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The Aeneid. Virgil Book VII. Summary:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • VirgilBook VII

  • In the beginning of book 7, Aeneas comes out of the underworld and continues on his journey at sea. They began to approach the land of Circe where they heard the sound of angry animals. That sound was actually Circe herself, because she transformed into these animals. Neptune wanted to help the Trojans, so he sent a wind that blew them past that land. Aeneas then saw a new land that looked peaceful. This was Italy and it was ruled by King Latinus. Before he arrived, Latinus went to an oracle and it told him that a man will come with an army. After hearing this, King Latinus went to his prophetic father, Faunus, to hear his views on it. He told him that his daughter was not going to marry someone Latin. After arriving at Italy, the Trojans brought gifts to the king asking him to be friends with them. When they confronted him at his palace, they told him that Jove told them to come to their land. The king accepts their offerings and tells them to tell Aeneas a message. That message is that his daughter must marry someone from a foreign land and he believes that it is supposed to be Aeneas. Juno sees this occurring and it upsets her. She speaks to Allecto and tells him to break the treaty that the Trojans just made. He agrees, so he comes down to the queen and throws a serpent at her, making her disagree with the wedding. She says that she should marry Turnus instead. She then takes her daughter to hide. Allecto then went to Turnus and told him of the events going on, and that he should burn ships to show that Turnus will not stop until he can get his future bride (Latinus daughter). Iulus killed a stag one day. This stag was Silvias pet. The Italians got mad at this, so a war broke out between the Trojans and the Italians.

  • JunoTells Allecto to cause harm to the Trojans. Allecto Causes Queen Amata to disagree to Lavinia and Aeneas getting married. Also, this brings about a war between the people of Italy and the Trojans. Circe Transforms into different animals to tell Aeneas not to go on her land.Neptune Causes a giant wind which helps bring Aeneas to Italy.

  • The most significant event is the intervention of Allecto. This causes Queen Amata to change her views of Aeneas and the Trojans. This also leads to a war starting to come between the people of Italy and the Trojans.

  • " Seek not a Latin marriage for your daughter! Put no faith, my son, in these present proposals! Strangers shall come to commingle our blood and being our kindred shall bear our name to the stars, and our descendants...."-Faunus to King Latinus (page 181)

    " May the gods favor the designs we have begun, and thus fulfill their own presage!"- Latinus to the Trojans that presented the gifts (page 187)

  • AeneasSon of Anchises and Venus , protagonistDidoDetermined character that never wants to marry again, Queen of CarthageTurnusA counterpart to Dido, another of Junos protgs,Aeneass major antagonist among mortalsAscaniusAeneass young son by his first wife, Creusa. Ascanius (also called Iulus)AnchisesAeneass fatherCreusaAeneass wife at Troy, and the mother of AscaniusSinonConvinced Trojans to take in the wooden horseLatinusThe king of the LatinsJunoThe queen of the gods, the wife and sister of Jupiter, and the daughter of Saturn

  • VenusThe goddess of love and the mother of AeneasJupiter/JoveThe king of the godsNeptuneGod of the seaMercuryThe messenger god


  • Epithets:Nurse of Aeneas- CaietaDaughter of the SunQueen of Jove- JunoFather of the Gods-JupiterAlmighty Father- JupiterQueen JunoOther:CatalogingP 207 Lists the events of GodsBegins with invocationP 179 Praises to Erato for help

  • Bees that were flying by a laurel tree settled on top of it. Then the bees interlinked in a mill of legs and the cluster hung from the leafy branch.A prophet interpreted this by saying:Lo, I perceive a stranger soon arriving from that same quarter as the bees. He comes leading an army to their present lodging- and so shall he hold sway over the citadel. Page 180

    The virgin Lavinias hair caught on fire and the same prophet said that she was singled out indeed for a glorious destiny, but for the nation it boded a terrible war.Page 180

  • Fire- destruction, death, war

    Weather- Junos rage

  • 1.) And the sea sparkled in her quivering rays pg. 178

    2.) But sinister signs from heaven stood in the way pg. 180

    3.) A swarm of bees whizzed buzzing through the air settled on the top pg. 180

    4.) And all her headdress cracked in the flames pg. 180

    5.) Stretched on the skins of the sheep he has sacrificed pg. 181

  • Even though Juno is causing harm to Aeneas, do you think he will still be able to successfully build his city? Explain.