the amino acids discovery

1 | Page By Kellie Olver

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Post on 10-Aug-2015



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By Kellie Olver

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A lot of you reading this article right now might be familiar with glycine. I

however, I was not until I researched this non-essential amino acid. And I feel a

little goofie that I haven’t paid attention to its benefits. I am now.

In a nutshell:

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Glycine is one of the non-essential amino acids and is used to help create muscle

tissue and convert glucose into energy. It is also essential to maintaining healthy

central nervous and digestive systems, and has recently been shown to provide

protection via antioxidants from certain types of serious health situations.

Awwwright! So let me break this down even more as I believe glycine to be a


Once again, glycine is one of the non-essential amino acids – meaning they are

synthesized by the body and not needed to be obtained from food. That’s quite

short but I think it’s self-explanatory. Right?

Now, what does it do to our body? Let me give you a list.

• First and foremost, glycine aids in repairing damaged tissues in the body.

That includes skin, muscle, and other connective tissues. A third of

collagen’s composition is made up of glycine. And collagen is a beauty

treasure that keeps our skin and connective tissues “well-oiled”. It goes to

say that if we have a healthy amount of glycine in our body, our outer

appearance will look healthy too.

• Digging deeper, glycine aids in normal DNA and RNA strands construction.

These strands are the genetic component needed for proper cellular

function and formation. Because of this, our muscles cannot be easily

broken. And for those who feel good in a ripped body, glycine pumps up

the levels of creatine in the body (that “star” compound in building


• Our body needs glucose for energy. So when you or a parent say “sugar-

high”, it really means “sugar-high”. It’s the reason why kids who have had

a dose of sugar are little tornados after intake. It’s not the spinach-to-

Popeye effect but you get what I mean. It’s because glycine aids in

supplying glucose to the body. It is one function that has become a deciding

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factor for medical professionals to recommend glycine as a supplement for

people who suffer from low sugar levels and fatigue conditions.

• Memory loss getting on your nerves? This amino acid aids in improving

memory loss caused by certain conditions of the nervous system. It is also

essential for getting the central nervous system to function as it should.

• One bodily function that is essential in utilizing glycine is digestion. Optimal

digestion is necessary to obtain the maximum amount of nutrients for your

body. Glycine supports optimal digestion. Consider this example: Juicing

for a more beautiful and slimmer you will not have the same effect if

applied externally. Meaning, lathering yourself with juice from raw fruits

and vegetables will not nourish you the same way as ingesting it. Having a

good digestive system helps you better achieve this. Optimal amounts of

glycine helps your digestive system achieve this goal.

So okay, two plus two equals four, right? Add all of these benefits together and

you get a better you. Having a healthy body from the inside will definitely show

on the outside.

For options, there are natural ways to obtain glycine such as with spirulina and

seaweed, beef, chicken, pork, shell-fish, game meat and fish. And there are

supplementary products in the market, including Nutricosmetics containing

collagen peptides and gelatin powder.

It’s a world of alternatives when it comes to a better and beautiful you. But don’t

rush now! Make sure to consult your physician or a medical professional before

you take action. Better safe than sorry!

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We all KNOW that improper care of our skin will speed up skin ageing just as

much as we KNOW that time will take its toll in our skin – eventually – no matter

what. The one sure way in dragging out (you know what I mean) skin ageing is

keeping a healthy flow of collagen in our system. I’ve discussed in one of my

articles how glycine aids in collagen development in our body. And coming up

right behind it is proline, baby!

Proline is an amino acid needed for the production of collagen and cartilage. It

keeps muscles and joints flexible and helps reduce sagging and wrinkling that

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accompany UV exposure and normal aging of the skin.

Oops! Doesn’t ring a bell? Well, proline is also an amino acid that is essential in

producing healthy cells in the body.

Now cells like that are not just simply created. Oh no. It is not a simple wish

come true from Cinderella’s fairy Godmother. If you think about it, even she had

to use some tangible materials to make that dream real. This is a complex

process that involves a lot of contributors. Proline is one of them. It helps in

breaking down proteins for use in producing these healthy cells.

And like glycine, proline is needed in collagen and cartilage creation too! With

collagen benefits, this means healthy and beautiful skin – not to mention good

joint health and muscle flexibility.

Skin looks and feels better with more collagen in it. It contributes to reducing the

signs of premature aging like wrinkles. When getting beauty products, reading

the label is a good habit to practice. Seeing proline in the list is a good thing. Not

only that, proline maintains muscles tissues in the body.

Now muscles help in giving structure and form to the skin. I don’t think anyone

would look good without a bit of muscle, do you? It’s not like we should all be

huge body builders. Unless you want to. But excess fat can create health

concerns such as obesity and heart problems. How do we get rid of fat?

Healthy eating and using our muscles. Muscle uses our body fat for fuel. The

more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.

From your diet, you can get your fill from meat and dairy products. For our vegan

friends, no worries! There are always other alternatives like amino acid

supplements that you can take advantage of to get the proper nutrition.

Consider Nutricosmetics containing collagen peptides as well as functional foods

focusing on bone and joint health or muscle support. You might be surprised

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that these supplements will aid you with other health issues like arthritis,

traumatic skin injuries, and even herpes.

But as I always advice, take into consideration in seeing a doctor first before

using any supplementary product. Anything that is taken in the body should be

done with caution. Have a thorough check up to ensure that you don’t have a

standing illness that can very well be intensified by taking amino acid


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We’re on a roll!

We’ve recently talked about amino acids glycine and proline. These are two of

the amino acids that make up the components for collagen. As you would guess,

this is the third amino acid in that line up – lysine.

Lysine is needed for hormone production and the growth and maintenance of

bones in both children and adults. Lysine is also involved in the production off

antibodies for a strong, healthy immune system

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Now, when I hear about lysine, first thing that comes to mind is vitamin

supplements. It is mostly incorporated in immunity boosters like vitamins –

especially those vitamins for infants or kids – because of its antiviral properties

and assistance in bone development and maintenance.

So how does a healthy immune system factor into your beauty? It’s pretty

obvious, isn’t it?

When you are sick, you don’t exactly look and feel like a million bucks. Your skin

is pale, hair dry, and so on, and so on. We all have the ability to see our flaws,

sometimes exaggeratingly so. Correct? But when you are at your peak health,

you feel like Miss Universe and it will show!

For its antiviral properties, other uses include fighting diseases like herpes. And if

most of you don’t have any idea, one of the symptoms of suffering from herpes

is cold sores.

Cold sores are small blisters or fluid filled sores that usually show up in the lip or

around the mouth area. It’s not only unpleasant to look at but is uncomfortable

(and sometimes painful) as well. Lysine is used to treat these sores in

combination with flavonoids and vitamin C. And the treatment is fast!

Moving on, this amino acid is really good with collagen and elastin promotion. So

good that in fact it helps speed up recovery from bone and joint injuries or

surgeries. Of course, most of these injuries usually happen with athletes or

sports personalities. Again, getting back your good health does good things to

your person aesthetically.

As for the big-beauty-boost, lysine is one of the secrets to almost perfect,

healthy skin. Please note in the paragraph above: collagen and elastin

promotion. Talk about constant blemish free skin! A lot of lysine supplement

enthusiasts have shown that they’ve gotten tight and smooth skin since they

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started on adding lysine to their regimen. It’s no wonder it is written down in

beauty tips and tricks everywhere.

Since lysine is an essential amino acid, that means it can NOT be produced by the

body. You have to get it from somewhere else. This is where proper dietary

sources come in. It can be obtained from eggs, fish, milk, potatoes, beans,

cheese, red meat and a lot more! A word of advice though, lysine can be

destroyed in high temperature cooking. So if you can get it from raw foods, the


It’s good if you don’t have an aversion certain foods like red meat but what if

you do? Simple enough, there are lysine supplements you can purchase as well

as Nutricosmetics containing collagen peptides with naturally occurring lysine.

Flavorless, sugarless gelatin is also a good source of lysine. But please heed the

infamous health warning: always consult with a healthcare or medical

professional beforehand.

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The fourth and not quite the last amino acid in this journey is – tada! – Arginine.

As one of the non-essential amino acids, it is generated within the human body.

There is no need to get it from your diet alone. But getting a boost from healthy

food sources is a pretty good back up plan as well.

But what are its uses?

Well, what’s the largest part of your body? Skin it is! What is the largest organ

of your body? Skin it is!

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Your skin is made up of collagen and arginine is one of the amino acids that

boosts the production of collagen in the body.

Collagen is the glue that holds the body together. It gives beneficial support to

the skin, bones, muscles, and other connective tissues. Having said that, getting

collagen in abundance can help sustain the beauty and vitality of skin. It is one of

the best anti-aging ingredient out there.

Products with arginine are known to repair skin damage from improper skin care

or environmental exposure. It’s anti-bacterial compound mixed with anti-

oxidizing agents reduces premature signs of aging making you look younger,


What’s the next thing we women usually fret about with our appearance? That

would be hair, right? Oh, yeah.

Arginine supports a relaxing effect on our blood vessels and therefore helps to

improve blood flow everywhere in our body including the scalp and the base of

hair follicles. Religious supplementation with gelatin or collagen supplements

that contain naturally occurring arginine coupled with the use of arginine infused

hair care products will help to stump inadequate development in hair follicles.

What that means is thicker, fuller more beautiful hair.

Next, Human growth hormone.

That’s quite a mouthful if you ask me. HGH or GH is responsible for cell growth

and regeneration. Its production is abundant during childhood but is later on

reduced during when person’s is mid-aged. When taking in arginine, HGH is

enriched. In layman’s terms, HGH significantly slows down the aging process.

As for a healthy body, proper intake of the amino acid arginine helps to reduce

body fat and increases lean muscle mass. You know what that means ladies! This

means a rockin’ bod! But please keep in mind that this is always achievable only

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with proper exercise and diet. Supplements can only do so much for us. We have

to do the rest.

Aside from the beauty benefits and physical health paybacks, arginine helps to

maintain an even keel with your blood pressure, controls bladder inflammation,

and enhances libido.

Wait a minute…did I hear the word LIBIDO? Ok!! I’m in!!

Arginine is also used to treat angina – a condition where blood flow to the heart

is reduced and therefore causing chest pains. Since arginine supports the

relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, it helps to improve the flow of blood to

the heart.

As you have just read, arginine is an amazing amino acid with multiple health

and wellness benefits. Consuming gelatin or collagen peptides are great sources

to support your body’s natural production of this amazing amino acid.


Despite the advantageous effects of arginine in our body, anything ingestible can

still cause potential risks. Please take the necessary care to consult with a health

or medical professional before trying anything out.

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And now presenting, the last of the four main components of collagen protein –


Oh yeah, it’s another mouthful alright. Derived from the amino acid proline, it is

a vital component in collagen and other structural proteins. And what collagen is

infamous for is beautiful skin.

Since this is a non-essential amino acid, production is done within the body. But

said production is impossible without some vital push to proline. This push will

come from Vitamin C. The interaction between proline and ascorbic acid is what

makes hydroxyproline. Not only now will your immune system get a boost from

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Vitamin C but it will also give you the healthy glow that you’re looking for.

Sweet, huh?

Hydroxyproline is essential no matter where collagen occurs in the body. It is

required to support intertwined triple helix structure and stability of the collagen

molecule. As an internal beauty ingredient, it enhances the creation of human

epidermal cells. Through oral supplementation or topical application, you can get

many beauty benefits from this amino acid.

As women age, we tend to get chronic dry and rough skin. Unfortunately ladies,

dry and rough skin comes with the territory and is a byproduct of getting older.

As is the dreaded wrinkle. The skin moisture content and skin condition tends

to deteriorate over time, whether it is intentional or not.

But we are not alone. Same thing happens for men, although they may not

admit it. LOL

On men aging shows up in the form of dry and rough skin on various parts of the

body and laugh lines around the eyes, mouth and forehead. .

It doesn’t sound that pleasant eh? Nope. But the sources are pretty much the

same. It may be from dehydration, sun damage, unhealthy habits, some

medications, and a lot more.

These factors cause loss of collagen proteins and elastin in the skin. When the

network of collagen and elastin fibers begins to loosen beneath the surface,

depressions appear in the surface. What that means is wrinkles.

GOOD NEWS! There is something we can do about it! HYDROXYPROLINE!

Continued ingestion of this amino acid has been proven to dramatically

moisturize skin, even during winter season. This is the perfect moisture retention


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Hydroxyproline has also been shown to decrease superficial lines and help the

skin to firm up and maintain its elasticity.

If you are looking to supplement there are hundreds upon hundreds of

supplementary products in stores today. However, what you need is to find what

suits you best. Now that is a tall order, don’t you think?

You’ll get there as long as you take the necessary precautions. Your first stop

shouldn’t be your nearest pharmacy or beauty bar but mayhap an anti-aging

expert or your doctor. They will be able to assess and advice you on products

that will be good for you.

As an anti-aging expert, I recommend gelatin powder or a nutricosmetic

containing collagen peptides, both of which contain high concentrations of

naturally occurring hydroxyproline.

It must be said again that anyone with or without a pre-existing health condition

should make it a strict requirement before venturing into any wellness program

to check with your health practitioner and get the green light to start your

journey into being the best you can be: inside and out; top to bottom.


I have given you a ton of “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” in this article.

I am not a doctor nor is my intention meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. My comments are based

on my personal firsthand experience and years of research. Use your own intelligence, intuition and investigative

skills for yourself and do what is in your best interest: mind, body and spirit.

And always check with your doctor.

Through exercise, proper nutrition, rest and a healthy mindset, may we all start looking and feeling younger.

Stay tuned for more amazing anti-aging miracles God has given us to eat, drink and bathe with in my future articles!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to

diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Kellie Olver is an internationally recognized

television host and one of the top home shopping

network presenters and sales people of all time...

She has over 25 years’ experience, logging over

22,000 hours of LIVE TV and generated nearly a

BILLION dollars in sales of product. Because of

her dynamic personality and contagious

enthusiasm she has been consistently ranked

number one as a television host, professional

speaker, and trainer, teaching people how to

present themselves, idea or product for maximum


She has been a host of two national shopping

channels, Home Shopping Network (HSN) USA and

The Shopping Channel (TSC) Canada and worked

with top celebrities such as Joan Rivers, George

Forman, Richard Simmons, Tony Little, Susan Lucci, Wayne Gretzky, Wolfgang

Puck, Liza Gibbons, Connie Stevens, Suzanne Summers, Frankie Avalon, William

Shatner, Ed McMahon, Dick Clark and Ivana Trump.

Kellie has consulted on several multinational/multimillion revenue producing

infomercials. She has worked with numerous clients throughout the years as an

agent, devising marketing strategies for product owners as well as positioning

their products into shopping channels, infomercials and traditional retail


As a health and wellness expert, Kellie understood the importance of natural

and organic ingredients for both the inside as well as the outside of the body.

Because of this, Kellie created her own multinational selling skin care brand,

Kellie Olver Skin Care, with emphasis on using REAL INGREDIENTS to get REAL

RESULTS. First came Zyming, a patented, nature based, living Papaya enzyme

formulation, made fresh and in small batches to ensure efficacy. After

successfully launching Zyming, Kellie then created 7 additional nature based

products to support the brand. Kellie also brought to market Smoothe, a

BioActive Revitalizing Collagen Gel featuring collagen’s naturally occurring

Triple Helix. Smoothe was also made by hand and in small batches with a

patented process harvesting the collagen which helped to ensure the delicate

nature of the triple helix.

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Kellie also lent her name to Genewize, an organic daily supplement with an

ORAC value of nearly 8000 and one of the very first supplements customized to

your DNA to support healthy living.

Kellie co-founded, an innovative combination of live TV

Shopping Networks and online shopping sites. Kellie’s extensive experience

gave her the ability to build, create and execute a total Shopping Channel

experience, offer a complete product analysis as well as strategic marketing

advice for product owners to help them achieve their goals. Kellie orchestrated

joint ventures between OSTV clients and outside resources. She hosted over

100 individual video presentations and helped craft the on air presentations.

Kellie is a real person who has experienced real life lessons and has come up

on top. She focuses on a healthy lifestyle, the importance on faith and belief in

a higher source coupled with inspired action steps in accomplishing one’s

ultimate desires.

Skype: Kellie.Olver
