes all things possible for us! When we are tired, when we donʼt think we can go on, God promises us that he will give us the strength we need. That doesnʼt mean that he will make things easy for us. In fact, sometimes doing the right thing can actually be the hardest thing in the world to do! But God has promised he will be with us, and he will be our con-stant support and encourager. You can keep doing what you should do because God says you can.

Prayer:� Thank God for being our strength.� Ask him for his help to keep running the race he has set for us to complete. � Ask God to be our strength as we keep trying to finish what we started.

Practice 2 Devotion

Page 5: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 3

Virtue & Definition:Respect is showing others they are important by what you say and do.

Scripture Verse:Show proper respect to everyone. 1 Peter 2:17 (a) (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Show respect to God because heʼs in charge of everything.

Introduction: Have you ever heard of the word respect? What does it mean to respect someone? (Pause for answers.) Those are great answers. Let me ask you another question. As your coach, what do you think would happen if one of you decided to not respect me? What if one of you walked out of practice and said, “That guy has no idea what heʼs talking about. Iʼm going to do it my own way.” Would you learn anything? No, and not only that, the whole team would suffer because youʼd be a selfish player—doing your own thing on the court while everyone else was working together to keep the other team from scoring.

Respect is really important. Not because I like telling you what to do. But as your coach, I want you to learn about sports so you can enjoy the game. You know who REALLY deserves our respect both on and off the court? God does.

Activity: Supplies: 1 BallHave you ever heard of the law of gravity? Let me put it this way. (Hold up a ball) What happens if I let go of this ball? Would it stay suspended in the air? No way! It would fall to the ground. Sure it might bounce a bit but eventually, this ball will end up on the ground.

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 3 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 6: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. Since God created gravity, what does that show us about him? (He is in control of everything on Earth and the maker of all.)

2. Why do we need to show respect to God? (because he is in charge of everything and knows us best)

3. How can we show respect to God this week? (respect other people and authority)

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application: Mountain climbers, pilots, skydivers—they all have to take proper precautions, and they certainly respect the law of gravity. If they donʼt, theyʼll end up in a world of hurt. For instance, do you know how much gear it takes to climb a mountain? Itʼs not just a matter of strapping on your boots and filling up a backpack. There are carabiners, ropes, rope bags, harnesses, helmets, climbing gloves . . . and thatʼs just the start! I donʼt even know what half of that stuff is—do you? The point is, a true climber respects the danger involved in rock climbing because he understands the law of gravity that God put in place when He created the world.

God is the Maker of heaven and earth. He created mountains and oceans and rhinos and aardvarks just by speaking. He knows everything about everything. So when it comes to figuring out how to live, God has all the answers. And when we follow what his Word—the Bible—says about how to live, it shows God that we know he has all the right answers. In other words, we show God the ultimate respect. So the next time youʼre tempted to go against what God says because you think you might have a better idea, remember gravity. God is in control of all things and he can be trusted. Show respect to God because heʼs in charge of everything.

Prayer:� Tell God we know he is in charge of everything. � Ask God to remind us that he knows everything because he made us: he knows what we think, what we like and donʼt like, and who we hope to grow up to be.� Ask God to help us show respect because he loves us and always wants what is best for our lives.

Practice 3 Devotion

Page 7: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 4

Virtue & Definition:Respect is showing others they are important by what you say and do.

Scripture Verse:Show proper respect to everyone. 1 Peter 2:17 (a) (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Show respect to God because heʼs in charge of everything.

Introduction: You say well over 1,000 words every day! But how many of those words do you think about before they come out of your mouth? Letʼs put it this way, have you ever heard the phrase “think before you speak?” If not, let me break it down for you. “Think before you speak” means exactly what it says. Weʼre supposed to think about what we say before it actually comes out of our mouths. In other words, stop and think to yourself, “Is what Iʼm about to say helpful or harmful?” If itʼs harmful, donʼt say it! If itʼs helpful, speak on! Because our words are very powerful. Helpful words have the power to brighten someoneʼs day, week, even year! And the truth is, harmful words can hurt someone way more than sticks and stones. Once theyʼre spoken, you can never take them back.

Activity: Supplies: tube of toothpaste, a watch, and a paper plateLetʼs try a little experiment to show you what I mean. 1. Ask a volunteer to guess how long it would take him/her to squeeze all the toothpaste out of the tube. When you say go, have the volunteer start squeezing the toothpaste out onto the paper plate. Time the child with your watch. (You might want to bring a travel size tube to make the example go a bit faster.) 2. Reveal how long it took the volunteer to squeeze the toothpaste from the tube to the team. 3. Select another volunteer. Tell him youʼre going to give him exactly _______ time (the same amount of time it took your first volunteer to empty the tube) to put the toothpaste BACK into the tube. 4. Give the child a chance to try. Of course it will be impossible so the child will be frustrated.

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 4 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 8: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. What is the most powerful thing that we have to respect or disrespect others? (our words to other people)

2. If you disrespect someone with your words, how do you get those words back? (you canʼt get your words back... but you can ask for forgiveness)

3. Think of someone who is valuable to you (ie. mom, dad, brother, sister, etc.) how can you use your words this week to let them know that you value that person?

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application: If you squeezed all the toothpaste out of a tube and then you tried to put it back in the tube—itʼs not possible, is it? Just like that, our harmful words canʼt be put back once we say them. But once youʼve said them, those disrespectful words are out there. Thatʼs why itʼs important to use your powerful words in a way that will show others respect—remind them of how valuable they really are. Those are the kinds of words youʼll never wish you could take back.

But donʼt forget that just like our words, our actions also show others respect or disrespect. When your mom asks you do something like wash the dishes and you do it right away with-out complaining, youʼre showing her that sheʼs valuable to you. Or what about when your dad asks you to play with your younger brother but the whole time, you huff and puff and roll your eyes? Youʼre telling both your dad and brother that theyʼre not very valuable to you. Both your words and your actions are very important. They can give people value or degrade them. So think before you speak. Check your attitude. And remember, you can show respect with your actions AND your words.

Prayer:� Tell God that sometimes we are tempted to say things that we donʼt mean.� Tell God we need his help showing respect instead of disrespect when we have a bad attitude.� Ask God to help us to choose actions that show others how valuable they really are to us.� Ask God to help us think before we speak so our words are helpful and not harmful.

Practice 4 Devotion

Page 9: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 5

Virtue & Definition:Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay.

Scripture Verse:Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Since God forgives you, you should forgive others.

Introduction: When you do something to hurt your brother or sisterʼs feelings, what does your mom say you need to do? (pause for responses) Say youʼre sorry right? Do you always feel like saying youʼre sorry? Do you sometimes just go through the motions and do what your mom says, even when you donʼt mean it? Do you think your brother or sister can tell that you arenʼt really sorry? Forgiveness isnʼt easy. Whatʼs easy is making the person pay. It comes naturally to hold a grudge and choose to be angry when someone does something to hurt you. Because what we think we want to do is get them back or make them feel as bad as we feel. But even though making someone pay for what they did to you seems fair, itʼs not! You have been forgiven in the biggest way possible. So the fair thing to do would be to pass the forgiveness on to others around you. And making someone pay is actually the opposite of what forgiveness really means. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay.

Activity: Stand in front of the team and share a time when you either forgave or should have forgiven someone who wronged you. Ask team members to share a similar story. Maybe someone got mad at his brother for excluding him from an impromptu kickball game with neighbor-hood kids. How did he respond? How should he have responded? What would it have looked like to forgive his brother? Once someone shares his or her story, have that person come up and link arms with you. The next person to share will link arms with the teammate on your left and so on until everyone has shared and you then link arms with the person on the other end forming an unbreakable circle. If any team member chooses not to share, ask them to stand and link arms to join the circle.

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 5 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 10: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. Why is our first reaction when someone hurts us to make them pay? (because they did the wrong thing, because they hurt our feelings, because we feel like we were shortchanged)

2. Has it ever brought you closer or bonded you to someone when you chose to forgive? 3. Why is it so important that Jesus never wronged God but still died on the cross? (Jesus was perfect, but He paid the price as if He were a sinner.)

4. (Still standing in the circle) You know what this is? Itʼs more than just a circle. Itʼs what can happen when you forgive someone.

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application: When you decide that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay, it can bond that person to you. In fact, the Bible says that you should forgive as the Lord forgives you. Wait a second. Did you guys get that? Weʼre supposed to forgive others because who forgives us? God does! The truth is, we mess up all the time. We do things every single day that hurt or wrong God. And his word for that is sin. The problem with sin is that it separates us from God instead of bonding us to him. Thatʼs not what God wants at all. So he made the ultimate act of forgiveness. He sent his only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life on earth and then pay the price for all of our sins on the cross. And because of that act of forgiveness, we can be bonded to God forever. Thatʼs amazing news!

God knows you arenʼt perfect and he doesnʼt hold your mistakes against you. But in return, he asks that you forgive people in your life just like he has forgiven you. Godʼs not asking us to do anything heʼs not willing to do himself. In fact, we only know how to forgive because God forgives us!

Prayer:� Thank God for always forgiving us even when we mess up.� Ask God to help us forgive others when someone disappoints us or makes us angry because God always forgives us.� Ask God to help us follow his example and be the first to forgive.

Practice 5 Devotion

Page 11: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 6

Virtue & Definition:Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay.

Scripture Verse:Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV)

Bottom Line: When you want to get even, do the opposite.

Introduction: So we started talking about forgiveness last time. Have you guys had a chance to practice forgiveness this week? Maybe a friend at school hurt your feelings, or your older sister blamed you for something that happened and you got in trouble but then she later said she was “sorry.” Didnʼt you just want her to pay for what she did? Sometimes donʼt you just want the person who has hurt you to feel as bad as you do? Letʼs face it, if we weʼre all honest, we have to admit that forgiveness isnʼt our first response when someone hurts us. We want to get even. We want people to pay. We want them to feel as bad as we do. But God has a better way than getting even. He wants us to do the opposite.

Activity: You guys know what the word opposite means, right? Okay, I want you to partner up with someone and think of as many pairs of opposites as you can in one minute. Iʼll give you an example. The opposite of high is _______ (pause for responses). Thatʼs right—low! Make sure no other group can hear you as you and your partner come up with opposites. Every-body ready? Come up with as many pairs as you can. Ready? Go.

(Watch the second hand on your watch and call “time” when one minute passes.)

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 6 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 12: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. What do you think “turn the other cheek” really means in your world? (donʼt fight back, be nice when they are mean, help your enemies)

2. Why is it so hard to forgive someone when they hurt you? (We feel like we should defend ourselves.)

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application: When it comes to being hurt, to getting even, to paying someone back, God actually wants us to do the opposite. Whatʼs the opposite of getting even? Offering forgiveness. Whatʼs the opposite of paying back someone that hurt you? Letting them off the hook. But wait a second. I know what youʼre thinking. Let someone off the hook? Just like that? Isnʼt that sort of lame? What about standing up for yourself?

Get this. Jesus said, “Do not fight against an evil person. Suppose someone hits you on your right cheek. Turn your other cheek to him also.” Time out. What? You mean weʼre not supposed to defend ourselves? Jesus had a way of turning things around to make us think about them in a different way. Instead of paying back wrong for wrong, Jesus said to turn the other cheek. When you want to get even, do the opposite.

Prayer:� Thank God for reminding us how important it is to forgive.� Tell God we are thankful that he forgives us when we mess up.� Ask God to help us remember that when someone hurts us and we want to get even, that we need to do the opposite.

Practice 6 Devotion

Page 13: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Practice 7

Virtue & Definition:Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay.

Scripture Verse:Forgive the things you are holding against one another. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13 (NIrV)

Bottom Line: Donʼt wait to start making things right with others.

Introduction: Let me ask you a question. How many of you like to wait for something? (pause for responses) Who likes to wait for their birthday, or Christmas morning or the first day of summer break? I know I donʼt like to wait. I can be pretty impatient sometimes. Waiting isnʼt necessarily something that comes easily to us. Just think about a long line at the grocery store. Have you ever noticed how after just a few minutes, people in line start to get a little annoyed? They might start tapping their feet, or looking around to see if another lane has opened up. Sometimes people can be downright rude when they have to wait. But I have good news: this week, we are talking about something you never have to wait for!

Activity: 1. Divide the team into two or more groups. 2. Determine a start line and a finish line. 3. Pick one person on each team to be the “farmer.” The farmer has to get all of his wheelbarrows (teammates) to the other side of the gym/court before any other farmer. The farmer can only transfer players "wheelbarrow" style. 4. Ready? Set? Go!

Whew! That was exhausting but everyone did a great job rushing to get the wheelbarrows to the finish line. Definitely no waiting around there! Actually, thereʼs another time that God tells us to not wait around.

Practice 2 DevotionPractice 7 Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 14: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Interaction Questions:

1. Why do you think God wants you to make things right with others before you can worship him? (God made the person you are fighting with and He wants you to love His creation just as much as you love Him. If you are fighting with someone, you cannot worship God with your whole heart.)

2. Why is it important to be the first one to forgive? (We always want to try to fix broken relationships.)

3. Is there someone in your life that you need to forgive this week?

3rd-6th Grade Only

Application: Have you ever gotten really mad at someone and done something you shouldnʼt have? Letʼs say you and friend got into a big fight and you both said some pretty hurtful things. You might be thinking, “Why should I say Iʼm sorry? She needs to say sheʼs sorry first!” Fast forward to the weekend. Itʼs Sunday and as usual, you and your family are heading to church. You love your church because you learn all kinds of things about God and you get a chance to sing praises to him with all your friends. Only today, you canʼt really sing. Somethingʼs just not right.

Jesus knew this feeling. Thatʼs why he tells you that before you can praise him, you must “first go and make peace with your brother.” In this case, you shouldnʼt wait. You should always go first. Broken friendships hurt our relationship with God. We canʼt claim that we love God and not get along with others around us. Thatʼs why itʼs really important for us to say, “Iʼm sorry.” So donʼt wait to start making things right with others. Be the first one to offer forgiveness. You wonʼt be sorry.

Prayer:� Tell God we admit itʼs hard to be first to forgive.� Thank God for showing us how to forgive.� Ask God to help us be the first to say “sorry” this week.

Practice 7 Devotion

Page 15: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

Last Practice of the Season

Bottom Line: God loves you and gave us Jesus to trust and follow.

Introduce: • You are part of Godʼs Big Story! • Scripture verse: For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 (NIV) Introduction: Weʼve had a GREAT season! Itʼs been so much fun watching each of you become better tennis players and better friends with each other! Weʼve learned a lot about tennis…but weʼve also learned a lot about ourselves and about others.

Think about the things that weʼve learned during our huddle time this year. Do you remember the three virtues weʼve discussed? What were they?

(Allow players to answer the question.)

First we learned about Determination. Determination is deciding itʼs worth it to finish what youʼve started. When we are determined to keep doing the right thing, there are almost always good things waiting at the finish line—and along the way! In fact, sometimes doing the right thing can actually be the hardest thing in the world to do! But God has promised He will be with us, and He will be our constant support and encourager. You can keep doing what you should do because God says you can and he is there to help us along the way! Isnʼt it awesome to have a God like that?!

Then we learned about Respect. Respect is showing others they are important by what you say and do. We learned how important it is to show respect for God because he is in charge. We show respect to him by doing what he says to do. Respecting other people who have been placed in charge of us…people like your parents, teachers, coaches is another way to show God that we respect him. Itʼs also very important to think before we speak…because we canʼt undo word we say. Always show respect with your actions and words.

Last Practice Devotion

Tennis Devotions

Page 16: Tennis Devotions - Clover · Patrickʼs father pushes his son around the court during performances—in and out, keeping

We also learned about Forgiveness. Forgiveness is deciding that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay. Now that may be the most difficult one of all! We learned that when you decide that someone who has wronged you doesnʼt have to pay, it can draw that person closer to you. In fact, the Bible says that you should forgive as the Lord forgives you. Today's verse tells us that God loved us so much that he sent Jesus to forgive us of our wrong doing so we can live forever with him in heaven!

Listen to this weekʼs verse, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV)

We have all made mistakes. The Bible tells us that because of sin, we are separated from God. But because God loves us so much, he provides a way back to him. Our verse teaches us that this way is through his son, Jesus. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to live a perfect life on earth and then pay the price for all of our sins on the cross. And because of that act of forgiveness, we can be with God forever.

I've got something else to tell you. Did you know that you are part of God's BIG STORY? That's right…he has a BIG STORY and each one of you are in it! You will learn more about that BIG STORY at the Award's Celebration. It's gonna be great!

Let's pray to God and thank him for all he's done for us.

Prayer:� Thank God for an awesome season! � Thank God for teaching us about Determination, Respect and Forgiveness.� Thank God for sending his son Jesus for each one of us and always forgiving us when we mess up.

Last Practice Devotion