the ab and supernormal

THE ABNORMAL AND SUPERNORMAL. 1. Abnormal psychology deals with diseased or abnormal mental states and processes. Super-normal psychology studies the deeper processes of the mind that ventures towards the supernatural. 2. Let us not get the abnormal and supernormal confused. “AB” in ancient Egypt meant “HEART” and was associated with the inner feelings relating to emotions. It is during times of emotional stress that the heart beats faster. 3. Abnormal behaviours are caused by chaotic uncontrolled emotions within, this usually resulting from the lack of the application of logic, or through ignorance and lack of understanding. 4. Illness is an abnormal state, tending towards the process of death in lesser or greater degree, thus it also tends towards the supernormal and supernatural whilst at the same time the body structure is in an abnormal state. Bear in mind that the human brain is also a part of this bodily structure, and is but an instrument used by a greater force. 5. All super normal phenomena under such conditions therefore subject to interpretation by an abnormal state and subject to distortions. Abnormal and supernormal become blended together creating impressions upon minds that are unstable and not fulfilling their proper functions. 6. It is well known, that if we do not eat we will eventually die of starvation, also if we take poison we also die. There are many that seek contact with the unknown fasting or the using of drugs, which is either starving the body or poisoning it, to which they feel to be a safe degree. 7. At times such people overdo this process and go beyond the safe margin and the result is death. All such processes of this nature are not only foolish and detrimental to the physical structure, but no true results are achieved anyway, as we need perfectly working instruments of physical structure to be able to receive undistorted conceptions of our experiences and translate these experiences into the human level of understanding. This poses the question: - “can any contact with the supernatural, be correctly translated whilst the human brain is not functioning in a correct manner due to starving it of vital energies or subjecting it to poisons.” Disagree if you wish, but of course the answer is “NO”. 8. The supernormal state is obtained by overcoming raw emotions and the developing of a deep down logic that allows a person to interpret truths. 9. It is as simple as this: - if you want a knowledge of that which is of the spirit, then become spiritual. It was said in ancient times, that the gods did not give power to the unworthy. (Meaning powers of light.) 10. A large number of physics, although they will not admit this, only recreate within themselves a feeling which they once experienced, perhaps in the event of some violent illness or some other like happening which they felt brought them near to death. In this self-induced state, human emotions play a great part usually in the form of a deep seated morbidity with an underlaying current of fear. 11. To able by self-inducement to react or recreate an effect, does not necessarily mean that this is the correct formula, hence many weird interpretations come forth controlled by a very limited human logic. Many of these people live ordinary lives subject to sin and even vices. 12. Diseased and abnormal minds at present, hold sway over much of what is called psychic research and true psychic researchers become very wary of becoming associated with such groups. 13. It is time that people realised that the only way to obtain these gifts are to regulate their lives to a set of high ethical and moral standards. If they are too weak to do this, then what makes them think that their minds are strong enough to reach out beyond this level of existence?. 14. If you want the power to reach out into the other levels of existence, then regulate your lives to the forty-two wise councils. If you do not have the strength of will to be able to do this, then stop foisting your delusions upon others, because this is all they are, weird delusions of an uncontrolled mind (rooted in evil, being from outside sources). 15. May be these are strong words, but this world has been misled enough by people such as this. TRUE PSYCHIC RESEARCH IS AIMED AT PROVING PERSONAL IMMORTALIITY BY SCIENTIFIC METHODS. (This is an extract from the Book of Wisdom) Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o [email protected] (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori- Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National & International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world.

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Post on 23-Jan-2018




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THE ABNORMAL AND SUPERNORMAL.1. Abnormal psychology deals with diseased or abnormal mental states and processes. Super-normal

psychology studies the deeper processes of the mind that ventures towards the supernatural. 2. Let us not get the abnormal and supernormal confused. “AB” in ancient Egypt meant “HEART” and

was associated with the inner feelings relating to emotions. It is during times of emotional stress that the heart beats faster.

3. Abnormal behaviours are caused by chaotic uncontrolled emotions within, this usually resulting from the lack of the application of logic, or through ignorance and lack of understanding.

4. Illness is an abnormal state, tending towards the process of death in lesser or greater degree, thus it also tends towards the supernormal and supernatural whilst at the same time the body structure is in an abnormal state. Bear in mind that the human brain is also a part of this bodily structure, and is but an instrument used by a greater force.

5. All super normal phenomena under such conditions therefore subject to interpretation by an abnormal state and subject to distortions. Abnormal and supernormal become blended together creating impressions upon minds that are unstable and not fulfilling their proper functions.

6. It is well known, that if we do not eat we will eventually die of starvation, also if we take poison we also die. There are many that seek contact with the unknown fasting or the using of drugs, which is either starving the body or poisoning it, to which they feel to be a safe degree.

7. At times such people overdo this process and go beyond the safe margin and the result is death. All such processes of this nature are not only foolish and detrimental to the physical structure, but no true results are achieved anyway, as we need perfectly working instruments of physical structure to be able to receive undistorted conceptions of our experiences and translate these experiences into the human level of understanding. This poses the question: - “can any contact with the supernatural, be correctly translated whilst the human brain is not functioning in a correct manner due to starving it of vital energies or subjecting it to poisons.” Disagree if you wish, but of course the answer is “NO”.

8. The supernormal state is obtained by overcoming raw emotions and the developing of a deep down logic that allows a person to interpret truths.

9. It is as simple as this: - if you want a knowledge of that which is of the spirit, then become spiritual. It was said in ancient times, that the gods did not give power to the unworthy. (Meaning powers of light.)

10. A large number of physics, although they will not admit this, only recreate within themselves a feeling which they once experienced, perhaps in the event of some violent illness or some other like happening which they felt brought them near to death. In this self-induced state, human emotions play a great part usually in the form of a deep seated morbidity with an underlaying current of fear.

11. To able by self-inducement to react or recreate an effect, does not necessarily mean that this is the correct formula, hence many weird interpretations come forth controlled by a very limited human logic. Many of these people live ordinary lives subject to sin and even vices.

12. Diseased and abnormal minds at present, hold sway over much of what is called psychic research and true psychic researchers become very wary of becoming associated with such groups.

13. It is time that people realised that the only way to obtain these gifts are to regulate their lives to a set of high ethical and moral standards. If they are too weak to do this, then what makes them think that their minds are strong enough to reach out beyond this level of existence?.

14. If you want the power to reach out into the other levels of existence, then regulate your lives to the forty-two wise councils. If you do not have the strength of will to be able to do this, then stop foisting your delusions upon others, because this is all they are, weird delusions of an uncontrolled mind (rooted in evil, being from outside sources).

15. May be these are strong words, but this world has been misled enough by people such as this.TRUE PSYCHIC RESEARCH IS AIMED AT PROVING PERSONAL IMMORTALIITY BY SCIENTIFIC METHODS. (This is an extract from the Book of Wisdom) Put out by: Baime Cultural & Spiritual Research; c/o [email protected] (ABN44615835484.) Per; the ‘Not for profit Assemblies of Baiame Spiritual Aboriginal Corporation our private research group RA-HA-RA-KA-TE is of ultimate significance. Raymond Johnstone or Dad Ra master research extraordinaire that enabled Koori Australia to establish the teaching of the Ancient Goori-Spiritual beliefs. We operate on a National & International level. Our research is about the Ancient Ancestral Beliefs of all people. Painting, prints, literature and sacred books distributed will assist in growing the above organizations. Our group introduce the Ancient Egyptian World Faith to all people upon the planet. Find Spiritual Wirinun Supervisor Budger Davidson 0478802283. I care for all land matters upon the Planet. Spiritual Guardian Wirinun Boomba Djunebun Thomas Wilmot 0423245893 cares for the Spiritual Realms. RA-HA-RA-KA-TE. The men & Religion have ruled the World with Wars against each other to the loss of all people. Our job empowers Women by shifting control to Our Eternal Mothers once again, thus enabling peace & a renewal of the 42 Ancient Wise Councils of this world.