texas adapted genetic strategies for beef cattle i: an

Texas Adapted Genetic Strategies for Beef Cattle I: An Overview Stephen P. Hammack* T o manage the genetics of beef cow herds, producers should consider several factors in a logical sequence. ese factors are production conditions and markets, types of cattle, breeding systems, breeds, and selection of indi- vidual breeding animals. Production conditions and markets e first factors to consider in a genetic strategy are not genetic. ey are production conditions and markets. Genetic strategies for a beef cow herd should be based primarily on production conditions. ese factors include the following: • Climate. In Texas, climatic conditions range from hot to cold and humid to arid. Cattle types vary in their ability to adapt to different climates. Also, climate affects forage types and, therefore, appropriate levels of cattle pro- duction. • Forage conditions. Most beef cows are maintained on forage, which can vary from abundant to sparse and nourishing to deficient. Cattle also differ in ap- plicability to diverse forage conditions. E-186 09-07 *Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist–Emeritus, The Texas A&M System

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Page 1: Texas Adapted Genetic Strategies for Beef Cattle I: An

Texas Adapted Genetic Strategiesfor Beef Cattle I: An Overview

Stephen P. Hammack*

To manage the genetics of beef cow herds, producers should consider several factors in a logical sequence. These factors are production conditions and markets,

types of cattle, breeding systems, breeds, and selection of indi-vidual breeding animals.

Production conditions and marketsThe first factors to consider in a genetic strategy are not

genetic. They are production conditions and markets. Genetic strategies for a beef cow herd should be based primarily on production conditions. These factors include the following:

• Climate.InTexas,climaticconditionsrangefromhottocoldandhumidtoarid.Cattletypesvaryintheirabilityto adapt to different climates. Also, climate affects forage

types and, therefore, appropriate levels of cattle pro-duction.

• Forageconditions.Mostbeefcowsaremaintainedon forage, which can vary from abundant to sparse andnourishingtodeficient.Cattlealsodifferinap-plicability to diverse forage conditions.


*Professor and Extension Beef Cattle Specialist–Emeritus, The Texas A&M System

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• Availablelaborandmanagementskill.These can range from limited to plentiful and uninformed to knowledgeable. Some genetic strategies require more time and expertisethanothers.

Also consider market timing, methods and specifications.Ifcalvesaresoldatweaning,theproducer is paid for weight and, in price per pound, for the buyer’s estimate of value beyond weaning. On the other end of the production chain, returns of those retaining ownership to the rail are directly influenced by post-weaning performance and carcass merit.

Fedbeefisusedprimarilyforthreepurpos-es: “white table cloth” restaurant; “lean” beef; and commodity/retail market. The first requires high carcass marbling; the second emphasizes leanness; and the last balances marbling and leanness. Different markets call for different ge-netic strategies.

Unlike most other livestock and poultry enterprises, production conditions in beef cow herds usually cannot be controlled easily or economically.Incow/calfoperations,itismoreefficient and economical to adapt the operation to the production conditions.

Types of cattleThenextstepistodeterminewhattypesof

cattle best fit the production conditions and markets. When cattle are not matched to pro-duction conditions and markets, performance is reduced, and income drops.

Forhot,humidclimates,cattletypesthatoriginated in such conditions are best adapted. Cattlenativetomoretemperateregionsfitbet-ter in cooler climates.

The choice of compatible types also depends on these forage characteristics:

• Sparse: Cattleofsmalltomoderatebodysize fit best.

• Abundant: Larger cows can be main-tained, or smaller cows can be maintained at higher stocking rates.

• Low quality: Lower milking cattle are best suited.Cowsofhighmilkingabilitycanlose body condition, and reproduction rates can drop.

• High quality: Cowscanbeofhighermilking ability; otherwise, forage potential may not be fully realized.

• Inconsistent: Easy fleshing types with low to moderate milk are best adapted.

Although forage deficiencies can be offset

with supplemental feed, cost must be weighed againstreturn.TheTexasAgriLifeExtensionService Bookstore website (http://agrilifebook-store.org) provides more information on the relationship between genetics and production conditionsin“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesII:Genetic‑EnvironmentalInteraction,”E‑187.Ontheimportanceofsizeandmilk,see“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesIII:BodySizeandMilkingLevel,”E‑188.Youwillalsofindmoreabout the relationship between body weight and skeletalsizein,“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrate-giesX:FrameScoreandWeight,”E‑192.

When selling at weaning, the paramount factors in choice of types are production effi-ciencyandcalfvalueatthatpoint.Forretainedownership, efficiency and returns are directly influenced by post-weaning performance and carcass merit.

Breeding systemsThenextstepistoplanabreedingsystem

before considering breeds and selecting breed-ing stock. The two basic breeding systems are called continuous and terminal. The difference in these systems is their source of replacement females.

Incontinuoussystems,heifersareretainedto return to the breeding herd. So, in addition to traits important in market progeny, you should also consider the potential replacement heifers’ environmental adaptability and maternal quali-ties.

Because no replacement heifers are retained in a terminal system, terminal sires can be se-lected regardless of how their heifer progeny would perform as brood cows. Since replace-ment females in terminal systems must be either purchased or produced in another herd, environmental adaptability and maternal char-acteristics are important in designing genetic programs to produce these replacements.

While straight breeding can be done for commercial production, it lacks the advantages of well-planned crossbreeding in heterosis (hy-brid vigor), production, efficiency, and, in some cases, marketability. There are practical cross-breeding plans for herds maintained in one or several breeding groups and for one-bull herds or thousand-cow operations.



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BreedsThe fourth step is to choose breeds. There are

about75breedsofcattleintheUnitedStates.Some (originally from Europe) perform best in temperate locales. Others (such as the American Brahman, which was created from humped Bos indicus cattlenativetoIndia)arebetteradaptedto tropical environments; and still others are in-termediate in adaptability.

Breeds can be logically grouped according to their adaptability and key physical characteris-tics.ThesegroupsincludeBritishBeef,Conti-nentalBeef,ContinentalDualPurpose,Dairy,Bos indicus and American. Specialty breeds cannot be placed logically in one of these groups because of their unusual genetic features. These groups, and breeds within them, are discussed intheseBookstorepublications:“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesV:TypeandBreedsCharac-teristicsandUses,”E‑190;and“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesVII:SireTypesforCommer-cialHerds,”E‑191.

Breeds in the American group were formed from a crossbred base of established breeds of two types: tropical adapted (usually Brahman, at levels of 3/8 to 1/2) and temperate adapted (mostly British Beef ).InadditiontotheAmericangroup,othercombination breeds and composites are being formed. The applicability of combination breeds and composites rests largely on the characteristics of the constituent breeds. The Bookstore publica-tion,“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesVI:Creat-ingBreedsandComposites,”E‑180,addressesthedevelopment of breeds and composites.

Although breeds should be chosen primar-ily on the basis of their adaptability to climatic and other production conditions, producers should also consider performance and market-ability.ConsideringproductionandmarketinginmostpartsofTexas,calvescanbeproducedmost efficiently and without significant price discounts if they are at least 1/4 British, no more than1/2Continental,nomorethan1/4 Bosindi-cus (which could come from sources such as a half-Brahman parent or an American parent), orpossiblynomorethan1/4Dairy.Forthehighquality market, higher percentages of British are applicable.Forthelean‑beefmarket,lessBritishis more appropriate.

Insomesituations,producersmaydeviatefrom these guidelines. Depending on produc-tion conditions and markets, a variety of useful blendscanbecreatedwithintheseapproximateranges.

Individual selectionThe final step in a sound genetic strategy is

to select individual breeding stock. Selection of females certainly affects the genetics of a herd. However, even in a terminal cross, a sire has much more genetic influence than any female. This is because a sire usually is the parent of at least20to25calvesayear,orpossiblyofmanymore calves due to artificial insemination. Also, in a continuous system, the genetic composition of a cow herd is determined largely by the sires used over the last three generations. Regardless of the breeding system, sires are the most cru-cial element in genetic selection.

Sires must be structurally sound, fertile, and active and capable breeders. Ease of calving also is important – especially to breed heifers fortheirfirstcalves.Forsiresanddams,limitselection to traits that are economically impor-tant and reasonably heritable. Depending on breeding system and market, these traits may include environmental adaptability, soundness, temperament, reproduction, livability, longevity, maternal qualities, body size, rate and efficiency of gain, and carcass merit.

Several methods can be used to select indi-viduals. Some characteristics must be evaluated visually, such as anatomical soundness and visible physical traits affecting market price. However, many traits can be measured objec-tively, including reproductive features, weight, and body composition or carcass characteris-tics. Objective methods include performance tests, breeding soundness evaluation, actual carcass measurement or ultrasound estimate, andbreed‑associationprogramsforExpectedProgenyDifference(EPD)ofsometraits.Ofthesemethods,EPDisthemosteffectivetoolforgeneticselection.FormoreinformationonEPD,gototheBookstorewebsitefor“TexasAdaptedGeneticStrategiesVIII:ExpectedProgenyDif-ference(EPD),”E‑164,and“TexasAdaptedGe-neticStrategiesIX:SelectionforCarcassMerit,”E‑165.

Genomic techniques – particularly, marker assisted selection and DNA analysis – are being developed. However, these methods are now limited to simply-inherited characteristics, such as hair color, some genetic defects, and a few genesinfluencingcarcassmerit.Formostpro-duction traits, this technology will not be used for genetic selection of beef cattle until further research and development are conducted. These techniques are most effective when combined


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Genetics and economicsNet income from a beef cattle herd is calcu-

lated using this formula:

Net income = (Number of head sold x Sale weight per head x Sale price per pound) – Total cost

Number of head is affected by reproductive efficiency and death loss. However, numbers also vary depending on body size and manage-mentsystem.Onfixedresources,producerscanmaintain more cows of smaller size, resulting in more calves to sell; but average sale weight islikelytobereduced.Ifweanedcalvesareretained for grazing, then fewer brood cows must be maintained; sale numbers and price per pound will be lower; and average sale weights will be higher.

Weight per head is influenced by available nutrition (including what comes from milk); environmental effects (such as climate, disease, and sickness); and genetics for growth, environ-

mental adaptability, and resistance to disease and sickness.

Priceperpoundisdeterminedbytherealorperceived value to a buyer at whatever stage of production the herd owner decides to market.


The highest net income often does not come from the greatest numbers, the heaviest weights, the highest price, or the lowest cost. The most successful producers develop adapted genetic strategies that optimize and balance these four elementstomaximizereturns.

For More InformationRefertotheTexasAdaptedGeneticStrate-

giesforBeefCattleseries,whichyoucanob-tainedfromcountyExtensionoffices.Youcanalso access them through one of the following sites:

• Extensionathttp://texaserc.tamu.edu• ExtensionAnimalScienceathttp://ani-

malscience-extension.tamu.edu/• Extension BeefCattleathttp://beef.tamu.



Produced by AgriLife Communications, The Texas A&M SystemExtension publications can be found on the Web at: http://agrilifebookstore.org

Visit the Texas AgriLife Extension Service at http://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu

Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin.Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Acts of Congress of May 8, 1914, as amended, and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. Edward G. Smith, Director, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, The Texas A&M System.Revision