texila american university invites proposals for pre-medical study centers

Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers http://www.tauedu.org/

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Page 1: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Texila American University Invites

proposals for Pre-Medical Study



Page 2: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Texila American University

invites proposals for the Pre

medical study centers

globally. Interested

Educational institutes may

apply for the academic year



Page 3: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Business Partnerships


Page 4: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Texila American University

• Texila American University, a world

class medical university offers

specially designed pre medical

pathway programs for the students

who wish to enrich their career in the

field of Medicine.


Page 5: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Study centers for Premedical


• TAU’s Premedical program offers

unique opportunity for the students to

explore their talents in USA, UK in the

field of Medicine and Nursing. TAU

invites study centers to partner with it

for Premedical programs. Interested

Educational Institutes can apply.


Page 6: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Program Overview

• Pre Medical Diploma

• Pre Medical Foundation


Page 7: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Pre Medical Diploma

• TAU one of the best Caribbean Medical School’s Pre Medical Diploma program is designed for the students who wish to study Doctor of Medicine. ‘A level’ or the students with Secondary School Education are eligible to do the pre medical diploma program with the duration of 12 or 16 months


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Pre Medical Foundation

• Pre Medical Foundation – Pre Medical

Foundation program is targeted for the

High school students, after the

completion of this Premedical program

students are eligible to do Medicine,

Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, etc. On

Successful completion of the exams,

Students can travel to the university for

the Preclinical Programs.


Page 9: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Study centers

• The study centers play a vital role

in delivering of the programs as

well as on the overall structure of

Texila American University. The

study centers are also responsible

for scheduling and organizing of

the operations and to maintain the

progress of the students as records.


Page 10: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Norms for Study Center

• To establish a Study Center following norms to be satisfied:

• Adequate faculty with good infrastructure

• Experience in counseling the students

• Running an education institution already

• Ensuring the quality of the program

• Capable to provide services throughout the duration of the program

• Exams should be conducted as per TAU norms


Page 11: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

Study Centers

• The study centers can further act as

the regional representatives of the

university and would be benefitted

by partnering with the internationally

recognized medical university.


Page 12: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

• If interested to partner with TAU,

APPLY here



Page 13: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

About Texila American


• Texila American University (TAU) is

one of the reputed Medical Schools

in the Caribbean, with its campus

located in Guyana. Since its

inception, TAU has been rendering

the best-class education with a high

deal of professionalism and



Page 14: Texila American University Invites proposals for Pre-Medical Study Centers

About Texila American


• TAU is fabricating the history by

implementing its subsidiary roots

around the world through the

premedical programs to enrich the

career of the students in a better way.

It is a WHO Listed, NACG Accredited

& MCI Approved University with

partnerships world-wide.
