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  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles



    Earnestly contend for the faith which was once deliveredunto the saints.Jude 3

    Vol. I. No. 6 Los An eles! "al.! #e$ruary %&arch! '()* +u$scri,tion #ree


    -od is still anifestin /is ,ower in Los An eles

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    1he 2entecost has crossed the water on $oth sidesto the /awaiian Islands on the west! and En land!

    Norway! +weden! and India on the east.

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    A $rother in /onolulu received the 2entecost! $yhearin of -od s wor4 throu h the ,a,er. /e saidwhen he ot down to see4in in earnest! the Lord

    $a,ti5ed hi with the /oly -host and he s,o4e intwo lan ua es.

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    e re7oice to hear that 2entecost has fallen in"alcutta! India! over ten thousand iles away onthe other side of the world8 2raise -od. e haveletters fro "hina! -er any! +wit5erland!

    Norway! +weden! En land! Ireland! Australia! andother countries fro hun ry souls that want their2entecost. +o e of these letters are in forei n

    lan ua es. &issionaries write that they are hun ryfor this out,ourin of the +,irit which they $elieveto $e the real 2entecost. 1he world see s ri,e forthe 2entecost in all lands and -od is sendin it.A en.

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    9ne of the issionaries fro Los An eles inLi$eria! Africa! had $een a$le to s,ea4 to the

    ,eo,le in the "ru ton ue. Another sister therewrote in an un4nown lan ua e under the ,ower ofthe +,irit! and it was understood and read $y oneof the native 4in s there.

    0 0 0:e;uests for ,rayer fro hun ry souls are co inin fro all over. 1hey want salvation fro sin!and sanctification! and the $a,tis with the /oly-host! and healin of their $odies. +o the re;uestsare ,resented and hand4erchiefs are $lest and the

    ,ower of -od co es u,on us in ,rayin for the of the A,ostolic #aith has $eenenlar ed. It is a dou$le ,a,er! the #e$ruary%&archnu $er. e have no stated ti e of ,u$lication $ute>,ect to et it out every onth! the Lord willin .

    1his ti e it has $een unavoida$ly delayed. &anyhave $een loo4in for it and wonderin why it didnot co e $efore. e ,raise -od for the ,rivile eof sendin it out now to hun ry souls! and ,ray-od that it will $e a dou$le $lessin .

    1he Lord has $een reatly enlar in the wor4.

    +tac4s of letters co e in which we have not $eena$le to answer! $ut ay our corres,ondents ta4ethis ,a,er as an answer! as our hands are so full ofthe ,recious wor4. e have received any

    $lessed re,orts and testi onies which it has $eenhard to condense into this ,a,er. &any ,reciousletters had to $e left out for lac4 of s,ace.


    1he lot and $uildin s at 3'C A5usa +treet have $een ,urchased $y the A,ostolic #aith &ission!and five /oly -host en have $een elected astrustees! who hold the ,ro,erty.

    e $elieve the Lord chose this s,ot for /is wor4!for /e has wonderfully ,oured out /is +,irit inthe ission! which started a$out a year a o frocotta e ,rayer eetin s where the 2entecost firstfell. Now! throu h +,irit $a,ti5ed ones who have

    one out! and throu h ,a,ers ,u$lished here! there

    has $een raised u, a i hty host. 2raise -odG1he ,ro,erty was ,urchased for M'K!)))! andMB!))) has already $een ,aid down on it. Anyfriends wishin to have a share in $uyin this&ission for the Lord ay send offerin s to =ro.:eu$en "lar4! who is secretary of the $oard oftrustees. Address 3'C A5usa +t.! Los An eles.

    It was necessary to $uy this ission as ahead;uarters for the wor4! in order to hold it! as itwould soon have $een sold for other ,ur,oses.1he situation is favora$le! $ein centrally locatedand in surroundin s where no one will $edistur$ed $y ,rayers or shouts oin u, so eti esall ni ht. 2raise -odG 1he &ission $uildin wasfor erly a ,lace of worshi, where souls had $eensaved years a o! and the s,ot thus ade sacred,erience accordin to eut. 3C8'3! D/e adehi ride on the hi h ,laces of the earth! that he

    i ht eat the increase of the fields< and he adehi to suc4 honey out of the roc4! and oil out ofthe flinty roc4< $utter of 4ine and il4 of shee,with fat of la $s! and ra s of the $reed of=ashan! and oats! with the fat of 4idneys ofwheat< and thou didst drin4 the ,ure $lood of the

    ra,e.D 2raise our -odG e find that $efore ,eo,le receive the 2entecost! they have hardlyenou h for the selves< $ut when they et overinto "anaan! the ,ro ised land! which is the veryty,e of our enterin into the ,ro ise of the #ather!

    they $eco e rich and are a$le to lend and a$le toive! for they have fruit in a$undance! everythin ,lentiful. 1he $a,tis with the /oly -host ivesus the rivers of salvation. 2raise -odG 9 ayevery child of -od see4 all that /e has for the .


    In 7ustification! we can overco e all the ,ower ofthe ene y. e have no ri ht to live in sin at anyti e. ho the +on a4es free is Dfree indeed.D

    hat is he free fro #ro sin. ear ones! wewant to honor the =lood of Jesus. 1he =lood has

    never lost its savin efficacy. Just one dro, of /is=lood overco es +atan. 1he one who is 7ustified!with the =lood in his heart! if he will o$ey the+,irit! will always live free fro sin.

    Every 7ustified soul is $ein drawn of the +,irit tosanctification! thou h he ay not 4now it. /e isconscious of a hun erin for ore of -od! and the+,irit continues to show hi there is hi her

    round for hi . If he continues to wal4 in theli ht! he will he led ri ht into the fountain for sinand uncleanness! the =lood will cleanse hi froall sin! the old an the $ody of sin will $e hun on"alvary s cross and "hrist enthroned in his heart.=less -od! when "hrist is enthroned and crownedwithin! then old Ish ael! the $ond wo an s son.which is the old Ada and carnality! is ,ut out.1he soul is delivered fro the warfare within. /edoes not have to live in the sa e house tor ented

    $y the inward foes of dou$ts and fears. 1he freechild rules! which is "hrist.


    1hirteen saints et in a cotta e ,rayer eetin inLos An eles and all were in the +,irit and of oneaccord. 1hey 4nelt in ,rayer e>,ectin the Lord to

    anifest /i self. 1he ,ower of -od fell andevery one was cau ht u, in the +,irit and sawvisions fro -od. =ro. &cLain says he saw a

    $eautiful white dove for so e ti e on the $ac4 ofhis chair. 9ne sister saw an an el co e into their

    idst with a olden har, in her hand. +everal had

    the sa e vision of the +avior. /e held a $oo4 in/is hand. 1hey saw the nail ,rint and the $loodtric4lin down while /e wrote their na es in the

    $oo4 with /is fin er with the $lood that ran fro/is ,ierced hand. /e stood on the other side of ariver. 1he waters of the river loo4ed $loody. Anan el a$out the si5e of a child twelve years of a estood in front of the +avior. It went a$out theroo and hovered over the heads of all in the

    1he A,ostolic #aith Volu e '! Issue 6! #e$ruary ? &arch! '()* htt,8@@www.a5usa$
  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles


    roo . 9ne $rother had not yet received his2entecost! and a star was seen to co e and li hton his forehead! while he was testifyin . 1he

    $rother that was healed of $lindness $y the ,owerof -od so e ti e a o saw an an el with a oldencandle stic4 a$out three feet hi h. 2raise -od. /eis wonderfully fulfillin /is ord in /is children.Acts. C8'*.


    DI ,ray thee is there roo in thy father s house forus to lod e in D 1hese words were s,o4en $yElie5er! A$raha s eldest servant and steward ofhis house! to :e$ecca when he had found her atthe well in answer to his ,rayer. Elie5er eanin

    D-od s /el,erDF is a ty,e of the /oly +,irit! andIsaac is a ty,e of "hrist. Now as Elie5er wassee4in a $ride for Isaac! the son of A$raha ! sothe /oly +,irit today is see4in a $ride for theLord Jesus! -od s only $e otten +on.

    Elie5er was sent to A$raha s country and to his4indred to ta4e a wife for Isaac. +o -od our #atherhas sent the /oly +,irit fro the lory land downinto this world! and /e! the +,irit of truth! isconvictin the world of sin! ri hteousness! and

    7ud ent! and is selectin out of the $ody of"hrist /is $ride. /e is see4in a on /is4indred! the sanctified! and Jesus is $a,ti5in thewith the /oly -host and fire! ,re,arin the forthe reat arria e su,,er of the La $. 2raise our-odG Elie5er was under oath not to select the $ridefro the "anaanites $ut fro A$raha s 4indred.+o -od is not selectin a $ride for "hrist a onthe sinners! for a sinner ust first et saved andsanctified $efore he can $e one with the LordJesus. /e$. C8'' says! D#or $oth /e thatsanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all ofone! for which cause /e is not asha ed to callthe $rethren.D +o /e is see4in a $ride a on/is $rethren! the sanctified.

    D"hrist so loved the church that /e ave /i selffor it< that /e i ht sanctify and cleanse it withthe washin of water $y the ord< that /e i ht

    ,resent it unto /i self a lorious church! nothavin s,ot or wrin4le or any such thin < $ut that

    it should $e holy and without $le ish.D E,h. K8CK%C*. +o Jesus today is selectin a sanctified ,eo,le!

    $a,ti5in the with the /oly -host and fire toreet /i at /is co in . :e$ecca was a vir in!

    the ty,e of a sanctified soul. +o the /oly -hosttoday is standin at the heart of every ,ure vir in

    sanctified soulF ,leadin ! DI ,ray thee is thereroo in thy heart that I ay co e in and lod e D9 $eloved! we see any of the sanctified ,eo,letoday re7ectin the /oly +,irit! 7ust as ,eo,lere7ected "hrist when /e was on earth here. Itsee s there is no roo in their hearts for the

    $a,tis with the /oly -host and fire. &ay -odhel, the to o,en their eyes and see that the ti edraweth ni h for /is co in . 9 ay "hrist swaitin $ride wa4e u, and let the /oly -hostco e in.

    :e$ecca was a ty,e of the wise vir ins. henElie5er et her at the well and as4ed her to let hidrin4 a little water fro her ,itcher! 9 how sweetand ready she was. +he answered and said! D rin4!

    y Lord.D And she hastened and let down her ,itcher u,on her hand and ave hi drin4! and it ,leased hi . 1he +,irit is a ,erson. /e can $e ,leased! /e can $e ;uenched! and /e can $einsulted! as we find Ananias insulted /i . e

    ,lease /i when we acce,t the words of Jesus.1hen Jesus sends the /oly +,irit to witness in our

    hearts.hen :e$ecca had done ivin hi drin4! she

    said! DI will also draw water for thy ca els.D"hrist s $ride ust do everythin without

    ur urin . 9 how sweet it is when we have thei hty +,irit in our hearts< we are ready for

    service< we are ready for waterin the whole entireworld with the ,recious well of salvation in ourheart. =eloved! when the /oly -host co es! /e

    $rin s the well of salvation and rivers of livinwater.

    DAnd it ca e to ,ass! as the ca els had donedrin4in ! that the an too4 a old earrin of half ashe4el wei ht and two $racelets for her hands often she4els wei ht of old.D 2raise -od. 1his iswhat our $eloved sanctified ,eo,le receive whenthey receive the witness of the anointin of the/oly -host u,on their hearts! as when Jesus

    $reathed u,on the disci,les $efore 2entecost in the

    1he A,ostolic #aith Volu e '! Issue 6! #e$ruary ? &arch! '()* htt,8@@www.a5usa$
  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles


    u,,er roo ! where /e said! D:eceive ye the /oly-host.D 1he disci,les had the witness in theirhearts that very o ent that D$oth /e thatsanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all ofone.D #or /e had o,ened the +cri,tures to the !

    Lu. CB83CF and their understandin was o,ened!Lu. CB83'F DAnd their eyes were o,ened and they

    4new /i .D +o with us! when we receivesanctification and the witness of the +,irit in ourhearts to our sanctification! the +cri,tures areo,ened to us! we understand the ! and our eyesare anointed. e see a ,icture of it in :e$ecca.

    hen she had received Elie5er and let hi drin4out of her ,itcher and had watered the ca els! he

    ave her the earrin s and $racelets of old. 9 $eloved ay we let the /oly -host su, out of ourheart ,itcher! for the Lord says! D=ehold! I stand atthe door and 4noc4< if any an hear &y voice ando,en the door! I will co e in and su, with hiand he with &e.D

    And when /e co es in! /e o,ens /is ,recioustreasures to us! $racelets and earrin s! reatwei hts of old. 9 how $lessed it is when the

    ,recious +,irit enters into our hearts li4e Elie5er./e tells us the reat wealth of our #ather and ofour "hrist! for /e o,ens u, our understandin ! andenli htens our inds. /is continual conversationis a$out the #ather and Jesus. Elie5er was the very

    ty,e of the /oly +,irit who ta4es the thin s of"hrist and shows the unto us! for /e told:e$ecca of the wealth of A$raha and Isaac!

    ivin her 7ewels. And she wore the ! showinthat she was the es,oused of Isaac. /allelu7ahGJesus $reathed the /oly -host on /is disci,lesand said! D hose soever sins ye re it! they arere itted unto the < and whose soever sins yeretain! they are retained.D 1hus they had thewitness in their hearts that they were candidatesfor the $a,tis with the /oly -host and fire. /eco anded the ! D1arry ye in the city ofJerusale ! until ye endued with ,ower fro onhi h.D 2raise our -odG

    DI ,ray thee is there roo in thy father s house forus to lod e in D =eloved! is there roo in yourheart that -od s $lessed +,irit can co e and lod ein :e$ecca was a wise vir in. +he et Elie5er atthe well and received the $racelets and earrin s,ect the wor4 to ove ri hton. Hours in Jesus! %% ".E. #oster.

    In Al:%n, S.C.

    Alvin! +.".! &ar. C. ?In January we heard of =ro.-.=. "ashwell of unn! N.".! that had $een toLos An eles and received the /oly -host ands,o4e with ton ues. +o our hearts $e an to hun er

    ore and ore! and after ,rayin over it! y wifeand I decided to invite hi to co e to our2entecost eetin which was to $e in the th of#e$ruary. /e ca e to us and stayed three days!and in those three days! there were a$out twenty%three saints that received the $a,tis of the /oly-host! and all of the s,o4e with other ton ues asthe +,irit ave the utterance. I a lad to tellyou! dear saints! that I a one of the twenty%three.As soon as /e ca e into y soul! /e s,a4e with

    y ton ue in an un4nown lan ua e. 1han4 -od!the "o forter has co e at last. -loryG -loryG-loryG e have had several short eetin s sincewe received the /oly -host in which several weresaved! sanctified! and ei ht or ten others havereceived the $a,tis with the /oly -host and alls,ea4 with other ton ues. e ons have $een castout in the na e of Jesus. %% #.&. =ritton.

    In ;th !nd *! le A:e. *%&&%on, Lo& An)ele&.

    1he old ti e 2entecostal ,ower returned to usdurin the four days and ni hts tarryin eetinwe had $e innin ec. C and went over NewHears to K83) a. . +o e ot their 2entecost withthe =i$le evidence! so e converted! so esanctified! so e healed. -lory to -odG e had

    $een oin throu h a siftin ti e. +o e ,roved itdoes ,ay to hold on to -od when the ene y isdoin all he can to discoura e us. 9ur -od is a-od of ,ower. +o now we can sin ! DI ,ressinon the u,ward way! New hei hts I aininevery day.D

    Later. ?A ,oor lost wo an! a victi of thecocaine ha$it! ca e into the eetin s! wasconvinced of sin! and as a second definite wor4was sanctified and has o$eyed -od confessin"hrist in $a,tis . 1his is a wonderful case. +o thewor4 is oin on. A sister ot the $a,tis sittinin her seat. 9thers 7ustified. -od is with us and we

    1he A,ostolic #aith Volu e '! Issue 6! #e$ruary ? &arch! '()* htt,8@@www.a5usa$
  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles


    are e>,ectin reater thin s of /i .%% ./. 2endleton! 2astor.


    - / A0u&! St., Lo& An)ele&, C!l., *! . /

  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles


    =onneau! +.".! #e$. ''. ? I ca e here last #riday $y invitation of the holiness ,eo,le in this section!4nown as the saints or "hurch of -od. 1hey clainot to $elon to any or ani5ation and have $een4ee,in the feast of unleavened $read for three orfour years and worshi,in in u,,er roo s.

    #riday! +aturday! and +unday were three days seta,art for service to tarry and wait for 2entecost!eatin nothin $ut unleavened $read and drin4incold water. I saw at once that they had $rou htthe selves under $onda e to 4ee,in the feast andthat there was dan er of their feelin that -od wasunder o$li ations to the to send the $a,tis withthe /oly -host! $ecause they 4e,t it. =ut I never

    et sweeter sanctified ,eo,le in all y life. I ,rayed to -od to show the that it was not4ee,in the feast that $rou ht the /oly -host. I

    did not ention it to the at all! $ut 7oined thein the feast. +aturday! dear =ro. =ritton! theirleader! ca e to e and said he felt that the Lordwould $e ,leased for the to dis iss the 4ee,inof the feast. +o he announced it to the ,eo,le.

    +o e had already received the $a,tis ! $ut afterthat I have never seen the ,ower of -od

    anifested as I saw it here. 1wenty%three receivedthe $a,tis with the /oly -host and all s,o4ewith ton ues.

    9n +aturday! one very old sister ca e in who hadnever heard anyone s,ea4 in ton ues! and no onewas s,ea4in in ton ues when she ca e in. +he

    $e an to sha4e hands with the saints! and $eforeshe sat down! the ,ower fell on her and she was

    $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host and co enceds,ea4in in ton ues! a ,erfect lan ua e.

    =ro. =rid ers! an evan elist of the &.E. "hurch!now at &arion! +.".! ca e to the eetin and was

    $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host and ,ower ands,o4e in ton ues for so e ti e! a ,erfectlan ua e. 2raise -od for =ro. =rid ers.

    :oyston! -a.! #e$. C*. ? /undreds of ,recioussouls in the +outh have received the $a,tis withthe /oly -host and s,ea4 in other ton ues. "loseda series of eetin s at 1accoa! -eor ia! +undayni ht. -od was with us in reat ,ower fro startto finish. I did not 4ee, an account of how any

    received their 2entecost! $ut they all s,o4e inton ues! and all that receive the $a,tis with the/oly -host will s,ea4 in ton ues. All do not havethe ift of ton ues as tau ht in ' "or. 'C! $ut theyall s,o4e in ton ues on the ay of 2entecost andat "ornelius house! and those that 2aul laid handson at E,hesus! and all that I have heard and seenreceive the /oly -host have s,o4en in ton ues.

    I a receivin letters every day fro north! south!east and west fro ,eo,le that have attended y

    eetin s! sayin that they have received their2entecost and s,ea4 in ton ues.

    2eo,le have $een ulled here $y ta4e it $y faith!reconsecrate! $a,tis of fire! Ddyna ite!D andDlyditeD till the faith of the ,eo,le is al ost one.2raise -od for 2entecost. -et your 7ustifiede>,erience all in ood sha,e! then et thesanctified e>,erience of a clean heart. 1hen whenyour faith ta4es hold of the ,ro ise of the #atherand +on! and the ord of -od! you will have

    reat 7oy as they did that went u, fro 9livet toJerusale . 1hen you can ,raise and $less -od andthe /oly -host will co e in and ,raise -od/i self in un4nown ton ue! and you will neverdou$t it any ore! if they $urn you at the sta4e or

    $ehead you. /e will $ear witness of /i self. Letus not co e short of the ,ro ise. %% -.=."ashwell! Address! unn! N.".


    R1he followin account of a +,iritualist $einsaved and sanctified! is written $y =ro. J.E.+awders! /o estead! 9hio! in New Acts.S

    e have had so e of the ost wonderfule>,eriences with de ons! that I have ever seen in

    y life. 9ne wo an! a +,iritualist! fro the a eof si>teen! was ,ossessed with a le ion of de ons.1he devil threw her on the floor where she fou htand foa ed froth out of her outh! sayin 8 DI hateJesus "hrist!D any ti es! and $las,he ed -od inthe ost dia$olic anner ,ossi$le to i a ine. +he

    ,ointed ri ht u, in the faces of those ,rayin forher! with a hellish lau h! challen in and defyin-od Al i hty! sayin ! D/aG haG +he is ine! haG

    1he A,ostolic #aith Volu e '! Issue 6! #e$ruary ? &arch! '()* htt,8@@www.a5usa$
  • 8/13/2019 The Apostolic Faith Articles


    haG she $elon s to e! etc.D ell! we ,rayed inJesus na e till she was loriously delivered! andsettled down li4e a la $ at the feet of Jesus! andfor hours ,rayed and ,raised /i ! until /efor ave her! then cleansed her heart! and sincethen she has $een see4in 2entecost. Last ni htshe ot u, and told her whole e>,erience! and itwas si ,ly wonderful indeed. +he is veryintelli ent and she now feels that -od is oin touse her for reven e u,on the devil and his hellishwor4 in +,iritualis . 1hese cities are full of+,iritualists and no dou$t -od will use thiswo an now to e>,ose the thin fro ane>,eri ental stand,oint.


    E=t !ct& F om Re o t& %n (New Act&.(In C!nton, Oh%o.

    #ire is fallin at "anton! 9hio. At least seven atthat ,lace have received their $a,tis at =ro.:ohrer s ission. ee, conviction. 1he stoutesthearts slain under the ,ower. +inners co inho e to -od.

    In P%tt& 1u ), P!.

    D e have $een holdin services in the +outh +ide

    &ission for the last three wee4s steadily everyni ht. 2rayer has $een answered and four of thesee4in ones have received their 2entecost ands,ea4 in a stran e lan ua e. 9ne $oy twelve orfourteen years old! s,ea4s Italian very distinctlyand inter,rets in En lish. 1he sisters s,ea4sentences and ;uote te>ts of +cri,ture! and sin inthe lan ua e they have received and inter,ret.1wo of the sisters have the sa e ton ue and whenone $e ins to sin so e hy n! the other starts inand voices the sa e words.D

    In Ak on, Oh%o.

    #e$. 'K! a &ethodist inister fro another ,art ofthe state! received his $a,tis with the =i$leevidence. =ro. and +ister elch of the +outh+treet "hurch! have 7ust received their 2entecost.1he +,irit whis,ered to hi that -od also hadtouched his eyes! and he found it was so! $eina$le to read without lasses. 9ne lady had said to

    =ro. &c inney! DI have $eco e al ostdiscoura ed! I have $een see4in so lon withoutreceivin .D A ni ht or two afterwards! when thes,ecial revival eetin s co enced in herchurch! she went forward to hel, and ,ray with thesee4ers for ,ardon or ,urity! when so ewhat toher sur,rise as well as that of others! the $a,tisca e and she $e an s,ea4in a on the in anew lan ua e. A returned issionary fro Indiahas very recently received the intense desire of herheart at A4ron! and the +,irit has s,o4en throu hher in attestation of the $a,tis .

    In Potte 1 ook, P!.

    2raise -od! the /oly -host ca e today. Ainister slain under the ,ower. e ons cast out

    of any. 1hen 2entecost fell! and ten ,ersonsca e throu h with sta erin li,s and otherton ues. :ev. :o$$ins s,ea4in in a clearlan ua e! the +,irit also san throu h hi . 9nelady s,ea4in in ton ues said. DJesus is co in .D:eal 2entecost. 2raise -od.

    In Home&te!d, P!.

    D e are swee,in this ,lace for -od now.Hesterday afternoon! we had a ost re ar4a$leservice. :ev. J.1. =ody lay for hours under the

    ,ower! then $e an to s,ea4 clearly and fluently ina new ton ue. A an who heard hi s,ea4 lastni ht told the audience that it was the /e$rewlan ua e. /e has a arvelous e>,erience.

    A youn wo an was rescued +unday orninfro the ,olice station! went to the altar and wasconverted +unday ni ht! was sanctified &ondayafternoon and testified to havin a ,ure heart. And&onday ni ht! after lyin under the ,ower was

    $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host and s,o4e distinctlyin a new and flowin lan ua e. 1he lady whorescued her! ca e throu h at the sa e ti e! and

    s,o4e uch in +,anish! which I easily understood.1he con re ation sat and listened in a a5e ent!in the ,resence of the wonderful o,erations of the+,irit of -od.

    A youn ,reacher na ed &cNi ht! who sat in alar e chair under the ,ower! ave out so eindistinct utterances! then $ro4e out in a flow of/i h -er an! and I understood a$solutely every

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    word $e uttered. It was wonderful to e. Itsee ed to e al ost as if he had learned thelan ua e in which he had s,o4en so fluently andclearly! so I as4ed hi if he could s,ea4 -er an!and he said No. /e is either of Irish or +cotchancestry.

    1he eetin s o on every day fro C ,. . until 'Cand ' a. . Last ni ht the new hall CC $y *) waswell filled. e $e an with testi onies! when the

    ,ower ca e u,on us so that there was noo,,ortunity to s,ea4 or even read a verse of+cri,ture. 1hey $e an co in to the altar! lar elyyoun en! and filled two '6 foot altars! then allthe front seats. 1he ,ower was so irresisti$le that

    ,eo,le fell fro their seats until the floor wasliterally covered with ,rostrate ,eo,le. 9ne an

    ot the $a,tis in his ho e and s,ea4s in a

    ton ue. 1his a4es ei ht or ten at this date! andscores are see4in at every service. %J.E. +awders.

    In a eetin in a ,lace where there was a rou hele ent recently! a cow$oy declared that he would

    $rea4 u, the eetin that ni ht! and $rou ht hissi> shooter with hi for that ,ur,ose. 1he wor4ersleft the atter with -od! and 4e,t holdin on to/i in ,rayer. /e went out and they heard noisesas if he were tryin to $arricade the door. +oon heca e in! sat down! and drew his si> shooter! $uti ediately let it dro, on the floor. 1his here,eated three ti es. hen the altar call was

    ade! he went outside! $ut one of the wor4erswho was $urdened for his soul followed hi and4nelt on the round in the dar4ness not far frohi and ot hold of -od! then ca e in a ain and4nelt in ,rayer. 1he ne>t he 4new the $oy was atthe altar. /e had thrown his si> shooter to so e ofhis co ,anions. /e $ro4e down and cried for

    ercy and -od ca e to his hel, and saved hi ./e ot u, fro his 4nees and shoo4 hands withnearly everyone in the roo . 1he last we heard ofhi was that he rode four iles to et to a cotta e

    ,rayer eetin .

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    2a e B



    9 +on of -od! arise!And ,ut 1hine ar or once,tion.

    Now 7ust a word concernin =ro. +ey our! who isthe leader of the ove ent under -od8 /e is the

    ee4est an I ever et. /e wal4s and tal4s with-od. /is ,ower is in his wea4ness. /e see s to

    aintain a hel,less de,endence on -od and is assi ,le%hearted as a little child! and at the sa eti e is so filled with -od that you feel the loveand ,ower every ti e you et near hi . %% ./.

    urha .


    1he 2entecostal $lessin is truly a ,earl of reat ,rice and worth all the see4in I did to o$tain it.#or over three wee4s I sou ht! and over fifty ti esI arose fro the altar to face the world! without

    y endue ent of ,ower. urin the three wee4s Is,ent in 9a4land! I was at the altar at every call.After returnin ho e! I continued to ,ray andsee4.

    hen I heard that wor4ers had co e tooodland! I was very an>ious to et down. 1he

    dear Lord o,ened the way! so I s,ent one +undaywith the ! a ain a see4er. =ut no! not yet. I ca e

    ho e! very ha,,y! for I had received fullassurance that I was wholly sanctified! ,erfectlyfree fro sin. -lory to /is na eG

    1hen y sister went to oodland and receivedher 2entecost the second ni ht she attended the

    eetin . /ow ha,,y we were to hear of it. I

    $elieve the Lord directed this to ta4e the last s,ar4of 7ealousy out of e! for I truly re7oiced with ysister. As soon as she ca e ho e! I wheeled overto oodland! and the Lord ave e a ostwonderful fillin the second ni ht.

    1he dear Lord had uch dross to $urn u,! $efore Icould co e out as a ,urified article! ready forservice. #or over an hour and a half! I lay underthe ,ower of -od on the ission floor. 1here the

    $lessed Jesus too4 away all ,ride and fear of the ,eo,le. I si ,ly o$eyed the dictates of the /oly+,irit. -lory to -od. It was no lon er I $ut /e.1he ,ower see ed to center in y hands! and I

    ,ro ised -od I would o$ey /i in the future andlay hands on the sic4! whenever and wherever /esent e.

    1hen! after I had ,led ed I would o with /i !ca e the ton ues. 1hey said I s,o4e fourlan ua es. 9 the love! 7oy! and ,eace that flooded

    y $ein as I arose fro the floor. I was indeed anew creature. 2raise /i .

    1hat ni ht! 7ust $efore I went to slee, the Lordave e a vision. It was of the New Jerusale

    co in down out of heaven! and the rain$ow%encircled throne! 7ust a ,art of that iven in:evelation. 9h how $eautiful< and what it eansto e! I shall never for et. 1he $lessed Lord isfillin e as fast as I can $ear it and not $eco e

    ,uffed u,.

    Last +unday I was iven the ,roof that I had theift of ton ues. I s,o4e in several! and ever since

    then the ton ues are there! 7ust $u$$lin u, li4e as,rin of livin water. At any ti e! I can s,ea4!often 4ee, tal4in while at wor4. /ow I ,raise/i for this ift. Now I a waitin for the ift ofinter,retation. 1he /oly +,irit has also iven e

    ,ower to write five forei n lan ua es! one inJa,anese. I a 7ust restin in /is hands as the

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    2otter s clay! ready to $e olded for /is hi hestservice.%&a ie -eddis! =roo4s! "al.

    Hou i ht as well send a thousand en to dathe A a5on river as to try to sto, this -os,el. It isonly foolishness to try to sto, the i hty ,ower of



    1he Lord ave e a $ri ht conversion when I was'K years old. +oon after this! /e ave e the /oly+,irit as y +anctifier! which I su,,osed was the

    $a,tis with the /oly -host. &y father! $ein ahi hchurch an! o,,osed y newfound 7oy and

    y youn ! tender life found shelter in &rs.=a>ter s ho e. +he $eca e a real other to e.-od led e raciously on and ade y lifefruitful in winnin any souls to "hrist. Later on!I was arried to Ja es /e$den! a successfulcontractor and efficient ission wor4er. 9ver twoyears a o! we ca e to "anada. +o e searchintrials awaited us here! $ut -od ,roved sufficient.Early in the su er of '()6! we $e an to feel alac4 of ,ower! es,ecially to heal the sic4. esou ht the Lord for ,ower. "o in in one day

    sic4 in $ody! I as4ed hus$and to ,ray for e. /erefused! sayin ! DIt is no use as lon as you run souch.D I was very $usy visitin for -odF. 1he

    +,irit said to e! D1his is a call to ,rayer.D1hereafter! I ave yself to ore earnest ,rayer!es,ecially for D,ower fro on hi h.D

    e had 7ust recently rented this $uildin for theLord s wor4. I toiled very hard! scru$$in thestairways! etc.! and retired ;uite weary a$out ''o cloc4. It was +aturday ni ht. I had scarcely laindown when the /oly +,irit ,ro ,ted e to ariseand ,ray. I o$eyed. +oon the ,ower of -od fellu,on e. 1he Lord said! D1on ues D I answered!DNo! Lord! not 1on ues.D 1here was a ,ause!D1on ues D And I re,lied! DAnythin ! Lord!1on ues or anythin .D Instantly! the +,irit of -odsei5ed y hands! clas,ed the ! shoo4 the and

    ,ressed the dee,ly into y chee4! then restedthe u,on y shoulder. /ere the ,ower lifted

    havin continued till after idni ht. 1he ne>t daythe ,ower fell u,on e where it left off in theni ht and $randished y hands causin the tostri4e every ,art of y $ody down to y feet. Inthe afternoon! I went into the eetin $elow! welived on the second floorF! and sat ;uietly $y theor an! intendin to say nothin of y newe>,erience. /owever! I was not sittin lon ! tillthe +,irit fell u,on e and oved e to e>clailoudly! D1his is the ,ower of the /oly -host< thisis the day of 2entecost.D 1he ,eo,le were reatly

    oved and elted to tears.

    1his sa e +a$$ath evenin ! while lyin on thecouch! not e>,ectin to attend the eetin ! the/oly -host whis,ered! D/e was wounded for ourtrans ressions. /e was $ruised for our ini;uitiesce,t he inter,ret.D+o any ,rayed and received the inter,retation.

    9n the day of 2entecost! they were i ersed intothe /oly +,irit. 1he +,irit Dfilled all the roowhere they were sittin .D It is one thin to $e filledas a lass filled with water and another thin to $esu$ er ed as when you ,lun e the lass out ofsi ht into the fountain.

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    ,a e K



    All%!nce, Oh%o, 3!n. //.

    1he $attle is on and the devil is surely howlin ! $ut 9 how sweet Jesus 4ee,s e in the idst of itall. e are en%route for 2itts$ur h! 2a. +o e ofthe A4ron wor4ers have one and have reatvictories there or near there in /o estead! 2a.! asu$ur$an town. e have $een invited to any ofthe "hristian &issionary Alliance ho es and&issions.

    At A4ron! 9hio! the eetin s have $een oin onni ht and day since ec. K. 2eo,le are co infro all around! Indiana! &ichi an! 2ennsylvania!and other ,laces.

    :ev. Lu,ton who is in char e of the wor4 here is a#riends inister! a very holy! devoted an of-od. /e has a &issionary 1rainin +chool orho e $uilt for the ,ur,ose of sendin wor4ers intothe harvest! full%fled ed A,ostolic wor4ers. 1heschool had $een oin on for three years! and hehad $een teachin ore than he had really

    e>,erienced. /earin of the wor4 at A4ron! hewith ei ht or ten students ca e! acce,ted theteachin ! tarried nine days! and received his2entecost. /e s,ea4s in five different lan ua es.Ei ht of the students and so e others have alsoreceived the $a,tis with the /oly -host.

    =ro. Lu,ton a4es the ,ro,osition that we use theho e here for a head;uarters for the &iddle+tates. I feel it is of -od and a ood thin ! as theA4ron wor4 and this is one. 1hey can o onstreetcar fro one ,lace to the other. 1he ho ehas 'B roo s! I thin4. In the u,,er roo furnishedfor a classroo ! any have received their2entecost. 1he A4ron ,a,er! D2entecostal

    ondersD has $een consolidated with =ro.Lu,ton s ,a,er! D1he New Acts.D 1he ho e hereis three iles out of the city of Alliance! -od schosen s,ot where ,eo,le can co e fro"leveland! A4ron! and "anton.

    1hey have a lar e ca , round here! tents andeverythin to ,ush out into the reat $attle for-od. &any are fi htin to the $itter end! $ut -odis raisin u, ,recious wor4ers to ,ush the wor4.9ne youn student ot throu h last ni ht in the

    $ase ent fi>in the furnace! ,uttin in coal. I ethi in the hall and he told how he had receivedthe /oly -host in the cellar. e had a reat ti e

    ,raisin -od.

    "leveland! 9hio! &ar. '. ? e are havin reatvictory here. /ave $een here ore than a wee4.1he fire is fallin . &any ettin throu h. Ninereceived 2entecost this wee4. I ca e 7ust for oneday $ut -od is holdin e. %% Ivey "a ,$ell!Address CK' "olle e +t.! E. Liver,ool! 9h.

    ON THE #A4 TO AFRICA.Ne! L!& P!lm!&, A' %c!, 3!n. 9.

    9ur hearts re7oice in the o ni,resent -od thisornin . e than4 /i as never $efore. /is

    lovin ,resence is with us. /e has ,re,ared theway $efore us. e $ehold /i on our ri ht andon our left. hen in the nited +tates! it did seethat we could not leave the hun ry souls. 1heysee ed to $e cryin out for the $read of life. InEn land we find the sa e thin . e could only

    touch here and there! $ut wherever we went! wefound waitin souls. As so e dear souls said inthe "hurch of En land! D e have $een ,reachedto and tau ht so uch! $ut our souls are 7ustlon in to ste, over the line into freedo and

    ,erfect love.D 9ne of their inisters said D e arealto ether too for al! we need the ,ower of the/oly +,irit.D

    &y heart was ade to tre $le the other day whiletal4in with a $rother. /e said! the elch revivalhas one flat< the churches heard the usic! feltthe ,ower! reached out! and tried to raft it on totheir creeds and for alis and they have lost their

    ,ower. It ade e thin4 of a story our dear=isho, 1aylor used to tell us! a$out an old ladythat wished to teach her s,arrow to sin li4e hercanary $ird< so she confined the $oth to ether ina ca e! and in a few days the canary had lost all itsson ! and could only chir, li4e the s,arrow. Let

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    they entertained! and entire renunciation of thesa e too4 ,lace.

    +,ea4in in ton ues as an evidence of 2entecostwas stoutly o,,osed and re7ected. 1he ,a,er didnot o,,ose the s,ea4in in ton ues as such! $ut to

    a4e a distinction $etween this and the ift of

    ton ues see ed to $e an unscri,tural distinction tosustain a fanatical ,ro,osition. =ut when thisdistinction was seen! and that s,ea4in in ton uesevidenced 2entecost in every instance where itwas iven in the =i$le! we all with one accordacce,ted that view and instantly fell into line with

    7oy. 1wo of those wor4in on the force have atthis writin received the $a,tis ! and the othersare earnestly see4in ! and it is ho,ed that they willhave o$tained their 2entecost ere this reaches theeye of the reader.

    /enceforth the ,a,er will $e un;ualifiedlyco itted to the truth that 2entecost is evidenced

    $y s,ea4in in ton ues! and will forever defend ita ainst all o,,onents of sa e! and will ,u$lishnothin contrary thereto.

    All articles! contri$utions and testi onies inhar ony with this view will $e ,u$lished! and allcontrary thereto will $e re7ected. It will $e ,urely a2entecostal or an! and will $e the $reathin %,lacefor all who have the $a,tis of the /oly -host in

    2entecostal reality.All testi onies of those who do not have it $ut aresee4in it will $e ,u$lished! and all who have the

    $a,tis of the /oly -host ay have free ri ht toits colu ns fro ti e to ti e.

    Its na e will $e chan ed in har ony with itschan e of ,osition! and will $e called 1heA,ostolic Evan el.

    1he ,a,er will $e 4e,t free fro all

    advertise ents! as heretofore. e ,ro,ose to issuea clean ,a,er or none.

    e desire all who have 2entecost to ,ray that itay $e a 2entecostal or an indeed! and do all you

    can to a4e it so. %% A,ostolic Evan el! :oyston!-a.


    1he last re,ort fro 2ortland! 9re on! was thatei hty ,eo,le had received the 2entecost and weres,ea4in in ton ues. &any sinners have $eensaved there. &any youn en were saved! $ut theold were saved as well. 9ne an of seventy%one

    years! a drun4ard! ca e to the eetin . /e saidthat ni ht it see ed a sheet was let down $eforehi filled with $eautiful roses and a voice said tohi ! D-o $ac4 to that ission and you ay haveone of these roses.D /e went $ac4 and ot savedand sanctified and $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host.

    #ro *K to 'K) see4ers were at the altar everyni ht! and after the altar call! the audience wasdis issed. 1he re,orters wanted to stay! $ut ofcourse could not. +o they ot a youn an to ou, to the altar and fei n to $e a see4er! so as tohear of the ,roceedin s fro hi . /e ca e and4nelt with a $ottle of whis4ey in his ,oc4et! andthe result was he ot saved and did not hunt u, there,orters. /e had wron ed a an out of MC). /ewent out on the street and found hi and $rou hthi into the ission. 1he an was so interestedhe did not want to o ho e. /e and his ,eo,lewere ,rofessed "hristians $ut found they did nothave anythin . 1hey sou ht the Lord and thewhole fa ily received their 2entecost.

    +ister #lorence "rawford has $een ho e fro2ortland to Los An eles for a ti e! co in $y theway of 9a4land and +anta :osa. +he returnednorth a ain &arch '(. +he said of the wor4 in2ortland! DI could not descri$e the wor4 in2ortland. 1he crowds were driven away and thedoors loc4ed when the hall was ,ac4ed. 1hey fellscrea in to the floor under the ,ower of the

    ,reachin . -od honored /is ord with si ns andwonders. 1hey $rou ht any sic4 and those

    ,ossessed with de ons fro far and near and -od

    healed the .DAt the close of the last service I was there! afterthe Lord had sent a wonderful essa e throu h=ro. :yan! the see4ers fell li4e dead en! sinnerswere saved! $elievers sanctified and $a,ti5ed! and9 how -od did heal the sic4.

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    DAt +anta :osa! at the first eetin ! +unday! the ,ower fell $efore the eetin was half throu h.1wo received 2entecost at the close of the

    eetin ! two sanctified and two sinners saved.#ive received 2entecost there. Nearly all the

    e $ers of the =a,tist "hurch ca e down. +o efound they had never $een converted and had to

    $e in at the $e innin and et saved andsanctified. +o e of the received the $a,tiswith the /oly -host.D ? #lorence "rawford! /o eaddress! 'B( E. Ave. K3! Los An eles! "al.


    Lo& An)ele&, C!l%'o n%!, *! ch , ?< .

    DHe are y witnesses! saith the Lord! Isaiah B38')%'C.F

    hen in y C'st year! I was dee,ly convicted ofy sins! and sou ht and found ,ardon of -od!

    throu h our +avior Jesus "hrist! and I truly $elieved that /is ,recious =lood had $een a,,liedto y soul! to the washin away of y sins. =utli4e any others! I soon lost the $ri ht evidence of

    y acce,tance with -od $ut did not entirely $ac4slide or o $ac4 into sin! as I loved -od s ,eo,le and too4 ,leasure in attendin eetin s!

    where at ti es! the Lord would $less e. =ut inthe year ' '! in a ,rayer eetin ! the Lordclearly set e at li$erty! and esta$lished e in the

    7ustified relation! in which state I continued fora$out a year! when the Lord loriously sanctified

    y soul.

    +ince that ti e I have had any anointin s of the+,irit! and li4e other holiness ,eo,le thou ht that Ihad the $a,tis with the /oly -host. +o when Ica e to the A5usa +treet &ission! I was ;uitecertain of three thin s! vi5< that I already hadreceived the $a,tis with the /oly -host< Cnd!that I could set these ,eo,le ri ht fro a scri,turalstand,oint in re ard to their views as to thes,ea4in in ton ues $ein the =i$le evidence ofhavin received the /oly -host< 3rd! I $elieved-od would ive e discern ent of s,irits to 4nowwhether this wor4 was of -od.

    9n +unday! #e$. ')! I had the ,rivile e of $einseated in the idst of the asse $ly at A5usa +treet&ission! near the ,reacher s stand. As the eetin

    ,ro ressed! I $eca e convinced that -od wasthere in i hty ,ower and that this is indeed thewor4 of the /oly +,irit! and that this ,eo,le hadan e>,erience in the "hristian life that I had notattained to. It was not so uch the s,ea4in inton ues that convinced e! as the heavenlyunction that rested u,on any! as they testified!and as the /oly -host san throu h the ! to theedification of others! and I wish to confess that

    $efore the eetin closed I was hun ry for -od.1he Lord let e see clearly that /e had so ethin

    ore for e! and that /e wanted e to tarry untilendued with ,ower fro on hi h.

    I co enced to o down $efore the Lord! the

    hun er increased fro day to day and wasintensified so that I cried out fro the de,ths ofy soul! in the lan ua e of scri,ture! DAs the hart

    ,anteth after the water $roo4s so ,anteth y soulafter 1hee! 9 -od.D After a$out two wee4s!earnestly see4in at the altar and in secret ,rayer!with other eans as the /oly +,irit led! on #e$.CK! the Lord $a,ti5ed e with the /oly -host andfire! and s,o4e throu h e in an un4nown ton ueas the +,irit ave utterance! the =i$le evidence ofthe $a,tis of the /oly -host!F Acts C8B< &ar4

    '68'*< Acts ')8BK! B6< '(86.+o e ay as4 the ;uestion! hat have you orethan you had $efore you received your 2entecostI have far reater li$erty and ivine unction on ein dealin with souls! and there has co e into ylife an overflow of love and 7oy with a dee, settled

    ,eace ,lanted in the de,ths of y soul! aso ethin that is ine>,ressi$le and indescri$a$le.1o -od the #ather! +on and /oly -host $e all the

    ,raise and lory for ever %% /.L. =la4e! :uthton!&inn.

    /oly ;uietness does not ean to hold your outhshut and not ,raise -od. It eans that the +,irithushes all the flesh. 1he Lord is in /is holyte ,le and let all flesh $e silent $efore /i . 1his;uietness will let the +,irit s,ea4 out in ,raisesand shouts and son . It is holy ;uietness inheaven! when the ,raise is li4e the voice of D any

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    watersD and D i hty thunderin s.D :ev. '(86F ewant this holy ;uietness all the ti e! so we will

    et used to heaven $efore we et there.

    hen we are sanctified! we have the /oly +,iritwitnessin that "hrist is crowned and enthroned

    within. e have /i $rin in forth the fruits ofthe +,irit< $ut when we are $a,ti5ed with the /oly-host! /e co es in with /is ifts.


    B o. Le:% R. Lu ton, #ho H!& ! B%1le School !tAll%!nce, Oh%o, 5%:e& H%& E= e %ence o' Penteco&t.

    +a$$ath! Nove $er 3)th! was the day I had $een

    loo4in for. #or nine days and a nu $er of ni htsI had $een an ardent and untirin see4er! tarryinfor y ,ersonal 2entecost! and each waitin day

    $rou ht added hun er! and stren thened yconviction that I was on the ri ht line! and that-od was well ,leased with the course ,ursued.Het! I ,assed throu h so e of the dar4est conflictswith the devil that I had ever e>,erienced. It was

    7ust in the act of crucifi>ion when the +on of -odcried out with all the ,ower of /is $ein ! D&y-od! y -od! why hast thou forsa4en e D

    =eloved reader! when you et what I a tal4ina$out! you will have li ht on so e thin s younever had $efore! and $e in ,ossession of whatyou hitherto have never had.

    1he service that ornin o,ened at ') a. . withfro thirty to forty ,eo,le ,resent. e soon wentto ,rayer. I once ore with reat earnestness! told-od of y soul hun er! and how I wanted to $efilled with the /oly -host! and! $less heavenforever! this ti e /e ave ear! and I soon found

    yself on the floor under /is racious ,ower!where I re ained for nine hours. At this ,oint Ia very conscious that words fail in an atte ,t todescri$e what too4 ,lace. In fact! I never e>,ect to

    $e a$le to tell uch of what -od did for e u,onthis occasion. &y ,rayer u,on this ornin wasone of consecratin y $ody as I had neverunderstood it $efore. Hes! y $ody. I too4 it

    e $er $y e $er tellin -od I wanted /i to

    ,ossess! to use it as never $efore. /e too4 e aty word and really too4 ,ossession. I then

    $eca e ,erfectly hel,less and for a season yentire $ody $eca e cold! and I was una$le to

    ove even to the e>tent that I could not win4 aneye for a short ti e.

    Het! I was ,erfectly conscious and restful in ysoul and ind. After so e three hours the ,owerof -od left y $ody e>ce,t in y shoulders andar s! which re ained stiff durin the entire ti e Iwas u,on the floor. After so e four hours had

    ,assed! I $e an to s,ea4 in other ton ues. 1hedear Lord had ta4en y 7aws and vocal or ans and

    oved the in /is own ,eculiar anner! as waswitnessed $y any of those who stood $y. In the

    eanti e I was ade to reali5e as I had never4nown anythin a$out in the ,ast! what it eant to

    $e clay in the hands of the ,otter! and what otherscan never 4now e>,eri entally! until they asa$solutely su$ it the selves to -od for the sa e


    I have well rounded reason to $elieve that /etoo4 e and s,o4e throu h e in a nu $er ofdifferent lan ua es. I was iven a nu $er of

    essa es to ,eo,le in a ,ersonal way! and was ,er itted to inter,ret any thin s which I s,o4e.At this ti e I wish to have it well understood thatI was not see4in the ift of ton ues! $ut the iftof the /oly -host! holdin yself o,en to receiveany of the ,ro ised ifts! "or. 'C8*%''F which /esaw fit to $estow u,on e! and it ,leased /i to

    ive e the ift of ton ues. I say reverently thatsince then! I can s,ea4 at will in ton ues! and yet Ihold it as a sacred trust.

    #urther ore! I wish to state that durin the ti e Iwas under the ,ower of -od! I had otherre ar4a$le revelations which I a not now free torelate.


    1his wor4 see s to $e increasin in ,ower!des,ite all the efforts of self%a,,ointed critics andanta onists. 1he writer has not a sin le dou$t $utthat =rother +ey our has ore ,ower with -od!and ore ,ower fro -od! than all his critics in

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    DAs I o,ened your letter and read it! there was

    such a wave of lory flooded y soul. As I laidthe hand4erchief on y forehead! I received sucha clear witness that the wor4 was done! also yhus$and ot the witness. 9 how I ,raise -od forthe reat 2hysician that can cure all anner ofsic4ness.D %Viney &cNall! &t. :e,ose! 9hio.

    D:eceived the hand4erchief all ri ht! and -od senttwo distinct waves of ,ower over us. 1he lady had

    $een recoverin for so e ti e and was hel,ed $ythe layin on of the hand4erchief. All lory $e to-od who does the wor4. +he has ta4en no

    edicine! $ut is healed $y faith. /allelu7ahGD%+.A.! &orris$ur ! 9nt.

    A wo an in +anta "ru5 was wal4in alon thestreet with ,ac4a es of dru s in her hands! whichshe had 7ust ,urchased at the dru store! when she

    ,assed $y the A,ostolic #aith eetin andso ethin said to her! D-o into that little issionand you will $e healed.D 1hey were ,rayin forthe sic4. 1his sister had $een reatly afflicted withrheu atis ! $ut was instantly healed. +he wassanctified and is see4in the $a,tis .

    D ear ones in "hrist8 %I write to tell you that -odhealed e $efore the hand4erchief ot $ac4 to e.9 ,raise /is dear na e forever.D%&rs. A.L. erhan! =o> '*K! La ont! 94la.

    A sister in &innea,olis was oin to the hos,italto have an o,eration ,erfor ed which would costM6). +he says the Lord s,o4e to her and told her ifshe would send that oney to A5usa &ission! /ewould heal her. +he did so! as4in that it i ht $eused to send a /oly -host $a,ti5ed wor4er there!and the Lord healed her. 1han4 -od for the reat2hysician. +he writes since then! D1he Lord has

    $a,ti5ed e with the /oly -host and withun4nown ton ues. I saw -od with a crown on /ishead and cloven ton ues of fire ca e on e! and I

    ot under the ,ower of -od.D %&rs. #er an! 3C)"edar Ave.! +o. &innea,olis! &inn.

    D e are re7oicin today over the clearde onstration of our -od s ,ower. Just two wee4sa o today! we were called to ,ray for a lady herewho had $een ho,elessly insane for two onths

    ,ast. +he was to $e ta4en to the Asylu at+toc4ton on &onday! #e$ruary ''th! $ut ,rayerwas offered! hands laid on and our $lessed -odhealed her. hen the authorities ca e with thedoctors to ta4e her away! the insane s,irit had

    one out. +he was clothed in her ri ht ind.2raise -od. 1he wor4 was done $efore we otthrou h ,rayin . +he told e today that the firstshe 4new she was sic4 was to find y wife and

    yself ,rayin for her. 9! said she! such a loadwas lifted fro y heart. It see ed to e thatso ethin was there crushin y very life out of

    e! $ut your ,rayers lifted the load and it wasone and has never returned. 9! ,raise -od

    forever.D . avis! +acra ento! "al.

    DI want all of you to 4now how the Lord has curede of an incura$le disease of a$out ei ht yearsP

    standin ! and ade e ,erfectly whole. -lory to-odG /e also ave e a discern ent of s,irits! tillI could see the e,ile,tic de ons! de ons that had

    $een tor entin e so lon . 1he Lord sent +isterennison fro :edlands over to ,ray for e! and

    she ca e and we fasted and ,rayed for a$out fourdays. e had a hard fi ht with the devil! $ut than4

    the Lord! we at last ot lorious victory. 1he Lordalso healed y eyes after wearin lasses for overfour years! and I find no use for the any ore.2raise the LordG I have $een ,rayed for any ati e $efore! $ut it always ca e $ac4. I did not

    $elieve in this 2entecostal e>,erience and fou hta ainst it! $ut 7ust as soon as I sou ht and found it!I had the ,ray with e and was healed. Now Ia 7ust waitin on the Lord and e>,ectin /i tolead e. 9n land or sea! no atter where! hereJesus is! tis heaven there.D &ar aret -ill! CC

    . alnut +t.! +anta Ana! "al.


    Jesus still heals today. e read in Ja es K8'3! theduty of every sic4 child of -od in the $ody of"hrist. Let us read /is ord8 DIs any a on youafflicted! let hi ,ray.D 2raise -odG Jesus said!

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    healin eetin s and even in the ho es where /ehad raised the dead! they $elieved and had thefaith that orcas would $e raised fro the dead.2raise our -odG #or they $elieved the co issionthat the Lord Jesus had iven! D/eal the sic4! raisethe dead! cleanse the le,ers.D And they tau ht and

    ,racticed everythin to the letter.

    ear loved ones! we ust co e u, to thestandard. &ay we not sto,! $ut ay we o on to

    ,erfection! until we do reach the standard of thefaith that was once delivered unto the saints. 1he-os,el is the ,ower of -od unto salvation toevery one that $elieveth it. 2raise our -odG/allelu7ahG

    1here is nothin sweeter! hi her or holier in thisworld than sanctification. 1he $a,tis with the/oly -host is the ift of ,ower u,on the sanctifiedsoul! ivin ,ower to ,reach the -os,el of "hristand ,ower to o to the sta4e. It seals you unto theday of rede ,tion! that you ay $e ready to eetthe Lord Jesus at idni ht or any ti e! $ecauseyou have oil in your vessel with your la ,. Houare ,arta4er of the /oly -host in the 2entecostal

    $a,tis ! 7ust as you were ,arta4er of the LordJesus "hrist in sanctification. Hou $eco e

    ,arta4er of the eternal +,irit of -od in the $a,tiswith the /oly -host. Jesus was -od $efore /ereceived the $a,tis ! sanctified and sent into theworld! $ut yet /e could not o on /is reat

    ission! fi htin a ainst the co $ined forces ofhell! until /e received the $a,tis with the /oly-host. If /e needed it! how uch ore we as /isservants ou ht to et the sa e thin .

    DAnd the very -od of ,eace sanctify you wholly!and I ,ray -od your whole s,irit and soul and

    $ody $e ,reserved $la eless unto the co in ofthe Lord.D 1he +,irit has ,rayed for us that we

    i ht have sanctified $odies! so we should e>,ectto have ,ure $odies until Jesus co es! that theholiness of -od i ht $e flowin out of us ore

    ,erfectly than ever $efore. If "hrist s $ride! /is $ody! were a ass of disease! it would loo4 as if/e had one out of $usiness and we would have to

    et the doctors to hel, /i out. =ut we do not

    need a doctor to hel, "hrist heal /is $ody. ehave 7ust as uch ri ht to honor the stri,es ofJesus as we have to honor /is =lood on the cross.D ith /is stri,es ye are healed.D 1his is a $lessedsalvation that ives us a $ody ,ure fro disease!that we ay $e a ,erfect onu ent of /is truthand witness to the healin and sanctification of our

    $ody! soul! and s,irit. 9h the $lessed atone ent $rin s so uch with it.


    1he ;uestion has $een as4ed! /ow do we 4now asto the soon co in of the Lord! and what are thesi ns of /is co in

    e read in &atthew CB where the disci,les as4edJesus! D hat shall $e the si n of 1hy co in andof the end of the world D And Jesus said! D1a4eheed that no an deceive you! for any shallco e in &y na e! sayin ! I a "hrist < and shalldeceive any. And ye shall hear of wars andru ors of wars. +ee that ye $e not trou$led! for allthese thin s ust co e to ,ass< $ut the end is notyet. #or nation shall rise a ainst nation and4in do a ainst 4in do < and there shall $efa ines and ,estilences and earth;ua4es in divers

    ,laces. All these are the $e innin of sorrows.D1hese thin s first ust co e u,on all nations.1hey surely are the true si ns of the co in of ourLord Jesus. 2raise /is holy na eG

    D1hen shall they deliver you u, to $e afflicted! andshall 4ill you< ye shall $e hated of all nations for&y na e s sa4e. And then shall any $eoffended! and shall $etray one another and shallhate one another. And any false ,ro,hets shallrise! and shall deceive any. And $ecause ini;uityshall a$ound! the love of any shall wa> cold.D/ow true that is. e find $ecause of ini;uity! en

    and wo en radually lose their first love< ne>tthey fall away< third! they crucify "hrist! andfourth! they ,ut /i to an o,en sha e. 9 ay-od hel, us to see that we are livin in thefulfill ent of the si ns of the ti e. =ut he thatshall endure unto the end! the sa e shall $e saved.

    Jesus went on to say! DAnd this -os,el of the4in do shall $e ,reached in all the world for a

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    witness unto all nations! and then shall the endco e.D /e also said! in Lu4e C'8C ! D hen thesethin s $e in to co e to ,ass! then loo4 u, and liftu, your heads! for your rede ,tion draweth ni h.D+o when we see these thin s co in to ,ass< warsand ru ors of wars! nation risin a ainst nation!fa ines! ,estilences! and earth;ua4es! we 4nowthat they are si ns of /is co in .

    e also read in aniel 'C8B! that in the last days!D&any shall run to and fro and 4nowled e shall $eincreased.D e find now a s,irit of restlessnessa on the nations and a on the ,eo,leeverywhere. :unnin to and fro on railroad trainsand on shi,s! ovin fro one ,lace to another.Also we see the wonderful discoveries andinventions! the electric cars harnessed toelectricity and runnin with reat s,eed! the

    tele ra,h! tele,hone! and wireless tele ra,hy! $ywhich essa es are carried at li htnin s,eed allover the world.

    In Nahu ! C8 3%B! we read of the day of /is ,re,aration8 D1he chariots shall $e with fla intorches! in the day of /is ,re,aration! and the firtrees shall $e terri$ly sha4en. 1he chariots shallra e in the streets! they shall 7ostle one a ainstanother in the $road ways< they shall see li4etorches! they shall run li4e li htnin s.D In thesedays! we have trains runnin fro 6) to () ilesan hour! and as they ,ass! they sha4e the very

    round! and the trees even $ow to the trains asthey ,ass. Also we see Nahu s ,ro,hecy fulfilledin the auto o$iles which are seen in all our cities.1hey are the chariots that ra e in the streets and

    7ostle one a ainst another in the $road ways. 1heyrun with $ri ht li hts Dli4e torchesD at ni ht! andwith the ,ower of electricity which is that ofDli htnin s.D +o we see the ,ro,hecy writtenthousands of years a o $y the ,ro,het is nowfulfilled! and it tells us that this is the day of /is

    ,re,aration. &ay -od hel, us to see that theco in of our Lord draweth ni h.

    Jesus also ave us a si n of /is co in in the ,ara$le of the fi tree! Lu4e C'8C(%3C! D=ehold thefi tree and all the trees< when they now shootforth! ye see and 4now of your own selves thatsu er is now ni h at hand. +o li4ewise! when yesee these thin s co e to ,ass! 4now ye that the

    4in do of -od is ni h at hand. Verily! I say untoyou! 1his eneration shall not ,ass till all $efulfilled.D Jesus! in s,ea4in of the fi tree ,uttinforth its $ud! is s,ea4in concernin the Jews! forthey were -od s fi tree that was ,lanted in /isvineyard. e read in &ar. ''! DAnd seein a fitree afar off havin leaves! /e ca e! if ha,ly /e

    i ht find anythin thereon. And when /e ca eto it! /e found nothin $ut leaves< for the ti e offi s was not yet. And Jesus answered and said!DNo an eat fruit of thee hereafter forever.D 1hiscursin of the fi tree was a ty,e of the re7ectionof the Jews! $ecause they re7ected "hrist. +o theywere to $rin forth no fruit until the -entile a eshould $e fulfilled. e are livin now in theclosin of the -entile a e. 1he Jews shall a ain

    $rin forth fruit as -od s ,eo,le! /is fi tree. ecan see now the si ns of the $uddin of the fitree. Jesus said! in &att. CB! DNow learn a ,ara$leof the fi tree. hen his $ranch is yet tender and

    ,utteth forth leaves! ye 4now that su er is ni h.+o li4ewise! ye! when ye shall see all these thin s!4now that it is near even at the doors!D that is!4now that /is co in is near. e find that theJews! of who /e was s,ea4in ! should $ud outa ain! and when they co enced to $ud! it would

    $e a si n of /is co in .

    /e says in Lu4e C'83C! DVerily I say unto you!

    1his eneration shall not ,ass away! till all thesethin s $e fulfilled.D hat eneration 1he Jews.e find that they did not run out. 1hey are the

    least i>ed ,eo,le u,on the face of the earth.1hey have not ,assed away as a distinct ,eo,le!and shall not ,ass till all these thin s $e fulfilled./is ,ro ises are true and sure. /allelu7ahG e seethe si ns of new life in the ! in their atherin

    $ac4 to 2alestine! where they are now oin $ythousands! and ay soon $eco e a nation a ain.1hey have the eans to ,urchase 2alestine and are

    a4in all ,re,arations to re$uild the te ,le atJerusale . Also -od is a4in their land whichwas cursed! to $losso as the rose and $rin forthfruit a$undantly. 1he rainfall has $een restored tothat country! and it has $eco e very ,roductive.+o we are livin in the days when the fi treeshoots forth! and Jesus told us we should 4now $ythis that the 4in do of -od is ni h at hand.

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    D/eaven and earth shall ,ass away! $ut &y ordshall not ,ass away.D

    Another ,roof we find in the ti es of refreshinwe are now havin fro the ,resence of the Lord.D:e,ent ye therefore! and $e converted! that yoursins ay $e $lotted out! when the ti es of

    refreshin shall co e fro the ,resence of theLord< And /e shall send Jesus "hrist! which $efore was ,reached unto you< who the heaven

    ust receive until the ti es of restitution of allthin s! which -od hath s,o4en $y the outh of all/is holy ,ro,hets since the world $e an.D Acts38'(. e than4 -od for the refreshin ti es! theti es of restitution! when -od is restorin thechurch $ac4 to li ht and ,ower and lory! and sheis $eco in a $urnin and shinin li ht to thisworld a ain.

    =ro. Ja es says! D=e ye ,atient therefore! $rethren! unto the co in of the Lord. =ehold thehus$and an waiteth for the ,recious fruit of theearth! and hath lon ,atience for it! until yereceive the early and latter rain!D Jas. K8*. 1heearly rain that -od sent was on the day of2entecost! in the early ornin of the a,ostolica e! which is the out,ourin of the +,irit. And inthese last days! /e is sendin the refreshin ti es!the latter rain! another 2entecost. =less /is holyna eG

    In 2alestine! in order to raise cro,s! they neededtwo rains. hen the round was $ro4en and the

    rain was ,lanted! -od sent the early rain that thecro, i ht row. /e also sent the latter rain to

    $rin it into ,erfection! that it i ht $e ready forharvest. And now /e is ,ourin out the latter rainu,on the church! the $a,tis with the /oly -hostand fire. e are receivin the 2entecost! s,ea4inin ton ues as the +,irit ives utterance! and thewonders and si ns are still followin . 2raise our

    -odG =e ye also ,atient! $rethren! sta$lish yourhearts! for the co in of the Lord draweth ni h.


    As a holiness ,reacher! I $elieved as I inter,retedthe +cri,tures! that I had $een $a,ti5ed with the

    /oly -host. =ut I found throu h the hearin of theord and searchin of the +cri,tures that I had

    acce,ted sanctification and the anointin of the+,irit as the $a,tis with the /oly -host. And

    $ein $rou ht to Los An eles! "al.! $y aysterious ,rovidence $y the hand of the Lord! I

    fell in the idst of -od s ,eo,le at A5usa +treet&ission. I saw the real and I saw the counterfeit!the wheat and chaff. I said to the Lord! I do not seeany lory in this for Hou. And a voice ca e $ac4to e sayin ! as lon as you continue to see thelac4 in others! I cannot show you your lac4. 1hen Itoo4 y =i$le and went alone with the Lord! for Iwas sic4 of yself and did not want to hear thevoice of anyone else $ut Jesus. And after stayinwith /i all ni ht! I ca e into the eetin s thene>t day and listened to the testi onies accordinto the +cri,tures that I had read! and to those whowere s,ea4in in ton ues. 1he voice of the Lordsaid to e! D1here is so ethin in this for Jesus.DI answered $ac4! ell! Lord if there is anythin init for Jesus! I want all that is in it! for y life is ofno ,leasure to e save for /is lory! hen I didthat! I rose u, and went to the altar! and hu $led

    yself at the feet of those who the Lord see edto have so iraculously dealt with.

    And when I had iven u, y ind and all Ithou ht I 4new a$out sanctification and the

    $a,tis with the /oly -host! the /oly +,iritarvelously anifested "hrist to e as I hadnever e>,erienced $efore. In this ,eculiar

    anifestation! I found yself sin in ! D1he"o forter has co eD in un4nown ton ues. 1hen"hrist was anifested to e on the cross< afterwhich /e carried e a ain to the +cri,tures toconfir in e the witness of the /oly -host!&ar4 '686! '*. 1he +,irit showed e that the=i$le is the ind of -od. /e had written /isthou hts and left the u,on record! and we shouldnot thin4 contrary to /is thou hts. I acce,ted it!and 4new that the ton ue in which I s,o4e was theevidence of the $a,tis with the /oly -host.Acts. C8B!'). B6< ' "or. 'C8'). %% J. Jeter! /o eaddress 3')' olf +t.! Little :oc4! Ar4.

    1he real 2entecost that has $een hidden for allthese centuries! the Lord is ivin $ac4 to earth

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    throu h so e real hu $le ,eo,le that have no $etter sense than to $elieve -od. =ut any areli4e Nicode us sayin ! D/ow can these thin s

    $e D =ut you cannot reason it out! you ust $elieve -od. &an is $orn with his $ac4 toward-od! and the only way to et ri ht is to $e $orn ofthe +,irit throu h the =lood of "alvary. 1hen afterwe are sanctified and ade ,ure! #ather has notonly the fruits of the +,irit $ut so e ,recious

    ifts! ,resents for us. &any do not 4now that#ather has ifts for /is ,eo,le. 1hey are sellinout their $irthri ht. Now when the Lord co es inand sanctifies us! /e $reathes into us a faith that

    $eats the devil. D1his is the victory thatoverco eth the world! even your faith.D If youhave this faith! you can clai every ,ro ise of-od! every foot of land in "hrist Jesus. &ay -odhel, us to contend for every foot of land! everyhei ht and de,th in /is love.

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    ear one in "hrist who are see4in the $a,tiswith the /oly -host< do not see4 for ton ues $utfor the ,ro ise of the #ather! and ,ray for the

    $a,tis with the /oly -host! and -od will throwin the ton ues accordin to Acts C8 B.

    e read in Acts '8B!K! DAnd $ein asse $ledto ether with the ! co anded the that theyshould not de,art fro Jerusale ! $ut wait for the

    ,ro ise of the #ather! which! saith /e! ye haveheard of e. #or John truly $a,ti5ed with water,erience of sanctification! and was a lonways fro livin the sanctified life! in -od s si ht.

    hile loo4in on the lives of others that ,rofessedit! I 7ustified yself in thin4in I co ,ared withtheir e>,erience! $ut this was not what -odwanted. I had to $e ,ure and clean in /is si ht.

    ith the hel, of 4ind friends! the love of -od! andone dear saint who interceded for e thirteenhours ,rostrate on the floor! I was $rou ht to the4nowled e that I had y fa ily $etween e and-od and thou ht ore of the than of /i ! aswell as havin any other thin s in the way whichthe ordinary sanctified ,erson ay not thin4a ounts to uch. Now as I ot all of self and therest of the ru$$ish out of y heart! -od ave ethe witness to y entire satisfaction. I 4new I hada clean heart. -lory to -od. /allelu7ah to /isna e. Are you there! reader If not! di down tillthe old Ada nature and roots of $itterness are out

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    of the way. 1hen /e will $reathe on you and youshall receive the /oly -host.

    I tarried and ,rayed and in a$out nine days! /e $a,ti5ed e with the /oly -host and ave e the=i$le evidence of s,ea4in and sin in in ton ues.

    ,wards of half an hour y lan ua e was ta4en

    fro e and -od used e as /e saw fit. &orethan that! since I ca e here! the Lord too4 ylittle irl! 7ust eleven years old! saved! sanctified!and $a,ti5ed her with the /oly -host and she isnow s,ea4in in si> or seven different lan ua es!two of which have $een inter,reted! +,anish andLatin. 1he other day while she ave her testi onyin the A5usa &ission! the +,irit s,o4e throu h herin a ,lain! distinct Latin ton ue. At the sa e ti e!she raised her hand and ,ointed with her fin erstrai ht at a stran er! and called hi $y his own

    na e! and told hi to o downstairs in the $ieetin and tell his e>,erience! and o out and ,reach the -os,el of "hrist. Now this was aneducated an who had $een ,reachin infidelityfor '( years and had s,o4en to as any as *!)))

    ,eo,le in one eetin ! who had ,aid K) cents eachto hear hi . /e was si ,ly all $ro4en u, andwent downstairs! ta4in the child with hi . /etold his story! sayin ! D1his child ,reached to e!and of all the ser ons I ever heard this was the

    ost ,owerful.D /e declared he was willin to o

    and ,reach Jesus! ot down on his 4nees and $e an to see4 -od.

    Het ,eo,le will say! D hat is the use of theton ue D 1his is one instance! I have attendedthose eetin s for nearly three onths! and durinthat ti e there has $een scarcely a day thatso ethin has not ha,,ened throu h inter,retationof ton ues or so eone $ein ,resent whounderstood what had $een said! which $rou htconviction on so eone and started the tosee4in -od.

    +till ore! the Lord has ta4en hold of y eldest $oy! si>teen years of a e! who was a wayward $oyand was fi htin hard a ainst the evidence ofton ues< saved hi ! sanctified hi and $a,ti5edhi with the /oly -host! and s,o4e throu h hiin un4nown ton ues! and called hi to ,reach the-os,el. -lory to -od. 1han4s $e to /is holyna e for what /e has done for e and y fa ily

    since I ca e down here. I do not 4now how to ,raise /i enou h. %% :.J. +cott! +u,t. /o e and#orei n &issions! inni,e .


    9// C%t%0en>& N!t%on!l B!nk Bld).,Lo& An)ele&, C!l.

    I 4now when I really re,ented of y sins andturned away fro the that -od did for "hrist ssa4e for ive e. /e ave e the $lessed evidencethat the wor4 was done. D e 4now that we have

    ,assed fro death unto life $ecause we love the $rethren!D and Dif any an $e in "hrist Jesus he isa new creature8 old thin s are ,assed away,erience. =ut you 4now! +atan was on handto tell e that I could row into it! so I tried to

    row into the e>,erience! and ade a co ,letefailure of it. =ut when I ade a co ,lete sacrificeto -odall on the altar$less -od! /e really didsanctify y soul! and ave e the real evidence,erience with the e>,erience the

    ,eo,le ot on the day of 2entecost! $ut I could notet the to har oni5e so I ca e to the conclusion

    that they ot so ethin that I did not et. I then $e an to tarry and ,ray ni ht and day! and did notsto, until I was wonderfully $a,ti5ed with the/oly -host! and /e ave e the $lessed evidencewhich always follows! which is the s,ea4in inton ues.

    1he /oly -host has s,o4en five differentlan ua es throu h e since I ot y 2entecost!so e of which has $een inter,reted. I a lad theLord 4nows all the lan ua es of the nations. %%

    .A. Love.

    1he Lord ave us on the ay of 2entecost! ActsC8BF! a real e>,erience of a ,ersonal 2entecost! andthat standard should $e 4e,t u, till /e co es.

    9ne to4en of the Lord s co in is that /e iseltin all races and nations to ether! and they are

    filled with the ,ower and lory of -od. /e is $a,ti5in $y one s,irit into one $ody and a4inu, a ,eo,le that will $e ready to eet /i when/e co es.

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    2a e


    DI a so lad to say that I have received y

    2entecost and s,ea4 and sin in other ton ues! asthe +,irit ives e utterance.D %% =ro. ".-. "arr!

    unn! N.".

    DI went to A5usa &ission to a4e fun! $ut a littleirl a$out ei ht years old ot u, and testified to

    the savin ,ower of Jesus! and while she s,o4e!the /oly -host convicted e of y sins. I went tothe altar and cried out to the Lord to save e frosin. Now I can witness /is savin ,ower and /iscleansin ,ower and /is 4ee,in ,ower. 9 how I

    ,raise /i for savin ! cleansin and $a,ti5in ewith the /oly -host. /e has iven e si>lan ua es. Now -od has called e out into /iswor4 and 9 how I deli ht in /is service.D %% &ac4E. Jonas! Lon =each! "al.

    D#or C6 years I have $een tryin to live a ood"hristian in a 7ustified life! $ut at heart I was neversatisfied. &y soul cried out for so ethin . I heardof a tent eetin where there was stran e

    ,reachin ! A,ostolic #aith. I was led to thateetin $y so e unseen ,ower. I read y =i$le

    and found that this was the true doctrine of the=i$le. 1hen I went forward to see4 the Lord withall y heart to $e sanctified. After see4in forseven days! the Lord for Jesus sa4e sanctified e.I sou ht si> days lon er for y 2entecost! ,raise-od! and now s,ea4 in ton ues. &o$ile is $einstirred u,. e ive -od the lory for thiswonderful salvation.D %% Julia Jen4ins! C /ercules+t.! &o$ile! Ala.

    D1han4 -od for deliverance fro all sin! throu h

    the ,recious =lood. I had $een sanctified andanointed with the /oly -host years a o. /ave $een ten years in /is wor4. hen I ca e to A5usa&ission! I went in for the $a,tis with the /oly-host i ediately. /ad so e di in to do! $utthe Lord et e. I was filled with the /oly -host

    any ti es and was sha4en any ti es $y the ,ower of -od. =ut when I $eca e a little child!clay in /is hands! /e $a,ti5ed e with the /oly

    -host. At first /e s,o4e 7ust a few words throu he. =ut recently /e s,o4e different lan ua es and

    san son s in un4nown ton ues. Just lately theLord healed e of ;uite a severe sic4ness. /e has

    iven e $etter health than ever! for which I than4/i . 9! it was so sweet to have /i tal4 and sinthrou h e when I was sic4! durin the ni htseasons. +o eti es I san for hours and in a newvoice and it did not tire e. /e also inter,reted./e said! DJesus is co in .D It re7oiced e so

    uch! and then /e san a son ri ht fro heavena$out /is co in . 9! ,raise -od for the ,rivile eof $ein in /is wor4 here.D %% "lara E. Lu !A,ostolic #aith 9ffice! 3'C A5usa +t.! LosAn eles.

    DI have entered into the dee,er e>,erience. /avereceived the s,ea4in ! sin in ! and recitin ,oetry

    in a nu $er of lan ua es! with ,ower to use oneor two at will in ,u$lic services or with ,rivate ,ersons when the Lord leads. I first entered intothis way of $lessin on the C'st of January at/o estead! 2a. /ave $een any ti es there andelsewhere wonderfully e>ercised in these thin sunder the ,ower of -od! each ti e receivinso ethin new! with love and all the fruits of the+,irit increased! and adoration to Jesusinter in led. &y dau hter also received her2entecost in our church! sin in and s,ea4in in a

    ton ue. +ince receivin the e>,erience! I have $een on the o! ,reachin and ta4in ,art in so eeetin nearly every ni ht till very late! a thin

    i ,ossi$le for e in the ,hysical $efore. -reatwor4 oin on all throu h this section. ith reat

    ratitude of heart! I ,raise -od for /is oodness toe and others in y church. I eet with no

    e>,ressed o,,osition fro ,ersons in y church!for which I a very than4ful.D %% J.1. =oddy!

    ,astor 2entecostal "hurchF! "a $rid e! 9hio.

    1he $rother who writes the a$ove ,u$lishes a ,a,er! the D#ull -os,elD at "a $rid e! 9hio. It isa free! 2entecostal ,a,er. e 7ust received it asthis oes to ,ress.F

    =eloved! I was saved a$out '* onths a o fro awretched life. hen I called on -od! /e heard y

    ,rayer and saved e instantly. hat convincede of the reality in salvation! was the ,eace that

    ca e into y heart. 1he desire for o,iates went

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    the /oly -host at one o cloc4 in the ni ht. I $e anto s,ea4 in ton ues. 1here were any ,resent atthat ti e! and I went around sha4in hands ands,ea4in in ton ues. 9! the dee, settled ,eace in

    y soul. And yet it see ed the Lord had ore fore. 9n January 3'! while attendin a little cotta e

    ,rayer eetin ! the fire fell on e and there I wasfor a$out two hours and a half ,rayin and sin inin ton ues. 1he Lord showed e a vision ofheaven. 1he $uildin s loo4ed as if they wereinlaid with dia onds. I saw the ,eo,le co in !and they ca e to one with authority sittin with a

    reat $oo4. /e turned the leaves and ,assed the ,eo,le throu h a very narrow way. And facin the

    reat river I saw very any ,eo,le who had not onthe ro$e or ri hteousness. 1he Lord showed ethat we as "hristians should ,reach to the .D &rs. E. . +terlin ! 6'3C 2rairie Ave.! "hica o.

    DI first heard throu h the ay of #aith of thiswonderful wor4. 1hen =ro. "ashwell went to youand ot his 2entecost. /e lives only seven ilesfro us. I never saw such a chan e in hi andsuch a ,ower in the eetin s! I went to see4inthe /oly -host. I d $een sanctified ten years and

    $een ,reachin holiness nearly that ti e! andthou ht I had the /oly -host $a,tis ! $ut -odshowed e that I d sto,,ed at reat 7oy and thewitness of the /oly -host< and I laid down y

    theory and went in for 2entecost and received it.-lory to -od. I 7er4ed so I shoo4 the whole house!and y ton ue fairly flew! sayin so ethin I4new not what. &y wife! other%in%law andanother sister received it and s,ea4 in ton ues inthis county. e all ot it at unn with scores ofothers. +ister +tewart san nine son s at y house+aturday in an un4nown ton ue. e 4new thetunes of three. All the rest were entirely new. &ywife s,o4e and inter,reted at the church +aturdaya ,art of the ')3rd 2sal and the rest ane>hortation to sinners. 9thers are see4in .DHour

    $rother on the way to -lory. %% /./. -off! =enson! N.".

    D9h! I than4 -od! y dear /eavenly #ather! for ,er ittin e to live in this day and a e./allelu7ah. Never in y life did I reali5e so uchof the ,resence of y dear lovin +avior. /e is in/is holy te ,le! and is sayin to e! =e still and

    4now that I a -od. Last ni ht durin the servicewhile a little son was $ein sun $y a youncolored sister and the cross of "alvary was

    entioned in the son ! the /oly +,irit $e an tos,ea4 throu h another sister sittin ne>t to e in alan ua e of India. I understood it and $e an towrite down the inter,retation as follows8 =eholdthe La $! the $leedin La $. 9! the $lood isflowin down fro /is sideP. At this o ent! I

    $eca e unconscious and the +,irit see ed tocarry e away to the scene u,on "alvary! nearlytwo thousand years a o. And! oh! hu an lan ua ecannot e>,ress what I saw. 9! the lory and

    $eauty of that scene $efore y s,iritual eyes./allelu7ah. I was ,er itted to loo4 into the heartof y $lessed Lord as /e hun u,on the cross. 9!the divine sy ,athy and tender love toward everyhu an soul. Lord! hel, all 1hy dear children tosee the real value of a lost soul! 7ust as 1hou dostsee it.D -eo. E. =er ! /er on! "al.

    DI a ,raisin -od for a free and full salvation. Ia saved! sanctified and $a,ti5ed with the /oly-host. I was fifteen $efore I was converted. &y

    irl friends were all 7oinin churches and I wantedto 7oin too< $ut ,raise -od I did not 7oin till after

    y father ot in touch with the church of -od andca e for us to o to church. e went to hear+ister #arrow ,reach and also to hear her s,ea4 in

    ton ues. e continued to o to the eetin everyni ht. &y other had her an4le $ro4en! $ut ,raise/is na e! we went anyway. &a a and ,a,awent to the altar. +ister #arrow laid hands on

    other and she was reclai ed! sanctified! and $a,ti5ed with the /oly +,irit! and s,o4e inton ues and was healed instantly. Also y sisterreceived the /oly -host that ni ht! and I wasconverted. 1he ne>t evenin I went to the altara ain and was sanctified. 1hat ni ht I was

    $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host. -lory to /is na e./ow I love /i . &y love for /i cannot $ee>,ressed. 2lease ,ray for e that the Lord willuse e to /is lory anywhere.D Julia /.:o$inson! a ed '6 yearsF! 3')B allas Ave.!/ouston! 1e>.

    DI have $een wor4in in issionary wor4 nineyears on the hi hways and in the hed es! teachinthe -os,el in y sanctified life< and now I have

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    received the fullness of 2entecost. hile I was atthe +aint s eetin and we were u,on our 4nees!the /oly +,irit tau ht e to sin ! A char e to4ee, I have.P And when we ca e to the verse! 9!

    ay it all y ,owers en a e to do y &aster swillG the /oly -host filled y heart with 7oy and I

    $e an to sin in ton ues. I than4 -od for /iswonderful $lessin . Afterwards I san in ton uesand inter,reted. And the first words were8

    2raise -od fro who all $lessin s flow!2raise /i all creatures here $elow!2raise /i a$ove! ye heavenly host,erience in receivin the $a,tis with the /oly

    -host. A$out 9ct. '! I returned fro "olorado toLos An eles. I had the real anointin on y soul!and could not $elieve that I did not have the

    $a,tis . Every account of the $a,tis in the New1esta ent contains the ,ositive state ent thatthey all s,o4e in new ton ues! e>ce,t that of+a aria! and it is indicated there in the fact thatthere was so ethin so wonderful that a a icianoffered oney to $uy the ,ower. Ac. 68'(.F Het Iinsisted that ton ues $ore no ore si nificance tothe $a,tis than any of the ifts as recorded in '"or. 'C. -od would not let e rest in this! $uttoo4 the anointin away. 1his caused e to odee,er for the truth. 1hen -od showed e that thesee in restriction of ton ues in ' "or. 'Cth and'Bth cha,ters was a re ulatin of the

    anifestation of ton ues to the law of love. I then $e an see4in for the real $a,tis with the /oly-host as on the day of 2entecost. +atan see ed toe>haust his resources in o,,osin e! and thewee4s of waitin were tedious in the e>tre e< $ut-od s race was sufficient! and last I ca e to the

    ,lace where -od could eet e. 9n &arch 3! inthe u,,er roo a$out 6 ,. . I fell under the

    i hty ,ower. 1he +,irit wor4ed y flesh withreat vi$rations for so e ti e. At last I felt as

    thou h I were dyin ! and I was told I loo4ed li4eit. +lowly! surely y life see ed to e$$ away!until at last unconsciousness too4 ,lace. /ow lon

    I lay I do not 4now! $ut the first thin I wasconscious of was a new life flowin in. +oon y

    7aws and ton ue $e an to wor4 inde,endently ofy volition and the words ca e! a clear lan ua e.

    All lory $e to -od. Now I feel a ,ower forwitnessin I never had $efore and an assurance of

    ,ower in service that shall row as I re ainfaithful. &ay all who read this testi ony reach outfor all -od has for the .D Arthur =. +he,herd.

    e never saw a salvation that $rou ht such ,eaceand 7oy to ho es and fa ilies! and did so uchfor ,oor sufferin hu anity. 1here are anyha,,y ho es where the whole fa ily! father!

    other! and children have $een $rou ht in and all $a,ti5ed with the /oly -host. 1hey are ho es of ,rayer and ,raise and re7oicin ! and they are oina$out tellin the lad story.

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    e ,reach "hrist! /is $irth! /is death! /isresurrection! and /is co in a ainand not only/is co in $ut /is rei nin in /is illennial4in do ! and /is white throne 7ud ent! and thenthe new heavens and earth and the New Jerusaleco in down fro -od out of heaven! when /eshall have ,ut all ene ies under /is feet and /eshall rei n eternally! and we shall a$ide with /iforever and ever.