term 3 issue 20 important dates principal’s report - resilience • doing your best … · using...

a : PO Box 384 Kyabram Vic 3619 p : 03 5851 2100 f : 03 5852 3878 e : [email protected] w: www.kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au Student Absence: 5853 2607 Term 3 Issue 20 Principal’s Report “Excellence Through Opportunity” Dear Parents and Friends, On 3 rd September our College will hold its 18 th Lone Pine service at the front of the College next to our Lone Pine tree. The ceremony was established back in 1998 and it provides students and community members with an opportunity to reflect on the contributions and sacrifices made by Australian men and women who have been involved in the various wars over the last 115 years. Although the battle of Lone Pine took place between the 6 th and 10 th August 1915, Lone Pine has a significant place in Australian history as a symbol of the Gallipoli campaign in 1915, exactly 100 years ago this year. This year’s ceremony is significant because it commemorates the 100 th anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli by ANZAC forces in 1915 and as some historians’ have said marks the coming of nationhood for Australia. We have a number of guest speakers at the ceremony this year including Emily Bassett from Kyabram P-12 College who attended the ANZAC Day ceremony this year at Gallipoli as part of a national scholarship for students and Mr John Neale who also attended the anniversary ceremony at Gallipoli. The ceremony is supported by our local Legacy branch and students from the College will be performing our National Anthem. The Northern Rivers debating competition is held every year and provides local secondary school students with an opportunity to compete against students from across our district. This year the competition was hosted by Rochester Secondary College. Our senior debaters argued the affirmative case for ‘Australia is ready for marriage equality’. Our competitors in this debate were from Cohuna Secondary College. Congratulations to our senior debaters; Bim Sherwood, Ebony Halliwell, and Joseph Stevens on winning this debate. The intermediate team of Safije Meka, Jake Plumb and Jamie Childs competed against Rochester Secondary College and they presented the negative argument to ‘Australian Rules Football sets more bad examples than good’. Our junior team of Gabi Mason, Katie Fletcher and Aaron Kay presented the negative argument for ‘Australian parents should be allowed to choose the gender of their child’. They also competed against Rochester Secondary College and had a win in their debate. The teams were assisted by researcher and back up debater Jackson Hicks. In addition to the set topics each team had an impromptu topic to debate but unfortunately we didn’t experience success in this part of the competition. The College would like to congratulate our teams on their performance and wish those teams that have moved to the next stage all the best. I would like to thank Mrs Corrin for her help and support in organising the teams. Respect Responsibility Resilience Doing Your Best Community IMPORTANT DATES AUGUST 28 Psychology Zoo Trip 31 Zone Athletics at Shepparton SEPTEMBER 1 Quantum Excursion to Melbourne Yr 5/6 2 Arts Connect Excursion to Arts Centre Melbourne 3 Quantum Excursion to Melbourne Yr 5/6 Lone Pine Ceremony 4 Primary Father’s Day Stall Interschool Debating 7-11 OES Bogong Camp 8 Primary Book Club Orders due 9 Rotary Tom Tehan Oratory Competition 10 Fun Run for Prep to Yr 8 15 College Council Meeting 7pm 16 Transition Day for Year 6 Prep-2 Concert 7pm 17 Prep-2 Concern 7pm 18 Footy Colours Dress-up Day End of Term 3

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Page 1: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

a : PO Box 384 Kyabram Vic 3619 p : 03 5851 2100 f : 03 5852 3878 e : [email protected]

w: www.kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au Student Absence: 5853 2607

Term 3 Issue 20

Principal’s Report “Excellence Through Opportunity”

Dear Parents and Friends, On 3

rd September our College will hold its 18

th Lone Pine service at the front of the

College next to our Lone Pine tree. The ceremony was established back in 1998 and it provides students and community members with an opportunity to reflect on the contributions and sacrifices made by Australian men and women who have been involved in the various wars over the last 115 years. Although the battle of Lone Pine took place between the 6

th and 10

th August 1915, Lone Pine has a significant place in

Australian history as a symbol of the Gallipoli campaign in 1915, exactly 100 years ago this year. This year’s ceremony is significant because it commemorates the 100


anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli by ANZAC forces in 1915 and as some historians’ have said marks the coming of nationhood for Australia. We have a number of guest speakers at the ceremony this year including Emily Bassett from Kyabram P-12 College who attended the ANZAC Day ceremony this year at Gallipoli as part of a national scholarship for students and Mr John Neale who also attended the anniversary ceremony at Gallipoli. The ceremony is supported by our local Legacy branch and students from the College will be performing our National Anthem. The Northern Rivers debating competition is held every year and provides local secondary school students with an opportunity to compete against students from across our district. This year the competition was hosted by Rochester Secondary College. Our senior debaters argued the affirmative case for ‘Australia is ready for marriage equality’. Our competitors in this debate were from Cohuna Secondary College. Congratulations to our senior debaters; Bim Sherwood, Ebony Halliwell, and Joseph Stevens on winning this debate. The intermediate team of Safije Meka, Jake Plumb and Jamie Childs competed against Rochester Secondary College and they presented the negative argument to ‘Australian Rules Football sets more bad examples than good’. Our junior team of Gabi Mason, Katie Fletcher and Aaron Kay presented the negative argument for ‘Australian parents should be allowed to choose the gender of their child’. They also competed against Rochester Secondary College and had a win in their debate. The teams were assisted by researcher and back up debater Jackson Hicks. In addition to the set topics each team had an impromptu topic to debate but unfortunately we didn’t experience success in this part of the competition. The College would like to congratulate our teams on their performance and wish those teams that have moved to the next stage all the best. I would like to thank Mrs Corrin for her help and support in organising the teams.

Respect Responsibility Resilience Doing Your Best Community



Psychology Zoo Trip


Zone Athletics at Shepparton



Quantum Excursion to Melbourne Yr 5/6


Arts Connect Excursion to Arts Centre Melbourne


Quantum Excursion to Melbourne Yr 5/6

Lone Pine Ceremony


Primary Father’s Day Stall

Interschool Debating


OES Bogong Camp


Primary Book Club Orders due


Rotary Tom Tehan Oratory Competition


Fun Run for Prep to Yr 8


College Council Meeting 7pm


Transition Day for Year 6

Prep-2 Concert 7pm


Prep-2 Concern 7pm


Footy Colours Dress-up Day

End of Term 3

Page 2: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

On Wednesday we said good-bye to our Japanese visitors after a great week with them as part of the Kyabram P-12 College Japanese Exchange program. We had 20 students and five teachers from Shiroi stay with host families in Kyabram. During their stay the Japanese and host students visited local attractions in Kyabram and surrounding districts. The focus of the program is to develop a better understanding of each other’s cultures and to share ideas and experiences. The exchange not only provided our students with an insight into Japanese culture but for teachers and staff at the College, it provided an opportunity to talk about approaches to teaching and learning and to share strategies used to enhance students learning in both systems. Interestingly, the enhancement of our teaching and learning, delivery of curriculum and strategies for improvement are not very different between the two systems. Issues confronting Australian schools and students, in some cases, are similar to those in Japan. Our students will leave for Japan and the second part of the exchange on September the 18

th and return to Kyabram on the 28


September. Over 500 students from Grades 3-6 from Kyabram P-12 College, Tongala Primary School and St Augustine’s College participated in the Waranga Athletics Carnival at Kyabram P-12 on Thursday. The carnival is hosted by Kyabram P-12 College each year and provides an opportunity for our students to compete with neighbouring schools while enjoying a fun day. Always well supported by parents and our local community, students competed in all the traditional field and track athletic events. I would like to thank our teachers from Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 for all their work in preparing the track and facilities for the day’s activities. Chris Eeles Acting College Principal

Business Manager’s Report Jan Prior


NEW CONTACT PHONE NUMBERThe College After School Care Program operates daily from 3:20 pm to 5:45 pm. We provide children with a nutritious afternoon tea each day which is both tasty and healthy and we offer a range of games and activities that are fun and educational.

Hailey Arnott, our After School Care Program Co-ordinator at the College would love to see your child to share in the painting, sports, garden fun, computer fun, imaginative play, stories and lots more.

The cost for each session is $15.00 and Child Care Benefit: (CCB) is available in the form of a subsidised fee for eligible families.

Bookings are essential and if there are any bookings, cancellations or enquiries in regards to After School Care, messages or phone should be sent through to our new direct number 0458 327 041. If your child is booked in on a particular day and is absent from school please let Hailey know as soon as possible on the above number.

SPORTING SCHOOLS - STARTING NOW Kyabram P-12 College will be running Sporting Schools Program each week on Tuesdays and

Thursdays from 3:30pm to 4:30 pm – starting this Tuesday.

This program involves a range of sports so that children learn to create healthy lifetime habits whilst having fun.

There is no cost to families and application forms are available at the Primary Campus Office, or phone 58512100 for further information.

Mr. Charles Njock will be co-ordinating the Program this year and is happy for parents to contact him directly for any queries via email on: [email protected]

Page 3: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

WELCOME The Office Team would like to welcome Linda Clancy to the College in her role as Administration Support at the Secondary Campus. Welcome Linda!


The Department of Education has recently announced the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. This means that we will be able to continue to support our eligible families with the Kyabram P-12 College Family Support Program and now also the CSEF, which will be in place for eligible students until the end of Year 12.

CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student will be: • $125 for primary school students • $225 for secondary school students. Please contact the Office on 58512100 for an application form and return your CSEF application form at the school by September 11

th 2015. For more information about the CSEF visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the Office Team.

LANCASTER RECREATION RESERVE Congratulations to the Lancaster Recreation Reserve Committee who have been successful in the tender for the Playground Equipment from our former Dawes Campus. We are sure that the community will be able to enjoy this equipment for many years to come.

P-6 Assistant Principal Report David Jenner

QUANTUM – MR DAVISON Over the next few weeks Grade 5 and 6 students will be attending Quantum Victoria to participate in various Mathematics and Science activities. Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration of the concepts of mean, median, mode and range, through activities like Ten Pin Bowling and Track & Field events. Grade 5 students will participate in a challenge that involves some construction and programming of robots to complete tasks around a Lego city. This program covers key areas in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics. We are very lucky to be invited to participate in this program and I encourage all students to make the most of this opportunity.

P-2 CONCERT WORKING BEE Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped with our recent P-2 Concert working Bee. Please support this year’s P-2 Concerts which will be held on the 16

th and 17

th of September.

Page 4: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

P-4 Awards

Congratulations to this week’s award winners.

Excellence Through Opportunity


th August, our Grade 3 and 4 students participated in this year’s Kyabram Community Reading

Day. The theme for this year was “Books Light up Our World”. Our students enjoyed listening to a book being read to them by adults at four local businesses – Bennett’s, Kyabram Newsagency, Gillian’s Salon and the NAB. Students then participated in an activity at the Library. Well done to all involved!

MR NILBETT’S VEGIE GARDEN Thank you to the Doolan family who provided, delivered and raked soil for Mr Nilbett’s students’ Vegie Garden today. We can’t wait to see the end result!

2015 KYABRAM DISTRICT PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS Today the 2015 Kyabram District Primary School Sports has taken place on the Secondary Campus Oval. I know our students were very excited about the opportunity here. Well done to all of our students who “had a go” and represented our College in a positive light.

PARENT / STUDENT / TEACHER INTERVIEWS The primary Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Tuesday 8th and Thursday 10th September beginning at 3:40pm. Interviews can be booked on Compass as of Friday 28th Aug.

Previously you will have received your Compass access password. Please be mindful of the importance of this password as it allows you to access Compass. Please contact the office if you require a new password.

Parent /Teacher interviews are a wonderful opportunity to discuss with teachers the progress your child is making in regards to their schooling. I encourage you to make an appointment as we value your input with these discussions. Please note that these will be our last formal interviews for 2015. In Term 4 reporting will be done via student reports.

FATHER’S DAY STALL For primary students

Friday 4th SEPTEMBER From 9am - 11am

Gifts are priced from $1.00 to


Parent help is required

on the day so if you

are available please

meet at the office

from 8:45am.

Page 5: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

Year 1 News What a busy time is ahead of us in the P-2 area with concert time closing in quickly. This week is Book Week with us having a dress up day on Friday, so come dressed as your favourite book character. Parents please hang around and watch the character parade too. For Literacy in the grade 1 area we have been focusing on phrasing and comprehension skills in reading, and in writing children are getting creative around narratives. Our Numeracy focus for the next two weeks is around addition and subtraction. Lots of fun games and consolidation taking place. Mr Nilbett’s grade have been busy making a vegetable patch in which we will be able to share in watching the plants change and grow. Big thankyou to all parents for your support with our eating time changes with lunch and snack food. We have been noticing the positive changes here around your children’s learning.

Year 2 News Grade 2 students have been continuing our journey of scientific discoveries. Last week, we planted soup! Actually, we planted the peas, beans and lentils found in a dried soup mix. After bedding our seeds in wet cotton wool, we waited for the seeds to germinate. The lentils particularly sprouted quickly, although they were just beaten by the chickpeas. It’s early days yet, with our sprouts just a week old, but we hope to watch some stems and leaves appear on all of our soupy seeds! In maths we have been doing a lot of work on addition, using vertical set out. Our two main points to remember are, “Keep your lines straight,” and “Start with the units!” With those two things in mind we are becoming experts at adding quite large numbers. Some students are having trouble with the simple part of addition though – adding two numbers less than ten. Ideally, all children should know these facts automatically; they should be able to answer 3 + 8 as quickly as 1 + 1. Many of our students would benefit from extra practice at home and we have been sharing several ways they can do this, so please do ask your child how they are going with their addition facts and help them if you are able. Here is a photo of our sprouting brown lentils:

Year 3/4 News Camp

In regards to Camp we want to extend a huge ‘Thank you’ to:

Baker’s Delight – for bread

Turpin Family – for fruit

Besim Family – for apples

SPC Ardmona – for fruit packs

Parents! – for their donations, help and support

Library Visit to the Town Campaspe Regional Library on Tuesday, the 18th of August The librarian, Natalie, filled us in on the new programs that the Town Library has to offer; for example, a Lego hour on Wednesdays after school.

She also gave us application cards for Membership to the Library, for each child to take home, fill out and return to the library.

During Book Week, the theme is “Books Light up our World”; several books have been short listed awaiting awards. There were several of them on display. We listened to Stone Lion, by Margaret Wild and Go to Sleep Jessie!, by Libby Gleeson. Students were given a picture of a lion to work on as a craft.

Page 6: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

Community Reading with Cheryl Sweeney on Wednesday, the 19th of August The two classes in the Studio went up the street into four businesses and then finished up at the Town Library. The feedback was very positive and the students’ behaviour was sensational!

On Demand On Demand testing has started. Students are asked to try and get a better score than their score in Term 2. Reading, Spelling and Maths are the subjects covered in these tests.

Athletics Day Students will be in their age groups and a timetable as to what they will be doing, and when, has already been sent home for your information. If you missed out on getting a copy and need one, the office has copies on the front bench for you. Students are expected to bring drink bottles with water, snacks and lunch (or money for BBQ). The Kyabram Little Athletics Club will be running a BBQ with drinks available on the day for lunch.

7-12 Principal Report Danny Walsh


On Tuesday 18th August, all Years 8-11 students were involved in a

presentation from ex-Carlton footballer, Jake Edwards in regards to responsible decision making, drugs, alcohol and mental health. It was great to see how the students have responded and the positive comments.

LEARNING CURVE NEWSLETTER ARTICLE Giving and receiving feedback Wellbeing Element – Meaning and Purpose Learning how to give and receive feedback is an essential lifelong skill for everyone to develop. You don’t know what you don’t know and at times when it comes to certain issues, we need sound developmental feedback to consider other perspectives.

Effective learning and teaching communities rely on open, trusting and transparent communication lines where feedback is an essential component.

The purposes of feedback include:

listening to ideas and concerns to improve a situation

suggesting alternative approaches and strategies

monitoring attitudes, behaviours and performance

giving frank feedback, both positive and negative; sometimes advice that we don’t want to hear.

When involved in conversations, we all become very aware when the people we are talking to aren’t listening and communicating with their eyes, their ears and their hearts. Is it that they are not interested, or that they have never been taught how to communicate effectively?

Empathetic and attentive listening needs to be role modelled and taught. We can’t expect students to just pick up the art of giving and receiving feedback along the way through school. They need to have it cultivated in them so that it becomes a habit.

Giving and receiving of developmental feedback not only enhances performance, but it builds probably the most valuable thing in life, trust. From trust flows growth mindsets and an enhanced sense of wellbeing to strive, thrive and flourish.

YARD MAINTENANCE WORK If you are available to assist with clean up/maintenance at the College could you please contact me by email ([email protected]) or by phoning the College. As always we have a number of areas that require attention such as painting, pruning, edging and brushcutting.

Page 7: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration


AUGUST/ SEPTEMBER Mon 31 Jo Doolan Tue 1 Merrilyn Davies Wed 2 Martine Elms Thur 3 Jolie West Fri 4 Cara Behncke


10:30-11:45am 1:00-2:15pm

Mon 31 Kylie Dixon Help Please Tue 1 Help Please Help Please Wed 2 Help Please Kerry Graves Thur 3 Help Please Help Please Fri 4 Jenny Ryan Help Please


Excellence Through Opportunity

Second Hand Uniform Parents’ Club have set up a second hand uniform shop catering for all students in the school from Prep to Year 12. Uniforms will be available at a much lower price than they can be bought for new.

If your child has outgrown any of their uniform or is leaving the school, you may choose to donate the uniform to the Parents’ Club outright or you may offer pieces on consignment, with a proportion of the sale price being returned to you.

Money raised by the Parents’ Club is used in the school to improve facilities and support programs - we hope the uniform shop will be a source of funds for them to continue their invaluable work in our school.

Uniforms for the shop may be left at any College office - please label clearly whether they are a donation or on consignment and if the latter, the amount you require for them.

For anyone interested in coming to have a look at what is available, the uniform shop will be open each Friday from 8:45 to 9:15am in the Primary Campus Office.


Kyabram P-12 College

Annual Fun Run

Time to ramp up the fundraising for this great event. Lots of prizes up for grabs. To take advantage of these prizes you need to have your fundraising in by Thursday 17th September. Remember this event is for Preps - Year 8s and they are encouraged to dress in house colours as you will also be earning house points.

Date: 10th September Run: 12-1pm Lunch: 1-1:30pm sausage sizzle at $1.50will be available

Family and Friends welcome to join the fun.

Campaspe Shire Photo Competition

Sue Meeking - Arts Domain Closes September 25th

Campaspe People and Places competition entry forms can be sourced from Mr. Chris Marr or the Primary office. Snap some photos of the Campaspe region and possibly win $50. Enquiries to: 54812206

Woolworths Earn & Learn 2015

Please remember that we are participating in this program which runs until September 8th. Stickers can be dropped into the collection box here at school or at Woolies. The more stickers we collect, the more free resources we can earn!

Page 8: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

Student Council Miss Bradley

A few reminders about upcoming events at our College

Wednesday 2nd

September – CRAZY HAIR/LOUD SHIRT Day for Grade 3/4s only, with a gold coin donation

to Student Council. A lunchtime disco will be organised by Year 7 students in the 3/4 Studio for 3/4 students only – gold coin donation by those not already dressed up.

Friday 4th

September – Twilight Disco for Grade 5/6 students in the college hall from 5pm to 6.30pm. $5 per

ticket, to be purchased from the primary campus office by Thurs 3rd


Friday 4th

September – Spring Social for students in Years 7-10 from 7.30pm to 10pm. $5 per ticket, to be

purchased from the secondary campus office by Thurs 3rd

Sept. There is a dress code listed on the tickets for these dances. A DJ has been hired, drinks will be available for purchase. Students may not leave the hall during either dance unless accompanied by parents.

Friday 18th

September – Footy Colours Day – come dressed in your favourite footy gear, no matter which

code and bring a gold coin donation. Funds raised will be sent to Neale Daniher’s MND foundation, and Maddie’s Vision (Maddie Riewoldt) for research into bone marrow cancer.

We hope to see you all at these events. Thank you for your support.

School Nurse Corner Leanne James

SMOKING AND ITS EFFECTS Smoking! What a great pastime this habit is!!! Ok, so imagine breathing in flea powder, nail polish remover and floor cleaner all at the same time. But there’s far more: cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemicals and 69 of these are known to cause cancer. Even if you don't smoke you can still get sick from these poisonous chemicals just by breathing in other people's smoke. When you smoke a cigarette, you breathe in some of the following:

tar, a black, sticky substance that contains many poisonous chemical such as: ammonia (found in floor and

window cleaner), toluene (found in industrial solvents) and acetone (found in paint stripper and nail polish remover)

nicotine, the addictive drug in tobacco

carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas that reduces the amount of oxygen taken up by a person's red blood cells

hydrogen cyanide, the poison used in gas chambers during World War ll

metals, including lead, nickel, arsenic (white ant poison) and cadmium (used in car batteries) pesticides such

as methoprene (found in flea powder). Other chemicals such as benzene (found in petrol) and naphthalene (found in mothballs) are also in tobacco smoke.

How Much Money Will You Save By Quitting Smoking? To find out how much money you will save by quitting, first find the number of packs that best represents how much you smoke each day. Then, follow that row to see how much money quitting will save you over the years. (All calculations use a cost of $20.00 per pack. Changes in cigarette prices are not considered in this table.)

Number of years quit: For example, if you smoke 2 packs a day…if you quit today, in 20 years you will have saved at least $291,200 by not buying cigarettes.

Each day, I smoke about

1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 20 Years 30 Years

1 pack of cigarettes $7,280 $36,400 $72,800 $145,600 $218,400

2 packs of cigarettes $14,564 $72,800 $145,640 291,200 $436,800

3 packs of cigarettes $21,840 $109,200 $218,400 $436,800 $655,200

Page 9: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Excellence Through Opportunity

So what else could you do with all that money? Take a vacation, buy a car, put a down-payment on a home, go out to dinner more often, send your kids to college, renovate your home, buy a new TV, save for retirement…

To Quit the Use of Tobacco, Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW © 2005 NC Prevention Partnersol

Myth – Smoking is cool… NOT COOL: Bad breath – not cool Hair loss – totally not cool. Gum disease – gross Gasping for breath after walking up the stairs – unattractive Emphysema – about as uncool as you can get. There really is nothing cool about the effects of smoking Myth – It’s not like I’m hurting anyone but myself by smoking… THINK AGAIN: That’s like saying when you drive a car dangerously you’re only putting yourself in danger. When you smoke, yes, you are harming yourself, but you’re also harming others around you. How’s that? Well, when people breathe in smoke (from the end of your cigarette or your exhaled breath) it is known as passive smoking or second hand smoke. By smoking around people you are exposing them to unfiltered smoke and thousands of harmful chemicals which could lead to asthma attacks, frequent coughs and respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia or bronchitis. Some non-smokers have developed lung cancer and died as a result of people smoking around them. Myth – Lots of people my age smoke… INCORRECT: Many young people think that smoking among their peers is much more common than it actually is. In fact, in WA, only 1 in 10 school students aged 12 to 17 years smoke regularly, and over 75% of young people have never smoked before. Myth – Smoking makes me look mature… BUSTED: If by ‘mature’ you mean old and wrinkly like a foot that’s been in the bath too long, then you’re right, because people who smoke do age quicker than non-smokers – in particular they get those wrinkles around their eyes and mouths sooner. But we think you probably mean ‘grown up’ or ‘sophisticated’, and that’s why it’s busted, because what’s grown up about smoking chemicals and spending money to support an addiction?

Effects of smoking on the sexual organs The effects of tobacco smoke on the male body include:

Lower sperm count

Higher percentage of deformed sperm

Genetic damage to sperm Impotence, which may be due to the effects of smoking on blood flow and damage to the blood vessels of the penis. The effects of tobacco smoke on the female body include:

Reduced fertility

Menstrual cycle irregularities or absence of menstruation

Menopause reached one or two years earlier

Increased risk of cancer of the cervix Greatly increased risk of stroke and heart attack if the smoker is aged over 35 years and taking the oral contraceptive pill. (www.oxygen.org.au, www.tobaccopreventionandcontrol.ncdhhs.gov, www.quit.org.au )

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Excellence Through Opportunity

Page 11: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration


Correct at date of printing. Please refer to Compass for further updates

August 2015

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Yr 5-12 Assembly at 11:30am




Primary Athletics on Secondary Campus Oval


Psychology Zoo Trip Book Parade for P-6 at



Zone Athletics at Shepparton

VCE Drama Camp

Japanese Exchange Visit

September 2015

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Quantum Excursion Year 5/6 to Melbourne


Arts Connect at The Arts Centre Melbourne

Crazy Hair/Loud Shirt Day and lunch time Disco for Year 3/4

students Gold Coin Donation


Quantum Excursion Year 5/6 to Melbourne

Lone Pine Ceremony at 11am


Interschool Debating Competition

Primary Father’s Day Stall 9-11am

Twilight Disco for Year 5/6 students from 5-6:30pm in College Hall

Spring Social for Year 7-10 students from

7:30-10pm in College Hall



Primary Book Club Orders Due


Rotary Tom Tehan Oratory Competition 7:30pm Prep 2016 Transition

Visit 9:30-11am


Fun Run Prep-Yr 8 11



College Council Meeting 7pm


Transition Day for Year 6 Prep-2 Concert 7pm


Prep-2 Concert 7pm


Footy Colours Day - gold coin donation with money going to MND Foundation and Maddison’s Vision

End of Term 3

Outdoor Ed Bogong Camp

Page 12: Term 3 Issue 20 IMPORTANT DATES Principal’s Report - Resilience • Doing Your Best … · Using the Xbox Kinect, Grade 6 students will be active participants in the exploration

Proud to be a Silver Donor

Lou & Angela De Palma Proprietors Ph (03) 5831 1066


M & S Group Accounting

JAG Plumbing Subway

Kyabram Bakery

Walker Real Estate

Bakers Delight

Dunstall Rural Supplies

McConnell Real Estate

Kyvalley Farms Milk

Salter’s Panel Repairs