texas a&m university · meen 430. nanomaterials. (3-0). credit 3. fundamentals of...

TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Agenda February 13, 2009 E-VOTE 1. Approval of the minutes of January 9, 2009. 2. New Courses A5 AGSM 355 A6 BAEN 414 A7 ENGL 331 3. Change in Courses C2 BAEN 474 – course number, cross-listing C3 CHEN 474 – course number, cross-listing C4 SPAN 221 – course title, description, lecture and semester credit hours C5 SPAN 222 – course title, description, lecture and semester credit hours C6 THAR 320 – course number 4. Informational Item College of Liberal Arts Women’s Studies Program Minor in Women’s Studies – Course Additions (Electives) 5. Other Business

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Page 1: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,



Agenda February 13, 2009


1. Approval of the minutes of January 9, 2009.

2. New Courses

A5 AGSM 355 A6 BAEN 414 A7 ENGL 331

3. Change in Courses

C2 BAEN 474 – course number, cross-listing C3 CHEN 474 – course number, cross-listing C4 SPAN 221 – course title, description, lecture and semester credit hours C5 SPAN 222 – course title, description, lecture and semester credit hours C6 THAR 320 – course number

4. Informational Item College of Liberal Arts Women’s Studies Program Minor in Women’s Studies – Course Additions (Electives)

5. Other Business

Page 2: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009

217 Koldus Members present: Robert Knight (Chair), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Tim Scott (Vice-Chair), College of Science; Les Feigenbaum (for Michael Murphy), College of Architecture; Lynn Burlbaw, College of Education and Human Development; Lale Yurttas, College of Engineering; Roxanna Russell (for Sarah Bednarz), College of Geosciences; Pamela Matthews, College of Liberal Arts; Norma Funkhouser, Medical Sciences Library; James Herman, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; Mark Womack, Student Representative. Guests: Salah Ayari, Arabic and Asian Language Office; Thena Morris, Forester Ndubisi and Ann Pool, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning; K. Ted Hartwig, Department of Mechanical Engineering. The University Curriculum Committee recommends approval of the following: 1. The minutes of the December 11, 2008 meeting. 2. New Courses

ATMO 464. Laboratory Methods in Atmospheric Sciences. (2-4). Credit 3. Instruction in chemical techniques used to monitor the atmosphere and other earth systems; sampling strategies; survey of current literature focusing on development of new techniques. Prerequisites: CHEM 101 and one semester of calculus (MATH 171 or equivalent).

CHEM 117. General Chemistry for Engineering Students Laboratory. (0-3). Credit 1. Introduction to important concepts and principles of chemistry in the laboratory; emphasis on areas considered most relevant in an engineering context; practical applications of chemical principles in engineering and technology. Students completing CHEM 117 and changing majors to curricula requiring CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 may substitute CHEM 117 for CHEM 111. Students may not receive credit for both CHEM 117 and CHEM 111. Prerequisites: CHEM 107 or registration therein. MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods, and applications; explore current roles in technology and future impact on such systems on industry. Prerequisites: Junior or senior classification and approval of instructor. URSC 201. Structure and Function of Cities and Regions. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to urban and regional planning, its evolution and forces that influence change; understanding of what is a city, how cities work, why and how they evolve; additional topics are theories of urban expansion, history of urbanization of the United States and discussion of what constitutes good city form and sustainability. Prerequisite: URSC majors only or approval of instructor.

URSC 210. Urban Analytical Methods I. (3-0). Credit 3. Study of various analytical techniques used in urban and regional decision making; quantitative approaches to analyze and manipulate data; utilization of statistical packages for data, analysis and communication to enhance urban planning modeling. Prerequisite: URSC majors only or approval of instructor.

Page 3: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 2

URSC 220. Digital Communication I. (3-0). Credit 3. Applications of computer graphics, rendering, and visualization software in urban design, landscape architecture, and environmental analysis; introduction to basic concepts and principles of graphic composition; rendering, visualization, and linkages to landscape-referenced data. URSC 302. Planning Law. (3-0). Credit 3. Familiarization with the fundamental principles of planning law and legislation; legal foundation for the urban planning process; alternative methods of plan implementation; emphasis on legal issues as they impact land use planning and development at the municipal level of government; participation in mock advocacy trials and public hearings. Prerequisites: URSC 201 or 301; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

URSC 320. Digital Communication II. (3-0). Credit 3. Advanced applications of computer graphics, rendering, and visualization software in urban design, landscape architecture, and environmental analysis; introduction to basic concepts and principles of graphic composition, rendering, visualization, and linkages to landscape-referenced data. Prerequisites: URSC 220; junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 326. Advanced GIS in Urban and Regional Planning. (3-0). Credit 3. Advanced instruction in applications of spatial tools for urban planning, landscape architecture, land development, hazard management, and related problems; GIS applications through review of literature and practice; data quality, uncertainty, the integration of GPS, remote sensing and information technology within the context of urban and regional planning. Prerequisite: URSC 325 or approval of instructor. URSC 330. Land Development I. (3-0). Credit 3. Interface between the physical and financial dimensions in design and development to achieve building and project economies; creating a physical product and a financial venture that are responsive to social and environmental concerns and to market economy and finance. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 360. Issues in Environmental Quality. (3-0). Credit 3. Issues in environmental quality; focus on stormwater and ecosystem qualities influenced by land development; design and planning principles and techniques (e.g. low impact development) for sustainable stormwater management in urban and suburban watersheds. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 369. Transportation and Urban Form. (3-0). Credit 3. Examination of the interrelated nature of transportation, land use and urban design; familiarization with the role of transportation in contemporary society; understanding the interrelationships between transportation and urban form at both the regional and community levels. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

Page 4: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 3

URSC 371. Environmental Health Planning and Policy. (3-0). Credit 3. Philosophical and historical relationships of human-environment-disease; environmental health domains and associated planning and policy organizations and initiative for monitoring, intervention, and prevention; interdisciplinary approaches for risk analysis of environmental health. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 440. Urban and Regional Economic Development. (3-0). Credit 3. Examines economic development processes in urban and regional planning; issues explored include theoretical, the economic development planning process, ethics, location factors, intergovernmental relations, budgeting, and private sector revenue generation. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

URSC 470. Health Systems Planning and Policy. (3-0). Credit 3. Analyzes health needs at community, regional and national levels; organization and supply of health services at community, regional and national levels; medical technology and its impact on health needs and system organization; medical care financing and its effects on health need and system organization; health planning for natural and human-made disasters; and service-learning for applying planning theories and methods. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 471. Planning Healthier Communities. (3-0). Credit 3. Planning for the creation of healthier cities/communities; emphasis on the impact of global paradigmatic shifts regarding community health, stakeholder participation, coalition building, leadership, visioning the planning process, and the need for more systemic and process orientation in community building. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor. URSC 481. Seminar. (1-0). Credit 1. Seminar discussion of current topics in urban planning. Prerequisite: Senior classification. URSC 483. Studio in Urban and Regional Science. Credit 1 to 6. Studio introduces the confluence of ecological, environmental, economic, social, cultural, and political forces impacting the planning, design, and development of complex urban environments; site planning, design process, sustainability. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification or approval of instructor.

3. Withdrawal of Courses

PLAN 360. Introduction to the Urban Planning Function PLAN 485. Directed Studies. PLAN 489. Special Topics in …

4. Change in Courses

CHEM 107. General Chemistry for Engineering Students Lab and semester credit hours

From: (3-3). Credit 4. To: (3-0). Credit 3.

Page 5: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 4

PLAN 356. Housing and Community. Course prefix and number

From: PLAN 356. To: URSC 340.

PLAN 365. Introduction to Planning.

Course prefix and number

From: PLAN 365. To: URSC 301.

Course title

From: Introduction to Planning. To: Urban and Regional Planning.

PLAN 370. Introduction to Health Systems Planning. Course prefix

From: PLAN 370. To: URSC 370.

Course title

From: Introduction to Health Systems Planning. To: Health Systems Planning.

PLAN 414. Sustainable Communities. Course prefix and number

From: PLAN 414. To: URSC 460.

PLAN 415. Urban Issues. Course prefix and number

From: PLAN 415. To: URSC 461.

URSC 305. Urban Analytical Methods. Course number

From: URSC 305. To: URSC 310.

Course title

From: Urban Analytical Methods. To: Urban Analytical Methods II.

Page 6: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 5

URSC 336. Public and Private Infrastructure Funding. Course number

From: URSC 336. To: URSC 331.

URSC 454. Neighborhood Revitalization. Course number

From: URSC 454. To: URSC 441.

URSC 458. Policy Implementation. Course number

From: URSC 458. To: URSC 401.

5. Change in Curricula

College of Architecture Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning B.S. in Urban and Regional Sciences

College of Science Department of Physics B.A. in Physics B.S. in Physics

6. Special Consideration

College of Liberal Arts Arabic and Asian Language Office Minor in Arabic Studies

7. Texas A&M University at Qatar Change in Curriculum Texas A&M University at Qatar Department of Chemical Engineering B.S. in Chemical Engineering

Page 7: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 6 8. Other Business

• Discussion on syllabus requirements and the returned items from Executive Committee; Dr. Knight informed the committee that a meeting was scheduled with Faculty Senate Speaker and Executive Committee to discuss requirements; Dr. Matthews recommended that an Executive Committee member be appointed to UCC as a non-voting member; motion was approved.

• BIOL 467, previously approved in November 2008 pending support documentation, was re-approved with no support letters required; due diligence was put forth and no response was received.

• Deadline for catalog 133 (2010/2011) is the December 2009 UCC meeting; UCC will not meet January 2010.

• Per Academic Support Services, catalog copy (132) will be sent out to departments the week of January 20th.

• Minor edits to the course forms were made (at the request of Dr. Magill); UCC members approved removal of the 489/689 reference on the forms.

9. The following previously approved items were included with the January 2009 UCC Report to

Faculty Senate. New Course – from UCC November 14, 2008 Meeting BIOL 467. Integrative Animal Behavior. (3-0). Credit 3. Examines how behavior contributes to survival and reproduction, and how evolutionary history and ecological circumstance interact to shape the expression of behavior; focus on integrative nature of behavior: how the interaction of evolutionary processes, mechanistic constraints, and ecological demands determine behavioral strategies. Prerequisite: Any one of the following: BIOL 214, 357, 388, 405, 434, 466, or approval of instructor. New Courses – from UCC December 11, 2008 Meeting VIST 270. Computing for Visualization I. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to the theory and practice of visual computer based problem solving; system tools; problem solving principles and practice; basics of software interaction and interface organization; development concepts and principles useful in digital art and visualization production. Prerequisite: MATH 151.

VIST 486. Introduction to Game Design. (3-0). Credit 3. Computer game design; emphasis on interactive storytelling, game play and interface design; history of computer games, review of selected games; analysis of rules of play and simple game prototype development. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification.

Page 8: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

Minutes of the University Curriculum Committee January 9, 2009 Page 7

Change in Courses – from UCC December 11, 2008 Meeting ARCH 331. Foundation Structures. Lecture and lab hours

From: (3-0) Credit 3. To: (2-2) Credit 3.

THAR 145. Basic Theatrical Design. Course number

From: THAR 145. To: THAR 245.

VIST 271. Computing Environments. Course title

From: Computing Environments. To: Computing for Visualization II.

Course description, prerequisites

From: Introduction to the theory and practice of visual computer based problem solving; system tools; scripting; high level programming constructs; interactive programming and interface design; development concepts and principles useful in digital art and visualization production. Prerequisites: CPSC 206 or approval of the Chair of the Visual Studies Option.

To: Continuation of Computing for Visualization I; concepts of object oriented programming; emphasis on principles and techniques useful for three dimensional visualization and real time graphic display. Prerequisite: MATH 152; VIST 270.

Page 9: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 10: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 11: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 12: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 13: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 14: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 15: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 16: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 17: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 18: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 19: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 20: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 21: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 22: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 23: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 24: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 25: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 26: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 27: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 28: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 29: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 30: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 31: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 32: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 33: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,

***Sample syllabus*** ***Sample syllabus***

Texas A&M University Spanish 222 “Field Studies Abroad II”

Dr. Brian Imhoff Summer 09B ACAD 201D 845-2194 M-F 8:15-10:30 [email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION Spanish language, culture, cultural history, or literature taught in Spanish in a Spanish-speaking country; participation in academic and cultural activities of a host university or study abroad institute/center; written and oral reports and exams in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 102 with a grade of B or higher or consent of program academic coordinator. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Formal classroom instruction, assignments, and exams; real-world application of language proficiency with accompanying written assignments; first-hand experience of the culture and history of a Spanish-speaking in situ; class attendance is mandatory. COURSE MATERIAL Lot = B. Estela Loya Rojas, Lotería 4, Español dinámico (Mexico City, Trillas), 2000. Course packet supplied on site. GRADING POLICIES

Participation 10% Written exercises 20% Quizzes (3) 20% Oral Reports (2) 20% Final Exam 30% COURSE CALENDAR Monday, June 4 Lot, ch. 1 Monday, June 18 Lot, ch. 5 Tuesday, June 5 Lot, ch. 1 Tuesday, June 19 Lot, ch. 5 Wednesday, June 6 Lot, ch. 2/oral reports Wednesday, June 20 Lot, ch. 6/oral reports Thursday, June 7 Lot, ch. 2/oral reports Thursday, June 21 Lot, ch. 6/oral reports Friday, June 8 Quiz 1 Friday, June 22 Quiz 3 Monday, June 11 Lot, ch. 3 Monday, June 25 Lot, ch. 7 Tuesday, June 12 Lot, ch. 3 Tuesday, June 26 Lot, ch. 7 Wednesday, June 13 Lot, ch. 4/oral reports Wednesday, June 27 Lot, ch. 8/oral reports Thursday, June 14 Lot, ch. 4/oral reports Thursday, June 28 Lot, ch. 8/oral reports Friday, June 15 Quiz 2 Friday, June 29 Final Exam ____________________________________________________________________________________________ The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for a reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in room 126 of the Cain Building, 845-1637. N.B. “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.” (http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonor)

Page 34: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 35: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 36: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 37: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 38: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 39: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 40: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 41: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 42: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,
Page 43: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY · MEEN 430. Nanomaterials. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of nanotechnology, including nanomaterials, types of nanomaterials, fabrication, characterization methods,