the basis of darwinian evolution or “macro · 2015-05-01 ·...

The Basis of The Basis of Darwinian Evolution Darwinian Evolution or or Macro Evolution Macro Evolution

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Page 1: The Basis of Darwinian Evolution or “Macro · 2015-05-01 · Darwinian Evolution is based on Spontaneous Generation! ... • Voyage of the HMS

The Basis ofThe Basis of

Darwinian EvolutionDarwinian Evolution


““Macro EvolutionMacro Evolution””

Page 2: The Basis of Darwinian Evolution or “Macro · 2015-05-01 · Darwinian Evolution is based on Spontaneous Generation! ... • Voyage of the HMS

Darwinian Evolution is Based on Darwinian Evolution is Based on Spontaneous Generation or Spontaneous Generation or ““AbiogenesisAbiogenesis””

GarbageGarbageDecaying MeatDecaying Meat

Abiogenesis the process of living material (‘life’)originating from non-living material (‘non-life’)

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The theory of abiogenesis or more commonly, spontaneous generation, was challenged by scientific experiments, such as those performed by the Italian biologist Francesco Rediin 1668. Redi demonstrated that maggots (the young of flies) did not appear in meat from which adult flies were excluded. Previously, many scientists had believed that flies developed from decaying meat. Up until the late 1700’s some scientists still believed that mice were generated in piles of rotting garbage.

*Please refer to the Creation Topic “Biogenesis”

Abiogenesis Has Never Been Proven*Abiogenesis Has Never Been Proven*

Darwinian Evolution is based on Spontaneous Generation!

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The ancient philosopher Anaximander of Miletus (550 BC) taught that life first generated by materialistic processes fromsea slime. However, this idea failed to explain the issue of organic design: Why does the universe appear to be ordered and designed to function so well together? Origin of the Laws of Mathematics/Physics?

The Idea of Spontaneous Generation is Not The Idea of Spontaneous Generation is Not ‘‘NewNew’’

ItIt’’s at Least 2500 Years Old!s at Least 2500 Years Old!

Empedocles (450 BC) was one of the first to appreciate this problem when he realized that the phenomenon of adaptive complexity required a specific naturalistic explanation. Empedocles proposed that the fantastic shapes of organic and inorganic objects was the result of the continual, random flux of matter. Everything that exists was generated by the purely chance interaction of all possible combination of elements, withthose combinations that were ‘stable’ surviving.

(…..But why is this not going on today?)

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Spontaneous Generation or Abiogenesis Disproven Spontaneous Generation or Abiogenesis Disproven

Before Darwin Published Before Darwin Published Origin of SpeciesOrigin of Species

The theory of spontaneous generation was largely abandoned in the mid-1800's. By then, improvements in microscopes and other scientific instruments had enabled scientists to see the eggs and sperm of higher animals, the ovules (eggs) and pollen of plants, and bacteria and other micro-organisms. For example, in the mid-1800's, the French scientist Louis Pasteur observed reproduction and growth in micro-organisms. He demonstrated that the micro-organisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air that contained their spores (reproductive cells). Pasteur's discoveries led to the development of the cell theory of the origin of living matter. The cell theory states that all life originates from preexistingliving material. This is also known as the “law of biogenesis”:

Living material always comes from living material.

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The term ‘biogenesis’ has also been used in reference to the biogenetic (or recapitulation) theory. This theory, which was popular during the late 1800's, stated that “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”. This statement means that during its ontogeny; that is, during its development in the embryonic stage each organism recapitulates (repeats) various stages in its species' phylogeny (evolutionary history). Scientists disproved this theory in the early 1900's.

Recapitulation is classically depicted in Ernst Haeckel’s[faked] drawings. He was a German zoologist who lived from 1834 to 1919.

Biogenesis and Biogenesis and ““RecapitulationRecapitulation’’

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Ernst Haeckel’s Fake Drawings (top row)

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What the modern textbooks and encyclopedias fail to mention is that the original drawings of embryonic stages, by a German zoologist named Ernst Haeckel [1834-1919], that supposedly shows that each animal during its growth as an embryo, repeats the changes its ancestors underwent, were found to be faked. Yet these pictures still appear in many modern biology textbooks to support the discredited theory of abiogenesis or spontaneous generation of living material.

Thus, this false idea of spontaneous generation(abiogenesis) is carried over into modern times. Note the following quotes from the Grolier’s and World Book encyclopedias…………...

‘‘RecapitulationRecapitulation’’ Ernst HaeckelErnst Haeckel’’s Legacys Legacy

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……..Although Discredited, ..Although Discredited, Spontaneous GenerationSpontaneous Generation, or , or ‘‘AbiogenesisAbiogenesis’’ Is Still Being Taught as Fact!Is Still Being Taught as Fact!

“Although it is now known that all present life on Earth is the result of the reproduction of pre-existing life, many scientists accept a modified theory* of spontaneous generation to explain the origin of life itself. The theory holds that billions of years ago LIFE originated in the oceans as the result of spontaneous aggregations of dissolved organic molecules, which in turn arose from inorganic chemical reactions energized by ultraviolet light, electrical discharges, and heat.”

Grolier’s Encyclopedia (1998)

*The only thing that’s ‘modified’ is that (although disproven) Abiogenesis occurred at least once!

Darwinian Evolution is based on Spontaneous Generation!

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The Impossibility of The Impossibility of AbiogenesisAbiogenesis is Explained is Explained Away As a Away As a ““OneOne--Time EventTime Event””

“Today, most scientists believe that spontaneous generation took place at least once when certain chemicals came together to form the first simple living organism more than three billion years ago. This process is not thought to be occurring in nature today, since conditions on the earth no longer favor such chemical combinations. In addition, any simple organisms that did form in this way would almost certainly fail to compete successfully against more complex existing organisms. However, laboratory experiments since the mid-1900's have showed that many molecules found in living organisms can be synthesized (produced artificially). Most biologists believe that it will eventually be possible to produce simple forms of life in the laboratory*.” World Book Encyclopedia (1998)

*Wrong! Please refer to the Creation Topic “Biogenesis”

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““Rocks of great antiquity have been examined over the Rocks of great antiquity have been examined over the

past two decades and in none of them has any trace of past two decades and in none of them has any trace of

abiotically produced organic compounds been foundabiotically produced organic compounds been found…….. ..

So ancient are these rocks that they must have been lain So ancient are these rocks that they must have been lain

down not long after the formation of the oceans down not long after the formation of the oceans

themselvesthemselves………….Considering the way the pre.Considering the way the pre--biotic soup is biotic soup is

referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as referred to in so many discussions of the origin of life as

an already established reality, it comes as something of a an already established reality, it comes as something of a

shock to realize that shock to realize that there is absolutely no positive there is absolutely no positive

evidence for its existenceevidence for its existence..””

Michael Denton, Ph.D., Microbiologist, Michael Denton, Ph.D., Microbiologist, Evolution: A Evolution: A

Theory in CrisisTheory in Crisis, (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 261., (Adler & Adler, 1986), p. 261.

But No Evidence of But No Evidence of AbiogenesisAbiogenesis ‘‘OneOne--Time EventTime Event’’

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LamarckLamarck’’s* (1744s* (1744--1829) Idea:1829) Idea:TaughtTaught: External improvements and advantages acquired by an : External improvements and advantages acquired by an

organism over its lifetime could be passed onto its offspring viorganism over its lifetime could be passed onto its offspring via a

some internal driving force acting on inherited traits. This issome internal driving force acting on inherited traits. This is

sometimes referred to as sometimes referred to as ““transmutation of speciestransmutation of species””..

In other words, Lamarck taught that In other words, Lamarck taught that Natural SelectionNatural Selection is capable of is capable of

creating variationscreating variations in the genetic the genetic code.

*French zoologist and botanist who developed a system for classifying invertebrate animals and thus founded Invertebrate Paleontology.

to Thisto This

Chevalier de LamarckChevalier de Lamarck

From From ThisThis

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• Voyage of the HMS Beagle, Dec. 1831 – Oct. 1836

• Wrote On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle of Life (1859, 1st edition; 1872, 6th edition)

Charles Darwin: The Man Who Started it All

Charles Darwin (Feb. 12, 1809 –April 19, 1882)

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Charles DarwinCharles Darwin Accepted Accepted LamarckLamarck’’ss Idea* Idea* Regarding Externally Acquired Traits Regarding Externally Acquired Traits

Darwin believed each part of the body produced tiny particles that moved through the bloodstream into the eggs or sperm. These particles supposedly influenced hereditary traits. The British scientist

Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin's, disproved this idea. Galton transfused blood from black rabbits into white rabbits to see if the white ones would have black babies. But the white rabbits still produced white offspring.

Worldbook Encyclopedia, Heredity: How Proteins are Made.

*This is the mechanism that Darwin converged to in the end, after he had given up Natural Selection as the primary mechanism for macro-evolution as published in the 6th edition of Origin of Species.

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Lamarkism Subsequently Disproved by..........Lamarkism Subsequently Disproved by..........

DarwinDarwin’’s cousin, Francis Galton, and other s cousin, Francis Galton, and other

discoveries in genetics in the early 1900's, when discoveries in genetics in the early 1900's, when

it was shown that acquired characteristics of an it was shown that acquired characteristics of an

organism organism cannotcannot be genetically transmitted to its be genetically transmitted to its


Yet Lamarkism still promoted today .........Yet Lamarkism still promoted today .........

““...Following some recent discoveries, Lamarck...Following some recent discoveries, Lamarck’’s s

ideas are being reexamined after years of ideas are being reexamined after years of

unquestioned adherence to Darwinian theory*...unquestioned adherence to Darwinian theory*...””

*Whales & Dolphins*Whales & Dolphins, Thunder Bay Press, San , Thunder Bay Press, San

Diego (1998), p. 28.Diego (1998), p. 28.

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Sir Charles LyellSir Charles Lyell’’s (1797s (1797--1875) Idea:1875) Idea:Lyell was a British geologist whose writings established theLyell was a British geologist whose writings established the

““Principle of UniformitarianismPrinciple of Uniformitarianism”” which states that the gradual which states that the gradual

processes shaping the earth today, such as erosion, also processes shaping the earth today, such as erosion, also

formed the earth's features in the past. It forms the basis of formed the earth's features in the past. It forms the basis of

modern geology. It stands in opposition to the idea of modern geology. It stands in opposition to the idea of

““catastrophismcatastrophism””.. ((Cataclysmic events are ignoredCataclysmic events are ignored).).

Lyell set forth the Theory of Uniformitarianism in his threeLyell set forth the Theory of Uniformitarianism in his three--

volume work volume work Principles of GeologyPrinciples of Geology (1830(1830--1833) based on his 1833) based on his

trip to the Santa Cruz river in Southern Argentina. He stated trip to the Santa Cruz river in Southern Argentina. He stated

that most of the earth's structural features could be explained that most of the earth's structural features could be explained

as the result of constantly occurring erosion processes as the result of constantly occurring erosion processes

acting over periods of millions of years.acting over periods of millions of years.

Lyell is Famous for saying:Lyell is Famous for saying:

““The present is the key to the pastThe present is the key to the past..””

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The Basis of The Basis of ““Origin of SpeciesOrigin of Species””

“Analogy would lead me to believe that all animals and plants descended from some one prototype. All organisms start from one common origin and from some low and intermediate forms both animals and plants may have been developed. All organic things which have ever lived on the earth may be descended by some one primordial form.” --Origin of Species (1859), Charles Darwin, p. 23.

Darwin basically adopted LamarckDarwin basically adopted Lamarck’’s idea of s idea of externally acquired genetic traitsexternally acquired genetic traits and applied and applied LyellLyell’’s s Geologic Theory of UniformitarianismGeologic Theory of Uniformitarianism to to biological organismsbiological organisms he observed on his voyage.he observed on his voyage.

Charles Darwin Wrote the 1Charles Darwin Wrote the 1stst edition of edition of ““Origin of Species Origin of Species By Natural Selection [By Natural Selection [……]]”” in 1859 in which he advanced in 1859 in which he advanced his ideas of Macrohis ideas of Macro--EvolutionEvolution

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Darwin’s Classic Evolutionary “Tree”

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• Species Are Not Absolute—Unlimited Variability� Species are not bound by any limitations in variety: i.e., the

potential for genetic change is unlimited.

• All Species are Modified Variations of Each Other� All living things descended from a very small number of

“Common” ancestors—Evolutionary ‘Tree’.

� Mutations help produce the necessary changes.

� 100 Thousands of Transitional Forms—‘missing links’

• The Mechanism of Evolution Is Natural Selection� “Survival of the Fittest”—Nature ‘red in tooth and claw’

� Gradualism—No large, sudden leaps mutations, slight

variations over 100’s millions of years result in new species. No

“cataclysmic” evolution”

DarwinDarwin’’s Three Propositionss Three Propositions

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DarwinDarwin’’s Ultimate Admissions Ultimate Admission

“I have now considered enough, perhaps more than enough, of the

cases, selected with care by a skillful naturalist, to prove that

natural selection is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of

useful structures; and I have shown, as I hope, that there is no

great difficulty on this head. [Italics added]…….The belief that

any given structure, which we think, often erroneously, would

have been beneficial to a species, would have been gained under

all circumstances through natural selection, is opposed to what we

can understand of its manner of action.” Charles Darwin

•• For a new feature to have a survival advantage it would For a new feature to have a survival advantage it would have to come into existence fully functional & integrated have to come into existence fully functional & integrated which defeats its purpose as a transitional function.which defeats its purpose as a transitional function.

•• Darwin ultimately came to realize that there is no survival Darwin ultimately came to realize that there is no survival advantage in primitive, partly developed organs, which are advantage in primitive, partly developed organs, which are necessary to his theory and makes a necessary to his theory and makes a startling admissionstartling admission in in the 6the 6thth Edition of his book (1872), Edition of his book (1872), Origin of SpeciesOrigin of Species……...., pp. , pp. 178178--180:180:

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““Religious FaithsReligious Faiths”” of Darwinismof Darwinism

•• DarwinianDarwinian––Accepts all of DarwinAccepts all of Darwin’’s s

propositions about natural selection.propositions about natural selection.

•• NeoNeo--DarwinianDarwinian––Accepts DarwinAccepts Darwin’’s s

ideas but believes mutations are the ideas but believes mutations are the

chief cause changes.chief cause changes.

•• PostPost--NeoNeo--DarwinianDarwinian––Accepts Accepts

DarwinDarwin’’s s ““descent with modificationdescent with modification””

but believes that natural selection but believes that natural selection

cannot explain how evolution occurs cannot explain how evolution occurs

{e.g., sudden leaps can occur}.{e.g., sudden leaps can occur}.

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�� Materialistic EvolutionMaterialistic Evolution——DarwinismDarwinismThe hypothesis that the complex chemical processes and diverse The hypothesis that the complex chemical processes and diverse biological systems are the result of random processes (Natural biological systems are the result of random processes (Natural Selection & Mutations) working over a period of Selection & Mutations) working over a period of billions of yearsbillions of years..

��Theistic EvolutionTheistic EvolutionThe hypothesis that God initially created the raw materials and The hypothesis that God initially created the raw materials and energy and then through natural processes (Natural Selection & energy and then through natural processes (Natural Selection & Mutations) these evolved into the abundant variety of life we seMutations) these evolved into the abundant variety of life we see e today; including man, over a period of today; including man, over a period of hundreds of millions of yearshundreds of millions of years, , at times intervening to speed up the times intervening to speed up the process.

�� Progressive CreationProgressive Creation““The hypothesis that God has increased the complexity of life on The hypothesis that God has increased the complexity of life on earth by successive creations of new life forms over a period ofearth by successive creations of new life forms over a period ofhundreds of millions of yearshundreds of millions of years while miraculously changing the earth while miraculously changing the earth to accommodate the new accommodate the new life.””——Dr. Hugh Ross (Dr. Hugh Ross (Dinosaurs & Dinosaurs & HuminidsHuminids, Reasons to Believe audiotape, 1990), Reasons to Believe audiotape, 1990)

““Denominational FaithsDenominational Faiths”” of Evolutionof Evolution

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�� Special CreationSpecial CreationThe hypothesis that God created the heavens and earth The hypothesis that God created the heavens and earth and all that is within them, the raw materials, energy, and all that is within them, the raw materials, energy, physical & chemical processes and the abundant physical & chemical processes and the abundant variety and complexity of life; including man, fully variety and complexity of life; including man, fully mature & functional, in six literal days. mature & functional, in six literal days.

The Biblical PositionThe Biblical Position

Furthermore, based on a study of Biblical genealogies Furthermore, based on a study of Biblical genealogies the earth, and by extension the Universe, is no more the earth, and by extension the Universe, is no more than ~8000 years old and probably ~6000 years old! than ~8000 years old and probably ~6000 years old!

This poses a controversy: What about all the supposed This poses a controversy: What about all the supposed ““scientific evidencescientific evidence”” that the earth is 4.5 billion years that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and the Universe is 8old and the Universe is 8--14 billion years old?14 billion years old?

Short AnswerShort Answer: Such conclusions are based on : Such conclusions are based on ““inductiveinductive””science rather than science rather than ““deductivedeductive”” or or ““empiricalempirical””