the adventure of ibn battuta

CHAPTER 1 : THE JOURNEY BEGINS 1. Why did Ibn Battuta leave his hometown? Ibn Battuta intented to go on a pilgrimage to Ka’ba and he also wish to see the tomb of Prophet Muhammad in Medina. 2. Which city did Ibn Battuta first stop at on his way to Mecca? The first city that Ibn Battuta stopped on the way to Mecca is a city Tilimsen. 3. Who presented Ibn Battuta with two gold dinars tied to a headcloth? Governor of the city has been given a new headcloth Ibn Battuta has tied up with two gold dinars. 4. How did he describe Alexandria? Ibn Battuta describe Alexandria like this : Alexandria is a beautiful and well-built city. It also a magnificent port. 5. What seemed a bit unusual about Burhan ad-Din whom he met at Alexandria? He liked wear an unusually big turban and he did not see anyone wearing a headwear as big as he is. CHAPTER 2 : EGYPT AND THE HOLY LAND 1. What city was once known as the home of Pharaoh The Tyrant? Cairo, the capital of Egypt. 2. Why did they hire some camels after crossing the Nile? Because they will travel with a party of Arabs through a desert. It will be a long journey. 3. Give a brief description of the people of Aydhab. 1

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Question n Answer


Page 1: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta


1. Why did Ibn Battuta leave his hometown?

Ibn Battuta intented to go on a pilgrimage to Ka’ba and he also wish to see the tomb of Prophet Muhammad in Medina.

2. Which city did Ibn Battuta first stop at on his way to Mecca?

The first city that Ibn Battuta stopped on the way to Mecca is a city Tilimsen.

3. Who presented Ibn Battuta with two gold dinars tied to a headcloth?

Governor of the city has been given a new headcloth Ibn Battuta has tied up with two gold dinars.

4. How did he describe Alexandria?

Ibn Battuta describe Alexandria like this : Alexandria is a beautiful and well-built city. It also a magnificent port.

5. What seemed a bit unusual about Burhan ad-Din whom he met at Alexandria?

He liked wear an unusually big turban and he did not see anyone wearing a headwear as big as he is.


1. What city was once known as the home of Pharaoh The Tyrant?

Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

2. Why did they hire some camels after crossing the Nile?

Because they will travel with a party of Arabs through a desert. It will be a long journey.

3. Give a brief description of the people of Aydhab.

The people who live in Aydhab are called Bejas. They have black skin. They wrap themselves in yellow blankets and tie headbands around their heads. They ride dromedaries.

4. What could be found inside the mosque of Hebron?

There is a sacred cave inside the mosque containing the graves of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. There are three other graves opposite theirs. They are the graves of their wives.


Page 2: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta

5. According to Ibn Battuta, what was the largest and the most beautiful mosque in the world at that time?

According to Ibn Battuta, the largest and the most beautiful mosque in the world at that time is Al- Aqsa, the sacred mosque of Jerusalem.


1. Who built the Cathedral Mosque?

It was built by Caliph Walid I

2. What did the Damascenes believe about the footprints which are imprinted at the Mosque of Footprints?

Damascenes believe that footprint are the imprints of Moses’s foot.

3. Why were the Damascenes very fond of the North Africans?

Because they like and respect foreigners very much. The North Africans look after their children and help their wives at home.

4. With whom did Ibn Battuta become close while staying at Damascus?

Ibn Battuta became close friends with a certain professor. His name was Professor Nur Ad-Din Sakhwi.

5. What did the professor do when he heard that Ibn Battuta did not have enough money to travel?

He hired some camels for me. He also gave me food, clothing, and other items that were necessary for Ibn Battuta journey.


1. When did Ibn Battuta and the rest of the pilgrims leave Damascus?

Ibn Battuta leave Damascus with the rest of the pilgrims when the new moon of the month of Shawal 726H (1st September 1326) appeared.

2. What do you think is meant by the phrase, “He who enters the desert is lost, and he who leaves it is born”?

because nothing life in desert, no water and no plant. That need preparation before enter the desert.


Page 3: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta

3. Why did Ibn Battuta feel that the Valley of al-Ukhaydir should be named the Valley of Hell?

Because this valley is a deep valley with very steep slopes on both sides. In some places it is covered with lava.

4. What did Ibn Battuta and the other pilgrims do during their stay at al-‘Ula?

They do to get provision and to wash their clothes.

5. Why did the people light a large number of candles every night at the Prophet’s Mosque?

They light a large number of candles because they want to recited the Quran.


1. What did the pilgrims stop for at the Mosque of Dhi′l- Hulayfa ?

Dhi′l- Hulayfa that places or station for pilgrims to chance their clothes and bathed then put on garment

2. How did Ibn Battuta describe the people of Mecca?

They are very caring and generous, they are also very kind to strangers they always give

3. Why were most of the poor found near the public bakeries at Mecca?

Because the poor would follow the baker sends bread to the house of the person who had ordered it. The man who ordered the bread would give away a portion of his bread to them.

4. According to Ibn Battuta, what was a familiar scene in Mecca?

They are very caring and generous. They are also very kind to strangers. They always give food to the poor.

5. Why did a person have to leave a mark whenever he wanted to leave his caravan?

Because the mark can guide him back to his place(carvan). If he did not, he would never be able to find it again.


Page 4: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta


1. Why did the Sultan of Idhaj only come out of his room on Fridays?

Because the Sultan of Idhaj addiction to wine.

2. Why did the Sultan say that he was fortunate to meet Ibn Battuta?

Because no one except Ibn Battuta could give some advised maybe can make the Sultan angry.

3. Why did Ibn Battuta have to circle the Ka’aba on the amir’s horse?

Because Ibn Battuta fell so weak to circle the Ka’aba.

4. What was the special feature of the Zanj of Kulwa?

They are black-skinned and have tattoos on their faces.

5. Who were one of the kindest people that Ibn Battuta had ever met?

The kindest people that Ibn Battuta had ever met is The Turks.


1. What did Sultan Muhammad Uzbeg Khan normally do at the Golden Pavillion on Fridays?

On Fridays, the sultan would hold an open-day for his people. He would invite them to come to his beautiful pavilion. On this day, the people may tell the Sultan of their problems.

2. Who was Khatun Bayalun’s father?

Her father was the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire.

3. Why was Ibn Battuta paraded around the city with trumpets and drums?

Because the Emperor want the people to see Ibn Battuta and not bother them.

4. Why did King George put his hand upon Ibn Battuta’s feet and then pass it over his face?

Because King George want to show the Christians had a high respect for someone who has visited their holy places.

5. Why did Ibn Battuta need an interpreter when he talked to Sultan Tamashirin?


Page 5: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta

Because Ibn Battuta can’t understand his language and he did not understand Ibn Battuta language too.


1. Ibn Battuta was honoured with the title “Aziz”. Who presented this title to him?

The Sultan Muhammad Shah of India has presented this title to him.

2. What did the Sultan do when famine broke out in India?

When this incident happened, The Sultan quickly ordered that the people be given a six months’ ration of food until the problem was resolved.

3. What did Ibn Battuta use to draw water from the well?

Ibn Battuta using her headcloth and shoes then tied it to rope.

4. What was the name of the lost man who gave him a handful of black chick peas to eat?

The name of the lost man is Joyous Heart.

5. Who had helped Ibn Battuta to interpret his dream?

The pious Shaykh Al-Murshidi had helped Ibn Battuta to interpret his dream.


1. What was the first city Ibn Battuta and the crew reached after their sea voyage?

The first city they reached after their sea voyage was the city of Zaytun.

2. How long did it take for a traveler to from one end of Hangchow to another?

To go from one end of Hangchow to another will take at least three days.

3. In which city did the Emperor of China live?

The capital of the Emperor of China is Peking, that city the Emperor of China live.

4. How many people were buried together with the dead Emperor?

They put inton the chamber with four slave girls and six eunuchs who carried vessels of water.

5. Who took over the throne after the death of the Emperor?

After the Emperor died, his nephew Firus took over the throne.


Page 6: The Adventure Of Ibn Battuta


1. What happened as Ibn Battuta’s ship approached the land Tawalisi?

When they approached the land of Tawalisi, the wind changed. The sky grew very dark, and it rained heavily. For ten days, they did not see the sun.

2. Why do you think the mountain ‘rose into the air’?

Because they see the image of mountain, and what happening is called a mirage. This optical illusion was caused by the light from the ship being nt as it passed through the layers of air of different temperatures.

3. What was the name of the plague which caused thousands deaths in the Muslim lands?

The name of the plague that cause thousand deaths in the Muslim lands has been called as “The Black Death”.

4. Why did Ibn Battuta sail back for home?

Ibn Battuta longing to go back to Morocco was stirred up by her memories of home. Her yearing for her family, friends and by love of country.

5. To whom did Ibn Battuta tell the story of his travels?

Ibn Battuta tell the story of her travels to Muhammad Ibn Juzayy.