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PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE This article was downloaded by: [Houston Acadamy of Medicine] On: 3 February 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 906464176] Publisher Psychology Press Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37- 41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Neurocase Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713658146 Neuroimaging and neuropsychological follow-up study in a pediatric brain tumor patient treated with surgery and radiation Adam T. Schmidt a ; Rebecca B. Martin b ; Arzu Ozturk c ; Wendy R. Kates de ; Moody D. Wharam f ; E. Mark Mahone bd ; Alena Horská c a Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA b Department of Neuropsychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA c Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA d Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA e Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA f Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA Online publication date: 03 February 2010 To cite this Article Schmidt, Adam T., Martin, Rebecca B., Ozturk, Arzu, Kates, Wendy R., Wharam, Moody D., Mahone, E. Mark and Horská, Alena(2010) 'Neuroimaging and neuropsychological follow-up study in a pediatric brain tumor patient treated with surgery and radiation', Neurocase, 16: 1, 74 — 90 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13554790903329133 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13554790903329133 Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

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This article was downloaded by: [Houston Acadamy of Medicine]On: 3 February 2010Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 906464176]Publisher Psychology PressInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

NeurocasePublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713658146

Neuroimaging and neuropsychological follow-up study in a pediatric braintumor patient treated with surgery and radiationAdam T. Schmidt a; Rebecca B. Martin b; Arzu Ozturk c; Wendy R. Kates de; Moody D. Wharam f; E.Mark Mahone bd; Alena Horská c

a Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USAb Department of Neuropsychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA c Russell H.Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School ofMedicine, Baltimore, MD, USA d Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University,Syracuse, NY, USA e Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences, Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA f Department of Radiation Oncology and MolecularRadiation Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Online publication date: 03 February 2010

To cite this Article Schmidt, Adam T., Martin, Rebecca B., Ozturk, Arzu, Kates, Wendy R., Wharam, Moody D., Mahone,E. Mark and Horská, Alena(2010) 'Neuroimaging and neuropsychological follow-up study in a pediatric brain tumorpatient treated with surgery and radiation', Neurocase, 16: 1, 74 — 90To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13554790903329133URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13554790903329133

Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf

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© 2010 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

http://www.psypress.com/neurocase DOI: 10.1080/13554790903329133

NEUROCASE2010, 16 (1), 74–90

NNCS Neuroimaging and neuropsychological follow-up study in a pediatric brain tumor patient treated

with surgery and radiation

LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF PEDIATRIC BRAIN TUMOR Adam T. Schmidt,1 Rebecca B. Martin,2 Arzu Ozturk,3 Wendy R. Kates,4,5 Moody D. Wharam,6 E. Mark Mahone,2,4 and Alena Horská3

1Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA2Department of Neuropsychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, USA3Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA4Department of Psychiatry, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA5Department of Psychiatry and Behavior Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA6Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA

Intracranial tumors are the most common neoplasms of childhood, accounting for approximately 20% of allpediatric malignancies. Radiation therapy has led directly to significant increases in survival of children with cer-tain types of intracranial tumors; however, given the aggressive nature of this therapy, children are at risk forexhibiting changes in brain structure, neuronal biochemistry, and neurocognitive functioning. In this case report,we present neuropsychological, magnetic resonance imaging, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, anddiffusion tensor imaging data for two adolescents (one patient with ependymal spinal cord tumor with intracranialmetastases, and one healthy, typically developing control) from three time points as defined by the patient’s radi-ation schedule (baseline before the patient’s radiation therapy, 6 months following completion of the patient’sradiation, and 27 months following the patient’s radiation). In the patient, there were progressive decreases ingray and white matter volumes as well as early decreases in mean N-acetyl aspartate/choline (NAA/Cho) ratiosand fractional anisotropy (FA) in regions with normal appearance on conventional MRI. At the last follow-up,NAA/Cho and FA tended to change in the direction to normal values in selected regions. At the same time, thepatient had initial reduction in language and motor skills, followed by return to baseline, but later onset delay invisuospatial and visual perceptual skills. Results are discussed in terms of sensitivity of the four techniques toearly and late effects of treatment, and avenues for future investigations.

Keywords: Neuroimaging; Neuropsychological; Neoplasm; Radiation; Diffusion; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

A portion of this study was presented at the 34th Annual International Neuropsychological Society Conference, Boston, Massachusetts,February 4, 2006. The authors wish to thank Melissa Matson, Ph.D., David Bonekamp, M.D., Trisha Hay, Jena Peebles, and MahaveerDegonkar, Ph.D., for their contribution to an earlier version of this work.

Supported by R01 NS04285, HD-24061 (Developmental Disabilities Research Center), P30HD024061-16, and Johns Hopkins Uni-versity School of Medicine Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, an NIH/NCRR CTSA Program, UL1-RR025005.

Address correspondence to E. Mark Mahone, Ph.D., Department of Neuropsychology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, 1750 EastFairmount Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21231, USA. (E-mail: [email protected]).

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Intracranial tumors are the most common neo-plasms of childhood, with an incidence rate ofapproximately 3.7 cases per 100,000 children,accounting for approximately 20% of all pediatricmalignancies (Butler & Haser, 2006; Pollock, 1999;Young, Ries, Silverberg, Horm, & Miller, 1986).Although some tumors such as low-grade astrocy-tomas can be treated with surgery alone with ahigh rate of event free survival (Beebe et al., 2005),other more aggressive tumor types require addi-tional therapeutic intervention such as radiation.

Radiation therapy (RT) has led directly to signi-ficant increases in survival of children with certaintypes of intracranial tumors (Butler & Haser, 2006;Ris et al., 2005); however, given the aggressivenature of this therapy, children are at risk forexhibiting changes in brain structure, neuronal bio-chemistry, and neurocognitive functioning (Belka,Budach, Kortmann, & Bamberg, 2001; Duffner,2004; Mulhern, Hancock, Fairclough, & Kun,1992; Ris & Noll, 1994; Ris, Packer, Goldwein,Jones-Wallace, & Boyett, 2001). Early detection ofradiation injury is important in order to evaluatesuccess of treatment, to assess the need for treat-ment of neurotoxic effects, and to evaluate effec-tiveness of neuroprotective drugs.

Neuronal injury secondary to radiation treat-ment has been classified according to the timesymptoms develop following RT exposure (Ball,Prenger, & Ballard, 1992; New, 2001; Valk &Dillon, 1991). For example, acute injury appears tobe secondary to transient vasogenic edema andoccurs within several weeks after treatment; it gen-erally manifests as transient worsening of symp-toms and has little prognostic significance. Earlydelayed injury occurs within 1–6 months followingRT treatment and typically impacts deep gray andwhite matter; however, these effects are usuallytransient. Conversely, late radiation injury, whichmay occur months to years following treatment, isprogressive, often irreversible, and potentially fatal(Duffner, 2004; Hoppe-Hirsch et al., 1990). Lateradiation injury has been associated with leukoen-cephalopathy, brain atrophy, necrosis, endocrinedysfunction and neurocognitive deterioration(Anderson, 2003; Duffner, 2004; Monje & Palmer,2003; Valk & Dillon, 1991). In each of the stages ofradiation injury, there is an increase in free tissuewater that may result from damaged endothelialcells or demyelination. These damages can poten-tially cause increased capillary permeability and

vasogenic edema, or cause water to replace hydro-phobic myelin (Valk & Dillon, 1991).

The development of increasingly sophisticatedneuroimaging techniques has been invaluable forthe characterization of structural and biochemicalchanges which may result from radiation injury(Vezina, 2008). For example, research using struc-tural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicatesthat radiation injury primarily involves deep whitematter (subventricular zone) and hippocampalarea, with early sparing of subcortical white matterand the adjacent cortex (Ball et al., 1992; Belka et al.,2001). However, despite extensive involvement ofdeep white matter, the corpus callosum, anteriorcommissure, and hippocampal commissure oftenappear spared.

MRI has been the imaging modality of choicefor tumor detection, evaluation of tumor location,size and extent, and, in some cases, diagnosis(Vezina, 2008). However, the value of conventionalMRI for detection of neurotoxic injury and theseparation of neurotoxic injury from recurrenttumor is more limited (Armstrong et al., 2000; Ballet al., 1992; Constine, Konski, Ekholm, McDonald,& Rubin, 1988). In contrast, other imaging modali-ties based on magnetic resonance technology havethe potential to provide valuable informationregarding the possible neurotoxic impact of radia-tion. The contribution of advanced imaging methodsincluding proton magnetic resonance spectroscopicimaging (MRSI) and diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) to evaluate diagnosis and treatment of braintumors, including radiation therapy planning, hasbeen reviewed recently (Lemort, Canizares-Perez,Van der Stappen, & Kampouridis, 2007).

Proton MRSI can map distribution of importantbrain metabolites including N-acetyl aspartate(NAA), total choline (Cho), and total creatine (Cr).NAA, located predominantly in neuronal cell bod-ies, dendrites, and axons, is considered a neuronalmarker (Barker, 2001). MRSI may differentiate atumor from radiation necrosis and could be appliedto prognosticate overall survival (Vezina, 2008). Inadult patients treated with radiation, proton MRSIdetected a decrease in N-acetyl aspartate (NAA)levels 4 months after the start of radiation therapy;however, subsequent evaluation after another 4months indicated restoration of normal levels(Esteve, Rubin, Grand, Kolodie, & Le Bas, 1998).Since brain irradiation may result in demyelinationand neuronal loss, biochemical changes detectedwith in vivo MRSI may be used to reveal the pres-ence, extent, and mechanism of brain tissue damage.

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The DTI technique can measure diffusion ofwater molecules in white matter, thus providingunique information on tissue integrity. Diffusionanisotropy in white matter is affected both by pres-ence of intact membranes and the degree of myeli-nation (Beaulieu, 2002). DTI has been used tostudy effects of therapy (radiation, gene therapy) ontumors, including human brain tumors (Kauppinen,2002). In addition to being able to localize thetumor, DTI can also assess global white matterinjury in children treated with whole brain radia-tion (Khong et al., 2005). Using DTI and protonMR spectroscopy, Kitahara, Nakasu, Murata,Sho, and Ito (2005) found that the most prominentchanges in fractional anisotropy (FA, a measure ofwhite matter integrity) and NAA/Cr ratiosoccurred 3–5 months following radiation. How-ever, no significant differences between patientsand controls 10–12 months after treatment weredetected. In contrast, in a more recent study thatincluded 25 adult patients treated with radiation, aprogressive decrease in FA in the genu and thesplenium up to 45 weeks after commencement ofradiation therapy was reported (Nagesh et al.,2008). The investigators argued their findings indi-cated demyelination and mild axonal disruption.Late-delayed effects of radiation detected by DTIwere also reported in medulloblastoma survivors,in particular in the frontal lobe (Qiu, Kwong,Chan, Leung, & Khong, 2007). Furthermore, stud-ies have associated abnormal FA in children treatedwith radiation therapy with poor intellectual out-comes and deterioration in school performance(Khong et al., 2003; Mabbott, Noseworthy, Bouffet,Rockel, & Laughlin, 2006).

Early research in children with brain tumors indi-cated that those treated with RT, as compared tothose treated with surgery alone, exhibited greaterdecreases in overall intellectual abilities (Mulhernet al., 1992; Palmer et al., 2001; Ris & Noll, 1994;Spiegler, Bouffet, Greenberg, Rutka, & Mabbott,2004; Walter et al., 1999). These early studies attrib-uted IQ declines to children failing to make expecteddevelopmental gains, rather than actual loss of skills.Nevertheless, more recent research demonstratesactual cognitive declines beginning as early as thefirst year post-treatment and continuing up to 10years after the completion of radiation therapy(Spiegler et al., 2004; Yeo, Hill, Campbell, Vigil, &Brooks, 2000). Further, recent evidence positsgreater IQ loss in the early post-treatment years, withlosses stabilizing around 5–6 years after treatment(Mulhern et al., 1992; Palmer et al., 2001).

Additionally, recent research points to more spe-cific, long-term neurocognitive effects of RT, includ-ing deficits in working memory, attention, visualperception, visual motor integration, visual mem-ory, and aspects of executive functioning (Butler &Copeland, 2002; Butler & Haser, 2006; Lockwood,Bell, & Colegrove, 1999; Mulhern et al., 1998;Palmer, Reddick, & Gajjar, 2007; Reddick et al.,2003; Schatz, Kramer, Ablin, & Matthay, 2000;Spiegler et al., 2004). The extent of neurocognitivedeficits appears to be due, in part, to factors suchas dose and location of radiation (Fuss, Poljanc, &Hug, 2000; Silber et al., 1992), age at time of treat-ment, use of adjunct chemotherapy (Reimers et al.,2003; Ris & Noll, 1994) and neurological complica-tions such as hydrocephalus (Butler & Haser, 2006;Duffner, 2004; Reimers, Mortensen, & Schmiegelow,2007). Additionally, neurocognitive morbiditiesmay exacerbate the already considerable emotionaland psychosocial strain placed upon families whohave to endure diagnosis and treatment of a child-hood cancer, and they may also have additionalimplications for educational/vocational planningand quality of life for the child (Mabbott et al.,2005; Poggi et al., 2005a; Ris et al., 2005).

Some of the more consistent neuropsychologicaldeficits seen in children treated with radiationappear to be correlated with findings on neuroim-aging. For example, neuroimaging studies highlightthe impact of RT on development of white matter(Khong et al., 2006; Reddick et al., 2003), particu-larly in the right hemisphere (Goldberg & Costa,1981), and as such RT is frequently associated withdeficits in processing speed, motor skills, attention,and nonverbal skills – all considered to be depend-ent on white matter structures (Butler & Haser,2006; Palmer et al., 2007; Reddick et al., 2003).However, much of the research investigating lateeffects of RT has been conducted using older, lesssophisticated RT protocols. Current RT protocolshave been developed in an attempt to reduce theoverall toxicity to the developing brain by manipu-lating factors such as dose, volume irradiated, beamorientation, and fractionation schedule(Schmiegelow et al., 2000). Thus, less is knownabout the long-term neurocognitive effects using themore recently developed RT treatment approachesdesigned to reduce neurodevelopmental morbidity.

In this case report, we present neuropsychologi-cal, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), protonmagnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI),and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data for twoindividuals (one patient with spinal cord tumor,

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one healthy control) from three time points: base-line (just before start of radiation therapy), 6months following start of treatment, and 27months following treatment. The control partici-pant was matched in age at baseline, and followedat similar time points. Based upon previousresearch, we hypothesized that our patient woulddemonstrate decreased white matter volume overthe course of the study, compared to the controlparticipant, but that gray matter changes would bemore subtle. Similarly, we hypothesized that thepatient would manifest perturbations in measuresof neuronal and white matter integrity (e.g., NAA/Cr ratios and FA values, respectively) across thecourse of the study. Finally, in terms of neuropsy-chological functioning, we hypothesized that thepatient would manifest some initial deficits in lan-guage and right-side motor skills based upon thelocation of the tumor; however, in terms of lateeffects, we expected to see a relatively greaterimpact on those neuropsychological abilitiesthought to be more dependent on white matterintegrity (e.g., attention, processing speed, and vis-uospatial skills).

This study is unique in several respects. First, itpresents data using multiple imaging methods aswell as neuropsychological assessment. Second, itcompares a patient treated with RT to an age- andsex-matched healthy control (controlling for theimpact of normal developmental variation). Third,it follows the patient and control participant over a27-month time period, so that potential late effectsof treatment can be observed. This report is an ini-tial step in a larger study that aims to improve theprecision of RT by helping to characterize thelong-term effects of this treatment, and in doing so,contribute to the development of a less neurotoxicRT protocol.



The patient’s course of illness and treatment areoutlined in Figure 1. The patient is a 15-year 4-month-old (at baseline) male diagnosed with spi-nal myxopapillary ependymoma (MPE). He had anormal early developmental history, meeting alldevelopmental, social, and behavioral milestoneswithin normal limits and no report of medicalproblems until diagnosed with spinal cord tumor.The patient initially presented with a history oflimping due to left hip pain, leading to a MRIwhich revealed a mass in the spinal canal fromT12–L1 to L3–L4. At age 13 years, 9 months, thepatient had a resection of lumbar MPE followedby external beam radiation therapy (50.4 Gy) tothe operative site. He had recurrence in both lefttemporal lobe and cerebellum the following yearat age 15. The left temporal lobe occurrence wasaccompanied by a major left temporal hemor-rhage requiring emergent surgery. A grade 2ependymoma in the temporal lobe was almostcompletely removed in a sub-total resection. In thefollowing 2 months, the patient received whole-brain RT (36 Gy) and a boost to the left temporalregion (54 Gy), followed by gamma knife radio-surgery (20 Gy) for bilateral cerebellar lesions. Hewas also treated with Decadron (2 mg twice a day)for 10 days after completion of RT, and withDilantin for over 3 months following his surgery.More than a year later, at age 17 years, the patientdeveloped thoracic spine epidural metastases (atT1, T5, and T7) and was treated with thoracicspine radiation (46.8 Gy). In his brain imaging fol-low-up there was a stable small post-treatmentchange in the left temporal tip without any

Figure 1. Timeline of illness and treatment for patient. Note: Dx, diagnosis; MPE, myxopapillary ependymoma; RT, radiation therapy; LTemp lobe, left temporal lobe; STR, sub-total resection.

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evidence of tumor residual or recurrence.Although there were no abnormal neurologicalexam findings, he has been attending a vocationalschool due to a difficulty in English classes. At thepatient’s most recent evaluation (age 19 years and3 months), he was stable showing no progressionof disease (Figure 1).

Control participant

The control participant is a healthy, typically-developing, 15-year 6-month old (at baseline)male with no history of psychiatric disorder,neurological illness, or learning disability. Hewas on no medications during the course of thestudy.



All neuropsychological testing was completed bya trained master’s level psychology associate orpostdoctoral fellow, under the supervision of alicensed psychologist, in an outpatient neuropsy-chology clinic. At baseline, both participantswere screened for psychiatric disorders using thestructured Diagnostic Interview for Children andAdolescents, Fourth Edition (DICA-IV) (Reich,Welner, & Herjanic, 1997), which is based on theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders – Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; AmericanPsychiatric Association, 1994). This is a semi-structured interview that is designed fordetermining selected current and retrospectivepsychiatric diagnoses including Attention Defi-cit Hyperactivity Disorder, Conduct Disorder,Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Major Depres-sive Disorder, Bipolar Disorders, Dysthymia,Separation Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder,Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Specific Phobia,and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Both thepatient and the control were free from psychiatricdiagnoses at baseline, based on DICA-IV assess-ment. At follow-up assessments, parent reportedno changes in psychiatric status. The patient andcontrol participants were matched on socioeco-nomic status (SES) – estimated by the four-factorindex (i.e., gender, marital status, education, andoccupation (Hollingshead, 1975). Both familiesparticipating in the study signed a writteninformed consent form following the Institutional

Review Board standards of the Johns HopkinsMedical Institution.


High-resolution 3D MRI, proton MRSI, and DTIwere acquired at 1.5 Tesla using the standard bird-cage quadrature head coil.


Oblique-axial images were obtained with a 3Dvolumetric radiofrequency spoiled gradient echo(SPGR) series partitioned into 124, 1.5-mm contig-uous slices. The following parameters were used:repetition time (TR) 17 ms, echo time (TE) 3.2 ms,inversion time 300 ms, field-of-view (FOV) 240mm, phase FOV 0.75, acquisition matrix 256×128.Raw image data were imported into BrainImage(Reiss, 1999; http://spnl.stanford.edu/tools/brain-image.htm) for visualization, processing, and quan-titation (Subramaniam, Naidu, & Reiss, 1997). Toprepare the stacks for measurement, non-brainmaterial (i.e., skull, scalp, and vasculature) wasremoved using a semi-automated edge detectionroutine that involves region growing as well as step-wise morphologic operations (Subramaniam et al.,1997). The ‘skull-stripped’ images were re-sliced sothat the interpolated slice thickness (z-dimension) isthe same as the x and y pixel dimensions therebyconverting the image stacks into cubic voxel datasets. The cubic voxel data sets were opened into themultiplanar visualization mode of BrainImage sothat three orthogonal representations of the datacould be viewed simultaneously.

Isolated brain tissue was subdivided into cerebrallobes, subcortical regions, brainstem, and cerebellarregions using the revised Talairach (Talairach &Tournoux, 1988) stereotaxic grid atlas specific formeasurement in pediatric study groups (Andreasenet al., 1993; Kaplan et al., 1997; Kates, Abrams,Kaufmann, Breiter, & Reiss, 1997). Each regionwas then segmented to delineate and measure lobarvolumes of gray, white, and ventricular compart-ments using a constrained fuzzy algorithm thatassigns voxels to one or more tissue categoriesbased on intensity values and tissue boundaries.The segmentation method used was determinedreliable for all gray matter, white matter, and CSFvolumes (Reiss et al., 1998). Gray and white mattervolumes for frontal, temporal, parietal and occipi-tal lobes, and for total intracranial volume wereanalyzed in the present case study.

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Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging

Proton MRSI was performed using a spin-echosequence with two-dimensional phase-encodingand outer-volume saturation pulses for lipid sup-pression (Duyn, Gillen, Sobering, van Zijl, &Moonen, 1993), with a 240-mm rectangular field-of-view and a reduced phase-encoding (Golay,Gillen, van Zijl, & Barker, 2002). Four 15-mmthick slices (2.5 mm slice gap) were recorded parallelto the anterior commissure – posterior commissureline with TR/TE = 2000 ms/140 ms. The full echosignal was digitized with 256 data points and aspectral width of 1000 Hz was used. The MRSIdata sets were processed by 3D Fourier transfor-mation, with cosine filters in the spatial (phase-encoding) domains after zero-filling to 32 × 32matrix size, and exponential line broadening of 3Hz, zero-filling to 8192 data points, and a high-pass convolution filter to remove the residualwater signal (50 Hz stop-band) in the time-domain.No baseline correction was applied. Signals of Cho,

Cr, and NAA were fitted to a Gaussian lineshapeusing a simplex routine using in-house software csx3and imax3 (http://godzilla.kennedykrieger.org/csx/).NAA/Cho ratios were calculated for the Wernicke’sarea, splenium, temporal-occipital white matter,corona radiata, and dorsal parietal cortex (Figure 2).Prior to MRSI, T1-weighted localizer images wererecorded at the same slice location and thickness asMRSI for anatomical correlations.

Diffusion tensor imaging

DTI data were collected using a single-shot dif-fusion-weighted spin-echo echo-planar imagingsequence with the following parameters: TR = 8 s,TE = 93.7 ms, acquisition matrix 96 × 96, field-of-view 240 mm, two b = 0 s/mm2 images, 15 differentgradient directions, maximum b = 1000 s/mm2, twoacquisitions. Twenty-four axial slices parallel tothe anterior commissure-posterior commissureplane were acquired with 5-mm slice thickness andno gap. Diffusion tensors were computed using theDTI Studio (H. Jiang and S. Mori, Johns Hopkins

Figure 2. T1-weighted localizer images and corresponding proton MR spectra acquired at T27 for control and patient. Note: T1-weighted localizer images showing the region of interest in the left corona radiata and corresponding proton MR spectra acquired atthe last follow-up examination in the control (a) and the patient (b). Signals of choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), and N-acetyl aspartate(NAA) were detected. Both spectra also show presence of small lipid signals originating from the skull.

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University, cmrm.med.jhmi.edu). Drawing ofregions of interest was performed on the color-coded maps, using the color information andintensity to identify fiber bundles and avoid graymatter. For the current study, FA values from thefollowing regions of interest were analyzed: supe-rior longitudinal fasciculus, corona radiata, tem-poral white matter, anterior white matter, genuand splenium of the corpus callosum (Figure 3).

Neuropsychological assessment

The measures chosen for the neuropsychologicalassessment were based on prior research which hasemphasized localization of brain-behavior rela-tionships based upon adult acquired lesion data.Some measures were also included due to theirestablished relationship with neurobehavioralfunctions of interest, and the presumed emphasisof brain regions associated with each neurobehav-ioral function. Since this study has a unique design,four principles guided the selection of neuropsy-chological assessment measures. First, the protocolwas designed to provide a broad sampling of theprimary neurobehavioral domains. Second, theprotocol was designed to utilize the same standard-ized instruments in the age range of interest. Third,the protocol was specifically designed to be repeat-able, with minimal practice effect. Fourth, the pro-tocol was designed to be completed in one morning

(approximately 2 h of testing), in order to minimizepotential effects of fatigue. Specific measures usedfor the case study are described below.

IQ screening

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Third Edition (Dunn & Dunn, 1997)

The PPVT-III is a screening test of verbal abilityand a measure of receptive (i.e., listening) single-wordvocabulary attainment for standard English. Thescale is reported to correlate at .90 with WechslerIntelligence Scale, Third Edition Full Scale IQ(Dunn & Dunn, 1997), and as such, it was used as anestimate for IQ (Natale et al., 2000; Snitz, Bieliauskas,Crossland, Basso, & Roper, 2000). Participants wereshown a page with four pictures and the examinerprovided the participant with a vocabulary word.The participants were asked to identify the picturethat best describes the word either by pointing orverbalizing the number of the picture.

Attention Tests

Visual Matching, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001)

Participants were asked to locate and point totwo matching shapes in a row of four to fiveshapes, under time constraints. This is a measure

Figure 3. Regions of interest for diffusion tensor imaging. Note: DTI regions of interest in the temporal white matter (TWM), genuand splenium of the corpus callosum, anterior white matter (AWM), corona radiata (CR), and superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF)in the control (a) and the patient (b). To view this figure in color, please visit the online version of this Journal.

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of visual selective attention, and processing speed,and requires the capacity to stay on task in a vigi-lant manner. Similar tasks have been frequentlyused in neuroimaging studies of visual attention(see Downing, Liu, & Kanwisher, 2001).

Working Memory Tests

Auditory Working Memory, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock et al., 2001)

This is a measure of short-term auditory mem-ory span and auditory (verbal) working memory.The participant is asked to listen to a series thatcontains digits and words such as ‘dog’, ‘1’, ‘shoe’,‘8’, and attempt to reorder the words, repeating theobjects first and the numbers second. The taskrequires the individual to maintain the informationin immediate awareness, and manipulate it bydividing the words into two groups, and has beenshown to correlate with frontal lobe gray mattervolumes in children (Mahone, Martin, Kates, Hay, &Horska, in press).

Bead Memory, Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler, 1986)

This is a test of visuospatial working memoryand visual span. The participant is asked to look ata picture of beads placed in a particular pattern,then (after a brief pause) to reproduce the patternfrom memory. Among typically developing children,Bead Memory performance correlates with rightfrontal NAA/Cr ratios on MRSI (Ozturk et al.,in press).


Language and Memory Tests

Retrieval Fluency, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock et al., 2001)

The Retrieval Fluency Test is a measure of rapidlexical retrieval and executive functioning for chil-dren and adolescents. Participants were asked toproduce as many words as possible beginningwithin a certain category (i.e., things to eat/drink,first names, animals). The number of correct items,repetitions, and rule breaks provide informationabout speed and efficiency of lexical retrieval andexecutive control. A similar task has been linked to

activation within the left inferior frontal gyrus(Grabowski, Damasio, & Damasio, 1998).

Memory for Words, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock et al., 2001)

This is a test of short-term auditory verbal mem-ory. Participants were asked to repeat lists of unre-lated words in the correct sequence. Verbal memorytasks have been associated with activation of leftposterior temporal regions (Henson, Burgess, &Frith, 2000).

Sound Blending, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock et al., 2001)

This is a measure of auditory processing andphonetic decoding. Participants were asked to lis-ten to a series of syllables or phonemes and thenblend the sounds into a word. Phonological pro-cessing has been associated with activation in leftoccipito-temporal and temporo-parietal regions(Shaywitz et al., 2002; Simos et al., 2000).

Visuospatial, Visuoperceptual, and Visual ConstructionTests

Spatial Relations, Woodcock Johnson-III (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001)

The Spatial Relations test is an untimed multiple-choice test in which the participant is asked to men-tally match fragments of shapes to a model. From anarray of three to six choices, participants are asked toselect the appropriate shapes (either two or three)that can be assembled to replicate the displayedmodel. This task taps the spatial perception ofabstract forms, and does not require a motorresponse. Performance on visuospatial reasoningtasks have been associated with activation ofright frontal and bilateral parietal brain regions(Prabhakaran, Smith, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli,1997).

Block Design, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (Wechsler, 2003)

The Block Design subtest requires the partici-pant to construct a design with 3D blocks based ona pictorial representation. It is considered a meas-ure of visual construction. Recent research hasshown that performance on the Block Designsubtest is positively correlated with total frontal,

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parietal, temporal, and occipital gray matter vol-umes (Colom, Jung, & Haier, 2006).

Beery Developmental Test of Visuomotor Integration (VMI; Beery & Beery, 2004)

The VMI is a developmental sequence of geo-metric forms to be copied with paper and pencil. Itwas designed to assess the extent to which individ-uals can integrate their visual and motor abilities.A recent study examining DTI correlates of motordysfunction found that lower fractional anisotropyand higher transverse diffusivity in a patient groupwas related to relatively poorer performance on theVMI (Ludeman et al., 2008).

Beery Developmental Test of Visual Perception (VP; Beery & Beery, 2004)

On the Visual Perception test, the participant isshown one geometric form and is asked to choosethe geometric form that is exactly the same from agroup of forms within a 3-min time limit. Thus, thetest is designed as a measure of motor-free visual-perceptual skills. Performance on this test is corre-lated with temporal lobe volumes in typicallydeveloping children (Wells et al., 2008).

Motor Tests

Purdue Pegboard (Tiffin, 1968)

The Purdue Pegboard test was used as a measureof manipulative dexterity. The board consists of 25

parallel holes. Pegs are located at the top of theboard. The participant is asked to place pegs in theholes in a vertical manner, first with the dominanthand, then with the nondominant hand, and thenusing both hands. The examiner records the numberof pegs placed in 30 s. Performance on the PurduePegboard has been associated with frontal NAA/Crratios in children (Ozturk et al., in press).

Data analyses

Data were analyzed at baseline/post-surgery (T0),6-month follow-up (T6) and 27-month follow-up(T27) for the patient and control. Raw neuropsy-chological test scores and imaging data from eachvisit were recorded. For each participant, changescores from T0 to T6, and from T6 to T27 were cal-culated. In addition, the difference in T6–T27change between the patient and control was alsocalculated for each variable of interest.


Results of volumetric MRI are listed in Table 1. Ingeneral, the patient showed slightly larger baselinegray and white matter volumes across regions. AtT6, the patient had bilaterally decreased temporaland frontal white matter volumes, reduced totalcranial white matter volume, but slight increases ingray matter volumes. At T6, the control participanthad more stable presentation, with most regions(except frontal white matter) showing slightly

TABLE 1 Volumetric MRI: lobar volumes (cm3)

Control Patient

T0 T6 T27 T0 T6 T27

Tot Cranial G 638.66 658.71 692.22 687.49 720.39 677.4Frontal G 199.42 205.39 216.8 200.87 215.00 206.57Parietal G 124.88 130.75 139.79 137.63 137.42 132.34Temporal G 114.94 126.55 128.13 128.61 135.41 131.8Occipital G 60.81 65.24 63.35 75.89 73.71 65.29Tot Cranial W 402.13 428.24 413.21 460.65 399.57 372Frontal W 140.86 132.14 137.6 159.03 134.84 131.19Parietal W 101.89 102.41 99.96 100.33 109.26 101.06Temporal W 42.47 53.2 52.88 69.12 56.52 53.24Occipital W 29.41 36.62 30.36 40.67 40.64 32.94Total Volume 1040.78 1086.95 1105.44 1148.13 1119.95 1049.39

Note: G, gray matter; W, white matter; T0, baseline visit; T6, 6-month follow up visit; T27, 27-month followup visit.

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increased volumes, compared to baseline. Betweenthe T6 and T27 visits, the patient showed decreasedvolume bilaterally across all regions, with moststriking reductions observed in total white andgray matter volumes. The total volume loss observedin the patient did not appear to be primarily afunction of normal maturation, as the controldemonstrated more stable patterns of volumemeasurements between the T6 and T27 visits. Thenotable exception in the control was a decrease intotal left (but not right) cranial white matter vol-ume to a level closer to baseline.

NAA/Cho ratios for the patient and control arelisted in Table 2. At baseline, there was no differ-ence in the mean NAA/Cho ratio between thepatient and the control. While, in the control, theNAA/Cho ratio tended to increase over the examinedperiod of time, a trend to decreasing NAA/Choratio was detected in the patient after completionof RT. The decline in NAA/Cho ratios wasdetected in most regions of interest in the patient,with temporal-occipital white matter (bilaterally),splenium, and corona radiata (left) showing thegreatest decrease at T6. Although, at the T27, meanNAA/Cho ratio was lower by 24.5% in the patient,a trend to increases in NAA/Cho in the direction ofnormal values was observed in some regions (theright temporal-occipital white matter, splenium,and left corona radiata).

Fractional anisotropy (FA) values for thepatient and control are listed in Table 3. At base-line, no difference in mean FA was detected betweenthe patient and the control. Over the examinedtime, mean FA tended to increase in the control;however, in the patient, mean FA decreased by 8%at T6. The patient demonstrated declines in FA

across several fiber tracts (right superior longitudi-nal fasciculus, left corona radiata, genu, splenium,temporal white matter (bilateral) and anteriorwhite matter (bilateral). At the T27 visit, theregional FA values in the patient tended to changein the direction to the baseline levels; however, themean FA was 12.4% lower in the patient comparedto the control.

Results of neuropsychological assessment arelisted in Table 4. Compared to baseline, at the T6(early delay) visit, the patient showed skill loss (i.e.,raw score declines) on neuropsychological mea-sures of right-sided motor and language skillsinvolving phonological awareness and oral fluency(perhaps indicative of acute effects of the left tem-poral surgery), but stability in all other neuropsy-chological domains. The control participant showedstable to improved neuropsychological function atT6, with the exception of a slight reduction inmotor speed. At T27 (late effects) assessment, thepatient demonstrated raw score improvements inmost neuropsychological measures, although gen-erally at a slower pace than would be predicted forage, resulting in reduced standardized scores, par-ticularly in visuospatial and visuoperceptual skills.

In summary, the patient showed decreases intemporal and frontal white matter volumes at T6and overall white and gray matter volumes at T27,where as the control was more stable with slightincreases in overall gray and white matter volumesover time. Similarly, NAA/Cho ratios generallydecreased in the patient overtime, while theyincreased in the control. The patient also showed a

TABLE 2 Magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging: NAA/Cho ratio

Control Patient

ROI T0 T6 T27 T0 T6 T27

Wernicke’s 2.69 2.97 3.13 1.57 2.37 1.39TOWM 1.91 2.01 2.23 2.97 1.46 1.98Splenium 3.51 2.76 2.95 2.37 1.59 2.95CR 2.59 2.29 2.74 2.26 1.64 2.43DPC 2.86 2.29 3.58 2.68 2.83 2.09Mean NAA/Cho 2.62 2.43 2.92 2.47 2.02 2.17

Note: TOWM, temporal-occipital white matter; CR, coronaradiata; DPC, dorsal parietal cortex; T0, baseline visit; T6, 6-monthfollow up visit; T27, 27-month follow up visit.

TABLE 3 Diffusion tensor imaging: fractional anisotropy (FA)

Control Patient

ROI T0 T6 T27 T0 T6 T27

SLF 0.47 0.54 0.47 0.42 0.40 0.42CR 0.42 0.42 0.38 0.43 0.43 0.42TWM 0.41 0.53 0.75 0.47 0.43 0.54Genu 0.78 0.79 0.73 0.73 0.65 0.72Splenium 0.74 0.79 0.81 0.69 0.62 0.80AWM 0.47 0.51 0.68 0.47 0.41 0.46Mean FA 0.55 0.60 0.63 0.54 0.49 0.56

Note: SLF, superior longitudinal fasciculus; CR, corona radiata;TWM, temporal white matter; AWM, anterior white matter. Inthe patient, NAA/Cho ratios in the Wernicke’s area could beevaluated only in one hemisphere at T0 and T27, due to lowquality of the spectra. T0, baseline visit; T6, 6-month follow upvisit; T27, 27-month follow up visit.

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decline in FA across fiber tracts, such as the rightsuperior longitudinal fasciculus, while the controlparticipant’s mean FA values tended to increase.These patterns were consistent in the neuropsycho-logical testing as well, where the patient showed araw score decrease in phonological awareness andoral fluency at T6 and a decrease in standard scoresin visuospatial and visuoperceptual skills at T27.


The current case study presents longitudinal datafrom neuropsychological, volumetric MRI, MRSI,and DTI evaluations of two individuals: a healthy,typically developing adolescent, and an age-matched patient who had recently undergone sub-total resection of a metastatic grade 2 left temporalependymoma, with subsequent treatment with cra-nial radiation. Change from baseline was evaluatedin order to assess early delayed effects (6 month)and late effects (27 month).

Consistent with our first hypothesis, the patientexhibited progressive volume losses in white matteracross brain regions during the 27-month period.

However, the patient also exhibited progressivelosses in gray matter volume over the 27-monthperiod (see Table 1). These findings were moststriking when considering total gray and whitematter volumes. Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) vol-umes were also examined (not reported in Table)and found to be very similar in the patient and thecontrol.

Consistent with our second hypothesis, the patientalso had initially reduced NAA/Cho values onMRSI (particularly near the area of resection),with continued disruption in left Wernicke’s areaat 27 months (also near the site of the resection;Table 2), and modest, yet widespread, reductionsin FA values on diffusion tensor imaging at 6months, which also showed some ‘rebound’ by 27-month follow-up (Table 3). The MRSI and DTIabnormalities were present despite normal findingon conventional MRI in these regions of interest.Considering the time course and extent of theobserved MRSI and DTI changes, our findings canbe interpreted as neuronal injury, dysfunction orfunctional inactivity, rather than neuronal loss(Kaminaga & Shirai, 2005). Across imagingmodalities, the control participant had more stablemeasurements, with overall slight increase acrosstime in volume, NAA/Cho ratios, and FA values.

Again, generally consistent with our final hypothe-sis, neuropsychological dysfunction observed in thepatient followed a parallel route, with early deficitsobserved in language and right-sided motor func-tions (consistent with the site of surgery, and withchanges in NAA/Cho ratios), but later age-related(i.e., failure to keep pace) declines in visuospatialand visuoperceptual skills, more suggestive of latewhite matter injury.

None of the imaging modalities detected anyapparent abnormalities in the evaluated brainregions at the baseline scan, suggesting minimaleffects of tumor presence and treatment (surgery)at that time point. Conversely, findings from volu-metric MRI, MRSI, DTI, and neuropsychologicalassessment appear sensitive to both early and lateeffects of surgical intervention and treatment withcranial radiation. Although volumetric MRI find-ings in the patient showed progressive decreases inregional gray and white matter volumes over theexamined time, NAA/Cho and FA tended to‘recover’ at the last follow-up in some regions.However, despite these changes in the direction tonormal values, both mean NAA/Cho and FA val-ues were still lower than in the control subject.Since the patient appeared to show decreases in

TABLE 4 Neuropsychological assessment

Control Patient

Variable T0 T6 T27 T0 T6 T27

PPVT-3 148 165 168 156 160 160Spat Relations 58 63 64 78 77 75Sound Blend 16 18 18 26 19 21Visual Match 57 58 52 41 39 40Aud Wor Mem 32 31 32 16 23 26Retrieval Flu 62 66 58 55 40 51Mem Words 17 18 17 17 18 17Block Design 34 40 53 42 49 53VMI 25 24 26 29 27 29VP 20 24 26 27 28 27Pegboard RH 12 10 11 14 10 13Pegboard LH 14 10 12 12 15 13Pegboard Both 9 4 9 6 8 10Bead Memory 22 30 32 22 29 32

Note: All values represent raw scores. PPVT-3, Peabody Pic-ture Vocabulary Test, Third Edition; Spat Relations, SpatialRelations; Sound Blend, Sound Blending; Aud Wor Mem,Auditory Working Memory; Retrieval Flu, Retrieval Fluency;Mem Words, Memory for Words; VMI, Beery DevelopmentalTest of Visual Motor Integration; VP, Beery DevelopmentalTest of Visual Perception; Pegboard, Purdue Pegboard; T0,baseline visit; T6, 6-month follow up visit; T27, 27-month fol-low up visit.

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brain volume and ‘lags’ in NAA/Cr and FAincreases, it may be possible that changes in FAand NAA/Cho or decreases in white matter vol-ume may underlie the relative delay in visuospatialskill acquisition as observed in the 27-month neu-ropsychological data.

Since the baseline NAA/Cr levels were compara-ble between the patient and the control, there is noindication of impairment of neuronal integrity orfunction before the start of radiation. Rather, thedecrease in NAA levels in the early-delayed phasepost-treatment detected in the patient is consistentwith previously published data in children andadults with brain tumors or metastases (Kaminaga& Shirai, 2005; Lee, Pirzkall, McKnight, & Nelson,2004; Rutkowski, Tarnawski, Sokol, & Maciejew-ski, 2003). A trend to recovery of the NAA/Choratio observed in some regions is also in agreementwith the literature (see Esteve et al., 1998). Theincomplete recovery of NAA levels at the lastfollow-up may be explained by relatively highradiation doses (37–50 cGy). Previous studies dem-onstrated that in regions receiving high radiationdoses, NAA levels may not fully recover within 6months post-treatment (Lee et al., 2004; Szigety,Allen, Huyser-Wierenga, & Urtasun, 1993). Thus,the decreases in the NAA/Cho ratio, in particular atthe 6-month follow-up, may be explained by adverseeffects of radiation therapy rather than by a directresult of the surgical intervention (e.g., edema).However, an effect of surgery still should be consid-ered, since, at the 27-month visit, the patient’s earl-ier reductions in verbal skills and motor speed wereno longer observed.

No apparent abnormalities were revealed byDTI at the baseline scan. The direction of time-related changes in mean FA (a decrease at T6 fol-lowed by an increase at T27) was similar to changesin NAA/Cho. These findings are in agreement withthe results of Kitahara et al. (2005) who showedthat the most prominent changes in FA (and NAA/Cr ratios) were detected 3–5 months after radia-tion; whereas these investigators found no differ-ences between patients and controls 10–12 monthsafter completion of radiation. Importantly, ourfindings do not rule out the possibility of addi-tional late effects occurring past the 27-month fol-low-up period used in the current investigation (seeKhong et al., 2003; Mabbott et al., 2006; Nageshet al., 2008; Qiu et al., 2007).

Previous studies have shown that radiation ther-apy induces predominantly white matter loss whilegray matter volume is unaffected (Dellani et al.,

2008; Mulhern et al., 1999, 2001; Reddick et al.,1998, 2000). In the patient evaluated in our study, aprogressive white matter volume loss was observedwith volumetric MRI. White matter volume loss wasaccompanied by impairment of axonal integrity asdetected with DTI and MRSI only at the 6-monthfollow-up visit. In the patient, there was also lackof increase in the total volume of gray matter,which was noted in the control subject. Interest-ingly, in childhood leukemia survivors, combinedradiation and chemotherapy was associated withlower gray matter density in the caudate (Porto etal., 2008) and low FA in the hippocampus (Dellaniet al., 2008). Given the importance of these struc-tures to cognition and specific neuropsychologicalfunctions, a focus of future investigations may be toexamine the relationship between white and graymatter disruption in specific brain regions withrespect to cognitive/neuropsychological outcomes.

Of the four assessment methods used, the lateeffects (observed behaviorally in the patient) wereleast corroborated by DTI. Although the increasein mean FA at the 27-month follow-up was inter-preted as a change towards normal values, it has tobe noted that an increase in FA may also be associ-ated with pathological conditions, for example, inWilliams syndrome (Hoeft et al., 2007). Consider-ing the patient’s decreased white matter volume,decreased branching of white matter tracts, areduced number of crossing association or com-missural fibers, which may result in increaseddirectionality of water diffusion within the whitematter, could also explain increase in FA in thepatient and the last visit.

Limitations and future directions

The current study has several important limita-tions that need to be emphasized. First, as with anycase study, our evaluation and subsequent analysisis mainly qualitative and descriptive and merelyprovides an initial step upon which to base future(larger scale) investigations. It will be important toconduct a larger scale study with individuals withdifferent types and locations of tumors to deter-mine if the obtained results are indicative of ageneral trend in terms of the initial and late effectsof RT or if other factors such as age and/or tumorcharacteristics better explain the current patternof findings. A shortcoming of the case studydesign as it relates to neuroimaging investigationsis the potential for measurement error and

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artifact. Imaging results for both participantswere within normal limits and fairly consistentbetween assessments, thereby reducing the likeli-hood of systematic errors; however, the possibil-ity of random perturbations occurring and partlyexplaining some of the noted variations cannot beentirely discounted.

Although the patient and control participantwere carefully matched on variables such as age,SES, and sex the obtained results cannot be gener-alized to the population of brain tumor survivorstreated with radiation. Given the age of the twoindividuals participating in this case study (i.e.,early adolescence) and the dynamic nature of thisage in terms of brain development, it would not beat all surprising if individuals treated with radia-tion at older or younger ages would have a differ-ent pattern of findings. For example, youngerchildren exposed to RT are at a greater risk forimpairment in intellectual abilities relative to olderchildren who undergo RT (Mulhern et al., 1998;Palmer et al., 2001). More specifically, youngerchildren are at an increased risk for reading diffi-culties (Mulhern et al., 2005), attention problems(Butler & Haser, 2006; Mulhern et al., 1998), andbehavioral difficulties especially internalizingbehavior problems (e.g., anxiety and depression;Poggi et al., 2005b). Therefore, it is conceivable wemay have observed more notable deficits if ourpatient was younger at the time that treatment wasinitiated. Moreover, children exposed to RT havea greater probability of exhibiting cognitive dys-function the more time that elapses after RT(Butler & Haser, 2006; Duffner, 2004; Poggi et al.,2005b); thus, assessments conducted beyond the27-month follow-up period may reveal furtherdeclines in neuropsychological functioning. Thecurrent neuropsychological protocol did notassess a broad range of executive functions andsocial skills. Thus, it is possible that more extens-ive neuropsychological and behavioral/emotionaltesting, including use of caregiver rating scales(Mahone et al., 2009), may have revealed subtle,later onset, deficits in cognitive control, planning,organization, or working memory.


In summary, the current longitudinal, case study ofthe early and late effects of treatment for braintumor in an adolescent suggest that multiple imag-ing and behavioral methods may be required to

detect the trajectory and range of neurological andcognitive dysfunction, as each may uncover differ-ent elements of dysfunction. The results of this casestudy are promising as they show differences thatare already apparent between two age- and sex-matched individuals, indicating the potential foradditional findings when group analyses are con-ducted. Future research investigating late effects oftreatment in pediatric brain tumor in largergroups, using multiple imaging and assessmentmethods can serve to expand on these initial find-ings. Nevertheless, the current investigation hasdemonstrated some interesting avenues for futureinvestigations. For example, more thorough inves-tigations of other neuropsychological domainssuch as executive abilities, emotional functioning,prospective memory, and social cognition is import-ant to provide additional information on long-termoutcomes (e.g., social/adaptive and academic func-tioning). In addition, utilization of functional MRItechniques would help to understand if the struc-tural changes observed in the current study alter theinteraction between brain circuits involved in cogni-tive tasks. Finally, given the various changes inbrain maturation occurring during adolescence,longer-term follow-up is critical to assess the impactof RT on this dynamic process. These types of stud-ies will not only help to shape a less pernicious RTprotocol, but can contribute to our understandingof the process of typical and atypical cognitivedevelopment by further elucidating how the devel-oping brain deals with insults that pose a substantialrisk to remaining on a normal trajectory.

Original manuscript received 18 December 2008Revised manuscript accepted 25 June 2009


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