the american city - rezumat toth edina

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  • 8/12/2019 The American City - Rezumat Toth Edina


    The American city

    Most of the people say that the American city if full of not quite

    remembered films,televisiondramas,music and advertising

    images.Some of the people imagine it like this but others imagine it like

    attractive and threatening aspect.

    The city is constructed like a text

    ,unfolding,challenging,confusing, thrilling and threatening all at thesame time.The problem of reading the city can be traced back to

    foundation of America.John Winthrop spoke about his vision of a new

    community.He said that the city-story would be watched by the

    world,with no good or bad in it.Reverend Josiah said in Our Country

    that The city is the nerve center of our It is the city where wealth is

    massed; and here are the tangible evidences ofit piled many stories high.

    Here the sway of Mammon is widest, and hisworship the most constant

    and eager. Here are luxuries gathered

    everything that dazzles the eye, or tempts the appetite; here is the mostextravagant expenditure. Here also, is the congestion of wealth the

    severesthere in sharp contrast, are the ennui of surfeit and the

    desperation of starvation Here is heaped the social dynamite; her

    roughs, gamblers, thieves, robbers, lawless and desperate men


    raise riots for the purpose of destruction and plunder; here gather

    foreigners and wage-workersespecially susceptible to socialist

    For example , in New York , the landmarks are high up in the

    clouds.This suggests the citys mystery , it shines up.In American life ,

    there are desires,dreames,places of possibility,success and threat.The

    American city is a created text in which people say their designs about

    the world,theirdesires,offering freedom.

  • 8/12/2019 The American City - Rezumat Toth Edina


    Trachtenbergs city ismodern place where the possibilities of

    technology,planning, industrialisation and commerce come together in a

    single environment which thrust together people, ideas and opportunities

    in a particular mix of productive kinds of strangeness and distance

    (Walder 1990:166).

    Between 1870-1900 Chicago`s population has increased 5

    times and New York toppet 3.4 million and when 11 million imigrants

    arrived in the U.S.Ajournalists like Jacob Riis and Stephen Crane bgean

    to question how much the people will pay for this expansion.They wrote

    about the peoples life with details.

    For Dreiser the city is : It is like a chemical reagent. One day of it, like

    one drop of the other, will so affect and discolor the views, the aims, thedesires of the mind, that it will thereafter remain forever dyedlike

    opium to the untried body. A craving is set updreams unfilled

    gnawing, luring, idle phantoms which

    beckon and lead. These writing are for the idea of the city out of


    High social groups want to the best for the citizens,for the

    imigrants.Taylor says that It must be tall, every inch of it tall. The force

    and power of altitude must be in it, the glory and the pride of exaltation

    must be in it. It must be every inch a proud and soaring thing, rising in

    sheer exultation from bottom to top it is a unit without a single

    dissenting line.

    Like Dreiser too,Hoppers attention is given by the sites of

    popular culture in the city to the restaurants,movietheatres,shops,movie-

    houses and to the everyday work.

    Rap music is what expresses the best the city and it is an

    urban musical form.In every rap music appears the city life,the

    environment.If the city is an imagined place that we all create for

    ourselves in the very acts of existing within it, then it is perhaps this


  • 8/12/2019 The American City - Rezumat Toth Edina


    nature which is its strength, being what Ihab Hassan called variousness

    itselfinscribedin steel and stone (Jaye and Watts 1981:109: our
