term 2 principal s report - yass-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Issue #13 21st June, 2021 Term 2 25th June—Dress like a Farmer Day 25th June—Last of Term 13th July—Students Return 23rd July—District Athlecs Carnival Principals Report This is our last newsleer for Term 2. It has been a busy term where we welcomed back parents and community into our school. We have had parent helpers back into our classes, helping out in our canteen and aending assemblies. It is great to have you back. It was so enjoyable to see so many parents at our athlecs carnival this week and so many families were able to help out with field events or mekeeping. Our athlec carnival is a very labour-intensive carnival and it can only happen with many parent helpers. I thank all of you that took on a job or helped to set up or pack up, we appreciate and value your support. I also wanted to thank our high school students that also helped out on the day, they were helpful, enthusiasc and well mannered. Student progress half yearly reports will be sent home to parents in the next few days. We hope that they are helpful to parents to inform them of their childs achievement in class. If any families would like to discuss their childs progress please contact the office to make an appointment with your childs teacher. This Friday is our Dress Like a Farmer Day. One of our YPS families are helping to support by transporng donated hay to Queensland farmers. We have decided to have a fundraiser to help with the fuel cost for their run. We ask students to dress up and donate a gold coin for this worthy cause. Please feel free to drop a donaon into the school if your family wants to donate more. We hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Students are due back on Tuesday 13 July 2021. Kind regards Michelle Fahey CONTACT DETAILS Mrs Michelle Fahey, Principal Yass Public School Laidlaw St, YASS NSW 2582 Ph: 6226 1017 E: yass- [email protected] Yass Public acknowledges that our school stands on Ngunnawal Country and we pay our respects to the tradional custodians of this beauful land on which we live, work and play.

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Issue #13 21st June, 2021

Term 2 25th June—Dress like a Farmer


25th June—Last of Term

13th July—Students Return

23rd July—District Athletics


Principal’s Report

This is our last newsletter for Term 2. It has been a busy term where we

welcomed back parents and community into our school. We have had

parent helpers back into our classes, helping out in our canteen and

attending assemblies. It is great to have you back.

It was so enjoyable to see so many parents at our athletics carnival this

week and so many families were able to help out with field events or

timekeeping. Our athletic carnival is a very labour-intensive carnival and it

can only happen with many parent helpers. I thank all of you that took on a

job or helped to set up or pack up, we appreciate and value your support. I

also wanted to thank our high school students that also helped out on the

day, they were helpful, enthusiastic and well mannered.

Student progress half yearly reports will be sent home to parents in the next

few days. We hope that they are helpful to parents to inform them of their

child’s achievement in class. If any families would like to discuss their child’s

progress please contact the office to make an appointment with your child’s


This Friday is our Dress Like a Farmer Day. One of our YPS families are

helping to support by transporting donated hay to Queensland farmers. We

have decided to have a fundraiser to help with the fuel cost for their run.

We ask students to dress up and donate a gold coin for this worthy cause.

Please feel free to drop a donation into the school if your family wants to

donate more.

We hope you have a safe and happy holiday. Students are due back on

Tuesday 13 July 2021.

Kind regards

Michelle Fahey


Mrs Michelle Fahey, Principal

Yass Public School

Laidlaw St, YASS NSW 2582

Ph: 6226 1017

E: yass-

[email protected]

Yass Public acknowledges that our school stands on Ngunnawal Country and we pay our respects to the traditional custodians of this beautiful land on which we live, work and play.

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Principals Awards

Alice Bylinska

Alice is a very kind and dedicated Year 1 student. She shows the school values everyday

in the classroom and the playground. She is extremely polite and well mannered.

Alice is thoughtful in her interactions with teachers and peers and often offers help

without being prompted. Alice is a great listener and always follows instructions. She

is growing as a learner and improving her reading and writing.

Flynn Pack-McLucas

Flynn has always been well behaved in Maths but recently his application has improved

immensely. He is now showing initiative and an excitement for learning. He is the first

to offer help to others or myself. He has become much more tolerable of students who

require extra help. He has been making good choices on the playground and is

working towards being a great leader within our stage.

Saskia Hillege

Saskia is always a kind, considerate and cooperative student. She is an amzing friend

who is always willing to go above and beyond to ensure others are heard and feel

valued. Saskia tries hard in all subjects taking on teacher feedback and trying to apply

them to her work. She is a great SRC representative who is always conferencing with

the teacher about what the class needs to do or how they can be heard through the

SRC. She is responsible student and is always respectful to her teachers and peers.

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Assembly— Classroom Awards

Gold Yazza Awards

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Staff Development Day - Monday 12 July

Teachers will gather from all over our learning community at Yass High School on the first day back after

the school holidays. This will be a day for professional learning so our teachers can learn about teaching

vocabulary to our students more effectively. We are also looking at our transitions to high school and

middle schooling experiences to make them relevant for our students. All of our support staff will also

be involved in professional learning experiences.

P & C Meeting – 3.30pm 30th July

Our next P & C meeting will take place on Friday 30th July the new time of 3.30 straight after school

allows parents to stay for the meeting after pick up.

Education Week Next Term

Next term in week 3, Monday 26th to Friday 30th July, we will be celebrating Education Week. This years

theme is “Lifelong Learners”. Yass Public School will have open classrooms as well as a special Education

Week assembly. Education week is an annual celebration of NSW public education and the

achievements of our school students and education system. A note detailing the date and further

information will come out early next term.

New Staff and Staff Changes

It is with sadness that we see Miss Liz Angel leaving at the end of the term. Max Wills has been

appointed as a permanent teacher to take her place. Mr Wills lives in Canberra and will travel over to

Yass every day. Last Friday Mr Wills came over to YPS to meet Miss Angel and the rest of the staff.

He also spent some time with 1/2 A to meet the students.

Mr Beresford is also taking a term off from teaching next term to some extensive travelling with his

family. No doubt he will be doing some teaching with his own children while on their travels.

Mrs Karyna Sainsbury will be taking over Mr Beresford’s class for term 3. Mrs Sainsbury lives in Yass

and has been teaching at Berinba for a number of years. We look forward to her coming to us and the

expertise she brings with her.

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Magic 123 and Emotion Coaching Course

A big thank you to all of our parents that attended the Magic 123 and Emotion Coaching course over

the past three weeks. All participants received their certificates of completion last week and hopefully

left the course feeling encouraged and inspired with new strategies and resources to tap into. We all

know that parenting is challenging and our kids are having to navigate a world very different to the one

we grew up in. I want to personally thank our participating parents for being so willing to take the time

to learn how to help their kids by becoming their ‘emotion coach’. Your willingness to share, learn and

grow made our sessions even more meaningful. The feedback received was highly positive and I am

hopeful that we can run this course again later this year during the early evening. If you would be

interested in attending this course in the future you can register your interest at the front office.

Mrs Kristy Barber

Dress Like a Farmer Day

This Friday students are invited to bring a gold coin donation and come to school dressed like a farmer. The purpose of the dress-up is to raise funds for the family of Nick Murray in 3/4P who are joining the Burrumbuttock Hay Run and donating over 100 bales of hay to assist famers in the Ilfracombe area in QLD. Funds raised will help support the cost of taking their truck on the journey. If you, or someone that you know in our broader community would also like to donate, money can be dropped into the office this week. It would be great to see our school community get behind the Murray family and their week-long journey.

Littlescribe Writing Festival

Last year YPS participated in the Littlescribe co-author program that saw almost every student in the

school publish their own book. Littlescribe is an organisation that aims to connect students with leading

Australian children’s authors through writing programs and events. This year YPS has again decided to

engage with Littlescribe, this time in the form of a mini-writing festival. From 26-30 July (Week 3,

Term 3) classes will participate in live writing sessions hosted by leading authors and illustrators to

observe how a published author constructs a piece of writing. We look forward to using these sessions

to inspire creativity in our students.

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PBL in 5/6B

Congratulations to the 5/B students who have moved up a PBL level. Some of these students were

even lucky enough to receive the brand-new award that features our new logo. Early next term we

are sure to see some Gold winners in our class.

Visitor in 5/6B

Last week 5/6B were joined by a very special visitor – Maple the poddy lamb! Over the long

weekend Maple became an unexpected member of Mrs Barlow’s family and has been following her

to school ever since. She spent the first few days in 5/6B but once she became a little stronger she

went for a visit to the school counsellor’s office and spent much of Friday with Kindergarten

(who were looking for the “Green Sheep”). Given that she is bottle fed (and Mrs Barlow is very much

still learning the ropes of caring for a lamb!), Maple will be attending YPS throughout Week 10 and

has been booked to visit other classes. She will also make a great accessory for Dress Like a Farmer

Day on Friday!

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2021 Athletics Carnival

This year’s Athletics Carnival had sun, rain and just down right cold weather! A huge thank you to

all the teachers, staff, high school helpers and parent volunteers. The carnival simply can’t go

ahead without all your help. Thanks also to the P & C for their hot food and canteen supplies that

helped keep us all going and to Darryl for his ongoing support of our carnival each year. We are

very thankful to have your help and support to make this day possible.

All events except the relay and Infants activities were completed before the weather got the better

of us. These events will be held asap following advise from the weatherman and the opening of

local ovals for use. Information will be sent out soon.

Congratulations go to:

Winning House: Mackellar

Junior Boy Champion: Ethan Doherty

Junior Boy Runner Up: Declan Wilson

Junior Girl Champion: Teuila Teufilo

Junior Girl Runner Up: Savanna Bywater

11 year old Boy Champion: Oliver Hodge

11 year old Boy Runner Up: Archie Martin

11 year old Girl Champion: Zara Williams

11 year old Girl Runner Up: Gabby Glover

Senior Boy Champion: Tray Souter

Senior Boy Runner Up: Jasper Koen

Senior Girl Champion: Charlotte Dowrick

Senior Girl Runner Up: Amelia Doherty and Thea Constance

This year 2 athletes performance’s stood out at our carnival and we want to acknowledge their

achievements. Special mention goes to:

Teuila Teofilo - Smashing the 8 year old 100m record by 2 seconds and winning the Junior Girl

Champion in her first school carnival (winning overall for the combined 8, 9 and 10 year old ath-

letes). Well done Teuila! We look forward to seeing your athletics achievements in the future.

Oliver Hodge – had an AMAZING day breaking the 11 year olds 1500m record by a whooping 19

secs, the 800m record by 10 secs, the 200m record by 2 secs and squeezing in by less than 1 sec to

claim the 100m record as well. What fabulous day, Oliver! Congratulations on all your achieve-


The District Carnival date will be communicated shortly and notes will also be sent home for those

athletes moving on to this carnival. We wish all these athletes the very best of luck in their events.

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State Cross Country It has been some time since we have had a student make it through to State Cross Country. Oliver Hodge has made this last fortnight unforgettable for himself and his family (and our school). Oliver ran the Regional Cross Country on Friday 11th June and stayed within reach of the winning runner for the entire race. He placed 5th overall and will now travel to Sydney on the 16th July to compete at State level. Good luck, Oliver! Along with Oliver, we had 9 students run at Regional Cross Country. All of whom raced an out-standing race on what was a cold day. Well done to you all and congratulations for making it to that level of competition. Beth Bird

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Athletics Carnival 2021

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We are very excited to announce that Yass Public School is one of 1,609 primary schools and early

learning centres throughout Australia receiving a Woolworths Junior Landcare grant to help grow

our next generation of environmental champions.

We will be using the money to create a Bush Tucker garden in the river playground, so that every-

one can learn more about Aboriginal culture and sustainable food production.

Thank you to the representative from Woolworths for taking the time to present Mrs Fahey with

our certificate at assembly on Friday. We are very excited to get the project underway!

Mrs Phillips and Ms Quinn

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Library News

YPS Reading Tree

This term Yass Public School unveiled the school’s reading tree within the library. The reading tree

acts as a visual aide to inspire, engage and generate an interest in reading within our YPS students.

Mrs Smith and I are pleased to show to our school community the YPS reading tree, full of leaves

that represent the books students have read this term. The students focus was to write on a leaf

what they enjoyed most about the book they read. It’s been wonderful seeing students read each

other’s leaves and be motivated to complete the leaves to fill our school tree. Well done YPS on

bringing our reading tree life.

Happy Reading!

Mrs Smith and Mrs Hopley

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This Year School Banking day will be on Wednesdays. Please make sure your child

brings their book to school on this day. It will then be returned to your child on


Please note that during COVID-19, the Dollarmites Tokens will not be issued.

However, the Tokens are being kept up to date in the Banking system so when a re-

ward is due you will be notified.

Happy banking everyone in 2021!

Yass Public acknowledges that our school stands on Ngunnawal Country and we pay our respects to the traditional custodians of this beautiful land on which we live, work and play.