the 2009 international day of peace

The 2009 International Day of Peace Activities related to the work of The World Peace Prayer Society, uniting the hearts of humanity through the prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” Report to The United Nations May Peace Prevail On Earth Nepal India Pakistan Uganda U.S.A. Germany Peru Australia Palestine Austria

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Page 1: The 2009 International Day of Peace

The 2009


Day of Peace

Activities related to the work of

The World Peace Prayer Society,

uniting the hearts of humanity through the prayer,

“May Peace Prevail on Earth”

Report to The United Nations

May Peace Prevail

On Earth











Page 2: The 2009 International Day of Peace


Page 3: The 2009 International Day of Peace


The 2009 International

Day of Peace

Report to the United Nations

Activities related to the work of the World Peace Prayer Society, uniting the hearts of humanity through the prayer,

“May Peace Prevail on Earth”

Compiled by Deborah Moldow Representative to the United Nations THE WORLD PEACE PRAYER SOCIETY

26 Benton Road Wassaic, NY 12592

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The World Peace Prayer Society

is a proud member of the

Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI).

The material contained in this report has also been submitted to

Pathways To Peace for inclusion in its

"Annual Report of the Culture of Peace Initiative,"

dedicated to the United Nations and to UNESCO's

International Decade for the Culture of Peace

and Non-Violence

for the Children of the World


Page 5: The 2009 International Day of Peace



The World Peace Prayer Society and the International Day of Peace

The United Nations International Day of Peace 2009 Student Observance


















KOREA (Republic of)














Washington, DC














North Carolina

New Jersey

New York




The United Religions Initiative – Letter from the Executive Director

The World Peace Prayer Society Internet Peace Prayer Marathon

May Peace Prevail on Earth

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The World Peace Prayer Society and The International Day of Peace

At the United Nations and Around the World History The World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS) has been promoting the International Day of Peace (IDP) at the United Nations and with the United Nations since 1996. Inspired by the work of our sister NGO, Pathways To Peace, to bring this day, originally designated by the UN General Assembly in 1981, to worldwide recognition and observance, WPPS saw Peace Day as a perfect opportunity for people of all nations and religions to join in the common prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The Society!s IDP observance began modestly with a panel discussion at the Harvard Club in 1996 featuring Robert Muller, former UN Assistant Secretary-General and pioneer of the IDP. In 1997, WPPS UN Representative Deborah Moldow heard Mr. Hassan Ferdous of the UN Department of Public Information speak about inviting school children to various significant days at the UN and mentioned that she had some suggestions for the International Day of Peace. Mr. Ferdous invited her to help draft a program for the students, and develop an activity with the UN!s new web site for children, the CyberSchoolBus. The CyberSchoolBus went on to publish a peace poem compiled of contributions from children around the world, and has remained an active promoter of the IDP.

Deborah and Monica Willard, then representing Pathways To Peace, met with various members of the DPI staff to create an exciting program the following September. Ms. Lyutha Al-Mughairy, then Chief of the Public Liaison Service of DPI, agreed to try out the World Peace Flag Ceremony with the students raising the flag of each Member State as the finale to the event. The Flag Ceremony was such a rousing success that it became an integral part of the student observance as it grew over the years. Growing Success There were many changes over the coming years: a special “Millennium Peace Day” event was held in 2000; the International Decade for a Culture of Peace

and Nonviolence for the Children of the World was launched by the UN General Assembly in 2001; the 2001 IDP was fatefully scheduled for September 11th, when New York suffered the World Trade Center attacks; as of 2002, the IDP was fixed on 21 September. The 2001 General Assembly resolution (GA 52-282) also strengthened the IDP by calling for a day of global ceasefire and nonviolence, and “Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.” The efforts of Jeremy Gilley and his organization Peace One Day to pass this resolution and promote the day of peace helped greatly to expand both awareness and participation. But the student observance remained a collaboration between the Dept. of Public Information and its NGO partners, including the World Peace Prayer Society, Pathways To Peace, and The United Religions Initiative. There was growing support by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and the constant presence of his lovely wife, Nane Annan, who made it a point to be at the student observance every year. The Flag Ceremony, with its inspiring theme of “May Peace Prevail on Earth,” continues to be a highlight of the event. Many other features have expanded, such as adding a link via teleconference to various UN peacekeeping sites, where children gathered to take part and share their stories. Schools from the NYC area and beyond have been invited to participate and always want to return. Young people who have made real contributions to peace have been invited to talk about their projects. And an exciting relationship has grown with the Messengers of Peace, appointed by the Secretary-General, who have graced the program with their passion and expertise–including Jane Goodall, Michael Douglas, Muhammad Ali, Elie Wiesel and Yo-Yo Ma.

2007 marked the first International Day of Peace for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who put his full support behind the day with a powerful message urging “a passion for peace” and attendance at the

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student observance. His wife, Yoo Soon-taek, known as Mrs. Ban, continued the tradition of spending the morning with the students, ringing their peace bell at 12 noon, and raising the flag of the United Nations in the World Peace Flag Ceremony. Around the World – and the Wordwide Web Yet the success of the student observance at the UN, involving more than 6,000 school children over the past twelve years, represents only a fraction of the work that the World Peace Prayer Society has helped to spearhead with our NGO colleagues, to spread celebration of the International Day of Peace around the world. The WPPS shares leadership of the IDP NGO Committee with its partners, Pathways To Peace and the United Religions Initiative, and all three organizations build participation around the world. In the 1990!s, the WPPS encouraged a Moment of Silence at 12 noon in schools, and many responded enthusiastically. WPPS members, volunteer WPPS Peace Representatives in 40 countries, and sympathizers began planting Peace Poles on the International Day of Peace, and then gathering at their Peace Pole on subsequent IDPs for a Moment of Silence or prayers for peace on Earth. On several occasions, the World Peace Festival in Amenia, New York was held on or around the International Day of Peace, and the WPPS was also invited to bring the World Peace Flag Ceremony to the event organized by UN staff members in New York!s Central Park for the past several years. But the greatest factor in increasing worldwide participation in the International Day of Peace has been the advent of the Internet. WPPS augmented its IDP promotion, displays, brochures and flyers, to include a strong web presence and email outreach. The Society has continued to work in close partnership with Pathways To Peace, which has maintained an extraordinary resource for the IDP at One of the most successful features of the original IDP site developed by Robert Alan Silverstein has been the draft proclamations, which have inspired many mayors, governors, and even national leaders to proclaim the International Day of Peace as a day of nonviolence and cease-fire in their part of the world. Jeremy

Gilley!s site invites strong participation. Another resource, begun by George d!Angelo and Jack Gannon, is, promotes an annual International Day of Peace Vigil that has inspired the participation of numerous religious and interfaith groups worldwide, many of which include the universal prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The UN Department of Public Information has greatly increased its IDP outreach through Twitter, Facebook and MySpace, and the NGOs have expanded their use of social networks as well. Plus the worldwide web has become home to IDP webcasts, on the UN site, at (for the Culture of Peace Initiative), and at The Spirit of the International Day of Peace The International Day of Peace, originating at the world!s only universal multinational institution, the United Nations, has now become a peoples! celebration around the world, growing stronger, broader and more meaningful every year. There are thousands of concerts, vigils, gatherings and many different kinds of events for peace in every UN Member State. Every time even one individual pauses for a Minute of Silence and say a prayer for peace, humanity comes one step closer to achieving a culture of peace. In the pages that follow is a sampling of events in the United States and around the world where people observed the UN International Day of Peace with a Peace Pole, a World Peace Flag Ceremony, or simply the prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” In the future, we hope that the International Day of Peace will be recognized as the first worldwide holiday. In the meantime, the World Peace Prayer Society will support the United Nations in spreading the International Day of Peace around the world with the prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth!”

Deborah Moldow Representative to the United Nations

The World Peace Prayer Society

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On Friday 18 September, more than 1200 excited students, teachers and chaperones entered the United Nations lobby to take part in the student observance of the UN International Day of Peace. The UN would be closed on the 21st to honor the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. The theme was “Disarm Now for a Better World.” All who entered were treated to the beautiful music of the Mt. Fuji Byakko Choir, resplendent with the women in their gorgeous Japanese kimonos singing music of peace. 192 students, most from the UN International School, carried the flags of the UN Member States out to the lovely Rose Garden, led by Deborah Moldow, UN Representative of the World Peace Prayer Society, and Avon Mattison, founder and president of Pathways To Peace.


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon entered, accompanied by Mrs. Ban (Yoo Soon-taek), H.E. Dr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, who is the President of the 64th UN General Assembly, UN Messenger of Peace Dr. Jane Goodall, and the Permanent Representative of Japan, H.E. Mr. Yukio Takasu. Mr. Ban delivered his International Day of Peace message, stating that: Combatants, warlords, arms suppliers and their sponsors continue to display a cruel disrespect for life. On this International Day of Peace, I remind all of them that there is another way. A better way. The path of peace. We should be encouraged that war between nations is happening less often. Diplomacy and negotiation are becoming a more frequent choice.

And even where States are torn by internal strife, history shows that peace can prevail if there is sufficient will. The Secretary-General then called for a Minute of Silence and rang the Peace Bell, as the 192 students lifted high the flags of all nations and a dove was released into the Rose Garden.


The students filed inside the UN headquarters to take part in the annual student observance. So many had registered that the UN assigned an additional conference room for overflow. The students already inside had been watching the Peace Bell ceremony and also various videos about disarmament. The program began with Under Secretary-General Kiyotaka Akasaka introducing the Secretary-General to greet the students, followed by remarks by the President of the General Assembly. Presentations were offered by Dr. Michael Adams of the International Association of University Presidents, Dr. Jane Goodall, Sergio Duarte, the UN High Representative of Disarmament Affairs, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, and Mr. Randy Rydell of the Office of the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs. The students watched a video called “The Nuclear Genie” that won a competition, and they heard a chilling “Bee Bee Demonstration” by Ms. Kathleen Sullivan, Educational Consultant to the Office for

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Disarmament Affairs, showing the overwhelming power of current nuclear weapons compared to the firepower of those deployed in World War II.

Youth moderator Ms. Allie Francis of the Vermont Peace Academy was introduced to lead the remainder of the program. Members of the Vermont Peace Academy played an exquisite piece called “Mem Shanti – Into Peace” on sitar, violin and cello. Ms. Francis introduced a video of children in Iraq called “When Flowers Are Killed No Conscience Can Rest.” The program then moved into a dialogue with three UN Peacekeeping sites, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), Sudan (UNMIS), and Liberia (UNMIL). These sites were teleconferenced in live on a giant screen. Students at each site had prepared a presentation, very moving to the American students watching. Questions were shared among the sites, as well as with the students at the UN.

It was almost time for the 12 noon Minute of Silence. Monica Willard of the United Religions Initiative explained the significance of the Minute of Silence on the International Day of Peace, which would be observed by people in prayer all over the world. She introduced Mrs. Ban, the wife of the Secretary-General, to ring the World Peace Prayer Society!s peace bell, which was made of recycled weapons of war. Mrs. Ban rang the bell, while everyone rose for a Minute of Silence, which Monica closed with “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The program resumed with presentations by several young people who had made special contributions to peace, including a passionate representative of the Hip-Hop Youth Council, using hip-hop rhythms to promote non-violence. Continuing with the theme of music for peace, Aaron “A-Cozy” Thevenin was invited to perform his rap song, “Peace Pose,” encouraging the audience to “strike a peace pose – freeze!” Everyone enjoyed moving into their poses to Aaron!s rhythms, which included the repeated phrase, “May Peace Prevail on Earth, and let it begin with me.” This was later used in the World Peace Flag Ceremony finale.

Three young African refugees were shown in a video Public Service Announcement produced by Odyssey Networks to ask people to take a Minute of Silence and prayer on the International Day of Peace. These youth presented the signatories to Odyssey!s on-line Peace Pledge to Mr. Eric Falt, Director of the Outreach Division of the UN Department of Public Information. Mr. Falt then offered a vote of thanks, giving special recognition to the three NGOs that helped with the program over the years: Pathways To Peace, The World Peace Prayer Society and the United Religions Initiative. Then came the grand finale: the World Peace Flag Ceremony. Deborah Moldow of the World Peace Prayer Society invited the students to participate by raising the flags of the UN Member States. The students circled the room, including the back railing of the upper level seats. Deborah then asked Aaron Thevenin to come back and teach everyone his chant for peace, so that the audience could sing along while the flag bearers waved the flags. The ceremony, which was accompanied by a slide presentation showing the locations of the regions of the world, consisted of saying the names of the nations one by one as the students raised the matching flag. Everyone shouted out the country names with great joy and applauded the regions. Even the young people in the Peacekeeping sites took part. The ceremony concluded with Allie Francis raising the flag of the United Nations, while the others held their flags high and saying three times, “May Peace Be in the United Nations. May Peace Prevail on Earth.” Many students left the room still rapping, “May Peace Prevail on Earth, and let it begin with me!”

The UN webcast of the International Day of Peace Program can be seen in full at

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Bella Vista City

On the International Peace Day In Bella Vista City, we performed a beautiful World Peace Prayer Ceremony. 10 people attended, including my daughter, who gave the flags to the participants.

We read words by Masami Saionji, chairperson of the World Peace Prayer Society, to open the event. After that we performed the ceremony and at the end we danced peace dances, guided by Mare. It was so powerful! Infinite love and deep light to all humankind, Andrea Jacqueline Solana Buenos Aires

On Monday 21st of September the Peace Council, different associations, NGOs and schools from various states of Argentina who came to the city in order to take part in the ceremony met to celebrate the International Day of Peace at Plaza de las Naciones Unidas (United Nations Plaza, Buenos Aires).

They gave us beautiful songs, along with the universal hands language, typical dances, indigenous music, and the usual three rounds of peace prayer joined with the sound of the drums. Also, this year, “Proyecto 3milenio” made a pledge for "A Million Minutes of

Peace," being part of the campaign of Odyssey Networks.

It has been a wonderful day, with a full sun that came with springtime and it was also a day of union, solidarity, brotherhood and, above all, full of peace. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Lic. Susi Reich WPPS Peace Representative United Religions initiative Argentina AUSTRALIA

Mt. Sampson, Queensland

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Activities pertaining to peace were conducted in five separate schools and on the IDP, six days of wonderful sharing. All schools held quite distinct programs encompassing interfaith, Welcome to Country, World Peace Prayer Ceremonies, World Peace Flame, Mandalas, Peace Pole plantings, drama, poetry, etc. All inspiring –– particularly as it was the youth who 'drove' most of these events. Dear Friends of Peace, I returned to very wet Wind Song last Thursday night after 3 wonderful days celebrating International Day of Peace in and around Sydney.

The main celebration was in Martin Place in the heart of Sydney. Biannca Pace of the Ministry for Peace had organised over 12 hours of music, dancing, readings from various scriptures and a video link up with the celebrations in Assisi. Many schools were represented and all the students carried flags for the World Peace Prayer Ceremony The flags were those we used at Symphony of Peace Prayers in Hobart and were gifted to the care of Jenny Funston by members of Byakko Shinko Kai in Japan. They are all hand-made and carry a very strong energy - there were many tears of joy when the flags were paraded. The school celebrations were also very moving. The entry of the World Peace Flame followed by the flags at Chevalier was inspirational and set a wonderful atmosphere for the Chevalier event. Visiting schools were invited to light candles from the Peace Flame to take back to their respective schools. At the conclusion the flags led the procession out and formed a 'guard of honour' for us to walk through - Wow!

The Hunters Hill High School event was totally run by the students - once again the Peace Flame played a major part of the celebration. Students addressed the issues of peace and conflict, what it is like to live in a safe country and there was a marvelous, short piece of drama by Year 7 students which summed this all up. The poem "Lost Generation" was read by a Year 9 student. The finale was the singing of "We Are the World" - it was strong, full of energy and very sincere. It was a great joy to be part of all of this, to meet new friends and make new connections. Our peace work can only grow from such experiences. Love, peace and harmony to all, Tom Teniswood, International Lecturer Byakko Shinko Kai (Japan) Triabunna, Tasmania

Sydney Peace / Prayer Vigil

“Let Peace Prevail on Earth”

Martin Place Plaza, 6am to 8pm on Monday, 21st September

For the first time, Martin Place will play host to a 14 hour peace vigil as Sydneysiders, city workers, school children and tourists come together to celebrate the United Nations! International Day of Peace, Monday 21 September 2009. Coordinated by the Ministry for Peace for the fourth year in a row, the vigil marks the United Nations! global call for ceasefire and non-violence, with Sydney displaying the city!s desire for a peaceful existence on the day. The event will be telecast for the first time to the city of Assisi, known worldwide as the "city of peace.!

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Special Guests: • The Mayor Dott. Claudio Ricci gave a

message of peace and goodwill to the people of Sydney and Australia

• The Bishop of Assisi gave a 1-minute message of peace and goodwill to us.

• The 4 Orders of Franciscan Monks. • Leaders of the Christian, Buddhist, Muslim,

Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, Baha!i, Brahma Kumaris, Zoroastrians, Anglicans etc.

Report from Organiser: A few photos capture the spirit of the day. My gratitude to all who participated, the volunteers, the school headmasters/mistress the teachers who accompanied the students our Youth Leaders and Youth Peace Ambassadors and of course our very wonderful presenters and our Religious Leaders. Thank you one and all it was a perfect day with the most perfect weather. We don't believe in miracles, we rely on them! Our Prime Ministers birthday is the 21 September!! So next year we are inviting him to a 1 hour birthday party which will be held at next years IDP at the same location as this year's IDP and be bigger and better- he will not refuse to come to his own birthday party now will he?

It was lovely to announce the Minute of Silence at 12 noon and I must say that even the people who were to-ing and fro-ing out of offices for lunch... STOPPED for the 1 minute.

In the Spirit of Peace,

Biannca Pace, Chair Ministry for Peace - Australia (Ltd)

Five Schools:

5 other IDP celebrations are being held. Do you remember when Jack [Gannon, of] came back to Sydney in 2006... well we held the 24hr-vigil plus at 11am the same day we had to dash away

to attend an IDP Youth Celebration at Riverview College...Last year we donated 5 peace poles to 5 schools and GUESS WHAT???? They are all hosting Youth Celebrations this year, so we begin on the 16th at Riverview College, the 17th at Knox Grammar, the 18th at Emmaus College, the 21st MFPA 14 hour celebration, the 22nd at Chevalier College, the 23rd at Hunters Hill High School. Goal is that September will one day become a Peace

Festival MONTH in Sydney!!


Lake Attersee

"New Peace", a spiritual peace organisation founded 2003 organized "a peace event of light" on September 20th in the villages around Lake Attersee, 45 minutes from Salzburg.

September 20th was chosen deliberately to prepare visually (people form a light chain around the lake with lanterns/candles/torches and flash lights – with flash lights lighted on the surrounding mountains, air balloons lit, an illuminated peace dove found in the middle of the lake etc.) and mentally for the International Day of Peace on the next day! The light of peace spread out on that evening from Lake Attersee.

Everybody gives what they can, no trying to find sponsors. The hotels around the lake contribute, the tourism authorities around the lake assist to make a future vision come true after the festival: a "peace walk around Lake Attersee". The festival stimulates the mayors around the lake to join the "Mayors for Peace" network and start planting peace poles on September 20th as their first visual contribution for world peace. Peace Messengers give a presentation, artists perform and farmers offer their local products as refreshments.

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Die Umsetzung: ##Die Vision kam zu Sigrid Bergmann (Akultum Schörfling) 2002, dem Jahr der Gründung von „new peace – Die neue spirituelle Friedensbewegung“ (initiiert von Bewusstseins-forscher Bruno Würtenberger, Schweiz, und Verleger Dieter Wiergowski, Deutschland). 2003 folgte der Kontakt zu Sabine Knoll (new peace – Österreichbüro) und die gemeinsame Umsetzung der Vision als „Arge Friedensfest“. Zahlreiche KünstlerInnen aus den Reihen von „new peace“ („Mosaro“ Michael Scheickl, Georg Baum, Visions of Kaya) und darüber hinaus boten ihre Mitwirkung an, ebenso andere Friedensinitiativen (Netzwerk für Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit; Prinz Alfred von Liechtenstein - Fördergemeinschaft zur Gründung einer Friedensuniversität; World Peace Prayer Society; Humanity's Team etc.). is the official Attersee web page.

Report from WPPS Munich: All communities around the lake were given my German Peace Pole flyer in the preparation stage. I was invited for a speech which I named "peace poles much more than just a piece of wood". The programme started at 1 pm and last guests went home at 1 am....

The village Weyregg was the main stage, right on the lake, ferry boats and a special peace boat took guests to the programmes of other villages around the lake. What an organization without any large sponsor... only in the end at short notice tourism offices, restaurants and media designers joined as sponsors.

Sabine Knoll of the Austrian office of New Peace, the main organizer, mentioned in her speech it was quite a challenge to organize the day, so in my speech I quoted Mrs. Saionji about having an everlasting source of energy and power in us as long as we are able to get in touch with our inner source. You can see all speeches on the internet TV channel "" (type in Attersee)... but sorry....... all in German ;-) apart from the Brahma Kumaris lady. We had a glorious day, 27 Celsius hot.

I heard that in one village a local Boy Scout group offered an activity named "peace pole making". Several people came up tome during the breaks and said "we will contact you about peace pole for our

garden" The main speaker, Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein, came up to me to check some common peace friends (he works closely with Oscar Arias) and at one stage a speedboat took me to another village in order to give a flag ceremony there.

We were only 23 people for the World Peace Flag Ceremony in Nussdorf; they all prayed with full heart for each country, our laminated flags were put in a juicy meadow, participants thanked WPPS for doing that wonderful activity. We overlooked the lake and were all in a super mood.

The REAL highlight came after dark:

Every citizen of the lake was asked to come to the lake, with their candles, their torches, with whatever spreads light. On the dark lake, sailing boats floated by, ferry boats, fisher boats, all with lights... then the main peace boat with the main guests on board floated by... we could see the torches at the other side of the lake... so we knew people are there too..... wonderful music accompanied us.... this was the programme part with even the most skeptic locals attended and did not want to leave. It was really uplifting and the silence of the people said it all.

May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Dagmar Berkenberg World Peace Prayer Society, Munich Salzburg

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The Salzburg Waldorf School again held an IDP event in their beautiful event hall, with a flag mandala ceremony and the symbols of the world religions. This year was Salzburg!s 5th IDP ceremony - again in the wonderful Aula of the Salzburg Waldorf School. The programme started at 5 pm, lasted till 9 pm. The poster you see was hanging in Salzburg center for 10 days to announce the IDP. My personal programme hightlight was "Lachmeer". Lachmeer is a literature group of handicapped Austrians who presented their peace poems. Their contribution is always the most direct one, they are not ashamed to say the truth nor do they think they have to use soft words.... and even if we all had to try very hard to understand what they are saying, Lachmeer is IDP! As always, they were the first to ask me if they can participate in the flag ceremony....

The lady in the green jacket, Mrs. Doraja Eberle, next to the director of the Waldorf School, is now a well known politician in Salzburg county, but her initiative "Farmers Help Farmers" to supportformer Yugoslavia is still her passion and she spoke wonderfully about real peace.

Mrs. Romy Seidl, Austrian TV moderator, did again a great job as our MC. Austrian radio ORF did an interview about IDP Sunday 5pm.

The WPPS flag ceremony was well attended; nearly everybody said “May Peace Be In...” when they put their flag down. I always give them the chance to think it or speak our peace prayer because I want the whole audience to participate and I do not want to force them to speak aloud if they do not feel like it. But they all said the peace prayer aloud. The children needed a bit of attention – you know how lively they are – but they loved it. People said, “Thank you for this wonderful activity!” afterwards. All the participants performed a peace dance around the flags.

The Austrian Post sold special IDP envelopes right at our premises to all guests. Guests only needed to write addresses of friends on and the counter of the Austrian Post looked after the rest... lovely idea!!

May Peace Prevail On Earth

Dagmar Berkenberg World Peace Prayer Society, Munich BANGLADESH Greetings from United Religions Initiative Cooperation Circles in Bangladesh! We are very happy to observe the IDP on 5th October instead of 21st September in following manner: The two CCs i.e. Flower Exchange Initiative CC at CHT, Khagrachari and Anando CC jointly organized this program in the premise of Anando campus at Khagrchari. It was well decorated with posters, festoons and reference from different authors. It attended 325 people from all local community level. You might know that there is a long rivalry between the native hilly aboriginals and the main stream Bangalees (new settler here in CHT). Hardly you would find friendship between these two communities of people. However, when they saw that we have invited representatives from both the communities; they were delighted simultaneously curious. The CC allowed equal number of religious leaders in the dais from both the communities. They embraced each other in front of all the distinguished audience. They could not believe it initially. After recitation from holy books, Mr. Halder highlighted the short background of IDP along with Non Violence Day on 2nd October. Later on, the religious leaders from Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities delivered their valuable speech, we can say open call to the community. But during their deliberation they were so cautious that their lecture was very much short. The organizers from CC presented spiritual songs between the lectures. Total 12 community representatives delivered their comments and blessings, some of them just exchanged greetings as hardly they had something to share in such an unexpected situation. This year we did not invite any political leaders, as time is still immature. The session was closed with common prayers for peace in CHT offered by the oldest

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Buddhist religious leader Rev. Mahathero. It offered sweets at the end but CC members pursued to exchange sweets among each other. This initiative has created a startle locally. We the CC members united in an evaluation meet in the evening. It is fact that our works are not limited in Peace Day observance but creating a long-term congenial environment for community reconciliation. In this regard, we the CC members have been working at least in 20 villages of Khagrachari by project support from Foreign Ministry Berlin. Today's experience has encouraged us much turning two factious groups under same shed. May God help us doing something constructive for peace building in turbulent CHT. May peace prevail on earth. Francis Halder, on behalf of Flower Exchange Initiative CC at CHT, Khagrachari and Anando CC, Dhaka BELGIUM A Peace Pole in English, French, Dutch and Arabic was planted in the garden of the Quaker Council for European Affairs Quaker House at the Square Ambiorix in Brussels on the 2009 International Day of Peace.

May Peace Prevail on Earth

21 September has been the International Peace Day, declared by the UN originally in 1981 and fixed on this date in 2002. This day is celebrated with a variety of events around the world. In Germany for example, there is a football match taking place between the staff of Adidas and Puma sport manufactures. This is the first time the firms have interacted for nearly 60 years since the founding brothers fell out.

In 2009, the year of QCEA!s 30th anniversary, QCEA staff and members of Belgium and Luxembourg Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) marked the day by planting a peace pole in the front garden at Quaker House Brussels. “I had been thinking about this for some time,” Martina Weitsch, Joint Representative at QCEA comments. “But then one of our Council Members from the UK raised the possibility earlier this year and then it suddenly seemed to fit.”

The pole, purchased from the World Peace Prayer Society in Germany, has the text “May Peace Prevail on Earth” written on each of the four sides of the pole. The languages we chose (French, Flemish, Arabic and English) reflect the language culture of the European Quarter and the surrounding residential areas in our part of Brussels. The pole will be a permanent feature in our small front garden; we hope it will give visitors and passers-by a prompt for a moment!s reflection. In Friendship,

Martina Weitsch

Representative/Head of Office

Quaker Council for European Affairs

Quaker House, Brussels


Our IDP took place yesterday. Once again – for the second time – we have celebrated IDP in Campinas at the school in Campo Belo. Lots of children and teenagers were together, doing dance presentations, saying a prayer, painting, playing ball, taking part in a peace game and experiments from physics. The atmosphere was very happy!!

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May peace prevail on Earth!!! Salette Aquino United Religions Initiative, Brazil


Calgary, Alberta

The Calgary Peace Pole Community invites you to celebrate the International Day of Peace by attending the unveiling of the Calgary Peace Pole and plaza. On Sunday, September 20, join the peace walk on Prince's Island starting near the bridge to Eau Claire Market at 1:30pm, or come straight to the site, 2nd Ave and 8th St SW, at 2pm for the celebration: inauguration, performances by local artists, family barbecue, and children's activities. There are 250,000 peace poles in the world, all proclaiming 'May Peace Prevail On Earth.' Calgary's peace pole, designed by Marc Boutin Architecture, is unique. All welcome to the September 20 celebrations!

From: The Calgary City News Monday, September 21, 2009

Calgary Community Peace Pole Unveiled

The City of Calgary now has one of as many as 250,000 peace poles found worldwide to commemorate the International Peace Day.

The Pole resides in the new Peace Plaza on the Bow River Pathway, new the site of the planned Peace Bridge. “May Peace Prevail on Earth” is inscribed in English, French, Blackfoot and Cree. In addition to the main Peace Pole, there are three smaller ones surrounding it and a panel describing the project. The word "Peace" is also etched in the eighty languages spoken in Calgary. According to, the peace pole movement was started in Japan by the World Peace Prayer Society in 1955, with the objective of dedicating humankind towards peace rather than conflict. Since then the number of peace poles has multiplied greatly. The Magnetic North Pole in the Canadian Arctic boasts a peace pole as do various other cities, towns and villages in 180 different countries.

The common primary functional purpose of all peace poles is the promotion of the goal of lasting world peace. Calgary!s Peace Pole was designed by Marc Boutin of Marc Boutin Architecture Collaborative, a local award-winning architect firm. Seaforth, Nova Scotia

A New "Peace! of History for Nova Scotians By Catherine Roberts When all humanity is free of war and strife, we shall never again be moved to ask, “What does peace look like?” But until that day, hundreds of thousands of Peace Poles, erected in more than 180 countries, stand in honour of that dream. Proudly, Seaforth, Nova Scotia is home to one of the latest inspirational installments. The event took place at the Hope for Wildlife Society!s new wildlife garden on September 21, the International Day of Peace. It is the first of its kind in Nova Scotia. Conceived by Hope Swinimer, the society!s founder, the Peace Pole ceremony included citations from some of the worlds! most famous speeches, including Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!s Dreams of Brighter Tomorrows.

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Punctuated with prayer, poem recitals and music, the event featured native speakers reciting the peace prayer, May Peace Prevail on Earth, in their own language. The Peace Pole features the prayer in eight languages: English, French, Scottish Gaelic, M!ikmaq, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, Pashtu, and Japanese. The ceremony ended with the release of a majestic Bald eagle, one of the society!s many success stories of rescue and rehabilitation. Some people may wonder what a Peace Pole has to do with wildlife, but for one long time wildlife supporter, it!s a perfect match. "To me the pole represents the wish for peace on earth," says Swinimer, "which includes not only peace with your fellow man, but peace with nature and all that lives on earth." The inspiration came last fall while touring a small rehab/wildlife centre in the Amazon. Swinimer and her companions were drawn to a pole in a display area adorned with script of many languages.

MITE (Meaningful Intelligent Theatrical Entertainment)

a young people!s chorus sings, This Pretty Planet/One Voice.

Swinimer!s brother, who had seen a similar pole at the base camp of Mt. Everest a week earlier, recognized its significance. That led to more investigation and eventually to the ceremony in Seaforth. The Hope for Wildlife Society is run largely by a group of dedicated volunteers. These caring souls came up with a unique design, which includes animal tracks and the language of our province!s native people. Henceforth, the Peace Pole will be a permanent added attraction to the society!s new wildlife garden. The display will be open to the public throughout the week during June, July and August from 10-5p.m. (closed on Sundays). The World Peace Prayer Society in Japan started the Peace Pole program in 1955 in response to the tragedies of WW11 and the nuclear bomb. The events of 9/11 sparked an immense surge in the installment of these monuments to peace. The WPPS now operates from New York and has become a non-governmental organization (NGO) in affiliation with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. For more information about the

World Peace Prayer Society, log on to The Hope for Wildlife Society web site contains a host of information on the rehabilitation centre and up-coming events. Visit: today. Peace to all.

Jon Stone recites the poem, Path to Peace, at the

Hope for Wildlife Society!s wildlife garden – site of Nova Scotia!s first Peace Pole.



The International Day of Peace On September 21, 2009: The International Day of Peace, members of the Rotary Club of Beijing and Rotary Club of Terra Linda-California held a brief ceremony at the Peace Pole at the Lido Hotel in Beijing. In attendance were residents of several cities and continents. Pictured: Rtn. Jeffrey and Rtn. David (RCB).

# Next year: Shanghai at World Expo 2010: “World Peace Through Rotary Service.”

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May Peace Prevail on Earth, Jeffrey Reiss WPPS Peace Representative

Hong Kong

UN Peace Day Ceremony and Gandhi Peace


On September 20th, Peace International Foundation (PIF) invited a large gathering of peace supporters to celebrate the International Day of Peace at Cyberport Arcade through a whole-day programme. It was an event packed with music and performances that featured the message of peace.

The event received support from people of different ages and backgrounds. The Peace Day event opened with Yoga for Peace and followed by Paint for Peace by young children in the morning.

The Peace Day Ceremony started at 1:00 pm with the Hong Kong St. Andrew!s Pipe Band escorting the guest speakers onto the stage, followed by unveiling of the Peace Pole, Observance of One Minute Silence, Ringing the Peace Bell, and an International Flag Parade by the children after Mrs. Singh raised the UN Flag.

Mr. Abhimanyu Singh, Director of UNESCO and Representative in Beijing gave a keynote speech. He described the work of UNESCO in advancing the goal of peace, and informed that the UN General Assembly endorsed UNESCO!s call for 2010 to be the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures. This will involve activities on inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace throughout next year 2010.

Video message from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was shown. Indian Consul General in Hong Kong, Mr. L.D. Ralte gave an introduction of Gandhi!s work towards peace.

Other guest speakers included Sir David Akers-Jones, Hon. President of PIF, Senator Ken Wong, National President of JCIHK, and Mr. Michael Wong, PIF

Peace Ambassador. To end the Ceremony, Tharangini in Hong Kong performed the song “Peace Within! especially created for this occasion by Jairam Parameswaran, the founder.

The Gandhi Peace Concert then proceeded with a series of performances featuring the theme of peace. Michael Wong and his Big Band kicked off the concert daunting pop songs. Wonderful piano recital by Phoebus Chan, followed by Chinese tradition of lion dance performed by students of the Li Po Chun United World College. Tharangini gave a stunning performance by singing Gandhi!s favorite song Vaishnavo Janato.. Gandhi was brought live by a manned statue during the song sequence. Tharangini also took the audience by surprise when they sang the famous Chinese song "Under the Lion Rock! joined by Phoebus Chan on the piano and PIF!s Youth Committee team members. Children of Bala Tharangini presented a song for peace, dressed up in various religious costumes.

In addition, the Choir and Chinese percussion performances by the Sacred Heart Canossian College students, Samulnori Korean Drum by Kim Su Yang, “The Prayer! sung by Watson Chao & Roxanne Lo, and the classic performance by Matrix 4-tet, composed of Sheryl Lee (piano) and her friends from the HK Philharmonic Orchestra, Gallant Ho (violin), Anna Kwan (cello) and William Lane (viola).

The event came to a climax as volunteers from the Youth Committee and audiences joined the Indian choir Tharangini and Michael led a parade around the venue to express the joy of celebrating Peace Day.

Towards the end of the celebration, the Youth Committee again joined, Michael, Roxanne, Watsons and the Sacred Heart students in the song !We Are the World! on stage, a tribute to Michael Jackson, and urging people to start giving and be mindful of those who are suffering.

The entire concert was dedicated to World peace. In the speech of the Foundation Founder, Maria Ying-

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Matthews, she stressed that it is her own mission and the mission of the Foundation to motivate individuals in Hong Kong and beyond to be proactive in spreading the message of peace, to make a difference to those in urgent need. She strongly believes that such a mission has to be accomplished through educating the youth who are our future generation, to become global citizens.

Maria Ying-Matthews Peace International Foundation


The Global Alliance Summit on "Cooperation

between NGO's and the UN" took a 12 noon Minute of Silence to observe the UN International Day of Peace. The IDP falls on Government Day, when the discussion was centered, appropriately, on the theme of Building Bridges of Peace Together: Government-Civil Society Cooperation. We were with you all on the International Day of Peace, linking in the unity of IDP...May Peace Prevail on Earth and reports at The Global Alliance for Peace also sent a video peace message to President Obama on the International Day of Peace, via YouTube.

Dot Maver, Co-Director National Peace Academy

Vice Minister Milena Sanabria, Costa Rica Ministry of

Justice and Peace; Dr. Dot Maver, Director, US National Peace Academy; Paul Van Tongeren,

Secretary-General of GPPAC, Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Netherlands; Aaron

Voldman, Executive Director, US Student Peace Alliance


I wish you all a blissful and joyful Peace Day. Here in Denmark I have opened my house for the public to be joined in meditation at 12 and in the evening as the Aarhus CC event for the International Peace Day.

I have found a poem in the book “Gifts From a Course in Miracles,” which is part of my spiritual path that I would like to share with you on this day where we all join in silence and peace together.

The way to peace is open.

There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude.

There is an ancient peace you carry in your heart and have not lost.

Peace is a natural heritage of spirit.

Everyone is free to refuse to accept his inheritance, but he is not free to establish what his inheritance is.

Peace and understanding go together and never can be found alone.

Strength and innocence are not in conflict, but naturally live in peace.

Lay down your arms and come without defence into the quiet place,

Where heaven´s peace hold all things still at last.

Lay down all thoughts of danger and of fear.

Let no attack enter you.

In this quiet state alone is strength and power.

Here can no weakness enter, for here is no attack and therefore no illusions.

Peace is of God.

You who are part of god are not at home except in his/her peace.

May peace prevail in our hearts and minds. May peace prevail on earth. Lone Klemmensen URI Aarhus CC & URI Golden Rule CC

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu receives peace,

reconciliation award

Addis Ababa, September 23, 2009 (Addis Ababa) - Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu received the 2009 Peace and Reconciliation Award of the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative (IPI), and the United Religions Initiative-Africa Region (UPI), a member organization of the IPI.

At a ceremony held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in connection with the International Day of Peace and International Year of Reconciliation, Archbishop Desmond Tutu received the award on 23 Sep. 2009. IPI Board Chairman, Ambassador Mussie Hailu, who is also the UPI representative, said the award is presented to Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu in recognition of his meritorious achievement and exemplary leadership to bring peace and harmony in the continent. Archbishop Tutu also said to have played greater role in resolving apartheid in South Africa, promoting interfaith dialogue, and in efforts toward fighting against hunger, malnutrition, poverty, AIDS, and racism. Ambassador Mussie said, “Archbishop Desmond Tutu bestowed upon all Africans a great honor and he is a living example and bacon of peace and reconciliation in the world”. He said honoring the Archbishop is letting the international community know that there is outstanding leadership in Africa and the continent indeed has role models to the world. Archbishop Tutu received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, the Gandhi Peace Prize in 2005, and many other international awards so far, it was noted. The IPI and URI-Africa Region launched the Africa Peace Award, a non-monetary prize, to recognize the committed and effective leadership toward bringing about sustainable peace throughout the continent.

Bizuayehu Abiy and the IPI CC in Addis Ababa also celebrated the IDP in their office by offering Peace prayer to each other and lighting a candle at noon. Bizuayehu Abiy The United Religions Initiative, Addis Ababa FINLAND


The Golden Rule Award, an interfaith prize, was given to professor Reijo E. Heinonen at a pre-Parliament event on the 26th of September, at the International Cultural Center of Caisa, in Helsinki. Reijo E. Heinonen is an advisor to former President Martti Ahtisaari. There were several music and poetry presentations, panel discussions and speeches around interfaith dialogue as a tool to build social cohesion and peace. Approximately 60 people, all together, participated in this exciting seminar. Also a Peace Pole was dedicated during the peace ceremony.

Heidi Rautionmaa United Religions Initiative, Finland GERMANY


Peace Pole Planting in Germany by "World

Vision" Germany

World Vision is an international care organization for children. The Peace Pole planting by World Vision Germany was attended by their Vice-CEO Christopf Hilligen and Horst Burghardt member for the Green Party of the German "Bundestag" (the German Parliament)

"Münchner Merkur" is a serious newspaper for Bavaria, Germany. Their story is titled "Freising has now also a Peace Pole." Freising is a very old archbishop town, north of Munich.

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The pole is on the former ground of an Islamic mosque, and a representative of the Islamic Community participated in the planting. The man with the glasses is Freising!s mayor Dieter Thalhammer. The gentleman in the white trousers is Culture Representative of the Town.

A Freising citizen who once came to a World Peace Prayer Society event in Munich initiated the planting by contacting the mayor of Freising.

Dagmar Berkenberg World Peace Prayer Society, Munich

Auch Freising hat jetzt einen Friedenspfahl

22.09.09 Freising - Auf Initiative einer Freisingerin wurde

jetzt in der Domstadt ein Friedenspfahl aufgestellt.

Er steht am ehemaligen Moschee-Standort. „Friede ist Worte und Taten“. Und deshalb packten bei der Aufstellung des Friedenspfahls auf dem ehemaligen Moschee-Grundstück die Gäste selbst mit an (v. l.): Dieter Wittmann (Pax Christi), Ismet Ünal (Islamische Gemeinschaft), Kulturreferent Hubert Hierl, Initiatorin Gertrud Pfefferer-Brandl, OB Dieter Thalhammer und Tobias Eschenbacher. leh 250 000 davon gibt es schon auf der Welt – unter anderem bei den Pyramiden von Gizeh, in Angkor Wat, in Hiroshima und am Ground Zero. Seit Montag steht auch einer in Freising: ein Friedenspfahl, 2,5 Meter hoch und auf seinen vier Seiten mit dem Spruch „Möge Friede auf Erden sein“ in Deutsch, Englisch, Türkisch und Arabisch versehen. Und er steht an einem Platz, „der einmal Gegenstand der Auseinandersetzung war“, wie es Dieter Wittmann

von Pax Christi bei der Aufstellung nannte: Auf dem ehemaligen Moschee-Grundstück an der Erdinger Straße. Initiiert hat das Projekt die Freisingerin Gertrud Pfefferer-Brandl, die am Montag betonte, dass Friede „Worte und Taten“ bedeute.



International Day of Peace Event FACULTY OF LAW, KNUST September 21, 2009 from 6:30pm to 8pm This event is organised by the PEACE SECRETARIAT at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The event will be held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law.

A peace proclamation will be read by the Mayor of Kumasi and speeches by the Vice Chancellor of KNUST and Imam and chaplain of KNUST will also be received.

The national Union of Ghana students through its executive will also be present. Ten delegates each will represent their various departments and faculty. The Peace Secretariat was founded by Azoska Simeone Saint, holder of a BSC degree from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He has been a student leader and activist, peace advocate and Fellow of the Apeadu Peace Centre.

He served as student leader at KNUST, worked as programmes chief for Global Youth Action Network, Student World Assembly, Ghana MDGs Youth Coalition Network and served on several national boards related to youth development. Azoska Simeone Saint founded the Peace Secretariat at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology where he launched the concept to build the tallest Peace Pole in the world (i.e. the "World Heritage Peace Pole") at KNUST.

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The Peace Channel, a youth peace movement with clubs in schools throughout India is having a two-day national conference on Sept. 20 and 21 for the International Day of Peace. Hathras

Hundreds and hundreds of students, parents, teachers and other local government bodies participated in celebrations to mark Universal Peace Day at Seksaria Sushila Devi Public School grounds in Hathras city of Uttar Pradesh state in India. The celebrations were organized by Principal, students and teachers to realize in the world the importance of peace among the countrymen.

The programme was guided w ell by Shri Pragyan Ram Mishra, District Magistrate, whose support program was a success. The day was honoured with the presence of Shri S. R. S. Aditya Superintendent of Police (SP) of Hathras being Guest of Honour. The programme consisted of publishing of the Proclamation in all Hindi dailies of the city, invitation to all parents, local government officials, elite people of the city for a gathering of more than 1000 people.

Lighting up the candles, garlanding flowers on the peace pole, spreading peace message all over in the school campus through drawing or posters, singing of peace prayers, reciting over a poem titled "Give Peace a Chance", calling loudly for “May Peace Prevail on Earth” and the individual countries with their names, and above all framing a Peace Wheel with human chain.

Amit Sehgal, Principal Seksaria Sushila Devi Public School, A Senior Secondary (10+2) Co-educational English

Medium (CBSE) School "Seksaria Farms", Gijrauli, Agra Road, Hathras


Manbazar Chandra Memorial CC of the United Religions Initiative is planning for the International Day of Peace a Peace Rally, Prayer for Peace, a seminar on “Peace through Selfless Service”, and sharing lunch and tea and fruits distribution at Manbazar Rural Hospital's Patients.


URI North Zone India celebrated International Day of Peace on 21st September, 2009 in a befitting manner. CCs in Punjab celebrated this occasion in their respective organisation. Every member of URI lit candle of Peace individually at home as well as in public places. The group of Salwan School CCs also celebrated this occasion with a Peace Procession in their neighbourhood with participation of large number of school children and their parents. Harijan Sevak Sangh CCs had whole day program and in the evening, with participation of school children and University students had a candle light Peace Procession. Every participant took a pledge to work towards the promotion of Peace.

May Peace prevail upon earth. May Peace prevail upon our neighbours. May Peace prevail upon every individual. Hira Paul Gangnegi United Religions Initiative Regional Coordinator North Zone India


Not by chance at all, we celebrated Eid al-Fitr and Rosh h-Shana side by side with the International Day of Peace. The Jewish and the Muslim texts and prayers are full with references to Peace-Worldwide, for all human-beings. May peace prevail on earth. Yours in peace and love, Dr. Shlomo Alon The United Religions Initiative, Jerusalem

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Mrs. Kaoru Oue has been working with Ohmika elementary school and Ibaraki Christian Junior and Senior High School for 10 years on the International Day of Peace.

She talked to the headmaster about the importance of the IDP initiative and suggested the use of the international flag set.

They talked and came to include the message of IDP in their school events and display the flag set. Ohmika elementary school displays the flag set at their school Olympic event and the headmaster briefly mentions about the IDP and to keep peace in our hearts. Ibaraki Christian Junior and Senior High Schools have their IDP memorial worship and display the flag sets every year. The messages of IDP are well accepted by teachers, students and parents. May Peace Prevail on Earth. Yashio Mochizuki WPPS Tokyo, Japan


Celebration Earth Marks

The International Day of Peace with

Three Days of Events in Okinawa

The people of the beautiful island of Okinawa, Japan have faced a tragic history of war and conflict. However, in recent history its people have been praying and organizing for world peace. Okinawa is now the home of "Celebration Earth," a six-month festival for peace which encourages the 'Peace Day, Every Day' spirit envisioned by the Culture of Peace Initiative. The festival's events from April 1 to September 21 are helping to establish a model of international peace and inner peace.

On the eve of Peace Day, we had a wonderful parade on International Street in Okinawa with 192 national flags kindly donated by The World Peace Prayer Society. This event was held in cooperation with Senator/Musician Shoukichi Kina and Earthwalker Paul Coleman. The event was called "Until the rainbow forms over the tears of the earth," which was one of Shoukichi's messages that he's been carrying for years. This event was to celebrate the International Day of Peace and commemorate the 2009 UN International Year of Reconciliation.

Walking Treeman was invited from the United States to celebrate this wonderful day. After three hours of parade, dance performance and drum performance, Shoukichi performed great songs such as "Hana" and we all danced to celebrate peace and the Earth.

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On the International Day of Peace, we did a flag ceremony in Itoman Winery. 192 flags and a peace pole were kindly donated by The World Peace Prayer Society. Native American Adam offered us a ritual before the ceremony. With him, the Walking Treeman and Earthwalker Paul Coleman waved flags with prayer. Itoman was a battlefield during WW2 and tens of thousands of people were killed and still buried beneath our feet. The general manager of the winery was very grateful for what we did. He said, "It was very nice that you had a peace flag ceremony here. I really think the lost souls were soothed and raised to heaven."

The Peace Pole message was in the Native Okinawan language. Okinawa was an independent kingdom called "Ryukyu" before Satsuma Clan invaded it in 1609.

The Peace Pole also included the Ainu language. Ainu are native in Japan and mainly live in Hokkaido, northern island of Japan. They used to live in mainland Japan but were chased away in Edo period by the government. Since then, they struggled for human rights. Ainu has a beautiful tradition and rituals that we all have to protect and respect as well as Okinawan.

To have the Okinawan and Ainu languages on the Peace Pole has been my longtime wish. It was made true thanks to The World Peace Prayer Society. Sincerely, Konomi Kikuchi KOREA, REPUBLIC OF

Seoul & Gyeongju

URI URI Korea celebrated the IDP in 2 places, Seoul and Gyeongju. URI Korea members in the Seoul area had events at the Jeamni village in Gyeonggi Province near Seoul with an interfaith seminar and memorial service for victims of church members who were burnt by Japanese polices during the Japanese rule last century. URI Global Trustee and Coordinator for Korea Venerable Jinwol Lee led people in Gyeongju. The IDP event had been announced by e-mail and radio system of the Dongguk University campus asking all school members, about 10 thousand, if they could to join the peace prayer at their working places 12 noon for a minute of silence with the common prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth". As the picture shows, we had a gathering at the campus center just before 12 noon and practiced meditation, held a prayer service for world peace and read the message from Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of UN.

Ven. Jinwol (Dr. Young Ho Lee) Professor of Dongguk University United Religions Initiative, Korea

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NEPAL Nepalganj

Peace Greetings from Nepal! Here is a summary report on International Day of Peace 2009 celebrations. Peace for Nepal has been celebrating IDP since 2004, every year with great joy and enthusiasm. It has been a festival for Peace for Nepal. This year we had a different sort of celebration. Last year we celebrated it for a week in Kathmandu while this time we celebrated for two days. The event was overshadowed by the festivals of Hindus and Muslims. However, more than 20 organizations did join the celebration. Peace for Nepal coordinated with the Peace Committee of government of Nepal and various organizations to make this celebration a success. Human Rights and Peace activists, religious leaders, political leaders from various parties, doctors, nurses, hospital staffs and health workers, students, joined the celebration.

We light around oil lamps at the city center, Dhamboji Chowk, in Nepalganj, a city bordering India in the west of Nepal. Representatives of UN and other national and international organizations joined the light celebration or Deepawali on the eve of International Peace Day.

On the International Peace Day 2009 we organized a rally with the flags of various nations from around the world. We offered tribute to the martyrs, we prayed for peace. The rally started from Bheri Zonal Hospital, Nepalganj, with the musical band of Nepal Police leading the procession followed by the people carrying banners and flags. People around the city

were look at the colorful flags and procession with great amazement.

May Peace be in Nepal. May Peace Prevail on Earth!! Peace Cheers!! Sushil Koirala WPPS Peace Representative, Nepal THE NETHERLANDS

Blessed be the Higher Worlds, and those beings living in it. Blessed be our guides and teachers

Blessed be those beautiful people that travel the earth and work every minute of every day to bring peace to this world

21 September 2009, Peace Ceremony,

The Hague

A day of hope, a day of Light. Once again the seventh fire has been burning in front of the seat of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. We conducted a World Peace Prayer Flag Ceremony to observe the International Day of Peace.

May Peace Prevail on Earth. Irene Hadjidakis WPPS Peace Representative, The Netherlands

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May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you & praise the God for an INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE 2009 & pray that Prince of Peace Lord Jesus Christ provide a peace all over the world. MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH!

With lot of prayers & with too much love, Pastor Ajmal Chaughtai, Chairman, Pakistan CLM Church (Regd) Christian Town-Faisalabad, Pakistan Lahore

On the International Day of Peace, Peace and Development Foundation arranged a special prayer service in which people from all walks of life got together in Bethseda Church, Bahar Colony Lahore. On this occasion, special prayers for peace in Pakistan and around the world were said. Akhter Murad, Pastor Nawab Fazal, Uffaq and Youth leader, Abraham and others shared their thoughts about peace. Youth members also sang special peace songs. At the end, Pastor Nawab Fazal blessed the occasion. Another Peace theme programme was conducted in Youhanabad, Lahore by Peace and Development Foundation (PDF) with collaboration with Unite for Peace and Development and Bethseda Gospel Assemblies. At this occasion different youth groups sang special peace songs, shared their thoughts on peace and prayed for peace in Pakistan and around the world. May Peace prevail on Earth! Akhter Murad, Coordinator Peace and Development Foundation URI CC


Activity Report of International

Day Peace 2009

Like every year since the inception of the Organization for Peace and Development (OPD) observed the international day of peace today 19-09-2009 in collaboration with St. Dominic High School Youhanabad, Lahore Pakistan. The program was started with a peace walk in which children were waving flags of all countries of the world.

After a peace walk rest of the program was continued in the compound of the school and program was started with a reading from the Holy Bible was read by Shazia Pearl about peace. And the following students said peace prayers: Asma Kahalid, Shakuntala Sardar, and Irfan Rehmat.

After that Mr. Jahangir Piara expressed his feelings about peace with the students. In his speech he said that at present Pakistan is suffering from its turmoil time of the history as well as international community. He further said that it is the duty of each and every citizens of the world to create and promote a culture of peace within the local and international community.

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He also said that the International Day of Peace invites every citizen of the world to commit him/herself in promoting a culture of peace. Therefore, we should always think positively to create a harmonious and peaceful culture at local level. We also need to educate and aware people about the importance of harmonious and peaceful culture through actions and positive approach. We need to differentiate between good and bad in regard to promote a social justice in the society. He said that we should avoid playing with artificial gun toys. We should always say no to guns and ask our family members not to use gun or any weapon to solve the problems. Problems are always to solve through dialogue and negotiations. At this moment we demand from the govt. to make a policy to avoid from the proliferation of small arms and gun violence. We need to disarm common people for the sake of safety of the life of all living beings. He also wished an International Day of Peace to all. He also thanked the principal and staff of the school for providing them and opportunity to observe the International Day of Peace with their students.

At the end Mr. Sanaullah Daniel Principal of St. Dominic School thanked all the students and teacher for taking an active role in organizing and observing international day of peace. He also thanked Organization for Peace and Development for observing International Day of Peace at their school. He also led a prayer for peace: May Peace Prevail in Pakistan. May Peace Prevail on Earth. And May Peace Prevail in our families. The International Day of Peace Ceremony was closed with a peace song sung by students. Prepared by Shakeel Earnest + Imran Piara



PEACE 2009

We arranged a peace walk on September 17, 2009 at Basharat-E-Ibn-Mariam School Lahore-Pakistan, with the collaboration of Women and Children Development URI CC. We started our day with the prayer for peace and with peace walk.

` During the walk the children were waving flags of all countries of the world and they were singing peace songs. Students offered prayer for peace in the world particularly for the countries, which are suffering due to war and terrorism.

May peace prevail in Pakistan. May peace prevail on Earth. Francis Xavier Basharat-E-Ibn-Mariam (Annunciation) School Women and Children Development URI CC Lahore Lahore MCC (Multiple Cooperation Circle) celebrated the International Day of Peace 2009 in spirit of peace and great enthusiasm by spreading the message of URI – P.P.P. [URI Charter Purpose, Preamble and Principles] and vision of the celebration of International Day of Peace as announced by the UN. At present there is great need of peace in Pakistan. We organized five events with collaboration of A Better Community of for ALL, (ABC4ALL-, Rotary Club-Lahore, Central Church, Lahore, St. Peter!s Cambridge School & Daffodils English Medium School, M.I. Goethen High School and ABC4ALL - Education System). 1. Celebration of International Day of Peace -

Rotary Club of Lahore, Centennial Elite

The celebrations of IDP 2009 started in Pakistan on 17th September 2009 when Rotary Club of Lahore Centennial Elite held an Iftar Party (Holy Month of Ramadan) and celebrated the International Day of Peace. Mr. Yuel Bhatti being the Community Director

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of the club was the organizer of the event. Iftar party was the hosted by the Christian members of the club.

Rtn. Faisal Qureshi, President of the Club, presided over the event and Fr. James Channan OP, URI Regional Coordinator Pakistan and Rtn. Saeed Shamshi, Past Governor, were the guests of honor. The program was started with interfaith prayers followed by the National Anthem. The President opened the event that today we have started the celebration of International Day of Peace by reflecting the Rotary is promoting peace and UN day observance is recalling us to Unite for Peace. The situation of the country is very disturbing, dangerous, unrest and clouds of terrorism are on us every time. We don!t what will be happened, when and where. So let us pray for Peace in Holy Month of Ramadan. I am thankful to our Christian members, Mr. Yuel Bhatti, Rev. Akbar Khokar, Rev. Fraz Malik and Mr. Taraq Shaheen who are the host of Iftar Party. Rtn. Saeed Shamsi said, to day when we are celebrating the International Day of Peace. There are utmost needs of Justice. When there is no justice, no peace. Let us stand up to create a culture of justice and reconciliation. We have to respect human values. Especially we have respected the minorities. The incident like Gojra is bad name of Islam. When some fundamentalists Muslims attacked the Christian colony burnt their houses and many people killed. It is not Jihad. In certain occasion we did not respect each other and create misunderstanding in the society. Fr. James Channan OP said, today it is my privileged that being old Rotarian, I addressing the Rotarian on the International Day of Peace. Today world peace situation is alarming us to Unite for Peace and I invite you all let us stand up for interfaith dialogue for peace. It is time for reconciliation of all issues. Wars are not salutation for Peace and issues. The United Nations Secretary General Ban ki-moon said in his message on the IDP. "I have a simple Message for all: We Must Disarm! We Must Have Peace. In Holy month of Ramadan we have to eliminate against the poverty and fight for hunger. Souvenirs were awarded to the guests and flowers were award to Dr. Kanwal Feroze, pioneer member of URI who is awarded for Presidential Civil Award. At

the end all participants break the fast by joining Iftar Party. 2. Celebration of International Day of Peace at

Central Church-Lahore

On September 20, 2009 (Sunday) we celebrated the IDP 2009 at the Central Church Waris Road, in Lahore, which is oldest Church in the Church of Pakistan. While starting the worship Rev. Emmanuel Khokhar announced that today!s our service is dedicated to the “International Day of Peace 2009”. Today!s celebration of the International Day of Peace is a great need of time indeed. As we all knows that we all are not saving in the hard war of terror in Pakistan and other countries like, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir. We are all one humanity and connected to each other. Our Jesus Christ is “Prince of Peace” and His message is peace.

Mr. Yuel Bhatti, said, “I am very happy and thankful the Congregation and Pastor Emmanuel who gave the opportunity for sharing about the IDP.” He reflected the history of International of Peace as declared by United Nations and celebrated around the world and today we all are connected with world and peace lover peoples and organizations and said that URI Pakistan celebrated this day every year. But now there is utmost need of Peace and harmony and especially Religious harmony is our target. As you all know the tragic incident of Gojra, Kasur and Sialkot and conflict between Muslims and Christian d We untidily can explore the voice for peace and love. Now it is the time forgiveness, reconciliation and promotes the interfaith dialogue for Peace. The Message of UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon is very clear and simple for Peace that “We Must Disarm! We Must

Have Peace” and alert message to all Nations and

Countries So let us unite for peace and pray for peace daily for “One Minute for Peace.” One Minute Can Change the World. Pastor Asif Arthur (Youth Leader of Peace and Development–CC) specially prayed for peace in Pakistan and all over the World. The Church Choir led by Mr. Naukhez and Anwar Ernest sang peace songs. Rev. Emmanuel Khokhar delivered the sermon on peace and harmony in the present scenario of the country and world. And appealed to all the

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congregations to daily pray for peace as “Prayer changes things.” He urges the youth to come forward for promotion of peace and harmony. May Peace be in all country specially there are wars, terrorism and violence and May Peace Prevail in Pakistan! 3. Celebration of International Day of Peace at St.

Peter!s Cambridge School and Daffodils English

Medium School - Lahore

These two schools are run by the one private management. Mr. Mubarik Waris and Miss Komal Sehar are the Principals. 400 Christian and Muslim students study, fun, eating together. Such celebrations are celebrated in spirit of Oneness. As on Sept. 21, 2009, due to Eid Holidays school was closed and IPD 2009 was conducted on 24 September 2009. The teachers and Mr. Yuel made the preparation before that. The students prepared the placards reflect peace and need of Peace and Harmony. The Program was started with interfaith prayers. Mr. Yuel Bhatti Reflect the need of celebration of IDP 2009 and stress that our every day is Peace Day and peace begins with us and me.

The students of Daffodils presented peace tableaux, sang peace songs and recited peace poems. The students of St. Peter!s joined in Peace Walk by holding the Peace placards and Countries Flag for the solidarity with world Peace. Miss Sajida Rose (Youth Coordinator of ABC4ALL) said I am very much inspired for the celebration of IDP in these two schools. “May God use us as the instruments for peace.” I congratulate the staff and children for wonderful celebration of Peace Day.

May Peace be in our families! May Peace be in our community! May Peace be in where there is violence! May Peace be in all Countries! May Peace Prevail on Earth! May Peace Prevail in Pakistan! Rev. Asif Arthur prayed for Peace and Mr. Mubrik Waris and Miss Komal Sehar thanks Mr. Yuel and his team for wonderful celebration in our school. They said such program will be continuing, as there is great need peace of time indeed to promote Peace and Harmony. 4. Celebration of International Day of Peace at M.I.

Gothenburg High School

The celebration of IDP 2009 was held on 24th September 2009 at I.M. Gothenburg Public School-Lahore. In this School 600 Muslim and Christian students study together.

Mrs. Ernest Fahim, Vice Principal welcomed all the guests and reflected on the UN declaration about the “International Day of Peace” and thanked the URI Pakistan, aspiration for promoting Interfaith dialogue for peace in Pakistan. Last year URI Lahore MCC erected the Peace Pole in our school on the International Day of Peace, and is a great spiritually and worship when in the morning assembly all children are assembled in front of Peace Pole and pray for peace. We all recite “May Peace Prevail on Earth!” Its all credit goes to Mr. Yuel Bhatti Sahib, who occasionally comes over to our school and shares the message of peace and love. I am very much impressed dedication of Fr. James Channan of URI in Pakistan. We attended many events in URI Pakistan head office. Miss Sajida Rose said that this is my third event of IDP 2009 on which I addressing the children. I am so glad and inspired that URI is spreading the message of peace in different schools. The dedication of Mr. Yuel and Fr. James Channan!s leadership is inspiring and unique in Pakistan. “My dear children you are the “Peace Angels” come forward to promote peace with your daily behavior. Respect your teachers, elders and parents and with your education spread the message of peace and love!”

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“I am very much Impressed that placards which you are holding with countries flags are reflecting real spirit of solidarity around the world. On my right side this Peace Pole is really significant sign of daily peace prayer.” May really Peace Prevail on Earth! May Peace Prevail in Pakistan! Mr. Yuel Bhatti, said, “It is my spiritually satisfaction that we are celebrating the International Day of Peace with children of all ages. I congratulate the administration for wonderful celebration of IDP 2009. My dear children you are our future and you have take the social responsibilities and this is your learning time and also you may explore your voice for peace and harmony. I know that Christian and Muslims students study, have fun and eat together, and are a wonderful example of religious harmony. I urge all the students and teachers as well. You may dedicate “ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE PRAYER” AND ONE MINUTE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. God Bless you all and May Peace Prevail on Earth!” Mr. Ernest Fahim said, “My dear children when you watch the T.V. and read the newspaper, you observe that maximum news are on violence, wars, bomb blasts and terrorism. Now it is time to pledge ourselves for promotion of peace with our attitude, study and daily prayer.” 5. Celebration of International Day of Peace at

ABC4All/Pakistan Education System

The ABC4ALL (A Better Community for ALL/Pakistan) adopted a home school, which consists of one room. Fifty-five Christian and Muslim students from nursery to class fifth are studying with free education. They do not have uniforms, books (full syllabus) or furniture. The students belong to depressed families unable to afford their education expenses but are determined for education. The school celebrated the IDP 2009 on 28th September 2009 evening. Mr. Yuel Bhatti, Co-Founder of ABC4ALL/Pakistan presided over the ceremony. Miss Sajida Rose (Youth Coordinator and teacher) was the master of ceremony who presented the wonderful events of the students. The program was started with prayer by students. The students presented beautiful tableaux reflecting peace

and harmony in the families and need of education as a best tool for peace and sang peace songs. Mrs. Agnes Aslam, Headmistress of the School welcomed the guests with gratitude and said, “Today this is our first social program consisting on celebration of the International Day of Peace. It is really joy for me that Mr. Yuel Bhatti encouraged us for holding this event. Although we don!t have our financial resources, I appreciate for his coordination.”

Pastor Asif Arthur (URI Youth Leader) reflected the need of peace and history of International Day of Peace and encouraged the children to study and pray for peace. “In our country there is great need of peace. Daily we watch the T.V. and always harassment and unrest in the country and worldwide. So my dear children I urge you to daily prayer for peace and create a culture for tolerance, forgiveness and respect your elders and parents always. God Bless you all and May Peace be in the world and Pakistan!” Mr. Yuel Bhatti said, today I am very proud and happy that I am celebrating the International Day of Peace 2009 with innocent under-privileged children. It is great challenge for me and my team to provide the proper education to these depressed children. May Peace be in your families! May Peace be in your mind! May Peace be in your colony! May Peace Prevail in Pakistan! May Peace Prevail on Earth! Students jointly enlightened the candles by making Peace Sign and also with teachers and guests by holding beautiful placards and country flags showing the solidarity with all over the world. Mrs. Agnes Aslam and Miss Sajida Rose were awarded gifts for wonderful celebration and snacks were distributed among students. “The way of peace is the way of love. Love is the great power on earth. It conquers all things.” Peace Pilgrim. Yuel Bhatti, Coordinator Lahore MCC, United Religions Initiative WPPS Peace Pal Coordinator Co-Founder ABC4ALL/Pakistan

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The United Religions Initiative along with Youth Parliament of Pakistan organized the celebration of International Day of Peace (IDP). This program was organized on 26th of September at the URI Regional Office in Lahore, in which participated over 225 Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Baha!is. After the offering of prayers from the Sacred Scriptures of various religions the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor were welcomed with flowers and balloons and with a good will banner which was flown in the air by these. The message of Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of UN was read by Mrs. Jocelyn Saeed. “While being here at the IDP I have realized that there are people who are devoted to promote peace and it is because of them that our world is going on. Otherwise, we had been going through so much pain and sufferings for the past couple of months in Pakistan. Particularly the tragedy of Gojra (in which 7 Christians were burnt alive), Sambrial, Korian and Bambni Wala, where violence was done in the name of religion and several houses of Christians were burnt to ashes, and bomb blasts in several other places made us all very disappointed. I feel renewed and energized and this IDP has given me a new hope for peace and I feel like participate in a festival.” These are the words of Auxiliary Bishop Sebastian Shah of Lahore, who presided over this program. Bishop Shah appreciated this event and said today we are speaking of peace. “Let this peace keep on flourishing in our midst. Let us work for peace and work for justice. Let us not train our children for war but give them education of peace.”

Mr. Abrar Ul Haq, the Chief Guest, Chairman of Youth Parliament of Pakistan and the most famous folk singer of Pakistan, said, “The message of singers and artists reach every home through their voice and art. There can be no better message than peace to the world. There is a need to promote peace at every level of life and there is need to educate our people for it. “He particularly challenged youth to work for peace and said that since 70% of our population in Pakistan consists of youth they needed a plat form to promote and be educated for peace and the Youth Parliament has given them this platform. And I have

provide it.” He also announced that there are over 75,000 members of this Youth Parliament in Pakistan and we are teaching them to work in harmony and live in peace. He said "No man is an island. We do need on another. Let us work jointly and this way we can mobilise people for peace.”

Mr. Suhail Warriach, a famous anchor of Geo TV, Pakistan, said, “By participating in this event I feel that the dream of peace which I had seen has become a reality.” He also said that, “No better dream than this can been seen nor is it possible to see and imagine what I have seen today.” He was grateful to Fr. James and others who had organized this event. He lamented that countless people have been killed in the name of religions. He said that such things should not happen. He said, “I feel ashamed the way minorities are treated and persecuted in Pakistan.” He also recalled the words of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Founder of Pakistan, who had seen a dream that people of all religions will live in harmony in our country and it will be a country of peace.” He said that today by participating in this program of URI I am very hopeful of a better future. Yes peace is possible when we unite. The Grand Imam of Badshahi Mosque and Global Trustee of URI, Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, said we are very happy and proud that so many religious leaders from different religions and others have participated in this event. Our forefathers have made a lot of sacrifices for this country. He strongly condemned those Muslims who carry on attacks and persecute minorities in the country. He said that such people are purely terrorists and they are Muslims by name only and they have nothing to do with the teaching of Islam, which is peace. These people are destroying the religion of Islam. Today we must denounce such mentality and work jointly for love. Fr James Channan congratulated and thanked all participants from various religions. He said we do need to promote peace at all levels of lives. Let the youth, religious leaders, singers, writers, TV channel anchors, artists, women and children promote peace in whatever capacity they are working. He quoted the message of the late Pope John Paul II that the building of peace is built upon four pillars: “Love, justice, equality and religious freedom” and it is important to work for all these elements which can bring lasting peace in the world. He highlighted the

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efforts of the United Religions Initiative for peace and interfaith harmony in the world. He thanked Mr. Ban Ki-moon, for his inspiring message for IDP that “We Must Disarm”. Fr Channan also thanked and admired for this inspiration of Goi Peace Foundation, World Peace Prayer Society and Byakko Shinko Kai, Japan, which are working to promote peace all around the world. He also extended greetings and good wishes for Muslims who were celebrating Eidul Fitr. Mr. Akram Masih Gill, Member of the Parliament, Pakistan, Fr Abad Habib OFM, CAP, President of the Major Superiors Leadership Conference of Pakistan and Maulana Javed Akbar Saqi, Chairman of the Wahdat Islami Movement also addressed the participants and expressed their gratitude and admiration for celebration of the IDP. For this program Sr. Sabina Rifat, URI Women Coordinator, had prepared special presentations and tableaus of women and children with messages of peace, unity and hope. Her programs were greatly admired by all guests. She also recited peace poems. Mr. Yuel Bhatti, Executive Secretary of URI Pakistan was the stage Secretary, while over one dozen URI CC Coordinators were present and contributed their best to make this program very successful.

This program lasted for more than four hours and all guests highly admired this celebration and ended with a festive dinner. Reported by: Fr James Channan OP URI Regional Coordinator Pakistan

Pir Mahal

May Peace Prevail in Pakistan and World

For the International Peace Day, a special program was arranged by the Peace & Environment Cooperation Circle Pakistan at the Vocational Training Institute Kamalia and the Govt. Special Education School for the Deaf, Kamalia on September 19th. Here trainees of the Vocational Training Institute Kamalia were addressed on peace and different plants were planted by trainees with the Clean Environment motto of the Peace & Environment CC.

The special students of Special Education School Kamalia also participated in the planting. Kamalia - Peace & Environment Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative


On the IDP the Palestinian Peace Society along with the International Peace Café from Israel and the International Survivor Corps (USA) met to pray for reconciliation all over the world, for peace to all humanity and serenity to all mankind. We discussed ways of future cooperation and methods to bring people in conflict together under our joint motto: "We refuse to continue living as enemies". May peace prevail on Earth in hearts of all people. Volunteering for Peace URI CC in Palestine organized in cooperation with Watan Organization an International Peace Day (IDP) Celebration in the West Bank city of Hebron in Palestine. The event brought together Volunteering for Peace CC members, Watan Organization members and volunteers in addition to Palestinian children. The ceremony included a celebration, candle lighting and singing for Peace by the participating children. The candle lighting demonstration in which every child and youth lit a candle to share with the world and make a wish as they wrote on the banners they were holding “May Peace Prevail in Palestine, May Peace Prevail in the World”. They also held banners reading “ Give Peace a chance”, “Happy World Peace Day”, “Think Peace, Imagine Peace, be Peace”, “We want Peace not Walls”, “End the Israeli occupation of Palestine”.

Volunteering for Peace members shared with other participants information about URI and Volunteering

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for Peace and how religions can be together to overcome conflicts around the world. Media were also present and covered the event for different local and international media stations. The photos were shared at the Internet between different International press organizations. Volunteering for Peace and its strategic partner Watan Organisation members and volunteers expressed great happiness to participate in this very important event. They asked us to transfer their call to the world to be fair and help Palestine to live in peace, keep praying for Palestine and say “May Peace Prevail in Palestine”. It is important to mention that the event was organized on 21st of September, which is the 2nd day of the feast of ending Ramadan. We appreciate the presence of all the members, volunteers and children during this holiday.

Tareq Altamimi, Coordinator Volunteering for Peace CC United Religions Initiative Palestine


Rev. David Limo, a Trustee of the United Religions Initiative in Peru, along with community members organization a Peace Pole Dedication ceremony in honor of the International Day of Peace on September 25th.

The 6-sided Peace Pole was crafted locally and planted in a park located in the center of the city.

The languages chosen honor the cultures and traditions of the indigenous peoples who came together to discuss creating a Culture of Peace. Machu Picchu

An Indigenous gathering, in the spirit of the UN 2009 International Year of Reconciliation, was held on the International Day of Peace in Machu Picchu, with prayers for healing from multiple traditions. There was also a related planting of 1,000 medicinal trees at a different site in Peru. A group of URI indigenous from Argentina, Peru, Chile, Panama, and Bolivia met in Cuzco, Peru to speak about the possibilities of creating cultures of peace among us all. We held our gathering for rituals, prayers and reconciliation as scheduled in Machu Picchu, Peru. We found an unobtrusive space with the background of the great city behind us. Our very own shaman Calixto from Bolivia led a powerful ceremony of forgiveness and reconciliation. We were unable to take the banner inside but took photos at the entrance of Machu Picchu, including one with a peace pole and the banner we borrowed from the World Peace Prayer Society.

The next day, we continued our visit in the Sacred Valley of Ollaytanbo and continued to offer special ceremonies in the Sacred Valley and spent the night in the city of Pisac. Our event was very powerful and I am grateful to the ancestors, your prayers and all that accompanied us. Yoland Trevino, Chair United Religions Initiative Global Council Indigenous Mayan

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Baguio City, Manila, Quezon City, San Jose,

Silang Cavite, Cebu City

September is Peace Month in the Philippines! The Baguio City Centennial Peace Pole planting honored the IDP in Baguio City on Sept 19, during a very busy week including many IDP activities. Three Peace Pole anniversaries: La Salle, Sept 18, NKTI hospital Sept. 21, Franciscan Eco Garden Sept. 25. We are also working with the World Peace March in Manila for Oct. 6. May Peace Prevail On Earth.

Sept.18 - La Sallete Peace Pole Anniversary and Rededication Peace Festival (La Sallete Community) Cavite with DIVINITY IN and Big Mandala writing for environment. Mandala writing for women inmates.

Sept. 19 - Baguio City Peace Pole Planting, with Rotary Clubs of the City, in time for the Centennial Celebration of the City.

Sept. 19 - Ilog Pasig water purification, love, and life ceremony (ILog means River- Pasig)

Sept. 20 - Manila Shinjin WPPS and Peace Mandala writing workshop-Quezon City.

Sept. 21 - Manila Integrated IDP celebration, organized by Gen Peace, with GZO, JPICC Peacemakers Circle, and WPPS-Philippines-Quezon Memorial Circle, QC.

Sept. 22 - IDP celebration at National Kidney Inst - 3rd Anniversary/Hospital PEACE Day.

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Sept. 25 - SFIC Sisters Franciscan/Eco Spirituality Center-WPPC. San Jose, N.E. Sept. 25 - Cebu City with UC students/URI-CC, and Artist Peace Advocates Concert

Sept. 25 - Interfaith Peace Prayers - Peace Garden, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro.and many other IDP CELEBRATIONS around the country. Mario “Toots” Fungo WPPS Peace Representative


Greetings in Peace! As in every year, this year too I tried to promote the Celebration of the International Day of Peace on 21st September. As first step, as you know, I created a video which is posted on: I posted information on the International Day of Peace in Romanian on: 21 Septembrie Ziua Internationala a Pacii Pe data de 21 Septembrie in numeroase tari din intreaga lume se celebreaza Ziua Internationala a Pacii. Pacii este promovata de Natiunile Unite. Ziua Internationala a Pacii a fost prima data stabilita in 1981 de catre rezolutia 36/67 a Ansamblului General a Natiunilor Unite spre a coincide cu sesiunile de deschidere din fiecare Septembrie. In 2001 rezolutia 55/282 a fost imputernicita sa fixeze data anuala pe 21 Septembrie si sa fie o zi a nonviolentei si armistitiului. Rezolutia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre Statele Membre ale Ansamblului General. Pe data de 21 Septembrie in numeroase tari din intreaga lume se celebreaza Ziua Internationala a Pacii. Este o zi in care oamenii reflecteaza si viseaza la un viitor al Pacii, intro societate lipsita de ura si violenta, si isi exprima gindurile si sentimentele de Pace, pentru Pace prin creatii artistice sau manifestari pentru a promova Pacea. Puteti contribui si dumneavoastra la promovarea Zilei Internationale a Pacii, prin a o face cunoscuta, si a avea o rugaciune,un gand pentru Pace,care sa se alature gindurilor si rugaciunilor oamenilor din lumea intreaga! FIE PACE PE PAMANT!

On 26-th September 2009, I participated at a run-race for every age, first edition organized in my town,

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named Crosul Sighetului. I won here the 3rd place, and received a medal and diploma.

I ran wearing a tee shirt having on it the Universal Peace Message: MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH. This running race was filmed, and photographed by lot of media presence which attended the event and I hope a piece from this message reached the soul of the present ones. I dedicate this effort to the support of the International Day of Peace. May Peace Prevail on Earth! Tatomir Ion-Marius WPPS Peace Representative, Romania


A soccer match was planned by the URI in Uganda for the International Day of Peace, to dramatize the need for peace and reconciliation between Southern and Northern Uganda. The IDP celebrations were conducted in Nakivubo football stadium on the 19th of September because we were advised that 21st might be Eid Day. The turn out of the fans was very good. "The interfaith peace prayer by the different religious groups were said and at the end of each we would respond with, “May peace prevail in Uganda. May peace prevail on earth." We printed out enough copies for even the non URI members who were seated in the VIP section to follow. Sheikh Khalil led the Muslim prayer and Sr. Gorretti coordinated the prayers. Bishop Ochola, who is also our chairperson. read out the Peace and reconciliation Statement which he later handed over to the guest of honor the Minister of Finance Hon Ruth Nankabirwa.

Later the peace football match between the Members of Parliament and the Uganda Sports Press Association (USPA) started. USPA beat the parliamentarians 2 goals to nil in a match that was played during a heavy down pour. The players kept falling, which amused many. At the end the Minister gave her remarks thanking URI for organizing something like this which can attract many people but at the same time sending out a clear message about peace and Interfaith cooperation. She appreciated our need for national reconciliation and urged the football fans to go beyond the love for foot ball but also consider the love and respect for human life.

Later we had press interviews from the different media houses and this was a good thing because then it gave URI publicity and visibility. We were also happy to have opened an office because at least the first question from each media house was where URI is located. The national TV station has actually run an exclusive interview twice on Sunday and Monday about URI. This being our first major activity since opening up our office, we really felt happy and blessed at the same time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the young leaders since this was their brain child activity and the office only facilitated this activity, the religious leaders present from the Hindu, Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Jewish, Baha!i and Hare Krishna for their support and participation. Thank you the international community for your kind words and support. May Peace prevail on earth. Despina Namwembe United Religions Initiative Uganda UNITED KINGDOM

Lincolnshire, England, UK

Sunday the 13th September we collaborated with Gena and Gregg Chapman at their local church celebrating the International Day Of Peace. The vicar of the church was very keen to have the flags of each continent plus the earth flag and Universal flag on a peace walk starting from the local primary school and finishing at his church "St Chads!. There were around 50 people who joined the walk and afterwards there was a special church service for peace, including hymns and following on with some words about the flags. Gregg gave an introduction as to the meaning of the flags (they were all displayed around the church and behind the choir) and then he read out some information about each of the continents. As he did this someone stepped forward with the continental flag to the front of the church and a few flags from that particular continent were held aloft and followed on behind. The vicar then said "May peace be in Africa - May peace prevail on earth! and so on with each of the continents.

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There were also postcards around the church (on every pew) from the children!s international Peace Pals art exhibition and the vicar asked us to hold them up and say where they were from. As a finale the vicar (for he was the one who really organised this in this church) had everyone stand around the flags and let off balloons with the name of each continent on them that we repeated in the name of peace. The balloons floated gently upwards into the high rafters of the church and out of sight but they did make a lovely completion to this peace morning.

Monday 21st the International Day Of Peace, we went to a local village, Skellington, in Lincolnshire where there was a meditation in a peace garden for an hour, 6.30pm until 7.30pm, sending out our light thoughts for peace around the planet. Afterwards small lanterns were lit with peace messages inside and put to float down the river, a number of people from the village attended. Very joyful. Infinite peace Infinite gratitude Infinite love Diana Joy and Antonella Villa WPPS Peace Representatives, U.K.

London, England, UK

Dumfries, Scotland, UK

The Global Peace Concert and World Peace Flag Ceremony took place with musicians from Japan and Scotland to honor 150 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and the UK.

Stars shine for world peace

Oct 2 2009 by Our Correspondent, Dumfries Standard Friday MUSICIANS from two cultures came together at DG One in a spectacular multi-national concert of world-class music and song.

The second Global Peace Concert, which took place on Friday, September 17, was a star-studded affair that combined the exceptional talents of Japanese and Scottish musicians. The event celebrated the United Nations International Day of Peace, Japan/UK 150 (the 150th anniversary of Japan opening its doors for diplomatic relations with UK), the Homecoming and Dumfries and Galloway and marked a spectacular finale to National Diversity Week South of Scotland MSP and Minister for Culture, External Affairs and the Constitution Mike Russell delivered the evening!s opening speech, he said: “The World Peace Prayer Society has done a wonderful job assembling such an array of international and local talent for this evening. “Caroline, Uma and the rest of the team at Allanton have managed in this one event to symbolise a Scotland that I am proud to be part of. Tonight we are privileged to see a Scotland that shares our experiences and talents with the rest of the world and in turn embraces those talents from abroad. Who would have thought the bagpipes and Taiko drumming would go together so well? The three strands that tonight brings together, Homecoming 2009, Japan 150 and Dumfries and Galloway's

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Diversity week is a proud reminder that we are not one Scotland, but many.”

The evening started with a bang with Joji Hirota and the Taiko drummers giving a spectacular performance – followed by Gary West on the pipes and Wendy Stewart on the harp. This led to Nicky Spence introducing Clara Belle (Clare Uchima). Nicky and Clare were in the same class together at Wallace Hall Academy. The first half was completed by Joji playing the shakuhachi flute and singing a Japanese traditional song.

After the interval, the World Peace Flag Ceremony took place with all the flags of the world being carried on stage by pupils from Sanquhar Academy, Wallace Hall Academy and Kelloholm Primary School. During the ceremony, Ali Burns and the Feral Choir performed “We are all Under the Stars,” a song written by Ali and inspired by previous flag ceremonies.

After this, former school buddies Nicky Spence and Clare Uchima gave a short “skit” on their time together in Dumfries, before they both went to London to study

music. Hikaru Yoshiyama, master concert pianist of the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, then amazed his audience before Nicky Spence joined him on stage to sing four songs – his powerful voice filling the whole of DG One. The audience was then treated to a superb duet by Hikaru Yoshiyama (piano) and Masayuki Kino (violin). Masayuki Kino then introduced his daughter Anna Hashimoto who, at 15 years old, has already performed as soloist on her clarinet for the English Chamber Orchestra. All musicians came together on stage for a rousing Auld Lang Syne, a song that links the cultures of Japan and Scotland, as this is one of the songs most played in Japan. This concert is the second one organised by the World Peace Prayer Society, who are based at Allanton World Peace Sanctuary, Auldgirth.

* * * The Minister that spoke so supportively at the concert - has recently been made Education Minister for the Scottish Parliament - one of the top positions! Glenda Thornton The World Peace Prayer Society Allanton Sanctuary Auldgirth, Dumfries Forres, Scotland, UK

For the International Day of Peace I organised a World Peace Prayer Ceremony in the Moray Steiner School in Forres, which is close to the Findhorn Foundation and has about 100 children. It was most wonderful and inspiring, with the children really engaged and interested and very welcoming teachers.

The ceremony included some beautiful songs sung by the children and class 5 was very happy to represent the continent of Africa, since Africa is the subject of their main lesson at present. Afterwards they were all stringing up peace cranes to hang them up around the school. Katharina Brocke Findhorn Foundation

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Fremont, CA

International Day of Peace

Monday, September 21, 2009

A picture from the Prayer around the Peace Pole on the Motherhouse front lawn:

The International Day of Peace was established in1981 to bring together people of all nations to commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace. By creating this day, the United Nations devoted itself to worldwide peace and encouraged all of humankind to work in cooperation toward this goal. This event is Sponsored by Pax Christi, Fremont.

Sacramento, CA

Today was the International Day of Peace. We had a little celebration and Peace Pole Dedication on 54th Street, Sacramento, California.

~ May Peace Prevail On Earth ~

CPT Reneé Marie M.S. CCC-SLP WPPS Peace Representative “There is no higher pursuit nor noble a cause then to invest ourselves and our wealth in Peace.”

San Francisco, CA

The International Day of Peace event held by the Global Support Office at the Presidio in San Francisco, California started with sharing poems around the Peace Pole and a moment of silence.

We also decorated kites with message of peace that we hope to send to children in Pakistan and Palestine (West Bank) as part of the Brahma Kumaris Kites for Peace program — and we flew them too! Later on we enjoyed the beautiful weather by eating together. Happy International Day of Peace to all. In peace and love, Brittany Hutchison United Religions Initiative Global Office Santa Cruz, CA Monarch Community School

Another joint venture for September - United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21st. You can look for displays in our libraries. Our elementary schools will be celebrating in a variety of ways. We are creating a "Peace Pole Path" in Santa Cruz. The Peace Pole Project was founded in 1955. They are found all over the world. The message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" can be found in different languages on the side of the poles. Currently Bayview, Gault, and Delaveaga have Peace Poles. There is one next to Westlake at the Congregational Church, and soon the Central Branch of the SCPL and the Beach Flats Community Center will also have poles. Both of these poles are sponsored by the WILF (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom). We hope that each year new poles will be added to the project. Fillmore, CA

Peace Pole Ceremony Fillmore Gazette Staff Writer — Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 September 20th, 2009 Soroptimist International of Fillmore will celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 20th at 1:00 in the City Park in front of City Hall with a ceremony at the location of the prospective Peace Pole site at the City Park in from of City Hall. All are invited to participate in this important day. The International Day of Peace began in 1982 through a United Nations proclamation “devoted to commemorating and

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strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations”. It was expanded in 2001 to a call for a day of global cease fire and nonviolence. They began to honor the International Day of Peace in 2008 with a celebration and a temporary pole. Fillmore City Council approved the installation of a permanent Peace Pole to be installed in City Park at their last meeting. This year the pole will be the same temporary pole that has been used in the past. Participants will be invited to affix the word PEACE in various languages to the pole. Rev. Julie Morris, priest of Fillmore Trinity Episcopal Church will give the opening prayer followed by a short ceremony led by Sarah Hansen. In our own town violence continues. Our town, our county and our world needs a concerted movement toward reconciliation and peace. At a time when people around the world are being needlessly killed and wars are decimating entire populations, this call to peace is even more urgently needed. We hope that you will join with us in the City Park to reinforce the need for personal, community and world peace! To establish a permanent Peace Pole, Soroptimists International Fillmore have made the initial donation toward the purchase. The remainder will be raised through donations and fundraisers. If you would like to donate money to help pay for the permanent Peace Pole please make the check to out to Soroptimists Int. of Fillmore with Peace Pole on the bottom of the check and bring it on Sunday to the ceremony, or contact any Soroptimist. We thank you for supporting this critical effort. Ventura, CA

International Day of Peace

September 21, Annual International Day of Peace, has been established by the UN as a "global call for ceasefire and non-violence... a time to reflect on the horror and cost of war and the benefits of peacefully resolving our disputes." This is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. We will join in the worldwide observance with a candlelight vigil at 7:00 on Monday, September 21, at the Peace Pole at Plaza Park in Ventura and then walk to A Place of Peace (896 E Main St.) to continue our celebration with remarks by Dr. Robert Dodge of Citizens for Peaceful Resolutions and Beyond War and community discussion. Established by U.N. resolution in 1982, "Peace Day" has grown to include millions of people around the world who participate in all kinds of events, large and small. "Peacebuilding is different from "peacemaking" and "peacekeeping" in that it focuses on creating a long-term culture of peace, rather than solving existing

conflicts or preventing old ones from re-occurring. Peacebuilding activities aim at building understanding and tolerance among individuals, communities and societies and establishing new structures of cooperation. Peacebuilding activities range in scale from personal acts of kindness toward others to global inter- governmental programs."

–The UN Peace Building Commission

Bridgeport, CT

September 21, 2009 200+ students and their teachers from St Ann, Longfellow, and Black Rock Elementary schools participated in a peace pole dedication at the newly renovated and reopened Black Rock branch library in Bridgeport, CT.

The prayer "May Peace Prevail on Earth" is written on the peace pole in English, Spanish, Japanese, and American Sign Language (ASL). It is the fourth peace pole in the Black Rock neighborhood: there is one at 78 Bartram Avenue, one at Black Rock Elementary School, and one at St Ann School (both on Brewster Street).

Students read letters from Senator Dodd, Senator Lieberman, and Representative Jim Himes. State Representative Auden Grogins was on hand to congratulate the students and encourage them to continue bringing peace into their schools and neighborhoods.

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Governor Rell's Representative Chris Tymniak read the Governor's Proclamation that September 21st is International Peace Day in Connecticut. Mayor Finch read his proclamation for the city of Bridgeport and encouraged the students to continue working for peace and to dedicate themselves to ending global warming.

Please note that this year we had lots of "May peace prevail on earth" signs, as well as all the students learning how to "sign" may peace prevail on earth in American Sign Language (ASL).

Longfellow School has already asked to have their own peace pole dedication in 2010. Hooray!!!! Gail Ostrow WPPS Peace Pal Coordinator

Lebanon, CT

IDP Event During the

Week of Global Interreligious Dialogue

Co-Organized by Global Family for Love and

Peace and the Global Family for Love and Peace

Cooperation Circle of the

United Religions Initiative

September 19, 2009 Report from the Indigenous Culture and Education Center

More than 30 people gathered at the Indigenous Culture and Education Center in Lebanon, CT on the evening of September 19, 2009 to share the wisdom of the Indigenous Peoples. In celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace, the topic of the evening was Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, seeking answers to the questions: • How can we balance the needs of humanity with

sustaining our planet, and work to resolve the conflict between a global economy and environmental conservation?

• How can we balance the needs of humanity with sustaining our planet, and work to resolve the conflict between a global economy and environmental conservation?

• How can the religious and spiritual communities contribute their considerable resources to these crucial issues?

In the tradition of Indigenous cultures, responses to these questions come from no one individual but from the Spirit. The message from the Spirit is clear: Respect the Earth. If our actions do not arise from the foundation of respect for the earth, then they ultimately will not serve to benefit environmental sustainability, or any other way in which we desire to change the world. It must be respect for the earth that guides our thoughts and actions.

Next, the Spirit speaks about stillness. Without stillness, we are not able to accept the gifts from the universe nor are we able to share our own gifts with each other. It is the stillness of our own spirit, our inner core, which brings about this openness.

Someone asked, “How could my spirit be still when during this life it has witnessed pain, sadness, and disappointment?” Overcoming what we perceive as injuries and hurt can only be achieved through love and forgiveness.

The wisdom of the elders goes on though. Before the Creator created, there was stillness. We were all

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there. We are that stillness. And from that stillness comes creativity, and from that creativity comes our stories.

Being in the stillness, we can change our stories, perhaps not the stories of the past, but certainly the stories we tell of the present and of our future. We can begin to tell new stories together, co-creating a future of caring for the earth and for each other. The stories must be about peace, love, and understanding. Most importantly, about peace -- peace in what we say to each other and what we do not say to each other, peace in our actions, peace in our thoughts, and peace in our hearts. We are that stillness from which each of us can create – that is the starting place which we all share.

May Peace Prevail on Earth! Laurence Singer Global Family for Love and Peace Global Family for Love and Peace Cooperation Circle of the United Religions Initiative

Torrington, CT

On September 11th a World Peace Prayer Ceremony was held in Torrington, Connecticut, using Flag Cards. Flag Cards are a beautiful and easy way to have WPFC anywhere, anytime and easily manageable for very small venues such as this! It was organized by Richard St. Laurent, who was the inspiration behind the “11 Days of Global Peace” in honor of 9/11 and the International Day of Peace. The World Peace Flag Ceremony was held in the center of Torrington, where a lovely Peace Pole had been planted a few years ago. A light misty rain was upon us, but as soon as we began praying for each country, the rain subsided. When the ceremony ended, everyone felt elated and remarked how amazing and wonderful it was to pray for each country. The ceremony was repeated again at the end of the 11 Days of Global Peace on September 21st, 2009. A great thank you goes to Richard St. Laurent for his inspiration. What a wonderful opportunity to pray in the center of a small city.

Pamela Beasley WPPS Peace Representative Cornwall, Connecticut

Washington, DC

Peace Pole Dedication at Perry School in Sursum

Corda, Washington, DC

September 21st, 2009 In honor of the International Day for Peace Little Friends for Peace (LFFP) planted a Peace Pole outside of the Perry School Community Services Center, located at 128 M Street, NW., in Washington, DC, in a neighborhood that receives much negative attention for violence, crime and drugs, the pole emphasizes that Perry School and those within its walls are making a stand for peace in their community. The Peace Pole states, “May Peace Prevail on Earth, in our Neighborhood, and in our Communities.”

A dedication ceremony was recently held at which many community members and building workers attended to support the planting and that which it represents. MJ Park, LFFP!s Co-Director, gave a welcome to the group and facilitated the ceremony. The children from the Perry Center, Inc. and LFFP after school program participated in the ceremony, explaining and blessing the Peace Pole. Jamica, a fifth grader and afterschool participant, read an explanation of the Peace Pole just before all reached their hands toward the Pole and the closest children actually touched the Pole to bless it for Peace.

Mary Shapiro, founder and coordinator of Sounds of Hope at the Potter!s House, led the children in singing songs of peace including “This Little Light of Mine,” “Two Hands Hold the Earth,” and the “MLK Rap.” Then, children and staff from throughout the Perry School cheered the Peace Pole as a symbol to the community to strive for peace in our daily lives, and to spread that peace to others. New Smyrna Beach, FL

International Day of Peace-September 21st, 2009

International Day of Peace Vigil

Volusia Peace Center

We are an Interfaith community dedicated to peace through non-violence, social justice, and greater understanding among all people of the world.

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All United Nations member countries agreed to a Global Ceasefire on September 21st each year to Celebrate a Day of Peace and Nonviolence throughout the World. Join us on Monday, Sept 21st at 6:30 pm for this celebration.

Come see our Traveling Peace Pole!

Speakers confirmed to date: Holly Rose, Director of Volusia Peace Center; Sally Mackay, Mayor of New Smyrna Beach; Rev. Pete Carter, Bethel Missionary Baptist; Rev. Nancy Saputro, Christ Church Unity; Rev. Bud Murphy, Ormond Beach Unitarian Universalist; Father Phil Egitto, Our Lady of Lourdes; Nigerian Pastor Wale Adewumi, Mount Olive Primitive Baptist; and to represent a Buddhist point of view Carolyn Kreech, Singing Bells Sangha. Also, Joe Wolfarth and Rod McDonald. Others may be added. In addition to this integrated group of speakers, Peace Day has the support of our Jewish, Wiccan, Muslim and Native American communities.

Parking onsite is limited, however you may park on Sams Avenue in front of Old Fort Park and on Julia Street near City Hall and on Faulkner Avenue near the First Baptist Church.

Sarasota, FL

Lay Dominicans and Lay Franciscans joined together for Mass, brunch and a prayer service. The Dominican Sisters of Hope were there.

A group of approximately 50 people gathered at the Peace Pole in front of the Dominican Sisters Center in San Rafael, CA. The pole was originally installed in 2004 and the day has been marked with prayer and the tolling of the sisters' bell each year. Dominican sisters, associates, friars, nuns and laity gathered for prayer service, called by the ring of peace bells, a refrain arises: “Trust in the Lord who is our help.” Every September 21st, they join the rest of the Dominican Familiy to pray for peace.

Ban Ki-Moon, in addressing the UN crowd said, "We must disarm:

• because we have to focus on our future, not [nuclear] warfare,

• because more people prosper in times of peace than in fearful and deadly times of war,

• because young people deserve a fresh start in a safer world without nukes,

• because these weapons are impractical, unacceptably risky and unworthy of civilization,

• because nukes don't differentiate between military targets and hospitals or playgrounds,

• because billions are spent on a tool of self-destruction while many die of hunger,

because security is not achieved by force but by justice, law and respecting others.

Countless other Dominicans around the U.S. and the world remembered to Wrap the World in Prayers for Peace.

Judy Lu, OP (San Rafael) blesses those present for the prayer around the peace pole. Wellington, FL


September 18, 2009

The Village of Wellington Council has proclaimed the day of September 21, 2009 as United Nations Day of Peace within Wellington. During the month of September, International Peace Day is celebrated across the country and around the world. The Village of Wellington and the Wellington Rotary Club will hold an International World Peace Day Ceremony on Monday, September 21, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place at the Rotary Peace Park located at the intersection of Royal Fern Drive and Birkdale Drive. The ceremony commemorates and strengthens the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.

The 2009 Annual Wellington

Rotary World Peace Ceremony

The annual Wellington Rotary World Peace Ceremony is a non racial, non denominational, non political celebration that fosters cultural understanding, religious diversity and the hope for a peaceful world.

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The ceremony is celebrated on the United Nations International Day of Peace, September 21st of each year at the Wellington Rotary Peace Pole/Peace Park. On this day, citizens from Wellington, and surrounding communities, are invited to join together at the Peace Park, to link our community with people all over the world that are also promoting world peace consciousness and multicultural understanding at their individual peace ceremonies within their countries.

Many community projects have been designed to involve Wellington residents in the celebration of the Wellington Rotary World Peace ceremony and to raise community awareness for world peace consciousness. Millions of people, from all over the world, gather around their community's Peace Poles each year on September 21st to pay their respect to the concept of “May Peace Prevail On Earth”, the motto of the worldwide Peace Pole movement.

The ceremony is an exciting and emotionally moving event, with honor guards and taps announcing the beginning of the ceremony, student winners reciting their poetry and essays on world peace, the display of the winning student World Peace posters, music, presentation of the Rotary Peace scout merit badges, the Annual Wellington Rotary Peace Award, the Wellington Rotary School Ambassador Conflict Resolution Awards and the culmination of the annual release of 30 white peace doves.

This is an event designed for adults and children, for families and for individuals. The Wellington public is encouraged to attend this event. Come and join us, and the millions of citizens from around the world that gather together at more than 200,000 other World Peace ceremonies, on this U.N. International World Day of Peace, Sept. 21, as we foster the movement toward world peace.

Kailua, HI

St. Anthony Parish Students and faculty, Father Dennis Koshko and Father Steve Nguyen gathered in the Friendship Lanai to celebrate International Day of Peace on Sept. 21. The day was established by a United Nations Resolution in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly. The first Day of Peace was celebrated in September 1982. Each year on Sept. 21, people throughout the world gather to pray for peace and to commit themselves to work for peace. At our ceremony, we blessed and dedicated the Peace Pole, a gift to the school from the graduating class of 2009 and other benefactors.

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The Peace Pole is inscribed with the words, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in eight different languages. The Peace Pole is a reminder to keep peace ever present in our thoughts. As we learn to honor one another, our environment, plants, animals, and all creation on earth, the vision of global peace will gradually become a natural way of life, a true culture of peace. May peace prevail on earth! Oahu, HI

Our Lady of Kea'au, dedicated in 2005, is a Franciscan place of prayer, refuge !and recreation located on Oahu's Waianae Coast. Peace Day. St. Francis is remembered as a peace maker. He is noted for forging a truce between a man-eating wolf and the townspeople of Gubio, he reconciled Bishop Guido and the podesta of Assisi and he is credited with a beloved peace prayer. This year our commemoration of the International Day of Peace included singing Make Me a Channel of Your Peace and placing our peace rocks and prayer stones around the Peace Pole. Be sure to stop by to admire and to express your own wish for peace on earth and in our hearts. Our Lady of Kea!au is a subsidiary of St. Francis Healthcare System. Sister Beatrice Tom, OSF, Chief Administrator Sister Patricia Rapozo, OSF, Assistant Administrator

Ames, IA

11 Days of Global Unity – Central Iowa

Peace Pole Dedication/Opening Ceremonies

Date: Sept. 11

Time: 4:30 p.m. Location: Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave. Info: Join the 11 Days of Global Unity planning committee for a Peace Pole dedication and opening ceremony on Friday, Sept. 11 at 4:30 p.m. at the Ames Public Library. The committee will dedicate a peace pole to the Ames Public Library with a short ceremony including peace readings. All are welcome. Sioux City, IA

Sept. 21, Mon., 7 p.m. – Siouxland Peace Coalition

celebrates International Peace Day

at the riverfront Peace Pole, Sioux City.

Governor and City Council Proclaim Peace Day Sept. 21; Siouxland Celebrates Iowa Governor Chet Culver has proclaimed Monday, Sept. 21st as International Peace Day (below). The Sioux City City Council is scheduled to do the same at their regular Monday meeting that day. Sioux City students are making Peace Pinwheels, which will be on display throughout that day on the south lawn of the Sioux City Art Center, 225 Nebraska St.

The Siouxland Peace Coalition invites the general public to celebrate at 7 p.m. at the Peace Pole, near the Welcome Center (tugboat) on Larson Park Rd. Peace walkers will leave the Art Center at 6:30 for the Peace Pole. Everyone is welcome to join the peace walk. The 7 p.m. event will include singing, dancing, brief readings and prayers. State of Iowa Executive Department In the Name and by the Authority of the State of Iowa +PROCLAMATION Whereas, the issue of peace embraces the deepest hopes of all peoples and remains humanity!s guiding inspiration, and Whereas, in 1981, the United Nations proclaimed the International Day of Peace be “devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples”; and Whereas, the United Nations expanded the observation of the International Day of Peace in 2001 to include the call for a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, and invited all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the day; and Whereas, there is growing support within our state for the observation of the International Day of Peace, which affirms a vision of our world at peace, and fosters cooperation between individuals, organizations and nations; and Whereas, global crises impel all citizens to work toward converting humanity!s noblest aspirations for world peace into a practical reality for future generations: Now, therefore, I, Chester J. Culver, Governor of the

State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim September 21, 2009, as the

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE in Iowa, and urge all government departments and agencies, organizations, schools, places of worship

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and individuals in our state to commemorate the International Day of Peace. This may include community service projects, cultural exhibits and performances, a moment of silence, ringing of bells, sharing the universal wish “May peace prevail on Earth” at noon, vigils, religious services in our places of worship, and other education and public awareness activities in order to help establish a global day of peace in our homes, our communities and between nations. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the Great Seal of the State of Iowa to be affixed. Done at Des Moines this 24th day of August in the year of our Lord two thousand nine. [signature] Chester J. Culver Governor of Iowa [seal] Attest: [signature] Michael A. Mauro

Secretary of State

Chicago, IL

31st anniversary celebration of

Peace Day in Chicago!

Peace Day: A Chicago Institution

Chicago pioneered the celebration of Peace Day and serves as a model for cities throughout the world. Four years before the United Nations established the International Day of Peace, Chicago designated an official Peace Day on September 7, 1978. Chicago is the only major city in the world with a 30+ year history of Peacebuilding through annual Peace Day events, and is an official United Nations Peace Messenger city. The Peace School, the founding organization of Peace Day, is a U.N. Peace Messenger organization.

Peace Day has been officially celebrated in Chicago every year since 1978 and has been proclaimed by Mayor Richard M. Daley and all of his predecessors since it's inception. The annual celebration includes One Minute of Silence for World Peace, the Call to Peace, the World Peace Flag Ceremony, and cultural performances celebrating the diversity of our city and world. Representatives from the Consular Corps of Chicago, cultural and ethnic organizations, students and other volunteers form a unifying procession as they present on stage the nearly 200 flags of every

U.N. member nation. Each nation is honored equally with wishes, thoughts or prayers for peace. PEACE DAY CELEBRATION

Friday, September 18, 2009 12:00 noon-1:00 pm Daley Plaza, 50 West Washington Street Other 2009 Peace Day events:

September 14-25, 2009


Richard J. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St. September 9-11, 2009 OPENING SPACE FOR PEACE Northeastern Illinois University 5500 North St. Louis Avenue September 19, 2009 PEACE CORNER AT COUNTY FAIR Garfield Park Conservatory, 300 North Central Park Avenue

September 21, 2009 CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Commemorates Peace Day Chicago, IL

St. Stanislaus Kostka School unveils peace


In celebration of International Day of Peace on Sept. 21, St. Stanislaus Kostka School will unveil the beginning stages of a peace garden. The ribbon-cutting is part of the school year theme of “Partners for Peace.” The student meditation/ prayer garden will encourage individuals to support world peace and provide a strong learning environment. During the last year students earned money at home by doing acts of service. The donations went to purchase a peace pole that will mark the beginning stages of the garden.

Rockford, IL

Aspiring for true peace and tranquility and celebrating diversity and heritage, the Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza is located in Rockford, Illinois. The Peace Plaza is situated in a 2.5 acre park which also serves as a trailhead for Rockford!s 20 mile Perryville Path network of bicycle and recreational trails with an easy

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link to Rock Cut State Park located three miles north of the Peace Plaza. The International Day of Peace, established by United Nations resolution in 1981, provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of Peace on a shared date (September 21). Around the world, the International Day of Peace is used to highlight the U.N. Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001 to 2010. The International Day of Peace (IDOP) has been celebrated annually at the Peace Plaza in Rockford since 2003, hosted by the Keeling and Puri families. How is the Day of Peace celebrated at the

Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza?

At the International Day of Peace, 2,000 individuals from the Rock River Valley, including over 1,300 elementary school children learn to: • Celebrate the cultural heritage of our community • Understand and appreciate individual differences

and similarities • Become aware of our responsibilities as global

citizens to strive for peace in our world • Children, grades three through five, learn about

peace through classroom study, music, Peace Day activities and meeting community and global peacemakers.

The Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza and The

International Day of Peace

As its mission, the Peace Plaza strives to: • Promote peace through understanding within our

community and our world • Encourage a sense of personal responsibility in

the process of building enduring world peace • Provide the children and adults of the Rock River

Valley with a venue and event to celebrate our community!s rich ethnic heritage

• Promote education about children and adults in other countries; their cultures, beliefs and dreams

• Work in collaboration with community partners

Features at the Peace Plaza:

• 60 languages on six Peace Poles proclaim “May Peace Prevail on Earth”

• 44 flags represent our region!s rich and diverse cultural heritage

• 10 prophets of peace quoted on the granite sculpture base

• 7 sister cities honored in Rockford!s Sister Cities Garden

• One “Harmony Atlas” sculpture by Lee Sido of Northern Illinois University

• Historical timeline of immigration to the Rock River Valley

International Day of Peace Activities

Promoting peace through education

Schools receive books about peace for their classroom or library, curriculum support and passport holders for each child to participate in Day of Peace activities at the Peace Plaza.

Promoting peace through music

One Drum Multicultural Music Ensemble (with music roots of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, the Caribbean and the Americas) engages children during the week prior to the Day of Peace. One Drum emcees the Day of Peace, with interactive dancing, drumming, and singing. Schools are also encouraged to prepare songs, or dances to perform at the Day of Peace. The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois and the Illinois Arts Council provide funding for One Drum's workshops in schools and performances with children attending the International Day of Peace.

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Promoting peace through experiential learning

Hands-on activities have included flying giant peace doves, making “whirled peace” pinwheels, learning about the “power of the penny” and writing messages of peace on prayer flags.

Promoting peace by talking with peacemaker role


Two recent special guests have included: Greg Mortenson (author of Three Cups of Tea and founder of the Central Asia Institute and Pennies for Peace); and “Jane Addams” (1931 Nobel Peace Prize winner and graduate of Rockford College).

At Peace Plaza, One World

Comes Together.

May Peace Prevail on Earth.

Elkhart, IN

Elkhart Community Schools students celebrated International Day of Peace in a variety of ways Sept. 21, but they all had the same goal—to promote peace in the school and throughout their world. Cleveland students planted their pinwheels around the school's peace pole garden that was planted earlier this year. Like many Elkhart schools, Cleveland uses the Positive Behavior Support and the Olweus Bully Prevention programs to teach students respect and get along with their peers. "We planted the peace pole to show that we are a peaceful school, that peace is part of our community," said Martha Strickler, principal at Cleveland. "The peace pole is our way to publicly symbolize our intent.

"We want our students not just to strive for peace here at school, but also in their community and in their world," she added. "We want to broaden the students' horizons. Peace is something all children want and we want to be part of helping children achieve it." Goshen, IN

International Peace Day

Sixth Graders Dedicates Peace Pole, Learn to Respond Nonviolently

“Dona nobis pacem” (give us peace) echoed throughout Bethany Christian Schools! Friendship Garden as sixth-graders dedicated the school!s peace pole on International Peace Day: Monday, Sept. 21, 2009. The pole reads “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in English, Korean, Spanish, and Swahili, which are some of the native languages spoken by Bethany students.

The pole, purchased by the school!s Peace Society, was installed in the Friendship Garden, which was built in memory of Kari Nunemaker, a Bethany student who was murdered in January 1991. J.D. Smucker, who was faculty sponsor when Peace Society proposed the idea of a peace pole says, “The placement of the pole was important as we wanted it to be in a location where students would see it, but also a place that is appropriate to gather for prayer and express peace and forgiveness.”

The idea for the pole arose from discussions on how the Peace Society could impact the school and symbolize who we are as a community. Smucker says, “There used to be a sign near our school that said Goshen is a place where different people (cultures) can live together. Unfortunately this has not always been the case. So to have a symbol of peace in our school is one way for people to be reminded that our school is a community in which we do more than just tolerate each other. We are a community striving to be Christ-like in how we relate to each other and people we do not agree with.”

The dedication also included a litany, a peace rap created by several students (see below), several songs, and decorating the pole with origami peace

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cranes students made while learning about Sadako, whose story has become an inspiration for school children world-wide to fold cranes in a wish for peace.

In addition to dedicating the peace pole, the sixth grade class observed International Peace Day by integrating peace activities and learning into their various classes. Steve Thomas of Goshen!s Peacemakers Academy engaged the students in hands-on activities that helped them think of creative ways to confront violent situations nonviolently or to prevent violent situations from happening by learning to work together. After talking about Paul's message in Philippians 2:4: "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others," students played a simulation game in which they quickly learned that they all got more candy when they worked together than when they focused on how much each person could get on their own. In another session they learned how different personality styles tend to react differently to violence and identified their own style.

Peace Rap (chorus and one verse)

I said a peace today, I said a peace today

All the gangsters in the house say a peace today

So live your life the peaceful way.

Once I knew a boy who was constantly bad, But then we made peace so it wasn!t so bad. Now he!s my homey to the very peaceful end

So make peace with everyone and they will be your friend.

International Peace Pole Dedication: The sixth grade class along with teacher Beth Grieser and assistant principal Hank Willems, gather together

following the dedication of the peace pole.

Manhattan, KS

KSU celebrates International Peace Day

Story by Lindsey Elliott


Peace poles are erected all over the world to spread the message “May peace prevail on Earth.” This granite pole is on the corner of Thurston and Manhattan at the UFM building and commemorates 10 years of nonviolence education at K-State.

The four languages etched into the pole were carved by masons in Beloit. "We chose the four languages," Director of Nonviolence Education at K-State Susan Allen said. "English so we could read it. The language of Bhutan because it!s a small Buddhist country in the Himalayas that measures their progress in terms of gross national happiness and we like that. We chose Pottawatomie so we can honor the local Native American Indians and Japanese because that!s where the peace pole project began." There are two other peace poles in Manhattan. One in the Community Gardens and one at Manhattan High School. Lexington, KY

9/21 Carnegie Center: Celebrate International Day of Peace with Family Fun

WHAT: International Day of Peace

Family Fun & Learning Night

WHEN: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, September 21

WHERE: Carnegie Center 251 West Second Street, Lexington

No Charge — All Are Welcome

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The Carnegie Center will celebrate the International Day of Peace with a large array of activities for children of all ages. See below for more about the International Day of Peace.

• Painting a “Peace Pole” - People across the globe participate in this activity. It is supposed to be planted outside to show that we represent Peace, however we cannot put it outside. If you check out the International Day of Peace website, there is a link to this activity. There are great pictures from all over the world! The families will be able to put their mark on the pole with paint however they wish.

• Peace Pictionary – this will be a simple, fun way for the parents and kids to interact with one another. Actually, you could help with this! I will have a white board and I was planning on making about 15 cards with different peace words. So far the words I have that children and families could draw are: Hand shake, hug, love, world peace, friend, dove, earth, peace treaty…

• Peace Poetry – This will be a community poem. I will have strips of colored paper cut and the parents/kids and add a line to the community piece.

• Community Mural – we will have a large canvas that everyone can paint and add their peaceful remarks, pictures, etc.

• The Wall of Peace – This is a booth where children/parents can write a paragraph, draw a picture, etc. regarding what peace means to them. They will then post their thoughts/art on the wall. Then when everyone is eating we will have a sort of gallery of Peace to read, look at.

• Pinwheels for Peace – the children will write their feelings on the back of paper about war, peace, tolerance, etc. Then they turn the page and decorate the front. They will trace the pinwheel and cut and fold, then pin it to the eraser of a pencil.

• Origami Doves – we will have white origami paper and have instructions for folding the dove.

• Peace Bracelets – the kids will have multi-colored string and they can braid the string and then we will have peace sign and dove charms to add to it.

• Theatre Area – I am planning on searching youtube for peaceful protests, MLK speech, Peace demonstrations, etc. I would hope to have 30 mins of content. Maybe you could help me come up with videos or ideas for this.

• Community Hand Wreath – the families can trace their hands on construction paper and then each hand will be added to the circle so that we have a community wreath!

• Tie Dye Squares – the kids will tie dye handkerchiefs!

The International Day of Peace was established by the UN General Assembly in 1981 for “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace within and among all nations and people.” Twenty years later, the General Assembly decided that 21 September would be observed annually as a “day of global ceasefire and non-violence" and invited all Member States, organizations and individuals to commemorate the day, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of a global ceasefire. Find out more about the International Day of Peace.

New Orleans, LA

Audubon Charter School News INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE On Monday, September 21st, over 65,000 children in Montessori schools around the world sang “Light a Candle for Peace” to celebrate the United Nations International Day of Peace. Beginning in New Zealand and ending in the Hawaiian Islands, “Light a Candle for Peace” was passed around the world from schools in different time zones to fill an entire day with children!s beautiful voices singing about peace. Children attending schools in 31 countries around the world signed up to participate in the Sing for Peace Around the World event. Maria Montessori!s commitment to educating for peace led her to be nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize. It is only fitting that her legacy of Montessori education has inspired future generations to also work towards peace. At the Broadway campus, students sang "Light a Candle for Peace" in the courtyard and then planted pinwheels and donated pennies for Peace. It was a wonderful and peaceful celebration.

The Carrollton campus celebrated by gathering outside in different areas of the school and planting pinwheels and donating pennies by the Peace Pole. Students read the World Pledge of Peace, a poem written by a student, and more information about the International Day of Peace.

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"Averting war is the work of politicians; establishing peace is the work of education."

– Dr. Maria Montessori Ellen Selvidge, Montessori Director

Boston, MA

On Wednesday, September 16th, 2009 it was my supreme privilege to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace, 2009 in collaboration with the Boston City Council in City Council Chambers at Boston City Hall. This was my fourth year honoring the UN IDP with the City of Boston, and it has become a tradition for me.

I wrote and offered a prayer for World Peace which included a moment of silence in honor of the UN IDP, and a Resolution honoring the UN IDP 2009 sponsored by the City Council was introduced. Each year I have honored the UN IDP in this way has been memorable. However, this year was distinctly unique in that the current President of the City Council, Michael Ross, is a Jew - and, as such, made history in Boston - having been elected the first Jew in City Council history to serve as President. I, too, identify myself as Jewish - so it felt particularly meaningful for me to stand with the President (who, by the way, is also my City Councilor) in honor of the UN IDP 2009. REPORT #2

On Saturday, September 19th, it was my infinite blessing to offer a prayer for World Peace in honor of the UN IDP 2009 during the Hillel Reform Service for the first day of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA. My presentation included a congregational moment of silence in honor of the UN International Day of Peace, 2009. This was a particularly meaningful moment for me - as a Jew - honoring the UN International Day of Peace, 2009 on the first day of the Jewish New Year, as well as a sacred Sabbath. I am honored to tell you that Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun chose to publish an excerpt of my prayer

recently under Spiritual Wisdom of the Week - on the Tikkun website - Be blessed. L'shalom, Penny Joy Snider-Light WPPS Peace Representative, Greater Boston

Duxbury, MA

International Day of Peace observed at Bay Farm

GateHouse News Service DUXBURY —

The students and staff at Bay Farm Montessori Academy observed the International Day of Peace with a brief ceremony held Sept. 21 around the Peace Pole on the Bay Farm campus in Duxbury. Students sang songs about peace, displayed peace cranes and flags they made, and read essays they wrote for the occasion. Faculty members provided music and overviews of how peace was the foundation of Maria Montessori!s philosophy. Prior to the event, all students in the fourth and fifth grades completed five hours of community service in honor of the International Day of Peace.

The United Nations! International Day of Peace, marked every year on Sept. 21, is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. Established by U.N. resolution in 1982, Peace Day has grown to include millions of people around the world who participate in all kinds of events, large and small.

Bay Farm Montessori Academy is an independent, coeducational day school offering programs for students from 12 months through eighth grade.

Bel Air, MD

Bel Air pupils celebrate

International Day of Peace

By Mary Gail Hare | The Baltimore Sun September 22, 2009

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St. Margaret School teacher Vickie Mottram sings with (from left) Caroline Miller, Anastasia DiPeso and Olivia Lang, who dressed in clothing from their families' native countries. (Baltimore Sun photo by Lloyd Fox / September 21, 2009) St. Margaret School in Bel Air observed the annual International Day of Peace Monday with prayers, songs and the dedication of a "peace pole."

More than 500 children in the lower school marched from a prayer service in the gymnasium to the 6-foot-tall pole inscribed on all four sides with "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in four languages - English, Spanish, Korean and Creole, in a nod to their sister school in Haiti.

"Prevail means to be strong and persist," said Jimmy Beyer, a fifth-grader.

As the children marched, one classmate continually hit notes on a xylophone and another beat steadily on a drum. Fifth-grade students carried handmade flags from nearly 90 countries and pinned the multicolored banners on a rope encircling the pole. Several children dressed in native clothing denoting their family heritage.

"If there is no peace, nobody would be friends," said Olivia Lang, who wore an Irish step-dancer costume.

More than 200,000 peace poles have been erected around the world.

"We are planting seeds for peace and will keep nurturing the tradition of peace," said Jane Dean, the school's principal. Copyright © 2009, The Baltimore Sun

Westminster, MD Peace Pole Planting World Peace Party on Sept. 20 to honor World Peace Day

Our hearts are with all ....May Peace Prevail on Earth Namaste .... Let it be so.

"Peace" was celebrated on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2009, on a sprawling farm located in the rolling hills of Carroll County, Maryland, near Westminster. What a breath of fresh air! If only the churches, synagogues and mosques would stop making their lame excuses and follow suit. The event honored the "International Day of Peace". The organizers labeled it: "The 1st Annual World Peace Party." One of the ways the occasion was marked was by a dedication of a "Peace Pole." That ceremony also included "the planting of flower bulbs and peace pinwheels by the children," according to the program note. Special thanks for the festivities go out to Laura and Kari Rogan for the use of their property, "Sweet Peace Farm." Ms. Jan Seiden entertained the participants with her soulful "flute journey" playing; as did Peter Jam from Beirut, Lebanon, who sang and played his guitar. The happening was put on by the "Partners in Peace Unlimited," (which was conceived and implemented under the guidance of Ms. Nancie Rosenberg); and by "The Peace Sisters." See video here:

Laura and Kari Rogan Dearborn, MI

Peace Day 2009

The International Day of Peace will be recognized at Howard School on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 @ 2:45. We will gather around the “Peace Pole” on the north lawn. The children will sing “Circle the Earth (with Peace)” together. Links to a recording of this song and a copy of the music are found at

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St. Paul, MN

Global Volunteers Practices "Peace-waging" With

Staff on U.N. Day of Peace

Waging peace through service - one person at a time - as individuals and as a humanitarian society - is Global Volunteers' foundational goal. We believe the discipline and practice of peace must be enabled and rewarded in all our affairs - internationally and locally.

As an NGO in consultative status with the United Nations, we support and invest in the Millennium Development Goals toward the end of hunger, poverty, disease and the oppression of children and women. In so doing, we focus our program efforts an work environments on projects and activities that honor and respect peace and justice worldwide. Global Volunteers staff and managers took time on September 21, 2009 to delve into the issue of "peace waging" from four perspectives: peace as a paradigm, peace as a principle, peace as a practice, and peace as a promise.

Nevada, MO


The United Nations' International Day of Peace-marked every year on September 21-is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations, and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. Established in 1982, "Peace Day" has grown to include millions of people around the world who participate in all kinds of events, large and small. Cottey College has several special events planned for its Second Annual Peace Week, scheduled for September 21-26. All of the events, except for Ha Ha Tonka on Thursday, are free. Monday, September 21, at 5 p.m. students, faculty, staff, and friends are invited to the Hinkhouse athletic field to join hands and create a peace sign to commemorate the United Nations' International Day of Peace. On Tuesday, September 22, at 7:30 p.m. in the Missouri Recital Hall, Dr. Rita Stephan, this year's guest in the P.E.O. Speaker Series, will give an

address. Dr. Stephan is a research associate at the Lebanese Emigration Research Center at Notre Dame University in Lebanon. She is the recipient of the P.E.O. Scholar Award, the American Association of University Women's Dissertation Fellowship and Seeds of Peace's Young Peacemaker award. Rita earned her Ph. D. in May 2009 in sociology with a portfolio in gender and women's studies; she has a master's degree in international peace and conflict resolution, and a bachelor's degree in international relations and Jewish studies. A special film will be shown on Wednesday,

September 23, at 8 p.m. in the Missouri Recital Hall. ICYIZERE is a film about the power of, and the need for, forgiveness. This powerful documentary by Patrick Mureithi is about a 3-day gathering of 10 survivors and 10 perpetrators of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, as they are taught about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and go through a series of group exercises that help to build trust. The band Ha Ha Tonka will perform on Thursday,

September 24 at 8 p.m. in Raney Dining Room. With sanctified four-part harmonies and blistering rock, this band that hails from Springfield, Missouri, shares their dark view of the realities of socioeconomic hardship, backwoods prejudices, and drug abuse leavened by wry humor and a deep appreciation for regional storytelling traditions. Tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for those under age 18 or over age 62. Tickets will be available at the door the night of the show. Celebrate Cottey's 125th Anniversary and the final event of Peace Week. Cottey is pleased to host its Open House and Showcase from 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, September 26. Tour the buildings; meet faculty, staff, and students; hear the jazz band; watch dance and theatre rehearsals; see a chemistry lab class in action; and have an olde-tyme photo of yourself taken. Check in at the Center for the Arts for information packets and to register for door prizes. At 5 p.m., join the Cottey Community at the Peace

Pole for a concluding event. Enjoy the inspiring sounds of the Cottey Choir and join members of Cottey's international community as they declare "May Peace Prevail on Earth." The Recital Hall is inside the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts on the northeast corner of Austin and Tower streets in Nevada, Missouri. Raney Dining Room is in the lower level of Robertson Hall on the southeast corner of Austin and Tower streets. Parking is available in the lot immediately south of Robertson which is accessible off of Tower. The Peace Pole is in the garden behind the Chapel. Saint Peters, MO

The All Saints School Community of St. Peter, Missouri gathered in the morning around the Peace Pole for prayer led by members of the Shalom Club. Students, faculty, and the parish community prayed to become the voices of Peace that the world needs. As a sign of their promise and commitment to reflect

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God!s peace, students signed their names to mirrors that were placed in the peace garden. Later the mirrors will go to the students! homerooms to be a constant reminder that they “are the voice of God...that God is here and God is everywhere.” Monday, September 21, we had our International Day of Peace Prayer around the Peace Pole led by the Shalom Club. The Shalom club did a fabulous job in leading us in prayer. When I think about the need for peace in this world and how we heard this morning that, “Peace is a way of living, a way of making decisions.” I can"t help but to feel so blessed by the student peacemakers that come to this school. We work so hard here to be peaceful; to provide a climate where everyone feels welcomed. Debbie Goheen Coordinator of Religious Education All Saints School

Bozeman, MT

I am pleased to inform you that we had a wonderful peace day celebration. It all started on Sunday, Eid day, as we joined the students and lecturers of the Montana State University, Bozeman for Eid prayers on their campus.

On Monday morning, we had a friendly football march at the gardens of the Holiday Inn Hotel in Bozeman. Later in the afternoon we continued with a meeting with a representative of After this meeting, we went on with the World Peace Prayer Ceremony for the Countries Participating in the States Department!s Sponsored International Visitors Leadership Programme. Each participant raised the raise the name of their country up, and for each country all said together, “May Peace Prevail in [That Country]. May Peace Prevail on Earth.” Representatives of 24 countries participated.

Later the same day we had a meeting with the League of Women Voters. The Peace Day was climaxed with our attendance of the City Commission meeting of the Bozeman City. At the City Commission meeting we were asked to introduce ourselves and I did by saying, "May Peace Prevail on Earth and May Peace be with you all, my name is Bockarie Enssah from Sierra Leone." The City Commission meeting was live on TV in the city of Bozeman.

May Peace Prevail on Earth. Bockarie Enssah WPPS Peace Representative, Sierra Leone Hendersonville, NC

Crowd sings in rain at city hall

By John Harbin

Times-News Staff Writer

Published: Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fighting the rain and singing songs, 50 Henderson County residents braved the wet conditions Monday to celebrate the 27th Annual International Day of Peace.

Diane Rhoades, center, participates in an

International Day of Peace event at city hall on Monday. (Michael Justus/Times-News)

"The culture of peace is growing," said Julie Gordon, an advocate for the Department of Peace and Nonviolence of Henderson County. "Today we are celebrating the peace growers in the community.

"Peace is a threefold idea. It begins with individuals, then moves to the community, and we want it to get to a national level. There is a bill in the legislature right

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now calling for the creation of a Department of Peace. We want to let the president know there is a way to build peace without violence."

The Department of Peace and Nonviolence of Henderson County gathered by the Peace Pole outside Hendersonville city hall Monday to promote peace. The International Day of Peace began in 1982 after the United Nations passed a resolution, according to Gordon.

Gary Prichard and his wife of Hendersonville came out in the rain to show their support.

"It's a concern of ours," Prichard said. "We wanted to demonstrate for the possibility of peace. We have a concern for the thousands of immigrants in our community who have to live in fear because of the laws that limit their participation in the court community."

"I am a member of the Department of Peace and know all about it," Marge Spadley said during the rally. "I am here because I am interested in peace."

Henderson County Commissioner Chuck McGrady came out Monday, but he wasn't at the gathering to represent the county. "I'm a community advocate," he said. "I remember 25 years ago I was being called everything just short of being called a communist. I just wanted to say you can make a difference. I've had some crazy ideas, and they have come true. Keep up the good work."

Hendersonville Mayor Pro Tem and mayoral candidate Barbara Volk also came to show her support.

"Thank you all for coming and showing you have a concern for peace," she said. "The (peace) pole was placed here in 2004 after the city council voted to declare Hendersonville a city of peace. You all deserve our gratitude.

Leonia, NJ

'Let Peace Prevail on Earth'

Friday, October 9, 2009 By Maxim Almenas, Leonia Life, Staff Writer Leonia — Various representatives of cultural, religious and social groups gathered on the lawn of the Leonia United Methodist Church (UMC) on Broad Avenue for the annual International Day of Peace Sept. 20.

While several students from Leonia High School held a banner with the word "peace" in multiple languages, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Catholics and Buddhists sang and prayed alongside representatives of various countries.

Staff Photo by Maxim Almenas

Mohammad Cheraf from the Dar-Ulislah Mosque in Teaneck speaks to attendees of the annual

International Day of Peace, while Leonia High School students hold a banner with the word peace written in

various languages. Peace vigils around the globe commenced simultaneously and local residents joined representatives from the Leonia and Fort Lee Peace

Vigil groups to send a message.

"God help us to promote peace, love and forgiveness, and not to promote war, revenge, hatred and discrimination," said Mohammad Cheraf from the Dar-ul-Islah Mosque in Teaneck and the Minhaj Al Quran Mosque in Hackensack. Although Cheraf believes many non-Muslims misunderstand his religion, he also believes world peace is possible. But the road toward peace must start locally.

Moderator Pastor Peggy Niederer from the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Leonia said the event met her expectations. "What we had hoped for in the last few years was to get more involvement from the high school," said Niederer. "I'm told, approximately three years ago, the high school had a special project to be able to build their peace pole."

The peace pole at Leonia High School was made possible by fund-raisers and now bears the words "Let Peace Prevail on Earth" inscribed on it in 12 different languages – an effort indicative of the rich diversity within the student body.

Before arriving at the UMC lawn, participants gathered at the high school to listen to the school's male choir perform along with high school senior and guitarist Will Flaim. The procession then marched from the school's peace pole to the pole located on the church's lawn, which also bears the same inscription.

After welcoming words from Hans Spiegel, a member of the UMC, several leaders from the community expressed their concerns regarding peace, as well as political and social tensions home and abroad, including Jeff Kurz from the Leonia Peace Vigil Group, Cantor Kerith Shapiro, spiritual leader of Congregation Adas Adamo in Leonia and Mayor Mary Heveren. [...]

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"As we work together for peace to disarm not only our hearts, we hope to work towards nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation," said Sister Pat.

[...] Representing the Korean community, Paul Kim explained why his family set up the Andrew Kim Foundation, named after his second son who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

"We have to find out the reason why they [terrorists] do this, and find the way to correct it through action," explained Kim. "Not just sing. That's why we decided to make the labor of the foundation an instrument of the peace."

Translating her message from English to Spanish, Bergen County Community College Professor Roccio Torres from Bergen County Community College spoke on behalf of the Latino community.

"This should be a motivation for us to create peace in our hearts because that's where peace should begin," said Roccio, who then quoted John F. Kennedy.

"World peace, like community peace, does not require that man love his neighbor, it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance," Roccio said.

She also found inspiring words by cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead, which seemed to sum up the significance of the handful of people that gathered on that day.

"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world," Roccio said. "Indeed, it's the only thing that ever does.

Trenton, NJ

Trenton Catholic Academy celebrates

International Peace Day

Added by Debby Berger on September 21, 2009

Trenton Catholic Academy's 550 students commemorate International Peace Day, starting with a prayer service around a peace pole at the school in Hamilton on Monday, September 21, 2009. Following the service, the Lower school students placed the pinwheels in the ground in front of the school. Martin Griff / The Times Williamstown, NJ

Friday, 25 September 2009 Over 500 students at St. Mary School in Williamstown “planted” pinwheels with messages of peace to mark International Day of Peace on Monday, Sept. 21. In addition, students also planted pinwheels around the school!s Peace Pole, a handcrafted six-sided wooden pole which bears the peace message “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in six different languages.

Pictured around the Peace Pole holding their

pinwheels with Father Cadmus Mazzarella, pastor of Our Lady of Peace Parish are, from left, eighth grade students, Carmen Spiewak, Carly Histing, Ryan Kelly,

Jacqueline D!Amico, Gabrielle McGlynn and Joey Fiore.

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Amenia, NY

A Call To Peace, 19 September at World Peace


Honoring the UN International Day of Peace

A Call To Peace is annual gathering held at The World Peace Sanctuary, headquarters of The World Peace Prayer Society and home of the Peace Pole Project and Peace Pals International. Each year for the past 20 years, the staff at The World Peace Sanctuary invites the community to gather for A Call To Peace. This year, it was held on Saturday, September 19th in honor of the UN International Day of Peace. September 21st marks the Unitized Nations! International Day of Peace, designated by resolution in 1981 for the purpose of highlighting efforts to end conflict, cease fire and promote peace. The annual event attracts people from all over the country a well as citizens from other countries to evoke the positive and to focus intentions on the message and prayer, “May Peace Prevail On Earth.” The sound of bells (rung by Doug and Martha Martin of the Martin Peace Bell Foundation) echoed throughout the Sacred Grove as people were arriving.

A Call To Peace was held under the canopy of a century-old Walnut Grove, where people joined in ceremonial prayer for peace to prevail for the indigenous peoples of the United States of America. More than 200 Native American Nations were honored as each tribal name was announced and blessed by the attendees, praying “May Peace Prevail On Earth” for the ancestors of USA. Following were prayers for the 50 states and territories of The United States of America.

Co-celebrants from various faith traditions – Buddhist, Baha!i, Christian, Muslim, plus an acknowledgement of Jews celebrating their High Holy days – added their prayers for peace. The program ended with the World Peace Prayer and Flag Ceremony. Flag bearers carried a national flag representing each of the 195 countries throughout the world as everyone announced the prayer, “May Peace Prevail On Earth” for the people and land in every country to include all the other regions in the WORLD! There ceremony closed with the flags surrounding the flag of the United Nations.

The day was filled with an eclectic style of music and performances: the Byakko Choir from Japan, Peace is Possible Chorus from Connecticut, Japanese dancers from NYC, Flute player and Native American and Japanese drumming. All artwork submissions from the 12th Annual Peace Pals International Art and Award Ceremony were beautifully displayed on panels for all to enjoy.

The activities for children and adults included: Japanese Calligraphy and Tea Ceremony, Crafts: Beading, Piece by Peace, Origami Peace Cranes, Chess for Peace, Petting Zoo and a Native American culture area with teepee, storytelling and drum ritual. The grove area was sprinkled with a variety of non-profit organizations.

The World Peace Prayer Society At the World Peace Sanctuary

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Bedford Hills, NY



Re-Dedicates Peace Pole at

Antioch Baptist Church

21 September 2009

Pastor Paul Briggs of Antioch Baptist Church in Bedford Hills, NY welcomed neighbors and members of the Unity Made Visible cooperation circle of the United Religions Initiative to a special ceremony at 6:00 pm on 21 September, the UN International Day of Peace. The church!s aluminum Peace Pole, with the prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in six languages, had been planted the previous year on the International Day of Peace in celebration of the church!s 114th birthday and the acceptance of the multi-faith group Unity Made Visible into the worldwide United Religions Initiative.

In 2009, the anniversary was marked with an observance of the UN Peace Day. Everyone took turns reciting peace quotations from well-known philosophers, poets, activists and musicians. Paul Storfer, who coordinates Unity Made Visible, led the group in joyful singing. Deborah Moldow, a founding member of the United Religions Initiative and UN Representative for the World Peace Prayer Society, distributed the flags of many nations, and heartfelt prayers were sent to each country as its flag was raised.

The event was a beautiful expression of harmony among religions and among nations, proudly joining observances of the International Day of Peace all over the world.

Croton Falls, NY

Croton Falls Presbyterian Church, a Chapel for Spiritual Seekers, held a Peace Pole rededication ceremony on Sunday, September 20, 2009, in honor of the UN International Day of Peace.

After the peace-related worship service, everyone moved outside to the Peace Pole for a flag raising section led by Rev. Deborah Moldow and a “May Peace Prevail on Earth Liturgy” led by Pastor Hans Hallundbaek, with Fr. Rich Hasselbach, Rev. Barbara Jones-Hagedorn, and guest Elder Jay Roelof of Katonah Presbyterian church. Pastor Hallundbaek began by saying, “We reflect today on a new way of pursuing peace while honoring God!s magnificent Universe, which we all share. Grace offers us many chances. Today is our chance to pursue peace through God!s grace. Let us remember it and take it into our hearts with this prayer: The People: May Peace Prevail on Earth.” The closing prayer, offered by Elder Jay Roelof, was: “We take a candle of peace into our hearts seeking new ways to pursue peace through the most powerful energy of all … Love. We cannot live or survive without it. Teach us to love one another, to embrace the Other as neighbor, no matter the expression, no matter the culture. Let us learn patience through Love. Let us learn tolerance and acceptance through Love. And let us always remember the prayer: The People: May Peace Prevail on Earth.”

* * * * * * * New Rochelle, NY

Ursuline Celebrates Peace Day

The Ursuline School commemorated the "International Day of Peace! today with their Annual Pinwheels for Peace display. The day began with a brief prayer service at the Peace Pole, installed last September outside the school on North Avenue.

As they began, Sr. Jean Baptiste Nicholson, OSU President of Ursuline, asked the girls to recognize that each one of us is required to commit him or herself to the effort of peace in the world. She asked them to

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begin with a careful reflection on their own daily routines, being certain that their thoughts, words and works always reflect the peace for which they search.

In 1981, The U.N. General Assembly declared that the third Tuesday of September, the opening day of the regular session of the General Assembly, each year “shall be officially dedicated and observed as the International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace within and among all nations and people.”

Pinwheels for Peace was started as an art class project and is The Ursuline School!s way of delivering this message annually. On this day, the pinwheels serve as a symbol of peace that draws the attention of all those who pass by. This message of peace is one that resonates throughout the Ursuline School and among its young students. New York, NY

Representatives of diverse religious traditions gathered on September 21, the International Day of Peace, to reflect in story, song, prayer and voice about humanity!s collective response to the climate crisis. Organized by Religions for Peace, the Committee of Religious NGOs at the United Nations, the Office of the Chaplaincy, NY Interfaith Power & Light in cooperation with the TckTckTck campaign, the gathering had a global perspective, with voices from faith communities around the world, as represented by the delegations of religious leaders coming to New York. This multi-religious gathering called on all faith communities to join the religious leaders in their commitment and also urged the world leaders to take urgent action to stop and reverse the adverse impact of climate change.

I am writing this on September 21st, the International Day of Peace, and have just returned from a Global Interfaith Gathering and Call To Action** to the UN members who will gather tomorrow for the Summit on Climate Change. From September 9-11, along with 3 other members of the Passionist Family, I attended the annual conference for NGO!s sponsored by the UN Department of Public Information, and held this year in Mexico City. The theme was DISARM NOW: FOR PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT. These were two distinct gatherings each with its own agenda. However the agenda of each gathering was really one and the same; in the words of one of our Hindu brothers who shared a reflection at the Interfaith Gathering, “we are all connected; all life is sacred.” So I have linked the two events together. A peaceful and secure world calls us to address the weapons race and the immense threat of global warming and climate change.

At the NGO conference in Mexico City, NGO representatives from around the world called on governments worldwide to cut defense budgets in favor of a more “people-centered approach”, which would focus on poverty reduction and sustainable development strategies. [...] Military over-spending has come at the expense of other, perhaps more essential forms of “human security” – clean water, food, adequate health care, education, employment, housing, protection of the environment. As long as these very basic human rights are ignored, our world will never enjoy a genuine sense of peace. [...] At the Global Interfaith Gathering another speaker, from the tradition of Islam, referred to a section of the Koran which calls all men and women to “Be keepers of the balance…” It would seem that we have fallen short of this mark, in both our care for Earth, our one, precious home; as well as in our tendency to be swayed by corporate and national self-interests – which often tend to obscure God!s desire for all humankind. In both of the gatherings we were reminded that the world does have the resources and the scientific expertise to creatively respond to climate change, to disarm weapons of war, and to place the best of technology in the service of life – all of life. What!s missing in the mix is the political will to do so. President Obama, in a speech last April in Prague, spoke of the moral responsibility of the United States to lead the way in working for the elimination of

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nuclear weapons. We need to hold him to his word, and encourage all our leaders to work towards that precious “balance” which will safeguard the integrity of all life.

**You may find these websites interesting:

Passionists International helped to organize the Interfaith event on Climate Change and the Call to Action to world leaders. We also signed an appeal called “Moral and Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change: Appeal to World Leaders”. May Peace Prevail On Earth Kevin Dance, CP Representative to the United Nations Passionists International

Following the Interfaith Gathering, representatives of various NGO!s gathered in front of the United Nations

to observe the 12 noon Minute of Silence.

Ramapo, NY

On Monday, September 21, Suffern Middle School dedicated its brand new peace pole, a gift from the PTA, to celebrate International Day of Peace, established by the U.N. in 1982. "Peace Day" is celebrated each September 21st as a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. Students and staff participated in international and domestic peace-themed teleconferences as well. Video at

“Schools for Peace”: Julia Jaffee, sixth grade teacher, also created a wiki as a meeting place for schools interested in finding partners to collaborate and connect with on this Day of Peace. The site was created as a result of the many responses to a collaboration request in CAPSPACE. (Collaborations Around the Planet). All are welcome you to join in this project at

Erie, PA

Seven girls in Troop 30056, Summit Township in Erie, completed their Bronze Awards. The girls will be receiving their Bronze Awards at a Ceremony to be held in November. Six of the girls worked together by making two Peace Poles and planting one on the playground at Robison Elementary and the second Peace Pole at Camp Hawthorne Ridge in Fairview. The Peace Pole at Robison Elementary was dedicated on September 21, 2009 - the International Day of Peace - while the Pole at Hawthorne Ridge was planted and dedicated on September 20.

The two Peace Poles Troop 30056 completed have 8 languages. In addition to the English "May Peace Prevail on Earth," the Peace Pole at Robison Elementary has this message of Peace in Polish, German, Chinese and Romanian. The second Peace Pole at Camp Hawthorne Ridge also has the additional languages of Peace in French, Italian and Cherokee. Girls signed each side of the Pole for the language they selected. Girls who worked on this Peace Pole project are: Kasey Fries, Victoria Grimaldi, Elizabeth Havican, Jillian Snarski, Kaitlyn Williams and Rachael Wilson. The girls would like to thank Mrs. Hargest, principal at Robision, for selecting the location of the Peace Pole near the playground; the Fort LeBoeuf School Board for granting permission to plant this Pole on school property; Mary Havican for storing the Poles and driving them to their locations; GSWPA for granting permission to plant one Pole at Camp Hawthorne Ridge; and to Kevin Fries, Brian Williams and Jeff Wilson for digging the holes to plant the Peace Poles. Kayla Goellner worked independently on her Bronze Award by collecting 118 new and nearly new books to donate to the Shriner's Hospital in Erie. Patients and visitors will have the opportunity to peruse and read the books that will be placed in a reception area. A clear tote was donated along with the books to keep the books in a good portable container. Congratulations to these very worthwhile Bronze Award recipients! Submitted by: Cassie Williams and Keri Fries, leaders Troop 30056

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Pittsburgh, PA

Our Peace Pole blessing, flag ceremony, and interfaith service drew about 300 people and was a big hit...even made a nice portion of the 11:00 news...folks are already talking about a re-run next year. In peace and friendship, George D!Angelo International Day of Peace Vigil –

In correlation with the United Nations Day of Peace, the Saint Mary of the Mount church in Mount Washington held a ceremony Monday to commemorate the “planting” of an International Peace Pole. The church also held a march including 194 nations flags, one for every country in the world, in order to recognize the G-20 Summit and its impact on the globe.

The Peace Pole Project started in Japan in 1955 by Masahisa Goi, who decided to dedicate his life to spreading the message, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in response to the bombings on Hiroshima. The planting at Saint Mary of the Mount church was accompanied by an inter-faith blessing ceremony that included Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islamic and Pagan blessings.

After the blessings, marchers walked from the steps of the church into the street, announcing the country correlating to the flag they held. Overlooking the city of Pittsburgh, marchers chanted, “May peace prevail on earth” as they walked up and down the street and then back to the church. After, a ceremony was held, beckoning those in attendance to work towards peace in spite of religious or secular differences.

Wyomissing, PA

The Eagle project is possibly the toughest requirement to obtain the [Boy Scout] rank of Eagle, on the account of having to direct a large group of people in a decent sized project. For my Eagle project, I provided leadership in mulching and weeding the playground at the Wyomissing First Church of the Brethren. We obtained the mulch from the Wyomissing Borough, and used a dump truck and trailer to get it there. I directed people in straightening the landscaping ties as well. We also made a garden for the peace pole. Then I planted plants and a tree in this garden. Some of the youth participated by making stepping stones to place in the garden.

I held a dedication ceremony for the peace pole on September 21, 2009, which was the International Day of Prayer for Peace. It included many people of different faiths from the community, and was on the news. The best thing about my project was probably getting to lead others in a project that would help the community and the church in many ways. By Dylan Kaucher, Boy Scout Troop 538 Alsace Township, Wyomissing Church of the Brethren 2200 State Hill Rd, Wyomissing, PA

* * *

People of different faiths came together to promote peace for The United Nations International Day of Peace on Monday. People gathered around a peace pole in Berks County to say and hear prayers. The pole was dedicated in 2006. WFMZ's Pam Cunningham reports.

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REPORTER: Before a peace pole can be erected it takes concrete and at the Wyomissing Church of the Brethren an entire Boy Scout troop to make sure it's level and planted in its new home. DYLAN KAUCHER: We actually made that whole garden from scratch. It was just grass. REPORTER: The Spanish word for earth is “tierra” and it's just one of the many words on this pole that has the prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth.” DYLAN KAUCHER: I hope they'll think about how the world can be peaceful. REPORTER: Dylan Kaucher and his scout troop not only planted the Peace Pole but they also picked the four languages on it one being Hebrew to represent the roots of the Bible but also the neighboring synagogue. RABBI BRIAN MICHELSON: when we found out this was happening and Pastor Speicher said would we like, of course this is what we do as neighbors this is what our faiths believe together and it's more important that we take the time to stand together then to fight about things.

REPORTER: Before the pole was planted the pastor explained why he was happy that this boy scout project will be a permanent reminder of peace. PASTOR TIM SPEICHER: As people pass by, it's by our playground that as parents sit and watch their children play they can also be thinking how we also pray for peace but it's each one doing something for peace that makes peace possible. RABBI BRIAN MICHELSON: I think we're constantly reminded of the fact that peace requires works.

REPORTER: Something people can agree on in any language. “Let us walk with each other in perfect harmony.”

San Antonio, TX

St. Francis, WI

Peace Pole Rededicated

September 21, a prayer service was held in the grotto on the Motherhouse grounds [of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi] in celebration of the International Day of Peace. Although it was overcast and rain threatened, almost 30 sisters and associates and several staff members prayed together as the peace pole, which was installed 15 years ago on August 3, 1994, was rededicated.

Associate Irene Senn, director of the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the congregation, leads the morning service. Sr. Kathy Kreie led a similar service that evening at 6:30.

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Dear Friends, Greetings of love and peace; and blessings for the International Day of Peace, Monday, 21 September. As I write this, the IDP is minutes away in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Melbourne, Australia. Nearly two hours away in Lahore, Pakistan and two-and-a-half hours away in New Delhi, India. Five hours away in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Kampala, Uganda; Amman, Jordan and Jerusalem, Israel. Six hours away in Bonn, Germany and Antwerp, Belgium. Eleven hours away in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Twelve hours away in New York City and Washington, DC. Thirteen hours away in Machu Picchu, Peru, where many Indigenous leaders in URI will be celebrating the IDP with a ceremony of healing and reconciliation. And fifteen hours away in San Francisco and Seattle and Los Angeles. In all these places and many, many others, URI members will be honoring and celebrating the IDP in many ways, including pausing for a moment of silence – prayer or meditation – for peace at twelve noon. I look forward to sharing this day devoted to peace with all of you. May peace prevail in our hearts, minds and spirits. May peace prevail in our villages, towns and cities. May peace prevail in our countries. May peace prevail on Earth. Love, The Rev. Canon Charles P. Gibbs Executive Director United Religions Initiative

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The World Peace Prayer Society Internet Marathon



The International Day of Peace and The Autumnal Equinox 21 September 2009

Over 3,500 locations around the world are celebrating The International Day of Peace on the day the sun crosses the equator marking the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. Join the World Peace Prayer Ceremony Internet Marathon and send prayers for peace to every country on earth! The Internet Ceremony can be accessed online at:

Join us in enveloping the Earth with an energy field of Love, Peace and Harmony! Prayers will be initiated every 30 minutes in a 24-hour marathon around the world: 0:00 - 0:30 - 1:00 - 1:30 - 2:00 - 2:30 - 3:00 - 3:30 - 4:00 - 4:30 - 5:00 - 5:30 - 6:00 - 6:30 - 7:00 - 7:30 - 8:00 - 8:30 9:00 - 9:30 - 10:00 - 10:30 -11:00 - 11:30 - 12:00 - 12:30 - 13:00 - 13:30 - 14:00 - 14:30 - 15:00 -15:30 - 16:00 - 16:30 17:00 - 17:30 - 18:00 - 18:30 - 19:00 - 19:30 -20:00 - 20:30 - 21:00 - 21:30 - 22:00 - 22:30 - 23:00 - 23:30 The Internet World Peace Prayer Ceremony Marathon will be hosted four times a year on the solstices and equinoxes until the year 2012.

The World Peace Prayer Society supports the International Day of Peace September 21st. The United Nations International Day of Peace is marked every year on September 21 as a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace. Learn more about the International Day of Peace at Include the Universal Message and Prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth in your Peace Day event!

------------------------------------------------------------------------ The World Peace Prayer Society at The World Peace Sanctuary

26 Benton Road Wassaic, NY 12592 Tel: 845-877-6093 Fax: 845-877-6862 ------------------------------------------------------------------------


The World Peace Prayer Society is an all-inclusive, all embracing not-for-profit international grassroots organization associated with the UN Department of Public Information.

It does not have a political agenda nor is it a church.

May Peace Prevail on Earth is a registered trademark of The World Peace Prayer Society. It can be freely used to promote peace.