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Testimonials & Reviews

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Post on 24-Sep-2020




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Page 1: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

Page 2: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

Page 2

Table of Content

1. Installation ………………………………………………………………………………3

2. Module Configuration ……………………………………………………………..3

3. Manage Testimonials……………………………………………………………….3

4. Configuration Testimonials……………………………………………………...7

5. How to display testimonial carousel in the site? ...………………….10

6. Uninstall module…………………………………………………………………….10

7. Customer Support…………………………………………………………………...10

Page 3: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

Page 3

1. Installation

Below steps are follow for install extension.

1) Download extension

Download the extension from the Magento marketplace.

2) Unzip File

After downloading, unzip the extension zip file.

3) Upload Files

Upload all the files from the extension package to app/code/Coderkube/Testimonials folder of your Magento installation.

4) Run following Commands

php bin/magento module:enable Coderkube_Testimonials php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

2. Module Configuration

After successfully installed module go to store configuration advanced advanced and check Coderkube_Testimonials is Enable.

If not display in Module list delete var folder from the root folder of your Magento installation.

3. Manage Testimonials

How to view all Testimonials in admin? o Go to Ck Testimonial Manage Testimonial

Page 4: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

Page 4

o It will display a list of all testimonials.

o Here you can add, edit or delete Testimonial.

How to add a new Testimonial from admin? o Go to Ck Testimonial Manage Testimonial click on Add New

Testimonial button for add new testimonial.

o It will display form for add testimonial.

o Form contain...

1) Testimonial name 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name

Page 5: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

Page 5

6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status which is used for display

testimonial in frontend if the status is enabled.

How to view all Testimonials in Frontend? o Link: {{Your Site Url}}/testimonial

How to add a new testimonial in frontend?

Page 6: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

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Frontend Testimonial Form :

Page 7: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

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4. Configuration Testimonials

For configure Testimonial go to Ck Testimonial Testimonial setting. It will display all setting of testimonial.

List of configurations Section:

Testimonial Configuration

o Here you can set the following value: a. Sender Email

b. Admin Email Id: use for send email to admin

Page 8: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

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c. Customer email Template: Here you can set email template for customer email.

d. Admin Email Template: Here you can set email template for admin email.

Testimonial Display Configuration

o Here you can set the following value: Use to display the following field in a form or not. b. Display Rating

c. Display Website field

d. Display Company Name field

Testimonial slider display configuration

Page 9: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

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Here you can set the following value: Use to display the following field values in the slider. a. Display Testimonial Name

b. Display Testimonial Image

c. Display Testimonial Rating

d. Display Testimonial date

Testimonial slider setting

A Number of Testimonial Displays in the slider.

Required field setting

Use for Required field setting.

a. Name required

Page 10: Testimonials & Reviews · 2) Testimonial email 3) Testimonial content 4) Testimonial image 5) Company name. Testimonials & Reviews Page 5 6) Website 7) Rating 8) Testimonial Status

Testimonials & Reviews

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b. Email required c. Company Name required d. The Website required e. Rating required

5. How to Display testimonial Carousel in the site?

Display testimonial carousel in any place in site put following code in cms block and call cms block in which you want to display.

CMS Block Code for Display carousel:

{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" template="Coderkube_Testimonials::side-testimonial.phtml"}}

Testimonial List page link:

Add testimonial after site URL. Link: example.com/testimonial

6. Uninstall Module

For uninstall module run following command.

php bin/magento module:disableCoderkube_Testimonials php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento cache:flush php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

7. Customer Support

We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase if you have a question about how to do something or think you have found a bug, head over to our support system and we'll get back in touch.

You can mail us on [email protected].