thank you for coming to and for taking a look at the lessons i have added....

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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  • Thank you for coming to and for taking a look at the lessons I have added. These lessons are the result of years of teaching Sunday school at an Elementary level. God has richly blessed me in being able to share His Word with thousands of young people. It is now my privilege to share them with you. Please feel free to use them with your class, wherever God has planted you. The only think I ask is that you drop me a line and let me know who you are and how the lessons are working for you. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. samueldselby@gmail God Bless you, Sam God Bless
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  • Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest in the garden.
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  • Volunteers Needed One Jesus Character One Judas character Some Soldiers and Officials Three Disciples 4 Answer Guessers: One from each grade
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  • Previously, we learned how the crowds in Jerusalem had lined the streets to wave tree branches and toss coats onto the dusty road to pave the way for Jesus, calling Him the King of Israel. And then, just days later, Jesus had humbled Himself to wash His disciples feet during the Passover meal, something quite shocking. Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest
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  • But after the Passover meal where Jesus washed the disciples feet, things were about to get even more shocking for Jesus friends. Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest Answer Guessers Front and Center As I tell the story and we act it out, there will be a series of questions that need to be answered. When I ask the questions, you hold up the letter of the answer that you think is correct.
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  • Like I said, things were about to get really different for Jesus and His friends. It all started when Jesus and three of His disciples went to the garden of Gethsemane after dinner. When they arrived, Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to stay awake as He left them to go pray. When Jesus returned, what did He find? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A.The Disciples were having a party B.They were sleeping C.They were writing letters to their families?
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  • The right answer is B. Yep, despite the fact that the Son of God, who they believed was the true King, had asked them to stay awake and pray for Him, those three fell asleep. So, Jesus woke them up, saying, Couldnt you men keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and pray. Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest Then Jesus left the disciples again to go off and pray. And when He returned the second time, what did he find? A.The Disciples were cooking dinner B.The Disciples were praying for Jesus C.The Disciples were asleep again.
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  • Thats right; the disciples fell asleep AGAIN! Sheesh! Where is Starbucks when you need it?! So, Jesus left them one more time to go pray. Surely the disciples had figured out how to stay awake now, right? So when He returned, how do you think He found His friends? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A.The Disciples were asleep again B.The Disciples were finally praying as Jesus had asked C.They were playing a game of charades
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  • Wow! Three times Jesus asked them to stay awake and pray for Him, and each time, they fell asleep. If they had known what was about to happen, Im pretty sure they would have had no trouble at all staying awake. Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest Ok, Now we change scenes a little as Jesus and His disciples head over to a grove of olive trees where they had often gathered in the past
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  • Judas, one of the disciples, had left their dinner earlier, and suddenly, everyone knew why. Because who should arrive at the grove, but Judas, and who do you think was with him? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A.A group of Roman officials and Soldiers B.A traveling band called The Olive Branches C.The rest of the disciples If you guessed A, youre right. Behind Judas was a group of soldiers and some Roman officials. The chief priests and the Pharisees had sent them. They had brought torches, lanterns and weapons with them.
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  • Even though this was very shocking to the disciples with Jesus, Jesus was not surprised by what was happening. He spoke up to the soldiers, Who is it that you want? Jesus of Nazareth, they replied. What do you think Jesus did then? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A.Jesus disappeared from them and appeared on top of a nearby hill B.Jesus said: I am He C.Jesus said: He went that way
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  • If you guessed B, youre right! Jesus knew what was going to happen, but He didnt run. His words must have surprised everyone around Him though, because the Bible tells us that they fell to the ground. And Jesus asked them again who it was they wanted. They repeated, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus answered, I told you I am he. Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest
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  • But Peter was having NONE of this. This was NOT the plan, right? He thought Jesus was supposed to become the king He didnt deserve to be arrested. What do you think Peter did next? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A.He used his best Kung-Fu moves and took out the Soldiers. B.He and the other Disciples took off running C.He used his sword to cut off the High Priests ear Yes, as gross as it is, C is correct. Peter used his sword to strike the ear of the high priests servant. And he cut it off.
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  • I knowso disgusting. But you can imagine how Peter was feeling as he watched Jesus surrender to the soldiers. What do you think Jesus did then? Story Time: John 18:1-11 First Offense: Jesus Arrest A. He joined Peter in attacking the soldiers and servants. B. He took advantage of the opportunity to run away. C. He told Peter to put up his sword. C is correct again. I know it seems crazy, or at least it likely did to Peter, but Jesus told Peter to put away his sword. Then Jesus touched the servants ear and healed it. And Peters worst nightmare came true as Jesus was arrested and led away.
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  • It wasnt Gods plan for Jesus to be king in the way Peter had imaginedand Peter had to let it go. As he followed behind Jesus with some of the other disciples, I can only imagine what was going on in his head. Just a few days ago, Peter had seen the crowds in Jerusalem wave tree branches and throw down their coats to make a path for Jesus. He had heard the crowds chanting, Blessed is the King of Israel!
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  • So, how was it possible that now this same man was being led awaypossibly to His death?! It didnt make sense, and it was certainly NOT the plan that Peter had imagined. What was Jesus thinking?! Peter had to learn something that you and we need to know too.
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