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Post on 28-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    You Are a Practical RealistYou are scared of new experiences. It's hard for you to break outside of your comfort zone.

    You like to think that people are impressed by you. You know that you have a lot to offer.

    You are a very realistic person. You see the world as it is flaws and all.

    Ri!ht now stress occasionally makes you feel trapped in your life. You usually have a clear perspective onthin!s thou!h"

    #verall your life is dramatic and unpredictable. You life in interestin! times.

    You are extremely optimistic about the future. You feel like thin!s are always !ettin! better.Armonie interioara $anatate $pri%in

    &hat do you re!ard as the lowest depth of miseryto live alone with no one to count on

    &here would you like to live

    in heaven&hat is your idea of earthly happiness

    friends !ames fun love(o what faults do you feel most indul!ent

    life of sweets&ho are your favorite heroes of fiction

    huck&ho are your favorite characters in history

    )esus&ho are your favorite heroines in real life

    *other (eresa

    &ho are your favorite heroines of fiction

    Your favorite painterabstract ones

    Your favorite musician

    (he +uality you most admire in a man!oodness

    (he +uality you most admire in a woman!oodness

    Your favorite virtue

    Your favorite occupation

    dancin!&ho would you have liked to be

    meYour most marked characteristic

    to be loved and taken care of&hat do you most value in your friends

    bein! !ood and smart at the same time&hat is your principle defect

  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    shyness&hat to your mind would be the !reatest of misfortunes

    bein! hated ne!lected&hat would you like to be

    me in a better version&hat is your favorite color

    !reen&hat is your favorite flower

    fresia&hat is your favorite bird

    &ho are your favorite prose writers

    &ho are your favorite poets

    &ho are your heroes in real life

    &ho are your favorite heroines of history

    &hat are your favorite names

    &hat is it you most dislikemy loneliness

    &hat historical fi!ures do you most despise

    &hat event in military history do you most admire

    &hat natural !ift would you most like to possess!oodness coura!e

    ,ow would you like to die

    in -od's hands&hat is your present state of mind

    sad&hat is your motto

    PROUST-KRDIV. *ikor nevett/l utol%0ra 1!y i!az0n tel%es sz2vb3l4. (e!nap5. *ikor s2rt0l utol%0ra

    4. (avaly6. *in tudsz i!az0n felh0borodni4. I!azs0!talans0!on7. *inek tudsz le!ink0bb 8r9lni4. :szinte b0tor2t0snak;. *i az ami a le!%obban elkeser2t4. *ikor nem /rt/kelik munk0mat. *i a kedvenc /teled4. P?r/ha!ym0s r0ntotta

  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    @. *i a kedvenc italod4. 8r8sborB. Ci a kedvenc fest3d4. ,enri *atisseD. Ci a kedvenc zeneszerz3d Ezen/sz e!y9ttesF4. Ghopin. Ci a kedvenc 2r?d k8lt3d4. *atsuo Hasho

    5. Ci a kedvenc filmrendez3d4. incs6. *i az a hiba ami/rt le!ink0bb eln/z3 tudsz lenni4. C/s/s7. *i az a hiba amit nem tudsz me!bocs0tani4. C/tlakis0!;. Civel nem szeretn/l tal0lkozni a szaun0ban4. A f3n8k8mmel. Cik azok a t8rt/nelmi szerepl3k akiket csod0lsz

    4. Cleop0tra@. Cik azok a t8rt/nelmi szerepl3k akiket a le!ink0bb me!vetsz4. ,itlerB. Cit va!y kiket tartsz h3snek a mindennapi /letben4. (Jzolt?kat5D. *elyek szerinted e!y f/rfi le!fontosabb tula%dons0!ai4. *e!b2zhat?s0!5. *elyek szerinted e!y n3 le!fontosabb tula%dons0!ai4. (9relmess/!55. *it tartasz a le!fontosabb er/nyednek4. Hetartom az adott szavam

    56. *it tartasz a le!na!yobb hi0nyoss0!odnak4. C/ptelen va!yok befe%ezni dol!okat57. *i az amit3l a le!%obban f/lsz4. Kram9t/s5;. ,ol /ln/l a le!sz2vesebben4. India Cerala5. (8rt/nt4e az /letedben i!azi csoda amire nem sz0m2tott0l4. em5@. *iben va!y kiben hiszel

    4. Lnma!amban5B. *ilyen s2rfeliratot l0tn0l sz2vesen a s2rk8v8d8n4. $emmilyent. ,amvaszttatn0m f8ldi maradv0nyaim.6D. ,a visszamehetn0l a m1ltba e!y tetsz3le!es korra va!y napra melyiket v0lasztan0d4. em szeretn/k visszamenni a m1ltba6. ,a el3re mehetn/l a %8v3ben e!y napra /vre /vsz0zadra melyiket v0lasztan0d4. 7DDD.65. *it k2v0nn0l a %?t9nd/rt3l4. M!y olyan munkahelyet ahol azt csin0l%am amit szeretek66. Cinek a sors0ra cser/ln/d el az /leted

  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    4. $enki/re.

    Add commentJanuary 28, 2008

    Post it now"

    You Nive an Interestin! NifeYou may not live the most excitin! life but you're actually pretty fascinatin!.You keep busy and active. You try toen%oy lifeat every turn.

    If you feel like thin!s have !otten a bit borin! lately you may need to shake it up a bit.(ry visitin! a new place eatin! a new type of food or listenin! to some new music. ovelty makes for a moreinterestin! life"

    You Are Indifferent Toward the World

    You tend to be a rather selfish person. It's all about you.

    You are blind to a lot of the problems !oin! on in the world.It would benefit you to be a more carin! person. You'd be happier and probably even live lon!er.Pick an issue or two that is near and dear to your heart. -et involved. &e're all on the same planet here"

    You Belong in 1951

    You're fun lovin! romantic and more than a little innocent. $ee you at the drive in"

    You Are Reflective

    You don't expect perfection. You accept yourself flaws and all. You are !ood enou!h"You are proud of what you know how to do. And you know that you're improvin! every day.

    You tend to keep !ood news to yourself... or only share it with a few very close to you.You are self4sufficient and don't need many friends to live a happy life. You are very private

    Your Personality is ery Rare EIOPF You Are Readin!You are solitary but not a loner. You %ust value your +uiet time4 especially if that time includes a book.You are a total novelty seeker and you always appreciate new thin!s to read about.

    You are an idealist not a realist. Reality is a little too borin! for your tastes.

    Hesides bein! an avid reader you are a writer. In fact you are an excellent writer and you have a lot to say"Yourpersonality typeis dreamy romantic ele!ant and expressive.

    #nly about ; of all people have your personality includin!

  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    You're the type of person who can sit all day readin! a very difficult and complex book.

    You can !et lost in a world of ideas. (he more nuanced and complicated the better.

    You !ive a first impression of bein! totally uninterested in the world. In truth some aspects of the world interest

    you immensely.

    You are an armchair scholar. You study certain topics deeply until you understand them better than mostprofessors

    You Are a Retrospective $oul(he most misunderstood of all the soul si!ns.

    $ometimes even you have difficulty seein! yourself as who you are.

    You are intense and desire perfection in every facet of your life.

    You're best described as extremely idealistic hardworkin! and a survivor.

    -reat moments of insi!ht and sensitivity come to you often.Hut if you aren't careful you'll i!nore these moments and repeat past mistakes.

    Oor you it is difficult to separate the past from the present.

    You will succeed once you overcome the disappointments in life.

    $ouls you are most compatible withQ (raveler $oul and Prophet $oul

    -od chose your birthday for a reason. Instantly learn 5 shockin! secrets your birthday reveals about your


    You have a poetic sensibility and an ability to see beyond the day to day. You often seem to be living in a higher realm, or

    to be not-of-this-earth. Occasionally you imagine interior lives for friends and associates that are near-complete

    fabrications based on your fears or hopes for the future. You are often not aware of your own feelings. You have a strong

    sense of right and wrong, and because of this are often disappointed. Despite what can sometimes be a destructive

    inward-turning anger, you are very gentle. You are sometimes a bit out of touch with the ebb and flow of modern life. If

    your behavior is out of synch with your moral values, a severe psychic disturbance can result. Because connectivity is so

    important to you, you can become quiet and suly if you feel that others around do not understand your point of view.


    #$%$' #$%($

    M= A (M$=( A= 4III #$=(KNYHA IR( (M$=(MC CL=N A NM-O#(#$AHH S$ NM-C#*#NYAHH"

    . #lvasd el fi!yelmesen az utas2t0sokat /s minden feladatot sorban old%0l me!"

    5. e besz/l!ess most"

    6. Trd fel a neved nyomtatott betJkkel a lap bal fels3 sark0ba fe%%el lefel/"

  • 7/25/2019 TESZTEK TESZTJE


    7. A m0sodik mondatban karik0zd be a M sz?t" Ss mindi! %usson eszedbe ha elkezdesz besz/l!etni tiszta v/letlens/!b3l. ,a nem

    tartod be akkor annyiszor 1%ra kell kezdd a tesztet ah0nyszor az oszt0lyf3n8k me!sz?lit" Ss term/szetesen akkor 1% lapot kapsz...

    ;. Ra%zol% 8t darab n/!yzetet a lap tetsz3le!es pont%aira"

    . .Rendes besz/dhan!on sz0mol% e!yt3l t2zi!"@. Ra%zol% le e!y t/!lalapot a 7. mondatban szerepl3 V n/!yzet V sz? k8r/"

    B. Geruz0d va!y tollad he!y/vel csin0l% h0rom kis lyukat a lap tete%/re"

    5D. ,an!osan ho!y mindenki hall%a mond elQ V *a%dnem befe%eztem V"


    55. ,0ny bet9b3l 0ll a sz? Ird ide"

    56. Ra%zol% a h0romsz8!eidbe e!y4e!y /rint3 k8rt"

    57. Ird le az e!yik ma!yar n/pdal kezd3 sor0t visszafel/"

    5;. ,a nem volt0l az els3 h0rom k8z8tt aki elmondta a D4es feladatn0l a mondatot akkor most 0ll% fel /s mondd han!osanQ V)8v8k

    /n is mint a sz/lv/sz" X ,a m0r h0rman elmondt0k ezt a mondatot akkor hall!ass"
