the - atlantic county library system ep aretlo avenue tokentueky and held j~etter ba}" tloket~...

i}m tho hu|l tO llllnol~ and A~tle Aventt.~ Iim, rtlng,asfrleud.. +llalnnlond then re. to Ml~rkHnllth, ofMIIIvllh, wlusnvlPdlorTllt~- ,’t~r~. llewn~al~(inmeml~rofJNitrrng~n+elt rooni and pnK:llred a.iiot gun, Oil Arellc duy, . Tribe of Ih~l ~leli, nf Illln ph~e, itil(l+ Ml~stmh7 tenne lie. Inet Hamuel .t;o~)t)~r , whn lie,!l.ltt, inlnd, the firt~ln011’e h~lieilt ttt)neert and Odd¯t’eii~)w~ l~lgt!~ of Pine Bluff, At- pined had a hnnd In the fight, ’At the point noxt lhilrpsdlt)" evening. ¯ 19tnml~. lie Wire It director of Ihe Moy’psI~llid- tllnn lie It~ld llhn hliek to l)lg~, pool rrmm, i Joiln Ih~rrttt, I~ eric;ling II laDl’e w~rk l+hop InK lhllldlng lind l,<mn A+m+o¢llliloo’ror IWl!lll.v~. ire he ehllmed he hnd beeo all °venice. At ’ hi Ihe rPar of hln Ahl~nl Avenol} t~ta}l~rty, thrl~ yt~tPR lilld lilt olnclal ll4id.nlemlll~r al’ ill4} B pool room UOOl~r IkPd of.imveml men In K, P, Hinj~llwo~l In making note~ Iml)r~yt.. lpl~hylei+lan Choreh, rm Place whether be had .not imen In thel~ ment~ to hl~ M|stletoe Aveu~o property. . Foneml servlc~ will be heht ,Monday nl~,r- Irony all night. They an~wert~ Ill |he Born~toMr. and MI~ Albert PaaerellaMo n. n<~n next froln ht" h~te re~ldenceand will tw, lrmatlve’aud JtAmmond left the place,, ite day, adaaghter. , oondueted by the Itev, J<~el (’;llnllnn, Imator of I ep Aretlo Avenue toKentueky and held J~etter ba}" tloket~ foe y0ur cone~rt aen1~ to- the Pre~hYtertan t’nUl~+n, o! .l’renldn~ I~ela- three menon the corner. +lle then crime dgy befa/e all tbe belt onesare taken, ware, aMl,led by ]tev. C. P, Way t of the Prim- ~k to the pool room, On nelirlng tt the me~ Dr. O. t~ Harker ts borne ~g~xln aftel a brief byterl&n Chureh and Rev. 8. K. Moore, of the ~w In all dltectlona Ix) cover exceptFoot~ 0"lptotheWenL MethodL~t ~pl~,~oplllChnrehofthts pl~J. In- ho In the Imck of the room walked toward. I+portaman gbby ltmtth Lagged n hmoe of terment will be made In the I’rl~byteHan E l~aGeDtnmnee, kle met Hammond there and black ducke down the rivet’ Itmt t’~tturday. Cemetery, l[ta widow aud Al~l~ter. Mre. Aunle nt told him not to move a ntep. A MIM bllldred 8omerm, of Atlantic CRy, wal B. Kulqz~ ofMew Holtand, 1~., sdrvlve+ elalmed and the .hut wM fired.- the gutmt of frlendll here ll~itnrday lilt, .... --i-~--- +--: The Prolecutnr outlined an exl~-edlngly Mr~ William Barrett I~ villltlng relatlvr~ Tendered Birthday Party. ll~ng c~ee for tb0 HUlle and calh~t a number alld friendl~ at Medford, N.J. Mr. and .~|fps, John Truempy tendered Ihelr !wltneul~’whogave temUnlouy In ~utmUtuttt~- " W’llllaln l~ol~rlt mtye he will be on blind to daaghter, MImm l~,rolhy Truempy, ix birthday ~on oftbemtme, he~r Mr. Hahn play again next Thtlr~day If mrty itt the!r ,Main Htree~ resldenee ~tturdny In openlug the ~ for die defcnse l~twyer~ he bna to ewlm to the Opera l{ouee, aflern~n hlst hi hnno~ oT the eleveath iiun {)hnJ. CraudallandlmuicNutter, counsclfor County ll~md Hupervl~r Japbet l’rl,cc, of ver~aryofiterbtrlh, Theaftertlo~)/lwaaload( le accusal, entered a plea for the prisoner ~m Piesmantvllle, wa~ a visitor Wedoeeday. ~ldental, Wltuesaea wen~ daughter, of Norw(m<l, [~l.., were the gucsta of lied whotestified to aeelng I,’tmte+ and Hani- Mr, and Mrs. George J. ~tyeks Toemlay an<l )nO wrPstllug h’+ front of the pool-r~mn’on’ Wedn~dlll. IBIghtoftheih(xRIngafewmoneo~befon~ . Mr. and ~.r~John Clark, of l’h~llqintvllle, shot"wlua fired. Whll0 liO one i, lw the wer~ thegueate of Mr. Rnd l%tl~ Marrl~rm last hill killing one wltnem atated he~aw:ihe Thursday, a between the men. ¯ ; Mra, Llnda Tlee, of V¢lldwood, ha~ returned The priSoner in ills own dereaee look the to tier lioine al~r a plenmint visit hel~ a~ the lind and elallned Ignorance of lll~ ¯every gaestufher~t"ter~Mr~ G. L. Harken Iovement on the night of the muiaier and Mlail Nellie O’ftmdy r~turned to I~r.home rid: ~"I ~ been ptaytng lu the Ilmtlng rink at in JNew Ynrk City ThuraAay inorntng li~er it ,rtanaM and’Arctle Ai’enues em a member of ,leuant week’e,vl,lt here a~ the guest of her t t~ , le orehemtra. I left + the dnk at Jt o~lo~k, elster, MI~ ~Tora O Lil~tdy. rom there I went to the Odd Fellow# flail, Tho I,adles A*’I f-k+clety of the M, IS:, Chut~th ,here we had a I~nd rehe~rlal. When I left will hold lte t egolar monthly bt~slnema meel- le rink 1 had a man wllh me and on the way Ing nt the Chan,ti\on Toe, day evening next at ) the Odd Fellowe’ Hall we had a drink. We 7.30p’ch)ck. All omeers and plemtwrq nl~.l l- ien went down the ~treet I~nd alnpl~.~l Itt vtted to uttend. taffued’e for ~nother drink, I then went U> The enterhllnnleutglYen In theOpera lloum~’ eoti’e l~anc.e llall Io sp~’ud ,~llle time wllh’ last Priday evening by the Atlantic City lllgh ie memberm of the .band lhere~ llarvey, the l’k’hool Httlden~ ft~f lhe benefit of Marregun~tt ¯ ~ ¢+, ader, ask~ql me to play, b~t I didn’t fc~i Tr|he of Red Men wna a flnnnelal t~ncce~, lual to Ihe. ~lon ant 1 hlid taken a pint of Mr, and MI’~ i’.uclen Taylor and dlnllhler uehu I+Jin. In.teed.or playing I hello to returned ix) Atlanlle Clly al~r ~nco and imd ~veral drlnk~ at Ibe bar, I an extended v’lslt here an Ihe Kue~ o~ Mr. ira°tuber a man came back In the dance hltll Ttkylolam Imrent~, Mr. and ~tr,. 1). A, Ta~qor.’ nd linked me a qu~Uon. I dl)n’t knt)W WhSt btrl~ Edwar~ Flteh and i~)n ~.~.~1,+~ _.~dl~.luldL~lxeXher ~n-arttumas~t-~ ~n’~ly0ffic~-lli;t-’W~ne~lay aftqr. tit. Al~er the talk ] dat~mt aKaln, and fl"lt no<in aRer a pl~tmtnt visit hel~ tt~ Ihe ot’~ than beD.trr. I thl.n Wenton thl~ out"lde (it" helr ~reat~, ~tr. and Mr. IL~)wltrd Itum~.y. F tbe hnll and a Kling of feliow~ rtmhed at In° lile’niauy frtendps of Jtl pP+, llarry Tayhir will 3d knocked Ine dnwn. Ooe of Iheln kleke~ learn wllh plet~un~ thlil i~lle waa "hnlughl ¯ t ie’on the~aw. Theu 1 h~itrd a Inall cry d(lil’t haine Moliday [toni blar’+’i,I Ps Pianiluirluln, At- It hint. My hPad wall ntnlnled nglilul+t II hlnllP+ Cllyt willrn, Mle liliderweilt two Plerlou.~ lrb atone and after tluit I didn’t "r%¯nlenlUer a I}p~nith)itiil~ nDd Ill Im Ihe r~md lotl i’ompleh~ ilnl that iliipi~ut~.’ ~ r~overy’th0nlh ~1111 ’lil il ~elik colidlllon itlt It Both slden had eoucluded their c*ute at fi)ur I~Ult ofti,e oi~t’ralloID4+ clock Thurmday afternt~a and IPrtme~’utot ~ ltev,H. K. Mo~:re, In.tot ,.If the M. I,..Cllar~h, oldenberE mttde ~hln openlug uddte~ to th. will pit~tcll l~peclal sermons to tin+, ehlldreo try revleWhlg the evldeace and Mked h)r lind young men nf the town to-lnorrow, [’It-- rot degree verdlel. He waa followed b 7 ceedlnK the nmlal morulng ~u~rlnon n| 10.30 lwye~ Crandall and Nutt+~r far llie defenne, i itev, M(mre will deliver a Iltlh, ~rmoaelt h) ho ple~Ae~ eloqaeuily fur the prhsoaer aud I Ihe children from the i+obJeet+ ’" l~diea and iked for n verdlel of acquittal. Coart ad. Geatlemetl.,, In the evenhlg at 7.~]0 iil~ ~ubJecl timed at~ix o’clock nnd rt~.onveued yeater, will >’ be, "On TImel" Thl~ dl~eourm3 will be ty mornlug aL ten o+el(~k when Pnm~utor llpectally for the young toen nnGa eordlitl la- old~nbel’g made hln eloping addre~ to the vltailon lit extended to all ix) itttend¯ ,ry followt~ by Jullllee Trenehard’ll churg~, , ;.. -+- hleb WiUl Inlpar[’lal, chxirly.definlng the do- " Townsliip Teecherl" Meetin K. of murder. A me°ling of the Hamlltoti TownBhllf -- Tell[~llelll Ai~*~t~latlun Wi~ It held thl. inorn- )r. Benjamin Abbott Dropped Dead, ing at the ltl~n l.lehool.’ when Dr, II. t!. Jam°,. ] Word WUJl received berelate ye~ltelday nftdr- bledlcal Inspector, will deliver all addrL, mL )on that l)r. Benjumln T. Abbqtt. of Oeeon pitrent~ of acho(d.ehlldretl and oth+.’rtt ate In- : ty, dropped ~(~d at hll’~omeof a|~)plexy vlted to atU, nd. r/lie progmni of ille Ineetlug ortly uRer one o’clock. ~ WII~ In the in ~ fullow~: at of lielllth aud hla ltBddea demhte wasa J tlusle, JMImiB,,rthal~mnier. ........... ,l~k, Io iii~ lilmlly a[l d .~i.U.ylaL~aw~-it° t - " %Vlll!t aiuialiii ol numberwork and how It IUilllIM*Ive oftlltll|lll’l~ llnd heother of J. I’~. I all~)uld im Uinght In FIrM (tnlde, II Mll~ Ih.h.ll Abillill I Clark lit’. Abh<)ll~lind ll~!v, WIIIhliil Ealll+di. Ablg)tt, ofOl~eali Itn)v~. Jd(lrt~, i)r. |i, (!. ,ll&nleR I JIlt~dlcal llml~’etnr. --- -~" .... ’~Arlthnletle, : ll¢lw and wlial. In tile ieourlli rocee(~ingg in the ~urroKa!e’s Court. and l+’lRh (}nldtn4?’~ MI~Ailnle H.\Cllllln.. ~lu~oan% ad~ad|clited b’y "lhe t~unrl, at tlic "The" place of F~dk-hlre and My+th. ill the Ihruiry lerni : Eml. Ihinnah t., i’orter, prliiniry (Inld~.; ,%ll+m I’,lura 11. Eldon. (If °irate, IWI6,’.~I,U4 ; ll+;aL I~.llzaltelli Ii. i Mulde,,%limt lk.rlha I +’. t’ramer~ ; l~lt. ~la 119. H~)t k~l ,! ............ -- ........... Elliabeth T.yhw, Ir&Ip0.1,; Honor For Rear Admiral Endicott. Alkazln. 11,2.1&’2.5 ; F:.L I’klniu01 ILear AdlnlmI.Mordl~al T. l~+lldh’oll+ U. H. N., lnlnor, 12,15111. + , . retired, a hmther\of formel: Circuit Coui’t ¯ Judge A~eu Jl. Eudlcoit. Mi’~ l~t, sarls Ilowell ng For Cantata. . . ind btrL lt.’lk itundall+ of Attantle C|I~,and ~re hnay rthenrl- Mnk ll,.li,.lamlrd, Mnl, Ii 11, COrm;n aud Mhm ltndeneak," to be Kate Kndloott, Of thll plaoe, hM been elected The operette Prealdent of tlta Ameriean ~pctety uf Ctvll of one a el+ eontalulng ZnglneerL Mezt to the London o~nnl~tlon. life In ’* No Mannenl Jl|++]~e.m~l~ distinguished aOelety’of Ira kind ¯ In aong, tho grin{ In the world¯ Admiral i~ndloott waa f.r a 0~ IhorlP. \ Ume conn~0ml wllb lh0 Pllnania (~amnlllll*ln, \

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Post on 30-Apr-2018




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Page 1: The - Atlantic County Library System ep Aretlo Avenue toKentueky and held J~etter ba}" tloket~ foe y0ur cone~rt aen1~ to- the Pre~hYtertan t’nUl~+n, o! .l’renldn~ I~ela- three

i}m tho hu|l tO llllnol~ and A~tle Aventt.~Iim, rtlng,asfrleud.. +llalnnlond then re. to Ml~rkHnllth, ofMIIIvllh, wlusnvlPdlorTllt~- ,’t~r~. llewn~al~(inmeml~rofJNitrrng~n+elt

rooni and pnK:llred a.iiot gun, Oil Arellc duy, . Tribe of Ih~l ~leli, nf Illln ph~e, itil(l+ Ml~stmh7tenne lie. Inet Hamuel .t;o~)t)~r , whn lie,!l.ltt, inlnd, the firt~ln011’e h~lieilt ttt)neert and Odd¯t’eii~)w~ l~lgt!~ of Pine Bluff, At-pined had a hnnd In the fight, ’At the point noxt lhilrpsdlt)" evening. ¯ 19tnml~. lie Wire It director of Ihe Moy’ps I~llid-tllnn lie It~ld llhn hliek to l)lg~, pool rrmm, i Joiln Ih~rrttt, I~ eric;ling II laDl’e w~rk l+hop InK lhllldlng lind l,<mn A+m+o¢llliloo’ror IWl!lll.v~.ire he ehllmed he hnd beeo all °venice. At ’ hi Ihe rPar of hln Ahl~nl Avenol} t~ta}l~rty, thrl~ yt~tPR lilld lilt olnclal ll4id.nlemlll~r al’ ill4}

B pool room UOOl~r IkPd of.imveml men In K, P, Hinj~llwo~l In making note~ Iml)r~yt.. lpl~hylei+lan Choreh,

rmPlace whether be had .not imen In thel~ ment~ to hl~ M|stletoe Aveu~o property. . Foneml servlc~ will be heht ,Monday nl~,r-Irony all night. They an~wert~ Ill |he Born~toMr. and MI~ Albert PaaerellaMon. n<~n next froln ht" h~te re~ldenceand will tw,lrmatlve’aud JtAmmond left the place,, ite day, adaaghter. , oondueted by the Itev, J<~el (’;llnllnn, Imator of

I ep Aretlo Avenue toKentueky and held J~etter ba}" tloket~ foe y0ur cone~rt aen1~ to- the Pre~hYtertan t’nUl~+n, o! .l’renldn~ I~ela-three menon the corner. +lle then crime dgy befa/e all tbe belt onesare taken, ware, aMl,led by ]tev. C. P, Wayt of the Prim-

~k to the pool room, On nelirlng tt the me~ Dr. O. t~ Harker ts borne ~g~xln aftel a brief byterl&n Chureh and Rev. 8. K. Moore, of the~w In all dltectlona Ix) cover exceptFoot~ 0"lptotheWenL MethodL~t ~pl~,~oplllChnrehofthts pl~J. In-

ho In the Imck of the room walked toward. I+portaman gbby ltmtth Lagged n hmoe of terment will be made In the I’rl~byteHan

E l~aGeDtnmnee, kle met Hammond there andblack ducke down the rivet’ Itmt t’~tturday. Cemetery, l[ta widow aud Al~l~ter. Mre. Aunle

nt told him not to move a ntep. A MIM bllldred 8omerm, of Atlantic CRy, wal B. Kulqz~ ofMew Holtand, 1~., sdrvlve+elalmed and the .hut wM fired.- the gutmt of frlendll here ll~itnrday lilt, .... --i-~--- +--:

The Prolecutnr outlined an exl~-edlngly Mr~ William Barrett I~ villltlng relatlvr~ Tendered Birthday Party.ll~ng c~ee for tb0 HUlle and calh~t a number alld friendl~ at Medford, N.J. Mr. and .~|fps, John Truempy tendered Ihelr!wltneul~’whogave temUnlouy In ~utmUtuttt~- " W’llllaln l~ol~rlt mtye he will be on blind to daaghter, MImm l~,rolhy Truempy, ix birthday~on oftbemtme, he~r Mr. Hahn play again next Thtlr~day If mrty itt the!r ,Main Htree~ resldenee ~tturdnyIn openlug the ~ for die defcnse l~twyer~ he bna to ewlm to the Opera l{ouee, aflern~n hlst hi hnno~ oT the eleveath iiun{)hnJ. CraudallandlmuicNutter, counsclfor County ll~md Hupervl~r Japbet l’rl,cc, of ver~aryofiterbtrlh, Theaftertlo~)/lwaaload(le accusal, entered a plea for the prisoner ~m Piesmantvllle, wa~ a visitor Wedoeeday.

~ldental, Wltuesaea wen~ daughter, of Norw(m<l, [~l.., were the gucsta oflied who testified to aeelng I,’tmte+ and Hani- Mr, and Mrs. George J. ~tyeks Toemlay an<l)nO wrPstllug h’+ front of the pool-r~mn’on’ Wedn~dlll.IBIghtoftheih(xRIngafewmoneo~befon~ . Mr. and ~.r~John Clark, of l’h~llqintvllle,

shot"wlua fired. Whll0 liO one i, lw the wer~ thegueate of Mr. Rnd l%tl~ Marrl~rm lasthill killing one wltnem atated he~aw:ihe Thursday,a between the men. ¯ ’ ; Mra, Llnda Tlee, of V¢lldwood, ha~ returned

The priSoner in ills own dereaee look the to tier lioine al~r a plenmint visit hel~ a~ thelind and elallned Ignorance of lll~ ¯every gaestufher~t"ter~Mr~ G. L. HarkenIovement on the night of the muiaier and Mlail Nellie O’ftmdy r~turned to I~r.homerid: ~"I ~ been ptaytng lu the Ilmtlng rink at in JNew Ynrk City ThuraAay inorntng li~er it,rtanaM and’Arctle Ai’enues em a member of ,leuant week’e,vl,lt here a~ the guest of her

t t~ ,le orehemtra. I left + the dnk at Jt o~lo~k, elster, MI~ ~Tora O Lil~tdy.rom there I went to the Odd Fellow# flail, Tho I,adles A*’I f-k+clety of the M, IS:, Chut~th,here we had a I~nd rehe~rlal. When I left will hold lte t egolar monthly bt~slnema meel-le rink 1 had a man wllh me and on the way Ing nt the Chan,ti\on Toe, day evening next at) the Odd Fellowe’ Hall we had a drink. We 7.30p’ch)ck. All omeers and plemtwrq nl~.l l-ien went down the ~treet I~nd alnpl~.~l Itt vtted to uttend.taffued’e for ~nother drink, I then went U> The enterhllnnleutglYen In theOpera lloum~’eoti’e l~anc.e llall Io sp~’ud ,~llle time wllh’ last Priday evening by the Atlantic City lllghie memberm of the .band lhere~ llarvey, the l’k’hool Httlden~ ft~f lhe benefit of Marregun~tt¯ ~ ¢+,ader, ask~ql me to play, b~t I didn’t fc~i Tr|he of Red Men wna a flnnnelal t~ncce~,lual to Ihe. ~lon ant 1 hlid taken a pint of Mr, and MI’~ i’.uclen Taylor and dlnllhleruehu I+Jin. In.teed.or playing I hello to returned ix) Atlanlle Clly al~r~nco and imd ~veral drlnk~ at Ibe bar, I an extended v’lslt here an Ihe Kue~ o~ Mr.ira°tuber a man came back In the dance hltll Ttkylolam Imrent~, Mr. and ~tr,. 1). A, Ta~qor.’nd linked me a qu~Uon. I dl)n’t knt)W WhSt btrl~ Edwar~ Flteh and i~)n ~.~.~1,+~_.~dl~.luldL~lxeXher ~n-arttumas~t-~ ~n’~ly0ffic~-lli;t-’W~ne~lay aftqr.tit. Al~er the talk ] dat~mt aKaln, and fl"lt no<in aRer a pl~tmtnt visit hel~ tt~ Ihe’~ than beD.trr. I thl.n Went on thl~ out"lde (it" helr ~reat~, ~tr. and Mr. IL~)wltrd Itum~.y.F tbe hnll and a Kling of feliow~ rtmhed at In° lile’niauy frtendps of Jtl pP+, llarry Tayhir will3d knocked Ine dnwn. Ooe of Iheln kleke~ learn wllh plet~un~ thlil i~lle waa "hnlughl

¯ tie’on the~aw. Theu 1 h~itrd a Inall cry d(lil’t haine Moliday [toni blar’+’i,I Ps Pianiluirluln, At-It hint. My hPad wall ntnlnled nglilul+t II hlnllP+ Cllyt willrn, Mle liliderweilt two Plerlou.~lrb atone and after tluit I didn’t "r%¯nlenlUer a I}p~nith)itiil~ nDd Ill Im Ihe r~md lotl i’ompleh~ilnl that iliipi~ut~.’~ r~overy ’th0nlh ~1111 ’lil il ~elik colidlllon itlt ItBoth slden had eoucluded their c*ute at fi)ur I~Ult ofti,e oi~t’ralloID4+clock Thurmday afternt~a and IPrtme~’utot~ ltev,H. K. Mo~:re, In.tot ,.If the M. I,..Cllar~h,oldenberE mttde ~hln openlug uddte~ to th. will pit~tcll l~peclal sermons to tin+, ehlldreotry revleWhlg the evldeace and Mked h)r

lind young men nf the town to-lnorrow, [’It--rot degree verdlel. He waa followed b7 ceedlnK the nmlal morulng ~u~rlnon n| 10.30

lwye~ Crandall and Nutt+~r far llie defenne, i itev, M(mre will deliver a Iltlh, ~rmoaelt h)ho ple~Ae~ eloqaeuily fur the prhsoaer aud I Ihe children from the i+obJeet+ ’" l~diea andiked for n verdlel of acquittal. Coart ad. Geatlemetl.,, In the evenhlg at 7.~]0 iil~ ~ubJecltimed at~ix o’clock nnd rt~.onveued yeater, will >’ be, "On TImel" Thl~ dl~eourm3 will bety mornlug aL ten o+el(~k when Pnm~utor llpectally for the young toen nnGa eordlitl la-old~nbel’g made hln eloping addre~ to the vltailon lit extended to all ix) itttend¯,ry followt~ by Jullllee Trenehard’ll churg~, , ;.. -+-hleb WiUl Inlpar[’lal, chxirly.definlng the do- " Townsliip Teecherl" MeetinK.

of murder. A me°ling of ’ the Hamlltoti TownBhllf

-- Tell[~llelll Ai~*~t~latlun Wi~ It held thl. inorn-)r. Benjamin Abbott Dropped Dead, ing at the ltl~n l.lehool.’ when Dr, II. t!. Jam°,. ]Word WUJl received berelate ye~ltelday nftdr- bledlcal Inspector, will deliver all addrL, mL)on that l)r. Benjumln T. Abbqtt. of Oeeon pitrent~ of acho(d.ehlldretl and oth+.’rtt ate In- :

ty, dropped ~(~d at hll’~omeof a|~)plexy vlted to atU, nd. r/lie progmni of ille Ineetlugortly uRer one o’clock. ~ WII~ In the in ~ fullow~:at of lielllth aud hla ltBddea demhte wasa J tlusle, JMImiB,,rthal~mnier. ...........,l~k, Io iii~ lilmlly a[l d .~i.U.ylaL~aw~-it° t - " %Vlll!t aiuialiii ol number work and how ItIUilllIM*Ive oftlltll|lll’l~ llnd heother of J. I’~. I all~)uld im Uinght In FIrM (tnlde, II Mll~ Ih.h.llAbillill I Clark lit’. Abh<)ll~ lind ll~!v, WIIIhliil Ealll+di.Ablg)tt, ofOl~eali Itn)v~. Jd(lrt~, i)r. |i, (!. ,ll&nleR I JIlt~dlcal llml~’etnr.

--- -~" .... ’~Arlthnletle, : ll¢lw and wlial. In tile ieourlli

rocee(~ingg in the ~urroKa!e’s Court. and l+’lRh (}nldtn4?’~ MI~ Ailnle H.\Cllllln..~lu~oan% ad~ad|clited b’y "lhe t~unrl, at tlic "The" place of F~dk-hlre and My+th. ill theIhruiry lerni : Eml. Ihinnah t., i’orter, prliiniry (Inld~.; ,%ll+m I’,lura 11. Eldon.

(If °irate, IWI6,’.~I,U4 ; ll+;aL I~.llzaltelli Ii. i Mulde, ,%limt lk.rlha I +’. t’ramer~; l~lt. ~la 119. H~)t k~l ,! ............ -- ...........

Elliabeth T.yhw, Ir&Ip0.1,; Honor For Rear Admiral Endicott.Alkazln. 11,2.1&’2.5 ; F:.L I’klniu01 ILear AdlnlmI.Mordl~al T. l~+lldh’oll+ U. H. N.,

lnlnor, 12,15111. + , . retired, a hmther\of formel: Circuit Coui’t¯Judge A~eu Jl. Eudlcoit. Mi’~ l~t, sarls Ilowell

ng For Cantata. . . ind btrL lt.’lk itundall+ of Attantle C|I~, and~re hnay rthenrl- Mnk ll,.li,.lamlrd, Mnl, Ii 11, COrm;n aud Mhmltndeneak," to be Kate Kndloott, Of thll plaoe, hM been elected

The operette Prealdent of tlta Ameriean ~pctety uf Ctvllof one a el+ eontalulng ZnglneerL Mezt to the London In ’* No Mannenl Jl|++]~e.m~l~ distinguished aOelety’of Ira kind¯ In aong, tho grin{ In the world¯ Admiral i~ndloott waa f.r a

0~ IhorlP. \ Ume conn~0ml wllb lh0 Pllnania (~amnlllll*ln,


Page 2: The - Atlantic County Library System ep Aretlo Avenue toKentueky and held J~etter ba}" tloket~ foe y0ur cone~rt aen1~ to- the Pre~hYtertan t’nUl~+n, o! .l’renldn~ I~ela- three

Plet uro~lue

an twoudpll~ o11o hundrmlwith flfl.lbflvo lmUnd

)uhlle fuunlaltl, udJoln.11111 I)n 31idu I"ltreet.l,~lrmgut Avenue. H. (J, l|ubcr,

"" think, .~tltln Fltnx.t¯ M.R.ilelx)Mts ~1L~,(]00. l’re)dlh’ut.

i!). Mttkei)elwe. )nlry Ilull) l-tevond Htrevt¯ ilead, iuurter.

Ihlnee lltme (’onll,uny itlld I]Pn. Jll~ IlonkertL A, ll,,"

Freeholder’s C0mmlttces.

" 1‘’huuu’e -- Im\’,¯ls T¯ ltlihty, John Uusworth,l,’rederlek W. Willett,, .John Ashnu>lul, CyrnrlOsgo(nt, t’lulrlt~, i11u’t, Jolltl 1-#, ltlsley.

A14ylutn lind Ahni~hllUNe--I;llurh’14 C¯ 1‘’ortuer,

(h,orgl, %V, lOrederh’k %%’, WIIIt, tt14, Alfred It. ~uilth, .hlhu’ge 31e(hlll’e, Al’dlnli’ud, tSiullueI. Mi’hllerlm, ttolu, ih)~l’t i%1.

1, Oenrge %Vii- l|t!,rt, ,]ohu 1{. Jl)hlll~Oll¯

CiltLrk,sT, Ely, It, t’ouuly’lloadr l~dwIIi ltohlilstln, Jollll Ull~

J()lln~Ou, %%~llhlnl worth, I"ranl’. I,;nderllu, (le(Irge()rllll),¢i,~

r ) it’~e l’eri’y (¯hllrh,,l lh’hhu¯s- Frlilli{ J.:lldt,rlhl, .|ohli 11, John,qltlt,..... It. N,wtlnllu,r, I’lulrh,s Ihu’l, Alrred li. ISInllh,

¯ i--- ’,i I " illu’ry May, Jllllil’st’lllllno.-- - I l’uhlh! lhtlhlhtg~ I,’rt,del’h’l{ W¯ %%Tllletts,

Council Committees ,~¯ I¯hiu’le, (’. I,’ortner, l iatrry Mnv, l,Mwln itobiu-~llllt’r ,I. Ihlzby, liu,~lltv i{t,~sh,I i i41)ll, .i()lin ,~1. ILIMi,y,

ilhl,% Piitlnuel |-t. I’ho~ohtl~, ,h)hn i,’orl~:lh,d l{i’eiqglllZlinl’i’s ~ Ihlrry )hty, Johll

144~ lind i’olh’t,--i I t,llry IhHh’, .I r., I I IrlllliIs, Illicitly lic~h,r, I,L~..h)hn~oli, \VII.

Ii1 l%iiLI Ill.Mlhllug (’l)lilnllllel.-.ii)hn Ill)nlLl,lly, Vh’i.r

FEecduger, liirllrll MnLIIl~, I,olll~ A. Plli,lll-I)eeki!r, .h)hli .%lurlhllill.

I)l.lullng--l,L ,~t. ,h)hllmili, Iil.I)rgt, II. Iiith)’

~ltlllUl’l 14. l)ll(ll,liil~, V¢lllhtl)i ~. I’ulhl)l,rl,~,%’lilh’r .I. Ihizt))’.

I,~dU)’lilli)ll--\’l’lllll)lii 31hilht, Iq. ~. ,llihtl~liil,~i’it.llir l"rl’|~llU4lq’, I:)lll~ A. ~h,llil.,l’lt(,r, .h)hnlh)nniqly,

laiw--i.;dwIi) A. Piirklq’. lli,lirgi, II. lilt|l,

-hllg’14 work ~i’h¯h)r Fri,l.dngt.r, Ill.nry Ih)lh,, ~r., l,liiibl

~¯ The flr.~l uhlrnl- ; ~h,lnl)l,t.kt,r.~ll’i.l,ll~. %’l’illR~ nlill I II’lve~. -~tilllll(,I 11. lieitd-Is Ihe orderhll~ i)f Icy, %%’nlh1111 ,.-4 I’ulhhi,rl, ~lllnll(,I ,"4, Iqi)ltq)ll~.

i{,.l’und Judging from the

illltl Ill tiirnul{h the i~t-hl~’ll qlille hnl4y dilrlllg lhe

lui.lhod (if rl,lil~ierlxii4 9olei-14’ i~iillullly Ilill)t, rfl,t’l. .~o lUillh,r how

likhlt@ Ihl. oln(.t,l.~ nlliy lit,, lllli~lllkt,Pi lu’e

Ilid h)llt’¢lli’. II Ollghl Io lit, itl~lllll)h, nih)t{i ~l,l i?%’(wy %olvl"S liitliil, Oll lhe rt¯gl~lry il~l Ill

lll~ I)l’t)l~q ’ dlMrh!t nud liny revl~llon i)f till’qi’eth)ll h ~holihl ulidl,rhlllt7 h) I)rlllg llil~

mh| ? 1 n It {llne whPii111t" i’1~1, ii1" hying" Ilil~ ~ll’ildlly llirreil~l)d, lhl,rl,Ill)~ hi.i’ll lie tlt,l|llll~, lilOVl,llil,nl l)i prl)’,-hii,

i’hllrlqi I111~1¢1+I"~, h) lill’i’l Ilie Ilil’rl’llm,. .\~ltl’dW|i3; |it’ hq] 1111. llillil~Ir)’, lille yOllllg pi’l,iil’lil.r

l’l’l)ill’t| ~ " FI,I’-fivt, l’l,~)~llll~i it will, ll)lll rl)tlrchlhhl,11." Thl. ilillil~lt,l*~ who itrl, i)ilhl i,lilOil~h|i) Li3 llwi)v i1 "iiltii3" ih)y Itlnd" Ill.i, i.%l,ry-

J)lll)lli’ lilh’llllt)li I~hnllll ,~f )’tliK

%,It" hi’it Iht. p,’,)Jlh’lit’l Ihiil itli lllltrlli-

liil~hi, I,iilli.iI ill~)li

|ll lir111 k iltlp’blt~l~ I)3"

I{.. ,h)hllf~l)li, .h)hii l). I’ilrv(’r, Iiel)rge I)rllllI,I,]h’lt T. 1‘’llllqd.

IIl’dh)illil’l’~ -- I~illlillel %t,’llilIwhl)lh)lit, la, T. I tlillly, ,l’l)~l’l)h llrl)wu, .hillll,~ I ¯lilllll(), I.ewl,.~lii~llli.

’ ~l)hlh,r~’ Ihlrhtl- ,h)hn 1-4. Itl~le)’, I’yruit ()~lg()od, Alllh,r~l)ll Ih)llrKelil~, ilol)Prt i11irl, N.rLhnker.

1)lm’hilrlw i)f i’l’l~olu’r~-l<lvn T. I’¯l |11’111, ,h)hnI i. i ’llrver, I h’l)l’l(i, ,ll,lli,r~, %%’lllhini ,I. IIhleR,I liilil’~ ( ’hll hill

I’rlnlhlll iiilll ,~lh!Ah)liely - lll)l)rl~i, llr|lll,ewl,. T, I’lnlny, (’hltrh’~ lhlrl, .hihii I) I Xt,’ver,%Villhlln’.|. IlhieR.

IAI)rllrv- ,h)hli I’li~w~)rlh, .h)~t,ilh llrl)Wu,"Ai)ll)’l’~llill Ih)url~,,~)l% ]..wIi~ )lll~tt)ll I JllilIL’rl .~1,Ilnrl.

Municipal Clerks of Atlantlc County.

)lhsl)l’l)ll I’113’--~lllllUe[ .ll)llll~))n.Alhlnlh’ I’lly--I,L IL lh)nnelly.IhiPtiit Vll~hl TI)wIL14hlI) -- |)l)lllilL’4~l lll~’d

.N i:wllvliLli1"lgilillhle I ’lly-- I¯~. 1l. i~llullh.EI4g Ihirltl)l" I’lty %%’lllhllu 3il)rgt,ilwt’ek, ,|ri*]gg lhlrhl)r ToWli~hll)-Tiil~)dlire l~liinh

~t, ullvllh,.I.¯~)l~oiii Ihlr;)ill4h-,h)hii I’. l.:l)y.llnll()wily Towii~hlll- Ihtrry II. Ih)lti,i

l)ollll,rllll hi.Ihtlnllll)n Ti)Wli~hll)--TholiLl~l)n it. lhx)vl~i

~llty’r4 IALii(lhig.liiliLillil)ilh)ll--%V. It. ~i’l.h,y.

! 7,;?~’I:,,,t< 9,W, ,dl~,|~ 7,:).,",.,,,:.-’,’.,,r:~|,31 ullh’lt Townlhlp-- lllhu | I. I]llrver¯ l.]l’,,,’(~)dMnrgitle t’lty--(Jhiu’h’,~ Ihtrl,Norlhlield Clly--,|ohn %%’, Ih.lgl.~,IHill~alilvllh, :X~*li/,nlhih Andri,w~l.ih)l’t I{Vl)ul)lle 0’113" -Chtrhc A..hihll~tl)ll,’-4ol)i(\r~’ l)()hil (’l13’--,]iliii,..~ II. ,~(,iill.Vt,illnllr i’ll)’--’l’~. ~h’),lililtn ltl)yill.Vt’),ylnolllh ’l’lIwIj~lilll- John %V. Ptiillgg,

Tul. kl) li~ ~,.

I.’l)l’l*lUllll, .h11111!~1 i.t|’lh.linoll, |hlllUlll)lllill.,A I1~11’~ )it I ’lty--l tilnl(,I 1,’,’it Jll,i.,~..~llhtnlh, (’113". liur.’y Ihlclnlritch, llrhil.lib,

Ihilil)llOy, Myrlh. l,’rlllil~, llitrry II. I’(~)li.lllrnnl .~hlllil~, ll’,vhl It. Ih)rr~,ll. Alml ,’-Ii,t,n¢l,’t’hllrll.~ E. )V’it~lit,r, |~lLlll’ AliJ’lHi, I’hill’[c~l E.llll41111~, I;]llll~ ll~l~t,lll)l)lllii, P. I.. IIIiwIdli%|"rnlilt 11. I]~tWIliilll, ,h)hu A. ll¢)lllnii.

Ihll-lnt ",l~ln Ti)wIl~hll)- %VIIIh;ili il. (’ollil ~I’]}4K Ilnrllin’ ’l"llwii~hll)--~i,yliiiHir )ll.l.~l,iil~iliI;alh)wny ’r;iwli~hll).-Fri)iik I.]lld),l.llu.1 lilllillh)ii ’ri)wli~hll)-.| Ilirrl~llll %VIl~oli..~llllrl~illl, i ’lly I ’liill’lC~ Ilitrl.]’h’lt~lnlvill,, -,hll)ln.~ l’rh’e.,~llllll,l’~’ Iqillil 1’113’-Ah’xllliill,l’ %’. ihlri .

....... -4)-- .......

Ilotlce of Fire Alarms.Th,. llrv v,’h h(h, I~ Ill lll~ bh)wl,d for fin, itlitrll

()liI.v, Tiu, llhtrnl ~lll~llltl~l ilrl, il~i flilh)w~l:I .~lil)ll tllit~l , .~()rlh (11" i,’h’l, l’thllhHl:;2 ~llllrl I)IIIM~,, I’~il~l i)f FII’I, Pllillh)iiI’1 ~hl)rr I)litMd, ~)lllli 1,1" I"lrt, ,M~lil h)il.i ~llii)rl lillti~l~, ~IVt,i~i lit I,’irl, i-tliilhlli.

All I)II1ML-I Ill’l, h) I,i), lirl~,l.dl.l| WllhtHil, hilil~lihl~l i)~ lilt iihll’li) lit lln,,. In hh)w ill~ Ihi,

lit (irll~.r Io pri,Yl,lil i|llllili~l, lit Ill~, tvlil~lh.,


Is the Salt of Trade. WhenBusiness Is Slack It

Results as well as In, the BusySeasons Try advertlslng

In "The Record"and watch the


Fancy Vests


Underwear Fine Hosiery, .Gloves Cravats

Stet~n HatsWarm Jersoys "

Manhattan ShirtsNo’by Caps Bath lRobes

Hunting Shirts -Woolen GoodsRain Coats


¯ 332 Atlantic Avenue,

O~lloslte CRy Hail, ~ ATLANTIC CITY.

OI’T 1C I,t< N ,’4, FINANCIAL.

A Questionwhich wlll..ltnrvlve you or 3~Otlrl,;xeeutor, If ynn sele,2t mid Indlvl-d111~1 Wheli dmwlll~ your will¯

The {.hliinluh~ Trnst Conlptlny IlllUl Incurponded ]’.’xeeutor I%1111TrllMe~ nnd ",viii all dl~lW yot’lrwill, 11~ 8er¥1ces nre no IIiOlX~ ex-I~nMve thuu tho14e or rill Indlvldunluetlilg in Iliet~ el~lqt0111e14, llUd IIwill nol UlOVO aWe.y) fllll I11 or die.C(irrcsl~uldeuco or pe~on0.i Inlei~%’1,..%%’i4 ure invited.

I’ut)lhll pidd In ..................... II00.000l-hlrplu~ .................................. l~.~lO,0QO

Want You To See,My M etlhod

your eyesit will give heth’r n,mlll~ Ihlln i’1111IraScibly he oilhlhi),d hy lhe til~,0 of dnll)~

NO questions askednu|ll I ldiliv¢ you 1he leli14t’~ 14uihtllh:Io your cye~

Let me dcmonstrat0Ill iteeLIHley) [~ few inhlule8 C)lL]y te-ll IIIrt, d

If you doubtt e (’11 ’nwl t’l,,~" I f yl lit |)1’ ’,~,ut 111 lw’#s,I)fl’, ’ i, L ’¢1~11 UlI~I Ily i, niI hlylng t liltlUel u.I I Will rclldl 3’ h.I .’i’ll i f Iheylife Hullllille [11 youl’ eyl’Nt t)r you nlliy

Try thtzIt yOU IhhLl~ I|1e glll)~(’s yllu hltVI~ [ll’~

-,, . , ¯.

IPI’NANCiAI~. " " I ’.. "I’INA]t’CIAL,

¯¯ . D

I " .

, . ,., ¯Camden 5a£e elpos t & ru t Co., .. 224,Federal Street, Camden, N~ 1.

Pays Acts,, Teach Your chld ,.

"" To Save "Tlmo l)~poslL, " Admlnlstratort( d,~ys~ notice’ and ’lie will realize -tile ......

I per &tit, the value of lllOllCy. GUtirdllixi" ......~SubJc~t to check lit Open a ’.’4avillg’ ac-

"tilght on avernge count for llinl here. 3--o--

balanee of I~200 Trusteeand over . per cent. interest, for

--o--Our new mifo-dclmmlt vntllls " Corl)oflxUon

BAPE I)EP(IISIT are ns ~ffo and el)lnlllete itvlBOX~’~ IiIll(ICrll n~thods aud nllldl. Mortgugcs

tO r~lll. ~’2 per nlices ean maRo them- ill)1411~ --(1-~ lulely flr~ und hurghir-pnlor.

itltnUln itnd [Jl)lile In anll 8e~ Ihem.W’llltt kept

upwurd wlihntil I;h Ul’g~

¯ , " . iCuplial ...... ~ ........................;, ......................... $11,000 00l-lurplu14 ....................................................... ~ i,000,01D.00tJndlvlded Prollt~ ...................................... :..,~:11142#1,L~11¯ I )t’l,llSItl~ ............................................. ’or1T ~1,50t),000.01) ¯

/ ’l’ru~lt ~’uiida ............. : ................... ...............I~5,1100,1D0.00 " IAI, O. WOOD, l’reMd(,nt. ’ WII,I,IANI IS. llll;U’I,i, , Vice l’retddenL

;--~ lit "]’H)IIItAII~I ’TObIL1N~.()N, 2nd Vl(:e l’rtmhlent and Trust OIllcer.¯,It181’:1’11 I.iI’I’I;NCOTT, )See, mid ’rn~ts, . ItEIIItUI,: ,I, il1‘Ht(tb~N, t"lollellor,

The G ea }est Nulbe Of people don’t g!vc sttfficicnt attention to the

iulportant matter of selc~tinff an ExecutOr. TheAtlawti’lll~afe DcP0sit and Trust Co. is’organizcdundcr thc law. If any of its officcrs dic, tlicy aresuc~ccxlcd tly nlcn cqually as capablc. Thcrefore,

of loss or mismanagcnlcnt through tll’e deathof the party acting in this capacity. We draw " "wills free when appointed :Executors.

I~AFE D~I’OBIT lioxE,’l 1‘’olI JtK.~lTi $9.01) Ui’.

Capita(and Profits $525,000

Deposits, $2.300,000

The Atlantic 5are Deposit & Trust C0,,,N. E. Cor. Atlantic & NeW York Ayes., Atlantic City, N. J.

ImlTt’t’lly mLIInlhch)ry. ,VIlli lllUy rely OllIiii, i,llhor IL~Ul’llil~ yllU Ihilt llll’y iirei{ll right lir ~hl)Wllil~ \¯llll olhel~’whlell,.1’111 (,llld)h.)’till hi ~ee In’ltl’r wllh.

E0 7 Lai ,- O/J/ician,

11627 A~antic Aven~e,Atlantlc CRy, N. J.

(lllt¯ll evenllLK14 unlll 10 1’. I~!,I.:xl~nlhllllloll hi III)~ evenlllgI~,th.i ¯ Ullnl hy dity llghl,

"Insight Into Eyesight"Your Eyes are

Your Mnzt Valu:ahla Pn~.,~.l-..

Do You Value Them ?

R. Andrew Tollingcrfor 20 yearz eye speclallzt wlthLongstreth, Is now as~oclated wlthtm and Is In poaltlon to give you thebenefit o[ his experience, combined

d. HUNTE ,Eye Speclalist,

214 /~ark~t Street,Philadelphia.

O."(ill Vii hie .Vollr t’yl:’l, Itl |he I)rh’e ))f q)r iil.(,llrlll(,ly llUl.d gin, m,~’, (’l)llNnl| Iheh’ltdlllg ( II)lll’llUl ))r Ihtlll h" (’Olllil y

Dr.A.L. Yeung, (Oph. D.)Oppo. Public School, Egg Harbor, N. J.

The ~,rv h’e,~ 1if li Met ’l)rlllh.R ( ’(flh¯gq, I I rlldullle it ~)’liolil i)I’ 1hi. llil),~ lllih, ,]%- ,-11 i~,lor~i Iii Ihl,I’olnilrvI II)l~llhlllil~ itny i)illl, ttl)hl I jhlh~l.,~ fl ~).111. ~)) I)r-I)~, No l~urt4h’lll ()l~l¯rillh)n.

[’ro4.~r!/vti .~frrli¢//ifr’llv¢/ u’ilh (illi~.~+’#i.I"l’l’l, I’ll’l’llhlr~t iiIl IIIi, I’lln, (ff Ihe l’]yl’s.


¯ TAil,Oil. I TAILOIL ’ ’ "

IIA RTI.KTT IIu I inlo,,Yorth O,r,,tf,l~i it’ Atht,ltle Arenura, Bell Telephone 1 193-A

A¢lantie C~t#, A" J.

Atlantic CRy Nationali

Bank,.ITLANI’IC (’IT](. N. J.

L IIpltlli ....................................................... I~D,O00l’lu I’pl u ~ ..................................................... 1~1,50,00(}UI d vhle I I’J’OIIDt ...................................... ~00~000

I’hltrIP14 I,]vnlL141 l’l:etddenLtI )~el)ll 11 I| )rll)l Vh~M’r~ldentPI. II. I lollnliifi I I’~l~lld %, Ice~i’rv~ldenl.)I’~Iw(~I IS..lhtrtlett, ClIMllcr.

Di II ECTIIn,~I(¯hltrh,,~ J,]VlUl,q ¯ll~ei)h li, lh)rlonJ: Ilnhi(.~ l,l|)plln’oltt, 1~. I). llolrn)lni,1)llvhl I,’llz.~ln IIII1,~1 1‘~(Iwlird M. I.ev,Dr. Tho,~, K¯ Ibm:d, (leorge Allen,

%VIIIhun It. Ihlrtlett.

I~itfl, Ih’l~lt Ih)xl’~ For I(ent In IhLr

-- -. --_ --- .--U/.

LUMllEIt ET(’.

~Vhcn hi, ant Of

Nill WorkItlid M’ltlit I I (~llllekI 1)llDlie illl I We hnve tt

ill rlghl Krllde and rlllil i)Fh’t~, %~’1’all.liver IO ylnlr’df~)r,

EgTg HarborCoal & Lumber Co.

1,bf~.vrlu H,’nr,v A’~inn L," Cb,I

Phone 2-02.- Egg Harbor CRy, N. J.

I1o 1It I1 ItTailor & Impoter, .J

\904 Atlan,tlc Avenue, ¯ ATlaNTIC CITY, N.J.

__--~__-- "~Z ZT_ :-L~L 2N -’---Z _ " ...........................


Egg Harbor City.~lay’s L~ndJng.

Samuel Winterbott0m)1_ThalrnLan I,:x. CL.In.

Trtel)~me ’~7-o."


Fhll Ibdo--l’l,r right per month bnrnlng fl’mltldtmk Illl lop, m¯:

For Nt).¢el)lher, l~-~t.nlller)Janual~’......$1.00l,’cbruury, Mlirch......,..~ ......................... -..75April, M~y, ,huLe, .luly. Augtist ............. 0014eptelnber, Oeh)ber ................................. 75

.15l~llnl)nnni t’harge of 7t} el*. per month,

| )114~’NHI nll’l--I#rDill nlei~.~r lind llLLt nlte~i."5 per cent. (in hills i)f 1f4.00 or over

i0 I~’r oent‘ on blil~ of 8.00 or beer]5 per cenL t)uL hills of LS.00 or over20 per I~’lll. OU bills Of 20.00 or over

10 i~rVeuL nddlUonlil dl~wonnt ou )Ill bills imtdI))" ~%lh III month hf .D’.g’g Harbor Clty~rIn May’i.i Llindhuff.

---~-7--]-Z-~-"7--_---T.S-_-’Z::IIT-?.~.~_-~R Z’_ .... : 7::---. IL----~-~±L£_ ................. ~ .....

\.Ingalls Electric ’Construction Co.,Electrical Engineers and Contractors,

(hu~and Electrh’.alFlxtun% lul~uid1,14ee)it 22 South Tennessee Ave.,..lallnlm, Eh~tRrle IsIgnH lind F:lt~.trh:ISUl)plle~ Atlantic City, N. J.

l~ole Agent8 for Crocker-Wh~.~.ler 51olor~Ovaxlt Phone 17’~1lind Dynnnllm.11¢li Phone #.¢7#-#I

"’-7---7 ~-LTZ]A_-" -’ZT--Lk-_.- _’_? - ]_" ...... -~ ~-_. ’ 7 " .. _ ._ -." _-_-. ~-

Eye Troubles ..... Y" ---.L _.. -i -2"

Iflhl’ I)llr(’llltt Ile)’d I illl~.~v,~ in" I:llh(,lif Ihl’lli hltVI, Ih’fl’~:ilvl, vl~h)ll Ihl,rl,i~ llllil~ml hivi)rhll)ly Irl)lil)h, Ill IIi1,11.(,It Ihl i,yl.~.

Take No Chancesl’ilt%’l’ I~lt~lll. li(’lLlth llllll I’llllli’llrt I){yl)lll’ i’lillllrl’ll I)y I*’tthiK I1~ tht)r.llllil~lll3" I’Xltllillli, |li¢,lr~i lilid rt.~illiN-NIIl’t¢ Ilild llLil V III lll~’lly 1"11141"4gill~e,~ ",vonhl evl,r Im pl’l"m’rllled.

L.W. Belts, D.The Oi~tometrY Specialist\

912 Atlanttc Ave.,ATI.ANTII; It:lTY, N I’]%%’ JHIL~I,’.Y.

ltE A/, I,’..WIr A T 1~..

tSal Rs a i ="=’"Sold andExchanged,

~,1Ortgiige14 alld ]~’lr( 1 hll4UlllllCt~l,


II South Penn.~ylvanla Avenue,ATI.ANTII’ (~I’I’Y N. ¯I,

Xitl We k,/h)th Phones 32,


209 N. Missouri Ave.ATLANTIC ClrY.

MIll and Yard:

Missouri Above Baltic Avenue¯,. - . . ~. -: ." _

(" IliA Itl~t.

tlan-ls Bixls. Cigar Co.,is for Funeral~ Wholesale De~alers In Cigars,

Notice. Cig’arettes, Tobacco, Etc.M,’e (’urry lho htrg’l!llL ~Ito(’k in Hou[h Jorm,y,

I~oh) ligeoLll for (;ll)e,). Truth all(i(llus ~ll~. (’lglir)l.

HALL Co., l’rletm I))l apl)lh.~lth)n"

South, Corner Atlantic and Virginia Avenues,J, ATI.AN°I’I( ’ (’ITY, N, ,I,


When You Want Solid Cigar Comfort Smol~e

’TIle Clllal ¯ Of Qualft;/.\ \

Our i’El Clgarros" are Unequalled.

Lipschutz "44" CilF lade phia,

Sold by the Water Power Company Store) \John Pratt, Morse & Company and Oeorgo I~. Bi~be.

Do you kno what a emovable Platen is

If you learn about lt,’you will see that a typew?lter without It

lacks a.fetature that ls essential--so essential that eventuallyall typewrlters~ will try to have It. The one type’,vrlter nowoffering this feature Is the

-el \ \ , o ’

@m %h emaxWrite us for

what a Rerand what It does.




. .’. ’. ’ .

"[., i



r vlrtu~ ’0f a wrlt, of flerl rixd~, to’Jbmued out of the Atlantlo Count

L lit publlo v~du(TIIE;i~3IOI[TEF,;NTII.IIAY OF


u’eln~k In the iffl~rnoon ofl~rlld dlty I ato’n 11o101l’ ~orlle~ ’Athmtlo ixnd 15outhll Aven410,.In the City of At|untie CityIor Atlu Itte and ISt41t~ of ;New .lerm)y.IIOSe ee ’tally tmem or pUll-i~ls Or MndIn the City.of Atlnutl0 City, (’ounty of

and £ttate of blew Jer~y. l~lundcd,i follows: - -" ,


YIZ : one Irom

lind rl~rded In ’tile Clerk)s Oflleeof Allotto nty In book Nv. 171 of de.In puge’Jl(tIlind lhe other from Henry lhddwIn anti

, dated 1"3eph;ml~r 30, 1892, ree~i~cd In thee afore~lld In I;~ooR lifore~tldon I~ge l(D of

~, ~l etc.nnlng nt .tb.e l’]oulhe~Merly cot..nnd, Uniled I~latt~ Avenlle lied

}111½~ (I) l~)ulhliltrdly 01hlng the,)f Umi~d ~llltes Avunne eighty

lll)w or late of Wllllaln laidner;Eil~twardly pt~mll¢l wl[It ¯ lh~lllet lihmg the lhm i)f ~llld hind nowor

ofMrllllum Lildner ntuety P~tl them~ (3)trdly pal’allet wltli United ¯hRat~eighty fli~t tu tile I’~uthorly Ilnp of

Ivenno t thenee it) .Wemw~rdly n’fongtherly line of Pl~ifle Avenlll! nlnclyie pla~ or he, Inning, . . . ,im the l)l~lperty of ldlt G. Kendrlck

.~11 In exccntlnn at the stilt of Morrl~ b.el lil. trll~llng tm I~trawbrtdKo &

Lind tO be Ito/d b~" . "’EFIOC,H{ i,, JOH;NrSON,

Sheriff.Januury 14, 1911. . .

& COi’.i¢, AtLorney~l’r’a re0, Ir24,8@

?(JHANCEltY OF ~I~]W JFiitSl~]Y.



an order of tho CourL of (:ban.I’~y, xnILdo on tlus day of dato

eltu~o wherehl Clam Ia~g’an ISlind

II n14w’er

~lll I~e1. you.

or tgllll~e lllltdeduted

-- ..

J~EOAI,*, ¯ LF, G A L,



u I,EGAI,.

s i’E(’IA

lly vlrhle nf tt dl,eree1:ery uf,Now ,h,r~oy,

SlIEIIIPF’8 I’~Ai?E0 - i

11 ’y virtue qf li writ of Ilorl ~li.chmt k) luo I’ll.rl~tcd i I~lUell out (it the ;New J0r~ey Court otChancery, )viii DO ~old ut l)nbllc vgodue, on



I~.# - -- t

lly Vlrlul, of¯ix writ ill Ilerl filvlilh, to nie~cted I~lued ont of thl, New .|01’,~e3t ((Jhlinl:ery, will I)t)~fld.lit I)uhlic Vl,lldill!

ISATUItD’AY, T]III.; J,:I(JIl’ri,11‘:l~TIl I)4Y h)uglil~OF MAROll, ;N]NICrEI,:b~ IIUN. Murk A. It114,1il’q

l)lt1‘:D AN4) I’H,I’;VEN0. :’,hi n)ile, nt imblat tWO ii’eloeR In’the iifl0rnoou of mthl dll, y, at Ut tWO o’ehmk In theilflerli114ql a)f mll’ll dny, Ill , l)nKnehnle’~ !Ii)tol) corner Athulth).nlull-h)uth Kueluile’~ Jh)It,I) corner Atla)llh~ and Moulh BA,j,Ulli,iA¯y, ’ ’]Pill,:7 l,’~’.~{Ilrl’II I)AClirollnn Avelnlelt, In,the City of Athultlc CRy, Carollnn, Avenue.~r in Ihe elly l)f Athuitlc City,CounW ofAtlmitloandi#llito, nfI~h~w Jelzey. Uounty.fAIllintie and~iail, nf New ,lei’14oy. ¯ MAitCII, NflNET1‘;1‘LN ilUNi}lti0. AI!th~tIrlictorlm, reclofl.llild I~lnlpreinlse~ All the rullowhlg de~ei’lin~l lrtll~A of lunil ’lttl~ i)

A’N’h,EIA’~/iCYI:Iferolnaller I)lirtlelllurly ¢lel~rlDed) slliiille) sltliltle, lylul~lnd hellig lit the Clly of Ventner

aml belnI In Ihe llhrough elf ~Oilicr~ (Jlty, In tll~ Coilnly nfAthLnllc lind Pllltil: nr e I )ttr of two i, clock In t11~ aflerliliun,In tim (Jounity of Allnntle. iLnil l’ltalCOl ;New Jersey, houndl, II tl I de~e!’lhcd Ul~ fol- l~in.hule’s Ihll~l, iq)rner ~Ol th (JUFollillt.ntUl’~y,’ houndedlknd dt~crlbl~l I114 fullows, Io’,,,’ll¯:

Avenul~I n the (" lly ef AI Ilnth; (’lly,¯ " " ¯ lleghlnlllg" ul it polut lu the %Vc~L(.rly line of,,’ llel~ll~nllii at apolnt in l’lro~dway (.) eel cd) Victorht I)luee diMtunt LIiren huullroll fi:el

I sllllltle I111hl~Towui~lil’lit th0 Northweld0rly eorlier of l)01~Jrllli ,lune I~Jutllwurdly frolll Ili~ ISoutherly line iff At- 1’;1411 iilirhor (now AIil:eiln (’lly), AIIluillAlidcr~)n’~ lot n~ ~et off to iicr In 1he dlvIsIoli lantle Aveuue nlid ruunlng iin,uee (1) ~%’esl- ii ty, houinh.d iuld det~lJbedl~ llolhiw~ ¯ -tll~ r~11 ~late ’or ltlelnlrd 1.. ISomer’s, wurdly,l~lrnllel with Alllinth~Avenile Mxty- h’glinlnl~lttllJ~t, fi)raeorners1~t IiiniiblI~umnler nf 1~2 nud ruull two luld IIv~-Ieiithl~ fi~t lheuee re)’. l~oul/i- ,d u Itth: PhlUtk of the I-{onlh end or the oldI’~’s ilndihlrteen mhiilkl wurdly pucullcl wllh, %’leh)rhl Jqlil¯l , ,i n, thllu lind elh~lld14 Ili’141 Nortli tweuly-Iwo UildIn, heP line four hundred lind four feet) huudred lUid twt~uly-llve f~et tu Ill0 Norlhor )- oilie.llUUlder dl,grt~,~1%Ve~l on mild ihllu Ill pitrlinoi~ or It,ll) to Ilie orlglnlil Iiun’( f tiic l~olu~r"rl Ihie nr the Ihmrdwnlk I lhence,l:l) I,hl,~l~vai’llly liliie eliilhi~ to li id~R), hi the i.~lgil or llie l)lnt.~.Imld i I~cond) We*il~rly Inllld line 0nq hnn. lil aud illong the l~tlld ;Ni)rlherly line of Ilil Ihence 121 I~lmlh Mlxly-~.,ven (h.lrl~.~l Wt-Mdl~l and twcuty-thrtl and twcnty-llve hun- i#oltrdwitlk mid lmnlllol with Alhlntl¢ Avl,uue ilnl~ii ehuln~l t() #lngthl,r 141like for IL COFlil~r.dredtlm feet to a corller or Flor01it~15.1501111,8slxty.Iwo nnd ~tve-teiitl114 feet h) lhe W’eMerly tlicn~o (11 l~lulli Iweu’iy.lwo und on~tuartel-Iotl Third, ;North t~0¥~li delreL~l und thlrilen IlnoofVlelorl~i l)lP~el thene4; 141 ;Norlhwurllly defrel~ I.~t~t nine ehuliitl h) u 1411iRe Illi 11 mlnulen We~t In tier lille four hund red und In und uhlnl tlioWt~derly line or Vlelorhi I~)iitli shle of.the I)nlneli) tli’enee I .Norltwo feet, inor0 or le~, to lier corner lu Ilrtmd- l’luee one hnndred liufi tweuty-ilve feet 4o II e 1410ily.~e.,¯etl degrl~ East lifie~li ehnln~ hi theWily; ~ourtli, ;Norlll el~lhty.two degl’ee14 lind phleeofliegl|inlngi imilif.l.ot Nih 1¢ hi llloell I phu:eorheglnniug. I;oulidulug llilrt(~ii neR,~forty-seven mlnute~, l~lst iu lhe reline 11111, on a niiipor Ik~ll Front Ilulldlnl Lot14 Mlilikle ilud It hulf im tile itllie nillre or llr,~. It I~lligliundrt~ ~rid IWeuly-lhreo uud Iwenty-Ilve In V~ntnor(’lty, N. J,. ht’hnlglnR I<)Jollil~l(lii, i~ I)ilrt or whut Is eillh!d Ilie ~¥1t~lnlll triteihuudredtli~ f~et hi the I)lal:e))f helluulnl, Jeon/uglt uhd etlier~, duly filed, hi lhe (}ll~ee er lileludlng lhe eilDtte14 ilud .Ihe rlgills of dod’erbeing th0 KaMerly Inllft)fll lot 41] lind limdg’liL~l Lhe CountyClerk ofAthl.ntle Ci)unlY0 tit M11y’14 of the defendltnl.’ l¢]llzlt A. Adlllllfl ~llOW Ellz tto Jo~’JlJ. l~)lilerll In lhb dlvltihlu (ff Ill0 rl~tl I~lndlog, ;New .lerttey lind Ihut i¢lllli htndtl tnll VILn Pelt), widoW of lhe d0felidi)lit, Alfrede~lale or ltlcliard I. I$olner’141 dcl:cnsell lu 11~21 prenilsell liI~. It) bP I~nhl frt~ ~1nll elc~lr or lttl Adlnlln, dl...¯e~med, luld or PII(~,I~; AdltlO%and lot ;No. 11 of the lime prcml~ett which re~trlclhnls und (~l~eliienL~nnd rlgll114ofwny. ’widow of 5lurk Aihuii~ .Jr,, devl~l~.d, In tieMarllll ~. 11.15cull lind l~’ll)reucc 15. I~eull,’ h114 I~lelzed P~ 1he prl)l)erly orArlhe l.l iI lim)ll wild prenlll.~141 and hleludhig lil~) Ihe curle14vwife, by llldenturu bellrlng dlile tiie’2ud daT nr i~l. el. lind L!lReu In ext;cuthiii ill lhe suit of rlgllt14 nf Wllllitnl E. L~,, hu~lmnd of Miir~.May, A. D¯, Ill, duly i~l)rded In lhe Counly l~nlel L. Collhi14 itnd to he tJhl b;F. ’ Bell I~, dl~.~t~l, ’lh ’lhe l*lll)l l)rl.inl~.,% liuh~lerk)n ’OI~co of ALIlinLIo Uoullly ,. ut Mayg#,L~nding, ISla~ Of NeW ,ler~,y on lheillh aiy ..... ’ ENOCII lh JUIIzNf)’O;N,

Including It1~) the lnel~xtte rlKht~ of (hiw’er orthe defendant~, l~mlUll L. DOllRhty, wire ofof May, A. D,)’III~I, In dt~d hIx)k ;No,~7, rollu tStl~..rllF. ,Iohn 15. l)oughly, ISylvlu A. lhirrln, .Wife or238 &c, grantiM an(~ conveys-4, unix) the ~itld Dated Fehruury II. 1911. . Ml~riln B. BurrlS, Mrs. Mllrk A. I,ui<1:, wlfe IL i~. ,’~luenl (!le Luel0,n B. C. l~m¢/r’i9. (Jli~olt~(x A.’lh)u11oi~oli~, 15ollcllor.

¯ Mark A. bake, Mrs. Ezra A. Imki,. Wife ofin fee. ¯ "’ Eznl A. I,ake Mn~. Lewls lh Lake, wlfe ofThis prol~rty will lira ~old i~dbJ~t to tiixen . ’ i)r’a fee. I’~.00 ~ i~,wl~ 11. Lllke, Mrs. ltliyniuil(k %" Adllln..for 10109 lind 1910, limountlng IA) nl~ut 1115,

Adtuu14, WIf~ (If %Vlnlleld Adluu.% .%1 r~. 1‘~lwo~ll:lelzedil~ the property of/.uelen Ill. C..l$omerlt

sHIgitlFFq’I~AI,E.WIfe or iltiyniond %’. Adulni% 3|i~. VChllh.hl

aud Marglirct E. l-}omern, 111~ wit’s, liud tltkl:uIn execution at tile ~ult of J, Aubrey Cmwltt, IlY vlrtueof n writ or 11erl Ihchu% to ine d - Adluu14, wlf(~ of i.;IWl)~t Ad un., 31rs. lleorgelind to be llold t)y ’ ¯ wlf6 of(It~)rge Aduni14, Mr.~. ~lVIIllalli

¯ Ill;NO,Jig[ Is. JOLt;NISO1N’) Imlued out of the iNpw Jei~.y ~oilrt el /i.ihllil~t) Wlfii of WIIlhlln Adilllil¢) ~1rs. I]llllrie~¯ "’ ¯ , 811crlff.-

Chllileery, will be t~ld lit public Yeudue, on AdlllU14, 1%’Ire of t.;|lltrJt,~l Adltlli141 111111 .I~I I~.l~tod Fcbn~ry 18, 1911. ¯ ¯ IS~TURDA"f, 11ii,: FoL~ItTII DAY O~’

Itlirry tlamDiello wife’or llurr£ llamnlen, lu¯ the ~lld prclh’l~c~, togetller with all ulid slngli-

GAnDNItn 1I. CAXI’i, 15elicitor. , MARCII NINF,~I’I’H~,N ltUN- lar the heredllamenls und itllpurlenan~*l Io’ . , I’r’n ft% $31.00’ ’ DI’tI’~D AND I’~LEVI,IN, the mild prt,111114e~ belonghlg nr |Ill illiY wll~,

aPl~,’rtalulm[. [Subject to the eennrnlllth)n of¯ sHEItlFF’8 I~Abl,~ ._LL_..& .....

_(______lit tWO o’clock In the afternoon of mild tiny, nt the Court of Chauc~ry eF New¯Jerm, y. eKuehnlc’s th)tel corner Athlnth; tlnd/~,Juth tsold hi the pre’sence und under the dh’eetlon of

’ virtue of I1 writ of flerl filch t’uroLlna Avr, uu(!tSAMC~I. 1‘L PEIInY.

Conveyanclng in all its Branches¯

Money to Loan on Mortgage" Titles Examined

Offices .................

oore Building,/ ay’s Landing, N. J.

Enter Your Subscription NowFor The

News fr~,om the County Towns,

Proceedings of Civll, Crlminal and Orphans’ ’Courts,

Legal and Real Estate News.’

Weekly \/ Fifty=Two Weeks For Only

$ .25\

Fill out the following coupon and


mail it to this office ’to-day.

Please send the Atlantic County Kecord to thefollowing address for one yearl for which t enclose $1.25:

Name ................. . .......................................

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City, etc

Page 3: The - Atlantic County Library System ep Aretlo Avenue toKentueky and held J~etter ba}" tloket~ foe y0ur cone~rt aen1~ to- the Pre~hYtertan t’nUl~+n, o! .l’renldn~ I~ela- three

And tile most slllgUlar thlllg Ilbont

It :ill Is that either of thelu will mur-der lilly Bnillllll, except their owtt kllld.

i Illnl ipllt the VlH’CiISS. "

1, belllg IIII tlrtlst, whell the bud8were beghlllhtg to tlppll went llltO

the eounll¯,r h): enh’b llmt llr~ d011¢llteI Mlade tic pale greell which apl)ellrs ell

te last nuln I wll~ l~lttlng

: oa lily trll),,(l In to l)e lowered eoh+rs when l hpard tlle l)ark (ff ix +’lOg,

the men eonld be itud a nloin,,ut hli(,r li little terrh, IiH,.v werl, tl,)ll(l aloe(1 growllll,t lit nle. A girl, till+’ldhlg

Wll~l llllleed around like tim tl’ee*, not llilo leaven, I)tlt hitocode of l~lgltal8 hllX:hlg ~VOUlllllJlood. hllrrh.q~ Ilp, (¯illllllg ill

he wixs lef down.’ ’ll}’ll(’ll Bert v(th.e:.,~,llU6 ¯forty feet, Ills rtilm "Frlskl Conic awIU,:. I,’rlsk! Wllat

It was evhlent that tie hild d,) yt)ll 111#21111".’’’

OllOln. lie %,,’11.,.1 then hellrd 1 paid lit) illlt,;ttlo|l 1(1 the dog. lindnlld Ii rllh/[ re,~l)t)ll.~e I¯allie lip. there was n,, ill, tel rm’-lhe girl to ¢1111

tered the contest for

:s halld lie treated the

wllh that towering mlperl-

leh .luls nulde John Bull un-wllh ;Ill tither Faces.

:e are huh,l~t nt Seheldlg, and It

I)cell ltrl’llllXt)d that the llldleu of

l)arly .M1ouhl put Ill) l+i,~e o1’ theul

hlIe the i11ell ti.uh’ the lltl#’ltll)t Ill.tonlhe lllollllt;llll+ ’l’h(,re Wul’e I, llr~e II1(211

IIIlendhlg to Ido lip. but one +’if thenl,

bevoallng fearfdl (if hl..i heart’u action

ah’ even nt 8elleldlg, de-ll higher altitude.

’l’hl~l l.eft Bt)yhlgllara nnd P(lndleton

tl t, only ()ueu It) g() uxeel)t tile guides.

l"hpr,, .wer(, lxx,, gllhle.’% armed with{

I1XI’.~ ))lid illl)t’liSlot’k.’t, oile 1’Or each a

end q,f the filth ~ p1"ove~Moll.~VIn.n tilt, l)nrty left th,.lr friends

=!glittidlltg Oil tilt. porch q)f Ihe holt,I!

+- ........ G-’- .........p,,

¯ A GENIAL, SMILE,Who can tell the~ value of~i

sillileli ; h costl the gi~;er nothing,but is beyond price to the etdng andrelenii~g, the nadl and~ cheerless,th~ lost and forsaken. 11 di,armsmalice, subdues temper, turns bee"fred into love and paves the dark-’est p t~,wjlh ,unlight.

hidlerulls lhllli Ihe followl!lg: The pill-’

ace wa~ on fire. A soldlt, r who knew

the I.;hlg’S s[sler WflS Ill her Ixlillrtmellt

tl/nl ltilllSt hi0vll[thl.l" lilt+,’(; hven oo11.ISllllled lu I1 few ilihilil+’{s I)Y Ihe Ihinle~lruMied Ill lit Itie rlsR of Ills life nndt,rolleht her hill. lhit 81)illlI,Ml Otl{luelte

matcrhlbl slid wrote It down, or,.rixther,it must be elaborixted the bare skeleton I’ ha4

rds to aisle ttlo ught. out. When It wixs flnlMled Irode Into each linked to have It delivered to liessle’s

luily not only rather;

ailU ilud lllti’le with In due lime a reply eame im fotlow~l:] hayo always desired my daughtel" to

: tigress without any marry a inalt d4,’lllngulshed for soxno-g. aallelL, Two birds tldng, dlrtl~i~l and poet. are tttnitllly dis- "WIL’-I woefully brnllen, lind Itle Ioytll rail.

the brllneh of Ii ire0 Ixllll tlns"ul~lmd for their Ideallty. You, being dh, r Wll8 I)roilghl h) Irlal Ilild eoIIdelnll-

IOllO of the kind. ~lltll’o thltt dlathictlon, ed h) deillh. The ~l)ilnli.lh. lirlilees’A,leMIghtest kilowledge of You nlay farther lay elah4kto bclllg tlli~hoxx’f~Vel’, Ill (’llllShltWtlih)ll t)i ) 010 clf-

i+’l" "lDt.~ullle IIlixiefl, [hit mltll I I mO~t ImDrttetlelll)le ntlnlts,’~lt II that, tollilli Inllst Iiot oJlly kllOW lill ItmY kllowh,dgt., the world hub yet pro-

elllliStiiuee,volide,~c+ellded It)liiirdoli thefluted. You h,,1ve liiit~retsIed n)e, Ill )’oar- 8ohller linll i +, i’vp)l his life."

~lit;il ()lher. Itllt I)o ef the Banlo i l self sod ).oar t.¯xtlqL I have retitlned

to illld etlvh hiive,il elelxu record, or be.t erltnhml lau)’el + I call Ilnd io tnkel Arl Altr~isti~B.~knlidgr,

!l’e eOllletl It Itit of tl’ollble, el)argo til’ yotlr t.nlip, lllill if )¯our lilac- IiecilllS/~ hr. wII8 tile lsoft~llelil’lelli tOcence I~ Drow, d l .tutll, dleoln, my daugh- ~ixak Ills l)l)verly slrh,keu hlll dlildy let honort;d hi .wpddliig t<Ucll tit) #nllneat I)lly,liew 1’11~’~ f()l’ lil~ rtltilli the illlruh+~Iool. ’ ...... : ’ i lh’ .l~)li’llg ¯ ~llilili’-Imiil~h{ ~ii~;erill-’isiiiilll

This l’t,ldy Mlilig tile It) the .llUlek.

felth ,sort tqiow, lhltt lie h:ld e:lllr(,d atlll addresslltK Ihe girl.reeelvt’d lib IIn~lwt.r. Vl°tltqi I)ehig rlllH- Aiid )-iq I qlloMl()ll If itny ext’ll~O

-ed I1e looked for lhe ,o’,viior of llit~ was i’eqlih’ed, l)eol)h+ ~ who nleet illvi)[ce and sllw hlnl ~llie filly feet crowdPi t)re eOllSlrlillied by (,onveltllon-liwa.’+’. The Imhll fia)ni whh’h he had illlite,~. VCe two. ineelhig ill Ix wood,

I)t.eit, Io’,)’ert,d Imhlg liltored Io meet wllh not II ~Oltiid itliollt u~--wliell lh0the new voltdlliolls, lit, went dowii dog hild eeilP~ell bitrldilK except lilt oc’-

I l;egartled It IIS tlultatnount Io it re+fUsili of lil~ ihiughler’8 hllnd ~(’ell 1~nl~" hillOt2enc’e %1’el’t~ llroYed, ltls to thehtwyer h0 tq)()ke hlr hig fop lllO ) Iwrole Illlll lllll)lodhtlely thllt I hllll eB-

land nnd wmlh[ have no need of tli,~Olie lie "hlld rt.l’lhtt,d.

Whlit was its;" ~lii’prise, wheil I V,’lil$l~lhthlg linll nddi’e:;sh)~ fills 8eCOl/tl let-tel’, Io re#(,+ht, ii ~lstt" frl)ln Bessie.

~lio Ihrew herself |tile I.iy urul~hy~h,rlcally, I c, ouhhl’t teJl v,’helher it~Wll:’l Joy or i:i’lef" ihlit Inov(,d her.Wht, ii Bhe bt,t,ltlliO vlllnler l 81)ole.e 0£ 11 dlm’ll,|t’.--l~xl’haln-ct’.h0r fiither’s cOllllnliilh’nlh)n.

°’l,’ll(her ItliP4 Inrlied rlKht arouild,"lgnah, d to he l’atsed itad, reaehhig, hhli tiff, for lit, had lit) Idea of altack- Mio sahl. "lle’,~ Y )ur friend forever."

pllrly, sllld that tile gap Wll~ filled lllg It)e, I)ut lit, gave lite tin eXellSe for "ltPnllyT’

Li/o Insurance.I’rhlinrlly lll’e lllsln’llnee Is II eo.oper.

IIll’,’l, |l]llll h) l)leol Ihe defalllt InvnIved

Ill iht’ IWelil:lllire dt,lllh tif I)rtidll¢-

live IIv(,~. ,\ ii()nl)l’tidiit,llve life Is llr()lit,rly lii~itralH0. A life ~hiilllle(l

wllh llnnll)r~lllly bt not llisiiralfle.. .%lifp sOiliowhnl hiiluih’t,d Ihi’ollgh dl,fee-

llxo fnn)lly hi~loi’y or !)). liidl’¢Idiildwt,:il;.iil,.~,~ or di~oli,.+;e, If lhal life :It Ilit~81iliio Illll), I~ .i pi’l)ditcllVO life, 1~ Ill-,~lil’lllih, Ill it l)rh.e. .%11 ()f whh’lt I)rhl~s

"Yes, really, ih, t,on,~hlers you Ill.novel)t of this vrhne with lvhleh youItl’p i, hltl.gell+ lie snyH lhat Iio llitlu’,’,’he emthl hart. wrllh!n that letler~’tillhl /tlive conlin]tlt’t| llillrder iili)l Ifli<; dhl Is, ,~vvlihl ct)ilvllico tht) JIldgolhat Iht,ro xv;[~ +111) ~,i)se it~iiinst hhli,

Iiitl)arcnlly iiil(,(),)lls, l[iollgh tf c,h~l.,t,n li d(,ll~ltlflll lq.)l to lrllii,sPer

t,l’r+ hild li,,l i,t,l,n llilnll.i|lillt,]v ~)Vt)r hhn Pflnvll~. It w:ls <m n declivity, An

h,, wolihl ii.I h:)vt+’ ,~t, pil hhn, st) dt,t!l)ly Ol)),l(ht 7 |n Ihe ll’e,~i I)eh)w ro’,’ellh~d

hiirh,d XVil~ he hi lho lqio’,v. ’J[’hel( |~lil(’h tic lal)dylOlll~,L "while lit Iny [et,t

[ion’er-I .lid i’einlh,lon w,,re bolh glli’~h,d il ,~Ireltnl, at lhls ~eil,~on well

drawlt up. I’,,ndh,h,lt 14ho’,vhtg lie Ml-tli ,miPldlml wllh wal¢,r rr01tl ,qnows ro-

of lift., l+,nl glil,~s I)eilig phiet.d over really ntelled lit Ill.her Mtlilllle& The

hiP+ ntt,ttlh MtOWl.d Inl)lPttllre, slid Ilte i)lr wli~t billniy all~l l)ldeil wllh per-

pnrls’. ~oliig to work Oil hint with ilflllnl,,q. ."

%%’111. i~ourlng doWli Ihlllor at the Hili~)e Olle hllS h(tt to inentloa fills olltlllieIlinv, lhu(lly revlv,.d hhn. plcliiro Iv Indleale llie re,lilt. Olven

onl,,hhl~ lhl, ()nlv s(in aitd heir of li+.)ii l|it, wtqllht, l" bvglllt to lohl hi’in lhnl lit, liilil xvi)ll, lh(.r, tile girl Illid Ihe itrllst Pqivh ii~ hlg~e.~i e-fro,,, I)lanler h) Itrazll.

Icle~w wht,ll I re:el.vt, d tds n,)te that

"The Town ofNatural Q, pportunities"


" Come and See ’

" Summer Cottage Sites

Unrivalled Facllltle.s for Manufacturers

-1 ,~ ~ U R~t&N (" F,,

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Reduction of 10 Per Cent. onMay’s Landing Prop ertiez.

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L. W. CRAM~R, ~ay’s Landing.



They are responsible for all

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All losses, If an), aree ¯good to d posltors.