the 5 islamic pillars picture book

5 Pillars Picture Book Brianna Campbell

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the 5 pillars of islam


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5 Pillars Picture BookBrianna Campbell

Page 2: The 5 islamic pillars picture book

Shahadah The statement of belief that "There is no god except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".

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SalahPrayer, worship of Allah. Muslims must perform salah 5 times a day. Before Salah, Muslims prepare themselves by performing Wudu (Ablution) which involves cleaning the hands, face, arms, head and feet.

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Sawm Fasting from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. The Quran was revealed during this month. Any days of fasting missed, because of health etc, should be made up after. Muslims can fast during other days in the year, if they want to, but those are optional. The only days when Muslims are not allowed to fast are the days of Id ul-Fitr and Id ul-Adha.

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Zakah Making payment of 2.5% welfare tax on wealth.

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Hajj Going, at least once in lifetime, on the pilgrimage to Makkah, if money and health permits. Performed during the period 8th-13th Dhu'l Hijjah.

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Resources Used 1. . N.p.. Web. 1 Jul 2013. <>. 2. "5 pillars." Wiki spaces. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 July 2013. < 3. " The Five Pillars of Islam." Islam is Life .org. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>. 4. " The Pillars of Islam ." Islamic Ways: Online Muslims' Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <

5. "Islam Non Muslims | ageofdeception." From darkness to light. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>.

6. "Allah : The one and only God." Allah : The one and only God. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>. 7. "Shahadah, I testify Allah is the only God and Muhammad is His messenger | Pearls for you." Pearls for you. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <

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12. "Five Pillars of Islam | Do You Know?." Do You Know? | maan virus “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple.But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas,then each of us will have two ideas”.. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>.

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Resources Continued… 13. "ephemeral." ephemeral. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>.

14. "Welcome to Muslim Directory." Welcome to The Muslim Directory +++ The Essential Guide of services for the Muslim Community. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <

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22. "What is Hajj?." What is Eid?. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>.

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25. "Hajj - Wikitravel." Main Page - Wikitravel. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 July 2013. <>.

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