the 2009 golden globe awards: the american television and...

The 2009 Golden Globe Awards: The American Television and Entertainment Industries' Most High Profile Collectively Underscore the Coalition’s Tenacious Resolve to Democratize Canada There are very few environments in which there is such a high percentage of coalition partners per square foot. The entertainment award show is one of them Whether the event involves television, movies, music or sports, with the exception of cabinet, military commander and corporate executive board rooms, there are so many coalition partners in one room that the synergy they feel to help with diplomatic efforts is extraordinary. 2008 proved over and over award venues were enormous and national or global platforms from which to fire diplomatic salvos Gatling gun style at Chinada’s incorrigibly arrogant and enthusiastically belligerent. The first broadcast of the 2009 season continued that tradition. In this post-assassination charged geo-political environment, it was no surprise Hollywood and New York entertainment power-brokers and America’s biggest superstars filled the East -West Corridor of Diplomacy from the beginning of the pre-show red carpet broadcast to the last moment four hours later with their presence and using a wide variety of geo-politicized remarks with everything from well-managed rage to high praise for their Canadian representative; seeking to demonstrate to both original and new Fiefdom treatise recipients how resolved they are collectively and individually at achieving stated objectives.

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Page 1: The 2009 Golden Globe Awards: The American Television and… · torture the Canadian lawyer with the largest organ

The 2009 Golden Globe Awards: The American Television and

Entertainment Industries' Most High Profile Collectively Underscore the Coalition’s Tenacious

Resolve to Democratize Canada

There are very few environments in which there is such a high percentage of coalition partners per square foot. The entertainment award show is one of them Whether the event involves television, movies, music or sports, with the exception of cabinet, military commander and corporate executive board rooms, there are so many coalition partners in one room that the synergy they feel to help with

diplomatic efforts is extraordinary. 2008 proved over and over award venues were enormous and national or global platforms from which to fire diplomatic salvos Gatling gun style at Chinada’s incorrigibly arrogant and enthusiastically belligerent. The first broadcast of the 2009 season continued that tradition.

In this post-assassination charged geo-political environment, it was no

surprise Hollywood and New York entertainment power-brokers and

America’s biggest superstars filled the East-West Corridor of Diplomacy from

the beginning of the pre-show red carpet broadcast to the last moment four

hours later with their presence and using a wide variety of geo-politicized

remarks with everything from well-managed rage to high praise for their

Canadian representative; seeking to demonstrate to both original and new

Fiefdom treatise recipients how resolved they are collectively and individually

at achieving stated objectives.

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While everyone in that coalition partner packed venue know the former have

from all appearances done absolutely nothing to advance democratization,

the jury is still out whether Canada’s chief and associate chief justices and

judges will undertake what the coalition demands of them. It is a safe bet

that when given the opportunity and resources the country’s intelligencia will

materially and efficaciously contribute to the deconstruction and

reconstitution of our political and economic systems on the federal,

provincial and local levels. But given the Canadian lawyer’s experiences in

September 2002 and January 2004, namely two-out-of-two chief justices he

sought relief from denied him to advance the Chinada agenda, the Federal

Court’s Alan Lutfy and the British Columbia Supreme Court’s Donald

Brennan, only time will tell if some, most or all the top posts in provincial

courts are also irreversibly infected with malicious judicial bias.

What was striking during the opening moments of the show was the geo-

politicization of the stage and set.

As was the case at the 2008 Grammy, Academy, Country Music, American

Music and Academy of Country Music Awards, the Golden Globes stage was

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constructed with the geo-theme of ratifying the Canadian lawyer’s

compensation1. Not only were there the five large horizontal stripes, there

was an additional smaller set of five horizontal stripes incorporated in the

design – one set for Canada and one set for China. This added laser beam

focus to the geo-political environment that not only corroborated and further

strengthened his pinnacle international persona; but also brought to the

attention of new recipients the multi-year demand he be compensated for

his twenty years of pain, suffering, injury and loss.

The use of the gesturing constituent of the lexicon was evident seconds after

the first superstar took the stage. Jennifer Lopez, attired in Presidential

quantum, ran her finger down the side of the award card – a Condi

Maneuver; and followed it with a protracted Erin Maneuver during her

scripted introduction:

Good evening everyone. Welcome. [Condi M.] Everyone having a good time [Erin M.]? This is the Golden Globes, so let’s get right to the awards.

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As she indicated what the first award of the evening was the camera cut to

Amy Adams, who, on cue, executed two Diaz Maneuvers – the first of many

insertions of the lexicon during the course of the evening.

Eva Longoria, a long-time coalition partner and major coalition contributor

chose the Canada color scheme; and used her time on stage to increase the

geo-political heat in the room.

Each year it has been a tradition [protracted Isolation-Deprivation M. X2] for the Hollywood Foreign Press [CNBC M.] to choose a Hollywood second generation performer to assist in the presentation of the awards.

The first gesture mimicked the physical part of intimacy. That was

immediately followed by a full screen black out for a few seconds – a CNBC

Maneuver. This was a powerful reminder of how angry coalition partners are

that the Canadian lawyer lost twenty years of love, romance, intimacy and

family creation opportunities to enslaving human experimentation. And this

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instance again revealed a highly coordinated and pre-scripted tag-team

between superstar and broadcast control booth director.

The chosen representative of young Hollywood was the teenage daughter of

Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, Rumer Willis – attired in justice:

Hayden Panettiere and Don Cheadle continued proving what the main theme

of the event was beyond the ratification of quantum – prison certainty:

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John Depp appeared on stage to announce an award; and he too used his

few minutes in front of his peers, the world and those watching in the East-

West Corridor:

[Diaz M.; Eva M.] It’s my great privilege [Diaz M.] to present the award for best actress in a motion picture, musical or comedy [CBS M. X2].

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Arrangements were made to capture Johnny executing one of his several

lexiconic gestures – and the backdrop was lighted to underscore the

objective of delivering justice to a lawless Canada where power, wealth and

secret international affairs intersect.

When the camera cut to one of the nominees, Sally Hawkins, she executed

an in-your-face double Clooney Maneuver – quickly raising her finger to her

nose and stroking it; proving that newcomers to the elite community of

American entertainment had been instructed on the ways of the coalition.

And when she won and the camera returned to her, she executed another

Clooney Maneuver to demonstrate from an accumulation perspective how

much emphasis had been placed on this platform delivering unanimity to

Fiefdom treatise recipients just how galvanized and committed the attendees

continue to be.

Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange announced an award together. Here

treatise recipients can observe the creation of a new element of the lexicon.

Drew: Good evening. [Jessica: Mariah M.] [both chuckle] Jessica: From fictional stories that ring true to life [grabs Drew round

waist] to true stories that ring true like fiction… Drew: …Here are the nominees for …

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The gesture was used in a coalition-charged environment, by a coalition

partner and when uttering a word, phrase or sentence that had geo-political

import relating to the Chinada threat; thus meeting the criteria for becoming

a new addition to the lexicon: the Lange Maneuver. The communiqué

reflected the adage that ‘fact can be stranger than fiction’ – clearly relevant

to the Canadian lawyer’s predicament in all its legal, sociological,

constitutional, international and historical dimensions.

When Demi Moore took the stage, there was more of what’s been fired non-

stop at those who can’t take a hint: prison is certain since there was no

taking responsibility, no remorse and only more criminality, tortious conduct,

human rights violations and United Nation Charter infringements:

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Laura Linney employed the lexicon when she accepted her award:

[Dbl Diaz M.] When you’re lucky enough to have a few decades in this business, every once in a while a job comes along that you know is extraordinarily special. And one that you’ll be deeply proud of.

She was articulating what coalition partners feel daily like the Canadian

lawyer – that they’re all contributing to a very critical process; one of

historic and monumental proportions and involving the world’s most genius

people; and there’s profound personal satisfaction when advances and

successes are observed.

Alec Baldwin won an award and also geo-politicized his acceptance speech:

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I feel so old – I remember when I used to bring Rumor Willis a juice box on the set of the movie. Thank you, um, [Sharapova M.] I want to thank – obviously – I mean when you do this show the first thing you want to say is Thank you Tina. Thank you Tina. Thank you Tina.

The geo-gesture red flagged the coalition’s universally held believe that

Canada’s leaders and their supporters have attained nothing more than

pubescent-level cognitive and moral development.

That was immediately followed by another director camera instruction; this

time turning in on Tina Fey. Behind her an attendee, wearing a prison

certainty colored arm bracelet, began itching the back of her hand to reflect

back into the East-West Corridor the use of stealth cognition technologies to

torture the Canadian lawyer with the largest organ in the body – the skin. It

is to be recalled what the rationale for the creation and daily use of many of

the gestures in the lexicon are; namely to condemn the use of hypnosis to

torture people with their own bodies.

Terrance Howard and Megan Fox introduced an award; and when the camera

cut to Amy Adams again as a general audience shot, she quickly executed

an in-your-face Clooney Maneuver.

Terrance: The actors in this category [Megan: Cl.M.] have not only been nominated for Golden Globes collectively, they’ve

also been recognized for their work from the Oscars, the Emmys and the Tonys.

The purpose behind this choreographed use of the lexicon was to continue

high profiling the Canadian lawyer’s international persona.

When Lawrence Fishburne presented an award, he too showed the unanimity

of opinion about what should happen to the malfeasant. The red carpet

photograph demonstrates he and his wife are of the same view on what

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consequences should entail. Her dress is another example of uber-fashion

mobilized for geo-political purposes: two sets of coalition identifying three

prison certainty stripes on a justice background:

Just how aggressively the award show’s principals and participants wanted

to impress upon new Fiefdom treatise members and remind the old how

much television and movie productions have been geo-politicized, a clip from

the cable TV show ‘Entourage’ was broadcast as part of a nominee segment.

It was chosen because there were several uses of the lexicon and several

powerful communiqués. The setting involves five actors walking on the

beach, one of which plays a star asking about his career:

Star: Is there any kind of role in this form me in this movie – any one that requires me to act – the same kind of role Shia LeBouf had in ‘Disturbia’?

[Jeremy Piven: B.M.]

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Actor 1: You looked scared a few times; smile girls want you; then laugh your way all the way to Raiders of the Lost Arc.

Star: [Colbert M.] Sounds challenging [Piven: Erin M.; Actor

#1: Erin M.] Piven: Listen, we need to get the [Actor #1: Colbert M.] 18 to

25 year olds back – the ones who’ve forgotten you exist. Star: They’ve forgotten I exist. Actor #1: Don’t take it personally bro; the whole country’s on the

mat. [Piven: Federer M.]

The communiqués embedded in this scene are:

Canada’s political and economic leaders and their followers are disturbed

– they’re clinical psychopaths and need to be removed from power and

the corporate board room so they can’t cause any more pain, suffering,

injury, loss and death

There is no denying that the threat posed by Chinada – having

militarized money and found the backdoor to consciousness that affords

a unique way to undermine democratic institutions, capitalist structures

and processes and military security protocols; and thus the coalition

faces a challenge in dealing with this threat to the peace, security and

prosperity of the world

Another generation of Canadians is about to be lost to the fiefdom-

authoritarian paradigm of governance; who have been or are in the

process of being recruited by the security apparatus and turned into

psychopaths for the stat

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Everyone in Canada’s ruling elite are facing covert regime change; and

there are no exceptions – they’re all going to experience the sting of

international justice.

When Sean Combes and the uber-fashion prison certainty and quantum

ratifying attired Kate Beckinsale jointly announced the nominees for an

award, there was more tag-teaming involving coalition partners. As he said

“Good evening” Kate looks into the camera and executes an embellished

Maneuver combining Diaz and Brooke gestures to make direct contact with

the Canadian lawyer and everyone else in the East-West Corridor – proving

just how much intent there was in that room of power-brokers and

superstars to saturate the confidential diplomatic environment with their


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Another set of stars to present an award was Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, Jane

Krakowski and David Duchovny. Tina also dressed for the occasion:

David spent a decade in Vancouver filming the television phenomenon and

super hit X-Files. He fired his own salvo of disgust at the incorrigibly

malfeasant; repeating the Alec Baldwin description of Canada’s top tier of

power and wealth and confirming what all coalition partners knows is the

only ending to this early 21st century clash of civilizations:

David: [B.M.] I just got a text from my wife and she said that, um, my son is very upset that I lost; because he wants me to come home happy; and I just want Miller to know

that I’m very happy – so thank you all. Jane: [protracted Maria M.] I’m very happy too [underscore added]

Jane adds that she and her geo-politically mobilized colleagues and

counterparts are all “very happy”. Why? Because they know coalition

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members, and especially political and military leaders, are putting

everything they have into challenging this next wave of globally-spreading


The unrelenting employment of the lexicon and generation of communiqués

both during the red carpet and award show portions of the evening created a

super-charged environment – one in which the lifetime achievement award

recipient, Steven Spielberg, took to the next level: pushing the geo-political

significance of the evening into the stratosphere of history. Everyone in the

diplomatic corridor knew exactly where he stood on the most important

global conflict of the early 21st century: Steven Spielberg’s On the Lot.

The presenter, himself a Hollywood institution – Martin Scorsese – turned

the Golden Globe stage red hot when he began his introduction with a

lexiconic gesture; right after which was a retrospective on Steven’s forty

years of filmmaking; and in which there were exactly five uses of the lexicon

– another uber-genius way of embedding a ratification of the Canadian

lawyer’s entitlement.

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When I [Branson M.] think of Steven Spielberg I think of history. History dramatized and told on film. Our personal history together – Steven and I goin’ on about 38 years now.

Upon describing him as “the most successful filmmaker to ever step behind a

camera” the retrospective began; and included these five geo-politicized


(1) First segment: photo of Steven in an Execution Maneuver pose. Martin’s voiceover timed to it is “I stand amazed at his consummate skill”. The

purpose was to compare Steven’s abilities as a director and producer with the Canadian lawyer’s academic capabilities.

(2) Schindler’s List – clip of Nazi wiping nose – executing a double Clooney

Maneuver – while walking past concentration camp victims; followed by a scene involving Schindler and a Nazi; the former asking “What’s a person worth?”; to which the reply was “No, no, no. no. What’s one worth to you?”. The purpose was to draw attention to how much value there is in Canadians

like the lawyer – chattelized and thus only worth in their utility to advancing state domestic and foreign policy interests; in this case being an enslaved human experimentation victim and schadenfreude and propaganda generation mechanism.

(3) Saving Private Ryan – photo of beach scene beginning with Tom Hanks;

camera filming the photograph pans upwards to include Steven hovering

over him and giving directions; Steven in a Shania Maneuver pose timed to Martin’s voiceover “marvel at his ability to conjure a sense of awe up there on the screen resulting in images that are genuinely transcendent”. The purpose is to again draw a comparison between the uber-genius filmmaker and the coalition’s Canadian representative.

(4) Photograph of Steven and Tom Hanks behind the camera; Steven in prison

certainty and justice; timed to Steven’s voice “I love that” – referring to the

sentences to be adjudged for the crimes committed.

(5) Band of Brothers – graphic of the characters lined up on a hill top, followed by a clip of a concentration camp survivor in prison garb.

With that introduction Steven took the stage to a standing ovation; and then

proceeds to profoundly geo-politicize most of his speech when accepting the

Cecil B. DeMille Award. He wasted not a geo-political moment of time

articulating where his appreciations were also to be directed:

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[Bernanke M. X4] Thank-you my friend [Martin]; and we have known each other about goin’ on 39 years. This is – standing here right now I can just say I’m about to talk a little about CB DeMille; but [points to Martin] there’s my inspiration, right there.

[audience applause] Um, [Bernanke M.; Clooney M.] I’d like to talk about one of my first and most vivid childhood memories – was the first time I ever saw a movie. My father took me to a theater in Philadelphia to see a [Bl.M.] film by the man this honor has been named for: Cecil B. DeMille. And the film was called ‘The Greatest Show on Earth’. […] After seeing that movie the one thing that

stood out in that film was a sequence of maybe the biggest train wreck that had possibly been put on film [Brooke M.]. And it terrified me [because] we traveled by rail. But instead CB DeMille inspired me to tell stories. He got me into model railroading with my first electric train set. And what I used to do was try to re-create that epic sequence [audience member: Zeta-Jones M.] from that greatest show by running my trains at fill speed into any obstacle that I could put in the tracks and in front of it; until my dad finally

warned me [Bl.M.] that if I did it again there would be no train set to wreck. […] I have to thank CB DeMille for inspiring me to make my first movie and giving me this honor has real personal meaning. Wherever you are CB, thank you [Bernanke M.]. [audience applause]

[…] None of the movies that I’ve made throughout my whole life [Pfeiffer M.] could have been possible though without someone first believing in me. And I really believe that being a mentor to talented newcomers is a very time honored tradition. [examples] So this is a creative renewal that our business cannot ever exist without [Pfeiffer M.]. My mentor and supporter when I was

twenty-two was the former head of Universal Studios Sid Sheinberg; who said something I have [Bl.M.] never forgotten; and he said I will always be there for you in success – but I will also always be there during the tough times. And so it has been a highlight in my career that thanks to [Bl.M.] that kind of loyalty and that kind of [success] I’ve achieved over my nearly four decades

of movie-making, um, nearly, what an [Branson M.] an opportunity was given to me to be an enabler. […]

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And I’m feeling my history tonight. Because all along with Kate and my family, [Pfeiffer M.], um, there are so many people in this room who I know and who are my friend and colleagues.

View video

The communiqués generated by Steven’s use of the lexicon are as follows:

Acknowledging and being grateful for the work done by the Canadian lawyer and coalition

Underscores the previous references to Canada’s leaders and supporter as pubescent – totally underdeveloped cognitively and morally and thus

ought not to be exercising political or economic power

The Canadian lawyer’s life is so much of a road never traveled it is is perfect for a feature film

Chinada principals and Canada’s leadership and supporters will feel what it’s like to be hunted, arrested, prosecuted, sentenced and punished for their crimes and violations of international law

They’ve been warned sufficiently that they can never claim they weren’t

given sufficient advanced notice what the consequences were for not agreeing to negotiate a settlement of outstanding differences – and since they refused to stand down their criminality, tortious conduct, human rights violations and infringements of the U.N. Charter they won’t have the privilege of governing or running big corporations

The Canadian lawyer is someone who deserves to be believed in: for his

past sufferings and for his intellectual capabilities – ones that rightly permit him the opportunity to govern if he wants, to run large corporations if he desires and to take his rightful place amongst the global elite to aid in grand philanthropic endeavors

He is to be mentored so that he can achieve his full potential just like the film industry and other industries do to ensure the health and prosperity of its constituents

The Canadian lawyer will be supported, protected and nurtured – and will be so both during the good and the bad times

He has shown over the years he is loyal and committed to the national

and economic security interests of the United States and all the other countries that are threatened by the China-Canada alliance

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His dedication and tenacious resolve to advance coalition interests and objectives justifies being an enabler to help him advance those goals

Concludes with high profiling the isolation-deprivation issue –

acknowledges the abomination that is enslaving and torturous human experimentation that robbed the Canadian lawyer of a family and gives justification to doing what is necessary to help him make up for lost time.

The program’s geo-politicized moments continued when Emma Thompson

and Dustin Hoffman took the stage to jointly present an award. She

executed a double Diaz maneuver to “…some of the finest directors in

motion pictures” and added a third – contributing to the consensus about the

Canadian lawyer’s skills and talents. She goes on to acknowledge how much

she enjoys being a coalition partner with “I just wanted to say that we’d love

to work with [those directors] again [CBS M.]”.

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Sandra Bullock was also in uber-fashion attire: comprised of a incredibly

clever combination of prison certainty with an eight layer acknowledgment

of the Chinese global hegemony threat:

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She stated “I get to present a very interesting category. […] Our first

nominee plays a painter who gets to use his paint brush on […] Penelope

Cruz”. The camera cut to Penelope who executes an in-your-face Clooney

Maneuver – sliding her finger down her nose to create a most embellished

gesture of global proportions.

[prison certainty, Branson-Diaz M.]

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Colin Ferrell took the stage to accept his award and fully geo-politicized his

acceptance speech – accentuating the previous three and a half hours and

going to that profound level of coercive diplomacy that reminds those

threatening the civilized world what happens when illegally mobilized

military and economic power seeks to destabilize the civilized world:

[Preston M.] Thank-you. Cheers. Thanks a million. […] An absolute shock, truly [Cl.M., protracted Erin M.] to even get the nomination to be here and be a part of such a piece [Eva M.]. I have to of course thank my family at home in Dublin or I’ll be killed.

[…] [protracted Richie-Santelli M.] To work for Martin was a dream, and I love you. […] There’s [Eva M., protracted Brooke M.] some people that I work with – that I’ve worked with – in the last eight years since I’ve been doin’ this and they kind of transcend the functions that they serve creatively and professionally in my life.

[…] I think [protracted Eva M.] you know I’ve really enjoyed my time with you over the last eight years. I really look forward to that insane hour that we spend together – I really do. And thank-you for this memory. I’m very humbled [end M.]”

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Colin too thanks the Canadian lawyer and coalition for their contributions to

the peace, security and prosperity of 21st century civilization; and conveys

his appreciation for becoming a coalition partner. He also uses his few

moments on the global stage to best advantage – choosing the ‘gun to the

temple’ Richie-Santelli Maneuver to underscore what so many of his geo-

partners have articulated over the years – that a failure to capitulate has its

most serious consequences.

Cameron Diaz and Mark Wallberg presenting an award; and they delivered a

script authored to stress a particular emotional constituent of the diplomacy:

Mark: I’m not too good – ‘Entourage’ lost.

Cameron: Sorry, how’s Kevin? Mark: Kevin’s very depressed. Cameron: I’m sorry Kevin.

Mark: He [B.M.] hates Alec Baldwin, but what are you gonna do [Erin



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The comeback recipient of the evening was clearly Mickie Rourke – a most

recent addition to the Canadian lawyer’s client list. The new coalition

partner was reeling from the fact he won; but still employed the lexicon to

not just show his appreciation for being welcomed back to an industry he

almost abandoned. He was also thankful for being so embraced that he was

offered coalition membership:

Wow. [Michaels M.] This [Bernanke-Zeta-Jones-Bernanke M.] has been

a… [audience applause] … very long, long, long, long, long road back for me. […] Several years ago I was almost out of this business and a young man naked [X] got in touch with me and he kinda put his whole career on the line by representing me [protracted Geo W. M.]; sayin’ he wanted to represent me. And he did a hell of a job.

While that was the end of what was a powerfully geo-politicized award show,

that wasn’t the end of it. The next day’s morning television programs that

reported on the event and that evening’s entertainment news programs like

‘Entertainment Tonight’ and ‘Access Hollywood’ became platforms of

diplomacy in their own right. The best example of that is seen in an

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interview about the runaway hit of the awards – the Indian production

‘Slumdog Millionaire’ – a story about a young lad who wins a million dollars

playing the game show ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’. Just how fast

coalition partners instruct newcomers to help with diplomacy is evident in

what is observed during a morning live interview added to the ‘NBC Nightly

News’ segment on the awards. The star of the show was choreographed to

mimic a hypno-itch – in this case a Judd Maneuver – on cue:

We were at the Golden Globes and it was just amazing, you know [protracted J.M.] It's taken my breath away.

View video

The pre-show red carpet was also a stage to be capitalized upon.

Photographic Diplomacy* includes these stars attending the event and using

attire colors and patterns to make geo-points:

Lisa Rinna [prison certainty]

Vanessa Hudgens [prison certainty, condemnation]

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Nancy O’Dell [Access Hollywood]

[Presidential quantum, quantum]

Shawn Robinson [Access Hollywood]


Tony Potts [Access Hollywood] [prison certainty]

Brooke Burke [Access Hollywood]

[prison certainty]

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Salma Hayek [prison certainty]

Miley Cyrus [prison certainty]