test plan and report of ruto sns prototype contentsrd2537/docu/testing plan and resu… ·  ·...

Test plan and report of RUTO SNS prototype CONTENTS 1. Test Plan......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Black box testing plan ...................................................................................................... 2 1.2 White box testing plan .................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Security and robustness testing plan .............................................................................. 5 2. Progress Report ..................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Unit testing report ........................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Code inspection report .................................................................................................. 13 2.3 Fixing previous defects .................................................................................................. 18 3. Stress Testing Report ........................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Shoe Test ....................................................................................................................... 19 3.2 Attack Plan..................................................................................................................... 19 3.3 Scalability Test Plan ....................................................................................................... 21 4. Defect Log ............................................................................................................................ 24 5. Response to Demo Concerns....................................................................................... 25

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Test plan and report of RUTO SNS prototype


1. Test Plan ......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 Black box testing plan ...................................................................................................... 2

1.2 White box testing plan .................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Security and robustness testing plan .............................................................................. 5

2. Progress Report ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Unit testing report ........................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Code inspection report .................................................................................................. 13

2.3 Fixing previous defects .................................................................................................. 18

3. Stress Testing Report ........................................................................................................... 19

3.1 Shoe Test ....................................................................................................................... 19

3.2 Attack Plan ..................................................................................................................... 19

3.3 Scalability Test Plan ....................................................................................................... 21

4. Defect Log ............................................................................................................................ 24

5. Response to Demo Concerns....................................................................................... 25

Test plan and report of RUTO SNS prototype

Prepared by:

Rongxin Du ([email protected]) Qiang Deng([email protected])

Chao Song ([email protected]) Jen-Po Cheng ([email protected])

1. Test Plan

1.1 Black box testing plan

Black box testing attempts to force behavior (outcome) that doesn't match specification.

However, sometimes in practice, we probably need to adopt the concept of Grey-box and look at

code to implement test harness. Generally, we plan to test if our complete and save user

information component (CompleteInfo.jsp and SaveUserInfo.java) can correctly save user data

into database and also handle various invalid input values. To put it in detail, we mainly focus on

the checkError() function module as the testing unit here, on which, we perform all the black box

and white box testing cases. Besides, we agree to apply the Equivalence partitioning, Boundary

value analysis and Metamorphic testing criterions to generating different test cases.

We planned to use Junit and Clover to conduct the black box testing.

Firstly, with respect to equivalence partitioning, we divided our input into several

equivalence classes, any of which was composed of a set of carefully chosen valid or invalid

values or states and represented a typical input situation. Correspondingly, we also had the related

output equivalence classes, which covered the expected and unexpected results. There are mainly

3 categories of input types, which are classified according to html component, 1) input text box:

string, number, date; 2) radio button as input; 3) pull down menu as input. Based on these 3

categories, we can generate a series of test cases that can cover as many input possibilities as


Input Equivalence Classes Partition

Class 1: All the options on the Complete Information page are filled in with valid values;

Class 2: All the options on the Complete Information page are left blank;

Class 3: Some of the options on the Complete Information page are filled in with valid values,

some are left blank, while, some are filled in with invalid values.

Class 4: All the input text boxes are filled in with valid values, while all the radio button groups

and check boxes are left unchosen;

Class 5: All the input text boxes are filled in with valid values, all the radio button groups are

chosen, while all the check boxes are left unchosen.

…… just name a few cases here ……

Range boundary values Test

In this section, we plan to focus on the range boundary of the length of input string, the size

and format of input zipcode and birthday. Under this goal, we generate the following testing cases:

1) length range of input string: English letters, Chinese characters, null string, normal length

string(1-254), long string(255-999), extremely long string(>1000);

2) size and format of input zipcode: assume that we narrow down our users to American citizens,

the standard zipcode in the US is 5-digit and without letters. For size range test, input 0-digit, [1,

5]-digit, and >5-digit zipcode respectively. For format testing, input invalid zipcode that contains

letters or strange characters other than digits.

3) size and format of input date/birthday: we define the input date/birthday format as mm/dd/yyyy

and we expect our users to input a length-10 date like this. The size and format testing cases here

are similar to those in part 2).

Output Equivalence Classes Partition

Class 1: Expected and meaningful output;

Class 2: Expected and meaningless output;

Class 3: Unexpected and meaningful output;

Class 4: Unexpected and meaningless output;

Class 5: SQL exception or database error.

Metamorphic Properties

Suppose that we have 10 options O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10 to fill in on the

complete information page, the metamorphic properties here will be:

1. (O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10) = (O1, O2)+O3+(O4, O5)+(O6, O7, O8)+( O9,


The left of the above equation means that we complete all the options at one time, while the

right of the above equation means that we might complete the options (basic personal details,

location, hobbies, etc) in several steps or times. That is to say, we might input (O1, O2) for the

first time, O3 for the second time, (O4, O5) for the 3rd time, and so on. Accordingly, the expected

output(information saved in back-end database) should be same, whether a user chooses to

complete his/her personal information once for all or in several times.

2. (O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10) = (O1, O2)+(O2, O3)+(O4, O5, O6, O7)+(O6, O7,

O8, O9)+( O9, O10)

Equation 2 means that a user might edit some options he/she filled in for last time, but this

doesn‟t have any effects on the final result.

3. (O1, O2, O3, O4, O5, O6, O7, O8, O9, O10) = (O6, O7, O8, O9, O10, O1, O2, O3, O4, O5)

Equation 3 means that the order by which a user choose to fill in all the options has no impact

on the final result.

1.2 White box testing plan

For white box unit testing, we planned to check which lines of code are not covered by black

box unit testing. And we planned to add more cases to cover those statements. To design

additional test cases for white box unit testing, we read through the code of that unit carefully and

try to figure out which part of code is not covered by test cases yet. In order to make sure that the

test cases can cover all the statements, the paths, and the branches, we planned to use the Clover

plugin to Eclipse and test the code coverage of checkErrror() module in Eclipse IDE.

White box testing is generated by reviewing the code and also the code coverage percentage

of black-box testing. For example, if the black box test unit cases never trigger the following


if (gender == null) {

gender = "";


Or the code coverage percentage is very low (less than 90%), then it will become necessary

to add more test cases which leave gender to be null to test this branch. The basic principle is that

the white box testing should cover all the loops, try and catch blocks, if-else blocks and other

non-trivial blocks except for some error handle exception.

1.3 Security and robustness testing plan

A safe and robust software should not cause physical or economic damage in the event of

system failure. Malicious users should not be able to access or damage the system. (cited from the


We perform the security and robustness testing plan in the following aspects:

1) malicious Java script injection. (">", "<", "#", "%");

2) direct access via inputting URL; (e.g: input http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/AdminPage

to try to access the admin account , http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/Login to try to access

the login servlet without inputting required email and password, input

http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/CompleteInfo.jsp to directly complete user information

without log in at first)

3) inject " or ' to affect SQL query;

4) log in the admin console of glassfish to break the whole application;

5) use loading/scalability testing software (such as SmartBear and Jmeter) to simulate very large

numbers of accesses simultaneously.

2. Progress Report

2.1 Unit testing report

The unit we choose to apply unit testing is the input validation unit of completeUserInfo

module. This unit validates the input and returns the number of input errors. A return value of 0

means the input are all valid. We narrow down the scope of original unit mentioned in the last

report from completeUserInfo module to saveUserInfo module. Because the prior unit covers too

many functions, including input validation, comparison between current information and old

information, insert entries to database and remove entries from database, the entire

completeUserInfo module is too big to be considered as a unit. As a result, we turn to test

saveUserInfo module which contains a list of inputs as follows.

Name Type

First Name Text Box

Last Name Text Box

Choose Your State Drop Down List

City Text Box

Address1 Text Box

Address2 Text Box

Input your zipcode Text Box

Birthday Text Box

Gender Radio Button

Relationship status Radio Button

Other Text Box

Choose Your School Drop Down List

According to their different input type and different characteristics, we divide them into 5

categories. They are:

1) 1st Category: input String

Name Type

First Name Text Box

Last Name Text Box

City Text Box

Address1 Text Box

Address2 Text Box

Other Text Box

2) 2nd Category: input number

Name Type

Zip code Text Box

3) 3nd Category: input date

Name Type

Birthday Text Box

4) 4th Category: pull down menu as input

Name Type

Choose Your State Drop Down List

Choose Your School Drop Down List

5) 5th Category: radio button as input

Name Type

Gender Radio Button

Relationship status Radio Button

Input Equivalence Class Partition

For each of the 5 categories, we have different equivalence class partitions.

For the first category, all of them requires strings. So the equivalence class partition is as follow:

Class 1: string length over 255

Class 2: string contains “<” or ”>”

Class 3: other strings considered as valid.

For the 2nd category, the input is zipcode. So the equivalence class partition is:

Class 1: string length not equal to 5

Class 2: string contains not only numbers

Class 3: other strings considered as valid

For the 3rd category, the input is birthday. So the equivalence class partition is:

Class 1: string follow format mm/dd/yyyy where m,d,y are digits are considered as valid

Class 2: other strings.

For the 4th category, the input are drop down lists. So the equivalence class partition is:

Class 1: Leave empty

Class 2: A row is selected

For the 5th category, the input are radio buttons. So the equivalence class partition is:

Class 1: Leave none selected

Class 2: A option is selected

Since our input validation only check strings, there are no obvious boundary values for our

input. However, we think we can treat the boundary between different partition classes as

boundary values. Thus, for example, for the 1st category, one boundary value could be string with

exact length of 255. Another boundary value could be a string contains a „<‟, since by having this

„<‟ in the string, the string goes from valid to invalid. This same method of determining boundary

values may apply to all the other categories we defined.

Here is a list of our test cases and expected output. We test each of our categories separately.

When one category is tested, all the other categories‟ value are default values.

1) 1st Category Testing cases


Case ID

First Name Last


City Address1 Address2 other Output

1 (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 12

2 First Name (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 11

3 (empty) Last (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 11


4 (empty) (empty) City (empty) (empty) (empty) 11

5 (empty) (empty) (empty) Address1 (empty) (empty) 11

6 (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) Address2 (empty) 11

7 (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) other 11

8 Chao Song (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 10

9 (empty) (empty) NYC 362 Riverside


#4B10 (empty) 9

10 (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) CS 11

11 <alert> (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 12

12 aaa...(long


(empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) (empty) 12

2) 2nd Category Testing cases


Case ID

Zip code Output

1 10025 11

2 100025 12

3 zipcode 12

4 (empty) 12

5 111...(long string) 12

3) 3rd Category Testing cases


Case ID

Birthday Output

1 11/11/2011 11

2 2011-11-11 12

3 birthday 12

4 (empty) 12

5 111...(long string) 12

4) 4th Category Testing cases


Case ID

Choose Your State Choose Your School OutPut

1 Choose Your State Choose Your School 12

2 New York Choose Your School 11

3 Choose Your State Columbia University 11

4 New York Columbia University 10

5) 5th Category Testing cases


Case ID

Gender Relationship status Output

1 Leave Empty Leave Empty 12

2 Male Leave Empty 11

3 Leave Empty Single 11

4 Female Married 10

Metamorphic property

One Metamorphic property of our test unit is that you can do permutation and combination of

our original test cases and generate new test cases. The result could be calculate as

12-(12-ret1)-(12-ret2). For example, in one test case the output is 11, in another test case the

output is also 11, then the combination of these two cases could generate another test case, whose

output is 10.

Here is the list of the actual extra test cases we tested which are generated from metamorphic



art 1

Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Output

1 4 4 1 1 12

9 1 1 4 4 3

11 1 1 4 4 6

12 4 1 4 4 7

8 1 5 4 4 5

7 3 2 4 3 8

So far all the above testing is considered as the Black Box testing. There may be some cases

we failed to consider, and thereby we must apply the White Box testing in order to ensure that all

cases have been covered. Prior to doing the White box testing, we turn to use the eclipse combined

with Clover to test the code coverage of our unit testing. As the figure shown below, we can see

the result of our Black Box testing have covered the saveUserInfo module about 96.6%.

After the above testing, we know the else part as below in the saveUserInfo module is

marked in red automatically using Clover.

if (zipcode.length() != 5) {


} else {

try {


} catch (NumberFormatException e) {




This is the case that the length zip code is five, however, it can not be converted into proper

numbers. We have added two extra test cases to cover this issues: SimpleTest_37.java and

SimpleTest_38.java. For example, in SimpleTest_37, we let the zipcode = "zipco" to trigger the

else part of the above codes.

public class SimpleTest_37 {


public SimpleTest_37() {



public void test(){

SaveUserInfo tttt = new SaveUserInfo();

String firstname = "";

String lastname = "";

String gender = "";

String Rs = "Single";

String Eb = "Columbia University";

String address1 = "";

String address2 = "";

String city = "";

String zipcode = "zipco";

String state = "New York";

String other = "other";

String birthday = "2011-11-11";

assertEquals("Result", 8, tttt.checkError(firstname, lastname, gender, Rs, Eb, address1,

address2, city, zipcode, state, other, birthday));


We make a final coverage test and then have a result of 100% coverage in SaveUserInfo

module eventually.

2.2 Code inspection report

The code inspection was held at 2:30 pm on December 1st in 6LE1 of CEPSR. It lasted

approximately 30 minutes. All team members including Rongxin Du, Qiang Deng, Chao Song and

Jen-Po Cheng and our TA Mayank Talwar were present. Documentation was done following the


The code inspection task was done by a group of five members going through the same piece

of code. Each individual took down notes and the flaws were later fixed by the original

programmer of that code. In the meeting, Chao Song acted as reader, Qiang Deng was recorder.

Rongxin Du and Jenpo Cheng were inspector. Mayank was moderator.

First, the reader gave a brief overview of the work accomplished and a general introduction

to the function and organization of the unit been tested. Then code was analyzed line by line

followed the code inspection checklist we implemented in the second iteration plan. During the

process, all the members came up with their suggestions and questions in order to find out errors

or flaws.

Not too many defects were found in the code. Most of the issues were due to insufficient

exception handling process. Generally the code were comment fine, class, function and parameters

were named readable and logical design was fine. No part of the code needed to be re-written due

to logical errors. The biggest problem lies in the exception handling process. Exception handling

should be added when update, delete and other action were taken.

The unit mainly implements the function of recommending friends based on their personal


The checklist was used during the whole process of code inspection. We followed the defined

checklist to view the code and exam the logic and grammar design. The detailed information are

listed below.

Code Inspection Checklist

1. Unit Design

Is the functionality described in the concept plan fully implemented by the code?

Yes. The unit fully realized recommending friends function as we previously designed in the

concept plan. The RUTO system can compute the similarity base on users‟ hobbies, location,

education background and other personal information. Also, the system could list out the

recommended friends in a decreasing order of similarity.

Does the code conform to the java coding standard?

Basically yes, but some syntax errors were found during code inspection. For example, we had a

session bean called RUTObeingFacade. When this session bean was called, Netbeans

automatically name the session bean as rUTObeingFacade while according to the java convention,

it should be named as RUTOBeingFacade.

2. Initialization and Declarations

Are variables and class members of the correct type?

Yes. All the variables and class members were claimed in the right place and in the correct type.

For example, the variables to store user‟s email and gender were defined as email (String) and

gender (String) respectively. The function of initiating variables was named initiate(). The

function of getting current user‟s information was named getCurrentUserInfo.

Are all object initialized?

Yes. All objects were initialized. We implemented a function to initiate variables and objects that

were global.

Do the name of variables and functions in a uniform style and convey correct meaning?

Yes. Our variables and functions were named by a uniform style like educationBackground,

labelMatch(), locationMatch(). The name also convey meaningful and readable message which

clearly indicated the function of the variable and function.

3. Call Function

Are parameters used correctly?

Yes. All the parameters were used in the right way. The parameters were in correct type when

calling a function. For example, the function labelMatch (RUTObeing pairuser, UserPriority up)

was called in this way: labelMatch (pairuser, up).

Is the correct method being called?

Yes. By calling the correct method, the system worked properly. For example, when we want to

get the current user‟s information, we called getCurrentUserInfo. When the system computes the

label similarity of the pair user, it calls labelMatch.

Do the methods return proper values?

This unit contains functions that are all void type. There‟s no return of these functions.

Are all objects (including Strings) compared with "equals" and not "=="?

Yes. We carefully handled the situation when two objects were required to compare. For instance,

when we compare the email of two users our code is like: email.equals(tmp.getUseremail()).

4. Output Correction

Is output easy to understand and free of spelling errors?

Yes. We output the information in a way that is easy to understand by users. For instance, we

output the similarity between two users‟ similarity score, email address and other personal

information. After examining, there‟s no spelling error.

Are error messages comprehensive and provide guidance as to how to correct the problem?

This is one of the main drawbacks found in the code inspection. The system only catches errors at

places like IO operation and throws system exception. We didn‟t provide sufficient function to

catch errors and therefore, lack of comprehensive error message provided. In order to fix the

problem, we will implement exception handling procedure in the places that the system may crush

or when deleting, updating and other action are taken. Moreover, we will also develop our own

exception class to improve efficiency.

5. Computation, Comparisons and Assignments

Are all denominators of a division prevented from being zero?

Yes. We eliminate the possibility that the division may be zero. One of the examples is

item.getPriority() * 100 / (fullscore + 5).

Is integer arithmetic, especially division, used appropriately to avoid causing unexpected


Yes. We paid attention to handle the numeric computing and ensure the variables are in correct


Are the comparison and Boolean operators correct?

Yes. The comparison and Boolean operators act important in the system when the function decides

when to end the loop or other places. For example, in the similarity sorting function, we

implemented a comparison method: return ((p1.getPriority() < p2.getPriority()) ? 1 : 0);

6. Exceptions

Are all relevant exceptions caught?

This is one of the main drawbacks found in the code inspection. The system only catches errors at

places like IO operation and throws system exception. We didn‟t provide function to catch errors

at the proper place. In order to fix the problem, we will implement exception handling procedure

in the places that the system may crush or when deleting, updating and other action are taken.

Moreover, we will also develop our own exception class to improve efficiency.

Is the appropriate action taken for each catch block?

The system catches errors at places like IO operation and throws system exception messages. But

there are some more places should add catch error block. As stated above, we will fix the problem

by developing our own exception class and implementing it in the right places.

7. Flow of Control

Do all loops have appropriate initialization, increment and termination expressions?

Yes. All the loops take correct action in initialization, increment and termination expressions. For

example, we recursively read all the users in the database using: for (Iterator it =

RUTObeing.iterator(); it.hasNext();). The loop will end when all users’ information are read.

8. Logic of Algorithms

Is there any logic problem in this unit?

No. The unit is well designed in the logic. Firstly we read the current user‟s information. Then we

recursively derive all users‟ information from the database and compare with current user in order

to compute the similarity between them. After that, the system output the result.

9. EJB Framework

Does the session bean collaborate with the right entity bean?

Yes. We called the right session bean when we want to use the database in the corresponded entity

bean. For example, private LabelFacade labelFacade; private LocationFacade locationFacade;

private RUTObeingFacade rUTObeingFacade. These session beans are called in this unit in order

to get information from label, location and RUTO database.

Does the entity bean connect with the right database?

Yes. The entity beans are called by the session beans and therefore connect with the right database.

LabelFacade labelFacade, LocationFacade locationFacade, RUTObeingFacade rUTObeingFacade

called label, location and RUTO database respectively.

2.3 Fixing previous defects

1. Very long string: Non-logic problem

The problem has been handled. We limited the length of input up to 255 characters. So that

transaction errors in saving long input into our back-end derby server could be avoided.

2. Malicious input: Non-logic problem

This problem has been fixed. We verified whether the input involved the characters such as >, %,

and < etc, which could be used as keywords of java script.

3. Invalid Zip code: Non-logic problem

This problem has been fixed. We checked the input string and the input type. Input string should

be exactly 5 characters. Input type should be numbers.

4. Variable definition: Non-logic problem

The problem has been fixed. Variable definition are now clarified with private, public or protected.

5. Name conventions: Non-logic problem

The problem has been fixed. Variables and function are named should follow the java name

conventions. We tried to present meaningful information in the names.

6. Variable definition: Non-logic problem

This problem has been handled. Irrelevant comments have been removed.

7. String initiation: Non-logic problem

This problem has been fixed. All string type variables are initiated as NULL.

8. Exception handling: Non-logic problem

The problem has been fixed. Places that may cause system failure are caught with exception


3. Stress Testing Report

3.1 Shoe Test

We did some sort of shoe test by input tens of thousands of characters to one single text box.

At last, the browser hangs.

3.2 Attack Plan

1) malicious Java script injection. (">", "<"); For example, register a username as <img

src="hello.gif" />.

During this test, we inserted each input text field with JSP <img

src="http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo3w.png" /> to see if it is accepted.

2) direct access via inputting URL; (e.g: input http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/AdminPage

to try to access the admin account , http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/Login to try to access

the login servlet without inputting required email and password, input

http://localhost:8080/RUTOdemo-war/CompleteInfo.jsp to directly complete user information

without log in at first)

In our test, we tried to access every page and servlet directly via inputting URL. Some of the

URLs we input in the broswer address field are listed as follows:










3) inject " or ' to affect SQL query; For example, input the following SQL query as a hobby:


During this test, we inserted each input text field with SQL query 'SELECT * FROM

RUTObeing' to see if it is accepted.

4) log in the admin console of glassfish (port 4848) to break the whole application;

In this test, we would try to login the glassfish admin console, which is on port 4848. We

would try if we have the permission to change server settings.

5) Use Firefox browser plugin Tamper to edit request sent from forms. For example, when

changing the password, before sending the request to the server, use Tamper to edit the content of

the request.

In this test, for each page in which we need to complete forms, we will pause the request and

change the values contained in that request and see if it causes error.

3.3 Scalability Test Plan

We conducted our load test in JMeter. We developed two situations, one is visit our web site

by only login and logout, and the other one is going through a complete visit of our system

including post activity, visit activity, join activity, visit friends and leave message.

The load test was doing under remote wireless internet connection, so the results vary time to

time. Thus, we also compare the time needed to complete the load test in different connections.

visit our web site by only login and logout:

initialize 10 users at the same time

initialize 50 users at the same time

initialize 100 users at the same time

initialize 500 users at the same time

initialize 1000 users at the same time

a complete visit:

initialize 10 users at the same time

initialize 50 users at the same time

initialize 100 users at the same time

initialize 500 users at the same time

initialize 1000 users at the same time

Test results (only informative pictures are included):

A complete visit:

The visit time range:

When there are 1000 users visiting the website, the first user connect would be 1693 ms and

the first 25 users are below 2000 ms ( which is a tolerable to users):

When the testing connection between the server and client is good enough, the first user

connect would be much better:

When there are 1000 users visiting the website, the connect time from 76 to 100 is much

higher:When there are 1000 users visiting the website, the connect time from 76 to 100 is much


When the connection is good, users could get response in around 5000 ms even there are 200


Typically, when more than 300 users in the system, the response time will exceed 10 seconds:

As we can see from the test results above, the system works well under different situations.

Generally, the response time for users are good enough if the number of users are less than 25 or

50. The response time are acceptable when there are less than 100 users regardless of the condition

of internet connection. While the response time gets much slower if the user number exceeds 200.

4. Defect Log

Bugs found in stress testing including the following aspect:

1) Shoe test fails. After we typed in tens of thousands of characters, the browser hung. We fixed

this problem by restricting the maximum number of characters that can be typed in in a text box to


2) We were able to access a page directly by entering URL. We fixed this problem by adding

authentication check at the beginning of each Page/Servlet.

3) We were able to connect to glassfish admin console and do whatever we wanted. We fixed this

problem by using a firewall to block the network communication of port 4848.

4) We were able to use Tamper to fake a http request and get access to another user‟s data. Due to

limited amount of time, we could not manage to fix it before the deadline.

5. Response to Demo Concerns

During the demo, three questions has been asked.

Firstly, Mayank asked whether we had done any load testing. At that time, we did not have

the time to do a comprehensive load testing. But now we have quite a lot of load testing results.

Secondly, Jon asked us why he completed the form correctly but still got “invalid input” error.

The problem is that the education background field is not completed. The reason why this field is

important is that in our RUTO system, education background is an important information to for

people to find like-minded friends.

Finally, Prof. Kaiser asked us whether we did semantic checking for input values. The answer

is no. Because we do not have enough time and knowledge to do that. For example, in order to

match address with zip code, we will need to know a lot of new techniques, introducing new

dataset. That is a lot of work.