tesis de inglés2

problematic: Cómo influye la tecnología de la información y comunicación en los estudiantes de primer grado de nivel avanzado del CEBA “Romeo Luna Victoria” 2014 (How the Information and Communication Technology affects in the first grade students of advanced level of the CEBA “Romeo Luna Victoria” 2014) objetivo general: Dar a conocer la influencia de los TICs en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes. (General objective: Introduce how the Information and Communication Technology affects in the students learning.) objetivo específico: 1. Conocer la preparación de estudiantes y docentes en el manejo de las TICs. 2. Conocer las herramientas que las TICs ofrecen (Specific objective: 1. To know the students and teachers training in the managements of the Information and Communication Technology. 2. To know the tools that Information and Communication Technology offers. Virtual tutorials is a good way to interact and help students. It could be through the institution page or the creation of a special account. Teachers will be able to set the time, answer students questions,interact with them, check assignments, share pages and the same time have a good relationship with students. Virtual tutorials have 5 important functions: 1._ Academic Function: -Give information, extend, clarify and explain topics -Check students progress and the activities to do -Make sure that students level is growing -Make activities 1

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problematic: Cómo influye la tecnología de la información y comunicación en los estudiantes de primer grado de nivel avanzado del CEBA “Romeo Luna Victoria” 2014(How the Information and Communication Technology affects in the first grade students of advanced level of the CEBA “Romeo Luna Victoria” 2014)objetivo general: Dar a conocer la influencia de los TICs en los aprendizajes de los estudiantes.(General objective: Introduce how the Information and Communication Technology affects in the students learning.)objetivo específico:

1. Conocer la preparación de estudiantes y docentes en el manejo de las TICs.2. Conocer las herramientas que las TICs ofrecen

(Specific objective: 1. To know the students and teachers training in the managements of the

Information and Communication Technology.2. To know the tools that Information and Communication Technology offers.

Virtual tutorials is a good way to interact and help students. It could be through the institution page or the creation of a special account. Teachers will be able to set the time, answer students questions,interact with them, check assignments, share pages and the same time have a good relationship with students. Virtual tutorials have 5 important functions:

★ 1._ Academic Function: -Give information, extend, clarify and explain topics -Check students progress and the activities to do -Make sure that students level is growing -Make activities

funcion academica: ● Dar información, extender, clarificar y explicar los contenidos presentados● Supervisar el progreso de los estudiantes y revisar las actividades realizadas● Responder a los trabajos de los estudiantes● Asegurarse de que los alumnos están alcanzando el nivel adecuado

Diseñar actividades para facilitar la comprensión de la información y su transferencia.

funcion social

Animar y estimular la participación.Proponer actividades para facilitar el conocimiento entre los participantes.Facilitar la creación de un entorno social positivo.


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funcion organizativaEstablecer el calendario del curso en general,Establecer fechas y horarios para los chats y los foros.Explicar las normas de funcionamiento dentro del entorno: criterios de evaluación, exigencias o nivel de participación.Presentar las normas de funcionamiento para establecer contactos con el profesor tutor.

funcion orientadora

Dar recomendaciones públicas y privadas sobre el trabajo y la calidad de trabajo que se está desarrollando en red.Asegurarse de que los alumnos trabajan a un ritmo adecuado.Motivar a los estudiantes para el trabajo en línea.Informarle a los estudiantes sobre su progreso en el estudio, y facilitarle estrategias de mejora y cambio.

● Ser guía y orientador del estudiante.

1. Función técnica:● Asegurarse de que los estudiantes comprendan el funcionamiento técnico de la plataforma educativa.● Dar consejos y apoyos técnicos.● Mantenerse en contacto con el administrador de la plataforma.● Conocer la plataforma y sus herramientas de trabajo.


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Now a days the technology is constantly changing, people are always making questions about it, about the


1.- know the students and teachers training in the managements of the Information and Communication Technology.


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Teachers and students should have a training about how to use technology in class before they apply it. Education is not the same in these years, old methods of education are not enough to teach students, who are more technological now a days, because they get bored easily and will not pay attention.

Most of teachers are worried about using technology to teach because they think it is difficult and sometimes impossible. They do not understand how to use it and get frustrated, but in the technological revolution that we live demand to know it and apply it in their teaching methods.

[[[[[The Technology of Information and Communication (TIC) have created a new project called School Program 2.0, this program purpose is to give institutions facilities of apprenticeship and upgrade the kind of education.]]]]]The new modern materials that we have, through the School Program 2.0, are electronic boards and computer implantations in classrooms.To operate those new materials you need, as a teacher, a preview easily and practically capacitation that should do every institution, in that way teachers will show students how to use this new technology without damage the product. Classes would be more didactic and enjoyable because students will be able to participate and they will easily understand what the teacher want to say.

However, there is a problem that worried everybody, the easily access of students or young people have to the internet. When students have to do their homework or investigate something, for they is not necessary anymore to read or understand what the information means, instead of that they only do copy page and that is all, homework done. Exist the fear that students lose interest in books and obviously the information that you found on internet is not 100% reliable.It is the task of teachers and parents to teach their students and sons the value of the lecture. If the teacher can operate easily a computer, he will be able to recommend his students pages with good information and the student will do a good work.




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Dada la brevedad del tiempo no hemos considerado una población de investigación, solo hemos considerado la fuente teórica. Este puede ser el inicio de una investigación de cómo va a influir el idioma inglés en todos aquellos que necesiten utilizar las herramientas que nos brindan las TICs


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Now a day, the technology is constantly changing, people are always making questions about it, about the rapidly advance it is suffer, how does it affects the students and people in general. People are always searching the newer trends and Technology becomes part of that. We are living in an age that we live connected to technology. We didn´t perceive that this affects the learning and the daily live. Technology is around us, we decide how to use it, the real problem is when the people don´t know how to do it, for that reason we are always in disagree with the adults and adults with us because they lived in “the Gutenberg era” and suffer to adapted and use it. We must know that technology is always changing and we have to be preparing to use the tools that technology gives to us. The question is How prepared are the students and teachers to use it and to make it productive? General objective: Introduce how the Information and Communication Technology affects in the students learning.Specific objective:1. To know the students and teachers training in the managements of the Information and Communication Technology.2. To know the tools that the Information and Communication Technology offers.


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CHAPTER 1 1.- know the students and teachers training in the managements of the Information and Communication Technology.

Education is not the same in these years, old methods of education are not enough to teach students, who are more technological, because they get bored easily and will not pay attention. Esto se debe a la cantidad de información que se han acostumbrado a recibir, ya que un joven actual está acostumbrado a realizar varias actividades a la vez, como leer y escuchar música. For this reason, teachers and students should have a training about how to use technology in class before they apply it. Most of teachers are worried about using technology to teach because, they think it is difficult and sometimes impossible to use it. They do not understand how to use it and get frustrated, but in the technological revolution that we live demand to know it and apply it in their teaching methods. However, there is a problem that worried everybody, the easily access of students or young people have to the internet. When students have to do their homework or investigate something, for they is not necessary anymore to read or understand what the information means, instead of that they only do copy page and that is all, homework done. Exist the fear that students lose interest in books and obviously the information that you found on internet is not 100% reliable. It is the task of teachers and parents to teach their students and sons the value of the lecture. If the teacher can operate easily a computer, he will be able to recommend his students pages with good information and the student will do a good work.

Ahora los estudiantes, que antes buscaban un tutor o centro de estudio para reforzar algún tema, resuelven sus dudas usando la tecnología, ya sea por falta de dinero, por comodidad, por falta de tiempo o por el difícil acceso. Los estudiantes se han adaptado a la tecnología, este es un punto que deben aceptar y adaptar los profesores, ya que deben avanzar al ritmo de los estudiantes, “uno nunca deja de aprender” (buscar personaje celebre).


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En este capítulo se debe hablar de la tutoría, del trabajo individual y colectivo en el entorno virtual y de la búsqueda de información, y la administración de horarios de parte del estudiante.

CHAPTER 2 1.- To know the tools that the Information and Communication Technology offers.

The technology gives us a lot of tools; they could be virtually, like universities virtual campus, practice online, interactive tests, etc., or physically, like ebooks, mini translators, etc. We can call technology all the new implements that are using now the students and teachers in the different education systems.

· What is a virtual tool?A virtual tool is the one that permits us to work online, to search and use information

that is in the internet. It is practically, and faster, student’s can use it in every moment, they can interact with other students and to the teacher too.The first virtual tools was the radio and the television, but you can’t interact with them? That’s true and false at the same time, because they were the first programs that show different kind of education types. The companies created educative and expositive programs, which answer to the characteristics of the moment it appears. First the radio wich started defunding cuentos y novelas. Then the television that presented programs that had a teacher as an expositor and the student as the passive audince. In some of this kind of programs they permitted the participation of the public a través del telephone, making questions or giving answers.Now we have different kinds of tools that we can divide in information searchers, like google, bing, etc., audiovisual searchers, like youtube, rutube, etc. and the visual searchers, like slideshare, etc. These tools makes the students live easily.Universities implement this technology to help people that con poca inversion económica en infraestructura can brindar education services; sincrónicas that have specific hours to ingresar and functions like a traditional salon de clase, like the virtual education that gives universities like Alas Peruanas. And asincrónicas that depends on the time the student have.

· What are the physical tools?Physical tools are the one that have a specifically function, like translators, Ebooks,

GPS, calculator etc. They are of immediately help.


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We are living in a technological revolution, we must be adapted. Schools are beginning whit this, because they know they can’t stay living in the past.For example, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have created a new project called School Program 2.0, this program purpose is to give facilities to the institutions of apprenticeship and upgrade the kind of education.The School Program 2.0 is implemented by electronic boards and computer installation in classrooms. To operate that new material a teacher needs a preview easily and practically capacitation. That should do every institution, in the way teachers can show students how to use it without damage the product. Classes would be more didactic and enjoyable because students will be able to participate and they will easily understand what the teacher wants to transmit.

Conclusion Finally, the virtual education has permitted the access to more people. This made that people that want to combine the work and the studies could make it from their houses.The Information and Communication Technology is necessary for us, we only have to be prepare to use it in a productive way.La educación virtual ha permitido el acceso a más estudiantes, ha cortado distancias.

1. Ha permitido que una persona que cuenta con tiempo limitado termine sus estudios básicos y/o avanzados


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· http://almon.blogspot.es/1261036800/ · http://edutec.rediris.es/Revelec2/revelec20/llorente.htm · http://gigatecno.blogspot.com/2012/12/como-influye-la-tecnologia-en-la_14.html · http://promo2010lenguayliteraturaunfv.blogspot.com/2010/07/influencia-del-internet-en-

el.html· http://pirhua.udep.edu.pe/bitstream/handle/123456789/1412/MAE_EDUC_073.pdf?

sequence=1· http://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/bitstream/26000/696/1/T-ULEAM-05-0036.pdf · http://edutec.rediris.es/Revelec2/revelec20/llorente.htm · http://www.pro-meta.org/destrezas-que-debe-tener/ · file:///C:/Users/julio/Downloads/Aprendazaje%20con%20el%20uso%20de%20TIC

%20(1).PDF· https://www.facebook.com/ajax/messaging/attachment.php?



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1.- To know the tools that Information and Communication Technology offers.

The technology give us a lot of tools, they could be virtual or physical, we can call technology all the new implements that are using now the students and teachers in the differents education systems.