the abc s of fahrenheit 451 brandon means. is for ablaze guy montag sets the antagonist of the novel...

The ABCs of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means

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Page 1: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

The ABCs of Fahrenheit 451

Brandon means

Page 2: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Ablaze Guy

Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green bullet back to Faber and take him to jail.

Page 3: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Burning In the

world of 451, firemen are constantly burning books, and society is doing nothing to stop them.

Page 4: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Craven Faber considers himself to be craven because he was too afraid to say something when books first began to be burned down by the fireman.

Page 5: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for “Dover Beach,” which is the poem

that Montag reads to Ms. Phelps and causes her to cry which in turn makes Mildred and her friends trigger the alarm for Montag’s house.

Page 6: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Ecclesiastes this is

the name of the book that Montag remembers and will one day have to rewrite in order to bring books back into society.

Page 7: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Fictional Although the world of Fahrenheit 451 is fictional, Ray Bradbury's thoughts of this happening are not to disconnected from what society is today and what may become in the future.

Page 8: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Granger, a

wise man in the story who has now formed an organization of people throughout the city and with this organization one day hopes to rewrite these books.

Page 9: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Hunted Montag is being hunted down by the Mechanical Hound all throughout the story and ends up jumping in a River to escape being captured by the new one.

Page 10: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Ironic It was quite ironic when one figured out that the house being called for burning ended up being Montag’s house, because he too was still a fireman at the time.

Page 11: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Justice In 451, there seems to be no sort of justice for the country, but instead laziness of policemen who leave everything up to the people of the town, which ends up letting firemen burn down houses for no reason with no punitive acts to be given out.

Page 12: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Keeping throughout the novel. Those who read books are keeping them hidden so that no one will find them and burn them.

Page 13: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Latimer the man

who said the quote “ We shall this day light such a candle, by God’s grace, In England, as I trust shall never be put out,” while his house was being burnt down. This quote is later used in the novel by a woman who burns herself along with her books.

Page 14: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Memorize If Montag and his group of peers plan to one day rewrite certain books, they must memorize them in order to do so.

Page 15: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Neglect and Nonchalant Because citizens in the world of 451 chose to neglect books, more people stopped reading, and when it came down to the burning of books, no one wanted to prevent such actions because they didn’t read anyway, and instead acted nonchalant about the situation.

Page 16: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Occupation Montag’s occupation in the beginning of the novel is a fireman, but after what happened with the woman who killed herself, he changes his mind and gives up being a fireman.

Page 17: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Porches In 451, porches are taken away because they give people too much time to think, which in the novel is prohibited.

Page 18: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Questions During school days in Fahrenheit 451, none of the students ever ask the teachers questions. This also prevents people from thinking, by limiting their ideas so they never bother thinking twice about what’s happening in society.

Page 19: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Ravenous In the novel the narrator mentions Montag’s hands being ravenous. They always acted upon themselves and did things Montag felt were things he didn’t do but were instead actions of his hands carried out upon themselves.

Page 20: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Seashell Radio Montag listen’s on the seashell radio to hear the police alert which identifies him as a fugitive and alerts him of the search and lets him know that he needs to start hiding out and running from the hound.

Page 21: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Television This plays a big role in 451 because all people do is watch TV all day, which causes them not to pay attention to the war going on or what is happening outside the “parlor walls.”

Page 22: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Unmeaning Montag views the shows Mildred watches as unmeaning, in which they lack any meaning to them, and make absolutely no sense.

Page 23: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Verbatim When the lady who burned herself first opened the door, she repeated Latimer’s quote Verbatim.

Page 24: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Warily Montag warily crossed the street to avoid being seen by the police. Montag also warily creeps away into the bushes to avoid being seen by the beetle car full of teenagers.

Page 25: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Xenophobic everyone in the world of 451 is xenophobic to people such as Montag or Clarisse who like to read books and go outside for a walk, instead of sitting in the house watching television. Such activities as these seem unnatural and weird to mostly everyone in the book.

Page 26: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Youth The youth played a significant role in how the world of 451 turned out. At Faber’s college, no students wanted to attend class because they were too lazy, and Faber ended up losing his job. If the youth would have kept reading, 451 might’ve never happened.

Page 27: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green

is for Zippy Clarisse McClellan was quite a zippy character in the novel because she was full of energy and did things in a lively manner. She in fact is the reason why Montag began changing some of his actions.

Page 28: The ABC s of Fahrenheit 451 Brandon means. is for Ablaze Guy Montag Sets the antagonist of the novel Beatty Ablaze when he threatens to track the green


The End of the

Fahrenheit 451 ABCs