textual analysis - 'kerrang


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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Masthead – this is in a bold font, so it stands out against the rest of the text on the cover. It makes it clear to the reader what the name of the magazine is. The sans serif font makes the masthead easy to read, this is important as the audience must know the name of the magazine.

Banner – this is commonly found at the top of the front cover page. The multiple images are a preview of what's inside the magazine.

Barcode – this is usually in the corner of the page, it is a machine-readable code to define the price of the magazine.

Direct Mode of Address – the artist Jared Leto has direct eye contact with the camera, this directly addresses the reader and makes them feel involved.

Burst – a shape, usually found in the corner of the page with information in it.

Colour Scheme – unlike most magazine that stick to a colour scheme of three colours. ‘Kerrang’ has not done this and has in fact used five colours: red, black, white, yellow and blue. All of the colours clash and don’t particularly go well together. This tells the audience that the magazine’s purpose isn’t to be glamorous or appealing to the eye.

Boost – the big sell line ‘ JARED LETO SPEAKS! 30 SECONDS TO MARS’ is used to increase sales and is the main story of the magazine.

Menu Bar – these are generally found down the left or right hand side of the cover of the magazine. The menu bar informs the reader of what's inside.

Puff – a short snippet of text to attract the reader quickly and have an effect of people buying the magazine.

House Style – the familiar typography, imagery and colours from the front cover show continuity. Therefore the house style is carried on throughout the magazine.

Font – all of the typography on this contents page uses sans serif font. This is more effective than serif font as it’s easier to read, telling us that this magazines aim is to get it’s message across and be readable not to look attractive.

Colours – the clashing colours make this page appear aggressive, which reflect the rock style music well.

Burst – unconventionally this burst is not in the corner of the page, which is where it would usually be found. The short text ‘win!’ is used to catch the readers eye and interest them.

Typography – the text that says ‘James’ is written in a handwritten signature form, which makes this section of text appear more personal and light-hearted.

Layout – this contents page is very organized; the text and imagery are all positioned clearly for the reader. An organized layout would seem unconventional for a rock magazine, however it isn’t as the purpose of this magazine is to convey a message to the public. Therefore readable text and imagery is a priority.

WOB (white on black) – although some of the colours are clashing, white font on black background is used. This is effective as it’s easy to read.

Title – large, bold and takes up a quarter of the page. This is quite intimidating for the reader and could be seen as aggressive.

Direct Mode of Address – the title is speaking directly to the audience and makes them feel involved. Once again heightening the fact that the title is intimidating. In addition to this the artist has direct eye contact with the reader.

Colour Scheme – three colours are usually used to avoid distraction and make it more appealing for the reader. The colours that have been used on this page are bold and in the readers face, making the text seem aggressive.

Hook – this short piece of speech is a snippet of the interview, it draws the reader in because it’s an important part of the interview.

Costume – the artist is in jeans and a t-shirt, this is very casually and reflects what the readers of this type of magazine would wear. Therefore the readers can relate to it. Moreover the artists tattoos give the artist a rough edge and make him appear superior to the reader.

House Style – the bold font and aggressive imagery is continued throughout the magazine, but the double page spread has different colours, fonts and imagery compared to the contents and front cover. The house style of rock is still portrayed, just in different ways.

Conventions• I think ‘Kerrang’ sticks to typical conventions of a rock magazine because it seems aggressive, negative and


• It includes references to drugs, sex, violence, politics and uses offensive language. These features are to make a statement and cause controversy. This kind of controversy will get the magazine attention and increase sales.

• The design of the ‘Kerrang’ represents it’s purpose, which is to cause controversy. It uses aggressive fonts, colours and features grimacing bands that are sometime making inappropriate gestures.

• Conventionally the look of the magazine is not a priority, so Rock magazines aren’t glamorous or appealing to the eye. ‘Kerrang’ clearly shows that appearance isn’t important as clashing colours are used throughout. In addition to this music included in the magazine is loud and in the readers face.

• The purpose of rock magazines, such as ‘Kerrang’ is to express feelings of the artist, not to look pretty and entertain.