the anna gillingham fund

Preparation o[ Teachers 181 THE ANNA GILLINGHAM FUND MISS ANNA GILLINGHAM, research associate of Dr. Samuel T. Orton, pioneer in formulating remedial procedures for children with specific disability in reading, spelling and penmanship; originator of tests to predict reading difficulties and of classroom methods to prevent problems from arising; author (with Miss Bessie W. Stillman) of REMEDIAL TRAINING, now in its sixth edition; prophet of better methods of teaching all children through the Alphabetic Approach; teacher of countless other teachers, Miss Glllingham was singularly honored at the 1962 annual meeting of THE ORTON SOCIETY, INC. which she had helped to found thirteen years before. Principals of three schools in which Miss Gillingham had established her programs paid tribute to her abilities and her work: Robert S. Lyle, Headmaster, The Hockaday School, formerly Headmaster, Sidwell-Friends School, Washington, D. C.; Herbert W. Smith, Headmaster Emeritus, The Francis W. Parker School, Chicago, Illinois; and Mrs. Victoria Wagner, Director, the Ethical Culture Schools, New York City. The president of The Orton Society, Mrs. Sally B. Childs, then an- nounced that The Orton Society wished to honor Miss Gillingham through the establishment of a special fund to be known as The Anna Glllingham Fund for the support of the training of teachers in this field of work. Miss Gillingham expressed her appreciation of the honor and out- lined her plans and her desires for the continuation and extension of her work in the following letter to the Orton Society: "I have no words with which to express adequately my thanks for this tribute and for your arranging for the Gillingham Fund. It gives me great joy to learn of your appreciation of the work which has meant so much to me for many years. I also wish to take this opportunity to repeat to the Orton Society and to others interested in children with Specific Lan- guage Disability, what I have already stated in our Manual. I have designated Sally B. Childs to be my professional heir, and to carry on my work. She will use her excellent judgment about all aspects of the language training programs in the light of our principles and her own. This will include making any necessary extensions of our work and also evaluations of other work in re- lation to ours. She has devoted herself to making our books and procedures the most helpful possible instruments for the hands of teachers and has always shared our sympathy for the dis- couraged children to whom in spirit our work is dedicated." Since her retirement, Miss Gillingham has resided at the Bethel Home, Narragansett Avenue, Ossining, New York. She is in good health and attended the 1962 meeting of The Orton Society. Her MANUAL and other materials are now being handled by the Educators Publishing Service, 301 Vassar Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Contributions to The Anna Glllingham Fund are tax-deductible and may be sent at any time to the treasurer of The Orton Society, Inc. to further this important work in teacher education.

Post on 19-Aug-2016




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Preparation o[ Teachers 181


Orton, p ioneer in fo rmu la t i ng remedia l procedures for ch i ld ren wi th specific disabi l i ty in reading, spe l l ing and penmansh ip ; o r ig ina to r of tests to predict r ead ing diff icult ies and of c lassroom methods to p r e v e n t problems from aris ing; au thor (with Miss Bessie W. S t i l lman) of R E M E D I A L TRAINING, now in its s ixth edition; p rophet of be t t e r methods of teaching all ch i ld ren th rough the Alphabe t ic Approach; teacher of count less other teachers, Miss Gl l l ingham was s ingu l a r l y honored at the 1962 a n n u a l mee t ing of T H E ORTON SOCIETY, INC. which she had helped to found t h i r t e e n years before.

Pr inc ipa ls of three schools in which Miss Gi l l i ngham had es tabl ished her p rograms paid t r ibu te to her abi l i t ies and her work: Rober t S. Lyle, Headmaster , The Hockaday School, fo rmer ly Headmaster , S idwel l -Fr iends School, Wash ing ton , D. C.; Herbe r t W. Smith, Headmas te r Emer i tus , The F ranc i s W. Pa rke r School, Chicago, I l l inois; and Mrs. Victoria W a gne r , Director, the Ethical Cul ture Schools, New York City.

The pres ident of The Orton Society, Mrs. Sally B. Childs, t hen an- nounced tha t The Orton Society wished to honor Miss G i l l i ngham th rough the e s t ab l i shmen t of a special fund to be k n o w n as The A n n a Gl l l ingham Fund for the suppor t of the t r a i n i n g of teachers in this field of work.

Miss Gi l l ingham expressed her apprec ia t ion of the honor and out- l ined her p lans and her desires for the c o n t i n u a t i o n and ex tens ion of her work in the fol lowing let ter to the Orton Society:

"I have no words wi th which to express adequate ly m y thanks for this t r ibu te and for you r a r r a n g i n g for the G i l l i ngham Fund . I t gives me great joy to l ea rn of your apprec ia t ion of the work which has mean t so m u c h to me for m a n y years.

I also wish to take this oppor tun i ty to repeat to the Or ton Society and to others in te res ted in ch i ld ren wi th Specific Lan- guage Disabili ty, wha t I have a l ready s ta ted in our Manual . I have designated Sally B. Childs to be my profess ional heir, and to car ry on my work. She will use her excel lent j u d g m e n t about all aspects of the language t r a i n i n g p rograms in the l ight of our pr inciples and her own. This wil l inc lude m a k i n g a ny necessary ex tens ions of our work and also eva lua t ions of other work in re- lat ion to ours. She has devoted herself to m a k i n g our books and procedures the most helpful possible i n s t r u m e n t s for the hands of teachers and has a lways shared our s y m p a t h y for the dis- couraged chi ldren to whom in spir i t our work is dedicated."

Since her re t i rement , Miss Gi l l i ngham has resided at the Bethel Home, Nar raganse t t Avenue, Ossining, New York. She is i n good hea l th and a t tended the 1962 mee t ing of The Orton Society. Her MANUAL and other mater ia l s are now be ing hand led by the Educa tors P u b l i s h i n g Service, 301 Vassar Street, Cambridge, Massachuset ts .

Cont r ibu t ions to The A n n a Gl l l ingham F u n d are tax-deduct ible and may be sent at any t ime to the t r ea su re r of The Orton Society, Inc. to fu r the r this impor t an t work in teacher educat ion.

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182 Specific Language Disabilities

The Orton Society, Inc.

will hold its

Fourteenth Annual Business and

Program Meetings AT THE

New York Academy of Sciences

Friday, November 1, 1963