the bailout - ecoms' fresher guide

THE BAILOUT a guide to your first year at the Business School

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THE BAILOUTa guide to your first yearat the Business School

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What’s up dudes, and welcome to the most wonderful years of your life!

This is ECOMS, the best Faculty Society in the world (we know, our mum told us). We are here to represent all commerce students (especially you - yes, you!) and help you just generally have the sickest time. We hope this edition of the Bailout, our Fresher Handbook, will give you a bit more information about us, as well as some tips ‘n’ tricks on how to make the most of your first year with us.

UWA is a really unique university - it’s v. v. historical and traditional in some senses, but is also extremely modern and moving with the times in other regards. The Business School especially is a constantly changing and increasingly innovative environment which will hopefully give you every-thing you need for your three+ years here, and teach you a whole lot along the way.

When I started uni, I knew I was a bit of a dweeb (namely because I wore birkenstocks and played the recorder for fun), but now I am not afraid to admit that I am a BNOC (‘Big Name On Campus’). You can too, if you pick up every opportunity uni gives you! Walk down to Oak Lawn in between your classes to see what all the cool clubs are up to, introduce yourself to new people in your units and, if you’re over 18, get your tutor or lecturer down to the Tavern for a drink!

I hope you have a wonderful O-Week, first week, first semester, first year and just generally have a wonderful life. I hope I’ll bump into you soon (I can always be seen making a nice cuppa tea at the kitchenette), so come and say hi to me, or the rest of the ECOMS committee!

Lots and lots of love and good luck,

Lucy MoyleECOMS Vice-President (Education)

P.S. I have a posh English accent. It is my sincere hope that you read this entire guide in such an accent.

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ECOMS, established in 1949, is the faculty society for commerce students, representing every UWA student completing a Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce major or even a Commerce unit, as well as all postgraduate Commerce courses. We are here to help you with every question you have about uni life (yes, even telling you if that fly boy in your economics tute will text you back)(he probably will, you go girl).

ECOMS is split into four portfolios - Education, Business, Welfare and Social - providing services, events and resources in each to make sure you have the best time at uni. We have some of the best and brightest faces on our team to provide you these services, each of whom started where you are right now!

With our combined knowledge, there are very few questions we cannot answer. We’ve done all the units, been to all the Guild/UWA events, and have done the sprint from Octoagon to Westfarmers a thousand times - so try us (please)!

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President: Brad ForbesVice-President (Education): Lucy MoyleVice-President (Business): John HugoVice-President (Welfare): Ashleigh WorkmanVice-President (Social): Milan VaswaniTreasurer: Ahmed SulimanSecretary: Grace Ngo

Education Officers: Windy Wang & Sofie O’MaraBusiness Officers: Michael McKenzie & Raychard WongWelfare Officer: Portia SardinhaSocial Officers: Joel O’Mara & Auston Varan

Communications Officers: Nick Vernon & Abhijith MenonFemale Sports Representative: Laura AitchisonMale Sports Representative: Jordan ArmstrongInternational Representative: Kelvin TanPostgraduate Representative: Alex CollaliloImmediate Past President: Rhys Tucker

There are also six fresher reps, only for the most groovalicious of you lot. They’ll be in charge of organising a bunch of fresher events, like sundowners and study evenings, and will touch base with other freshers during the first year. It’s the BEST way to get involved.

Keep an eye out on our Facebook page and weekly newsletter for when nominations open!

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Welcome to UWA! My name is Brad Forbes and I am your ECOMS President for 2016. It is my job to make sure that you have the best experience you can possibly have during your time studying commerce at UWA.

ECOMS is the Economics and Commerce Student Society and is the representative body for all commerce students, from

those that study a single commerce unit to those studying postgraduate degrees.

As president I oversee a dedicated committee that covers every facet of your university life from any educational issues, networking with firms, to your welfare on campus and, let’s not forget our social events, including the biggest and best ball in the Southern Hemisphere!

If you ever have some amazing ideas or suggestions, general questions or just want to chat about anything ECOMS send me an email to [email protected] or message the ECOMS Facebook page!

Brad Rates:• Nandos• the gym• the Australian Labor Party

Brad Hates:• coming second• getting sub par likes on his instagram (Ed’s Note: this happens a lot)

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Hi lovelies! My name is Grace and I am the ECOMS Sec-retary/Queen of all things admin and organisation.

I’m your behind the scenes gal – I call meetings, write agendas, record minutes and in general help keep com-mittee on track. Essentially I am the organizational arm

of ECOMS (this includes interior décor – hellooo IKEA), but I also manage the ECOMS publications team. This year we are changing the way we look as well as our marketing strategies and how we can best help you.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or have any general enquiries, send an email through to [email protected] .

Can’t wait to meet all your fresh faces. xx


Ahmed SulimanTREASURER

Hello freshers! My name is Ahmed and I’m the Treasurer of ECOMS, but you can call me Rich Uncle Pennybags (if you really want to). I’m a 4th year Economics and Eng Science student, so I’ve been around the track for a few years already. My job is to essentially keep ECOMS roll-ing in dolla dolla bills so we can provide you with all the

educational, career, and social activities that you will come to love over the next year. When I’m not counting cash or pouring over spreadsheets, I coordinate the ECOMS Alumni program, where we encourage former students to remain involved with the society, also supporting current commerce students. I also run a weekly ECOMS social soccer team on Tuesday noons.

TL;DR if you want to anything to do with being a treasurer, you know an old ECOMS member who would want to join the alumni network, or you like soccer, get in touch [email protected] .


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Hullo again, how are you? Lovely, well back to me! My name is Lucy and I have the upmost of pleasure in being your ECOMS Education VP for 2016. I’m heading into my third year of Man-agement and Political Science & International Relations.

My role involves representing you, as students, as well as pro-viding services and initiatives to make you learning journey as smooth as as possible. I sit on the Business School Education

Committee, where I can bring your educational issues straight to the Sub-Dean and Associate Dean of the Business School. I also sit on the Guild’s Education Council, and can report issues that require university-wide changes.

ECOMS also runs a tonne of events to help you make the most out of your tutes and lectures, and to best prepare you for your exams. We also do this through other publications and resources, which can all be found online after their release, so you can head back and have a look at any time!

One of the best thingz for y’all to look out for though, are the ECOMS Fresher Study Evenings. We will be facilitating these every Thursday fortnight from 4 - 6pm in the Learning Common (starting the first week back!), culminating in a BIG Study Night in Week 13, with food and drinks, textbooks and some extra help from tutors.

I am at your beck and call for nearly anything (I’m rubbish at netball so please don’t ask me to join your team), so if you have any issues, ideas or suggestions, please please please email me at [email protected] .

Kindest of Regards,Lucy xxx

Some education tips from Lucy:• “Don’t buy your textbooks before you’ve been to the first lecture! Find out how often you’ll have

to use it, it could be just one chapter. You could maybe share the cost with some friends and study together, or borrow the book from the library.”

• “Make sure you don’t fall behind on lectures. It’s easy to say that you’ll watch them online later, but sometimes you never do! Either go to them in person, or promise yourself the days you’ll watch them each week. Exam time without lots of knowledge is v scary, believe me!”

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Well hullo friendly freshers, my name is John Hugo, I am the most flamboyant Accounting and Management student you ever did see, and I am your ECOMS Business VP for 2016! You know what I love about ECOMS? You can have it all! The ECOMS community is full of students who work hard and play hard. Who says you can’t turn it up on the weekend and have good job prospects? Not us! While the pub crawls, boat parties, and balls are going on ECOMS is also setting you up for jobs with

the top international companies.

Competition is crazy! From thousands, they only take a handful of applicants, which is why we set you up with all the tips and tricks to getting ahead. We even bring the guys who will interview you on campus so you can meet them at a careers fair, over a cocktail, or some breakfast bruschetta. How good is that?!

In Business we run the events that pertain to networking and discovering career paths such as the Careers Fair, Business Breakfast, Careers Cocktail and career events for economics, accounting, human resources and management.

If you are feeling lost or overwhelmed about your career prospects after uni then hit me up any time yo, don’t be a stranger. You can contact me by emailing [email protected].

John out xxx

What are some things John is good at (and did he get all of his internships because of these)?• being tall (he’s pretty tall)• smiling a lot, especially at people he has never met before• introducing himself to strangers - he’s met some pretty important people from doing this! (no,

really!)• putting himself out there! John isn’t afraid to take a bit of a risk, which has taken him to all sorts

of exciting places!

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Hello, I’m Ash, and I’m the new Welfare VP for 2016! I’m a third year Business Law student and have a huge love for both netball and pugs.

This year is the first year that Welfare has had its very own portfolio, because we understand that uni can be stressful and we want to look after you every step of the way!

This year we want to better accommodate student’s welfare needs by placing a greater focus on mental health and wellbeing, exercise, environmental awareness, student support and volunteer-ing & charity opportunities. Also a part of the Welfare portfolio is Interfaculty Sport, which occurs every Wednesday from 1-3pm. You can take part by joining “ECOMS Sport 2016” on Facebook or talking to our delicious sports reps, Laura and Jordan.

We’re super excited to bring you a whole range of amazing things within the Welfare portfolio to make your first year as fun, de-stressful and inclusive as possible!Here are some of our main events and initiatives:

• Welfare Weeks• Mental Health Week• Women in Business• LGBT Out in the Workplace• Tax Help• Welfare Textbook Loan Scheme• Prosh• Biggest Morning Tea• HBF Run for a Reason• Regular charity days & volunteering opportunities

I look forward to meeting you all this year! If you have any questions, queries, or just want to chat, email me at [email protected]!

xoxo Ash

How does Ash look after herself?“One of the most important things is keeping up with my exercise - I don’t just do it to keep fit, but to stay mentally healthy and happy too. I usually get a run or gym workout in during the day, or I take a nice walk along the river in between my classes. It’s lush.”

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Health Promotion UnitSupports student health and wellbeing through their “Fit to Study” program.Located: 2nd floor South Wing Guild VillagePhone: 6488 3173Email: [email protected]

UWA Medical CentreProvides a full range of health services including General Practitioner appointments, sexual health advice, women’s health and counselling services. Located: 2nd floor South Wing Guild VillagePhone: 6488 2118Alternatively appointments can be booked online.

Guild VolunteeringProvides students with off-campus opportunities to make a difference in the wider community.Located: Guild Village ground floorPhone: 6488 5891Email: [email protected]

Student AssistOffers academic, financial and welfare support to students including seeking special consideration and emergency loans.Located: 1st floor Guild AdminPhone: 6488 2292Email: [email protected]

UniAccessProvides free services and support to students who require assistance based on a disability, a medical condition or a mental illness.Located: 1st floor Student ServicesPhone: 6488 2423

Financial AidStudent Services offers a free service providing information and direction for your search for finan-cial assistance.Located: 1st floor, Student CentralPhone: 6488 2423Email: [email protected]

SecurityContact UWA Security, 24/7, for any safety issues on campus. The security guards can escort you to a busstop or your car if you’re studying late at night.Phone: 6488 3020Email: [email protected]

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Hi! My name’s Milan, and I’m your Social VP for 2016. With the help of my Social Officers, Joel O’Mara and Auston Varan, we’ll be running some pretty fly social events for you over the course of the year.

Here at ECOMS, we are known for being THE social faculty. Our social events range from Boat Parties, End of Semester Pub Crawls, Quiz nights and many, many more events, to the

‘infamous’ ECOMS Ball (which is the largest ball in the southern hemisphere, with 1350 people in attendance last year!).

Our events are especially good for new students like yourself, who are looking to get involved in the campus culture + meet new people and make new friends. From my personal experience, going through uni without getting involved makes it a very boring place, so get amongst it - you won’t regret it!

If have any questions, or you’d like to know how to get involved - don’t hesitate to contact me via email at [email protected], or just flick the ECOMS UWA Facebook page a message!


What are some of Milan’s lifelong ambitions?• to plant a vegetable garden and make his own ratatouille • to reach 500 likes on a profile picture• to run the biggest and best ball the world has ever seen in 2016

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8th - Employability Series: Careers FairThis is the best opportunity to meet reps from a whole bunch of different firms, both domestic and international, who are recruiting students for vacation positions and grad jobs. Learn more

about the mysterious ‘Big 4’ and hear about the different areas you can apply for!

10th - Fresher SundownerPerf opportunity to meet other commerce freshers, have a snag and perhaps secure some votes

for fresher rep!

16th - Employability Series: Resume WorkshopLearn the best how-to’s for creating a foolproof resume and cover letter - help boost your good

bits (great knitter) and hide your bad bits (terrible at piano).

23rd - Employability Series: Business Breakfast

Solidify some more relationships with firms and build your networks with one on one discussions over a cute breakfast (instagram worthy ofc). Students have often been offered jobs from net-

working opportunities like this, so make sure you don’t miss out!

30th - Employability Series: Skills WorkshopLearn about the weird and wonderful things that firms make you do before giving you an intern-

ships or a grad job, like assessment centres.

24th - Fresher Rep ElectionsGet involved in the most fergalicious facsoc at UWA by being one of our six fresher reps! More

information to come.

pictured: two of the Business School’s sexiest alumni talking about sexy things

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7th - Employability Series: Speed Interview EveningPut yourself in real life interview situations, and learn from the best firm reps and interviewers

about what to say and what not to say in order to land you your dream job! You’ll get really useful feedback from different industry professionals - this is an event not to be missed.

13th - PROSHJoin ECOMS for the biggest charity event in the whole of the Southern Hemisphere! Get up

early (or stay up late with us) to sell the funniest newspaper this side of town raising money for a bunch of youth-focused charities! Ripper!


3rd - Your Rights @ UniCome and hear from a panel of students and staff from ECOMS, Guild and the Business School, letting us know all about our education rights at Uni. The ECOMS How to Commerce Guide will

also be launched here.

10th - Mental Health WorkshopUni can be a really tough time, and it’s important for us all to understand how we can help those around us. Join us for a workshop, teaching us about mental illnesses, and the best strategies

we can implement to look after our friends and classmates.

13th - Boat PartySet sail with ECOMS for a spooky night on the high seas! This is the first event of its type for a

while, and is sure to be an absolute blast! If you’ll be 18 here, definitely check it out!

17th - Learning Styles WorkshopWe all learn in different ways, and if you’re like me, even after WACE you still didn’t have a clue for how to actually remember information for an exam! Come along to our new seminar which

will teach you a bunch of strategies for different learning styles, from auditory techniques to visual memory strategies.

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May continued:

23rd - Welfare Week: Free BreakfastHitting some tough times, been studying at uni for since 4pm the day before, or just hungry? Let

ECOMS help you out, with a free breakfast during Welfare Week.

24th - Welfare Week: Study Tips SessionHear from the brightest and best students from a bunch of different majors about the strategies they have implemented over the years that have made them feel confident heading into exams.


1st - Big Fresher Study NightAlthough ECOMS will be facilitating study nights every Thursday fortnight, look out for this ses-sion, where we’ll provide heaps of food and drink, and some extra support from tutors from the

complementary Commerce units.

3rd - ECOMS PubcrawlIf you’re over 18, you are in dayum luck son - you can join us for the ECOMS Corporate Crawl. Dress up (or down - whatever floats your boat), and join us as we gallop around Perth from pub

to pub.


Women in Business Cocktail EveningECOMS Ball

‘Out’ in the WorkplaceMajor-Specific breakfasts and lunches

Mannkal Economic Think TankFresher Futures: Information Evening

ECOMS Elections

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Planning your degree can be challenging, particularly if you aren’t sure which major to do yet. Make sure you come to our major-specific events in Semester 2 of this year to learn more about each of them! The following guide should help you in your unit selection process, though!

STEP 1: If you’re not sure what major you want to do yet, pick a broad cross section of units to get a feel of how they are taught at UWA. If you’re sure you want to do commerce, but not sure which unit, perhaps elect to do the complementary units, and decide which you like best!

STEP 2: If you know what major you want to study, find out how many units from each ‘level’ you must complete for your major - usually it’s two first level units, two level two units and four level four units, but this varies depending on your major (for more info, check out Map out what units you want to do throughout your degree, but make sure you consider what semester these units are running in.

STEP 3: Map out when you’re going to do your complementary units (HINT: it might be better to do these earlier on - they’re often easier than later units, and you want your Academic Transcript in tip top shape when applying for internships!).

STEP 4: Fill in your extra unit spaces with broadening units (at least four for your degree) or elective units.

STEP 5: As you’ve already done for this semester, ‘buy’ your units on StudentConnect. It’s always good to ‘buy’ your units for the whole year at the start of the year, and you can change these around at any time.

Some things to consider:• you must pass 24 units to complete your degree (even if you do all the units necessary for your

major, you must fill up the extra space)• you cannot use more than twelve first year (level 1) units towards your degree• broadening units are compulsory for your degree - they are essentially units from other faculties

(ie if you were doing an Accounting major, you could do broadening units from Arts - however if your second major is from a different faculty, these units could be counted as broadening units)

If you need a hand with the unit planning stages, email Lucy or Brad, or talk to the lovely staff at the Business School Reception.

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1. Get involved!Although ECOMS is beyond amazing, we’re only the start of an amazing list of things you can get involved with at Uni. Some UWA dude once said that if you’ve left UWA with only a degree, you missed half the point - and he was right. There are over 120 clubs and other Faculty Societies, from the UWA Chess Club to the Electronic Music Appreciation Society (who ran a festival at UWA last year with 2500 students!). The best place to find all of the clubs you can be a part of is O-Day, or the Club Carnivals, which are held in the second week back of each semester.

In your first year, join as many clubs as you want/can (they usually have a cheap membership fee, from $2 - $5), and even run for a fresher rep position to really get involved and see the behind the scenes bits.

You can also get involved in the Guild departments, from Environment to Women’s Affairs, these are all groups taking a leadership role for various groups and issues on campus. Head to: for more information.

2. Think about studying abroad!Admit it - although we are super lucky to live in Perth, sometimes it feels as though you’re trapped in a tiny man’s house in the forest (or something else small and really far away). Have you consid-ered studying in a different country? Although you can’t do this until you’re halfway through your degree, it’s good to plan early so that you know you will have the marks to go. UWA has partner-ships with over 170 universities around the world, so look here for some more information:

3. Try before you buy!Don’t ever feel pressured to choose your major as soon as you start uni! Pick and choose some unit combinations from Commerce, and other faculties, to find the major that best suits you. A lot of people pick early and change their mind later on, but the degree structures at UWA mean you have the ultimate freedom to explore your options in your first couple of semesters without locking yourself into anything. You also have until 31st March to withdraw from a unit without having to pay for it, meaning you can have a go at something else if the unit definitely isn’t your style.

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4. Common Lunch Hour!Tuesdays from 1-2pm is Common Lunch Hour across the whole university, meaning there shouldn’t be any lectures, tutorials, workshops, labs or anything planned during this time, so you can make the most of all the sweeeeeeet things happening around uni. Oak Lawn is the club hotspot - there’s heaps of music, people and fun stuff around here, so definitely venture away from the Business School to come and check it out. However, If you do have a class scheduled at this time, please email [email protected], and hopefully we can sort this out for you.

5. Eat some good food!There are so many places to eat on and close to campus. The Business School Cafe is the closest to you, and serves some delish fresh food (and wonderful iced coffees!). If you want nice food like at the Biz School Cafe elsewhere, Hackett Cafe is becoming the go to place, now serving wonder-ful (and instagrammable!) breakfasts. If you’re wanting more of a quick-fix study snack, Guild Cafe and Reid Cafe are where you want to go. As for coffee? The best coffee on campus is made by gorgeous Fernanda at the Coffee Stop in the Ref - say hello to her from us!

6. Buy a student SmartRider!The worst rule in the history of ever is not being able to use your UWA Student Card as proof of concession on Transperth. But, never fear! Head to the Newsagency in Guild Village to purchase your student SmartRider, to make you eligible for paying student fares.

7. Make the most of your classes!Most, if not all, first year units mark you for attendance, and this is the easiest mark you will get, just for turning up to your tutorial! Going to tutes is also really important, because it solidifies what you learn in the lectures and gives you an opportunity to ask someone to explain concepts if you’re still not 100% confident. It’s also good to have at least one thing to say in each tute - whether it be explaining an answer, giving your opinion on a topic or even asking a question! This will likely boost up your unit mark even more by giving your participation marks.

8. Ask for help!Literally everyone around you is here to help - we’ve all been there and we don’t want you to feel nearly as awkward as we did walking into a third year Accounting lecture in EY as a first-week fresher - eeeek, embarrassing! Ask anyone from ECOMS (you’ll get to know our faces in no time at all), any staff member, the Business School Reception, or even just that cute boy with a top knot.

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USEFUL THINGS TO KNOW(Devised by someone who didn’t know a lot to start with, but is getting there.)

LibrariesAs of 2016, the Business School library collection will be contained in the Barry J Marshall Science Library. There will be a Commerce section within the library, and a dedicated librarian to help you find whatever you need.Quite often in the lead up to exams, one of the UWA libraries opens 24/7, meaning you can study at whatever time best suits you! Keep an eye out on our facebook page for information about which library this will be.

Lost On CampusStudents across the world owe their lives to this wonderful app, available for download for Apple and Android. You can set your location (UWA) and type in any lecture theatre, tutorial room or meeting room, and Lost on Campus will give you directions on how to get there, tell you how long it will take to walk, and show you what the door to get in looks like! UWA is so fricking massive, and lots of first year units in particular can be scattered all around, so 100% would download.

MyGuildThe Guild has launched an amazing new online app called MyGuild, which lets you find a heap of clubs and societies to get involved with that match your personality, and suggests so many new events to meet new friends or bring your friends along to! To get there, head to the Guild website (, and click on the MyGuild tab across the top of the screen. Login using your UWA credentials, and be amazed by the information you’ll find here!

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UWA Parking Parking at UWA is a bummer. It’s pretty expensive (especially if you’re at uni all day), and you can never guarantee yourself a bay (unless you’re there at 6am).

What does each bay mean?• YELLOW BAYS are student bays, but only students with a yellow permit can park in them. You

can qualify for a parking permit if you live outside a certain area (more info of the eligible sub-urbs on UWA UniPark Handbook, found online), however first year students cannot quality for a permit (sad face). However, during the university holidays (December - January; June - July), these bays are usually free for everyone. We’ll update you on what specific days as they come!

• RED BAYS are staff bays. Avoid these, as if you’re not a staff member and aren’t displaying a red permit, you’ll get a fine!

• PAID PARKING BAYS are for everyone to use! Parking costs $2/hour, and tickets can be bought at the machines. Be careful though - if a machine isn’t working and you don’t buy a ticket, you could still get fined! Make sure you call the number on the machine so UniPark has a record.

• RESERVED/SERVICE/SECURITY BAYS are not for student parking. Avoid at all costs or the scary parking men will give you a nasty bit of paper.

Where can I find more information?The UWA Parking and Transport website has a heap of useful stuff to know, like how to appeal a fine, how to apply for temporary ACROD parking permits and lots of information about public transport (including free end of journey facilities). Check it out here, yo: .

Downloading free Office SuiteDid you know that as a UWA student, you can have access to Microsoft Office 365 for free? That means the whole Office Suite is downloadable, you have access to online Office 365 and 1TB of free cloud storage!! Visit, and enter your UWA student email (<student-number>, create a password, and voila!

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How the bloomin’ heck do I print?!The struggle of many, do not worry! Follow the below instructions to help you out.

For printing on a UWA computer:1. Log into any Library computer using your Pheme credentials. 2. Open the document and print to the global print queue.3. If your document is more than one page it will be printed double-sided and in colour for pages

only with colour content. To change these settings:a. If you wish to print single sided click on Preferences or Properties > Finishing and untick Print on both sidesb. If you wish to print in black and white only (mono) click Preferences or Properties > Color and tick Print in Greyscale

4. Head to the print stations - tap your student card on the machine and select which job you want to print.

For printing on a personal device:1. Connect your laptop to Unifi.2. Navigate to: in your browser.3. Log in with your pheme details.4. Click Web Print on the left hand side and follow the prompts to select your location and printer

queue, number of copies and to upload your document. 5. Head to the print stations - tap your student card on the machine and select which job you

want to print.

~PSSSST Look out for the ECOMS How to Commerce Guide - coming soon! This will have a whole

load more tips and tricks to get you through your whole uni degree!!~

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We want to hear from you! Whether you have an educational issue that may need some interven-tion, need some advice on your degree or future career options, you need a welfare helping hand or if you have any ideas or suggestions, just get in touch.

The ECOMS Office is located next to the Business School Learning Common, next to the kitchen - knock on the door and there will most likely be someone there to answer you question!

You can email us at the following addresses:Brad Forbes (President) - [email protected] Moyle (Education VP) - [email protected] Hugo (Business VP) - [email protected] Workman (Welfare VP) - [email protected] Vaswani (Social VP) - [email protected] Ngo (Secretary) - [email protected] Suliman (Treasurer) - [email protected] Tan (International Student Representative) - [email protected] Colalillo (Postgraduate Student Representative) - [email protected]

Alternatively, pop a note in the ECOMS Pigeon Hole, at the Business School Reception.

Visit our website: us on facebook: us on instagram: @ecomsuwa

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