testing and verifying your mysql backup strategy

Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability Ronald Bradford http://ronaldbradford.com @RonaldBradford 2015.08 EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability About the Author 16 years with MySQL / 26 years with RDBMS Senior Consultant at MySQL Inc (06-08) Consultant for Oracle Corporation (96-99) Published author of 4 MySQL books Ronald BRADFORD http://ronaldbradford.com/presentations/ EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability OTN TOUR 2015 Uruguay www.uyoug.org.uy Argentina www.aroug.org Chile www.cloug.cl Peru www.peoug.org Latin America Oracle User Groups Community www.laouc.net EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability "No one cares if you can backup, only that you can restore." Adapted from W. Curtis Preston - Backup & Recovery (O'Reilly 2009)

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Page 1: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability

Ronald Bradfordhttp://ronaldbradford.com



EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability

About the Author

16 years with MySQL / 26 years with RDBMS

Senior Consultant at MySQL Inc (06-08)

Consultant for Oracle Corporation (96-99)

Published author of 4 MySQL books



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Uruguay www.uyoug.org.uy

Argentina www.aroug.org

Chile www.cloug.cl

Peru www.peoug.org

Latin America Oracle User Groups Community www.laouc.net

EffectiveMySQL.com - Performance, Scalability, Site Reliability

"No one cares if you can backup, only that you can restore."

Adapted from W. Curtis Preston - Backup & Recovery (O'Reilly 2009)

Page 2: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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To verify your backup is to restore

Test frequently

Test for exceptions

Restoring is a two part process

Restore static backup

Restore to point in time

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"Testing is about breaking your software. Testing is not about

checking if it works."

Ronald Bradford, 2006

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What is most important?

Your restore completes successfully?

Your restore matches your backup files?

Your restored system has all the data it should have?

Your system is back online ASAP?

All of these requirements are necessary for success

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What part takes the most time to restore?

Copying your backup files across network?

Uncompressing your backup?

Restore the backup?

Point in time recovery?

Page 3: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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Product Options

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Backup Options




MySQL Enterprise Backup

LVM/SAN Snapshot

Filesystem copy

New options


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Included with binary distribution

Open source

Maintained by Oracle

Only tool for schema information

Poor defaults

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Locks schemas (by default)

Inconsistent for multi schema applications

Does not obtain position needed for point in time recovery

Does not backup all objects by default

Single threaded

Reads all data (into database buffers)


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ASCII copy of data


Cross platform/version compatible

Can perform partial backups

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Parallel implementation based on mysqldump

Open source

Community developed and maintained

Max Bubenick - Percona


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Open source

Maintained by 3rd party company

Widely used for large InnoDB installations


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Non-blocking backup (of transactional data)

Consistent file copy

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Commercial license

bundled with subscription support

Oracle provided enterprise version

Features similar to Xtrabackup

MySQL enterprise backup

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LVM/SAN Snapshot

DB agnostic


Open source

Community Maintained


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Read Consistent view


Can take a long time on highly concurrent systems

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mysqlpump (5.7.8)

Open source

Developed by Oracle

rewrite of mysqldump

parallel implementation of mysqldump


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What is missing?

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point in time

MySQL Binary Logs

Are they enabled?

Binary log position

Obtained consistently

SaaS (per schema issues)

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Backup Options



Use a slave --log-slave-updates

DRBD - Disk Replicated Block Device

mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server (New in 5.6)

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binary log file copy

Binary logs are sequential files


mysqladmin flush-logs

e.g. AWS 5 minutes strategy

Page 7: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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mirrored binary log

Remote copy binary logs as created

No automatic restart management

Requires MySQL 5.6+ (can be on a slave)

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B&R Strategy Considerations

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Design choices

Time to backup

Time to restore



Partial Capabilities


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storage engines

InnoDB only


mysql schema

Other storage engines

Mixed data solutions

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(Regardless of method)

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Schema & Data

Schema Size/Tables etc

Replication architecture




Storage Engines

Do these help to test and verify?

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schema & objects

Can only be obtained via mysqldump

Required for test systems & subsets

Auditability of schema changes

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meta info

Schema size

Tables size

Table objects

Page 9: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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meta info

SELECT FORMAT(SUM(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,2) AS total_mb, FORMAT(SUM(data_length)/1024/1024,2) AS data_mb, FORMAT(SUM(index_length)/1024/1024,2) AS index_mb, COUNT(DISTINCT table_schema) AS schema_cnt, COUNT(*) AS tables, CURDATE() AS today, VERSION()FROM information_schema.tables\G

*************************** 1. row *************************** total_mb: 5344.63 data_mb: 4545.49 index_mb: 799.13schema_cnt: 7 tables: 103 today: 2012-04-03 VERSION(): 5.1.61-0ubuntu0.11.10.1-log

Your daily verification step should include this

ALL Schemas Size


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Meta Info

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS db_size;CREATE TABLE db_size( table_schema VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, table_name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, engine VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, row_format VARCHAR(10) NULL, table_rows INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, avg_row INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, total_mb DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL, data_mb DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL, index_mb DECIMAL(7,2) NOT NULL, created_date DATETIME NOT NULL, INDEX (created_date,table_name)) ENGINE=InnoDB;

Table size

Keep a copy of all tablesize info per backup


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Meta Info

DELIMITER $$DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS generate_db_size$$CREATE PROCEDURE generate_db_size()BEGIN DECLARE l_created_date DATETIME; SET l_created_date := NOW();

INSERT INTO db_size(table_schema, table_name, engine, row_format, table_rows, avg_row, total_mb, data_mb, index_mb, created_date) SELECT table_schema, table_name, engine, row_format, table_rows, avg_row_length AS avg_row, ROUND((data_length+index_length)/1024/1024,2) AS total_mb, ROUND((data_length)/1024/1024,2) AS data_mb, ROUND((index_length)/1024/1024,2) AS index_mb, l_created_date FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=DATABASE() AND table_type='BASE TABLE' ORDER BY 6 DESC;

SELECT l_created_date AS created_date, DATABASE() AS table_schema, COUNT(*) AS tables, FORMAT(SUM(total_mb),2) AS total_mb, FORMAT(SUM(data_mb),2) AS data_mb, FORMAT(SUM(index_mb),2) AS index_mb FROM db_size WHERE created_date = l_created_date;

Table size


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Do you backup the master or the slave?

Binary position option changes

Data drift?

Do you backup the entire DB?

Is some data static?

Can a recovered system start without need for all data?

replication topology

Page 10: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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Backup Options

$ sudo su -$ sync ; lvcreate -L1G -s -n dbsnapshot /dev/db/p0$ mkdir -p /mnt/dbsnapshot$ mount -o ro /dev/db/dbsnapshot /mnt/dbsnapshot$ du -sh /mnt/dbsnapshot$ ls -al /mnt/dbsnapshot

$ mkdir /mysql/backup/snapshot1$ cp -r /mnt/dbsnapshot/* /mysql/backup/snapshot1

$ sudo su -$ mylvmbackup


http://effectiveMySQL.com/article/configuring-a-new-hard-drive-for-lvm http://effectiveMySQL.com/article/using-mysql-with-lvm


TIP: mylvmbackup does all the hard work

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Testing & Verification

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Incomplete backup file

Missing objects


Missing point in time position

Restore time considerations

Fake objects

Trigger hell

^C does not kill mysqldump

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Backup Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases > /mysql/backup/dump1.sqlreal 1m31.631suser 1m12.533ssys 0m10.893s$ echo $?0$ ls -lh /mysql/backup/dump1.sql-rw-rw-r-- 1 uid gid 2.9G 2012-04-03 03:04 /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump USAGE

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Backup Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases > /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump: Got error: 1142: SELECT,LOCK TABL command denied to user 'root'@'localhost' for table 'cond_instances' when using LOCK TABLES$ echo $?2


TIP: Error checking is essential and easy to implement

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Error examples

mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'SHOW FIELDS FROM `alarm`': View 'schema.alarm' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them (1356)

mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'rbradfor'@'localhost' to database 'schema' when using LOCK TABLES

Invalid objects

Lack of permissions

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Backup Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases \ --events --routines > /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump USAGE

All objects are NOT included by default

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Backup Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases \ --events --routines \ --single-transaction > /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump USAGE

Remove default schema locking

Page 12: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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Backup Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases \ --events --routines \ --single-transaction \ --master-data > /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump USAGE

Point in Time recovery position

$ time mysqldump --all-databases \ --events --routines \ --single-transaction \ --dump-slave > /mysql/backup/dump1.sql

mysqldump: Error: Binlogging on server not active

Fail on test system?

Different for master or slave

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Backup improvment

# Schema$ mysqldump --all-databases --no-data \ --skip-triggers --add-drop-database \ > /mysql/backup/schema.sql

# Objects$ mysqldump --all-databases --no-data --no-create-info \ --events --routines --triggers \ > /mysql/backup/objects.sql

# Just the data$ mysqldump --all-databases --no-create-info \ --single-transaction --master-data --skip-triggers \ > /mysql/backup/data.sql

Separate schema/objects

TIP: Include daily dumps of database objects

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Restore Options

$ time mysqldump --all-databases > /mysql/backup/dump1.sqlreal 1m31.631s...$ time mysql –u[user] -p -f < dump1.sql > dump1.out 2>&1 real 14m13.817suser 1m6.960ssys 0m1.516s$ echo $?0$ ls -l dump1.out-rw-rw-r-- 1 uid gid 0 2012-04-08 04:07 dump1.out

mysqldump USAGE

Continue on error or stop on error?

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Fake objects

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `demo`;/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `demo`*/;SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client;SET character_set_client = utf8;/*!50001 CREATE TABLE `demo` ( `zip` tinyint NOT NULL, `lat` tinyint NOT NULL, `lon` tinyint NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM */;SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client;

/*!50001 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `demo`*/;/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `demo`*/;/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `demo` AS select `uszip`.`zip` AS `zip`,`uszip`.`lat` AS `lat`,`uszip`.`lon` AS `lon` from `uszip` */;

mysqldump USAGE

Page 13: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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Fake objects

---- Temporary view structure for view `demo`--DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `demo`;/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `demo`*/;/*!50001 CREATE VIEW `demo` AS SELECT 1 AS `zip`, 1 AS `lat`, 1 AS `lon`*/;...---- Final view structure for view `demo`--/*!50001 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `demo`*/;/*!50001 CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED *//*!50013 DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER *//*!50001 VIEW `demo` AS select `uszip`.`zip` AS `zip`,`uszip`.`lat` AS `lat`,`uszip`.`lon` AS `lon` from `uszip` */;

mysqldump USAGE

5.7 syntax

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How long to compress the data?

Which compression do you use?

How long to uncompress the data?

95% of recovery is from last backup

Best strategy is to have an uncompressed copy on server.

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Utility Comp (s) Dec (s) Savinglzo (-3) 21 34 48%pigz (-1) 43 33 64%pigz [-6] 105 25 69%gzip [-6] 232 78 69%

bzip2 540 175 74%lzo (-9) 20m 82 58%lzma 58m 180 78%xz 59m 160 78%

Depends greatly on data types

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Backup needs

Static Backup

Useless without Binary Log position

mysql> SHOW MASTER STATUS\G File: mysql-bin.020616 Position: 63395562 Binlog_Do_DB: Binlog_Ignore_DB:

WARNING: Can work on slave and provide the wrong


Page 14: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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Backup Needs

$ mysqldump --master-data (or --dump-slave)CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_FILE= 'mysql-bin.000146', MASTER_LOG_POS=810715371;

$ cat xtrabackup_binlog_info mysql-bin.000001 37522

$ grep binlog meta/backup_variables.txt binlog_position=mysql-bin.000017:5555



$ cat export-20120407-230027/metadata Log: mysql-bin.000017 Pos: 8328


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Lost connection

Transaction too large

ROW format statement

SET max_allowed_packet

Single threaded

Binary Log

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A different strategy?

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what about Failover

Is failover a better option?

Do you have high availability (HA)implemented?

Top Benefit

Improved time to recovery

Top Risk

[Potential] loss of high availability

Page 15: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

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failover issues

Failover does not cater for all situations

Data recovery to a prior point in time

e.g. security problem

building testing systems

Building out replicas

Entirely different set of problems to verify

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What to consider

Forget the technology?

What is most important for your business?

B&R/DR decision should be based on loss/cost to business


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MTTD - Mean Time To Detect

MTTR - Mean Time to Recover

RPO - Recovery Point Objective

RDO - Recovery Data Objective

SLA - Service Level Agreement

Determining business priorities is important for any strategy

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B&R is a complex process

Business will want all of the data, all of the time

Justify the business needs first

Discounts [easier] options

Page 16: Testing and Verifying your MySQL Backup Strategy

220 pages dedicated to B&R

http://j.mp/EM-book2 http://ronaldbradford.com [email protected]


Ronald Bradford