th i tt tile evening times thursday december e1e2...

TilE EVENING TIMES WASEmGOpf THURSDAY DECEMBER 13 1900 5 TT Th i- I i Bro iagfoite Favorite Store Seasonable Mereliandise Any of the goods would acceptable Christmas Presents Well box em for you i desired For One Day You Allwool Siik- fMsed 40lncfr 39c Yard Colors are cream light blue pink Nile canary lavender dahlia old blue red reseda grey mode old rose brown myr tlev navy blue garnet brown slate etc You must buy your dress or waist to- morrow as the quantities will riot last longer These are all 53c values Positively One Day Only 39s yd 9 Dressing Seeps 69c Best quality Wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacque with full front fitted back with tailored seams A perfect fitting garment and has never been offered anywhere for less than 89- c15QSilkarae Comforts 98s A fullsize Comfort covered with the newest designs and colorings in silkaline filled with tfie best new processed white laminized cotton Our Lining Stock Must Be Reduced Take advantage of these prices 13 pieces Silk rbreen new patterns SOc value Special per yard 26 cents S3 pieces Dressmakers best quality Cam brie all colors Per yard 4 cents 75 pieces effect fine quality Per cline in blade grey and brown lac- vj Yard 9 cents 14 pieces Imported Haircloth already shrunk 19 inches wide In black and grey Special yarn 14X cents 2S pieces Union Canvas blask and grey suitable for facing skirts Special yard 7 cents LansbtrrgK Bro 420 fo 426 Seventh St We Complete Furnishers i Ready for I Christmas you need a Carpet or some Furniture you can buy It here without disturbing your finances n the least We will arrange the payments to suit your conveni- ence weekly or monthly We guar- antee the durability of every ar- ticle we sell no matter what the cost Carpets made laid and lined free no charge for waste in match ing figures ff Mammot- hS Credit i If buss i7rgft 521822 Till Bet H and I Sta Other Lake Cprlcbta af AH Prfpe PIANOS FOa ttEXT 1209 Pa Ave N PRACTICAL X3IAS GIFT 4 set of teeth for yocr or husband will be a very useful and gilL If their mouths ire not in con you caa maTe a pajTCent aow and get an order ta have them desired Gnarnn- tced for twenty itt the renowned Vera double suetion Positively painless cx traction TERO DEXTIST Opposite Raleigli Hotct 12tt and Pa Ave Entrance on 12th st Hours Sa nu to S IB Sundays 3 to i p m- deU20t kfcda ot fluff ttitciB At erPENRMER5 514 9thSt NW Sets of T tlu H np- tBnutiful Crovno S 05 Gold FIIlIz x 75e tp- En er nilinKs 6B and ope DR PATTOM Dentist T2KJ Twelfth Street N W Painless Extraction 25c ROYAL Baking Powder Highest of all fa leavening e Sfrensth V S GOVCTT taent Report For STAMPS ZiNGS PATA- rygIflPSCELEBfEflillPflei OItEN E1E2 GS A Oneday Sacrifice a of lake Can Buy f- At Moire due I I a a II Ia I I I I 01 I I I t t- Are i t- It t i f i tI 1 St N w- I t- I I I 0 O I I II I r I e KNABE Pianos COo v- IA u ben PLAIT P ING g Sewing Yaehinu epaIred and wannUd 1OQ FSEE are and jyutf 5 UI Sf 11 Market sIJILee I i L I T S 1 I 4 L n n ii nn ni LIHhI urn 4 44 G es I Vm3Knabe wife 4ltLI c year we teeth ordered U3 4 EUANT t2SEi rnE11win Ia3l4 j lw ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + = < fin 1 Belief That It May lEave Been Caused JjjrReiaorse bang 3Ian Wlio Bis li x Xpw Suspected of Havlnsr hot His Fii- tlier Xenrlr Two Tears Ago Blind Old Man Found Dead in His Chair Same Weapon TTse t Both Times BRADFORD Pa Dec 13 The suicids last Saturday continues to be the subject of comment In Bradford It recalled the tragic death of his father Henry Sondbeim which occurred at the family home In this tcvra on the evening of March 20 1833 On that evening a Hebrew lecturer Dr Levy of Philadelphia spoke at the Wag- ner Opera House Sondheim bad purchased tickets for himself and family to attend the lecture but Scndheim did not hear it Philip Sondheim rushed out of shortly after 7 oclock that evening and alarmed the neighborhood declaring that Ibis father had shot himself Two surgeons wore catted but the man was dead when they arrived After the eider sondheims death many ugly rumors were afloat and there were suspicions that It was not a case of suicide as it had been decided to be by the coroners inquest Henry Sondheim who had been blind for some time had eaten his supper and was sitting in iis parlor in front gas fire smoking a cigar A bullet from a large army revolver ended Sonhelms life The dead man still sat in his chair when the surgeon arrived at the house a few minutes after the shooting The cigar that Sondheinr had been smoking was on the hoot It had burned a small hole in the carpet In Its descent from the mans lips it had struck against tie front of his and Its ashes were still then How could that man have killed him selt while comfortably smoking and in such a position was the asked on that dceasien but not answered Plul ip Sondheim was tearles and apparently unconcerned A couch stood near where the father had been sitting A person seated on that couch could easily have killed the blind man The hands ot the dead man were Inside the arms of the chair Ths hole in the right temple was clean cut and not a as would have resulted had the muzzle been pressed against the side of the head The coroners jury ren- dered a verdict of suicide but at the same time there had been evidence offer- ed that did not favor that theory The most important witness at the in quest was Dr Benninghoff who reached the Sondhiem residenea soon after the shooting Dr Benninghoff said what puz- zled him was thee location of a pool of blood near the left foot of the dead man He testified that be had taken hold of wrist to feel his pulse and that lie might have placed the hands In side of the armchair Dr Bennlnghoff said that In his opinion judging from tU condition or the wound the size of the revolver and the fact that Sondheini was bUnS it was possible tbat the father could have fired the fatal but he could not say that it was probable After the death of Henry Sondheim the surviving members of the family soon de parled from Bradford and the matter gradually dropped out of publienoace bat- on Sunday when the story of the tragedy- in New York became known here the old as to the death of Philip Sond helms father was revived When it was learned that the same revolver was used by the young man that had killed his pa rent the coincidence was commented upon There was almost a conviction that the second tragedy was a sequel to the first Remorse as one man put it may have been the chief cause of Philip Sond heims Whether these suspicions- are well grounded course will never be known unless the letters written by Philip Sondheim before his death should throw light upon the matter The Sbndhelms were one ot the most prominent Hebrew families of this city Henry Sondheim was wealthy One of the things which tended to allay suspicion af stricken blind about a year before his death he had told It was alleged one or two of his friends that he would take his own life if he did not recover his eye sight The revolver which ended the career of the elder Soadheim belonged to Philip It is supposed to be the same which Phil Ip used to end his own life It was kept In his trunk in an upstairs room of the Scndheim house When Hear Sondheim was found dead he was in shirt sleeves How he being blind could hav gotten hold of the weapon and taken It down stairs without beiiig detected was another of the mysteries of the case Scrofula This root ofjaiany Tumors i cutaneous eruptions dyspepsia readiness to catch cold and in ability to get rid of it easily catarrh and other ailments including the consumptive tendency Is removed so completely that a radical and permanent cure Is effected by tern of all tumors inherited or acquired and makes rich healthy blood Hoods Pills cure livtr illS the noainitatins sad only cathartic to tasir with Uocds Saris A Few Square Pianos From Organs So to S5O Payments tram S3 per month np Sanders StaynianP- iaaca Orgies IfosieJ- S2T F ST N W WASaiKGTOK J C 15 K CHAnLEST BALTDIOBE SIIX PERCY S FOSTER Ifanz Er Washington Wareroomsi RUT ATLANTIC AND PAcIFIC v CO Ilaizx itcre corner tb and E ctreels Uranchcs all over the city sad in si markets noS t THE PAINLESS DENTIST All operations performed by me personally E Clyde Shads D D S Hours B to 5 dary to Ip ra 623 I3Qt at nw delilnnx EUROPE ORIENT RILE AND SOUTH DF FRANCE PROCRA30HS BEAUT FREE BT lUlL Tour accompanied br MR C IE Amg including Carlo Italy Egypt Palestine Tutfcer Greece c Ou WHcdm n 3 Send for illustrated IuD enuy HEKET Adams Howland Agents M a Broad St PWUdelpWv MYSTERY IlIGIDBII 1 I of young Soudhaixa in eW York vivid- ly HenrY by ota l waistcoat question raggedone SOl Ie ms sho suspicions a murder was the fact was his evils cesses This great medicine cleanses the iys l1JInb SIOto150 t I r I tem Fbihd F on ss GAzE k Tow Philip the house death that after be hoods SarsaparilfaV TEa A Sun- S KalS5 larch VV sONs i VV sollthtbar2Ot < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > POINTS OF Making n New Catnrrit Cure Stuarts Catarrh Tablets the new cure has the following advantages over other catarrh remedies These tablets contain oo cocaine morphine or any other crujj and are as safe and beneficial for children as for adults this is an Important point when it is recalled that many catarrh remedies do contain these very objec tional ingredients Next Being in tablet form this remedy does not deteriorate with age or an ex- posure to the air as liquid preparations invariably da Next The tablet form not only pre- serves the medicinal properties but it is so tar more convenient to carry and to use at time that it is only a question- of time when the tablet will entirely supersede liquid medicines as it already done in the medical department of the United States Army Next No secret is made ot the compo- sition of Stuarts Tablets they contain the active principle o Eucalyptus bark red gum blood root and Hydrastin all harmless antiseptics which however are death to catarrhal germs wherever found because they eliminate them from the blood Net You cannot cure catarrh ty local applications to the nose and throat be- cause these are simply local symptoms and such treatment cannot possibly reach the real seat of catarrhal disease which Is the blood for this reason inhalers douches sprays and powders sever really cure catarrh but simply giv temporary relief which a dose of plain salt and wa ter will do just as welL Catarrh must be driven out of the sys- tem out of the blood by an mtarnal remedy because an internal remedy is the only kind which can be assimilated into the blood Stuarts Catarrh Tablets do this better than the old of treatment because they contain every safe specific known to modern science In the antiseptic treat- ment of the disease Next The use of Inhalers and spraying apparatuses besides being ineffective cad disappointing is expensive while a com- plete treatment of Stuarts Catarrh Tab lets can be had at any drug store in the United States and Canada for 50 cents SOCIAL AND PERSONAL An interesting nuptial event of today will be celebrated at 4 oclock at the Church of the Covenant when Miss Isabel Saepherd daughter of exGovernor and Mrs Alexander R Shepherd will be mar- ried to Dr Robert Sidney Wagner at that hour Mr and Mrs Shepherd are in Mexi- co the bride will be given in marriage by her brother Sir Alexander R jr The reception which is to fol- low the ceremony will be held at the home of Judge and Sfra Andrew C Bradley the uncle and aunt of Miss and will be a small informal affair for only the relatives of the two families Anothere marriage of this evening will be that of Miss Charlotte Little daughter of air and Mrs Thomas H Little and Mr Chauncy E Hackett The wedding will be a quiet one only the relatives and Mr Hackett ana his bride will leave for a short trip and upon their will be at home to their friends at the residence pf the brides parents 321 12 Eleventh Street southwest Mrs Jenkins wife of Dr Jenkins of ilassaehusetts Avenue was hostess at a luncheon this afternoon In honor of a number of this seasons dcbutantes The Mexican Ambassador and Senora give their nrst dinner party of the season at the Mexican Embassy SIGHTING FOB EEE BONNET Boston VVonmn Inr t Upon Wear Iiipra lint In the Theatre BOSTON Dee 13 Mrs TV F Apthorp Wife of a musical critic has taken up the fight in behalf of the theatre nd In two days she has caused a sensation in two theatres Monday evening she left the Hollis Street Theatre rather than re- move her hat when requested to by he management and last evening she follow- ed up the assault and hat on head went to the Museum Manager Field saw her and to avoid trouble invited her to his box where she sat behind the curtains still wearing her hat while Mr Apthorp remained in his orchestra chair Mrs Apthorp makes the surprising statement that she has teen wearing the same hat lor two or three years and not until Monday evening was any objection raised She asserts that the law allows her the privilege of wearing a small hat at the theatre and that the management of the Hollis Street Theatre has misquoted the law ia its programme When the Boston Council passed aa antitheatre hat ordinance three years ago Mrs Apthorp Mrs John L Gardner and others made a protest The passage in the city of Boston revised regulations cf August 5 1833 chapter 3 relating to the covering the head in places of public amusement says Every licensee shall not In his place cf amusement allow any person to wear upon time head a covering which obstructs the view of the exhibition or performance- in such place of any person seated In any seat therein provided for spectators it being understood that a low head cover- Ing without projection which dces not ob- struct such view may be Mrs Apthorp says A rule forbidding the wearing of every sort of hat bonnet or other headgear seems to me on a par with rule in some London theatres which enforces the wearing of evening dress Such a rule seems to me contrary- to the spirit of our American Institu- tions v Mrs Apthorp says she will see the man- agers of the theatres and will probably settle the matter one way or the other- S VISION TRENTftX N J Dc 13 Late at night Cirrse Scode who was visiting the faml- Is of Austin 43 cre- ated a commotion by running through the town In the direction ct the Clinton Street railroad station of the Pennsylvania Rail- road with his hat ta JIg hand and his overcoat hanging from his arm When held up by a policeman Hooder explained that he nad seen a vision of his wife who and she had beck oned to him He believed that something had happened to Mrs and he was desirous of getting an early train for New York The policeman let him gOv and the man caught the midnight train lor the me tropoEz- Hooder retired about 10 oclock after a pleasant evening with the family where be was a guest A later he rushed downstairs In great excitement and de- clared that he had been awakened by wife who had stroked his faca with her hands and beckoned him Thinking that he was the victim of u dream Hoodes friends pacified him arid la Vent t bed once more He had baea but a few minutes When he ran screaming downstairs cryinG that had aaln seen a vision of his wife In the room and the had teckcned to him Sdm- t rriblA calamity has overtaken my si3 Hoods and I ipust return Ironic at oace- PicMns up coat he ran for the station ReeSe well known here as evsntempered man and the sequel to his peculiar experience Is await- ed by his friends with a good del jf PUp DEAR FOR HIS LEG Ei D BBntoa Tliactcrvinc In two ycirs paid over 300 to doctors to cure a running sore air his Itsr Then they wanted to cut it off Imt he cured it with one box of Bucklens Arnica Tialre Guaranteed cure for Wee 23 cents A bOx Sold by RenT Evans dwggisi 922 F Street EXCELLENCE- A Few Are Rapidly FUDlQUIt Ca- tarrh FIrSt Inj rlo s I an Cat rrh form Shep- herd t a few intimate friends in attend- ance ret- urn Azptroz will to- night hat 2 I City worn the CALLED J3YA 3mm Runs for a Train at Williams DyeS was in New York city Hood hill banr and in- tereSt Tex Reasons Which VV haS As Shep- herd being VV that evi Jersey Night VV VV his t gone wife his bat ISV a rational VV VV ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < A OF OUR UNEQUALED Suit Cases r Bags Satchels c Suifeble awl substantial for holiday gifts for both ladies gentlemen SUITCASES FITTED S5OtoS4O SATCHELS S25 A and complete stock of Fine Fancy Leather Warts such as POCKETBOOKS PURSES TOILET CASES BILL BOOKS FLASKS CHATELAINE BAGS LETTER BOOKS MIRRORS BEADED BAGS KNVES RflUSIC ROLLS DRESSINGCASES RAZORS PHOTO FRAMES Gold lettering and silver letters free of charge 12311233- f Penna Ave FACTORY 1213 sail 12S Street f At Droops Washburn Mandolins land Guitars Sold on Time f I Payments I t T Yes we have decided to sell the less costly musical instru X ments on time payments as well as pianos It is so much easier to m small bills titan big ones that we believe our JUttiJjr without serious inconvenience to their pocketbooks iii future extend the prmlcge of time payments to the pur V SnfsfTilTnvntc tIle best makes Including i Lyon Healy Mandolins andGuitars j Stewart Banjos C G Conn Cornets Regina and Swiss Music Boxes etc etc Droops Music House Otoer Pianos r oa t i I c f I- I LINE OF I- I Trunks I BAGS t I 75 HATBOXeS I 350 to 100 to 32 beautiful t I CARDCASES i t I i- t I t I II I 11 I II 10 I I I 11 I- h Ht I t t I el t doing this ill enable to gratify their musical tastes We will 1 t elitist of ALL musical We carry full line of t t f t and Pa lAve 0 II r 1 H JUST SUGGESTION and SlL5Oto 4 TP1AEVS i E 4 e e 4V444 a 3 925 < = = + + + + + ++ A3IOSE3IEST3 S ff TONIGHT ATi AT PI Als l t ati diaries Frolimnns 3Jn fcal Comedy EDNA MAY s The Girl From Up There Written Ire Slosh Morton lIt br fins Kcrkc 100 IX THE PKuDUCTIO- XPRIDAT AFTEUXOOX AT 4tl lIaj 3 B Pond sin present for the only lecture AVaAinston EU 6 Sat Company I WIn rs I r PIX I in = SPENCER GBURGHILL WINSTUN VV Tha War as Mr ChmncltHl trin ie introduced br- Sen Chiwn y M- Depew j I Saw its Iteservsd Seats 200 SLaO end SOc On tate at Santera Starnwirs Seats Now SeliiHg last Appearance Here of ilRS DAVID BELASCO PLAY Grand POLITE VAUDEVILLE The Acknonkdged Ideal vaudeville Organization of the World the Four Cabana Leaders 25825 and LilS Reserved NEXT WEEK Hany TV Williams Own Com iasf Emn2 HARRY WILLIAMS JRs Imperials BETURX3 THCBSDA- TjrGOVSKJ GFAlTS PIGHT MATINEE TODAY THE SHOW TOCTYE BEEK TVAmKCr POlL TM Faiaoas Farce Comedy gncces- vKayTs Big Eastern A Hot did Time Fort Week VAGABONDS JOSEPH JEFFERSON ExhiSition OF 55 Oil Paintings THE FISCHER QUERIES 527523 Fifteenth Street SW- FBOJt SECEilBEIt 1 X TO 29 DuLY FROM 9 TO 5 OCLOCK To avoiS ovemowding cards are leaned ALlFORNfA WiNE A superb choice of 31 different California chosen 3oy oar expert Two four years odof old at doz Quality tX Seventh Street Week toakmug LESLIE CARTER as ZAZA Tn New The Sehman Headed by Light Acts That Are 50c ta KERNANS I Sat nUILESQCEilS II AT C Wines C i House i- ycat Maitorders now Chas show Daily All Mat afternoon Week4lUWIbS de91llSl5lOlSiffV u1 ted VUJJ < ASICSE31EVES3- 1ATIXEE TODAY 23c SOt TSc SUiBEBfiABD DICK BERNARD AK CEO w LEDEBERS O- rt r OF 5tr Led rer5 Latest Most Captivating Production XEST ttKKK SEATS TODAY AUSDSTIH DALY MUSICAL GOMPAHYI- JTCLCDIXG JAMES T IX TIlE CraxESEE GLISH JIvSICAL COMEDY TOY TIlE SEASONS MrSICAL SUCCESS DIRECT FROM DALYS THEATRE SEW YORE MATiNEES THTRSI AY AX0 SATURDAY With Hlostnitioas in color and APPROPRIATE MOTION PICTTRE- XEXT WEDNESDAY AT 4O5 QBEBAMIER6AU IN 1900 Prices i lIe SOc tie Vend 1 Now on asia SEATS ARE NOW ON SALE AT DROOPS 3ITJ3Cr STORE FOR PHILHARMONIC OBGBESTRfi W H SAKTELilAXX Cotdnctos Sunday Evening Baosfiiiiar S- MARTIXUS SIEVEKIKG The Great Dutch Pianist Soloist Course Tickets for three concerts S3 250 and 2 Single Tickets Toe LOO and L50 On sale at Droops Music Store LAFAYETTE TONIGHT AT 815 MATIXEES WED SAT r I AS1llSGTONS urn laaa LEDJtTmATRE THE BELlE F- IDRJ ED CASiNO CO Dr lorry Smith 50 LOOwi fuJgbnder THE POWERS SAN BUR U L n V WI lURES t k VV L- Q Vast 5Lith- BO4g1EA hook B ush b LEC- lUff Lafayette Square Company ET THE U Rosemary 75c 50c 25c PRICES Next West THE LOTtERY OF LOVE I AcADEMY Entire Lower Floor 50C Entire Balcony 25c Gallery lIe TONIGHT Hfiljle McHenrr BIG HIT BUY SEATS AHEAD With M5USVS Mat Thurs 25 Best Seats Gallery tIc Sat Cents I Next Week Harry Glazier in The Three Musketeers TONIGHTSt- eam Motor Races and Obstacle Races Automobile Show COXVEXTIOir tJreat Floral Parade Von Thnrrfay Sight Professional JIaUaeft Friday at 3 odocfc All theatrical companies HALEYS BAND BALL YlPTE AND LBTREETS hilr2toaIpm ADIDssIOS- del06t VV Braking Contests3 Speck festur alhthe weeki Samuel Friedlander Co OPEN EVENINGS Two columns jammed full with the ripest and newest ideas for gift seekers Heres a list that will readily the question of what to give to father mother brother or sister and then you know prices take a drop on Bargain Friday winch makes buying doubly interesting for you Make Your Selections and Charge the Purchase 1 answer HolMay Hints for Bargain Friday 0 j 1 Ce g A I I U I I k I We Box Your Presents Free of Charge Lowest Prices Ladies Rainyday Skirts Ladies jOxTorS Grey Rainyday Skirts with rows of stitching around bottom regular 273 values at Bargain 1KJ Ladles Oxford and Black Skirts made twelve rinrs of stitching around the bottom and at Bargain Friday ladies Allwool Oxford Grey Rainy day Skirts made of plaid back golfing material with flare bottom truly worth 8 at Bargain Fri O Q 7 Mercerized Satine Petticoats A tremendous purchase of Ladies Slercsrized Satine Petticoats three sample lines from three large New York manufacturers some plain ind some striped with deep flounce some In the lot worth less than L50 and some worth as much as 223 We say choice Bargain QflC Friday Holiday Hials from the MilHeeiy- Desjartnieat LADIES TRIMMED HATS AT REDUCED PRICES Gloves for the Holidays Ladies two clasp place Kid Gloves latest shades and stitching every pair perfect and a lull line of sizes i uC Worth S125 Bargain Friday chir famous PeIdonnet made from soft selected stylish shades newest stlichings with the popular 2clasp fastenings fitted to the hand and fully warranted Worth QQC- L6D Bargain Friday Holiday Handkerchiefs Six Ladies Hemstitched Initial Hand- kerchiefs in a pretty box regulary C price SJL25 Bargain Friday Six Ladler Hemstitched Initial in a box worth 100 CrtC Bargain Friday Ladies very steer Lawn Handker- chiefs lace edges and Insertions Swiss embroidered patterns Worth 1 TIC c Bargain Friday 1 2 fancy Boods Section- Gun Metal Dressing Sets Hair- Brush Ccmb and Bsvei Glass Hand 50 t 02 Bargain Friday ou Dainty silversd sail gold plated soft white bristle Hat Brushes 2oc1QC quality Bargain Friday Gold plated oval photograph frames in exquisite designs worth SOc yqC Bargain Friday w A gilt for tlie men f olksr A beau tifal white metal set consisting of a Clothes Brush Hat Brush made of pure white bristles Soap Box Match Safe and Mustache Comb In a box and worth 275 Bar tl gain Friday r 5IJO A variety of Medallion Pictures re productions of celebrated works of art for Bargain Friday 25D 29s 49o 69G In the Basement A PiGtare Bargain 320 Colored Photographs consisting of a wonderful variety of subjects re- productions of famous paintings all matted handsome gold and black framcs sizes 21x23 inches actual value SL79 Bargain Fri dayA magnificent display ol Oil Paint- ings Water Colors Pastels Colored Photos Medallion Pictures Dainty Gilt Clocks beautifully decorated Lamps and Goldplated Onyx Tables for Holiday Presents Our Bargain Tables TABLE NO 1 Xmas Handkerchiefs 100 dozen dainty lace edge Handker- chiefs real Irish goods sheer lawn worth 12I2c Bargain Fri- day TABLE NO 2 Pretty Brass Ink- stands various styles heavy glass wail and brass tops worth 23e 1 Bargain Friday TABLE NO 3 Applique Scarfs inches long in beautiful Irish point effects shams to match worth OJJC- 39c Bargain Friday TABLE NO 4 200 dozen Ladies Formfitting Heavyribbed Vests fleece lined and well made These Vests are manufacturers seconds pirhaps one out of every half dozen has a spot or a small place that has been darned actual value 15c 1 9 JC Bargain Friday Price I TABLE NO 5 Pretty and useful in ebony and sterling mount- ings consisting of wall Files Nail Brushes Tooth Brushes Curling irons Paper Cutters Blotters Shoo Horns Shoe Hooks Egg Darners etc actual values 25c and just the things for Christmas presents Bargain i rC Friday i I Friday Rain day fin- ished seams regular UlO 2 48 ties com- prising t glove skins I I Our MIrror in a Worth n u 19c I 5C 54 ar- ticles with vat day VJ J UJ Hand- kerchiefs J U new 25 box nanny I kR > ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Engraving of All Kinds Free of Charge 100 Umbrellas Manufacturers samples made of silk serge Paragon steel frames steeLrods nobby handles of fine natural treed gold or silver trimmings ivory with sterling sil- ver Valid ebony mourning handles silk covers and tassels none than L50 your choice C 1 1 Bargain Friday J- Mens Furnishings 500 pairs mens loc quality fast black Son seamless double C3T heels and toes Bargain Friday Mens TSc Percale Shirts in new and nobby stripes sizes 15 to IT well made and perfect fitting Bar OQC gain Friday 1000 Mens Handkerchiefs hem- stitched in plain white or col- ored herders worth lOc gain Friday JB Childrens Clothing A chance to outfit the youngsters with good warm Winter Clothing at the Tery lowest prices Childrens Top Goats c 6 in allwool gray Oxford 4 fc TTvJ cloths well made and finished and worth 3 for 2 Childrens Vestie Suits C9 6Q- An assortment to choose y9jj rem Plain and fancy doublebreasted vests sizes 2 to 8 years 4 and 5 values for 23S Childrens Reefers 1 fQ made of good quality P chinchilla large sailor coILirs regular 225 value for L43 Boys Knee Pants ia Theres 50 dozen thrown on the tables made pf first class materials and worth 39c for Large spools jewel crochet and 3C embroidery silk nIl shades IOCyard spool best machine 9C silk lOc quality dozen fine pearl shirt CC OC Princess curling irons 1C 3 papers best invisible hair pins 1C 2 cards hooks and eyes 3C Thite crljlaok collar forms Pair superior Gumlined dress QC shields Length cf guest quality frilled Of elastic Leather Goodsan A splendid assortment of novelty Combination Pocketbooks ths finest leather in an shades and sterling sil- ver mountings and worth 129 Bargain Friday J Stylish Purses solid leather all colors worth 3Sc OCC Bargain Friday Full size Music Rolls alligator leather satin fL50 QOC Bargain Friday Holiday Ribbons 2so 2 Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons pure silk and all shades full 10 yards to a piece Regular SOc quality Bargain Friday Best quality Baby Ribbon all I C shades Bargain Friday per yard No 5 allsilk Scotch Plaid Ribbon in pretty effects worth Bar CC gain Friday Ladies and Childrens Underwear and Hosiery Ladies winterweight Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants fleecelined silk finish and pearl buttons worth ISo Bargain Friday J- Childrens Union Suits extra heavy fleecelined and glove fitting in white only worth SIc Bargain OCC Friday Ladies novelty ribbed Hcse fast black silk finish and toe worth tIc O iC Friday lt2 SOc Brooch and Lace Pins OCC Bargain Friday Pins Bargain Friday Sterling Silver JTovelties Nail Brushes Nail Files Roller Blotters Tooth Brushes Paper Cutters Egg Darners etc worth lIe Bar- gain Friday The Perfumery Booth Eastmans Royal Perfume Verona Violets A large bottle IE a beautiful decorated box Worth 39c Bar gain Friday One ounce pressed glass bottles of Wbodwortbs famous extracts Violet White Rose Blue Lilies Carnation Lily of the Valley Wild Rose- Buds and Jockey Glob putup In OCC boxes Bargain Friday Belezaires Extracts leading odors a pretty glass bottle in a bar 1 AC Bargain Friday I to worth- less I u C a flotionSpsciasJ H VJoyy Finger linedworth ZIt nuu lOc nn nu u seamlessdouble- heel u I uuu2- 5c Sterling Silver Brooch T5t I J L5C n u Pink I 04 VRar S g lOu VV butt as 5- VI JLJ I 5 LJ Bar- gain I F ¬ ¬ > ¬ Samuel Friedlander Co 416Seventh Street4S I SPECIAL OFFERS tfcrcBsh hoBdayr till 7tao Mr The Evans Dental Parlors Established SSSO mica N W Branch Office SOT 7th sfc uw PAINLESS EXXRCTISO 2Se Far and Heating GAS APPLIAKCEwEXCHAJfGZ- H2 Kew York Arcane t5HfD I 1 it PST 1 Utfem I i 5 GAS STOVES Up to Dec I9th I = 185 Wonderful Ecdsction Most useful and most Holiday Present Our New 40 Antique Oak Drop Head Machines 13 5 years guarantee A limited quantity at this price only Come C AUERBACH 7H Botnestia Agency PhoneTTt I Elegant quick

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Post on 21-Jun-2019




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TT Th i-

Ii Bro

iagfoite Favorite Store

Seasonable MereliandiseAny of the goods would

acceptable Christmas PresentsWell box em for you i desired

For One Day You Allwool Siik-

fMsed 40lncfr

39c YardColors are cream light blue pink Nile

canary lavender dahlia old blue redreseda grey mode old rose brown myrtlev navy blue garnet brown slate etc

You must buy your dress or waist to-

morrow as the quantities will riot lastlonger

These are all 53c valuesPositively One Day Only 39s yd

9 Dressing Seeps 69cBest quality Wool Eiderdown Dressing

Sacque with full front fitted back withtailored seams A perfect fitting garmentand has never been offered anywhere forless than 89-

c15QSilkarae Comforts 98sA fullsize Comfort covered with the

newest designs and colorings in silkalinefilled with tfie best new processed whitelaminized cotton

Our Lining Stock

Must Be Reduced

Take advantage of these prices13 pieces Silk rbreen new patterns SOc

value Special per yard

26 centsS3 pieces Dressmakers best quality Cam

brie all colors Per yard

4 cents75 pieces effect fine quality Per

cline in blade grey and brown lac-vj Yard

9 cents14 pieces Imported Haircloth already

shrunk 19 inches wide In black and greySpecial yarn

14X cents2S pieces Union Canvas blask and grey

suitable for facing skirts Special yard

7 cents

LansbtrrgK Bro420 fo 426 Seventh St

We Complete Furnishers

i Ready forI Christmas

you need a Carpet or someFurniture you can buy It herewithout disturbing your finances nthe least We will arrange thepayments to suit your conveni-ence weekly or monthly We guar-antee the durability of every ar-ticle we sell no matter what thecost Carpets made laid and linedfree no charge for waste in matching figures

ff Mammot-hS Crediti Ifbuss

i7rgft 521822 Till

Bet H and I Sta

Other Lake Cprlcbta af AH PrfpePIANOS FOa ttEXT

1209 Pa Ave N

PRACTICAL X3IAS GIFT4 set of teeth for yocr

or husband will be a veryuseful and gilL Iftheir mouths ire not in con

you caa maTe a pajTCent aow and getan order ta have them desired Gnarnn-tced for twenty itt the renownedVera double suetion Positively painless cxtraction

TERO DEXTISTOpposite Raleigli Hotct 12tt and Pa Ave

Entrance on 12th st Hours S a nu to SIB Sundays 3 to i p m-


kfcda otfluffttitciB

At erPENRMER5 514 9thSt N W

Sets of T tlu H np-tBnutiful Crovno S 05

Gold FIIlIz x 75e tp-En er nilinKs 6B and ope

DR PATTOM DentistT2KJ Twelfth Street N W

Painless Extraction 25c

ROYAL Baking PowderHighest of all fa leavening

e Sfrensth V S GOVCTT taent Report




A Oneday Sacrificea of


Can Buy





I I a a I I Ia I I I I 01 I I I

t t-Are





tI1 St N w-

I t-I I I 0 O I I II I r I e








Sewing Yaehinu epaIred and wannUd 1OQ

FSEE are



5 UI Sf 11 Market sIJILee









Ln n ii nn niLIHhI urn

4 44 G e s






we teeth ordered


EUANTt2SEi rnE11win












fin 1Belief That It May lEave Been

Caused JjjrReiaorse

bang 3Ian Wlio Bis li x XpwSuspected of Havlnsr hot His Fii-

tlier Xenrlr Two Tears Ago BlindOld Man Found Dead in His ChairSame Weapon TTse t Both Times

BRADFORD Pa Dec 13 The suicids

last Saturday continues to be the subjectof comment In Bradford It recalled

the tragic death of his father HenrySondbeim which occurred at the familyhome In this tcvra on the evening ofMarch 20 1833

On that evening a Hebrew lecturer DrLevy of Philadelphia spoke at the Wag-

ner Opera House Sondheim badpurchased tickets for himself and familyto attend the lecture but Scndheim didnot hear it

Philip Sondheim rushed out ofshortly after 7 oclock that evening andalarmed the neighborhood declaringthat Ibis father had shot himself Twosurgeons wore catted but the man was

dead when they arrived After the eidersondheims death many ugly rumors were

afloat and there were suspicions that Itwas not a case of suicide as it had beendecided to be by the coroners inquest

Henry Sondheim who had been blindfor some time had eaten his supper andwas sitting in iis parlor in front gasfire smoking a cigar A bullet from alarge army revolver ended Sonhelmslife The dead man still sat in his chairwhen the surgeon arrived at the housea few minutes after the shooting Thecigar that Sondheinr had been smokingwas on the hoot It had burned a smallhole in the carpet In Its descent fromthe mans lips it had struck against tiefront of his and Its ashes werestill then

How could that man have killed himselt while comfortably smoking and insuch a position was the askedon that dceasien but not answered Plulip Sondheim was tearles and apparentlyunconcerned A couch stood near wherethe father had been sitting A personseated on that couch could easily havekilled the blind man

The hands ot the dead man were Insidethe arms of the chair Ths hole in theright temple was clean cut and not a

as would have resulted hadthe muzzle been pressed against the sideof the head The coroners jury ren-

dered a verdict of suicide but at thesame time there had been evidence offer-ed that did not favor that theory

The most important witness at the inquest was Dr Benninghoff who reachedthe Sondhiem residenea soon after theshooting Dr Benninghoff said what puz-

zled him was thee location of a pool ofblood near the left foot of the dead manHe testified that be had taken hold of

wrist to feel his pulse andthat lie might have placed the hands Inside of the armchair

Dr Bennlnghoff said that In his opinionjudging from tU condition or the woundthe size of the revolver and the fact thatSondheini was bUnS it was possible tbatthe father could have fired the fatalbut he could not say that it was probable

After the death of Henry Sondheim thesurviving members of the family soon deparled from Bradford and the mattergradually dropped out of publienoace bat-on Sunday when the story of the tragedy-in New York became known here the old

as to the death of Philip Sondhelms father was revived When it waslearned that the same revolver was usedby the young man that had killed his parent the coincidence was commented uponThere was almost a conviction that thesecond tragedy was a sequel to the first

Remorse as one man put it mayhave been the chief cause of Philip Sondheims Whether these suspicions-are well grounded course will never beknown unless the letters written byPhilip Sondheim before his death shouldthrow light upon the matter

The Sbndhelms were one ot the mostprominent Hebrew families of this cityHenry Sondheim was wealthy One of thethings which tended to allay suspicion af

stricken blind about a year before hisdeath he had told It was alleged one ortwo of his friends that he would take hisown life if he did not recover his eyesight

The revolver which ended the careerof the elder Soadheim belonged to PhilipIt is supposed to be the same which PhilIp used to end his own life It was keptIn his trunk in an upstairs room of theScndheim house When Hear Sondheimwas found dead he was in shirt sleevesHow he being blind could hav gottenhold of the weapon and taken It downstairs without beiiig detected was anotherof the mysteries of the case

ScrofulaThis root ofjaiany

Tumors i cutaneous eruptionsdyspepsia readiness to catch cold and inability to get rid of it easily catarrh andother ailments including the consumptivetendency

Is removed so completely that a radicaland permanent cure Is effected by

tern of all tumors inherited or acquiredand makes rich healthy blood

Hoods Pills cure livtr illS the noainitatinssad only cathartic to tasir with Uocds Saris

A FewSquare Pianos


Organs So to S5OPayments tram S3 per month np

Sanders StaynianP-


PERCY S FOSTERIfanz Er Washington Wareroomsi

RUT ATLANTIC AND PAcIFICv CO Ilaizx itcre corner tb and E

ctreels Uranchcs all over the citysad in si markets noS t

THE PAINLESS DENTISTAll operations performed by me personally

E Clyde Shads D D S Hours B to 5dary to I p ra 623 I3Qt at nw delilnnx



Tour accompaniedbr MR C IE Amg including CarloItaly Egypt Palestine Tutfcer Greece c

OuWHcdm n 3 Send for illustrated IuDenuy

HEKETAdams Howland Agents

M a Broad St PWUdelpWv




of young Soudhaixa in eW York










SOlIe ms



a murder was the fact was



This great medicine cleanses the iys







F on ssGAzE k



the house


that after be

hoods SarsaparilfaV






i VVsollthtbar2Ot














Making n New Catnrrit Cure

Stuarts Catarrh Tablets the newcure has the following advantages

over other catarrh remediesThese tablets contain oo cocaine

morphine or any other crujj andare as safe and beneficial for children asfor adults this is an Important pointwhen it is recalled that many catarrhremedies do contain these very objectional ingredients

Next Being in tablet form this remedydoes not deteriorate with age or an ex-posure to the air as liquid preparationsinvariably da

Next The tablet form not only pre-serves the medicinal properties but it isso tar more convenient to carry and touse at time that it is only a question-of time when the tablet will entirelysupersede liquid medicines as italready done in the medical departmentof the United States Army

Next No secret is made ot the compo-sition of Stuarts Tablets theycontain the active principle o Eucalyptusbark red gum blood root and Hydrastinall harmless antiseptics which howeverare death to catarrhal germs whereverfound because they eliminate them fromthe blood

Net You cannot cure catarrh ty localapplications to the nose and throat be-

cause these are simply local symptomsand such treatment cannot possibly reachthe real seat of catarrhal disease whichIs the blood for this reason inhalersdouches sprays and powders sever reallycure catarrh but simply giv temporaryrelief which a dose of plain salt and water will do just as welL

Catarrh must be driven out of the sys-tem out of the blood by an mtarnalremedy because an internal remedy is theonly kind which can be assimilated intothe blood

Stuarts Catarrh Tablets do this betterthan the old of treatment becausethey contain every safe specific known tomodern science In the antiseptic treat-ment of the disease

Next The use of Inhalers and sprayingapparatuses besides being ineffective caddisappointing is expensive while a com-plete treatment of Stuarts Catarrh Tablets can be had at any drug store in theUnited States and Canada for 50 cents


An interesting nuptial event of todaywill be celebrated at 4 oclock at theChurch of the Covenant when Miss IsabelSaepherd daughter of exGovernor andMrs Alexander R Shepherd will be mar-ried to Dr Robert Sidney Wagner at thathour

Mr and Mrs Shepherd are in Mexi-co the bride will be given in marriageby her brother Sir Alexander R

jr The reception which is to fol-low the ceremony will be held at thehome of Judge and Sfra Andrew CBradley the uncle and aunt of Miss

and will be a small informal affairfor only the relatives of the two families

Anothere marriage of this evening willbe that of Miss Charlotte Little daughterof air and Mrs Thomas H Little andMr Chauncy E Hackett The weddingwill be a quiet one only the relatives and

Mr Hackett ana his bride willleave for a short trip and upon their

will be at home to their friends atthe residence pf the brides parents321 12 Eleventh Street southwest

Mrs Jenkins wife of Dr Jenkins ofilassaehusetts Avenue was hostess at aluncheon this afternoon In honor of anumber of this seasons dcbutantes

The Mexican Ambassador and Senoragive their nrst dinner party

of the season at the Mexican Embassy


Boston VVonmn Inr t Upon WearIiipra lint In the Theatre

BOSTON Dee 13 Mrs TV F ApthorpWife of a musical critic has taken up thefight in behalf of the theatre nd Intwo days she has caused a sensation intwo theatres Monday evening she leftthe Hollis Street Theatre rather than re-move her hat when requested to by hemanagement and last evening she follow-ed up the assault and hat on head wentto the Museum

Manager Field saw her and to avoidtrouble invited her to his box where shesat behind the curtains still wearing herhat while Mr Apthorp remained in hisorchestra chair Mrs Apthorp makes thesurprising statement that she has teenwearing the same hat lor two or threeyears and not until Monday eveningwas any objection raised

She asserts that the law allows her theprivilege of wearing a small hat at thetheatre and that the management of theHollis Street Theatre has misquoted thelaw ia its programme

When the Boston Council passed aaantitheatre hat ordinance three yearsago Mrs Apthorp Mrs John L Gardnerand others made a protest The passage inthe city of Boston revised regulations cfAugust 5 1833 chapter 3 relating to thecovering the head in places of publicamusement says

Every licensee shall not In his placecf amusement allow any person to wearupon time head a covering which obstructsthe view of the exhibition or performance-in such place of any person seated In anyseat therein provided for spectators itbeing understood that a low head cover-Ing without projection which dces not ob-struct such view may be

Mrs Apthorp says A rule forbiddingthe wearing of every sort of hat bonnetor other headgear seems to me on a parwith rule in some London theatreswhich enforces the wearing of eveningdress Such a rule seems to me contrary-to the spirit of our American Institu-tions v

Mrs Apthorp says she will see the man-agers of the theatres and will probablysettle the matter one way or the other-


TRENTftX N J Dc 13 Late at nightCirrse Scode who was visiting the faml-Is of Austin 43 cre-ated a commotion by running through thetown In the direction ct the Clinton Streetrailroad station of the Pennsylvania Rail-road with his hat ta JIg hand and hisovercoat hanging from his arm Whenheld up by a policeman Hooder explainedthat he nad seen a vision of his wife who

and she had beckoned to him He believed that somethinghad happened to Mrs and he wasdesirous of getting an early train for NewYork The policeman let him gOv and theman caught the midnight train lor the metropoEz-

Hooder retired about 10 oclock after apleasant evening with the family where bewas a guest A later he rusheddownstairs In great excitement and de-clared that he had been awakened bywife who had stroked his faca with herhands and beckoned him

Thinking that he was the victim of udream Hoodes friends pacified him aridla Vent t bed once more He had baea

but a few minutes When he ranscreaming downstairs cryinG that hadaaln seen a vision of his wife In the roomand the had teckcned to him Sdm-t rriblA calamity has overtaken mysi3 Hoods and I ipust return Ironic atoace-

PicMns up coat he ran forthe station ReeSe well known hereas evsntempered man and thesequel to his peculiar experience Is await-ed by his friends with a good del jf

PUp DEAR FOR HIS LEGEi D BBntoa Tliactcrvinc In two

ycirs paid over 300 to doctors to cure a runningsore air his Itsr Then they wanted to cut it offImt he cured it with one box of Bucklens ArnicaTialre Guaranteed cure for Wee 23 cents AbOx Sold by RenT Evans dwggisi 922 F Street


A Few Are Rapidly



FIrStInj rlo s



Cat rrh




a few intimate friends in attend-ance


Azptroz willto-


hat 2





CALLED J3YA3mm Runs for a Train at

Williams DyeS

was in New York city


hill banr




Reasons Which








evi JerseyNight VV




his batISV

a rational
























Suit Casesr Bags Satchels c

Suifeble awl substantial for holiday gifts for both ladiesgentlemen



A and complete stock of Fine Fancy Leather Wartssuch as



DRESSINGCASES RAZORS PHOTO FRAMESGold lettering and silver letters free of charge

12311233-f Penna Ave

FACTORY 1213 sail 12S Street

f At Droops

Washburn Mandolinsland Guitars Sold on Time fI Payments ItT Yes we have decided to sell the less costly musical instru X

ments on time payments as well as pianos It is so mucheasier to m small bills titan big ones that we believe our

JUttiJjrwithout serious inconvenience to their pocketbooksiii future extend the prmlcge of time payments to the pur

V SnfsfTilTnvntc

tIle best makes Includingi

Lyon Healy Mandolins andGuitars jStewart Banjos C G Conn CornetsRegina and Swiss Music Boxes etc etc

Droops Music HouseOtoer Pianos

r oa

t iIc








I350 to 100 to 32beautiful





t I t I I I I 11 I II 10 I I I 11 I-

h HtIt

tI elt doing this ill enable to gratify their musical tastes

We will1 t

elitist of ALL musical We carry full line of


f tand Pa lAve 0

IIr 1 H






4 e e 4V444





= =




+ + +


S ff TONIGHT ATiAT PIAls l t atidiaries Frolimnns 3Jn fcal Comedy


The Girl From Up ThereWritten Ire Slosh Morton lIt br fins Kcrkc


XPRIDAT AFTEUXOOX AT 4tllIaj 3 B Pond sin present for the

only lecture AVaAinston

EU6 Sat

Company I

WIn rs








Mr ChmncltHl trinie introduced br-Sen Chiwn y M-




Saw its

Iteservsd Seats 200 SLaO end SOc

On tate at Santera Starnwirs

Seats Now SeliiHg

last Appearance Here of ilRS



The Acknonkdged Ideal vaudeville Organizationof the World

the Four CabanaLeaders

25825 andLilS ReservedNEXT WEEK Hany TV Williams Own Com







TM Faiaoas Farce Comedy gncces-

vKayTs Big EasternA Hot did Time




55 Oil Paintings

THE FISCHER QUERIES527523 Fifteenth Street SW-



To avoiS ovemowding cards are leaned

ALlFORNfA WiNEA superb choice of 31

different Californiachosen 3oy oar expert Two

fouryears odofold at doz

QualitytX Seventh Street

Week toakmug



The SehmanHeaded byLight Acts That Are

50c ta






C i House


ycat Maitordersnow


Daily AllMat




u1 ted VUJJ






rt r OF

5tr Led rer5 Latest Most Captivating Production







With Hlostnitioas in color and APPROPRIATEMOTION PICTTRE-


QBEBAMIER6AU IN 1900Prices i lIe SOc tie Vend 1 Now on asia



Sunday Evening Baosfiiiiar S-

MARTIXUS SIEVEKIKGThe Great Dutch Pianist Soloist

Course Tickets for three concerts S3 250and 2 Single Tickets Toe LOO and L50 Onsale at Droops Music Store






Dr lorry Smith50 LOOwi fuJgbnder







Vast 5Lith-

BO4g1EAhook B

ush b



Lafayette Square



U Rosemary




I AcADEMYEntireLowerFloor50C


Gallery lIe


Hfiljle McHenrr





SeatsGallery tIc




Next Week Harry Glazier in The ThreeMusketeers

TONIGHTSt-eam Motor Races

and Obstacle Races


tJreat Floral Parade Von Thnrrfay SightProfessional JIaUaeft Friday at 3 odocfc All

theatrical companies






Braking Contests3

Speck festur alhthe weeki

Samuel Friedlander Co OPEN EVENINGS

Two columns jammed full with theripest and newest ideas for gift seekersHeres a list that will readily thequestion of what to give to father motherbrother or sister and then you know pricestake a drop on Bargain Friday winchmakes buying doubly interesting for you

Make Your Selections andCharge the Purchase



HolMay Hints for Bargain Friday


1 Ceg A II U I I



We Box Your Presents Freeof Charge

Lowest Prices Ladies Rainyday

SkirtsLadies jOxTorS Grey Rainyday

Skirts with rows of stitching aroundbottom regular 273 valuesat Bargain 1KJ

Ladles Oxford and BlackSkirts made twelve rinrs ofstitching around the bottom and

at Bargain Friday

ladies Allwool Oxford Grey Rainyday Skirts made of plaid back golfingmaterial with flare bottomtruly worth 8 at Bargain Fri O Q 7

Mercerized Satine PetticoatsA tremendous purchase of Ladies

Slercsrized Satine Petticoatsthree sample lines from three

large New York manufacturers someplain ind some striped with deepflounce some In the lot worth lessthan L50 and some worth as much as223 We say choice Bargain QflC


Holiday Hials from the MilHeeiy-



Gloves for the HolidaysLadies two clasp place Kid Gloves

latest shades and stitching every pairperfect and a lull line of sizes i uCWorth S125 Bargain Friday

chir famous PeIdonnet madefrom soft selected stylish shadesnewest stlichings with the popular2clasp fastenings fitted to the handand fully warranted Worth QQC-

L6D Bargain Friday

Holiday HandkerchiefsSix Ladies Hemstitched Initial Hand-

kerchiefs in a pretty box regulary Cprice SJL25 Bargain Friday

Six Ladler Hemstitched Initialin a box worth 100 CrtC

Bargain FridayLadies very steer Lawn Handker-

chiefs lace edges and Insertions Swissembroidered patterns Worth 1 TIC

c Bargain Friday 1 2

fancy Boods Section-

Gun Metal Dressing Sets Hair-Brush Ccmb and Bsvei Glass Hand

50 t 02Bargain Friday ou

Dainty silversd sail gold plated softwhite bristle Hat Brushes 2oc1QCquality Bargain Friday

Gold plated oval photograph framesin exquisite designs worth SOc yqCBargain Friday w

A gilt for tlie men folksr A beautifal white metal set consisting of aClothes Brush Hat Brush made ofpure white bristles Soap Box MatchSafe and Mustache CombIn a box and worth 275 Bar tlgain Friday r 5IJO

A variety of Medallion Pictures reproductions of celebrated works ofart for Bargain Friday

25D 29s 49o 69G

In the Basement

A PiGtare Bargain320 Colored Photographs consisting

of a wonderful variety of subjects re-productions of famous paintings all

matted handsome gold andblack framcs sizes 21x23 inchesactual value SL79 Bargain FridayA

magnificent display ol Oil Paint-ings Water Colors Pastels ColoredPhotos Medallion Pictures DaintyGilt Clocks beautifully decoratedLamps and Goldplated Onyx Tablesfor Holiday Presents

Our Bargain TablesTABLE NO 1 Xmas Handkerchiefs100 dozen dainty lace edge Handker-

chiefs real Irish goods sheer lawnworth 12I2c Bargain Fri-day

TABLE NO 2 Pretty Brass Ink-stands various styles heavy glasswail and brass tops worth 23e 1Bargain Friday

TABLE NO 3 Applique Scarfsinches long in beautiful Irish pointeffects shams to match worth OJJC-39c Bargain Friday

TABLE NO 4 200 dozen LadiesFormfitting Heavyribbed Vestsfleece lined and well made TheseVests are manufacturers secondspirhaps one out of every half dozenhas a spot or a small place that hasbeen darned actual value 15c 1 9JC

Bargain Friday Price I

TABLE NO 5 Pretty and usefulin ebony and sterling mount-

ings consisting of wall Files NailBrushes Tooth Brushes Curlingirons Paper Cutters Blotters ShooHorns Shoe Hooks Egg Darners etcactual values 25c and just the thingsfor Christmas presents Bargain i rCFriday i I


Rain dayfin-

ished seams regular UlO 2 48ties







MIrror in a Worth





























Engraving of All Kinds Freeof Charge

100 Umbrellas

Manufacturers samples made ofsilk serge Paragon steel framessteeLrods nobby handles of finenatural treed gold or silvertrimmings ivory with sterling sil-ver Valid ebony mourning handlessilk covers and tassels none

than L50 your choice C 1 1Bargain Friday J-

Mens Furnishings500 pairs mens loc quality fast

black Son seamless double C3Theels and toes Bargain Friday

Mens TSc Percale Shirts in new andnobby stripes sizes 15 to IT wellmade and perfect fitting Bar OQCgain Friday

1000 Mens Handkerchiefs hem-stitched in plain white or col-ored herders worth lOcgain Friday JB

Childrens ClothingA chance to outfit the youngsters

with good warm Winter Clothing atthe Tery lowest prices

Childrens Top Goats c 6in allwool gray Oxford 4 fc TTvJcloths well made andfinished and worth 3for 2

Childrens Vestie Suits C9 6Q-An assortment to choose y9jjrem Plain and fancydoublebreasted vests sizes 2 to 8years 4 and 5 values for 23S

Childrens Reefers 1 fQmade of good quality Pchinchilla large sailorcoILirs regular 225 value for L43

Boys Knee Pants iaTheres 50 dozen thrownon the tables made pffirst class materials and worth 39cfor

Large spools jewel crochet and 3Cembroidery silk nIl shades

IOCyard spool best machine 9Csilk

lOc quality dozen fine pearl shirt CC

OCPrincess curling irons

1C3 papers best invisible hair pins

1C2 cards hooks and eyes

3CThite crljlaok collar formsPair superior Gumlined dress QC

shieldsLength cf guest quality frilled Of


Leather GoodsanA splendid assortment of novelty

Combination Pocketbooks ths finestleather in an shades and sterling sil-ver mountings and worth 129Bargain Friday J

Stylish Purses solidleather all colors worth 3Sc OCCBargain Friday

Full size Music Rolls alligatorleather satin fL50 QOCBargain Friday

Holiday Ribbons2so 2 Satin and Gros Grain Ribbons

pure silk and all shades full 10 yardsto a piece Regular SOc qualityBargain Friday

Best quality Baby Ribbon all I C

shades Bargain Friday per yardNo 5 allsilk Scotch Plaid Ribbon

in pretty effects worth Bar CCgain Friday

Ladies and Childrens Underwear

and HosieryLadies winterweight Jersey Ribbed

Vests and Pants fleecelined silkfinish and pearl buttons worthISo Bargain Friday J-

Childrens Union Suits extra heavyfleecelined and glove fitting inwhite only worth SIc Bargain OCCFriday

Ladies novelty ribbed Hcse fastblack silk finish

and toe worth tIc O i CFriday lt2

SOc Brooch and Lace Pins OCCBargain Friday

Pins Bargain FridaySterling Silver JTovelties Nail

Brushes Nail Files Roller BlottersTooth Brushes Paper Cutters EggDarners etc worth lIe Bar-gain Friday

The Perfumery Booth

Eastmans Royal Perfume VeronaViolets A large bottle IE a beautifuldecorated box Worth 39c Bargain Friday

One ounce pressed glass bottles ofWbodwortbs famous extracts VioletWhite Rose Blue Lilies Carnation

Lily of the Valley Wild Rose-Buds and Jockey Glob putup In OCCboxes Bargain Friday

Belezaires Extracts leading odorsa pretty glass bottle in a bar 1 AC

Bargain Friday














lOcnn nu



uI uuu2-

5c Sterling Silver Brooch T5t


L5Cn u









butt as 5-












Samuel Friedlander Co416Seventh Street4S


SPECIAL OFFERStfcrcBsh hoBdayr till 7tao


The EvansDental Parlors

Established SSSOmica N W

Branch Office SOT 7th sfc uwPAINLESS EXXRCTISO 2Se


H2 Kew York Arcane


I 1 it



I i



Up to Dec I9thI



Wonderful Ecdsction Mostuseful and mostHoliday PresentOur New 40 Antique OakDrop Head Machines 13

5 years guarantee Alimited quantity at thisprice only Come


7HBotnestia Agency


I Elegant
