the alamance gleaner (graham, n.c.) 1875-07-20 [p...

THE GLEANER. URAHAM,~N. C., JULY 20,"18751 Local, State and General. W. T. JOHNSON. EDITOR. Mr. John C. Robertson, of Company fthops, is onr authorized agent to rc- and receipt Tor the Hamc. roit U«IVVKNTI«.Yi E. S. PARKER, READ A>l> MVBSCItIAe ! WC propese to send the GLKAN-ER as a campaign papof to subscribers till the first (lav of September, 1875,f0r the small Sum of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. We intend it to be a live campaign paper, nod we extend the time to the Ist of September in order that wc mny give the returns of the election from the va- rious counties to all our campaign sub- scribers. All bums under two dollars hiay be sent by mail at our risk, all Over, at our expense in registered letter. Everybody wants to keep up during the Campaign any way. No one, cer- tainly, can grumble at the price. Send lis iu clubs friends. It is of conset queued that the issues bo thoroughly discussed. Your campaign subscription will commence, just as soon as we get your name and the money, and will end the first of September. Don't delay. Wo till have an imperative duty to perform. \VG intend faithfully trying to do ours in this campaign) and want you to help us. We ought to get A thousand cam paign subscribers, and Call, if our friends will interest themselves for us. We are waiting to hear from you. Go About it to-day. pAitrcfcit k JOHNSON* Editors & Publishers. ATTENTION. I will attend at the following times, and places, for the purpose of collecting the taxes lor 1875 : At Fred. Graves'. Cobles' Tuesday \u25a0July 20th. Af George Patterson's, Patterson township, 1 Wednesday July 21st. At John Pugli's N'dwlin township, Thurday, July 22nd. At John Honey's Albright township, Fttday, July 23rd. At K. L, Mebanc's, Boon Station, township, Monday, July 20th. At Morton's Store, Morton township, Tues- day, July 27th. At McCray's Store, Faucett township, Wed- nesday, July At Lea's Store, Pleasant Grove township, Thursday, July 2Vth. m At Mebanesville, Melville Friday, July 30th. At T. L. Bradshaw's, Thompson township, Saturday, July 31st. At Graham, Graham township, Monday, August 2nd. At Company Shops, Graham township, Tues- day, August 3rd, Mr. Ed. F. Small, the popular photograph ariist will pitch his tent on the court house yard, court week, and afford to those wanting pictures of themselves and families an oppor- tunity of getting them; His work is sufficient evidence as to his qualification as being a good artist. Our lawyers know how to raise Irish ? pota toes as well as practice law. We noticed two of them; Capt. j. A. uraham, and J. I'. Crock- er, Esq., out at the stores having some weigh- ed. The Capt. had one that reached a pound lacking half an ounce. He was just a little ahead of Mr. ijrockcn J. T. Crocker, yesterday opened his ciassi. cal and mathematical School. This school has bfc jn iu successful operation for some time and is steadly encreasinj in popularity and the ex- tent of its patronage. We are blessed with excellent schools in our village. We learn from Mr. A. A; Andrews, orid of the contractors, that the bridge across Big Ala. inance at Effliu's ford is about finished. So nearly so that it afforded passage for vehicles Saturday. Old man Louis Lutterloh was among the first accommodated by this new bridge. If the bridge lasts as long and does as much service, as a bridge, as Louis Lutter- loh has as a man it will prove to one of the belt bridges ever built. We were surprised to fiear that the bridge was already done, but Messrs. Andrews and Johnson, the contrac- tors are working men, and when suehtake liold of a job it is soon finished. Judge Will. B. Rodman has consent- ed to run as au independent candkUto for Convention in Beaufort and Pamli- co counties! Owing to his duties on the Snpreine COuft bdiitfh, hd Will not make a canvass of thost! counties. ? CcitUitu- tion. ~VVm. 11. Odell has beome the associate editor of the Central Protestant at Greensboro. We understand Mr. Odell |S a youn; man of finished education, and marked ability. He finds himself connected with a first class pajter. The Radical party oppose the Cov vention "because they believe they will be deprived of offices now held under force of the o<mby Constitution. How is it) if this is not so, that so many office holders are candidates for Convention? ?Newti The tax-payers Of italilk* have held one of the largest meetings assembled in that county for fifteen years, tor the . purpose orconsidering of some plan by which they may be enabled to protect themselves from the extravagance aud corruption of their county authorities. Their condition is a distressing one. Their Board of Commissioners is taxing, them and then dividing out the money among party favorites for pretended extra services. The negroes have every- thing in their own hands. THE COTTON STATES COX- OBBBR [Condenses from Raleigh Netes] The Co!. D. E. But ier of 6a. called the Convention to Order.. Messrs R. T. Fulghum, J.' D. Whit- ford and Johnstoue Jones elected Sec* retaries. Committee appointed to wait on Gov. Brogdeii and invite him into the hall. The Governor welcomed the members of the Congress lo tho''capital of the State. Col. Buttlcr the Chairman re- plied thanking the people. F.II. Isus- beo on belialfoOJtayorSoparks, extend- ed the welcome and the city of llalcigh. Gov. Brogden and Mayor Sparks were invited to scats on the floor. The call of the States and delegates present showed the following represen- tation. Representatives of National Grange ?Hon. 11. Shankland, of lowa, and Jlidge J> T. Jones, of Arkansas. Arkansas ?John T.Jones. Georgia?Col. D. E. Butler, Dr. Thomas P. Jayncs, E. T. Paine, E. W. Butler and Eugene Morehcad. North Carolina-*-Col. Thomas M. Holt, Brevard Davidson, Capt. C. B. Denson, Capt. James It. Thigpcn, Dr. jSsorge W. Graham, Jordan Btone, R. T. Fulghum, Azariah Graves, G. W. Lawrence, James F. Johilston, Coh Wm. Johnston, M. A. Bledsoe, P. C; Carlton, Dr. M. Collins, Jno. T. Whit- lord, John C. Wooten, George C. Tay- lor, Gen. W. R. Cox, and Carter Har- rison. South Carolina?R. M. Sims. Tennessee?Dr. W. Maxwell. Judge Jones, of Arkansas, moved a committee on business. Messrs. Jones, of Arkansas, Ja/nes, of Georgia, Max- well, of Tennesse, Holt ot North Car- olina, and Sims, of South Carolina, made said committee. President Butler gave a brief history of the organization and its objects. It was organized, in Atlanta in 1878, with a view of bettering the condition of the people of sho Cotton States. The farming interests of Georgia were to- day iu a better condition than it had been for fifteen years, and he could but I attribute this lact to a groat extent to | the principles which had been inculca- ted in the two sessions of this Congress in that State ( the principle object of which was to make the former a more independent class, to teach him to' cut loose from that runious credit system which had so thoroughly impoverished the South, and to learn to till the, soil by his own exertions. It was not the purpose of the fi-iends ot this Congress to array themselves against any class or any business, but he believed that every iuterest would be benefitted by the sys- tem of working proposed. Ho hoped the deliberations of the present Congress would result iu much good to the whole country) and he felt confident that it would be fraught with both pleasure and profit to all presen. The Congress visited the Insane Asy- lum and were struck with the orderly manner in which «verythiii£Pfconnccted therewith was conducted. The follow- ing order of business was reported and adopted:. Ist. Report of Committee on Consttu- tion and by-laws) of which J. L. Bridg- et's is Chairman. 2nd. Report efCommittee on Cottou Foctorics, J. E. Moore, Chairman. 3. lteport of Committee ou Statis- tics 4. Report of Qol. J. L. Bridgers oil Agriculture, See. .5 Call for iiitormation from the Direct Trade Uuion ot Patrons of Hus bandry. 6. Call for information in regard to the establishment of Agricultural Bu- reaus in the several Statesi 8. Essay ou Agriculture) Education) by Dr. E. M. Peudleton, President of the State Agricultural Colieg, Ga., to be read by Capt. C. 1). Denson. 9. Inquire into the best means ot bringing about a close intercourse be=- tween the South and, the West and Southwost. ~ 10. Time and place of next meeting. 11. Committee of three on improved .agricultural implements and machin- ery- -12. Miscellaneous business. The regular order of business was dcfcrcd and miscellaneous business was entered into. Tha Congress decided to hold its next regnllr annual session at Nashville Tennessee at such time as the President shall appoint. Let there be a fall vote polled at the election for delegates to the Convention. It is a straggle of parties. If the Radi- cals obtain the majority they hold the State at thetr mercy. They will doctor the Constitution to suit themselves. They will fix themselves in power tor an " unlimited duration of time." (This is what they mean by the phrase.) They are not going to adjourn before they do that.? News. A negro man in Wilmington went into the house of a white lady named Daniels and cursed her, and' struck her iu the faec. He has been arrested- W. T. Fairclotli and J. B. Whi taker arc spoken of as the Civil Rights can- didates for thd Convention in Wayne county-. "That an extended discussion of the Civil Rights is deemed unadvisable, but that the Republicans should never intimate that the bill is wrong i;t prin- ciple or that it will bo disastrous in its operation-, and it is believed that time will show that no evil need bo appre- hended froUi its enactment. And therefore, tin party plays with the question very daintily, souuiinos holding it off as a thing offensive to the touch, and again clinging to it as the al-k of safety. But it should not be forgotten that the negro vote is a prime necessity to the party, and Civil Rights must be sustained to secure that voto. The tenderness of the Supreme Court in admitting unqualified applicants fo the bar becu use they weix colored men slion s the leanings and the necessities of the party. It the Radicals get A majority In tho Convention-, ii is certain tbey will hold it iu session until they have mado such alterations ds will make Civil Itigh'tb a practical rfcalityi Such of out' frieiids as propose to fall into the Radical trap of voting for such candidates as pledge themselves to adjourn at once, will find themselves badly footed ifthey do so. They mean to hold a Convention if they are in the majority. Woe to tho Democratic pdl-ty ifit suffers itself to be fooled into Rad- ical suares.?Nrswsi ATTEMITED liELEAste.?William 11. Hall is a condemned murderer in Aslio- villo jail, but an appeal from the judg- ment is now penning in the Supreme Court. A plan was concocted by three meu, John 11. Ilall, George Boon, and Marcus L. Gregg, to rescue the con- demned man. Their plans were m- ranged by means of communications from the prisoner, which were cun- ningly carried 011. Ilis wife would ?bring him milk in a bottle with a papei' stopper, the outside of which was ok! newspaper. The letters would be fold- ed inside ct this, and thus a correspond ence was carried on. Gregg* one of the conspirators, became frightened and betrayed the plot. An examination of the stopper ? corroborated Gregg, A guard was put over the jail, and every precaution taken to prevent the release. On Saturday morning the 10th inst., the conspirators, iust before day, approach* cd to do their work. They were halted and upon refusing to slop were fired upon. John 11. Hall was instantly kill- ed, and Boon, it was thought, wounded, though he escaped. Gregg, who Was with them, simply lay down when the firing commenced. He has been arrest- ed > and made an affidavit, the con- tents of Which arc unknown to the piib- lie ROOMS or DEM. COX. EX. COM. RALEIGH, N. C. Chairman of the various District and County Executive Committee wi/1 please send forward at once complete lists ol the names of the members of Micir committees with their P. O. ad- dress. And all persons in favor of re- modclingthe present constitution, and securing a more economical administra- tion of the govern mo nt, are requested to correspond frequently with this com. inittee during the progress of lliis cain- paigu. yf . ii. Cox, Chaifrman. J. j. LITCII'KOBD, Sec'y- E. K. Stamps, Cor. Sec'y- DISTILI.EY FOR SALE. Capacity eighty gallons per day. Also twenty-live barrels pure Coru Whiskey, made from corn malt. HUTCHISON & CO. Address. W. R.. ALBRIGHT, feb2B Oruliam, N. c. JUBT RECEIVED. Two Hogsheads old fashioned Cnban MO- lasses. New crop. -?\u25a0*. ' W R. ALBRIGHT. ' QDELL, RAG AN & CO.) ' WHOLESALE EALELTS IS General Merchandise, XD AOBHTB roB " \u25a0 ' -. Cedar Fall* mm* Duo Biver Varan, and SwSakss Bagt, Belt** mm* BaaSlenaa** FlsH«, Vrkm' ?? Malana" Jemmm. Cfcarl*MW Title Cawlatn aai Krkea. krracbrf*> Slarrk. GREENSBORO, N. C. aptoO-yl g c. ROBERTSON, DBALEB IS Grave Stones MONUMENTS. - CREENSEORO N. . COMMERCIAL Graham Market* CORBECTED WEEKLY BT SCOTT Ac ItONNVLfct Tuesday, July 20, 1875; Apples, dried, Tlb v , B@l o green, ¥ bushel 1.50 Beans, t 1 btieii [email protected] Butter Vlti 25@30 Beeswax II SJS Baeou sides V U». 12J^(£>15 ,?' shoulders, t' II) 10^)ia>; fttuns...'. ~.. 15(5; 18 Beef V"' 6(fc<} Black burrioH dried,... r<Ca-7 Bark, soaufras roots V lb 4a5 Castings, old t' tt> 1 Cloth, tow and cotton, Vyd.20a25 Corn V bush iuh [email protected] Chickens each &y©Bo Cotton, lint, Vlti 14<S>14X ?' in seed 01 lover seed, V bafhel 8.00<©9.00 Ducks "t* pair ....: 30@B0 Eggs ¥ doz 13%a15 Flour, family, V bbl tt.50(®7.00 " supr V bbl [email protected] Feathers ¥ It) 30<»30 Furs, rftbbit, ¥ donen,.:.. 35@30 " opossum, each,i...; 05® 10 " nidskrat- " 10@!S " mink * " 50(5)2.50 ?' coou " 25(5)80 ?' fox " ; *>@>Bo " house tat " 031® 10 " otter ;. . ..... 8.00a5.00 Hay? 100 1b..... ftOatSO Hides, greecn, V fbu.s;».in.i. 05<®06 ?' dry. H1b.... 1«@15 Lard ¥ tb 16@20 Meal, corn, ¥lb ... 2J^'a3 Oats, seed V bush 75&8Q Onions Vbush ;.... ;.... 75<5>1.00 " sets Vquart.... 00^»10 Peas v bush.. [email protected] Potatoes, Irish V bush-...; 1.00(81.25 sweet " 75(31.00 Pork? lb ... 08(S>10 PeaclleS; dried, peeled,.. .* I.VS>2O " " unpeelod 06<®08 Rags V It> t...i M<§>2X Shingles V th0u5and.i..;8.50(5)5.00 Tallow V lb 08<fwt I) Wood? cord 3.00@2,50 Company Itiwp* narkef. COBBEUTED WF.EKJ.T BT J. Q. GANT & CO. Tuesday, «tuly 80) 18T5; Apples, dried, V lb IX»11 ?' green, V bushel 1.28(5)1.50 Beans v bushel 1.00(a) 1.25 Butter V lb 25 Beeswax ¥ lb 95 Bacon, sides, V lb 12^@15 i' shoulders, 10@12>£ " * hams, 15(817 Beef? lb ...,. sig>6 Blackberricse V lb 7@B Corn ? bushel, '. 9001.00 Chickens, each, IMfIS Cabbage. ? head 2(®7 Cotton, lint, 13}^(evl4 Clover seed V bushel 8.00(89.00 Ducks ? pair 30(840 Eggs, Vdoa '. 12U Flour, family, V barrel 7.00 " super. " 6.50 Feathers, new, ¥ It) 60 Furs, rabbit, ¥ dor 25 " oppossuip. each . salo " uiusit rat " 10al5 '? mink " 20a2.50 " coon " 25 " fox " 20n25 llldea, green, per tt> dry, " lfclX Lard per lb 15al8 Onions per bushel...... 75a80 " setts per bushel 3.00 Oats per bushel.. 75a90 Peas per bushel 1.00 Potatoes, Irish, per bushel 1.00a125 " * sweet, per bushel 75a1.00 Peacfics, dried, pdr tt» peeled... 15a20 " " " unpceled, 8 AL4NANCB tidkiS** In Ihfe Rsftrlsr C'*arii Jerry W. Sharpe and I Asa Fonrille, | Plaintiff*, r Against R. Y. McAdeii, G. M. Saai*s»«i} fmrHe- Hacscl and wife ***»? ? Fradcls. J. M.Tap- ecott, Thou. J Tap- scott,* Ged. Loath, J and wife Sarah J, and others, JJefendanli. State North Chrotina-, ?To T he Sheriff of Alamanas County- GRBETINO: TOD are hereby command to summon tin- Defendants above nauied, if they be found withiu your County, Ui be and Appear before tbe Judge of our Superior Court at a Cdurtto be held for the County of Alamance, at tbe Court House In the second Monday before the first Monday of September, 1875, and answer the complaint which will be dq»os- ited In tbe office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said county, within tbe first three days of the torm. and let the said Defendant* take notice that jfthey fail to auswer the said complaint Within tbe term, tbe Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. Herein fail not, and of this summons make due return. * Given under my band and seal of said Court, this 25tli day of June, 1875. W. A. ALBRIGHT, Clerk, Superior Court Alamance County. In the aboVe entitled action it appearing to tbe satisfaction of the tourt that tbe Defend- ants George Leatli and wife are non-roaldent* of the State it b ordered: That service of sum- mons in this action be bad upon tbeu by pub- lication in the ALAKABCBGuuna, s news- paper published weekly in this county for six successive weeks* Done at office In Graham, June 26th, 1875. W. A- ALBRIGHT, CTS. C. Alamance County. ITOBIOTBS. :oi yyr R. FORBIS * BROTHER, (under tbe Ucnbow Sail,) GREENSBORO, N. C? J k«m constantly no hand a complete assort- ment of FURNITURE. Repairing ot every description, Including Upholstering " neatly done. ' Their stock consists tit CBABBKB SKTS, ang ing in price from 4(35.00, to WW.flO ; MMI Btolw«*Bee?, Psrlsr aa<l Rack. Ing Chairs. Bar MM*, Wanlrstes, \u25a0ailina Beaks, Ssf«,Crlk«, Cra- dle* mmd Traadl r-Urim fsrlk* little folk*. Bam r?* a*s S|»ri*i B«4» W every v»- rldr mm* style. Hat-raclu and any and everything in the furniture line. Their stock I*the largest and most complete ever offered in this portion of the' State. They defy competition In quality tit price. apraO-sm $5 ?? S2OSs, D ai^r»^s: tuud Co., ForUaud, Maine. ly y. ] ;.1; . r- \u25a0 - - -- ? - * 1 ADVERTISEMENTS. YY B. FARRAR) OPTICIAN, WATCH-HAKfetl, AND JEWELER, ANt> DIiALEU IK \ ; ! WAfottßl, CLOCHB, JEWELKT BllVer "Ware; Bridal Presents, Solid Rings, Walking Canes, Gold 1*6113, ftc. % GREENSBORO, N. C. Whielt Will to avid cheap fit Übk'. 6v*" batches. Clocks. Jewelry, Sewing Ma- chines, and Pistols repaired cheap and On short notlfee An aiMbrted stock of Guns, Pis- tols, Cartridges, Afe., always on hand apr 20-ly NeW Goods. W.R. ALBRIGHT, (tot Baton'* old stated.,) GRAHAM, N. C., Dealer (a DRY.UOODI, NOTIONS, SHOES, GBOCRRIBB, HARD-WARE, kA\ Having bought goods on favorable terms 1 will sell cheap for cash or UarMlr. POlite and attentive Klerks td wait On customers itntt show goods to &1L Qaick falea aad Nuall Pralis will make money. Call and examine it you do not buy. It can do no harm. fbb2S-8m Drugs, Paints, GLASS & C s \\"i feeßp constantly bn hand a goott a»«ort- liieilt of ERRRII bRIIOM AND i'llßllilciM, different brand* of White Lead, a large stock.of Window glass, which we are now selling for less money than tbey have ever been sola for in this section. Wo will supply » j, Village & Country Mei'ch&iits a better article than they buy North for the same money. Alsb we have a large stock of fRII3BEB AND SUPPOKTERS, together With a full Arid foihpttote line df TOILET AND FANCY ARticliES. Come and see us, tnftptMH Htir stotlc and aatlfsy yourself of the truth of whilt we say. The Se- nior member of the firm has resumed practice and can always lie found at th«i Drugstore when not professionally engaged. , R. W. OLiNN A 80N.) In the Benbow House, Greensboro, N. C. it. HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. We keep constantly on hand k largo and varied stock of GIIOCEIIIES, iIAkD-WAEE DRY - GOODS, of all sorts, NOTION*, DATS, CAPS, BOOTS, AND IHORB, READV'MADB CLtTWNdt Carpetings NUTTINGS of all grades, from the lowest prices up made u specialty. VILLAGE AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS f ... arc Invited to Inspect our stock and hear our prices before buying eisewherii. TMy can examine and select frfr thcdiSelves, and w*guarantee that we tan sell tliem their entire Mock or any part oflt ori such terms as will enable them W sell their gitod* at a larger profit in themselves than tbfey could do by pur- chasing, by order, from a distance. We are Agents for, and sell at manufactures price* tbe following goods, vis : Cedar Palls and Deep River Sheetings, Tarns and Beamle«* Bags, Holt's and lUudlc- man's Plaids, Fries' " Salem" J dans, Charlottesville Cdasla|trt ana Krkcubieccber's Starch. ODELL, RAGRN A CO,, apr 2(My « Greensboro, N. C. J. P. GULLEY, RirtrAfaJa lib Jbßßak ow Dry-Goods. Clothing, NdTIONS. BURT'S RAN&MADB Boots & Gaiters, ! - mk*» ANto cu**. itMH*. TBCNUS.WBITB «????, - *o., a*. Houih Cor. BayetteniUe St., and Exchange Place RALEIGH. N. C< ' ' ' \u25a0 1875. 1875. Spring and Summer GOODS !! The very latest Style* and Cheap; DRV B«MM*tMIM,<II.«VI»a. . LAbMS TBIHHKO UXI, RB9CIKIRS, IAMVABI CBtCKBBV W»#BKK- 3 WAU. Everything usually found in a Retail Btore willbe sold i CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. When you come to,town call see my slock?l am sure it wiU pay jou. i aprfMm Graham, K.*v t l I iSI '\u25a0' - ? \.: Stonewall Springs* r.^rtrrpn This c'etebrited l>ke* k tiaw opfcd or the reception Of fwNfjh - ciMb tfUftl 4MB ildons for the low jftiMC"W|. tottulh, Atldreffl r. Wi FONVILLE<fc 80if. Bib FALLS. Alamance Co. K. C. IDI Tllk tbbßAi'k COURT I 1 AlaaiK ? 0«H«r. George W. and James Foster, as Ad- ministrators of John Foster, Against Alfred Rlke and wife Susan, Elizabeth Walker, W. RfFos/er, John W. Foster. A. J, Foster, Thomas J. Fosttor, E. A. Foster, A. P. Fos- ter, Julia A. Foster, James Matlock and wife Sarah, Qeo O. Rlke aiid wife Mary. The parties to Wis action ait hereby notified that plaintiffs have Bled their final account with tlid estate of their intestate, and that un- less exceptions are filed thereto within the time . prescribed by law, a decree in said action will be made, and Administrators will be discharged from liability upon the settlement as set forth in their o\vn account, filed. V A, ALBRIGHT, C. 8. 0.; and Probate Judge. FBtBATB COBIITi Alslasce tsulf. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Alfred Rlke and wife Susan. A. J. Foster. Julia A. Foster, George 0> Rlke and wife Mary, parties to the above action are non-resi- donts of the Butb. lt Is therefore ordered that service of ibis notfee upon tteat be had tnr a publication thereof for six successive weeks, In the ALAMAHCB OLKAXBK, a newspaper lished weekly at Graham. Alamance County, N C Done at officii in OrahAm, this the lftth day June. 18T5. w. A. ALBRIGHT, C. 8. C. and Probate Judge. DANIEL WORTH, Company Shops, N. C., Thinks his friends and the public for the "iberal patronage he has heretofore en- E ; and begs to Introduce to their inspect- B ( LABbEDT sad JIOST CMNIII iltb VAKIEB STOCK OF GOODS ev4r brottgtlt 16 Alamance County. Hebai lust returned from the Northern bities where he purchased and has received and and is re- celvng hu IPBINO ARB HVBBIB UOODrf, His stock consists of DRY-GOODS,"from com- mon to the finest ever oflered iu this market, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING^ df every description, HATNI BOOTS AND SHOES of to the beat hand-made. IHII.MNRBY OOOJBB. BAHPWABS tDTI.ERV, QVEENKiWABBj TBVNBS mm* ril\-WABK, CIIIL- DBENS> DATS, the tMst alaOrtagpt at the lowest prices. A full stock FAMILY GIIOCERtES, XjPPEIk AND BOLE LEATHER, Fertilizers, In a word, he has everything of any quality that yon will want to buy, and be will buy at the highest prices all, and anything yon have to seUT All be asks la for yon to call and seii for yourself. . If you ddn't sea what. you. want you Inst ask for it, and then see ifit lib't found: mayll-Sm 1875; 1879s Spring and Summe* ©. © B § Pretty and Cheap 11 ! AfiMVED AtTD VOKBTANTL YAM&lVlNtii We would respectfully inform our mers, friends and the public, that we are re-' ceiving a large, coraplote and well selected stock of Bpring and Summer Goodana . We selected ourselves, paid the nab, and can afford to, and will sell, aa cheap as the same goods can be bought in u>e State. When you come to the Shops don't fail to come td Cheapest Prices. Come in and look At tbftn, they ivtiiastonlsii 80 P"" 4 *Bn /oHN h t? P OAMT A CO., Company Shops, N. C: JONES ft SONS, GRAHA*, S. C., Baggy and Carriage Makers^ Are prepared to'fiU at tM Ibortest notice all orders in their UOe. Repairing promptly and neatly done, at nODEBATE BATES. They alio keUp constantly on hand ftor sail aMMrkhOp, aa assortment of lis), tails, \u25a0\u25a0car Hsisrlal, ViifW* sd sll «*!*«, Plea ah*, arid dias. P W?*a» thankful for past patronage, and hoiie to merit Its continuance. fcl) lcam mo EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, AND GUARDIANS. The law reqniree annual returns from all Executors, Administrators, and guardians: Mam do n<ft comply with this law. They aw notified to do so and July Mm.' * C.a 'C; ?pDWABDB, BBOUGHTON COi B&sasss,*:* wMI

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  • THE GLEANER.URAHAM,~N. C., JULY 20,"18751

    Local, State and General.W. T. JOHNSON. EDITOR.

    Mr. John C. Robertson, of Companyfthops, is onr authorized agent to rc-

    and receipt Tor theHamc.

    roit U«IVVKNTI«.Yi


    WC propese to send the GLKAN-ER asa campaign papof to subscribers till thefirst (lav of September, 1875,f0r the smallSum ofTWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Weintend it to be a live campaign paper,nod we extend the time to the Ist ofSeptember in order that wc mny givethe returns of the election from the va-rious counties to all our campaign sub-scribers. All bums under two dollarshiay be sent by mail at our risk, allOver, at our expense in registered letter.Everybody wants to keep up duringthe Campaign any way. No one, cer-tainly, can grumble at the price. Sendlis iu clubs friends. It is of consetqueued that the issues bo thoroughlydiscussed. Your campaign subscriptionwill commence, just as soon as we getyour name and the money, and will endthe first of September. Don't delay. Wotill have an imperative duty to perform.\VG intend faithfully trying to do oursin this campaign) and want you to helpus. We ought to get A thousand campaign subscribers, and Call, if ourfriends will interest themselves for us.We are waiting to hear from you. GoAbout it to-day.

    pAitrcfcit k JOHNSON*Editors & Publishers.


    I will attend at the following times, andplaces, for the purpose of collecting the taxeslor 1875 :

    At Fred. Graves'. Cobles' Tuesday\u25a0July 20th.

    Af George Patterson's, Patterson township, 1Wednesday July 21st.At John Pugli's N'dwlin township, Thurday,

    July 22nd.At John Honey's Albrighttownship, Fttday,

    July 23rd.At K. L, Mebanc's, Boon Station, township,

    Monday, July 20th.At Morton's Store, Morton township, Tues-

    day, July 27th.At McCray's Store, Faucett township, Wed-

    nesday, JulyAt Lea's Store, Pleasant Grove township,

    Thursday, July 2Vth. mAt Mebanesville, Melville Friday,

    July 30th.At T. L. Bradshaw's, Thompson township,

    Saturday, July 31st.At Graham, Graham township, Monday,

    August 2nd.At Company Shops, Graham township, Tues-

    day, August 3rd,

    Mr. Ed. F. Small, the popular photographariist will pitch his tent on the court houseyard, court week, and afford to those wantingpictures of themselves and families an oppor-tunity of getting them; His work is sufficientevidence as to his qualification as being agood artist.

    Our lawyers know how to raise Irish ? pota

    toes as well as practice law. We noticed twoof them; Capt. j.A. uraham, and J. I'. Crock-er, Esq., out at the stores having some weigh-ed. The Capt. had one that reached a poundlacking half an ounce. He was just a littleahead of Mr. ijrockcn

    J. T. Crocker, yesterday opened his and mathematical School. This school hasbfc jn iu successful operation for some time andis steadly encreasinj in popularity and the ex-tent of its patronage. We are blessed withexcellent schools in our village.

    We learn from Mr. A. A; Andrews, orid ofthe contractors, that the bridge across Big Ala.inance at Effliu's ford is about finished. Sonearly so that it afforded passage for vehiclesSaturday. Old man Louis Lutterloh wasamong the first accommodated by this newbridge. If the bridge lasts as long and doesas much service, as a bridge, as Louis Lutter-loh has as a man it will prove to b« one of thebelt bridges ever built. We were surprised tofiear that the bridge was already done, butMessrs. Andrews and Johnson, the contrac-

    tors are working men, and when suehtakeliold of a job it is soon finished.

    Judge Will. B. Rodman has consent-ed to run as au independent candkUtofor Convention in Beaufort and Pamli-co counties! Owing to his duties on theSnpreine COuft bdiitfh, hd Will not makea canvass of thost! counties. ? CcitUitu-tion.

    ~VVm. 11. Odell has beome the associateeditor of the Central Protestant atGreensboro. We understand Mr. Odell|S a youn; man of finished education,and marked ability. He finds himselfconnected with a first class pajter.

    The Radical party oppose the Covvention "because they believe they willbe deprived of offices now held underforce ofthe o 1Cloth, tow and cotton, Vyd.20a25Corn V bush iuh [email protected] each &y©BoCotton, lint, Vlti 1414X

    ?' in seed 01lover seed, V bafhel 8.00ke* k tiaw opfcdor the reception OffwNfjh -

    ciMb tfUftl 4MB ildonsfor the low jftiMC"W|. P» tottulh,

    Atldreffl r. Wi FONVILLEe State. Whenyou come to the Shops don't fail to come td

    Cheapest Prices.Come in and look At tbftn, they ivtiiastonlsii

    80 P""4 *Bn /oHNht?P OAMT A CO.,Company Shops, N. C:

    JONES ft SONS,

    GRAHA*, S. C.,

    Baggy and Carriage Makers^Are prepared to'fiU at tM Ibortest notice

    all orders in their UOe. Repairing promptlyand neatly done, at


    They alio keUp constantly on hand ftor sailaMMrkhOp, aa assortment oflis), tails, \u25a0\u25a0car Hsisrlal, ViifW*

    sd sll «*!*«,

    Plea ah*, arid dias.

    P W?*a» thankful for past patronage, andhoiie to merit Its continuance. fcl) lcam


    The law reqniree annual returns from allExecutors, Administrators, and guardians:Mam do n