textual analysis

Textual analysis By James Murray

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Textual analysis

Textual analysisBy James Murray

Page 2: Textual analysis

Front Page Analysis

This magazine is for young children, we know this by the colours and also the images on the front. They are bright colours such as pink and yellow but mostly pink which will catch the younger audiences eye. Also the font is slanted rather than straight which suggests its an informal magazine, again aimed at younger people. the mode of address is chatty and welcoming which would attract the audience to buy it. The articles are short and not very wordy which would appeal to the audience as they are younger and don’t want to read a lot. The bands and singers which are on the cover are also aimed at a younger audience, mainly a young girl, such as One Direction and Rihanna. It also includes other artists names down the side of the magazine in bright colours (again attracting a younger audience), these artists include Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, JLS and The Wanted, all pop singers. "i weed on a hamster" shows the immaturity in the magazine which could perhaps attract a younger boy audience as they might find this kind of stuff funny. Also this magazine advertises clothes which would be another way of attracting a young audience.

Page 3: Textual analysis

Contents Page Analysis

In this contents page we can see it is very stereotypically ‘girly’, we know this because of the pictures on the front with The Saturdays on the phone and the gestures in which they are making. Also the artists on the front cover are ones who are stereotypically associated with young girls such as Justin Bieber, The Wanted and One Direction.The colours on the page are mostly pink and black which would appeal to young girls and also the text type would as It is kind of written in a slang way with the title being a heart instead of the world love. There are plenty of pictures which would also appeal to young girls as they would perhaps not want to read a lot and would prefer to just sit and look at photos of their favourite artists. ‘We love this’ has the letter ‘O’ filled in which is a stereotypical thing that teenagers do in either school books or in magazines. There are also a lot of quotes on this page which would appeal to the younger audience as the quotes are from the artists and celebrities which would make the young girls want to know what is going on in their lives.

Page 4: Textual analysis

Double Page Spread

Instantly the images on the page would appeal to a younger audience because of the artist on the front, Justin Bieber. There is quotation marks from something he has said which will also immediately interest girls as it gives them an insight on his life and they want to know what’s going on. Also there is a competition to win a signed Justin Bieber pillow which is going to attract the target audience. The colour scheme is quite ‘girly’ with a light pink and yellow and red theme. The words ‘first kiss’ and ‘best of my life’ have been highlighted which would attract the audience as its clearly a key part of the title and gives another insight of Justin's life. I think the layout of the page would also appeal to the target audience as the images are quite large and take up a lot of the page whereas as the writing is quite small and colourful, I think this would appeal to the audience as they perhaps wouldn’t want to read a lot and would prefer to see pictures of Justin. He is also posing in the images which would make the audience want to buy it even more.