terigal parking consultation report phase 1

Report of Community Input Report of Community Input Report of Community Input Report of Community Input to the to the to the to theTerrigal Parking Study Terrigal Parking Study Terrigal Parking Study Terrigal Parking Study Study undertaken Study undertaken Study undertaken Study undertaken by by by by Brown Consulting Brown Consulting Brown Consulting Brown Consulting for Gosford City Council for Gosford City Council for Gosford City Council for Gosford City Council February February February February 2012 2012 2012 2012

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Page 1: Terigal parking consultation report phase 1

Report of Community Input Report of Community Input Report of Community Input Report of Community Input

to theto theto theto theTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Study undertaken Study undertaken Study undertaken Study undertaken by by by by Brown Consulting Brown Consulting Brown Consulting Brown Consulting

for Gosford City Councilfor Gosford City Councilfor Gosford City Councilfor Gosford City Council

FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruary 2012201220122012

Page 2: Terigal parking consultation report phase 1

Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page i

Comments about this report should be directed to:

Margaret Harvie Director PlanCom Consulting PO Box 411, Potts Point NSW Phone: 9331 4336 Email: [email protected] Website: www.plancom.com.au

Revision Revision Revision Revision No:No:No:No:

Date signed: Date signed: Date signed: Date signed: Prepared by (author): Prepared by (author): Prepared by (author): Prepared by (author): Reviewed by:Reviewed by:Reviewed by:Reviewed by:

1 14 February 2012 Margaret Harvie Dean Brodie

Page 3: Terigal parking consultation report phase 1

Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page ii

Table of Contents Overview of the StudyOverview of the StudyOverview of the StudyOverview of the Study ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1111

1.1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1

1.2. Objectives ................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.1. Study Objectives ....................................................................................... 2

1.2.2. Consultation Objectives ........................................................................... 2 Identified Community StakeholdersIdentified Community StakeholdersIdentified Community StakeholdersIdentified Community Stakeholders ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3333

2.1. Government Representatives ................................................................................. 3

2.2. Community and Key Stakeholder Groups .............................................................. 3

2.3. Businesses ............................................................................................................... 3 The Consultation ProcessThe Consultation ProcessThe Consultation ProcessThe Consultation Process ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4444 Issues Identified by the CommunityIssues Identified by the CommunityIssues Identified by the CommunityIssues Identified by the Community ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5555

4.1. Issues identified by the community for parking in the Terrigal Town Centre ....... 5

4.2. Issues identified by the community for parking Terrigal Haven ........................... 6

4.3. Issues identified by the community with the process for the study and the consultation ............................................................................................................. 7 Potential SolutionsPotential SolutionsPotential SolutionsPotential Solutions as Suggested by Community Membersas Suggested by Community Membersas Suggested by Community Membersas Suggested by Community Members ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7777

5.1. Potential solutions related to both Terrigal Town Centre and the Haven ............ 7

5.2. Potential solutions for parking in the Terrigal Town Centre .................................. 8

5.3. Potential Solutions for Terrigal Haven .................................................................. 10 Report of the Outcomes from the WorkshopsReport of the Outcomes from the WorkshopsReport of the Outcomes from the WorkshopsReport of the Outcomes from the Workshops .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11111111

6.1. Information provided and attained through the workshop ................................. 11

6.2. Terrigal Central Business Area ............................................................................. 12

6.2.1. Access and Signage – Issues (Group 1) ............................................... 12

6.2.2. Access and Signage - Solutions............................................................. 12

6.2.3. Management and Enforcement – Issues (Group 2) ............................ 12

6.2.4. Management and Enforcement - Solutions .......................................... 12

6.2.5. Parking Provision – Issues (Group 3) .................................................... 13

6.2.6. Parking Provision - Solutions ................................................................. 13

6.2.7. Location of Parking/ onsite parking – Issues (Group 4) ...................... 13

6.2.8. Location of Parking/ onsite parking - Solutions ................................... 13

6.3. Terrigal Haven ........................................................................................................ 14

6.3.1. General Parking Provision - Issues (Group 1) ....................................... 14

6.3.2. General Parking Provision - Solutions ................................................... 14

6.3.3. Boat Users/Ramp – Issues (Group 2)................................................... 14

6.3.4. Boat Users/Ramp - Solutions ................................................................ 15

6.3.5. Diver Facilities – Issues (Group 3) ........................................................ 15

6.3.6. Diver Facilities - Solutions...................................................................... 15

6.3.7. General – Issues (Group 3 continued) .................................................. 15

6.3.8. General – Solutions ............................................................................... 16

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Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page iii

6.4. Summary of online forum – Have Your Say ......................................................... 16

6.5. Further Consultation .............................................................................................. 18

APPENDIX A APPENDIX A APPENDIX A APPENDIX A –––– Questions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the Workshop ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19191919

APPENDIX B APPENDIX B APPENDIX B APPENDIX B –––– Responses Responses Responses Responses from the On line Forumfrom the On line Forumfrom the On line Forumfrom the On line Forum ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21212121

APPENDIX C APPENDIX C APPENDIX C APPENDIX C ---- Advertisements and FlyersAdvertisements and FlyersAdvertisements and FlyersAdvertisements and Flyers ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 30303030

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Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 1 Overview Overview Overview Overview of the Studyof the Studyof the Studyof the Study IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction

Brown Consulting has been engaged by Gosford City Council to undertake a strategic parking study for Terrigal.

The study is to assess the ability of the car parking infrastructure to handle current and future demand and provide recommendations for measures to accommodate and manage anticipated growth over the next 25 years. This will include preparation of a new parking policy for future development in Terrigal to replace the existing policy.

Terrigal is a major coastal suburb of the Central Coast, located approximately 12 kilometres east of Gosford’s City Centre and train station.

The Central Coast Regional Strategy and a number of other local strategies identified Terrigal as a Village Centre (Well established centre proving a good range of services and facilities and a focus for other activities and businesses).

The Parking Study will include the area surrounding the Terrigal town centre bounded by the Tasman Sea to the East and by residential lands to the west (Study Area A) and the area known as Terrigal Haven (Study Area B) to the south east of Terrigal CBD. The areas being investigated are comprised of residential, commercial, infrastructure and public recreation zones.

The study area will undergo key changes due to future land-use directions and increased population densities. This will be the result of changes to planning controls, strategies and studies for the area that are currently being put in place by the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (DP&I) and Gosford City Council.

Adjustments to planning instruments and development controls will greatly impact the provision of parking around the study area. However, the impacts of the land use changes to future parking requirements are vastly unknown.

Exhibit 1.1: Map showing Study Area A (Terrigal CBD) and Study Area B (Terrigal Haven)Exhibit 1.1: Map showing Study Area A (Terrigal CBD) and Study Area B (Terrigal Haven)Exhibit 1.1: Map showing Study Area A (Terrigal CBD) and Study Area B (Terrigal Haven)Exhibit 1.1: Map showing Study Area A (Terrigal CBD) and Study Area B (Terrigal Haven)

Page 6: Terigal parking consultation report phase 1

Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 2 ObjectivesObjectivesObjectivesObjectives Study ObjectivesStudy ObjectivesStudy ObjectivesStudy Objectives

The objective is to undertake a review of public parking in the study areas including detailed analysis of current parking supply and demand. The study will also determine the future parking needs within Terrigal to the years 2016, 2026 and 2036 for both public and private parking, considering existing planning controls, strategies and studies.

The specific objectives include:

� assessment of the long-term parking implications, in particular the sustainability of existing and future parking infrastructure to be provided;

� estimate of costs for the provision of public car parking to meet the future needs as determined;

� providing a base line model to inform development assessment, traffic and transport strategy development in Terrigal; and

� reviewing the performance of the existing parking infrastructure, and providing recommendations for improvements to cater for future growth and demands.

The study outcomes will:

� be incorporated into the development of a new Section 94 Developer Contributions Plan for Terrigal;

� contribute to the Development Control Plan (DCP);

� contribute to relevant strategies and plans being developed by Council, land owner groups and state agencies; and

� form the basis for future modelling, which may be required by Council, Roads and Maritime Services and/or the Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

Brown Consulting will:

� make recommendations about the future public parking provision in the Terrigal Town Centre and Terrigal Haven;

� develop a parking policy that will inform all future development within the Terrigal Town Centre; and

� investigate possible mechanisms to fund future public parking. Consultation ObjectivesConsultation ObjectivesConsultation ObjectivesConsultation Objectives

Phase OPhase OPhase OPhase Onenenene

� Identify what the community believes are the parking issues for Terrigal.

� Gain community input to the potential solutions to the parking problems.

Phase Phase Phase Phase TTTTwowowowo

� Present the findings of the study for comment by the community.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 3 Identified Community SIdentified Community SIdentified Community SIdentified Community Stakeholderstakeholderstakeholderstakeholders

Amongst the stakeholders identified as having interest in this study were: Government RGovernment RGovernment RGovernment Representativesepresentativesepresentativesepresentatives

� NSW Crown Lands

� NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

� Roads and Maritime Services (RMS)

� Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Gosford

� Brisbane Water Local Area Command Community and Key Stakeholder GCommunity and Key Stakeholder GCommunity and Key Stakeholder GCommunity and Key Stakeholder Groupsroupsroupsroups

� Terrigal Chamber of Commerce

� Central Coast Tourism

� Terrigal Sea Rescue Service

� Volunteer Marine Rescue Central Coast

� Terrigal Surf Life Saving Club

� Terrigal Trojans Rugby Club

� Central Coast Cricket

� Gosford City Sports Council

� Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW

� Central Coast Association of Angling Clubs

� Gosford City Council Lifeguard Service

� Rotary Club of Terrigal

� TARA (Terrigal Area Residents Association)

� Regional Development Australia, Central Coast. BusinessesBusinessesBusinessesBusinesses

� All retail, restaurants and services in the Terrigal Town Centre

� Crowne Plaza

� Terrigal Dive Centre

� Haven Beach Restaurant

� Reef Restaurant

� Terrigal Underwater Group

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Report of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community InputReport of Community Input

Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 4

� Pro-Dive

� Dive Imports Australia

� Scuba Shack

� Scubamunkies

� Gosford Dive Services

� Central Coast Reef and Game Fishing

� Brisbane Water Underwater Group

� Terrigal Bluewater Fishing Charters. The Consultation ProcessThe Consultation ProcessThe Consultation ProcessThe Consultation Process

We are currently in the data collection phase of the consultation. We have asked for input from the community, business and interest groups to identify their perspectives on the issues and potential solutions to the parking situation.

Consultation commenced from 24 November and has been open for comments from the community and other stakeholders since that time.

Input was invited through:

ActivityActivityActivityActivity TimeframeTimeframeTimeframeTimeframe

Emailed invitationsEmailed invitationsEmailed invitationsEmailed invitations to key stakeholdersto key stakeholdersto key stakeholdersto key stakeholders identified by Council as having interest in the parking issues.

24 November 2011


- Central Coast Express Advocate - Gosford Connect which is distributed through Central Coast

Express Advocate

See Appendix C for copies of these Advertisements

2 December 2011

7 December 2011

FlyersFlyersFlyersFlyers were posted to 160 property owners who are located within Study Area ‘A’ and ‘B’.

See Appendix C for a copy of the Flyer

Week commencing Monday 28 November 2011

FlyersFlyersFlyersFlyers were hand delivered to businesses within Study Area ‘A’ and ‘B’.

Monday 28 November 2011

InterviewsInterviewsInterviewsInterviews were conducted and recorded with 23 different groups of stakeholders most of these being businesses operating within the study areas. One of these was a meeting with 7 representatives of the local boating industry.

Monday 28 November 2011

EmailEmailEmailEmail input was invited to [email protected]


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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 5

ActivityActivityActivityActivity TimeframeTimeframeTimeframeTimeframe

Online discussion forum - http://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigalrigalrigalrigal

28 November 2011 - 20 January 2012

Two Two Two Two WorkshopsWorkshopsWorkshopsWorkshops –

-3-5pm focussed on Terrigal town centre

- 6-8pm focussed on the Haven.

All communications above invited people to register to attend the workshops

Monday 12 December 2011 Issues Issues Issues Issues IdentifiedIdentifiedIdentifiedIdentified by by by by the Communitythe Communitythe Communitythe Community

Responses from interviews, emails and the online discussion up to 20 January have been collated and are summarised below. The list below does not include the input from the workshop that is detailed in the section to follow (Section 6).

We have made every effort to represent each of the comments and views expressed. Comments are still welcome. IIIIssues ssues ssues ssues identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community for parking in for parking in for parking in for parking in the the the the Terrigal Town Terrigal Town Terrigal Town Terrigal Town Centre Centre Centre Centre

� There is not sufficient Council provided parking and there can’t be less in any of the future plans - the existing parking must remain.

� There are issues for staff in getting parking and issues regarding where staff currently park.

� Some say parking exists in the multi storey car park – some say it is often full.

� Conflict between tourist demand and the requirements for regular customers (ie medical and bank services).

� Local people go elsewhere for a range of services because they can’t park.

� Safety and access to the multi storey park – it is too dark and a problem when it is wet, there is no lift, uphill to car park.

� Not adequate disabled parking in the multi storey car park and too far away for people needing medical services.

� People want to park in the street and close to destination – resistance to parking in the car parks.

� There may be a need to accept that Terrigal is not a small town and there is need to walk from where you park your car.

� There is problem for businesses needing to deliver stock and heavy equipment long distances.

� Parking restrictions are enforced but should be enforced more regularly.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 6

� Events and early morning fitness activities (on water front) put additional stress on foreshore street parking.

� There is support for the fact that the car park is free and undercover.

� Car park is used by skate boarders and for other kind of antisocial activity causing litter and damage to cars – there is need for CCTV in the car park.

� The likely closure of the parking directly behind Crowne Plaza will create further pressure (the cost at Crowne Plaza $18).

� Concerns about the lack of parking at the ‘Rapedo’ development.

� New developments do not always need retail shops attached to them.

� Parking is most needed at the northern end of Terrigal.

� Lack of integration of land use /urban planning & transport planning.

� Tourists passing Terrigal for more accessible locations. IIIIssues ssues ssues ssues identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community for for for for parkingparkingparkingparking Terrigal Haven Terrigal Haven Terrigal Haven Terrigal Haven

� Lack of parking especially when there is a combination of good boating and diving conditions, picnic weather, restaurant and sporting events (rugby attracts more people than cricket). The most difficult hours are 8-10 and 11- 2.

� Lack of facilities means that some potential visitors bypass the Central coast in favour of Port Stephens.

� The boat ramp is important as it is the only one in the area from Swansea through the Peninsula.

� People park all over the lawns.

� Lack of amenities for the dive patrons (parking and change room/ toilet facilities).

� Safety issue for elderly and young pedestrians due to incorrect parking.

� There should be controls on speed.

� Delivery trucks have no where to park.

� Parking close to facilities and restaurants is important for old people and people with young children.

� Problem with the use of the ramp and manoeuvring for boats - queuing at the boat ramp and general lack of available space when boats return to the ramp – there is lots of ramp rage.

� Cars park all day near the ramp so there is lack of turnover of parking.

� Need clearer and better marking of parking. Yellow no parking lines are misinterpreted as parks.

� Additional coffee shop opened without consideration of implications on parking.

� The one lane arrangement is causing more traffic and parking issues.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 7

� HMAS Adelaide and its impact on parking was not adequately thought through.

� Lack of commitment from Council to the commercial function of the boat ramp –this is significant with in excess of seven companies and fourteen moorings. The economic contribution from the ramp should not be underestimated.

� No designated access on the ramp for Road and Maritime Services or the emergency/ Marine Rescue.

� There is a belief that the boat operators have additional rights as the original users of the Haven.

� The feeling is that the activities for the Haven playing oval would be better relocated to Duffys Oval (given that the current facilities are often flooded and not able to be used). This would leave the area to be community open space.

� If the diving activities related to the Adelaide grow there will be a requirement for additional nearby parking for minibuses and cars. Issues Issues Issues Issues identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community identified by the community with the process for the study with the process for the study with the process for the study with the process for the study and the consultationand the consultationand the consultationand the consultation

� There was the feeling that this consultation process should involve those from other suburbs who currently use Terrigal.

� Need to look at the input and outcomes of the Plan of Management (PoM) for the Haven.

� The timing of the survey of existing parking conditions – at the time of the counts there were bad weather conditions (October long weekend). This will have had impact on the numbers.

� Need to plan for the future –the next 25 years. Potential SPotential SPotential SPotential Solutionsolutionsolutionsolutions as as as as Suggested by Community MSuggested by Community MSuggested by Community MSuggested by Community Membersembersembersembers

Potential solutions from interviews, emails and the online discussion up to 20 January have been collated and are summarised below. The list below does not include the input from the workshop that is detailed in the section to follow (Section 6).

We have made every effort to represent each of the comments and views expressed. Comments are still welcome. Potential solutions related to both Potential solutions related to both Potential solutions related to both Potential solutions related to both Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre and and and and thethethethe HavenHavenHavenHaven

� Need to look at the possibility of light rail/tram from Gosford Station via Erina Fair to Terrigal along scenic highway route.

� Land near the bridge at Terrigal Lagoon should be purchased for parking.

� Need for a walkway around the foreshore between Terrigal and the Haven so that the parking demands are inter-related.

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 8

� Park and ride system on carnival days for Terrigal and the Haven.

� Need regular parking enforcement at the right time - Monitor loading zones.

� The beachside parking lot should become a picnic area to take pressure off the Haven.

� A drop and go zone for people to drop off bigger items at the beach or the Haven. Gold coin donation to cover costs.

� Investigate strategies to reduce the need to use cars and encourage:

� Car share schemes (including shared smart cars in lieu of extra car parking spaces)

� Public transport (increase frequency and visibility)

� Bikes (including bike share scheme)

� Improved pedestrian links. Potential Potential Potential Potential solutions for parking in the solutions for parking in the solutions for parking in the solutions for parking in the Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre Terrigal Town Centre

� Additional levels to multi storey park or extension to include the bowling club area and /or the land next door to the post office and/ or provide a covering for the top level.

� Need for a designated walkway from the land next door to the post office to Pinetree Lane. A suggestion was a shared (pedestrian & vehicle) zone to Kurrawyba St between The Esplanade and Church St, extending along the full length of Pine Tree Lane.

� Developer contributions need to be used to fund parking.

� Some believe the length of time for street parking is ideal at 30 minutes and some believe it should be extended.

� Some feel the water front should be a Pedestrian Mall with additional playground and BBQ’s space with Church Street being two way (if possible given the space).

� There was a suggestion that specifically the Esplanade between Campbell & Kurrawyba should be closed. Campbell/Church should be two way with angle parking on eastern side of Church only, buses & taxi rank west side. South side of Campbell should be loading zone only and no parking on the north side. A large roundabout at intersection of Church/Kurrawyba/Pinetree could accommodate buses and larger vehicles and encourage flow to current and expanded parking station. Give way should be at Kurrawyba/ Wilson and right of way for traffic from Wilson (leaving parking precinct).

� Some feel the existing fencing needs to be removed and this especially disadvantages the area between Bakers Delight and Belly Fish (there needs to be a crossing to the car park from this area).

� Diagonal rather than parallel parking is required.

� Loading zones should be able to be used by older people.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 9

� All parking in prime areas should be 1 hour (including the car parks that are now 4 hours).

� There should be metered parking on street.

� Residents should have exemption stickers to use in certain areas including Wilson Rd carpark (if this park has time limits).

� Signage should direct people the most efficient route to the multiple parking options.

� An option is directing traffic to the Wilson Rd Carpark via Campbell & Church St to Kurrawyba, then enter as usual via Wilson Rd.

� Access to the multi storey car park should be through Pine tree lane or from Ash Street.

� Fix the parking area next to the post office.

� Staff should be required to park in the car park to allow spots closer to the retail and services for customers.

� The road needs line marking to create more parking.

� Parking station required on Campbell Crescent and more parking required in the Church street car park (multi storey).

� Traffic needs to be directed away from the beach front.

� Traffic flow needs to be improved with traffic lights and less pedestrian crossings.

� Have two way traffic and parking on both sides.

� The Esplanade should be closed to traffic (excl some deliveries, maintenance and the like) as in Curitiba in Brazil, Copenhagen in Denmark, Sydney (Pitt St mall and The Corso, Manly) etc… Perhaps it can be seasonal. Examples cited by others were Sunshine Coast and Adelaide.

� The area behind the shops (near police and medical centre) should be a multi storey car park.

� Small area on Pine Lane near the roundabout in Ash Street may be an option for staff parking or for more parking facilities.

� Rescind the option for Council to sell 5-7 Church Street and to use this area to develop a public car park.

� Review the parking DCP’s which are outdated to reflect current and plan for future demographic changes and housing types (ie apartment sizes etc).

� Investigate decentralised parking with enjoyable access.

� Schemes should be funded by contributions, partnerships (PPP) and the creation of cash flows around assets enabling sustainable long term funding.

� Real time signage at the entrance points detailing parking available in the town would be great - knowing they can park will encourage people to enter and stay.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 10

� There should not be focus on vehicles and car parking at the expense of pedestrians (walking/riding, scale and speed etc) and good urban design.

� Improve cycle ways (including rides to Wamberal and Avoca Beach) and bike racks around Terrigal.

� Investigate underground parking (ie. York Street parking station in Sydney) under the hill on Barnhill Road with entry and exit from the Esplanade at the crest of the hill, or either side of the crest – it is acknowledged that an underground parking station could be expensive and outside Council budget.

� Investigate Terrigal Lagoon as a parking option. Potential Potential Potential Potential Solutions for Terrigal Haven Solutions for Terrigal Haven Solutions for Terrigal Haven Solutions for Terrigal Haven

� Walkway from Terrigal.

� Redo parking around oval to create more – parks are too large and too far away from fence.

� Perhaps 45 degree angled parking around the Haven Oval on both sides of the centre road with improved earth works and bank stabilisation, oval access and stepped seating for Haven oval users.

� There is a need for parking restrictions and designations to be enforceable as per the proposed changes for the LGA Act. Same as done at Gosford boat ramp with the soccer. Port Stephens has dedicated trailer parking which is policed.

� Improve driver awareness of traffic flow and awareness of where to park cars or car/trailers.

� Improve the parking conditions and define the cafe gravel area with lines.

� redo all markings and change yellow lines at the ramp.

� Several suggestions about the location of future parking including:

� multi storey parking in the current green hilly area behind the club house as per the proposal for this in the 80’s.

� The slope of the eastern parking area for cut in cantilever under/over, reverse in, car or car/trailer parking arrangement or a 3-4 storey multi level cut in parking and extra business facilities.

� additional parking bays for cars, car/trailers where the old Trojans Hall stood.

� More coordination required at ramp and designated spots for trailers.

� Create locker facilities and shuttle bus facilities (from car park) for divers and/ or others.

� Parking parameters need to reflect weather/ time of day/ peak seasons.

� Divers should be required to use the ramp near restaurant rather than the boat ramp to relieve the pressure on the parking near the boat ramp.

� Have a capacity count of the traffic going in and out and “full” sign at the entry.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

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� The western area should be used to construct a Marine Rescue facility and also they require two dedicated parking spots in the Haven.

� Dedicated commercial operators parking area as seen in all fishing ports along the NSW Coast ie Nelson Bay, Crowdy Head, Coffs Harbour etc.

� Parking for recreational fishing should be addressed but separate from general car parking and also should be properly regulated.

� There should be a levy on the Rugby Club and the Dive Centres to fund a parking station (preferably not at the Haven). Report of the OReport of the OReport of the OReport of the Outcomes from the Workshopsutcomes from the Workshopsutcomes from the Workshopsutcomes from the Workshops

The community were invited to register for one or both of two workshops that were held on 12 December 2011 at the Crowne Plaza, Terrigal. The times and topics of focus were as follows:

� 3 pm to 5 pm – Terrigal central business Terrigal central business Terrigal central business Terrigal central business areaareaareaarea with 10 community and business representatives attending this session.

� 6 pm to 8 pm – Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal HavenHavenHavenHaven with 15 community and business representatives attending this session.

The workshops provided opportunity for the community to have input to the parking study, understand study activities to date and provide possible solutions for Brown Consulting and Council to consider.

Twenty-one different community members and business people participated in these two workshop sessions. Information provided and attained through the workshopInformation provided and attained through the workshopInformation provided and attained through the workshopInformation provided and attained through the workshop

The following format was used for both the workshop sessions.

1. Introduction to the team, agenda and workshop objectivesIntroduction to the team, agenda and workshop objectivesIntroduction to the team, agenda and workshop objectivesIntroduction to the team, agenda and workshop objectives - Margaret Harvie, PlanCom Consulting.

2. OvOvOvOverviewerviewerviewerview of Terrigal Parking Studyof Terrigal Parking Studyof Terrigal Parking Studyof Terrigal Parking Study - Activities undertaken to date to establish the current use and demand on parking. This included activities such as road counts, video cameras and physical counts – Dean Brodie, Brown Consulting.

3. Presentation ofPresentation ofPresentation ofPresentation of the the the the iiiissues and solutions ssues and solutions ssues and solutions ssues and solutions suggested by the communitysuggested by the communitysuggested by the communitysuggested by the community. . . . There was

an overview of the input received to 12 December. These included some of the issues from Section 4 and 5 of this report (however additional comments have been received by email or through the online forum up to 20 January and have been added to the list).

4. Discussion andDiscussion andDiscussion andDiscussion and feedback from the pfeedback from the pfeedback from the pfeedback from the participantsarticipantsarticipantsarticipants. The workshop participants were asked to form groups and list their key issues regarding parking in the Terrigal/Terrigal Haven areas. The issues were then sorted into like topics from those across the various groups.

Topic headings were definedTopic headings were definedTopic headings were definedTopic headings were defined and the issues sorted under each of these.

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

PlanCom Consulting Pty Ltd www.plancom.com.au

Page 12

Participants were asked to select the topic (and hence group) they wanted to join (based on the heading) to develop possible solutions. The following issues and solutions came from these groups. TTTTerrigal Central Business Areaerrigal Central Business Areaerrigal Central Business Areaerrigal Central Business Area

The topics and the issues and solution raised through the workshops were the following: Access aAccess aAccess aAccess and Signagend Signagend Signagend Signage –––– IssuesIssuesIssuesIssues (Group 1)(Group 1)(Group 1)(Group 1)

� Poor access to the town

� Daytrippers can’t get into Terrigal and aren’t staying

� Information to know where parking is available – real time signage

� Traffic flow to parking areas does not work

� Routing to multi-storey car park

� Circling traffic to find parking. Access aAccess aAccess aAccess andndndnd SignageSignageSignageSignage ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� Resume land to have access to multi-storey car park from Pine Tree Lane

� Solves cars and pedestrian access

� (Resumption could be limited in height so it can be built over)

� “Park assist” signage to indicate parking availability

� Before coming into Terrigal eg. Duffy’s Rd (both ends) Wamberal

� Synchronised lights on zebra crossings

� Public transport from Erina Fair external car park (mini bus). Management aManagement aManagement aManagement and Enforcementnd Enforcementnd Enforcementnd Enforcement –––– Issues (Group 2)Issues (Group 2)Issues (Group 2)Issues (Group 2)

� Perception of conflict for users/customers in Terrigal

� Loading zones and delivery of goods

� Dealing with the seasonal peaks

� Insufficient 15 min parking spaces

� Staff car parking – occupying prime parking spaces

� Parking management and a lack of enforcement

� The reduction in parking close to businesses

� Parking zones and timing restrictions enforcement and plan. Management aManagement aManagement aManagement and Enforcementnd Enforcementnd Enforcementnd Enforcement ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� More ranger activity

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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� Review of current parking restrictions

� Investigate parking meters with exemption for local residents

� Real-time parking information (ie. number of spaces available)

� Staff and business owners to use multi-storey car park

� Provide 2 loading zones in Church St carpark

� Review of DCP 111 car parking policy (currently states that no more than 2/3 of required parking to be on-site (underground parking development costs in Terrigal are more than contributions currently required by Council)

� Provision of more bicycle parking areas. Parking ProvisionParking ProvisionParking ProvisionParking Provision –––– IIIIssues (Group 3)ssues (Group 3)ssues (Group 3)ssues (Group 3)

� Lack of parking causing traffic flows to circulate around residential areas

� Not enough parking in Terrigal during busy periods

� Inefficient use of existing parking

� Access to surf club limits its use (only accessible via Terrigal Drive)

� Not enough parking at Northern end

� Increasing number of car parks within CBD needed – cannot lose 1 more space. Parking ProvisionParking ProvisionParking ProvisionParking Provision ---- SSSSolutionsolutionsolutionsolutions

� Decentralising parking from CBD with level access for pedestrians

� Use of technology to monitor parking and/or book parking at Haven

� Large car park outside CBD with free shuttle buses in peak periods

� Incentives to park elsewhere ie. vouchers/tokens etc

� Increase number of car parks through planning. Location Location Location Location oooof Parkingf Parkingf Parkingf Parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking –––– IIIIssues (Group 4)ssues (Group 4)ssues (Group 4)ssues (Group 4)

� Prioritise pedestrians over cars

� Multi-storey car park and pedestrian access to CBD

� Developer contribution scheme not working - $ vs parking space provision

� Use the multi-storey car park as last option – how do we stop people avoiding car park?

� Council approving developments with inadequate parking spaces Location oLocation oLocation oLocation of Parkingf Parkingf Parkingf Parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking/ onsite parking ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� Metered parking for street parking longer than 30 mins

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 14

� Improve pedestrian journey from multi-storey car park to town centre

� Real-time signage for parking in multi-storey car park (signage from esplanade)

� Council to review pedestrian management

� Council to approve only developments with adequate on-site parking. Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal Terrigal HavenHavenHavenHaven General General General General Parking Provision Parking Provision Parking Provision Parking Provision ---- IIIIssues (Group 1)ssues (Group 1)ssues (Group 1)ssues (Group 1)

� More parking is required at the Haven

� Public parking cannot be reduced

� Parking should be formalised in the Haven

� Investigate SW slope with view to increase parking

� Lack of parking rugby field. General General General General Parking Provision Parking Provision Parking Provision Parking Provision ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� Council to fund shuttle bus between Haven and Terrigal:

� Route to include multi-storey car park

� Sponsored by Rotary/Lions

� Volunteer bus driver

� Small donation for trip

� Small trailer for dive equipment

� Mid week – on request

� Weekend and peak times – all the time

� Area immediately behind the Rugby club (SW slope side/scenic highway side) to be opened for parking, possibly underground car park

� More (parking) lines, after boating area (eastern end)

� Need for 45 degree line marking for parking

� Yellow paint for non parking areas and white paint to show parking spots

� Walkway between Haven and Terrigal – boardwalk

� Incorporate previous studies to not reinvent the wheel. Boat Users/RampBoat Users/RampBoat Users/RampBoat Users/Ramp –––– Issues (GIssues (GIssues (GIssues (Group 2)roup 2)roup 2)roup 2)

� Lack of enforcement

� Too many users of the Haven at peak times

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 15

� Poor management of existing public parking

� Congestion around boat ramp

� Safety issues

� Designated parking areas required in the Haven

� Dedicated trailer parking needed as there is a severe lack of i.e. none Boat Users/RampBoat Users/RampBoat Users/RampBoat Users/Ramp ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� Not enough parking for cars with trailers

� Dedicated boat trailers parking which needs to be marked (signs), enforced and lines painted on the ashphalt

� Designated diver change and drop off facility away from boat ramp to ease ramp congestion (near reef restaurant – other boat ramp).

� Traffic flow arrows

� No more development eg. Kids playground etc, there is enough of these away from the boat ramp area

� For the safety of vessels, crew and the general public, boat users require trailer parking close to the boat ramp

� Move picnic chairs and tables away from boat ramp and discourage picnicking around boat ramp

� Discourage swimmers from boat ramp area (there used to be signs to do this)

� Determine who is responsible for enforcement Diver FacilitiesDiver FacilitiesDiver FacilitiesDiver Facilities –––– Issues (Group 3)Issues (Group 3)Issues (Group 3)Issues (Group 3)

� No designated dive parking

� Lack of a facility for dive operators / patrons. Maybe adjacent to reef restaurant/boat ramp Diver FacilitiesDiver FacilitiesDiver FacilitiesDiver Facilities ---- SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� “Residents” exempt metered parking (say 2 hours free)

� Permit available for purchase

� Shuttle service to/from Haven and CBD (Scout Hall)

� Convert field to some parking (on top)

� More parking behind restaurant General General General General –––– Issues (Group 3 continued)Issues (Group 3 continued)Issues (Group 3 continued)Issues (Group 3 continued)

� 4 hours parking too long

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 16

� No road closures can be accommodated in any solution

� Lack of walkway between Haven and CBD General General General General –––– SolutionsSolutionsSolutionsSolutions

� Need a whole of Terrigal solution – all businesses, locals, tourists need to work together

� Don’t create new problems when solving this

� Decisions in Terrigal affect the Haven (and vice versa)

� Bus shuttle will prevent cars coming into Terrigal, but where can they park (not in the Scout Hall, but can park at Duffy’s Road Oval, Terrigal High School). Needs to be frequent – 10-15 min

� Need to consider operation ie. flow of Terrigal traffic (peak seasons, and times of day and times of activities ie divers)

� Shut the front road i.e. Close Terrigal Drive at beach

Both of the workshops closed with final questions and thanks to the participants for attending. Summary of online Summary of online Summary of online Summary of online forum forum forum forum –––– Have Your SayHave Your SayHave Your SayHave Your Say

An online forum was advertised and accessible through the Gosford Council’s website. The URL is http://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigal. The online discussion commenced on 28 November 2011 and continued on through the consultation period till 20 January 2012. During this period, 38 participants registered to the online forum while a total of 370 people visited the site.

People were invited to join the conversations and discuss issues based around the following four questions. The table below summarises the online activity with the number or responses and viewings from interested community members and business owners.

Table Table Table Table : : : Parking Strategy Parking Strategy Parking Strategy Parking Strategy Online Online Online Online Forum Forum Forum Forum

QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions No. of ResponsesNo. of ResponsesNo. of ResponsesNo. of Responses ViewsViewsViewsViews

If there is not enough parking, what is the best way If there is not enough parking, what is the best way If there is not enough parking, what is the best way If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to to to to improve parking in the future?improve parking in the future?improve parking in the future?improve parking in the future?

Think about the location of future parking, signage and the current and future parking restrictions. Consider improvements to public transport, walking and cycling facilities.

21 287

Of the current parking arrangements inOf the current parking arrangements inOf the current parking arrangements inOf the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Terrigal what Terrigal what Terrigal what would you want to remain the same?would you want to remain the same?would you want to remain the same?would you want to remain the same?

8 171

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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QuestionsQuestionsQuestionsQuestions No. of ResponsesNo. of ResponsesNo. of ResponsesNo. of Responses ViewsViewsViewsViews

What parking arrangements have you seen in other What parking arrangements have you seen in other What parking arrangements have you seen in other What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may work in Terrigal?places that you think may work in Terrigal?places that you think may work in Terrigal?places that you think may work in Terrigal?

2 92

What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and business?your life and business?your life and business?your life and business?

11 205

TotalTotalTotalTotal 44442222 777755555555

Of the 42 total responses entered on the online forum, 28 were primary comments (ie initiating the discussion) and 14 replied to those comments. The responses to the online forum have been summarised into Study group areas and are provided in Appendix B.

While not all participants or visitors to the online forum gave their comments, some gave their support to the comments by providing their views with an ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’ opinion to the discussion. The results are in the table below. If you want to see the specific comments to which the ‘agrees’ or ‘disagrees’ are related see Appendix B.

Table 1.2: Support of comments from the online forumTable 1.2: Support of comments from the online forumTable 1.2: Support of comments from the online forumTable 1.2: Support of comments from the online forum

Support for comment that were posted under the following Forum Support for comment that were posted under the following Forum Support for comment that were posted under the following Forum Support for comment that were posted under the following Forum QuestionQuestionQuestionQuestion headersheadersheadersheaders

AgreesAgreesAgreesAgrees DisagreesDisagreesDisagreesDisagrees

If there is not If there is not If there is not If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve enough parking, what is the best way to improve enough parking, what is the best way to improve enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future?parking in the future?parking in the future?parking in the future?

17 3

Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you want to remain the same?want to remain the same?want to remain the same?want to remain the same?

2 0

What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may work in think may work in think may work in think may work in Terrigal?Terrigal?Terrigal?Terrigal?

3 0

What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and business?business?business?business?

11 0

TotalTotalTotalTotal 33333333 3333

In addition the visitors to the website were invited to participate in two Quick Poll questions. These are detailed in Table 1.3 along with the number of responses:

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Terrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking StudyTerrigal Parking Study Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/ Brown Consulting/

Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Table Table Table Table 1.3: Online Poll1.3: Online Poll1.3: Online Poll1.3: Online Poll

QuestionQuestionQuestionQuestionssss ResponsesResponsesResponsesResponses

YesYesYesYes NoNoNoNo MaybeMaybeMaybeMaybe TotalTotalTotalTotal

Does Terrigal currently have enough public Does Terrigal currently have enough public Does Terrigal currently have enough public Does Terrigal currently have enough public parking?parking?parking?parking?







Should we look at improvements in public Should we look at improvements in public Should we look at improvements in public Should we look at improvements in public transport, walking and transport, walking and transport, walking and transport, walking and cycling facilities as a cycling facilities as a cycling facilities as a cycling facilities as a measure to improve parking in Terrigal?measure to improve parking in Terrigal?measure to improve parking in Terrigal?measure to improve parking in Terrigal?







(14) Further ConsultationFurther ConsultationFurther ConsultationFurther Consultation

This consultation report is accessible via Gosford Council website. A presentation to the community of the findings of the study and potential solutions is scheduled for May 2012. A workshop will be conducted at this time.

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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APPENDIX AAPPENDIX AAPPENDIX AAPPENDIX A –––– Questions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the WorkshopQuestions and Answers from the Workshop

Questions and responses raised during Questions and responses raised during Questions and responses raised during Questions and responses raised during the the the the workshopsworkshopsworkshopsworkshops

Question 1: Are there any plans to come back and do a recount for the Terrigal Haven? Is there consideration in the study of the unfavourable weather conditions when the study was conducted? (specifically the long weekend in October 2011)

AnsAnsAnsAnswer:wer:wer:wer: The results from the study conducted at the boat ramp have been recorded during two key periods, being during school term (weekday and a weekend) and during school holidays (weekday and weekend). It is acknowledged that the data collected may have under represented the usage patterns in typical holiday periods. While the weather wasn’t typical during that period the data captured is with Council and it is Council decision to collect more data.

The study will recommend to Council the collection of further data. It will be suggested that the study consider the sea conditions and if these are likely to impact the number of people using the ramp there would be the option to cancel the counts.

Question 2: Does the study include assessing the access points near the bowling club and for the entire the Terrigal area?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: The study focuses on vehicles coming directly in/out of the Terrigal and Terrigal Haven area. The study hasn’t included vehicle movements in/out of Barnhill Road. A specific traffic management study would be required to assess all vehicle movements in and out of Terrigal. This study could include a suggestion that this occur.

Question 3: What’s happening with the land near the Post Office?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: The owner of the land was present at the workshop and explained while this is his land he will continue to allow the area to be used for parking until it is developed.

Question 4: Can the multi-storey car park be built higher?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: Yes it can support another 2 levels.

Question 5: What’s the capacity of the multi-storey car park?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: The car park can currently accommodate 400+ car and will allow for 200 more if the additional levels are built. The multi storey car park is currently under utilised.

Question 6: Do you intend to do more surveys?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: The survey/counts for this study have been completed. The data is with Council. The participants requested of Council that another survey be done for the Haven.

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Question 7: Twelve months ago there were rubber tubes counting traffic, what was this for?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: It is understood these counts were undertaken by the Department of Planning and will not be made available for this study.

Question 8: Does Council own 5-7 Church Street?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: Yes

Question 9: What is the role of the consultants?

Answer:Answer:Answer:Answer: Brown Consulting/PlanCom is working with Gosford Council to conduct the Terrigal Parking study. On the completion of the Phase 2 consultation a report will be generated and issued to Council. The report is scheduled to be issued to Council May 2012.

Question 10: Does this parking study override the Plan of Management for the Haven?

Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Council will look at innovative solutions and consider options. These will need to remain within the context of existing Council plans including the Plan of Management for The Haven.

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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APPENDIX B APPENDIX B APPENDIX B APPENDIX B –––– Responses Responses Responses Responses from the On line Forumfrom the On line Forumfrom the On line Forumfrom the On line Forum

Parking in Terrigal Parking in Terrigal Parking in Terrigal Parking in Terrigal ---- Have your sayHave your sayHave your sayHave your say http://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigalhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigalhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigalhttp://haveyoursaygosford.com.au/parkinginterrigal

For confidentiality reasons, names have been deleted from the text.

If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

At present there isn't enough spaces available. Council should incorporate the Haven and Terrigal CBD to be more accessible to each other. There was talk back in the 80's that the area above the new Trojan Hall could be used for further parking area. This area has easy access to the Haven beach where a lot of families are taking their kids now. Create a walkway around the rocks to Terrigal. Majority of people won’t walk over the hill and into the Terrigal or visa -versa, but you will find a level walkway will join both areas together. The majority of other beach side suburbs have done it so this area should be the same. This will or should take alot of stress from the traffic follow that Terrigal CBD streets have at the moment, naturally you will signage to advise Holiday makers to take advantage of it

29 Nov 2011 2 Agree 1 Disagree

I believe that approval was given, and funding made available, for the wooden walkway round the rocks between the 2 beaches a couple of years ago (I may be wrong!) but this now seems to have taken a back seat. You are right - it is desperately needed - many people these days seek "the easy way" and will not walk over the hill but a level access would be well used. Just need to sort out the parking at the Haven then.........! The fishermen are right - they need proper controlled access to the ramp and the ability to park close by without their "dedicated" spots being taken by day trippers etc. There seems to be room for extra capacity further up the current grassy area but I believe that the zone that was previously taken by the old (demolished) change rooms has been earmarked for a children's play area (again, I may be wrong!) whenever that may happen! That, also, is desperately needed as there is not a children's play area at all - other than the beach. Now a contentious issue.....and a sacred cow at that .......... is the Haven playing oval really cost effective for its current purpose? It seems to be "under water" on many occasions and therefore unplayable. It would be interesting to know how many days a year it is used for training and matches. Does Terrigal rugby club have to play there - could they not relocate to Duffys Oval? There is your "overflow" car park perhaps!? The current waste land above the new change rooms is precisely that - waste land - and should be utilised properly. How will the diving fraternity be catered for if the interest in the Adelaide continues to grow apace? They will require close access parking and perhaps for minibuses as well as cars? Unfortunately, this whole issue seems to be part of the general malaise - this area has grown, and will continue to grow, at a rate that is not being matched by the provision of facilities and until this is properly addressed and fully funded we shall continue to see "bits and pieces" remedies which only paper over the cracks.

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Maybe a parking station outside the busy area (Duffy's Rd?) and a shuttle bus running. A drop and go zone for people to drop off bigger items at the beach or Haven. Gold coin donation should cover costs. This would reduce traffic and ease pressure on existing parking.

01 Dec 2011 1 Agree 1 Disagree

The drop & go zone idea works elsewhere good suggestion, the peak period parking station shuttle bus to The Haven servicing the public and diving groups was suggested years ago but nothing has happened yet. I wonder what size 'gold' coin? Parking fees/ user pay maybe another way to manage parking access along with exemptions, the money must be dedicated to improved parking arrangements.

02 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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Page 22

If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

Parking at the haven is becoming a real issue. Changing the parking to a 45 degree angled parking around the haven oval would create a lot more spaces then the current arrangement. Formalised parking near the marine discovery centre and playground could also create a lot more spaces then is currently utilised.

01 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

Good suggestion! 02 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

We currently use our motor scooter if we want to just sit on the beach or have a nice meal in the town this way we avoid the constant circling around waiting for a car park, I believe the whole shopping area near the beach should be closed off and become a mall with large car parking facility located around 250 metres inland with dedicated road leading to and past it for local residents to access their homes. The mall only opened to support traffic for shops from midnight to 8 am every day. This system is in place in Adelaide central and other satellite cities.

01 Dec 2011 3 Agree 0 Disagree

Part of the problem in cars going around the block is the availability of car spaces which is not helped by the number of shop owners who park in these timed parking spaces all day. I have overheard in a few shops over the past year who admit that they are park in the beach car park. If you know many of the businesses cars you will see they are parked outside their designated businesses all day everyday- especially cafes and takeaways businesses. I understand there is limited availability in the loading zones at times however it does affect the number of available spaces in the CBD area each day. There needs to be some sort of sign alert at the roundabout Terrigal Drive and Ocean View Drive to deter you from left from Ocean View Drive onto Terrigal Drive to go up the hill into Terrigal if the traffic is congested. Once you are caught in that line it is really difficult to get out of the gridlock. That way it may move people to go via scenic highway and down to the multistorey car park.

27 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Terrigal Haven Boat Ramp (Area B) is becoming a joke! No there is not enough parking and getting through the Terrigal traffic maze is even worse at peak periods when towing a boat. The Haven area was set aside for boating activities allowing residents, businesses and visitors to access the offshore waters along our coastline. The Haven is limited in size and space, along with conservation concerns there is little room for expansion. There must be dedicated car and car/trailer parking to cope with our current and future boating and client needs servicing the commercial, recreational and charter fishing needs, now and into the future in the eastern area. As we all know when the elements all align for a perfect day we all head to the coast, fishing, boating, swimming, diving, picnics, coffees, fish & chips, sunning, etc. etc. Some simple and cost effective solutions are - amend the Local Government Act Sec 632 & 650 allowing Councils to assign and sign post parking areas, improve driver awareness of traffic flow and where to park cars or car/trailers or RV’s etc., have site supervision by Rangers or Wardens at peak times/events, have a capacity count in/out/full sign at the entry, restrict access to boat ramp parking area to cars with trailers and eastern business operators.

02 Dec 2011 3 Agree 1 Disagree

Terrigal Haven needs investment and these are the big ticket options. To service and support the eastern area, the slope of the eastern parking area lends itself to a well designed cut in cantilever under/over, reverse in, car or car/trailer parking arrangement, potentially increasing parking 50+%, or at less expense providing improved traffic movement and additional parking bays for cars, car/trailers were the old Trojans Hall stood. Improve parking and facilities in the western area supporting existing business activities, and an increasing HMAS Adelaide diving interest, this could involve a 3-4 storey multi level cut in parking and extra business facilities servicing this area and the

02 Dec 2011 2 Agree 0 Disagree

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Gosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City CouncilGosford City Council

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If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

Oval linking back to Terrigal via an improved less hilly coastal walk option. Adding to the suggestion above, change the parking arrangements to 45 degree nose in angled parking both sides of the centre road around the Oval area with improved earth works and bank stabilisation, oval access and stepped seating servicing other Haven users.

Current traffic / road design through Terrigal does not work, with multiple pedestrian crossings and traffic merge onto the front esplanade, guarantees minimal traffic flow. An option could be to close the front esplanade completely, divert traffic around the front section of shops to make Church street two way. And have limited traffic stopping opportunities to support traffic flow. You will compromise the half dozen car parking spots at the front, but a much more serviceable design to support small business. Extension of the multi tier car park to cover the entire car park for the bowling club will more than double the amount of car parking available , and if a roof was put on the car park it would encourage more use of the upper level. Parking design as mentioned by others seems to be a relatively simple option to improve use of space in the haven.

05 Dec 2011 2 Agree 0 Disagree

The new walking path from the bridge over the lagoon into Terrigal and around to the Haven have been well used and utilised, to encourage the broader use these need to be extended right through to Wamberal and beyond and supported by appropriate community infrastructure, likewise through to connect to Duffy's and other areas that support and attract users to park remotely and walk, ride with families etc. Sunshine coast has done a top class job in this area, great foreshore walking / riding paths , well maintained and supported by the community , both in Noosa / Noosaville ( where similar land constraints exist ) but also along the surf beaches from Maroochydore through to Sunshine Beach. Excellent BBQ's , picnic facilities creating a spread of area to utilise rather than centralising it all in one spot. I see similar opportunity for the Haven , Terrigal Lagoon parks , Lett Park Wamberal etc

05 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

The council could buy land near the bridge at Terrigal Lagoon and build another parking station there. Improving the cycle ways (including rides to Wamberal and Avoca Beach) and bike racks at popular areas around Terrigal would help too.

05 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

With regards to Area B (The Haven) - This is also the only direct ocean access open to boaters & fishers on the Central Coast. Norah Head is basically unsafe and un usable below half tides. As the only open sea access for boaters this groups needs are of a high priority. Dedicated Trailer and vehicle parking spaces which need to be well sign posted, line marked and POLICED! If there is a need for Council to get jurisdiction over this area then it should do so immediately. Policing the soccer goers at Gosford boat ramp solved the issue very quickly.

05 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

Open up the area behind the shops where the police shop and medical centre are to a multi level car parking station. This provides easier access to the beach and cafes. Also close off the esplanade and make in to a mall and divert traffic two-way into Church st.

07 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

The surface area of Terrigal has difficulty in sustaining the traffic coming over the hill down into The Esplanade. So it needs to be up or down, but not in the Village itself. A large parking station could be an excavated construction underground, under the hill where Barnhill Road is, and the vehicular entry and exit from the Esplanade at the crest of the hill of the Esplanade, or either side of the crest, should be appropriately located so that the entry and exit themselves do not cause disruption to traffic. Pedestrian access could be from corner of Painters Lane and The Esplanade. Underground parking is a solution adopted in many cities around the world. The York Street Parking Station in Sydney is a near-by example.

09 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Whilst a large underground parking area would solve umpteen problems, these things are mega-expensive and, presumably, well outside the budget of Gosford Council?

12 Dec 2011

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If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

Funding from either State or Federal coffers would not happen for years, if at all, by which time traffic would have increased perhaps threefold and ground to a permanent halt! Major expansion of the current car park by the bowling club still seems to be the most suitable and cost-effective option of all the possibilities offered in this forum, together with making the Esplanade a pedestrian concourse, if at all possible and making Church Street a two-way thoroughfare if parking therein is reduced to one side only or, preferably, not at all. As for the Haven, I stand by my previous suggestions - trailer parking should have a proper controlled designated area unavailable to other traffic, if only for the safety issue. I am still not convinced that the Oval is being best used at present. The objective of this forum is to look at the parking issues, and all relevant related matters, not just for the present but for the next 25 years or so. This needs to be got right from the start, too many piecemeal decisions have been made in the past for which we, as ratepayers, continue to fund. How many extra vehicles will there be in 25 years time? The trend to 2, 3 or even 4 cars per household is likely to continue unabated. Terrigal has no further capacity already for additional roads to cater for this increase - eventually there will have to be decisions taken to drastically restrict car access - in whatever ways that can be achieved. The summer school holidays will soon be upon us again - if you live here you know what that already means for additional traffic!! I wish the planning team every success in addressing this major problem - but I am not holding my breath on there being a totally satisfactory outcome!

0 Agree 0 Disagree

Close Esplanade to traffic between Campbell & Kurrawyba; make Campbell/Church two way again with angle parking on eastern side of Church only, buses & taxi rank west side and south side of Campbell loading zone only with no parks on north side; large roundabout at intersection of Church/Kurrawyba/Pinetree (to accommodate buses and larger vehicles etc) with encourage flow to current parking station and expand parking in this area in any way possible; give way Kirrawyba/ Wilson with right away for traffic from Wilson (leaving parking precinct); Kurrawyba to Esplanade to Ash to Pinetree one way with angle parking both sides except in Ash; large roundabout junction of PineTree and Ash utilising land nth-east cnr , By closing the Esplanade reduce the vehicles doing laps looking for on street parking and also the slow down caused by pedestrians crossing to beach. General utilisation & connection of retail area to beach enhanced. great public space! Discourage further vehicle traffic to Haven. Also parking station ideas in Haven would detract from beauty of that area. Anything to discourage vehicle traffic into Terrigal CBD such as shuttle bus should also be considered. seriously.

10 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

I am sorry to say and it won't help but the Central Coast has the former State Government and Gosford City Council to blame for this current situation. I objected to the development of the Terrigal Trojans Rugby Club and the Sinking of HMAS Adelaide on completely different grounds. The former as inappropriate for the area and the latter on environmental grounds. If an EIS isn't carried out what do you expect? So what do you do? First of all do what I did, I left the area after living on the Central Coast for 52 years. Second I advise a levy on both the Rugby Club and the Dive Centres to fund a parking station preferably not at the haven, park and walk or swim.

11 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Shouldn't the Haven be for Open Space? Footy in winter - cricket in summer. Get rid of the sport oval and allow the land to be used as a community open space. These sport teams take up a huge number of the car spaces in the Haven. If the dog run needs to stay on the hill - at least fence an area for the dogs to run. The number of people I have seen nearly knocked over by wayward dogs are too many for two hands. Maybe the dog run could be moved away from the Haven altogether or at least moved to the hill on the South side of the oval (in front of the houses). Car parking spaces need to be increased. Extension of the carpark could easily be built

12 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? If there is not enough parking, what is the best way to improve parking in the future? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

up the hill where the big hole is. Further parking space is available again on the south side of the oval in front of the houses.

Terrigal CBD is a nightmare for "through" traffic - often ques back up The Esplanade and back to the roundabout. Tourist season is an absolute nightmare. Closing off The Esplanade to make a Mall could make it difficult for the businesses there. The "drop in" trade was cut out when the road was reduced to one lane with the "traffic calming devices" installed in the last makeover. To get to the Newsagent and Post Office now is a nightmare because one has to park up in Grosvenor Road, should you be lucky enough to find a space. No quick trip to do simple things like that. Access to Grosvenor, especially at the top at Barnhill is dangerous with cars parked without consideration for vehicles trying to get through, and even now illegally parked. Diverting traffic away from the CBD is going to have to be a serious consideration, but what impact on the businesses there? Ease of access for residents is essential also. Expanding the Wilson Street parking station, more public parking in developments, underground? Duffys Road as an alternative is too far away, even with a shuttle bus. Terrigal Lagoon - the walk into the village could be developed and made more amenable and people would use it. Parking in the area of the lagoon would need investigation due to constraints with soils, etc. The topography does limit options in "the Bowl". The Haven, will leave for others to comment as they could have more knowledge of it than me.

19 Jan 2012 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you want to remain the would you want to remain the would you want to remain the would you want to remain the same?same?same?same?

Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

The area can't afford to have any further parking spaces taken away. There was talk back in January (From Gosford Council) that the main street should be blocked off and the Council carparking in Church St sold to a developer to fund the main street closer. This does nothing to help Terrigal's parking situation. The car parking contributions from the developers should be used back in Terrigal to create at least another level on the current parking station in Wilson Road

29 Nov 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

The allocated trailer parking areas. I have friends who used to come and stay in the area but now bypass the Central Coast as Port Stephens is ony an hour further drive and much more tourist friendly.

01 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

Extend the existing multi tier car park to the full car parking space around the bowling club, this would more than double the amount of space available.

05 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Continue to have beachside parking and the multilevel parking and area behind Crowne Plaza, as well as near Terrigal Medical Centre. I would like to see the road along the beach closed off and made into a plaza with cafes, pedestrian access and playground and BBQ's.

05 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

I, too, would love to see the Esplanade opposite the shops fully pedestrianised (if only to be finally rid of the 3 pedestrian crossings in 100? metres which is the major cause of the backup of traffic over the hill and back to the lagoon traffic lights) but I believe that this idea was considered previously, prior to the general refurbishments undertaken a couple of years or so ago. Consideration would then have to be given to making Church Street two-way traffic flow which is probably impractical without road-widening i.e. 2 trucks/buses attempting to pass each other on the bend outside Harrison's, for example, would be almost impossible. The multi level parking station should be extended - upwards and outwards - and, if apartment building is no longer to be undertaken on the waste ground alongside the Post Office, as expected a couple of years ago, this land should be compulsorily purchased by Council from the developer (if legally possible!) and the multi level carpark extended into this area also.

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what Of the current parking arrangements in Terrigal what would you want to remain the would you want to remain the would you want to remain the would you want to remain the same?same?same?same?

Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

I do not agree with your retention of the beachside parking - presumably the triangular lot alongside the surf club? I think the Council missed a trick here when the refurbishments were undertaken and could have converted it into an additional sitting out area for family picnics etc. Other than the 2 very small grassy areas near the War Memorial and the Rock Pool, there is no other beachfront area available for family recreation away from the sand - unless a trek is undertaken to the Haven, and this has been discussed elsewhere. Plans were in hand, and approved (?), to build a wooden walkway round the rocks to the Haven allowing people a level access between the 2 beaches but this now seems to be on the back burner.

You make good points Jim. Perhaps Church St could be made 2 way with no parking allowed and a multi-level car park be built next to the post-office instead. Then the Esplanade, and even car park, along the beach front could be made available for cafes, picnics and playgrounds. Terrigal has been held back by allowing cars to dictate the spaces. It is time for the people to take it over for public use and to boost tourism. The Corso in Manly is a great success. We can do similar in Terrigal.

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Unfortunately the Corso in Manly has completely different geographic parameters to our seafront area at Terrigal. It is a large flat area that lends itself to the development which it received - our relevant area is much smaller, hillier and restricted by present commercial enterprises which, generally, need a major overhaul but are still people's livelihoods. Taking away vehicular access to our seafront, however, is perhaps still possible if the problem of two way traffic "round the back" can eventually be solved. I still think, however, that this particular issue will be placed in the "too difficult" basket, unfortunately.

09 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

I know the geography of Terrigal is different to the Corso, but the principal of the plaza life is what I want to capture for Terrigal. Perhaps if the council could build a 2-3 story car park as well next to Terrigal Medical Centre then this could provide convenient parking close to the shops to help the businesses and restaurants stay viable. Then perhaps the street along the beachfront could be closed to traffic and developed. Cars should also be encouraged more to enter Terrigal and parking stations via the Scenic Highway and the back, rather than clogging up the village.

09 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may What parking arrangements have you seen in other places that you think may work in work in work in work in Terrigal?Terrigal?Terrigal?Terrigal?

Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

Port Stephens has dedicated boat trailer parking at its boat ramps and a safe areas to launch. At The Haven If people wish to launch boats or jet skis and do not get there early they are unable to get a parking spot as people park in the allocated places and across the ramp blocking it. Fisherman's Beach at The Haven is becoming more popular with swimmers and the swimming prohibited signs are no longer there to advise people not to. This is creating a dangerous situation. Maritime has created a swimming area but this is largely ignored. There are plenty of places available to swimmers but only one area that boat/jet ski users can use.

01 Dec 2011 3 Agree 0 Disagree

The little beach boat ramp at Port Stephens, parking is dedicated to trailers and it is policed not just a sign put up and hope for the best.

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

The current design of Terrigal obviously isn't working. The area between Bakers Delight and the building where Belly Fish Cafe is, has been extremely disadvantaged since the changes have been made. Before you had a pedestrian crossing to attract a flow of people from the Beach car park, and people walking into town from that direction to this section of shops. Now there is no crossing and the car park fencing pushes people towards the other sections of town. The amount of trade these shop owners are doing now is considerable less. At the original meeting it was agreed to that there would be pedestrian lights installed at each crossing plus there was another pedestrian crossing from the entrance to car park to an area near Belly Fish Cafe The section (Bakers Delight to Belly Fish cafe) needs a pedestrian crossing to improve customer traffic follow BUT there is no point unless the pedestrian lights are installed at each crossing. The big problem at the moment with the traffic follow is the stop/start situation whenever someone wish to crossing the road.

29 Nov 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

If we are to retain all the present pedestrian crossings, and it would appear that we will, your idea of adding another one to service the shops at the northern end makes sense ONLY if your great idea of crossing lights is adopted. Preferably these would also be synchronised, if at all feasible, to allow a reasonable traffic flow. It cannot be any worse than at present where anyone can wander over any of the crossings at will. Why were 3 needed in 100 metres in the first place - it’s almost pedestrianisation without pedestrianisation if that makes sense! Now.............. a pedestrian bridge would have been a great idea but it’s too late!

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

Very frustrating trying to manoeuvre a trailer when cars are parking in the way. Run a shuttle bus into The Haven and CBD of Terrigal to reduce parking and traffic pressures.

01 Dec 2011 4 Agree 0 Disagree

As an owner operator of a historical commercial fishing business out of Terrigal Haven (Study area B) it has become increasingly difficult to find a park and manoeuvre your boat and trailer on weekends/school holidays especially. I believe dedicated car and trailer parking spaces are essential and the act needs to be amended so that police/ council rangers have the power to issue infringements to those who choose to ignore the parking signs. Dedicated trailer parking close to the boat ramp is essential for the safety of vessels and beachgoers as anyone who uses the ramp regularly knows the surge generated in the haven can be very powerful, even in fairly calm weather.

02 Dec 2011 3 Agree 0 Disagree

As a current active member of the Marine Rescue organisation recently based at the Haven, I can sympathise with your predicament regarding boat trailer parking and manoeuvring around the vehicles of day trippers, wandering children, etc. You require dedicated spaces which are inaccessible to anyone else, preferably in their own enclosed area and allocated and controlled by Council (rangers?) As members of an emergency service, however, we attempted to obtain 2 dedicated parking spaces close to our base from Council some years back but were unsuccessful. It is not good planning to have to search for a parking space which may be some distance from the base before being able to address the emergency at sea! For this reason alone, I think you may also be unsuccessful if attempting to obtain a dedicated area for your commercial operation. For what it’s worth, outboard motors, swimmers, children, board paddlers, novice divers and spear fishermen are not a good mix - it’s an accident waiting to happen - if it hasn't already!

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

I am not after any special parking space because I am a commercial operator, all I seek are designated parking areas for cars with trailers, whether they be recreational or commercial it makes no difference the safety aspect is still the same,

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

Terrigal Haven is historically know as direct access to superb fishing grounds, however the lack of parking facilities for cars towing boats with trailers is something of a great let down. On days of fine weather that co-incide with local rugby or cricket on the Terrigal Haven Oval it is impossible for fisherman to find a parking spot. There is a strong need to establish a dedicated trailer parking area. The cars that park illegally in the "no parking" crossed area parking above the ramp should be booked or towed if necessary to allow free flow of traffic and fisherman to retrieve their boats. My charter Fishing business (est. Dec 1988) Haven Charters works from the port of Terrigal Haven for 10 months each year. Combined with the three other charter fishing vessels that also operate out of Terrigal Haven we bring in millions of Dollars both directly and indirectly into the area. Being as the majority of our clients are Sydney based (plus our interstate and overseas clientele) whilst chartering us also stay in our local hotels, eat in our local restaurants and visit our local tourist attractions. Combined with the local commercial fishing businesses and Dive Operators that work from Terrigal Haven who also bring in many dollars to our community and provide local jobs we deserve a dedicated commercial operators parking area as seen in all fishing ports along the NSW Coast ie Nelson Bay , Crowdy Head , Coffs Harbour etc.

05 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

I totally agree with your sentiments...... please see my response to the Evening Star comments above. Your proposed commercial dedicated parking area should not be accessible to anyone else (except emergency vehicles) and needs to be properly regulated. Parking for recreational fisher folk should be addressed separately but also needs to be kept away from any general car parking and also properly regulated. As regards general parking, perhaps we now need Residents Permits (as in some Sydney suburbs) for Gosford Shire ratepayers which take precedence............. but how this would ever work requires a brain more agile than mine!!

08 Dec 2011 0 Agree 0 Disagree

My pastime is Fishing. It helps to relax me after the day to day stress of working long hours and commuting to Sydney. It is very frustrating when i cannot park my vehicle and trailer to pursue this pastime. We pay rego on our boats, trailer and cars. As residents of Gosford Shire we pay rates. Then on weekends we have to fight for somewhere to park. Although not involved i have witnessed "ramp rage". It will not be long before the courts may decide this issue for council???? Dedicated trailer parking and a "boat preparation” area are needed and must be policed.

05 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

I am a commercial fisherman operating out of Terrigal haven (study area B) and have been constantly frustrated over the years with the lack of thought given to fisherman/boaties and infrastructure alike. This is the only OCEAN going ramp on the Central Coast apart from Norah Head which is only serviceable in favourable conditions/tides. It is an absolute nightmare trying to get a parking spot for car and trailer especially when football or cricket is on. Also people parking in the turning bay at the top of the ramp make it extremely hard to manoeuvre car and trailer. I agree dedicated trailer parking close to the ramp is essential, new signage needs to be installed and these areas need to be policed regularly. The foot ball and cricket have an alternative venue at Duffy's Rd, WE DO NOT. Also access through Terrigal needs to be addressed to maximise traffic flow, the number of pedestrian crossings need to be reduced to one main one and preferably overhead so as not to impede traffic flow at all.

14 Dec 2011 1 Agree 0 Disagree

Simply accessing the Terrigal CBD for a quick trip to pick up something from a shop or get to the Post Office to collect mail has become a "peak hour" drag. The impact on the businesses must be devastating. Traffic lights in Terrigal, pedestrian ones - absolutely not! In tourist season traffic would be banked up so far it would barely move and would choke Terrigal Drive, Ocean View, Scenic Highway, etc. This already happens at times and it can take an excessive time to even reach Erina going West, let alone going East!

19 Jan 2012 0 Agree 0 Disagree

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What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the What are the impacts of the parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business?parking difficulties on your life and business? Date postedDate postedDate postedDate posted

The Post Office can be done after hours if one has a P O Box but even then parking nearby can be an issue. If the SSS gets through there may not be a problem as traffic past Gosford Waterfront will have to deal with congestion, overcrowding, etc. and no-one would then want to go on to Terrigal. Alternatives being - via Woy Woy to the South and where in the North to get to Ocean View - via Wyong Shire - people will go to The Entrance in preference - ease of access.

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Advertisement in Advertisement in Advertisement in Advertisement in “Gosford Connect”“Gosford Connect”“Gosford Connect”“Gosford Connect” inininin Central Coast Express Advocate (Wed 7/12/11)Central Coast Express Advocate (Wed 7/12/11)Central Coast Express Advocate (Wed 7/12/11)Central Coast Express Advocate (Wed 7/12/11)

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