the 13 colonies and the british empire · 2019-08-09 · similarities among all 13 colonies...


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Page 1: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire


Page 2: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 3: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 4: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Dominated to a degree by a plantation economy: tobacco and rice B. Slavery existed in all five colonies C. Large land holdings were owned by aristocrats

D. Sparse population E. Religious toleration: the Church of England (Anglican Church) was the most prominent

F. Expansionist attitudes

Page 5: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 6: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Virginia 1607

1. Jamestown

- Virginia Company, and charter

2. “starving time”-75% casualty Why?

3. John Smith

4. Pocahontas

5. John Rolfe- tobacco economy

6. House of Burgesses 1619 first parliament

7. Charter revoked 1624

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Page 8: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 9: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

B. Maryland 1634

1. Proprietary colony (sir George Calvert) lord Baltimore

2. originally catholic haven

3. Act of Toleration 1649

C. Life in the Chesapeake

1. Disease (malaria, dysentery, typhoid)

2. most immigrants men

3. stabilized by the 1700’s

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Page 11: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 12: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

D. The plantation Economy 1. African and White indentured servants 2. “Headright” System -50 acres for paid passage - servitude 5-7 years for passage - freedom dues 3. Expansion through conflict - Anglo-Powhatan wars 1610-1646

E. Bacons Rebellion 1676 Frustrated former indentured servants Nathaniel Bacon- aristocrat, mobilizing against native people

then Governor Berkley Results in increased slavery and a racial ideology

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17c Population in the Chesapeake







1607 1630 1650 1670 1690



WHY this large increase in black population??

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Page 15: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. British west Indies: Barbados, Sugar, and Slavery

B. English Civil war 1640, Cromwell's Protectorate 1650

- New restoration colonies: New York, Carolina, and Pennsylvania

C. Carolina 1670

- grow food for the indies, exported natives as slaves, Rice and Indigo, Charles Town

D. North Carolina: Refugee for poor whites, democratic, tobacco, ruthless towards natives

Page 16: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

James Oglethorpe

Haven for debtors

Initially prohibited slavery, Why?

diverse but least populous

Page 17: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 18: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. West Africa

B. 400,000 out of 10-15 mil. “middle Passage”

C. Slave codes “chattel slavery”

D. Slave system and lack of mingling creates American racism

E. Slave life

F. Mixing of African cultural traditions

G. Slave rebellions: Stono rebellion 1739

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Page 20: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

Analyze the economic, social, and political factors that influenced colonial southern planters to shift from relying on indentured servants to importing Africans into slavery in the 1600s.

A counterargument to address Your stance (or answer) to the prompt ------- -------------- ------- -------- The 3 strongest supporting points for your thesis Don’t just copy the question prompt!

Page 21: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 22: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Protestant reformation

1. Martin Luther= emphasized the bible and faith

2. John Calvin: Calvinism, predestination, “elect”, “visible saints”

3. the Church of England and puritans

- Henry VIII

- Puritans

- Separatist = pilgrims

Page 23: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Pilgrims

- separatists, Rev. John Robinson, Plymouth bay, Mayflower compact

B. Native relations: Squanto and the Wampanoag's, Massasoit and Thanksgiving

C. Success and eventual merger

- still religious, fishing, fur trade, and lumber, 1691 merged with Massachusetts

Page 24: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 25: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Puritans flee persecution

B. The “Great Migration” 1630’s- 2’000 > 15’000

C. John Winthrop

- Covenant Theology

- “ We shall build a city upon a hill”

What do you think he meant?

D. Largest and most influential in New England

- fishing, shipbuilding, fur trade, lumbering; some dairy farming, and small farming of wheat and corn.

Page 26: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. 2/5 Puritan- congregational church, townhall meetings

B. Covenant theology- government to enforce gods laws C. Church leadership- John Cotton, Cambridge platform D. Representative assembly 1634 E. Dissenters -Quakers - anne Hutchinson: antinomianism - roger Williams: “liberty of conscience” F. Decline of Puritanism - Jeremiad - “Half-way Covenant” - Salem Witch Trials 1692

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Page 28: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Rhode Island 1644

- freedom of religion, complete male suffrage

B. Connecticut 1636

- Rev. Thomas Hooker, Fundamental orders

C. Maine- absorbed 1677

D. New Hampshire 1679

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Page 30: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Pequot War 1636-37

B. The New England Confederation 1643

-important step towards unity

C. King Phillips war 1675

-Metacom (Wampanoag)

Page 31: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Charles II starts crack down

B. James II establishes dominion 1686

-Mercantilism, Navigation laws, Edmund Andros

C. The Glorious revolution triggers American revolution

-catholic James II dethroned > William III

- parliament creates constitutional monarchy

- unrest in new England and Carolinas

- colonial reorganization and control

Page 32: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Geography

- soil sucks so no plantations

- trade super important:

* fishing, shipbuilding, lumber, and fur

B. Less diverse

C. “Protestant Work Ethic”

Page 33: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Puritan character: Democracy, Perfectionism, work

B. Education: Harvard 1836, Mass. School of law- Why?

C. Small villages and farms

D. New England Family

Page 34: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

What political and religious circumstances in England led to the formation and development of New England? How did religion play a role in the development of the New England colonies? How did New England differ socially, economically and politically from the southern colonies? How did Puritanism in New England lead towards democracy? Trace the decline in the prestige of the Puritan clergy in 17th century New England:

Page 35: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Excellent land for farming B. Three rivers – Susquehanna, Delaware, and Hudson – provided a means to tap the fur trade in the interior. C. Less aristocratic

D. Fewer industries than New England; more than in the South 1. Shipbuilding and lumbering also important 2. Shipping and commerce E. Population was the most ethnically mixed; religiously tolerant; democratically controlled

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Page 37: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Dutch North America: Dutch west India co., Manhattan island, New Amsterdam, Patroonship

B. Challenges and defeat by England 1. New Sweden, Peter Stuyvesant

2. Anglo-Dutch wars

C. New York Chapter of liberties 1683

D. Royal colony 1685

E. Successful trade and immigration

F. Autocratic rule 1. Lislers rebellion

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Page 39: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire
Page 40: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

Philadelphia & Boston Compared

Page 41: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Quakers 1. Refused to support the Anglican Church with taxes 2. Did not employ a paid clergy 3. Took no oaths 4. Made no deference to authority figures 5. Pacifists: refused military service; advocated passive resistance

B. William Penn: Aristocrat, “Holy Experiment” C. Massive success

1. Grain and fur trade 2. Well planned out 3. Excellent early relations with natives 4. Successful business

XVII. New Jersey 1664 and Delaware 1703 Why is there a new Jersey?

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Page 43: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

A. Class 1. Fewer class distinctions

2. No new aristocracy: too few, strong middle

3. Bacons and Lislers rebellions

B. Lifestyle 1. Most were farmers

2. Generally high standard of living

3. Land cheap wages high

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Page 45: The 13 colonies and the British empire · 2019-08-09 · Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions. Title: The 13 colonies and the British empire

Why was the Protestant Reformation ultimately important to the creation of America? How were the Puritan immigrants important to the growth of democracy in the New World? Significance of New England Confederation? Major effects of Dominion of New England? Similarities among all 13 colonies Differences among the three colonial regions.