the audiolingual method

The Audiolingual Method From “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching” By J.C. Richards and T.S. Rodgers.

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Page 1: The audiolingual method

The Audiolingual Method

From “Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching” By J.C. Richards

and T.S. Rodgers.

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Background Before World War II, there were three methods:

a) A modified Direct Method Approach

b) A Reading Approach.

c) A Reading-Oral Approach.

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Problems with these three methods:

1. They lacked standardization of vocabulary and


2. No one could agree what was important to teach

for beginning, intermediate or advanced learners.

3. They basically, lacked “STRUCTURE”

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World War II Changed everything...

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The Army Specialized Training ProgramThe Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP)

was started in 1942.

Native speakers acted as an informant of the

language and as a linguist, as in the Direct


Students and informants gradually learned a

language, ten hours a day for six days a week.

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The ASTP continued for two years and by the

1950s, as a result of many factors Audiolingualism

became a standardized way of teaching a language.

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Sputnik 1 – The First Russian Satellite (1957)

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It changed everything again:

a) It made the U.S. Government realize the need for new

and more intensive foreign language teaching


b) The National Defence Education Act (1958) provided

money for training of teachers, the development of

teaching materials and for the study and analysis of

modern languages.

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The term “Audiolingualism” was coined by

Professor Nelson Brooks (1964). In the 1960’s,

Audiolingualism began to lose its popularity, but

this method is still used today.

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ApproachTheory of Language: Structuralism

Structural linguistics



Elements in a language

are linearly produced in

a rule-governed way.

Linguistic levels are

pyramidally structured.





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Approach Theory of Learning: Behaviourism

Behavioural psychology influenced Audiolingualism.

Behaviourists believe that humans are organisms

capable of learning many behaviours. It depends on

three elements:

1. Stimulus: Bring out behaviour.

2. Response: Triggered by stimulus.

3. Reinforcement: Marks the response as being

appropriate or not and encourages repetition which

is vital in the learning process.

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BehaviourismLearning Behaviour







Language behaviour.


Learner’s response.




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Approach - ConclusionsForeign language learning is a process of

mechanical habit formation.

Language skills are learned more effectively if

they are learned in spoken form (drills) rather

than written form.

Language must be learned in context of the

linguistics and culture.

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Design - ObjectivesShort-term Objectives Long-term Objectives

Listening comprehension.

Accurate pronunciation.

Recognition of speech

symbols as graphic signs.

The ability to reproduce

these symbols in writing.

Language as the

native speaker uses it.

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Design – The SyllabusBased on a linguistic or structure-based approach

to language teaching. Built on:

1. Step by step linguistic syllabus, which contains:




2. Lexical syllabus of basic vocabulary.

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Design – Types of learning and teaching activities.

Dialogues Drills

Contextualize key


Illustrate situations.

Used for repetition

and memorization.

Distinctive feature of this method.

1. Repetition.

2. Inflection.

3. Replacement.

4. Restatement.

5. Completion.

6. Transposition


7. Expansion.

8. Contraction.

9. Transformati


10. Integration.

11. Rejoinder.

12. Restoration.

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Design - Roles1. Learner

roles: They can be

directed by skilled training techniques.

External displays.

Reactive role. They do not

initiate interaction.

2. Teacher roles:

Central and active.

Model of the target language.

Controls the process of learning.

Monitors and controls the learner’s performance.

3. The role of instructional materials:


Tape recorders, a language laboratory and audiovisual equipment are important.

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ProcedureExtensive oral instruction is required where the target

language is used. Typical procedures:

1. Model dialogue. Repeat. Correction of mistakes.


2. Dialogues are adapted and then acted out.

3. Key structures are selected and used for pattern drills.

4. Textbooks. Follow-up reading, writing or vocabulary

activities may be introduced.

5. Follow-up activities in a language laboratory.

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The decline of AudiolingualismIt was examined in many ways:

1. Theoretical foundations were considered weak in both

language theory and learning theory.

2. Practitioners discovered that the practical results did

not meet expectations.

3. Students were not able to transfer skills to real

communication outside the classroom.

4. Many students found the classes boring and


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Noam Chomsky He rejected this approach.

His theory of transformational grammar said

that language is creative and generated, not a


Language derives from innate aspects of the

mind and from how humans process

experience through language.

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Final Conclusion...Audiolingualism holds that language

learning is like other forms of

learning. That is the reason why, it

stresses the mechanistic aspects of

language learning and language use.