testing early life connectivity using otolith …klinck/reprints/pdf/ashfordcjfas2010.pdftesting...

Testing early life connectivity using otolith chemistry and particle-tracking simulations Julian Ashford, Mario La Mesa, Bettina A. Fach, Christopher Jones, and Inigo Everson Abstract: We measured the otolith chemistry of adult Scotia Sea icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus), a species with a long pelagic larval phase, along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and compared the chemistry with simulated particle transport using a circulation model. Material laid down in otolith nuclei during early life showed (i) strong heterogeneity between the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia consistent with a population boundary, (ii) evidence of finer-scale het- erogeneity between sampling areas on the Antarctic Peninsula, and (iii) similarity between the eastern and northern shelves of South Georgia, indicating a single, self-recruiting population there. Consistent with the otolith chemistry, simulations of the large-scale circulation predicted that particles released at depths of 100–300 m on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf during spring, corresponding to hatching of icefish larvae from benthic nests, are transported in the southern ACC, missing South Georgia but following trajectories along the southern Scotia Ridge instead. These results suggest that the timing of release and position of early life stages in the water column substantially influence the direction and extent of connectivity. Used in complement, the two techniques promise an innovative approach for generating and testing predictions to resolve early dispersal and connectivity of populations related to the physical circulation of oceanic systems. Re ´sume ´: Nous avons de ´termine ´ la chimie des otolithes des adultes de la grande-gueule antarctique (Chaenocephalus ace- ratus) de la mer de Scotia, une espe `ce avec une longue phase larvaire pe ´lagique, le long du courant circumpolaire antarc- tique (ACC), et compare ´ les re ´sultats des analyses chimiques avec le transport simule ´ des particules a ` l’aide d’un mode `le de circulation. Les mate ´riaux de ´pose ´s dans les noyaux des otolithes durant le de ´but de la vie montrent (i) une forte he ´te ´ro- ge ´ne ´ite ´ entre la pe ´ninsule antarctique et la Ge ´orgie du Sud, ce qui correspond a ` une frontie `re de population, (ii) des indica- tions d’une he ´te ´roge ´ne ´ite ´a `e ´chelle plus fine entre les zones d’e ´chantillonnage sur la pe ´ninsule antarctique et (iii) une similarite ´ entre les plates-formes de l’est et du nord de la Ge ´orgie du Sud, ce qui indique qu’il y a la ` une seule population qui assure son propre recrutement. En accord avec la chimie des otolithes, les simulations de la circulation a ` grande e ´chelle pre ´disent que les particules libe ´re ´es aux profondeurs de 100–300 m sur la plate-forme de la pe ´ninsule antarctique au printemps, ce qui coı ¨ncide avec l’e ´closion des larves des grandes-gueules de leurs nids benthiques, sont transporte ´es dans le ACC sud, e ´vitant la Ge ´orgie du Sud, mais suivant pluto ˆt des trajectoires le long du sud de la cre ˆte de Scotia. Ces re ´sultats indiquent que le moment de la libe ´ration et la position des premiers stades de vie dans la colonne d’eau influen- cent fortement le sens et l’e ´tendue de la connectivite ´. Utilise ´es de fac ¸on comple ´mentaire, les deux me ´thodologies laissent entrevoir une approche innovatrice pour e ´laborer et tester des pre ´dictions dans le but de re ´soudre des questions de disper- sion au de ´but de la vie et de connectivite ´ des populations relie ´es a ` la circulation physique des syste `mes oce ´aniques. [Traduit par la Re ´daction] Introduction Identifying dispersal during early life In oceanic systems, dispersal in many species occurs dur- ing early life when active movement is undeveloped and the large-scale circulation can strongly influence connectivity. Advected by currents, young fish settle across an array of environments that influence population measures such as meristics, morphometrics, vital rates, and parasite loadings. As a result, spatial heterogeneity in these measures, which mixing would homogenize, can usefully indicate separation in older life stages (e.g., Ihssen et al. 1981). However, heter- Received 26 January 2009. Accepted 30 April 2010. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cjfas.nrc.ca on 28 July 2010. J21022 Paper handled by Associate Editor David Brickman. J. Ashford. 1 Center of Quantitative Fisheries Ecology, Old Dominion University, 800 West 46th St., Norfolk, VA 23508, USA. M. La Mesa. ISMAR-CNR, Sezione di Ancona, Largo Fiera della Pesca, 60125, Ancona, Italy. B.A. Fach. Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, PO Box 28, 33731 Erdemli, Turkey. C. Jones. Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. I. Everson. Environmental Sciences Research Centre, School of Applied Sciences, Anglia Polytechnic University, East Road, Cambridge, CB1 1PT, UK. 1 Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). 1303 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 67: 1303–1315 (2010) doi:10.1139/F10-065 Published by NRC Research Press

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Testing early life connectivity using otolithchemistry and particle-tracking simulations

Julian Ashford, Mario La Mesa, Bettina A. Fach, Christopher Jones, andInigo Everson

Abstract: We measured the otolith chemistry of adult Scotia Sea icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus), a species with a longpelagic larval phase, along the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and compared the chemistry with simulated particletransport using a circulation model. Material laid down in otolith nuclei during early life showed (i) strong heterogeneitybetween the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia consistent with a population boundary, (ii) evidence of finer-scale het-erogeneity between sampling areas on the Antarctic Peninsula, and (iii) similarity between the eastern and northern shelvesof South Georgia, indicating a single, self-recruiting population there. Consistent with the otolith chemistry, simulations ofthe large-scale circulation predicted that particles released at depths of 100–300 m on the Antarctic Peninsula shelf duringspring, corresponding to hatching of icefish larvae from benthic nests, are transported in the southern ACC, missing SouthGeorgia but following trajectories along the southern Scotia Ridge instead. These results suggest that the timing of releaseand position of early life stages in the water column substantially influence the direction and extent of connectivity. Usedin complement, the two techniques promise an innovative approach for generating and testing predictions to resolve earlydispersal and connectivity of populations related to the physical circulation of oceanic systems.

Resume : Nous avons determine la chimie des otolithes des adultes de la grande-gueule antarctique (Chaenocephalus ace-ratus) de la mer de Scotia, une espece avec une longue phase larvaire pelagique, le long du courant circumpolaire antarc-tique (ACC), et compare les resultats des analyses chimiques avec le transport simule des particules a l’aide d’un modelede circulation. Les materiaux deposes dans les noyaux des otolithes durant le debut de la vie montrent (i) une forte hetero-geneite entre la peninsule antarctique et la Georgie du Sud, ce qui correspond a une frontiere de population, (ii) des indica-tions d’une heterogeneite a echelle plus fine entre les zones d’echantillonnage sur la peninsule antarctique et (iii) unesimilarite entre les plates-formes de l’est et du nord de la Georgie du Sud, ce qui indique qu’il y a la une seule populationqui assure son propre recrutement. En accord avec la chimie des otolithes, les simulations de la circulation a grandeechelle predisent que les particules liberees aux profondeurs de 100–300 m sur la plate-forme de la peninsule antarctiqueau printemps, ce qui coıncide avec l’eclosion des larves des grandes-gueules de leurs nids benthiques, sont transporteesdans le ACC sud, evitant la Georgie du Sud, mais suivant plutot des trajectoires le long du sud de la crete de Scotia. Cesresultats indiquent que le moment de la liberation et la position des premiers stades de vie dans la colonne d’eau influen-cent fortement le sens et l’etendue de la connectivite. Utilisees de facon complementaire, les deux methodologies laissententrevoir une approche innovatrice pour elaborer et tester des predictions dans le but de resoudre des questions de disper-sion au debut de la vie et de connectivite des populations reliees a la circulation physique des systemes oceaniques.

[Traduit par la Redaction]


Identifying dispersal during early lifeIn oceanic systems, dispersal in many species occurs dur-

ing early life when active movement is undeveloped and thelarge-scale circulation can strongly influence connectivity.

Advected by currents, young fish settle across an array ofenvironments that influence population measures such asmeristics, morphometrics, vital rates, and parasite loadings.As a result, spatial heterogeneity in these measures, whichmixing would homogenize, can usefully indicate separationin older life stages (e.g., Ihssen et al. 1981). However, heter-

Received 26 January 2009. Accepted 30 April 2010. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cjfas.nrc.ca on 28 July 2010.J21022

Paper handled by Associate Editor David Brickman.

J. Ashford.1 Center of Quantitative Fisheries Ecology, Old Dominion University, 800 West 46th St., Norfolk, VA 23508, USA.M. La Mesa. ISMAR-CNR, Sezione di Ancona, Largo Fiera della Pesca, 60125, Ancona, Italy.B.A. Fach. Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, PO Box 28, 33731 Erdemli, Turkey.C. Jones. Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla,CA 92037, USA.I. Everson. Environmental Sciences Research Centre, School of Applied Sciences, Anglia Polytechnic University, East Road,Cambridge, CB1 1PT, UK.

1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]).


Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 67: 1303–1315 (2010) doi:10.1139/F10-065 Published by NRC Research Press

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ogeneity so generated cannot adequately address populationstructure, or the direction and extent of connectivity betweenareas, when dispersal is restricted to early life.

Even artificial tagging is of limited use because of thesize of early stages and the numbers needed to tag a largeenough proportion for recapture. Yet the consequences of er-ror can be considerable. Although population persistence, insome cases, may rely substantially on closing the life cyclethrough local self-recruitment (e.g., Almany et al. 2007), inother cases, dispersal and movement can connect geographi-cally distant areas, providing coherence to strategies inwhich life stages take advantage of different habitats (Thor-rold et al. 2001). Dispersal can also underpin abundancewhere otherwise few fish might occur through subsidies tolocal self-recruitment when immigrants subsequently breedsuccessfully (Pulliam 1988), or through vagrancy when theydo not (Sinclair 1988). Measures that do not capture earlydispersal therefore run the risk of missing spatial connec-tions and sources of recruitment and mortality, which are es-sential in understanding the dynamics of a population and,hence, its successful management.

Otolith chemistry provides new ways of resolving move-ment and has been used successfully in oceanic systems(e.g., Campana et al. 1994; Rooker et al. 2008). The chem-istry reflects exposure to hydrography (Campana 1999;Walther and Thorrold 2006): because fish carry the chemis-try laid down during earlier exposures, the technique pro-vides opportunities to study large-scale migration and lifehistory movement. However, few studies to date have fo-cused on systems or species in which dispersal is restrictedto early life.

Connectivity in the Southern OceanIn the Southern Ocean, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current

(ACC) is characterized by high-speed frontal jets embeddedin its eastward flow between the southern tip of SouthAmerica and the Antarctic Peninsula and into the southernAtlantic Ocean (Fig. 1). Density surfaces slope upwards to-ward the pole, bringing warm, nutrient-rich CircumpolarDeep Water (CDW) close to the surface near the ACC’ssouthern boundary (Orsi et al. 1995; Pollard et al. 2002).The boundary and the Southern ACC Front (SACCF), thesouthern-most of the fronts in the ACC, are located close tothe continental slope along the western Antarctic Peninsula(Fig. 2a), flooding the shelf with CDW. Above the CDW, alayer of cold Winter Water (WW) persists into summer.Over the northern shelf, however, the WW layer is erodedby mixing with warmer Antarctic Surface Water above anddeep water below, creating an along-shelf gradient with acooler version of CDW occupying depths below 200 m(Smith et al. 1999).

East of the Antarctic Peninsula, water from the WeddellSea is transported northwards along the shelf and slope bythe Antarctic Coastal Currect (CC) and the Antarctic SlopeFront (ASF) and offshore by the Weddell Front (WF)(Fig. 2b). Steered by the topography, the CC and ASF flownorthwest from the tip of the Peninsula to merge at themouth of the Bransfield Strait. Trajectories of drifters indi-cate that the current bifurcates along the southern ScotiaRidge, with one branch flowing west along the Peninsulaand the other flowing east eventually into the ACC

(Thompson et al. 2009). However, drifters are also retainedby a large standing eddy or returned to the southern ScotiaRidge by a strong western boundary current in the Brans-field Strait. In contrast, water transported in the WeddellFront flows around the Powell Basin to reach the South Ork-ney shelf. In the Bransfield Strait, cold, fresh water trans-ported by the ASF and higher-salinity water from the CCcontrast with the modified CDW on the western shelf of theAntarctic Peninsula (Capella et al. 1992) and Warm DeepWater (WDW) from the Weddell Sea on the South Orkneyshelf (Gordon et al. 2001; Heywood et al. 2004).

Simulations of hydrographic circulation based on the Har-vard Ocean Prediction System (HOPS) indicate transportfrom the western Antarctic Peninsula to South Georgia, inwhich young krill are advected entrained in ACC fronts(Hofmann et al. 1998; Fach and Klinck 2006) (Fig. 1). ThePolar Front crosses the northern Scotia Ridge to the west ofSouth Georgia, whereas the SACCF loops around the east-ern shelf (Fig. 2a) before being steered northward by theNorthwest Georgia Rise. As at the western Antarctic Penin-sula, mixing profiles indicate that deeper water on the shelflies between WW and CDW, facilitated by communicationwith oceanic water at depth (Brandon et al. 1999; Meredithet al. 2005). However, rapid shoaling of deep water in theSACCF and its proximity suggest increasing proportions ofCDW from the northern to the eastern shelves and betweenSouth Georgia and the western Antarctic Peninsula.

Previous studies using otolith chemistry in the SouthernOcean have successfully detected zones separated by ACCfronts (Ashford et al. 2007), known populations separatedby fronts (Ashford et al. 2006; Ashford and Jones 2007),and mixing associated with transport by the ACC (Ashfordet al. 2008). The technique may therefore be useful for test-ing putative transport pathways from the Antarctic Peninsulato South Georgia. However, these studies have comparedsamples taken across strong environmental gradients, oftenbetween water types, from fishing areas throughout theSouthern Ocean. In contrast, discriminating chemistry fromthe Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia relies on the ca-pacity to detect different proportions of CDW between sim-ilar hydrographic regimes.

Population structure in Scotia Sea icefishOn the northern Antarctic Peninsula, extensive exploita-

tion of fish stocks by commercial trawling ended in 1989when the area was closed for finfishing by the Commissionof the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic MarineLiving Resources (Kock 1992). Since then, the stock of Sco-tia Sea icefish (Chaenocephalus aceratus), one of the mostcommon of the notothenioid species found there, has recov-ered towards original levels. However, considerable fluctua-tions in abundance between years may be linked to strikingvariation in the strength of recruiting year classes (Kock andJones 2005).

Scotia Sea icefish are distributed on continental shelvesfrom the northern Peninsula along the southern Scotia Ridgeto South Georgia and east to Bouvet Island (Iwami andKock 1990). Like most notothenioid species, the adults arenegatively buoyant (Eastman and Sidell 2002). Evidencefrom growth rates (Gubsch 1980; Kompowski 1990; LaMesa et al. 2004), morphometric and meristic measurements

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(Kock 1981), and larval nematode infestations (Siegel 1980)indicate that older stages do not mix between the AntarcticPeninsula, South Orkney Islands, and South Georgia(Fig. 1). Microsatellite data indicate population structuring,with differentiation between sampling areas at Elephant Is-land and the South Shetland Islands north of the AntarcticPeninsula and the South Orkney Islands (Papetti et al. 2009)(Fig. 2b). However, the data also showed gene flow betweenElephant Island and the South Orkney Islands in both direc-tions, considerable temporal variation, and periodic restric-tions in effective population size (Papetti et al. 2007, 2009).

Spawning icefish have been found in March–April be-tween 130 and 320 m on the shelves of the northern Antarc-tic Peninsula and South Georgia and also off the SouthOrkney Islands and Bouvet Island. Adults spawn demersallyand guard eggs laid in nests in benthic depressions (Detrichet al. 2005). Along the northern Antarctic Peninsula, spawn-ing adults are found north and west of Elephant Island andKing George Island (Fig. 2c). The eggs hatch over a longperiod between July and December, peaking in November(La Mesa and Ashford 2008). The larvae are pelagic andare found in larval assemblages in the Bransfield Strait (Kel-lermann 1989; Loeb et al. 1993). At South Georgia, larvaeoccur in Cumberland Bay and over the northern shelf (e.g.,North and Murray 1992; Reid et al. 2007). By contrast, largenumbers of 1+-year-old icefish are found upstream on theshelf to the southwest and southeast of the island; thesemay later move to the northeastern shelf where the largestconcentrations of adults are found (Reid et al. 2007).

The upper limit of the larval phase is as long as 400–500 days (La Mesa and Ashford 2008). Larvae are piscivo-rous, and as in many notothenioid species, pelagism is mostlikely an adaptation to optimize the availability of prey(Kellermann 1989; North and Murray 1992). This inciden-tally makes them vulnerable to advection, and White (1988)suggested that adults take advantage of mesoscale retainingfeatures to spawn, thereby reducing advective mortality. Forexample, the larval assemblages in the Bransfield Strait maybe retained in the gyre formed by westward flow of the CCand the western boundary current (Loeb et al. 1993). Eddysystems at the mouth of the Strait (Thompson et al. 2009)and over the shelves north of King George Island (Capellaet al. 1992) and Cumberland Bay (Meredith et al. 2005) sug-gest that retention systems may structure population diver-sity in a similar way to that found in species outside theAntarctic (Sinclair 1988).

However, displacement by oceanic waters can dramati-cally alter larval assemblages on the Antarctic Peninsula(Kellermann and Kock 1988), and advective losses may ac-count for variations in year-class strength and effective pop-ulation size (La Mesa and Ashford 2008). In a system suchas the ACC, where large-scale circulation is unidirectionaland fish species are characterized by adults that are nega-tively buoyant, the resulting life history is one marked bysharp ontogenetic shifts in the spatial scales of movement,with areas potentially connected over large distances duringthe early life stages, but separated thereafter. Like youngkrill, larvae of Scotia Sea icefish displaced from these as-

Fig. 1. Map of the Atlantic section of the Southern Ocean indicating the study area off the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia with arectangular frame. Continuous shaded lines mark the mean position of major fronts: SAF, Sub-Antarctic Front; PF, Polar Front; SACCF,Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front; Bndry, southern boundary of the ACC (shown as a broken shaded line). All fronts are afterOrsi et al. (1995), with the SACCF modified after Thorpe et al. (2002). Abbreviations: FI, Falkland Islands; SG, South Georgia; SOI, SouthOrkney Islands; BI, Bouvet Island; AP, Antarctic Peninsula. Arrows show putative transport pathway according to Fach and Klinck (2006).Inset table summarizes population heterogeneity (sig, significant differences) in Chaenocephalus aceratus for the following: growth accord-ing to Gubsch (1980), Kompowski (1990), and La Mesa et al. (2004); morphometrics and meristics (morph/mer) according to Kock (1981);larval nematode infestations (parasites) according to Siegel (1980); and microsatellite frequencies (genetics) according to Papetti et al.(2009). Dashes indicate where no data are available.

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semblages and transported along the same pathways wouldreach South Georgia (La Mesa and Ashford 2008) to settleas 1+-year-old juveniles on the southwestern and southeast-ern shelves.

To test hypotheses of local self-recruitment and early lifeconnectivity, we measured the chemistry laid down duringearly life in the otolith nuclei of adult Scotia Sea icefishtaken along the ACC from sampling areas on shelf regionsoff the northern Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. Lo-cal self-recruitment (e.g., Kock 2005) predicts that icefishwill show heterogeneity between regions in their nucleuschemistry, but none between sampling areas within each re-gion, reflecting exposure of larval assemblages to differentenvironmental conditions. Alternatively, migrants displacedfrom larval assemblages on the Antarctic Peninsula andtransported to South Georgia will show the same chemistryin their otolith nuclei as those left behind; if these migrantsthen mix with locally recruited fish, the nucleus chemistryof older stages will show spatial heterogeneity around SouthGeorgia. Because homogeneity may simply reflect environ-

mental similarity (Ashford et al. 2007), in this case, betweensimilar regimes characterized by different proportions ofCDW, we also tested for differences between sampling areasby measuring the chemistry laid down just before capture atthe otolith edge. Finally, based on results from the otolithchemistry, we applied Lagrangian modelling of large-scalephysical transport pathways to construct new hypothesespredicting dispersal of pelagic larvae. Output from theOcean Circulation and Climate Advanced Modelling project(OCCAM), run by the National Oceanography Centre,Southampton, was used for the particle tracking.

Materials and methods

Otolith analysis proceduresOtoliths were collected from the continental shelf along

the northern Antarctic Peninsula during a fisheries surveyby the US Antarctic Marine Living Resources Program inMarch 2001 and around South Georgia during a similar sur-vey by the British Antarctic Survey in September 1997. Sur-

Fig. 2. Detailed maps of (a) the study area including mean position of major fronts, with shaded arrows showing putative transport pathwayaccording to Fach and Klinck (2006), and (b) schematic representation of surface circulation at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula accordingto Thompson et al. (2009) and including study areas described in Papetti et al. (2009). Also shown are sampling areas for Chaenocephalusaceratus off (c) the Antarctic Peninsula and (d) South Georgia. Abbreviations: AP, Antarctic Peninsula; ASF, Antarctic Slope Front; Bndry,southern boundary of the ACC; Bran. St., Bransfield Strait; CB, Cumberland Bay; CC, Antarctic Coastal Current; EI, Elephant Island; FI,Falkland Islands; KGI, King George Island; NGR, Northwest Georgia Rise; PB, Powell Basin; PF, Polar Front; SACCF, Southern AntarcticCircumpolar Current Front; SAF, Sub-Antarctic Front; SOI, South Orkney Islands; SSI, South Shetland Islands; WF, Weddell Front. ASF,CC, and WF redrawn after Thompson et al. (2009). Symbols mark sampling sites at King George Island (triangles), Elephant Island(squares), South Georgia northern shelf (circles), and South Georgia eastern shelf (diamonds). Thin lines mark the 2000 m isobath.

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veys consisted of a series of hauls using bottom trawls atrandom depth stratified station locations; full details aregiven in Jones et al. (2001) and Everson (1998). At eachsampling site, the survey sampled fish from the catch andrecorded total length, weight, sex, and maturity stages. Oto-liths were collected, stored dry, and transported to Old Do-minion University. To minimize ontogenetic effects, weselected adult fish >50 cm total length (TL) (Table 1) fromsampling sites on the northern Antarctic Peninsula betweendepths of 130 and 230 m (i) north and west of Elephant Is-land and (ii) north and northwest of King George Island(Fig. 2c) and around South Georgia from sampling sites be-tween depths of 150 and 320 m (iii) along the northern shelfand (iv) on the eastern shelf (Fig. 2d). For each of the fourareas, 22 fish were randomly sampled from those selectedand were prepared for trace element analyses.

One of each pair of sagittal otoliths was randomly se-lected and used for measuring concentrations of trace andminor elements. To remove any surface contamination, oto-liths were rinsed in Milli-Q water, placed in 20% Ultra-Purehydrogen peroxide for 5 min, and rinsed again in Milli-Qwater. They were then ground from the anterior end usingthe grinding wheel of a HillQuist thin-section machine togive a transverse surface anterior of the nucleus. Otolithswere mounted on this surface using Crystalbond, which hadbeen previously tested to ensure that it was not a source ofcontamination, and ground from the posterior side to reveala transverse plane through the otolith nucleus. Near crenella-tions, otolith microstructure is frequently obscured (Ashford2001) and these were avoided. The surface of the mountedthick section produced in this way was fine-ground and pol-ished using a Crystalmaster 8 Machine with 30M and 3MMark V Laboratory lapping film. In a clean room, the sec-tions were rinsed in Milli-Q water under a laminar-flowhood and lapped manually using clean plastic clamps andMark V Laboratory polishing film. Each otolith was lappedsuccessively on three pieces of clean 3M film, finished on0.3M film, and rinsed, and the surface was soaked with20% Ultra-Pure hydrogen peroxide for 5 min before rinsingagain. After drying, sections were removed from their slidesand mounted on clean petrographic slides under a laminar-flow hood using Crystalbond. For each petrographic slide, asingle section from each treatment was randomly selectedand mounted in random order. The mounted sections wererinsed, sonicated for 5 min, rinsed again, all in Milli-Qwater, and then left to dry.

To measure minor and trace element concentrations alongthe otolith edges, we used a Thermo Finnigan Element 2double-focusing sector-field inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) located at the Plasma MassSpectrometry Facility at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu-tion (Woods Hole, Massachusetts). Samples were introducedin automated sequence (Chen et al. 2000) using laser abla-tion by a New Wave Merchantek UP-213 laser ablation sys-tem and a microflow nebulizer (Elemental Scientific Inc.,Omaha, Nebraska). Ablated material from the sample cellwas mixed in the spray chamber with aerosol of 1% HNO3introduced by the nebulizer, and the mixture was then car-ried to the ICP torch. Blanks of 1% HNO3 aerosol werealso introduced into the chamber by the nebulizer; for qual-ity control, we used dissolved reference material obtained

from the National Resource Council of Canada. To controlfor operational variability in the laser ICP-MS, a random-ized blocks design was used, with each petrographic slideas the blocking factor, considered randomly drawn, witheach sampling area considered a fixed treatment. Blank andreference readings of count rate (counts per second) wereobtained before and after random presentation of the otolithsections in each block.

Otoliths were analysed for 48Ca, 25Mg, 55Mn, 88Sr, and138Ba and reported as ratios to 48Ca. To calculate element-to-Ca ratios (Me�Ca–1), background counts were subtractedfrom otolith counts by interpolating between readings takenbefore and after and at every three otoliths within eachblock of otoliths. The corrected otolith counts were con-verted to Me�Ca–1 concentrations using the reference read-ings taken immediately after each background count. Tosample material laid down during early life, we placed agrid raster type 150 mm � 200 mm over the nucleus to in-clude the primordium and material distal to the primordium,with a laser beam of diameter 20 mm, frequency at 10 Hz,and power at 60%, travelling ca. 900 mm at 6 mm�s–1, andgiving a predicted mean crater width of 17 mm and craterdepth of approximately 100 mm (Jones and Chen 2003,eq. 3). To sample material laid down in the interval beforecapture, we placed a line raster type along the proximo-dorsal edge of the otolith and used the same settings.

Statistical methodsBecause Mn�Ca–1 values were less than detection limits

and showed no differences, they were dropped from theanalyses. Two multivariate outliers were identified for thenucleus data, and four for the edge data, by plotting robustsquared Mahalanobis distances of the residuals (Di

2) againstthe corresponding quantiles (Q–Q plot) of the c2 distribution(Khattree and Naik 1999). Based on tests using Mardia’smultivariate skewness and kurtosis measures (a = 0.05) andQ–Q plots of squared Mahalanobis distances (di

2), neithernucleus nor edge data conformed to multivariate normality;variance–covariance matrices were not equal according toBartlett’s modification (a = 0.05). However, univariatepower transformations (e.g., Kuehl 1994, p. 121) stabilizedthe variances (for all element ratios, Fmax test, t = 4, v = 19,a = 0.01); the transformed data conformed to multivariatenormality with equal variance–covariance matrices. Thedata transformations selected for the nucleus data were y–0.2

for Mg�Ca–1, y0.8 for Sr�Ca–1, and y–1 for Ba�Ca–1. For theedge data, the data transformations were y–0.2 for Mg�Ca–1,y–0.8 for Sr�Ca–1, and y0.04 for Ba�Ca.

Table 1. Sample size (n), total length (standard deviation, SD),and number of each sex for Chaenocephalus aceratus captured atsampling areas in the Scotia Sea.

Sampling area n Total length (cm) Males/females

Antarctic PeninsulaKing George Island 22 56.5 (3.7) 1/21Elephant Island 22 55.9 (4.6) 5/17

South GeorgiaEastern Shelf 22 59.0 (4.5) 4/18Northern Shelf 22 56.3 (4.1) 4/18

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Because transformed data fulfilled assumptions, we usedmultivariate analyses of variance (ANOVAs) to test between(i) population hypotheses using the nucleus data and (ii) en-vironmental differences between sampling areas using theedge data. For both analyses, we constructed contrasts be-tween (i) the northern Antarctic Peninsula and South Geor-gia, (ii) Elephant Island and King George Island, and (iii)the northern and eastern shelves of South Georgia. We usedunivariate models to examine the influence of each Me�Ca–1

ratio. We found no trend with depth. Because variance–covariance ratios were equal for both nucleus and edgedata, we calculated canonical discriminant variates to illus-trate graphically population heterogeneity and environmen-tal effects between areas (Khattree and Naik 2000).Because our interest did not lie in allocating samples ofunknown provenance to areas or populations representedin a training set, we did not use discriminant analysis toexamine classification success.

Lagrangian particle trackingTo simulate pelagic larvae transport pathways from stored

OCCAM velocity fields, we used a Lagrangian particle-tracking scheme that computes translation with a first-orderaccurate scheme. The scheme integrates d x

!dt ¼ u

!ð x!; tÞ,where the right-hand side is estimated through linearinterpolation in time and space of stored 5-day meanthree-dimensional OCCAM velocity fields. The scheme issimple and computationally efficient; the choice of a verysmall time step (dt = 1 min) makes it comparable with asecond-order accurate scheme and ensures appropriate ac-curacy.

The ocean velocity fields used were taken from the OC-CAM model (Webb et al. 1998; Saunders et al. 1999; Webband de Cuevas 2003). OCCAM is a primitive equationmodel of the global ocean based on the Bryan–Cox oceanmodel. It includes a free surface and is eddy-permitting.The model output used here (run 103) has a horizontal reso-lution of 0.258 � 0.258 and is forced by the EuropeanCentre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 6 hourly windstress data. The model has 66 depth levels and includes asea-ice model as described by Askenov (2002). We chosethe OCCAM model for this research because model outputof a previous run has been shown to represent the circula-tion in the Scotia Sea reasonably well (Thorpe et al. 2005)and has been used in other particle-tracking studies (Wardet al. 2002; Murphy et al. 2004; Thorpe et al. 2007). In ad-dition, the new OCCAM output has a much improved repre-sentation of the ACC fronts (Renner 2009), as well as watermass formation (Renner et al. 2009). The use of 5-day meanvelocity fields means that although the model is eddy-permitting, the circulation field has reduced eddy activitycompared with observations; however, the previous run ofOCCAM has been shown to simulate realistic backgroundlevels of variability (Thorpe et al. 2005).

To test analytically whether icefish larvae can be trans-ported from nesting areas at the Antarctic Peninsula to SouthGeorgia, we simulated the trajectories of drifters released atstation locations at King George Island and Elephant Island(Fig. 2c). Particles were released at depths between 130 and320 m (Table 2), corresponding to those at which maturefish were taken in the interval prior to establishing nests

and similar to larval depth distributions recorded by Northand Murray (1992). For six different years (1995–2000),particles were released in mid-October, corresponding to theperiod in the year when hatching rates were highest (LaMesa and Ashford 2008), and tracked for 500 days until theend of February 1997–2002. This time span corresponds tothe upper estimate of the pelagic larval phase of C. aceratus(La Mesa and Ashford 2008). To compare between months,particles were also released from King George Island andElephant Island during August and September.

ResultsChemistry in the otolith nuclei showed significant differ-

ences between treatments (multivariate analysis of variance(MANOVA) Pillai’s trace, F = 4.69, df = 9, p < 0.0001).Examining contrasts, significant differences between thenorthern Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia (MANOVAPillai’s trace, F = 10.6, df = 3, p < 0.0001) indicated strongpopulation structuring between regions (Fig. 3a). At SouthGeorgia, fish showed no significant differences in nucleuschemistry between the northern and eastern shelves (Pillai’strace, F = 1.70, df = 3, p = 0.175), indicating no spatialstructuring. These results imply little early life connectivityalong the SACCF between the northern Antarctic Peninsulaand South Georgia.

However, previous simulations (Fach and Klinck 2006)strongly indicated surface particle transport from the north-ern Antarctic Peninsula to South Georgia during austral

Table 2. Station coordinates and depths where Chaenocephalusaceratus were caught.

Sampling area Latitude (8S) Longitude (8W) Depth (m)EI 61.3 55.72 143EI 61.23 55.9 137EI 61.27 56.45 416EI 61.15 56.12 467EI 61.15 56.05 156EI 61.17 55.88 112EI 61.07 55.86 143EI 61.02 55.98 314EI 60.90 55.65 142EI 60.88 55.7 173EI 60.85 55.52 262EI 60.87 55.48 226EI 60.97 55.1 291EI 61.00 55.1 132EI 61.2 54.83 70EI 61.28 56.22 302EI 61.05 54.56 198KGI 61.82 58.55 165KGI 61.8 58.72 244KGI 62.00 59.23 126KGI 62.02 59.6 163KGI 61.93 59.6 235KGI 62.16 60.49 174KGI 62.87 61.78 141KGI 61.85 59.25 244KGI 61.73 58.32 272

Note: Particles were released in OCCAM in the depth layer closest tocatch depth. EI, Elephant Island; KGI, King George Island.

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summer. Using the particle-tracking routine to examine thelarge-scale transport between the different regions further,we found that although the exact drifter pathways differeddepending on release month and year, the outcome was con-sistent for all simulations: drifters released below 130 m inlate winter – spring missed South Georgia entirely and in-stead were transported east passing South Georgia atca. 578S. These results are illustrated for an October 2000release (Fig. 4). Overall, the trajectories of particles releasedfrom the Peninsula sampling areas closely followed theaverage position of the ACC southern boundary, passingnorth of the South Orkney Islands and east into the southernAtlantic through a trough north of the South Sandwich Is-lands. However, although particles released off Elephant Is-land were mostly transported along this eastward path, evenreaching Bouvet Island by the end of the 500-day simula-tion, particles released off King George Island spent mostof their transport time locally and were often advected asfar east as the South Orkney Islands and rarely all the way

east towards Bouvet Island. It should be noted that eddy var-iability not resolved in the circulation field might transportyoung fish in addition to the mean field. Nevertheless, theseresults predicted that even if larval C. aceratus from the twoPeninsula areas are displaced and survive subsequent trans-port in the ACC, they are unlikely to recruit to South Geor-gia in the model used. Taken with the evidence from otolithchemistry, this suggests that adult fish at South Georgiacome from a single, locally self-recruiting population.

In contrast, significant comparison-wise heterogeneity innucleus chemistry between King George Island and Ele-phant Island (Pillai’s trace, F = 3.15, df = 3, p = 0.029) sug-gested some population structuring on the northern AntarcticPeninsula. However, whereas the edge chemistry confirmedsignificant environmental differences between treatments(Pillai’s trace, F = 5.4, df = 9, p < 0.0001), with significantdifferences between the northern and eastern shelves ofSouth Georgia (Fig. 3b; Pillai’s trace, F = 5.34, df = 3, p =

Fig. 3. Relationships between individual Chaenocephalus aceratususing canonical discriminant variates based on the chemistry ofotolith (a) nuclei and (b) edges: King George Island, ~; ElephantIsland, *; South Georgia eastern shelf, *; South Georgia northernshelf, �.

Fig. 4. Simulations of particle trajectories released at depths be-tween 130 and 320 m from (a) Elephant Island and (b) KingGeorge Island in October 2000 and tracked for 500 days. Oceanvelocity fields are from OCCAM (Webb et al. 1998; Saunders et al.1999; Webb and de Cuevas 2003); the mode output (run 103) has ahorizontal resolution of 0.258 � 0.258 and is forced by the Eur-opean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 6 hourly windstress data. Abbreviations: BI, Bouvet Island; Bndry, southernboundary of the ACC; EI, Elephant Island; KGI, King George Is-land; SACCF, Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front; SOI,South Orkney Islands; SSI, South Shetland Islands.

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0.0021) and strong differences between the Antarctic Penin-sula and both South Georgia sampling areas (Pillai’s tracefor Antarctic Peninsula vs. northern South Georgia, F =8.03, df = 3, p < 0.0001; Pillai’s trace for Antarctic Penin-sula vs. eastern South Georgia, F = 10.75, df = 3, p <0.0001), MANOVA showed no difference between KingGeorge Island and Elephant Island (Pillai’s trace, F = 1.35,df = 3, p = 0.263). This suggests that the heterogeneity innucleus chemistry on the Antarctic Peninsula was not gener-ated by differences in environmental exposure between twolocally self-recruiting populations but by an influx of fishfrom elsewhere.

Examining the univariate data, differences in nucleuschemistry between the Antarctic Peninsula and South Geor-gia were most strongly due to Mg�Ca–1 (Table 3a), consis-tent with powerful environmental differences indicated bythe edge chemistry (Table 3b; Fig. 3b). Both nucleus andedge Mg�Ca–1 were similar between sampling areas at SouthGeorgia (Fig. 5). However, significant experiment-wise dif-ferences in nucleus Mg�Ca–1 between Elephant Island andKing George Island, despite similarity in the edge chemistry,were consistent with a putative influx of fish from else-where. Similarly, nucleus Ba�Ca–1 was strongly different be-tween regions; edge Ba�Ca–1 showed strong differencesbetween sampling areas at South Georgia, but whereas thenorthern shelf differentiated significantly from the AntarcticPeninsula, the eastern shelf did not. Nucleus Sr�Ca–1 showedno significant differences between sampling areas. However,edge Sr�Ca–1 showed strong differences at South Georgia,but like Ba�Ca–1, the northern shelf differentiated signifi-cantly from the Antarctic Peninsula, whereas the easternshelf did not.


Population structure and connectivity in Scotia Seaicefish

Otolith chemistry showed strong evidence of a populationboundary, discounting hypotheses of early life connectivitybetween Scotia Sea icefish off the northern Antarctic Penin-sula and South Georgia. Similar nucleus chemistry at sam-pling areas off South Georgia suggested a discrete, locallyrecruiting population, consistent with larval assemblages(North and Murray 1992) and evidence from growth rates(Gubsch 1980; Kompowski 1990; La Mesa et al. 2004),meristics and morphometrics (Kock 1981), and parasite in-festations (Siegel 1980). Even though our Lagrangian mod-elling did not include any diel vertical migration andassumed that the effect of any active movement contributedonly to residual error, our simulations corroborated the oto-lith chemistry, indicating that the physical circulation alonewas sufficient to explain the population boundary. Contraryto previous circulation modelling (Fach and Klinck 2006;Thorpe et al. 2007), our simulations predicted that fish dis-placed directly from breeding grounds on the northern Pen-insula in austral spring miss South Georgia and insteadfollow trajectories further south.

HOPS (Fach and Klinck 2006) is a high resolution(10 km � 10 km) regional model set up for the Scotia Seathat includes a feature model to correctly simulate ACCfrontal locations and speeds. Run for only 1 year, it was

forced with time-averaged National Centers for Environmen-tal Prediction (NCEP) monthly wind stress field over13 years (1982–1994) to simulate transport at a 50 m depthin austral summer during the krill spawning season only.Surface trajectories were, on average, 38.5% slower than ob-served drifters (Fach and Klinck 2006); in comparison,OCCAM has more realistic current time scales but, in anearlier model run (Thorpe et al. 2005), overestimates the ge-ostrophic velocity and baroclinic transport associated withthe SACCF. Drifter trajectories differed between the twomodels because, in the earlier OCCAM output, the SouthernACC Front and Southern Boundary, although well withinobserved positions east of 408W, were further south than ob-served between 608W and 408W (Murphy et al. 2004). As aresult, the simulations, averaged over the upper 200 m of thewater column, indicated a lower probability of transport toSouth Georgia (Thorpe et al. 2007).

Nevertheless, like with HOPS, the earlier OCCAM simu-lations identified regions along the western Antarctic Penin-sula as sources of transport to South Georgia. This wasprobably due to Ekman transport northward that moved par-ticles into faster-flowing currents offshore. The probabilityof reaching South Georgia increased when a shallowerdepth-weighted mean (64 m) was used and when surface in-teractions with northward ice movement were included(Thorpe et al. 2007). Compared with these OCCAM simula-tions, our drifters for C. aceratus were released from nestsmuch deeper (130–320 m) and at the end of winter (mid-Oc-tober) in a newer, improved model run of OCCAM (Renner2009; Renner et al. 2009). The main difference from theoutput used in the earlier studies (Murphy et al. 2004;Thorpe et al. 2005; Thorpe et al. 2007) is that the SACCFand Southern Boundary are further north in a more realisticposition due to improvements in the model formulation(Renner 2009; Renner et al. 2009). In addition, the model

Table 3. Mean square estimates from one-way analysis of var-iance (ANOVA) for Chaenocephalus aceratus using Mg�Ca–1,Sr�Ca–1, and Ba�Ca–1 sampled from otolith (a) nuclei and (b)edges.

df Mg�Ca–1 Sr�Ca–1 Ba�Ca–1

(a) Otolith nucleiSampling area 3 0.016* 945 0.031*Residual 82 0.002 517 0.006Contrast

AP-SG 1 0.032* 2045 0.066*KGI-EI 1 0.016* 37 0.002ES-NS 1 0.001 753 0.024

(b) Otolith edgesSampling area 3 0.240* 9.9�10–7* 0.0016*Residual 80 0.021 1.8�10–7 0.0004Contrast

AP-NS 1 0.243* 24.8�10–7* 0.0029*AP-ES 1 0.593* 0.0�10–7 0.0005KGI-EI 1 0.061 2.1�10–7 0.0001NS-ES 1 0.063 17.8�10–7* 0.0044*

Note: An asterisk (*) indicates significant at experiment-wise a = 0.05.Sampling areas: KGI, King George Island; EI, Elephant Island; ES, SouthGeorgia eastern shelf; NS, South Georgia northern shelf. df, degrees offreedom.

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was forced with 6-hourly wind stress data, and the trajecto-ries may have reflected seasonal displacement of the windfield.

In further simulations using this new OCCAM run (notshown here), we found a number of trajectories near SouthGeorgia with releases concentrated in the summer months.More importantly, however, the further north that a particlewas released, the higher was the chance of reaching SouthGeorgia. As a result, C. aceratus larvae leaving nests fromKing George Island follow trajectories to the western shelfof the South Orkney Islands. In contrast, larvae leaving nestsat depth from Elephant Island during early spring are trans-ported north of the South Orkney Islands but south of SouthGeorgia as the wind field displaced particles southward.Both sets of trajectories are consistent with the heterogeneitythat we found in the nucleus chemistry between the two re-gions.

On the other hand, finer-scale heterogeneity in the nu-cleus chemistry between King George Island and ElephantIsland may have been the result of mixing between fish ex-

posed to Bransfield Strait water and others recruiting fromshelf areas (e.g., Kellermann 1989). Alternatively, an episo-dic influx of larvae transported from further south along thewestern Peninsula is more consistent with the complex pat-tern of temporal and spatial differentiation found in the mi-crosatellite data around the northern Peninsula and SouthOrkney Islands (Papetti et al. 2007, 2009). However, physi-cally generated variability associated with the CC and ASFin early life connectivity from the tip of the Antarctic Penin-sula to the South Orkney Islands, Elephant Island, and KingGeorge Island would also help explain the differentiationfound in the otolith chemistry and genetic data, as well asthe striking fluctuations in age-class frequencies betweenyears (Kock and Jones 2005).

Otolith chemistry on the Antarctic Peninsula and atSouth Georgia

Circulation models greatly enhance the construction ofhypotheses like these by generating predictions that can beexamined in the field. Unlike the frequency data generated

Fig. 5. Mean elemental ratio concentrations found in the otoliths of Chaenocephalus aceratus from the Southern Ocean. Bars show standarderror. Data for Mg�Ca–1, Sr�Ca–1, and Ba�Ca–1 are from otolith (a) nuclei and (b) edges.

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by genetics, meristics and morphometrics, or population-level growth estimates, the multivariate data from otolithchemistry are amenable to powerful tests of these predic-tions using analysis of variance. In C. aceratus, Mg�Ca–1

contrasts between the Antarctic Peninsula and South Geor-gia were very strong. Because Mg�Ca–1 is thought to be re-lated to fish activity (Bath Martin and Thorrold 2005),higher edge Mg�Ca–1 at the Peninsula was consistent withadult reproductive activity. High Mg�Ca–1 at the nucleus, onthe other hand, was consistent with activity in response tojets and eddies in the complex circulation at the Peninsula.In previous studies (Ashford et al. 2005, 2007), Mn�Ca–1

was associated with resuspension or authigenic activity onthe Patagonian Shelf. However, in the Antarctic, concentra-tions were generally near detection levels, similar to our re-sults for C. aceratus.

Sr�Ca–1, linked to differences in growth as a result ofwater temperature and food availability (Campana 1999),previously distinguished CDW from colder water (Ashfordet al. 2005, 2007). Enriched edge Sr�Ca–1 in C. aceratuseast of South Georgia suggested a larger proportion ofCDW mixing with shelf waters than to the north. This wassupported by edge Ba�Ca–1, which reflects ambient concen-trations of dissolved Ba (e.g., Campana 1999). Accumulat-ing as insoluble barite in the open ocean of the ACC(Dehairs et al. 1992), Ba is transported to depth in biogenicdebris; bacterial activity releases the barite crystals between200 and 700 m, where they accumulate and dissolve (Stroo-bants et al. 1991; Dehairs et al. 1997). As a result, enrich-ment of both edge Sr�Ca–1 and Ba�Ca–1 east of SouthGeorgia and at Elephant Island and King George Island wasconsistent with the proximity of the SACCF, flooding theshelf with CDW transported from open water.

These relationships with hydrography are important forunderstanding how otolith chemistry can be used to addressecological questions. Generated by similar environmentalconditions, a characteristic chemistry for the western shelfof the Peninsula can be used to trace connectivity to otherareas downstream in the ACC but renders the technique in-effective for studying movement on the western shelf itself.However, differences in water temperature and prey avail-ability between warmer oceanic CDW and modified CDWon the shelf, and between both these and waters in theBransfield Strait, suggest that otolith chemistry would beuseful for studying fish moving onto the shelf from theACC or between the western shelf and the Bransfield Strait.Similarly, WDW on the South Orkney shelf suggests thatthe technique may be useful for examining connectivityalong the southern Scotia Ridge.

Testing early life connectivityExtended larval phases, common in notothenioids, accen-

tuate their vulnerability to advection, potentially generatinglarge-scale connectivity between shelf regions along theACC. Our simulations suggest that the precise timing andposition in the water column fundamentally influence the di-rection of connectivity. Nesting behaviour in icefish species(e.g., Kock 2005) that delays pelagic exposure until latewinter – spring may result in connectivity to the southernScotia Ridge and further east. By contrast, notothenioidsthat spawn at the Peninsula at similar times as C. aceratus

may nevertheless disperse downstream to South Georgia ifthey release pelagic eggs that enter the upper water columnduring summer to be transported along the same pathwaysas young krill. In Notothenia coriiceps, a notothenioid spe-cies that releases eggs demersally that then ascend to surfacewaters, larval and juvenile stages have been found in oce-anic waters near the SACCF between the Antarctic Penin-sula and South Georgia (White et al. 1982; Kellermann1991).

Early life history is likely to interact with the physical cir-culation in other ways. Observed natural meandering ofACC fronts, alternately closer and further away from theAntarctic Peninsula (Nowlin and Klinck 1986), can generateepisodic transport towards South Georgia (Fach and Klinck2006), leading to temporal variability in connectivity andpotentially restricting genetic differentiation downstream(Jones et al. 2008). Long-term shifts in the wind stress fieldassociated with climate variability (Meredith and King 2005;Gille 2008) may fundamentally alter the dynamics of popu-lations and their abundance and persistence by modifyingconnectivity between shelf regions. Moreover, concentra-tions of 1+-year-old C. aceratus upstream of larval assemb-lages in the self-recruiting population at South Georgiaimply movement from larval assemblages counter to thelarge-scale circulation. Active cross-shelf migration by apowerful postlarval stage may be critical in the life historyof many notothenioids (Everson 1969; White et al. 1982):movement of postlarval C. aceratus, cued on the large-scalecirculation, would also help account for gene flow from theSouth Orkney Islands to Elephant Island (Papetti et al.2009).

Particle simulations help in understanding interactionslike these that involve a strong physical component. On theirown, however, the uncertainty involved has frequentlyundermined definitive conclusions. Conversely, hydro-graphic contrasts such as those generated along the southernScotia Ridge by the confluence of water in the ACC and theWeddell Sea make otolith chemistry a uniquely powerfultechnique, but the hypotheses that it has been used to testoften lack an explicit oceanographic context. Used in com-plement, our results show that particle simulations can pro-vide a quantitative way of constructing hypotheses thatincorporate the physical circulation, generating predictionsthat otolith chemistry can validate. Combining the two tech-niques promises an innovative approach to resolve early dis-persal and connectivity related to the physical circulation ofoceanic systems.

AcknowledgementsWe thank the crew of the R/V Yuzhmorgeologiya and per-

sonnel from the NOAA Antarctic Marine Living ResourcesProgram, who organized and implemented the Peninsula sur-vey, and Tony North and the crew of the F/V Argos Galicia,who collected the samples from South Georgia. The WoodsHole Oceanographic Institution kindly allowed us to usetheir Plasma Mass Spectrometry Facility, and Scot Bird-whistell provided crucial technical support. At Old Domin-ion University, Eileen Hofmann, John Klinck, and CynthiaJones were instrumental in their advice and encouragement.We acknowledge the Associate Editor and two reviewers formany helpful comments that substantially improved the

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manuscript. Funding was through the US National ScienceFoundation (NSF-OPP-0338294) and the NOAA AntarcticMarine Living Resources Program, the Italian ProgrammaNazionale in Antartide and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ri-cerche, and the German National Science Foundation (FA-475/1-2). The computer facilities and resources for the par-ticle simulations were provided by the Institute of MarineSciences at the Middle East Technical University.

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