thao ngo's theory assignment

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  • 7/24/2019 Thao Ngo's Theory Assignment


    Assignment #2

    Elements of Theory Assignment

    Fall 2015

    Objective: To become a knowledgeable consumer of nursing research, nursing students must

    be able to critically read research. This assignment provides the student an opportunity to

    recognize and identify elements of theory in research studies.

    Instructions: Complete the steps in theBegin by section. Respond to each question,

    question 7 through 12. Use complete sentences. Use the sample of the paper as your guide.

    Maximum points: 15

    Assignment due by 10-18-2015 by 2300.

    Thao Ngo

    Assignment #2 Elements of Theory Assignment

    Nursing Research

    1.The section I have chosen is: Keeping a patient standing

    2. The name of my theory is: Nightingales Theory of Standing

    3. My theory is: Stopping a patient when he is walking around can do more harm than good.

    He can fall while the nurse talks to him as it takes a lot of effort for him to stand.

    4. My major concepts are: stand, fall, harm, patient, effort

    5. My definitions are:

    Stand: act of being erect and straight up, no resting for the body

    Fall: body does not support standing any longer

    Harm: not safe, hurtful

    Patient: person who needs additional help to improve their health

    Effort: extra energy being used to order to achieve something

  • 7/24/2019 Thao Ngo's Theory Assignment


    6. My relational statement is: Making a patient stand in order to have a talk with him could

    result in a fall from the patient.