the battle for jerusalem has begun! - prophecy in the news magazine - nov 1996


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Page 2: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

INSIDE THIS ISSUE The Battle for Jerusalem Has Begun! .... . . 3

Zechariah predicted that God would make Jerusalem a "cup of trembling" and a "burdensome stone" in the last days. The current contention that led to the recent Palestinian uprising appears to be the beginning of the fulfillment of that prophecy. Yassir Arafat has declared, "The most imponant thing we can't accept is Ihe ludaization of Jerusalem." Gary Steannan analyzes the difficulties facing both sides and gives a view of what may happen in the near future.

Superman Marries Lois Lane! .. . .. . 7

When Jerry Seigal first created the innocent alien from Krypton, he laid the groundwork for an allegory that depicts the very essence of Christ . For example, Superman's Kryptonian name was " Kal-EI," a Hebrew teml meaning "the voice of God." His KrYPlOnian father was "10r-EI," a fonn of the Hebrew term "Jehovah Elohim." It is easy to see the allegorical nature of Seigal's character. Recently. on their Sunday night telev ision series, Superman married Lois Lane. The ceremony was performed in an unnamed garden - shades of Eden - by an angel-like minister named Mike - shades of Michael , the arch angel!

Trouble Over the Tunnel ... . . . 9

The conflict started over the Jerusalem tunnel recently opened for tourists. J. R. Church provides pictures of the tunnel. He has been there with tour groups several times since 1974. It should not have been a problem for the Palestinians. Yet, they chose to usc the issue to create a confrontalion with the Netanyahu govemment . The stakes are much higher than just a tunnel.

"Rapture" Encoded al Equidistant Letter Sequences .... . . 12

Yacov Rambsel, author of YES HUA: THE HEBREW FACTOR, has found new encoded messages in the Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures. He has discovered the Hebrew word for "rapture" encoded in several passages that will astound you. Be sure 10 read the article beginning on page 12. Also, we have produced a new video interview with Yacov Rambscl which is offered on page 17.

The Sacred Jou~ney of Moses ...... 15

The life and ministry of Moses has remarkable characteristics which prophetically correspond to Christ. Both fi lled the roles of prophet, priest, lawgiver, teacher, and leader of men. Both con­firmed their teachings with miracles. Both spell! their early years in Egypt. One established the covenant of Law and the other estab­lished the covenanl of Grace.

Video Review: CAPITAL CRIMES .. . . . . 19

Letters From Our Friends . ..... 35

2 Prop/Iffy in tile News

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Zechariah's Amazing Prophecy:

The Battle for Jerusalem Has Begun!

By Gary Stea rman

"Behold. 1 will make Jerusalem a Clip

of trembling U/lto all the people found abDul, wilen they shall be in Ihe siege both against ludah and against Jerusalem.

"And in that day will J make Jerusa ­lem a burdensome stolle for all people: all thaI burden Ihemsell'cs wilh it shall be cur in pieces, though ali Ihe people of the earth be ga/hered fOgerher against it" (Zechariah 12:2,3).

Scripturall y, Jerusalem is the center of earth. At some point

the future, it will be the ru ling capital of the whole world. Perhaps at an almost subconscious level, mankind recog­nizes Ihis important truth. For this reason, Jerusalem has always been the focus of con­

tention among the nations. Today, this ob­servation is more accurale than ever. The battle for Jerusalem is being waged right now. The contestants involve virtually ev­ery counlry on earlh, but the Palestinian Liberation Organization is currently the most visible.

Supported on the artificial foundation of a unified Western media, the PLO has once again proven that in todny's world, truth and morali ty arc regarded merely as out­moded obstacles to progress.

Follow ing a pattern he has successfully used in the past, Yasir Arafat has finessed the politicians and media pundits of the West, in his continuous quest for Palestin­ian statehood. He wants tlmhing less than the Palestinian flag flying over Jerus<llem, which at that time would become the capi­tal of P<llestinc.

His motives are transparent, as he at­tempts to undermine the du ly-elected Netanyahu government by appealing to

Renewed fighting erupted in Palestinian cities over the opening of a tunnel which runs north along the Western Wall. Now tourists will not have to return to the entrance shown above. The other end of the tunnel opens to the Via Dolorosa.

weak and vacillating European and Ameri ­can leaders . They too. are convinced o f the myth that only appeasement, and the found­ing of a Palestinian state can promOle con­tinu ing peace in the region.

In a widely-televised quote after the re­cent uprising. Ararat made perhaps the most blatllt1t public self-revela tion in re­cent history when he said, "The most im­portant thing we can't accept is the Judaization of Jerusalem."

How bizarre! If Jerusalem can't be "Judaized," what can?

On Tuesday, October I, 1996, Arafat ar­rived in Washington at the behest of the Cl inton State Department, after a stopover in Luxembourg. There, he had met with Eu­ropean Community fEC] foreign ministers, includi ng the next Ihree men scheduled to step into the rotational EC "Presidency." Clearly, it is his wish 10 create a renewed Oslo initiative, perhaps even a new Madrid-

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style peace conference. But first, he is try­ing to shore up the ongoing "peace pro­cess" that he has manipulated so profitably, at least in the days leading up to the assas­sination of Yitzhak Rabin.

It Wasn' t the l\mnel Even before the elec tion, Benjamin

Nctanyahu warned that he wou ld slow down the Rabin/Peres peace process. The security offered by this slance is the rea­son that he won by an 11 percent margin among Jewish voters. This happened in spite of the fac i that Bill Clinton openly campaigned for Shimon Peres before the election.

In response, the PLO said that if its de­mands weren't met, there would soon be a new intifada.

Throughout the summer of 1996, Israel watchers had predicted that open hostil i­ties - perhaps even war - were immi­nent. With the coming of the Jewish New year (Rosh Hashanah, 5757) on Septem­ber 14, many felt that the tension would soon break into open warfare.

The Days of Awe came 10 an end with Yom Kippur, on September 23. Early on the morning of the next day, the Netanyahu government quietly opened the northern end of an ancient Hasmonean archaeologi­cal tunnel that runs northward from the Western Wall. They installed a door that opened on the Via Dolarosa . in the Arab Quarter. With that, tourists would now be. able to travel the tunnel through its entire I ,250-foot length without having to back­track to the Western Wall. Furthermore , they would be active shoppers, bringing money to Arab shopkeepers in the area. Alas, the opening was politicized , and quickly turned into a mini-intifada.

Netanyahu proclaimed the action was "an expression of our sovereignty, our his­tory." To Yasir Arafat, it was "a deliberate act of incitement." In the days leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles on September 28, Palestinian riOling became open war­fare. The scene took on a haunted look, under the ghastly red glow of a total lunar eclipse that occurred on the 26th, just prior to Tabernacles.

The violence quickly spread to Judea and Gaza, ultimately taking the lives of 53 Pal­estinians and 14 Israel is. But with the weekend arrival of Tabernacles, hostilities quickly tapered off.

To be sure, the opening of the ancient tunnel had triggered the horrors of that week. But Israel watchers had been warned for weeks that such an event was in the off­ing. It wasn't the tunnel that started the war; it was the violent disagreement between

4 Prophecy in the News

Above is a view of the rabbinic tunnel looking north. The inset shows where the tunnel entrance begins at the Western Wall and exits at the Via Dolorosa.

Israel and the PLO concerning Jerusalem. One way or another. it was bound 10 star! . Expert observers now tell us that it's bound to continue.

Heaping the Blame From the. first moments of the difficulty,

Nelanyahu bore the full brunt of the world's opinion-makers. President Clinton called for a cease-fire and proclaimed that instant summit in Washington, which came to pass on the third day ofTabe.rnacles, October 2, 1996.

The abortive Washington talks resulted only in a half-hearted agreement to con­tinue the dialogue in the futu re. Other than Benjamin Netanyah u and Arafat, only Jordan 's King Hussein showed up. Impor­tant players, like Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Hafez ai-Assad of Syria refused to come.

World leaders sharply criticized Netanyahu, calling for him to close the tun­nel , but he stood fast on his decision. Is­lamic religious authorities, European presi-

dents and American politicians banded to­gether to label him as everything from a murderer to - as the Germans put it - a rebellious teenager. The Guardian newspa­per in London ran a political cartoon that showed him putting a dove in a food grinder.

Newspapers around the world ran fea­ture after feature sympathetic to the Pales­tinians. One example from the Associated Press ran on September 30, is typical:

"After four deadly days, Jews and Ar­abs have forced down the lid on Pandora's Box, but few Palestinians now speak of the ' peace process' without a sneer or a sigh.

"Ibrahim al-Zamareh lost the faith Sat­urday afternoon in his comfortable hilltop home when an Israeli soldier's stray rub­ber bu llet smashed into his wife 's face less than an inch from her left eye .

"Insherah Zamareh grimaced with pain as she listened to her mild-mannered husband, a builder of houses, talk revolution.

"'We stopped intifada after seven years because we wanted peace,' Zamareh, 46,

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said of the 1987-93 Palestinian uprising. 'But if we have to start again, we are ready to go 100 years. '"

Zamareh sums up the Arab position suc­cinctly, saying, "We believed in this [peace] process. We put nowers in our gun barrels and forgot all of our martyrs. Then this Netanyahu came and damaged it all."

President Clinton was pictured as the concerned peacemaker, begging the brutal Israelis to rerum to the path of peace. The New York Times of October 3, placed its slant in a front-page article:

"What little the emergency Middle East summit meetirig of the last two days pro­duced was best summed up in President Clinton's anxious plea to Israelis and Pal­estinians: 'Please, please give us a chance to let this thing work in the days ahead.'

"As yet another Palestinian youth fell to Israeli bullets in Hebron, and as Palestin­ians greeted the reports from Washington with dismay, it was far from certain that the peacemakers would be given this chance, or that 'this thing' would work."

One could pick up virtually any news­paper and find the Israelis getting tarred with the same half-truths. Palestinians were treated as idealistic revolutionaries, while Israelis were depicted as brutal overlords. The October 4, Times quoted one of the young throwers of Molotov cocktails:

"'The moment the Palestinian police opened fire on the Jewish troops last week they became our brothers,' said Jamal Abu Mohammed, a teenager, as he stood at the edge of the camp. ' Before that they had been Israeli rent-a-cops in Arab unifonns. But now they have proved that they are with us. We are aJl one now. We will together drive the Jewish occupiers from our land. '"

Such quotes as this assume that the Pal­estinians have ajust cause which they will one day realize. With few exceptions, West­ern leaders go along with this line.

Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu bears up under the unceasing castigations of sta­tus-quo politicians who wish to curry fa­vor with various sheikhs, pashas, mufties, and assorted dcspots of the Mideast. They seem to forget that Israel is the region's only democracy.

The battle is for conlrol of the entire Middle East. More than lhal, it is for the Holy Land, itself. And at the heart of the Land is the real prize ~ Jerusalem. The real nucleus of the contention is the Temple Mount. Currently, it lies in the tight con­trol of the Arabs, specifically administered by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Arabs don't want this to change in any way. In facl, Arab backers of the PLO clearly wish to use it as a lever to gain the entire city.

Zechariah's Advance View: Jerusalem Destined for Instability It is remarkable that the prophet

Zechariah was given a view that coincides with events now in the news. Chapter 12 of his prophecy specifically states the condition thaI now exists in downtown Jerusalem:

"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round ahollt, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

"And in that day willi make Jerusalem a burdensome stonefor all people: all thaI bur­den themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gath­ered logether against it" (Zechariah 12:2,3).

The current accuracy of this prophecy is astounding. The Western policy of appease­ment that has been followed by Israel 's Labor party has produced the present no­win situation. The Likud coalition is now saddled with belatedly trying to cure a situ­ation for which there is no cure. The PLO, having had a taste of power, will no longer settle for peaceful coexistence.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has only two choices ~ both bad. First, he can yield to pressure and re­turn to the appeasement policies of his pre­decessors. [fhe does this, land will be given for peace, including the Golan Heights and the majority of Jerusalem. Israel's very survival would then be in question .

His second possibility lies in staying with his election promises. He ran on the slo­gan of "peace with security," vowing never 10 give up the contested territories. If he sticks to his guns, Palestinian violence will surely escalate to higher, possibly termi­nal, levels.

Either choice will leave Jewish resolve at abysmally low levels. Israel will most certainly find itself like a cornered animal, with no choice but to lash out at its enemy. Many authorities point out that this raises the ugly specter of nuclear confrontation .

Zechariah prophesies exactly this kind of no-win situation. First, he sets the scene, noting that the day will come when Judah (the Jews) and Jerusalem are under siege. Th is is the situation right now.

Slowly but surely, the nations have acted in concert to drive Israel into a corner. For them , it is only the preliminary struggle in a battle to rid the land of all Jews forever. As stated earlier, world leaders arc con­vinced of the myth that the Jews are the great obstacle to peace. They totaUy over­look the numerous warring factions among the Arabs, themselves.

But as things stand, Jerusalem has be­come the vital sticking point in a battle for

spiritual and economic control of the terri­tory God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

And then, Zechariah describes the diffi­culties surrounding Jerusalem with the metaphor, "a cup of trembling." The verb translated "trembling" is the Hebrew ra' al ['V'] : It conveys a sense oftwisling, wob­bling, shaking and spinning out of control. Certainly, today's situation is not far short of this eventuality. Given the complexity of Mideast politics, diplomatic solutions fall laughably short of prov iding stability. Perhaps the best modern translation of ra' at would be "instability."

Additionally, in Scripture, the cup is a symbol of destiny, as in the time when Jesus fell to His knees and prayed: "0 my Father, If it be possible, let this cup pass /rom me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matthew 26:39).

Here, thc· cup symbolizes the destined mission given by the Father to the Son. Its ultimate fulfillment brought incredible pain to Jesus, nevertheless, He realized that it was His destiny. He took the cup.

Jerusalem has a similar destiny. It is to undergo tremendous paroxysms of agony before the Lord finally comes to declare victory over His foes.

The horrors of the beast , the false prophet and waves of oppression by the nations will reach a fever pitch during the Tribulation period. Even now, we see the first ripples . From here on, we will see this besieged city become more and more unstable as warring factions be­come further radicalized.

Jerusalem is already "a burdensome stone for all people." Several times in this century, the Papacy has announced that Jerusalem will be ils ultimate headquarters. Already, it lays claim to many of the holy city's most archaeologically significant locations.

Likewise, Islam says that sooner or later, the city must be surrendered to its rule. For them, this is a major article of faith .

As if that weren' t enough contention, leaders of the West and the United Nations have suggested that Jerusalem be made an "international" city, whatever that means. Among olher things, such a plan certainly intends that the Jews would not control it. Rather, some combination of OPEC and Islam, in concert with the oil merchants of the world and various spiritual figureheads would pull the strings .

But Zechariah's prophecy is quite clear in this matter. He says that as various power groups seek to control Jerusalem, they will call certain destruction down upon themselves.

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The Stone and the Rock More specifically, {he "stone" that is

Jerusalem will cut them to pieces. This re­minds us of the language fo und in Deuteronomy 32, the Song of Moses. This is the epic ofIsrael's latter-day deliverance.

Five times in this chapter, we fi nd the word, "Rock." All five times, it is capital­ized as a proper noun. It is one orlhc titles of our Lord.

"He is the Rock, his work is pelfect:for all his ways are judgmenr: a God of truth and without iniquity. just and right is he" (Deuteronomy 32:4).

As can be witnessed in this verse, the Lord is prophesied in these verses as mov­ing fonh in righteous judgment. He takes vengeance upon Israel's enemies.

All this would be just fine, but unfortu­nately, Israel " .. . lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation" (v. IS).

Of Israel, Moses writes, "Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee" (v.I8).

Throughout its history, Israel has gone through various cycles of apostasy, down­fall, captivity and regathering. Somehow, they always seem to forget that the Lord is their Rock and protector.

Verses 30 and 31 show that the Rock is the real reason for Israel's victory in battlc:

"How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand loflight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut Ihem up?

"For their rock is not as ow' Rock. even our enemies themselves being judge.~."

The Lord - Jesus - is the real Rock. Ironically. He is the power behind Israel. For this reason, those who come against His plan for Mount Zion are doomed to failure . This holy mountain has a foreor­dained destiny - a cup. Those who try to drink it will be destroyed. To them. it will li terally be a cup of poison.

l erusalem is a c ity of grim ironies. And in the midst of this dispute, there lies yet another incredible irony. The " rock" of Is­lam is encapsulated beneath a profane golden dome, called the Mosque of Omar. It is sometimes referred to as the «Dome of the Rock."

If there is a needle-sharp point of con­tention in the world today, this rock cer­tainly marks the spot. Moslems say that it is t he place from which Mohammed vaulted to heaven on a flying white steed . They even show off certain depressions in the rock that are said to be the footpr ints that mark his departure.

This same rock is claimed by the l ews as Mt. Zion, the place where Abraham took

6 Prophecy ill the NfWS

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is under pressure to yield to Arafat's demands.

Isaac for sacrifice, in obedience to the com­mand of God. Some archaeologists say that it is the very location of the Holy of Holies in the first two Temples. The archaeologist Dr. Leen Ri ttmeyer even says that a carved­out rectangle <ltop the rock W<IS once the rest­ing place of the holy Ark of the Covenant.

The fight is on. Who will claim this rock? Without a doubt, that's the big question.

A Fiery Deliverance, in the Language of Psalm 97

Conceming the answer to this question, Zechariah's language is unequivocal. Jerusalem and the Jews will be delivered from those who lay false claim to its sa­cred precincts. Chapter 12, verses 4 through 9 clearly tell us the outcome of the battle:

"In thai day, sailh the LORD, I will smite every horse with astonishment , alld his rider with madness: and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Judah, and will smite every horse of the people wilh blindness.

"And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Jerusa ­lem shall be my strenglh in tlte LORD of hosts their God.

"In that day willI make the governors of Judah like an hearth offire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round aboUl, on the right hand and on the left: and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again ill her own place. even in Jerusalem.

"The LORD also shall save the tents of Judah first, that Ihe glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of

Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah.

"In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."

Here, the scene is just as we see it in the Song of Moses, in which the Rock deliv­ers His people. Zechariah shows the Lord taking fiery vengeance upon pretenders to His throne . The language here strongly suggests that the Lord will use the Jews to launch a fiery war. Many have speculated that Israel's nuclear arsenal will at last be set in motion. But whatever the case, Jerusalem will at last be given to the Jews.

We see precisely this kind of rhetoric being used in Psalm 97. One would have to completely lack discernment not to see that the world is soon to be subjected to a horrible period of fiery (almost certainly, nuclear) warfare.

"The LORD reigneth; let the earth re­joice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.

"Clouds alld darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.

'!A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.

"His lightnings enliglllened the world: the earth saw, and trembled.

"The hills melted like wax at Ihe pres­ence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth" (Psalm 97: I-S).

It is not a question of whether these things will happen, but when? Psalm 97 speaks in general tenns of the Lord's ven­geance. Perhaps this has already begun in what to us might seem an insignificant way. To those of faith, the Lord now reigns. However, many events must unfold before His visible and present sovereignty upon the throne of David in lerusalem.

Until Jesus comes, the world will con­tinue to fight over Jerusalem. Each group has its own delusions about why it should be the entity in control of the ancient city.

As we continue to read warped and slanted stories in t.he world's newspapers, let us rej oice and be glad that man's schemes will not decide the fi nal disposi­tion of the matter. Global authorities may think they can control the ancient spiritual capital, but they have not yet seen the fire of the Lord.

In the meantime, remember Psalm 122 :6: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they

shall prosper that love thee." •

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SuperlDan Marries Lois Lane!

By J . R. Churc h

"Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman!"

Remember those words from a genera­lion ago? Superman was the hero of my generation. Superman - solver of prob­lems - unrelenting in his pursuit of peace - in his fight for truth, justice, and the American way! In fact, hispopularity ex­ceeds that of any hero character since, whether it be Aquaman, Spidennan, Won­der Woman or the dozens of newly created robot creatures from space and their hu­man counterparts. Superman has surpassed them all.

During the 1 980s Superman took to the silver screen to become a multi-mi ll ion dollar box office attraction. Over the past few years, "Lois and Clark" have become Sunday night television favorites. In their October 6, 1996 episode, the two lovers were finall y married - in an unnamed garden somewhere toward the west -shades of Eden - by a minister who popped in and out of the program like an angcl - named Mike! Each time they met Mike, they recognized him, but looked puzzled when they left him - as if they could not remember who he was.

Toward the end of the program, Clark lifted Lois in his arms and just flew toward the west unlil both felt they had arrived at the right place. Just as they landed, Mike appeared and remarked that they had ar· rived just before him. About that time, the parents of Lois wa lked into the scene, shook hands with Mike and addressed him as if they had known him all their lives. Then the Kents arrived and did the same thing. After them, Perry White and J immy Olsen came up the steps and shook hands with the minister, greeting him as an old friend as well.

It looked to me as if Mike represented none other than Michael, the arch·angel .lt was a fantasy that had all the earmarks of a modem allegory. When Jerry Siegal first created the innocent alien from Krypton,

When Jerry Siegal first created the innocent al ien from Krypton , he laid the groundwork for an allegory that depicts the very essence of Christ. For example, Superman 's Kryptonian name was "Kal- El," a Hebrew term meaning " the voice ot God." His Kryptonian father was "Jor-EI ," a form of the Hebrew term "Jehovah­Elohim." It Is easy to see the allegorical nature of his character.

he laid the groundwork for an allegory that depicts the very essence of Christ. For ex· ample, Superman's Kryptonian name was "Kal· EI," a Hebrew tenn meaning "the voice of God." His Kryptonian father was "Jor-EI," a form of the Hebrew term "Je­hovah-Elohim." It is easy to see the alle­gorical nature of his character. Born on a distant planet , his father sent him to eanh as a baby with supernatural powers to save mankind from ev il. He is pictured as the epitome of all that is good . His boyish features show him as shy and unpreten­tious, knowing no evil - one who can solve the problems of hunger, war, dis­ease, and disaster.

Last year's episodes were filled with at­tempts to wed Lois and Clark. Failing to become a June bride, Lois eventually be­comes a September bride . The season

ended last year with a visit from New Kryp· ton by Clark's long· lost relatives- includ­ing the wife he had never known. It seems his father had wed him to a Kryptonian girl at birth. It was now his obligat ion to return to New Krypton, consummate the marriage to the one Jor-El had chosen, and wage a war in the heavens against an evil usurper to the throne - the evil Nor! The name of this wicked Kryptonian is spelled in He­brew as nun resh ['"\J] meaning, "lamp," or /lun vav resh [iD] meaning, "fire." Either way, it smacks of Lucifer which, in He­brew, means "shining one" or "light bearer." T he two main leiters that make up Nor 's name are nun and resh. Nun [J] means "downfall" and resh ('"\ ] means "wicked."

New Krypton sounds a lot like "New Jerusalem." The spacecraft used to trans-

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port Superman across the universe was called "New New." Ii was also refe rred to as "Palace." On their way out of our solar system, Kal-Elleamed that the evil Nor had taken over Smallville, enslaved its people, and set about to conquer earth!

Kal-EI had to return to save the human race! Upon arriving, Lois and two other women were beamed (raptured) aboard New New - Kal-EI's palace - to become his concubines. Lois was Caucasian, an­other girl was Black, and the other, as I re­eail , was Orienta l. Be tween the time Kal­EI left earth last May, and the time he re­turned in Se pte mber, there were four months. All of this should sound strangely familiar to the student of the Bible. Jesus once told His disciples, "Say nor yeo There are yet/our monfhs, and then cometh har­vest?" (John 4:35). Someday, when Christ returns, He will rapture His Gentile bride (made up of all races) into His palace, while He wages war against the antichrist who attempts to usurp His throne.

Superman married Lois Lane this year. Say, could it be? Is this the year? Mmmm ... Nah! We won't know until it comes about - in a moment - in the twinkling of an eye!

Hero characters have always been wo­ven into the folklore of ancient civiliza­tions, suc h us Hercu les, noted for hi s strength ; Apollo, revered for his wisdom; Mercury. admired for hi s swiftness; or Ju­piter, feared for his judgment.

The Superman of the ancient Jew was Samson -and let me say that Samson was no figment of man's imagination. Samson was real. Samson, however. was of the tribe of Dnn , a renegade tribe. In addition , he was lhe 13th judge of Israel , destined to bad luck. He got mixed up with the wrong Lois Lane and lost his locks.

History shou ld te ll us that mankind has always desired a supemntural supennan on whom he could place his allegiance fo r deliverance. I believe this desire has been accentuated today. There are more hero characters than ever before, and all seem to have the same general characteristics. They come from outer space and, though they arc not human, they are benevolent and kind. Their great super nrch-enemies are also from beyond our solar system. 111e connict between good and evil continues to become source material for the story­teller and the moviemaker.

However. we must beware of some of these hero characters who are vying for the attention and affection of our children. Isis and Wonder Woman receive their super­natura l power from idolatrous Egyptian astrology. The hero characters of "Star

8 Prop/lecy in tht Nf!WS

Wars" say. "May the fo rce be with you," but the "force" is satanic in origin - a product of wi tchcraft. Casti ng spe lls or communication by mental te lepathy - all of these things have been practiced forcen­turies in witchcraft. Along with witchcraft is the taking of drugs. The wiIChes' brew of long ago is still around today and grow­ing in popularity.

Beware of the hero characters who fight for the affections of today 's chi ldren. He may be the evil Nor! When the future Wicked One appears, he will be accepted by mankind as a great solver of problems. He will even succeed in taking over the many governments of the world. He' ll have a lot going for him - leadership ability, charisma. even power and signs with ly­ing wonders. He will be able to call fire down from heaven in the sight of man , and he will cause all men to worship him -assuming the role of God .

One can hard ly blame the human race

for longi ng for such a man. Most would agree that we need someone who can solve the problems that plague our planet. How­ever. the anti ch ri st will be a great de­ceiver. Wh ile the world is cryi ng, " peace, peace," he will usurp the peace and bring nbout Armageddon.

All of the hero characters being produced today by the movie makers are whetting the appetite of our generation for the ar­rival of the antichrisl. Men are going to get too anxious and act too soon in procla im­ing the arrival of the great problem·solver. So determined is the human race to reject the real Super Hero, the Lord Jesus Christ, that they have gone about concocting ev­ery conceivable character to take His place. However. in spite of all the tricksters and deceivers, I'm glad that one day the hu­man race will exclaim, "Look! Up in the sky! It 's a bird! It's a plane! No. it 's ... "

Well, it won't be another substi tute. It really will be Jesus! •

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Page 9: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

Trouble Over The Tunnel

By J . R. Church

The latest conniel between Israel and the Palestinians erupted over the opening of the Rabbinic tunnel to tourism. The exca­vated tunne l runs northward along the Western Wall of Herod 's Temple com­pound . It does not enter any so-called Mos­lem sacred . In fact, the tunnel has

been available for tours for many years. In 1974, I was given one of the earliest tours of the sile . Since then, T have taken several lour groups into the tunnel.

I remember well , my first tour of the area. It was about 5:00 o'clock

one August af,e;;;oon. 1 eagerly awaited my appointment with onc of Israel's leading archeologists. Zw i Hoffman met my pho­tographer, Ed Cass, and me at the Western Wall and escorted us under Wilson's Arch, the ancient bridge that spans the Tyropeon valley. We were there to take photographs of his excavations along the Western Wall of the Temple compound.

As we walked northward along the bed­rock that supported the massive stone blocks, dating back 10 the time of Herod the Great, we discussed israel's burden with history. Signs of first-century conflict with the Romans were evident all around us. Broken boulders, burned stonework, and layers of debris reminded us of the suf­fering Israel had endured toward the close of the first century.

I was curious to learn his perspective about the continuing conflict between the Jews and Arabs since the birth of Israel in 1948. We discussed the 1967 Six-Day War and the Yom KippurWarof 1973. Our COIl ­

versation soon got around to the prophets and their prediction that the Chosen People would someday relurn to their Promised Land - only to face renewed conflicts.

We discussed the Arab nations that op­posed the formation of the state of Israel

In 1974, J . R. Church entered the rabbinic tunnel and took panoramic pictures. Mr. Zwi Hoffman, chief archeologist in charge of the excavation , sits on a rock ledge (right) as the camera is adjusted for the series of pictures. This is the tunnel recently opened to tourists.

and I asked him what he thought about a possible solution. His answer was a bit sur­prising. He said, "Our problem is not re­aUy with the Palestinians and Arabs. They are but pawns in a game. Ourdifficully lies with the motivating force behind them­namely. the Soviet Union. Our problem is not really with the Arabs, but with Ihe So­viets." He told me that someday Israel must face the predicted "Battle of Gog and Magog."

S ince that delightful evening in Old Jerusalem, I have watched the "evil em­pire" crumble. After 70 years, Soviet-styled Communism failed to capture the enthusi­asm of its people. There is no more Soviet Union. In its place are several republics that once menaced the planet. However, Israel slill faces a continu ing conflict with the Ambs. Was my friend wrong? Or be!ler yet,

how do we now interpret the prophet who wrote about a future conflict with Gog and Magog?

The questions are heard over and over again. Now that the Soviet Union is dis­solved and Russia remains, can we really look forward to an era of peace? The Cold War seems to be over - is it, really'! Will Russia become part of the free-market West? That is the dream of Boris Ycltsin.

Theologians are naturally perplexed about current events in Russia and its sat­ellite republics. Popular media images of post-Soviet peace and the free-market revo­lution appear to be at odds with our tradi­tional prophetic view. Ezekiel called for an invasion of regathered Israel by a northern enemy who gathers allies from the Middle East. This unholy consortium will enter the Holy Land with a vengeance. Many

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have said that this event can't be too far into the future. How then, do we recon­cile these two seemingly contradictory points of view?

Russia is neither practical nor noble. She has always supported the enemies of Israel. Syria, Jordan, Libya, Ethiopia, and other similar Mideast powers have always de­pended upon Russia for military support. It seems my Israeli friend was right. Rus­sia has always supplied military equipment for Arab use against Israel. For example, in 1982, when Israel moved into Lebanon to rout the PLO, they uncovered an enor­mous hidden cache of Russian anns and war material. Clearly, the Russians were planning an invasion of some sort. Has their intent changed in the years since that event? Apparently not.

The message to small but militant coun­tries around the world is loud and clear ­why go to the trouble and expense of manu­facturing your own nuclear materials, when they can be so easily obtained on the black market?

The top headline of the JEWISH PRESS (February 14, 1992) screamed, "SyriaAc. quires Nuclear Bombs." Arizona's Secre­tary of State, Richard Mahoney added, "By ignoring Syria's President Hafez Assad's deadly actions and treating him as an ally, our president is enabling Syria to acquire nuclear bombs. Assad is much smarter than Traq's Saddam Hussein and has concealed his securing a nuclear bomb in the shroud of Palestinian statehood."

He continues, "American intelligence has established that Soviet nuclear bomb technicians are quitting Russia and head· ing for more remunerative waters to peddle their wares. Accordi ng to recell\ C IA testi­mony on CapitOl Hill , Syria, after failing to purchase Soviet SS-23 i.ntermediate­range ballistic missiles, has now acquired a possible nuclear-delivery system from North Korea. Syria has also tried to purchase 980 grams of enriched uranium as well as a nuclear research reactor from China."

Expert opinion tells us that those mis­siles can accurately deliver nuclear war­heads into Israel, with a warning time of only a few minutes, and perhaps as little as a few seconds.

The ECONOMIST also reported, "In 1984, China helped Iran build a nuclear­research center at Isfahan. A Chinese re­search reactor may follow." It adds, "There are persistent reports of Chinese and Paki­stan i experts setting up uranium-enriching cemrifuges at Moallem Kalayeh, north of Tehran, although inspectors from the In­ternational Atomic Energy Agency found nothing there in February. Iran has signed

10 Propllecy ill tile News

Under Wilson's Arch, which lies on the north side of the Western Wall, is a large room where Jews congregate to pray. The door at the north end of this room (above) leads to the tunnel which continues straight north along the wall of the ancient Temple fortress.

the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: It hopes to buy - from India, China or both - 'a few' legitimate civil reactors soon."

Onee again, it ean be seen that the mere signing of a treaty has vi rtually no mean­ing, except as propaganda. In Tran, Syria and other Middle-Eastern countries, "non­proliferation" now means "proliferation." The nuclear arms race that has captivated the world for the last 40 years has now shifted to a new arena.

The ECONOMIST adds another inter· esting note: "For Algeria, the Chinese are building a large research reactor at Ain Oussera. This looks fishy. The Algerians kept it a secret until it was spotted by sat­ellites." Under the title "Bombs for All?" the editors of this prestigious magazine had the following to say: "TIle Soviet collapse has raised fears that would·be bomb mak· ers, from Iran to North Korea, may get their hands on Soviet nuclear skills, weapons or materials. Butlhe really bad news is what Iraq had been up to under the noses of in· spectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency. It shows that, against a de­termined cheat, existing safeguards are alarmingly inadequate."

No wonder the ancient prophets spoke of fire that wou ld sweep injudgmemacross the land. Though the Middle-East is the flash point, that fire seems destined to sweep around the world.

We don't know the full details yet, but stories now leaking out of the Middle East

speak a spine-chilling truth. The world's most horrifying weapons are now in the hands of terrorists.

Syria May Light the Fuse Let's look at the events leading up to the

predicted "Battle of Gog and Magog." Ac­cording to Isaiah's view, Syria may play an important role in the confliet that leads to the invasion by Gog. Somehow, the Syr· ians will force a showdown with devastat­ing results. During a war with Syria, Dam· ascus - for the firs t time in its history­will be destroyed . Isaiah 17 speaks of this event:

"The bwden of Damascus. Behold, Dam­aSCIlS is taken away from being a city, alld if shall be a ruinous heap" (Isaiah 17: 1).

Such a destruction has not yet occurred in the hislory of Damascus, which is said to be the oldest continuously occupied city in the world. I feellhat when Damascus is destroyed Israel will occupy Lebanon and Syria-all the way to the Euphrates River. The borders between Israel, Lebanon, and Syria seem to be coming down in verse 3:

"The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim ... " (Isaiah 17:3).

Some interpret this to mean that the Lebanese border will cease to exist. Israel will occupy Lebanon and Syria. Isaiah eon· tinues:

" ... and the kingdom from Damascus, alld the remnant 0/ Syria; they shall be as the glory of the children a/Israel, sai,1I the

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LORD of hosts" (Isaiah 17:3). Ephraim 's northern borders with Leba­

non and Sy ria may be dissolved. Both countries cou ld become part of a greater Israel - as God promised Abraham in Genesis 15:18.

However, this occupation will nOt be without a price. Just as Lraq was condemned for annexing Kuwait, the United Nations would condemn Israel for this acquisition. Instead of the United States leading the in­vasion fo rce, as it did against Iraq, the So­viet Union could take the initiative and head up the anned forces against Israel. Such a scenario could result in the battle of Gog and Magog.

Instead of the Soviet Union sitting back and cooling its heels, as it did in the lraq situation, we could see the Sov iet Union playa dominant role. The Soviet invasion cou ld come as a result of Israel's confli ct with Syria. Isaiah describes the deployment of a massive invasion follow ing the de­struction of Damascus:

"Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the liaise of the seas; and to the I'Ilshing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

"The nations shall rush like the /'Ushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and They shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains be­fore the wind, and like a rollillg thillg be­fore the whirlwind.

"And hehold at el!eningtide trouble; and before the morning he is 1I0t. This is the portion of them that.tpoil lls, and the lot of them that rob liS" (Isaiah 17:12- 14),

This could be a description of the Rus­sian invasion. It corresponds qu ite nicely with Ezekiel 38, The tenn "spoil" is used by both prophets. Notice, the battle begins about sundown and by the next morning the mighty invading amlY is devastated .

From the North When the prophet wrote in Isaiah 14:31

that "a smoke" would come from the north, he was referring to one of the great wars of the end·t ime. T think the key to the proph­ecy is the word "I/orth." Furthermore, there are other prophetic scri ptures wh ich also describe an invasion from the north. For instance. Jeremiah wrote:

"And the wort! of the Lord came unlO me the second time, saying, What seest thou? And I said, I see a seething pot; and the face thereof i.~ toward the north.

"Then the LaId said unto me, Out of the north an evil shall breakforrh upon all fhe inhabitallls of the land." (Jeremiah 1: 13- 14).

TIlese verses seem to describe an end~time

Entering through the door s hone on the previous page, one enters the tunne l. The large s tones on the right are nine feet ta ll, nIne feet thick, and forty feet long, The re a re three of them we ig hing up to 450 tons each. These are a retaining wall built by Solomon.

invasion of Israel. Again, Jeremiah 4:6 says: "Set lip fhe standard toward Zion: re­

tire, stay not:for I will bring evil from the north, and a greaf destruction ."

Aga in, in Jeremiah 6:22: "Thus saith the Lord, Behold, a peOI)le

cometh from the north country, and a great lIation shaff be raised from the sides of the ear/h."

Yet again, in Jeremiah 10:22: "Behold, the noise of the bruit {new.tJ is

come, and a great commolion alit of the nOl'lh country, 10 make fhe cities of fudah desolate . . "

Micah also wrote about the war: " ... theday of thy watchman and thy visi­

lafiOIl cometh, now shaff he fheir perplex­ity" (Micah 7:4) .

The word "watchman" comes from a Hebrew word which some have translated "north." Theiel'llsalem Bible translates the verse this way :

"Today will come fheir ordeal from the north, now is the time for their confusion."

Indeed, it will be an "ordeal" when the Russians come over the hill. Joel also de­scribed the invasion of a nonhern anny when he wrote in Joel 2:20:

"But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with hisface to­ward the east sea, and his hinder pal'! to­ward the utmost sea, and his stink shall come lip, and his ill savor shalf come up, because he hath done great things."

Many Bible scholars believe this verse

to be a description of the Battle of Gog and Magog. Zechariah seemed to be re­ferr ing to the end-time when he wrote in Zechari ah 6:8:

"Then cried he upon me, alld spake U/lTO

me, saying, Behold, these that go toward fhe north country have quieted my spirit in the north country."

Finally, Daniel seems to link the Battle of Gog and Magog to events of the end­time when he referred to the Antichrist in Daniel 11:44-45:

"But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shaff go forth with great fury to destroy, alld laterly to make away mally.

"And he shaff plant fhe tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glori­ous holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and nOlle shall help him."

"Tidings out of the north" may be a ref­erence to the Russian invasion, and "tid­ings aUl of the east" may be a reference to the awesome Annageddon.

All of these verses appear to describe the wars of the Tribulation Period in general tenns. Very few specifics are given. There­fore. we must leave the unfold ing details of the events in the hands of God.

We can only speculate as to what will happen next, but I bel ieve we can say with a fai r degree of accuracy that the darkest hour of world history is upon us. The world is soon to see a Russian invasion or Israel and the unfo lding of the last seven years of world history, •

Prophecy ill the News 11

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Yacov Rambsel Continues to Find New Prophetic Pe'rceptions!

"Rapture" Encoded at Equidistant Letter Sequences Editor's Note: Regular followers of

Prophecy in the News associate the name Yacov Rambsel with a book that we've offered our readers entitled, Yeshua , The Hebrew Factor- his first attempt \0 bring to the general public the complex subject of internal coding in the Hebrew Scriptures. He has found literally hundreds of occur­rences of the Divine Name, Jesus (in the Hebrew language, Ye.~hua, 1'1!V' ). Among other things, his revelations have emphati­cally proven that Scripture cannot possi­bly be of human origin. Its complex sys­tem ofintemal codes could only have been the product of the Holy Spirit of God.

Specifically, he has been called by God 10 look into the Hebrew words of the Old Testament. Without using a computer, or aid other than paper and pencil, he searches the Hebrew text. By counting regular in­tervals between words and letters, he ex­poses an unending myriad of insights . They have lain undiscovered for millennia, but in these last days, God is allowing them to be brought to light. The appearance of these amazing truths seems to be a Divine an­nouncement that the Lord 's arrival is near.

Mr. Rambsel has graciously consented to contribute a few of his latest insights to this month's magazine. He begins his article with the following brief personal history.

How It All Started By Yacov Rambsel

When I received Yeshua as my Messiah in 1941 at the age of eleven, the very first step I took was to read through the com­plete Bible. When I finished, I proceeded to read it through again and again. At a very young age, the thought occurred to me that hidden messages lay beneath the surface reading, but I did not have the knowledge at that time to pursue this endeavor.

Around 1981, I slowly grew in the un­derstanding of the hidden messages God had providentially placed in His Holy Word. Many hidden words emerged from the depth of His wonderfu l book, but mostly, [ was looking for the name of Jesus,

12 Prophecy in the News

Yacov Rambsel

or Yeshua (3)110') . I was not aware that, from ages past, many rabbis had done the same type of research, and some were be­ginning to use the computer to locate in­sights called Torah Codes.

My first book revealed many startling facts concerning the prophecies about the Messiah. I am now in the process of writ­ing my second book. It will bring to light more encoded messages, proving that the Word of God is one complete unit, delib­erately divided into many letters, words, verses, chapters and books. We live in a time of great revelation, and should share all that God has given us.

Several years ago during the Passover Feast, 1 was reading the book of Ruth from the Hebrew Masoretic text. We always read Ruth from Passover through Pentecost. The Lord impressed upon me to look at the spe­cial arrangement of Ruth 1:1. The name Yeshua V11O', came directly to the surface as if God had brought Him forth. Count­ing every fifth leiter, starting with the fourth letter in the second Hebrew word, spells the wonderful name of Jesus, or Yeshua V'1IO '. The number five represents the Grace of God.

Boaz and Ruth are the main characters. Boaz portrays the prophetic position of the coming Messiah, and Ruth, the believers. It is no wonder that the name of the Mes­siah would shine forth in this text. God is revealing the awesome wisdom and knowl­edge from His Word at a rapid pace as we draw near the coming of the Lord.

Near the end of the book of Daniel, we find a prophecy that shows why these in­sights are appearing at such a rapid rate. In Daniel 12:4 and 9, the prophet is told how the Word would be read latter days:

"But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the lime of the end: many shall run to andfro, and knowl­edge shall be increased.

"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the lime of the end."

We arc living in the very last days of our age. Many are running "to and fro" through the Holy Scriptures as never be­fore, and great knowledge is flowing forth from His Word at an unparalleled rate.

The method I use to discover these in­sights are simple. Let me give you an il­lustration of one of the many methods I use to find encoded words and phrases . This system of analysis is called Equidistant Letter Sequence, hereafter referred to as ELS. It is the essence of simplicity, involv­ing a count of letters. I count the number of Hebrew letters that are equally distrib­utcd in a given passage. Counting off cqual distances, I move from one letter to the next. The results form logical words, phrases or even sentences, referring to names, places, things or actions.

For example, Genesis 20:2 says, "And Abraham said of Sarah his wife, She is my sister: and Abime/ech king ofGerar sem, and took Sarah." Beginning with the ninth word, I count every fifth letter from left to right in the Hebrew ~ex~. I~ ELS, I find the words oht shafav ~ ,?tq ni~ . In English, these two words li terally read, "Equidis­tant Letter Spacing!" The probability of this phrase happening by chance is 6 to the 22nd

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power, or 18 bill ion to one! The Holy Bible is spirilUal, scientific,

futuristic and historic. His Word also maps out a timely message for us in our daily life. 11 warns us oflhe consequences of no I fo llowing God's righteous laws; it stirs OUf

hearts as it describes the blessi ngs be­Slowed on us when we faithfully obey Him.

The Awesome Word of God These insights arc a part of Cod 's sacred

Word. They should never detract from the basic, foundational doctrines of the Scrip­lure. All Scripture, whether from surface reading or these insights, should give glory to God, when observed with thei r funda­mental, spiritual aspects in mind.

It is my belief that everything - past, present and future - is encoded within the Old Testament. It is the privilege of all be­lievers to search the Scriptures for our­selves, whether from surface readi ng or from the encoded messages they convey.

His Holy Inspired Word is like a great reservoir of life as endless as the universe itself. You can telescope or microscope from various angles to uncover encoded messages God has for us in these last days. If a fisherman only fished on the surface, he would catch very little, but if he were 10 cast deep, he would find treasures not seen from the surface. We can go a little deeper into the Eternal Word - in areas never be­fore explored - to fmd gems that are wail­ing to be discovered, embedded there by God, Himself!

The Hebrew Word for HRapture" When I think of Ruth , I also think of

Esther. From both Ruth and Esther, we find many hidden treaures awaiting discovery by the serious-minded student of His Word.

Ruth is a scenario of the coming Re­deemer. It depicts the time for the count­ing of the Orner begining with the Feast of FirstfruilS. The Orner is counted each day for 49 days. The fiftieth day is Shavllot or Pentecost. For some unknown reason , the Lord has encoded the biblical Hebrew word for "rapture," natzal "'::;.j at least four times in the same scripture.

In Ruth 1 :S, beginning with the fourth lener in the first Hebrew word, we count every t 2th letter from left tq rigpt. The re­sult spells Melek Yeshua ~'iZr 17~ , which means Killg Jesus. The number 12 is very significant , because it represents the 12 tribes of Israel, and it is the number of theo­cratic government when Yeshua will rule and reign on eanh as King of kings.

The New Testament tells us that we shall crown Him King in heaven and on earth . In order for us to crown Him in Heaven,

we must first be taken there. This is one of the reasons for the raprnre of the believers - whether they have passed on, or whether they are alive.

Again, in Ruth 1:8, stnning with the third leiter in the word and counting every (lath letter from right to left, spel ls, narzal ?::;;,J, which means, to be snatched up, de­livered, save{1 or rescued. This is quite a remarkable find. Only the Lord through the Holy Spirit could have influenced the wri ter 10 encode this wonderful , encour­aging insight.

In Ruth I: II, as we begin counting with the th ird leiter in the third word, counting every 75th leiter from left to right, we once again spell lIalzal '?'::;,t What is so inter­esting about these fi rst two finds is that both usc the same leiter Izaddi ~ to form the word, natzal.

In Ruth 1:13, we begin with the second letter in the 12th word, counting every 18th lC(ter from right to left. Here, we decode a phrase, hain I/atzal ?~~ lij, which means, "behold the rapture." TIle Hebrew word, haill. means to express greal surprise: BE­HOLD!

In Ruth 1:14, when we begin with the sixth letter in the third word, counting ev­ery 25\h letter from left 10 right, we find natzal ":::'J . This insight uses the same let­ter tzaddi~ as the one immediately above. What are the odds of the preceding four combinations happen ing by chance, using the same interlocking letter tzaddi ~ ? Per­haps the Lord is revealing a greater mes­sage than the one that appears on the sur­face of the text. Only time will tell.

The first Pentecost took place 50 days after Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. The num ber 50 represents deliv­erance. Every 50 years is a Jubilee, or Yovel, "~i\ when the silver trumpet is blown. At this time, Scripture instructs Is­rael to cancel debts and free prisoners. It is a time of deliverance and rejoicing.

The Yovel Is Also a Trumpet In Exodus 19: 13b, we read, " . .. when the

trumpet (yovel, '?~i') soundeth long, they shall come lip to rhe moullt." It is interest­ing that in addi tion to being the name of the fiftieth year, ),O)'ei also happens to be the name of the silver trumpet that is blown to announce the ascending of the people of God into the moumain. It is remarkable that this word would appear in this passage of Scripture, because this event isn't a Jubi­lee (rovel); rather, it is Shqvu'?t (Pentecost). The Hebrew word, yovel "~", is encoded at least fo ur times in this area. Of course, it was on the third day after the children of Israel arrived at Mount Sinai, which was

the 50th day since they had crossed the Red Sea, when the Lord descended from heaven to the top of the mount.

And speaking of the Lord, we find His name in Exodus 19:6. Starting with the second leiter in the third Hebrew word, we count every 50th letter from right to left. As we complete this, what should emerge but the name Yes/ilia ~'~' !

"Rapture" in Modern Hebrew Just as the bibl ical Hebrew word for

"rapture" is natzal ,,~?, the modern He­brew word for the same te rm is shilhuv :ni1'?~. This modern designation hasn't been used until recent times, but God ob­viously knew not only that it would come into laller-day use, but what it would come to mean. In the 19th chapter of Exodus, God has meticulously placed various in­sights that give us additional information concerning Pentecost and the rapture.

In Exodus 19:16 and 17 we read, "And it came to pass 011 the third day ill the mom­ing, that there were thunders alld light­nings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, alld the voice of the trumpet lram's horn, or shofar] exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.

"Arid Moses brought/orth the people ow of the camp to meet with God ... "

In thi s text, the Hebrew for " . . . on the third day in the morning ... " is written, b'yom hash/ishi bihi01 habokel; or

iP":lij n;i)~ ,rz;'?~iJ )l1'~ . liere, I have enlarged the leiters for your

convenience. As you can see, every olher letter from left 10 right (backwards) spells, be'shillllll' ~m?rq:;: , which is the ordinary tenn for " in the rapture" as written in mod­em Hebrew.

In Exodus 19: 16, beginning with the third letter in the firs t word, couming ev­ery 600th letter from left to right, spells, The Messiah, or Ha Mashiach, 1j '~71ij . Could this insight allude to the 6,000 years after Adam's creation, when the Messiah will return for believers?

In Exodus 19: IS, staning with the th ird letter in the 12th word, coull ting every 84th letter from left to right, spells, /Jatzal ?::;,J. Now we haveshilhuv, nat2Ol. haMashiach. YeS/ilia, which means rapture, caught lip, the Messiah,Jesus, in exactly the same area of Scrip ture that refers to the first Pentecosl.The strong suggestion is that Pentecost is a type of the rapture.

The Third Day Hosea 6: 1-3 has the well-known proph­

ecy, "Come, alld let us return UIltO the Lord:for he halh tom, and he will heal us;

Prophecy il! th~ NroJS 13

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he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. "After two days will he revive us: in Ihe

rhird day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his ~·ight.

"Then shall we know, if we [of/ow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and lie shall come unto us as the rain, as the fatter and former rain unto the earth."

It is believed by many that the third day in the above verses refer to the rapture of the church and the Messianic Kingdom 1hal will reign on earth. The two days refer to the 2,000 years since Yeshua came, and one day refers to the I,OOO·year Messianic Kingdom. We shall look at certain key words thal arc encoded in this area of Scripture.

In Hosea 6:2, i~ l,he .phras~, " ... in the third day ... " '!q'~~i'J 11 i'!I b'yom hashlishJ, we find yet another fascinating reference to the rapture of the church. Tak­ing every other letter from left to right, starting with the shin 'Jj to the far left, spells, shilhuv ::l'i1~'Jj. As we pointed out earlier, this is the mooem Hebrew word for "rapture." What a marvellous place to find this gem!

Starling with the lamed? in the same phrase, with the word hashlishi '~'?'Jji1, and counting every \32nd letter from ri"ght to left spells, natzal ?~~, which of course, is the ancient Hebrcw word for "snatched up, rescued or saved." We also find thai the adjacent letters to narzal spell shachah i10~, which means "reverence, worship, praise, etc.

In Hosea 6:6, beginning with the fourth letter, which is the yod ' in the seventh word, we find the name of the Lord. That seventh word is Elohim 11 'D~N. Starting there, with the yod " we count every 60th letter from right to left, and it spells Yeshua t11W" the name of Jesus.

With the evidence presented in even this very limited research, anyone of sound mind simply cannot deny the authenticity of the Word of God.

The Controversial Book of Esther You have heard it said - perhaps you

have said it yourself - that the names of God, Lord or EI Shaddai do not appear in the book of Esther. Some have suggested that because it lacks the ineffable name of the Lord, perhaps it should not even be in­cluded in the Old Testament I emphatically disagree with this thought. The names of God, Lord, EI Shaddai and Messiah occur many times throughout the text. One must prayerfully look deep into the Masoretic Hebrew to discover these wonderful, en­lightening truths that seem to be hidden from the skeptic and the surface reading. You need not be a scholar to uncover His mag-

14 Propllecy m Ihe News

nificent treasure, reserved for these last days. The principal players in the book of

Esther are Esther, Mordecai, Haman and King Ahasuerus. Each one portrays a pro­phetic scenario of something yet to unfold. Therc are many Iypes and shadows of re­corded history that the book of Esther has reflected, but the final fulfillment of the prophecies indicated in the life of these four people lies in the very ncar futufC.

Mordecai is a type of the Messiah. Esther symbolized the true believer, whether Jew or Genti le. Haman represents the Anti ­christ; the false messiah. King Ahasuerus is a type of God, who has the power to give either life or death .

We get the impression that God had for­gotten the children of Israel while they were in bondage 10 the Persians, because His name is not mentioned in the surface reading of the book. God has always been available for all who call on Him, though He may seem to be far away.

But in Esther 4:2, starting with the first letter in the ninth word, counting every seventh letter from right to left, spells God Almighry, EI Shaddai '1tq ~~ . The order had just been given to destroy all Jews and confiscale their belongings. Mordecai was in sackcloth near the palace gate. It seemed all hope was lost, but in the midst of this grcat crisis, God Almighty was there.

Again, in Esther 5:4, beginning with the third leuer, in the 14th word, and counting every 24th letter from left to right, spells, Adonai et, or Jehovah et, which means Je­hovah, the aleph ~ and the tahv ti. Aleph ~ and tahv n are, of course, the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, corre­sponding to Alpha and Omega, as Jesus re­fers to Himself in the book of Revelation.

In Esther 9:30, starting with the ftrstletter in the third word, and counting every 24th letter from right to left spells, aleph Elohim rahv n )l 'i}?~ ~ , which means: The aleph, God, rahv. Or better stated: God is the alpha and omega (the aleph and the tahv).

In Esther 9:5 , beginning with the sixth letter of the second Hebrew word, count­ing every 24th letter from left to right spel ls, Yeshua 1:IitO" which of course, is the name of Jesus in Hebrew.

We can see by these few insights that the Name of our Lord appears in various places, and at one of the most dangerous limes in the history of Israel. Many times in ourown personal crises, we forget what Jesus promised us, as recorded in Hebrews 13:5: "/ will never leave thee, norforsake thee."

I believe that the 5th chapter of Esther is a picture of the rapture, when all who are washed in the blood of Jesus stand in the royal throne room of the King in Heaven.

In Esther 5: I, we read, "Now it came to pass on the third day, that Esther put on her royal apparel, and stood in the inner court of the king's house, over against the king's house: and the king sat upon his royal throne in the royal house, over against the gate a/the house."

This passage begins with the Hebrew phrase vayehi b'yom ha'shlishi v'tifbish Esther malkut: n1J7~ '139~ Ui:l7MJ 'Ui"~ii ~"~ 'i1,'J Starling with the leftmost shin 'IJ) in this

Hebrew phrase, count every second letter from left to right. When )lol! do, you will spell shelev shilhuv ::l1i1"'IJ) 1?iZi, which means security and rapture. Could this in­sight refer to the rapture of the bOOy of Mes­siah at the beginning of the third millennium from the lime ofYeshua's first coming?

In Esther 8: 14, 15 we read, "So the posts that rode upon mules and camels went out, heing hastened and pressed on by the king's commandment. And the decree was gil'en at Shushan the palace.

"And Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a garmen! offine linen and pUlple: and the city 0/ Shushan rejoiced and was glad."

The color blue speaks of the heavenlies; white, righteousness; gold, perfection and purple, royalty. Except for scarlet, all the colors of the Tabernacle were worn by Mordecai. Perhaps this is a picture of the end of tile age when redemption has ceased, and there will be no need to apply the blood of the Lamb of God.

Starting with the seventh letler in the seventh word of Esther 8: 14, and counting every 20th letter from left to right, spells Mashiaeh yatza K~ ' n'tOO, which means "Messiah, stand '~ut, ~rT co me forth. " Mordecai was exalted and a gold crown was placed on his head. One day soon we shall crown our Lord and Sav ior King of Kings when He comes forth.

Remember the words of John 14:1-3: "Let nor your heart be troubled: ye believe

ill God, believe also in me. "In my F alher's house are many mansions:

ifit were not so, / would have told you. I go to prepare a place/or you.

"And if 1 go and prepare a place/or you, 1 will eome again, alld receive you Un!O my­self; that where / am, there ye may be also."

To say the least, these few gems from the Lord are wonderful and encouraging. I have a question for you, the reader: Have you made Him Lord of your life? There is still some time left, but what the future holds for you is in the hands of Gad. With all the above information, who could possibly question the validity of His Sacred Word? •

Page 15: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

The Sacred Journey O/Moses

By J . R. Church

One would not nonnally equate Moses with gracc. He is the epitome of Jaw. Yet, though he was Israel's great lawgiver, his life and ministry portrays an allegorical view of Christ - the One Who came 10 establish the dispensation of grace. Toward the end of his ministry. Moses rem inded the people of God 's messianic promise and compared the future Prophet to himself:

"The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee Q Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; un/a him ye shall hearke,," (Deuteronomy 18:15).

Whi le preaching in the Temple during the days following Pentecost, Pctcr quolcd this verse as a prophecy referring to Jesus Christ:

"For Moses truly said unto the/others, A prophet sha ff the LORD your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you" (Acts 3:22),

Moses could ri ghtly say that Christ would bear certain characteristics demon­strated in his own life. For instance, Moses was born in a time when Jewish male chil­dren were being slaughtered. Pharaoh was trying to abort the binh of a Jewish deliv­e rer. Likewise. in the days of Jesus' birth. Herod the Great had Bethlehem's male in­fants and toddlers slaughtered. It was an attempt to ki ll the coming King. Moses was born in Egypt and returned to EgYPl to lead his people out. In like manner, Jesus was taken to Egypl as an infant in order that the prophecy might be fulfilled, which says,

.. Our of Egypt have I caffed my son" (Manhew 2: 15).

Th is prophecy was originally given by Hosea: "When Israel was a child, then I IOl'e(1 him. and called my son out of Egypt" (Hosca 11: I). Hosea was mainly referring to the Exodus led by Moses. Yet , Matthew revealed a prophetic significance in the Hosea passage and specifically related it to Christ. These are only a few of the many

Moses parts the Red Sea. In a similar ta shlon, Christ calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee. He even walked on water. There are scores of comparisons between Moses and Christ. It is obvious that Moses was an allegory of the Messiah.

comparisons thai can be made between Moses and Jesus.

Gmnt R. Jeffrey, in his book, I·IEAVEN - THE LAST FRONTLER suggested. "At least fifty clements and events are parallel in both lives. Both fi lled the roles of prophet. p riest. lawgiver. teacher, and leader of men. Both eonfinned their teach­ing with miracles. Both spent their early years in Egypt. miraculous ly protected from those who sought their lives. Moses' fam ily ini tially did not accept h is role, but later his brother. Aaron, and sister, Miriam , helped him. Similarly, Jesus' mother and brothers initially failed to follow the Sav­ior, but later Hi s brother James became the leader in the church at Jerusalem. Also, both Moses and Christ confronted demonic

powers and successfuUy subdued them. n As Moses appointed seventy rulers over

Israel, Jesus anointed seventy disciples to teach the nation. Moses sent twelve spies to explore Canaan, Jesus sent twelve apostles to reach the world. Both fasted for forty days and faced spiritual crises on mountain tops.

"As Moses stretched his hand over the Red Sea to divide it, Jesus rebuked the Sea of Galilee and quieted the waves. Both of their faces shone with glory - Moses on Mount Sinai and Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Moses lifted up a brazen serpent in the wilderness and Jesus was lifted up on the cross. People were ungrate­ful and rebelled against the leadership of both men. The generation that rebelled

Propllecy in lilt NtwS 15

Page 16: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

against them died in their lack of faith, one in the wilderness and one in Ihe siege of Jerusalem in A.D. 70."

Now let us consider several experiences from the Sinai drama and compare the min­istry of Moses with that of Christ.

Seven Dispensations To begin with , Moses made seven as­

cents into the presence of God. Notice how they correspond to the great dispensations of history. The term "dispensation" refers to a unique time wherein God deals with man in progressively different ways. The seven dispensations of history, as deter­mined by theologians, are:

1. The Dispensation of Innocence -from Creation to the Fall.

2. The Dispensation of Conscience -from the Expulsion out of Eden to Noah's Flood.

3. The Dispensation of Human Govern­ment - from Ihe Flood 10 the Tower of Babel.

4. The Dispensation of Promise - from the Call of Abraham to the Exodus from Egypt.

5. The Dispensation of Law - from Sinai to Calvary.

6. The Dispensation of Grace - from Calvary to Christ's return.

7. The Dispensation of the Kingdom ­Christ reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords.

Moses ' First Encounter: The Dispensation of Innocence

Let us examine Moses' firs t ascent inlO the presence of God and compare it with the dispensation of Innocence:

"And Moses went lip IInlO God, and Ihe LORD called IIl1tO him out of the moun ­lain , saying, Thus shalt Ihou say 10 the hOllse of Jacob, alld tell the children of Is­rael;

"Ye have seen what / did unto the Egyp­tians, and how / bare you all eagles' wings, and brought you umo myself.

"Now therefore, ifye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my eovenam, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for alllhe earth is mine:

"And ye shall be un/a me a kingdom of priests, and all holy natioll. These are the words which thou shalt speak un/a the chil­dren of Israel.

"And Moses came and calledfor the el­ders of the people, and laid before their faces aff these words which the LORD com· manded him" (Exodus 19:3-7).

This is similar to the divine message given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden:

16 Prophecy in tire News

Moses receives the Ten Commandments written on tablets of stone. He, who was Israel's great lawgiver, said, "The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken" Deuteronomy 18:15). The future Prophet established another covenant - grace.

"And God hlessf!d them, alld God said unto tltem , Be fruitful, and mulliply, und replenish Ihe earth, and subdue it: alld /iGl'e dominion over Ihefish oflhe sea, alld over Ihe fowl of Ihe air, alld over every fiving thillg Ihat movetl! upon the earlh" (Gen­esis 1:28) .

A comparison !nay be made between God's prom ise toAdam and His later mes­sage to Israel. To "have dominion" corre­sponds with the statements "a peculiar freaSllre ... above all people" and "a king­dom of priests ... an holy nation."

For God to say that Israel wi!! become a kingdom of priests implies a spiritual re­sponsibility to gu ide the world in its wor­ship of God. This requires leadership. When l sracl finally becomes "a kingdom of priests" the human race will be restored. Therefore, the message to Adam in the dis­pensation of Innocence appears to be re­peated here, following Moses' first ascent.

Moses' Second Encounter: The Dispensation of Conscience

The events of Moses' second ascent cor-respond to the dispensation of Conscience:

.. Moses relurned the words of Ihe people unto the LORD.

"And the LORD said umo Moses, La, I come limo tliee ill a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak wilh Ihee,

and beliel'e thee for eveJ: And Moses told Ihe words of Ihe people un/a Ihe LORD.

"And Ihe LORD said umo Moses, Go WlfO Ihe people, and sanclify Ihem today and romorrow, and let them wash their c/olhes,

"And be ready againslthe third day:for Ihe third day the LORD will come down in the sight of all/he people upon mount Sinai.

"And thou shalt set bounds UlllO Ihe people round about , saying, Take heed to yourselves, Ihat ye go nO! up inlO Ihe mount, or lauch Ihe border of il: whoever lOucheth the mount shall be SIIrely put ro dealh:

"There shall 1101 an hand lOuch iI, bw he shall surely be stoned, or shol through; whether it be beast or man, il shall nOllive: when the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up 10 Ihe mount.

"And Moses went down from the moun! unio the people ... " (Exodus 19:8- 14).

Th is encounter seems to have a corre­sponding relationship 10 [he dispensation of Conscience, covering the time between Adam's expulsion and Noah's flood .

First, God told Moses to "sanctify them ... leI them wash their clothes." Before Adam's fa ll there was no need for sancti­fying. After the fall, however, a need for cleansing became evident. Sin had entered the human race. The dispensation IS re-

(Continued on Page 25)

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lJe llaan writes, ''The ft(ord of Ahraham is 6 · jl«ially used by the Holy Spirit to instruct us in the life of failh. Abr:aham is called the ''falher orlhe faith· ful," and the "friend of God." Abraham, howe\'er, is 1I0t an example of perfed faith, nor of normal faith, but rather a picture oftlie al'e rage life offaith."

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lJe llaan writes, "Most orthe excellent works on Rutli have emphasized Ihe truth of Redemption, and the Kinsman·Redeemer, and justly so. Howe\'er, the propheticsignilicance nfthe story MNaomi and Ruth has not on the whole been Ireated with the thorongh· ness we feel it desen·es .... " The prophetic picture in Ruth has been brought in to focus by wurld ennts in the past few years. (lS3 pages) Item # 81639 - $10.95

Page 19: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

CAPITAL CRIMES Video Review by Bob Ulrich

"Whal shalf il profit a mal! if he gain the whole world, but lose his own sOIlI?" There's a secret side of life which many of us know about, but few orus really under­stand its complexity. It is a dark conspirucy, the likes of which mankind has never seen before . Each day it draws a little closer to a wrenching climax - a lime when few will escape its tentacles which reach into every fabric of our society. Wilhin our own government, there exists this invisible force that places men in positions of power and removes them just as swiftly_ Many times they meet their dem ise at the end of the barrel of all assassin's gun.

You arc about to enter the dark side of the world of the rich and famous. After watching Bill Still 's new video production, Capirol Crimes, I was absolutely amazed. In a riveting presentation that spans two tapes and nearly four hours, Still exposes these men for what they really are - trai­tors. Their goal is si mple. They want a one­world government - a one-world mon­etary system - and tbey want to be in charge of all of the world's money. Their motto is even simpler. "He who has the gold makes the ru les." Believe me - they have the gold. RighI now they control over 70% of all the gold in the entire world -but that isn't quite enough for them. They want the other 30%[

What about Fort Knox you say? Sorry, no gold there. Actually, no one knows for sure if there's any gold left. They have re­sisted all efforts to audit their inventories si nce the days of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Experts believe the Federal Reserve has it all in their possession - collateral for our national debt. The Federal Reserve has never allowed an audit. They are a private for-profit institution that lends money they don', own to governments around the world who are anxious to pay them billions of dollars in interest! Our own country is into the Fed for over $5 TRILLION and that number increases each day. How can we possibly rcpay that amount of money when the interest payments alone arc stag­gering to the imagination? Well, maybe wc can't! Could that be a pari of the plan that will cripple our Republic and enslave its

people? You are about to receive a history lesson

that you weren't taught in school. You will be amazed by the things you see and hear on these videos. You'll get an earful from the men who fu lly understood the dangers of placing the control of money in the hands of a few men - men like George Wash­ington. Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lin­coln and Charles Lindberg. These men were aware of what the European bankers were after. They resisted at all costs - one of them even gave his life for the cause. Do you know who John Wilkes Booth re­ally was and who he worked for?

This video set will give a close and per­sonal insight to the Fcderal Reserve Bank. You will be amazed how they received their power. On December 23, 19 13, most of our government officials had gone home for the Christmas holidays. A handful of congress­men voted unanimously to pass the Fed­eral Reserve Bill. Can you imagine the shock and outrage that the rest of the 1·louse of Representatives fe lt? How cou ld these men have gOllen away with such a trav­csty. Bi ll Still describes thccharade in great detail.

You might be su rprised to learn that many of the wars we have fought have been over the creation of a central bank. The Civil War, World War 1, and the American Revolution were all fought over this issuc. These internat ional bankers even funded the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Nazi

Germany. You see, war is their greatest opportunity to make money. Governments have put themselves in the poor house try­ing to win wars against their neighbors. There is no limit to what governments will spend when their very existence is at stake. The international bankers know this. That is why they hedge their bets and fund both warring factions at the same time.

Thesc men continue to work their magic. Japan is on the verge of a national bank­ruptcy. Since 1989 their stock market has lost over 50% of its value. Its commercial real estate market has plummeted over 60%. Another mirage was the Mexican bailout to the tune of $20 billion - money given 10 the international bankers to repay their existing loans.

Consider the international financier, Ber­nard Baruch. On the afternoon of the great collapse of 1929, he reportedly took Win­ston Churchill to the floo r ofthc New York Stock Exchange. At the he ight of the sell­ing panic, he wanted Churchill to see the power he had. Would it surprise you to know that none of these banking insiders held any stock right before the crash. They had all been forewarned of the impending financial disaster. Joseph Kcnnedy was worlh about $4 mill ion in 1929. Dy 1935 his net worth had increased to over $100 million! Shrewd investing you say? Think again! The Great Depression of 1929 wasn't just a coincidence. It was the biggest II'llnsfer of wealth in the history of the world!

Jekyll Island, the IMF, the World Bank, NAFTA, GAlT - all of the players are exposed for what thcy really are and what they' re aftcr. David Rockefeller, in a re­vealing moment is quoted: "We are on the verge of a major global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nation will accept the New World Order."

Bill Still spends the last half of the video preparing you for that not-lOo-far-off day. Larry Bates, authorof "The New Economic Disorder," says "More pcople will lose money than at any other time in history. At the same time a group of selected men will make a staggering amount of money." It 's time to take cover and prepare for the real ­ity of what lies just ahead. Don't put it off - you might just become the victim of a crime - a CAPITAL CR IME . •

Prop/'«¥ iu Ihe News 19

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(Continued fro m Page 16) ferred 10 as "conscience" because Adam came to realize the meaning of sin. He learned the difference between good and evil. This compares with the command at Sinai to have lhe people wash their clothes - a m.elaphor for spiritual cleansing.

Secondly, The Lord instructed Moses to "set bounds ... go nOillp into Ihe mOl/lit, or tOllch the borderofit." This corresponds with the story of Adam's expulsion from Eden:

"Therefore, the LORD God sent him forth from rhe gan/en of Edell, to rill the groundfrom whence he was taken.

"So he drove alit the man; and he placed at the eaSI of Ihe garden of Edell Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, 10 keep the way of the tree of life" (Genesis 3:23-24).

As Adam was forbidden to re-enter Eden, Israel was forbidden to touch the moun­tain.

Thirdly, God descended to Sinai's sum­mit for a meeting with His people on the third day.

"And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lighrnings, and a Ihick clOild llpon the mOllnt .... " (Exodus 19:16).

According to Flav ius Josephus, in hi s "Antiquities of the Jews," book 3, chapter 5, paragraph 2, rain fell upon the camp:

"So they passed twO days in this way of feasting; but on the third day, before the sun was up. a cloud spread itself over the whole camp of the Hebrews, such a one as none had before seen, and encompassed the place where they had pitched their tents; and while all the rest of the air was clear, there came strong winds, that raised up large showers of rain, wh ich became a mighty tempest. l11ere was also such light­ning, as was terrible to those that saw it ; and thunder, with its thunder boits, were se nt down, and declared God to be there .... "

Just as the second dispensation ended with Noah's nood, in like manner, Moses and his people encountered a heavy rain. The scenario presents a portrait of the dis­pensation of Conscience - from the fa ll to the nood.

Moses' Third Encounter: The Dispensation of Human Government

Moses' third ascent to the summit of Mount Sinai demonstrates various aspects of the dispensation of Human Government:

"And Moses broughtforlh the. people out of rhe camp to meet with God; and Ihey stood at the nether part of the moul1I.

"And mount Sinai was altogelher 0/1 a

When Moses descended Mount Sinai with God's covenant, he found that the people had built a golden calf. To keep God from being married to an unfaithful wife, Moses broke the covenant. In like manner, when Christ descended from heaven at His first advent, he als o fo und a nation fi lled with unbelief. John writes, "He came unto his own, and his own received him not" (John 1 :11).

smoke, because the LORD descended upon it infire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole moulI! quaked greal/Y.

"And when the voice of the IrumlJet sounded long. and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God allswered him by a voice.

"And rhe LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of Ihe moulII: and the LORD called Moses up to the lOp of the mount; and Moses went up.

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto rhe LORD to gaze, and many of them

"And let the priest also, which come near to the LORD , sanctify themselves. lest the LORD breakfortll UpOIl them.

"And Moses said unto the LORD , The people cannot come up to mount Sinai:for thou chargedst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and sanctify it.

"And the LORD said unto him, Away, get thee down, and thou shalt come lip, thou, and Aaron with thee: but let not the priesl and the people break through to come up umo fhe LORD, lest he hreakforth upon them.

"So Moses went down unto the people, alld spake unto rhem" (Exodus 19: 17-25) .

We are infonned about a distinction be­tween the people and the priesthood. God told Moses to set bounds about the Mount and sanctify it. This division corresponds to events during the postdiluv ian era with its separation of the three basic divisions of the human race. The lineages of Shem, Ham and Japheth were scattered and eth­nic boundaries were set.

At Sinai, God spoke audibJ y to the people and gave them the most profound set of laws in human hislOry - the Ten Commandments . No nation or group of na­tions has ever been able to improve upon these laws. With the Ten Commandments, God establi shed a governing covenant for Israel - corresponding to the dispensation of Human Govenunent.

In the early pages of Genesis, we are told that Noah's family grew to a large popula­tion. Eventually, his offspring established a fonn of human government and built the city with its monument to man's corrupt ingenuity - the tower of Babel:

"And Ihe whole earth was of one lan­guage, alld of one speech.

"And it came to pass, as they journeyed from tile ea~·t , that tlleyfound a plain in the land of Shin or; (lnd they dwelt Ihere.

"And they said one to t//lolhel; Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly.

Prophtcy in tilt News 25

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And they had brickfor stolle, alld !>'lime had they for mortar.

"A lid they said. Go to. let liS bll ild liS a city and a towel'. whol'e top may reach 1/1110 heavell " alld let us make uS a name. lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

"A lid the LORD came down to see tile city and the tower, which the children of men bui/ded.

"And the LORD said, Beho~d. the people is one, and they have all aile language; and this they begin to do: and IIOW nothing will be restrained from them, which Ihey halle imagined to do.

"Go 10. let liS go down, and there con­fOllnd their language. thai they /IIoy 1I0t II nderstand one al/other's speech.

"So rhe LORD scattered them abroad from Ihence upon the face of all the earth: alld Ihey left off to bllild the ciry.

"TheJ'efore is the IItlme of it called Ba­bel: because tile LORD did thae cOllfolilld the lall8110ge of all the earth: and from thence d id the LORD scatter them ahl'Oad lipan fh e face of (III tlie earth" (Genes is IU -9) .

Babel was not a skyscrdper that stretched imo the stratosphere. II was a temple of worship. AI its lap was a. holy place, where the people erected images of idolatry -the sun (Baal), the moon (lshlar), and other signs of the zodiac which the people re­garded as gods. Corresponding to the dis­pensation of Human Governmenl, God spoke from the summit of Sinai:

"Thou shalt have 1/0 other gods before me. "Thou shalt 1I0t make unto thee allY graven

image. or any likelle.~s of allY thing that is in heaven abOl'e .. ... (Exodus 20:3-4).

These commandments appear to be a direct reference to the tower of Babel and the dispensation of Human Government.

Nme that the languages were changed al Babel. This compares with an unusual event wh ich occurred when God spoke from the summ it of Sinai . Joseph Good, author of ROSH HAS HANAH AND THE MESS IA NIC KING DOM TO COME writes,

"The Revelal ion al Sinai, it was laught, was given in desert territory, which belongs to no one nalion excl usively; and it was heard not by Israe l alone, but by the in­habitants of all the earth. The Divine Voice divided itsel f into the seventy tongues then spoken on earth, so Ihal all the children of men might understand its world embrac­ing and man-redeem ing message."

In a Jewish commentary enti tled, "EXO­DUS," an early Jewish rabbi known as Rabba writes,

"When G-d gave the Torah on Sinai, He

26 Propllecy ill tilt NtlllS

displayed untold marvels to Israel with His voice. What happened? G-d spoke and the Voice reverberated throughout the world ... It says, 'And all the people witnessed the thunderings' [Exodus 20: 18]. Note thm it does no t say ' the thund er,' but the thunderings;' wherefore, R. Johanan said that G-d's voice. as it was uttered, split up into seventy voices, in seventy languages, so that all the nations should understand. When each nation heard the Voice in their own vernacu lar, their souls departed [I.e. they were in fearl, save Israel, who heard but who were not hurt."

Rabbi Mos he We iss man, in T HE MIDRASH SAYS, writes,

"On the occasion of malan Torah [Ihe giving of the Law], the Bnai Yisrae l [the children of Ismell nOI only heard Hashem's [the Lord's] Voice but actually saw the so und waves as they e me rged fro m Hashem's [Ihe Lord 'sl mouth. They visu­alized them as a fi ery substance. Each com­mandment Ihat left Hashem's [the Lord 's] mouth traveled around the entire camp and then came back to every Jew indi viduall y, asking him. " Do you accept upon yourself this Commandment with all halachol [Jew­ish lawl pertaining to it? Every Jew an-

swered, "Yes," after each Commandment . Finally, the fiery substance which they saw, engraved itself on the luchot [tablets]."

As a reference to Babel, when all lan­guages were established, God is said to have spoken in every language at the same time. By giving the Torah (Law), God was establishing a divine government to counter "human government". Yes, Moses' third ascent to the summit of Mt. Sinai corre­sponded to the dispensation o f Human Government. A side nole: the voice which emerged from God 's mouth looked like "tongues" of flre speaking every language. This Sinai experience occurred on the very same calendar day that later became known as Pentecost! Both occasions witnessed Ihe voice of God as "tongues of fire," in which all languages were heard simultaneously!

Moses' Fourth Encounter: The Dispensation of Promise

Moses' fourth ascent to the summit is recorded in Exodus 20:21 through 24:3. The account can be divided into three Stories:

I. God said 10 make an altllr o f earth. 2. God elaborated upon the Ten Com­

mandments. 3. God promised to bring them into the

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. j i


Promised Land. "An altar of earth thou ~:halt make unto

me, and shall sacrifice Ihereon Illy hurnt­offerings, and thy peace-offerings, Illy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee" (Exodus 20:24) .

First, the "allar of ear/II" appears to be a temporary place of worship until the Tab­ernacle could be constructed. It W<lS not to be the final form of worship. It represented the "promise" of a better thing. It is typi ­cal of the dispensation of Promise wherein God called Abraham to leave his home and move to a land of "promise'· and to look for a heavenl y city:

"By faith Abraham, when he was called 10 go out illlo a place which he should af­ter receiveforon inheritance, obeyed: and he weill out, not knowing whither he went.

"By faith he sojoumed in the fond of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and .Iacob, the heirs wilh him of the same promise:

"For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose huilder and maker is God" (Hebrews II :8- 10).

The word "prom ise" is used twice in the above passage, indicating the theme of the dispensation. God dealt with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant. The account is given in Genesis 15.

"And he brought him forth abroad. and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, iftholl be ahle to Ilumber them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.

"And he believed il/ the LORD; and he coullted it 10 himfor righteousness.

"And he said unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee alit of Vr of the Chaldees, to give this land 10 inherit it" (Gen. 15:5-7).

The Abrahamic Covenant promised a "seed" and a "land." Furthermore, it was accepted by faith. At Sinai, Moses was given the same ki nd of promise . Just as Abraham wandered and sojoumed in the desert areas of the Prom ised Land. even so Moses and the Chosen People had to wan­der in the wilderness for forty years. The "allar of earth" was temporary. Even the Tabernacle was temporary. God eagerly awaited a future Temple to be built on Mt. Moriah in Jerusalem. But, life must con­tinue during this interim period, so God gives further instructions about Hi s moral law:

"Now these are the judgments which fllOU shalt set before them" (Exodus 21 : I).

Secondly, during Moses' second forty days on the summ it, God will great ly ex­pand the Law to include 613 command­ments. God brings the d ispensation of Promise to a close and opens a new era-

Moses destroyed the golden calf and commanded the Levites to kill those who had led the insurrection. That day 3,000 people died, This appears to correspond to the 3,000 who submitted to baptism on the day of Pentecost. They went down into a symbolic watery grave.

the dispensation of Law. TIlirdly, God proposes 10 make good on

His promise to Abraham. He is about to give Israel their Promised Land.

"I will send homets before thee which shall drive alit the Hivite, and the Canaanite, alld the Hillite.from before thee.

"I will not drive them out from before thee in aile year, lest the land become deso­late alld the heast of the field multiply agaillst thee.

"By little and little I will drive them Ollt from before thee , until Ihou be increased and inherit the land"(Exodus 23:28-30) .

Whal God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He is about to bring to pass through Moses. This will complete the dis­pensation of Prom ise and institute the dis­pensation of Law.

Moses ' Fifth Encounter: The Dispensation of Law

Moses' fifth ascent 10 the top of Sinai is recorded in Exodu s 24:9-32:14. Moses spends forty days and forty nights in the presence of God - a perfect parallel 10 the dispensation of Law.

The covenant of Law begins on a moun­tain called Sinai and concludes on a hill called Calvary. It begins with the giving of the Law and concludes with the death of

Moses ' divine counterpart - the lrue Law­giver. The story opens:

"Then wen! up Moses, and Aaron , Nadba, and Abihu, and seventy of the eI­ders of Israel:

"And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under hisfeet as it were a puved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.

"And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink .

"And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments wbich I have wril1en; and thou mayest teach them" (Exodus 20-12).

According to the Scriplllre, Moses and Joshua, lefllhe e lders in lhe care of Aaron and Hur and went up into the mount. A cloud of glory descended and hovered there for six days. On the seventh day God called unto Moses out of the m idst of the cloud:

"And Moses wellt into the midSI of the cloud, and got him up into the mount: and Moses was ill Ihe moulltforty days·andforty nights" (v.18) .

During this time God delivered the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone, plans for the Tabernacle and the pattern for the

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priesthood. Also, He instructed Moses in the service of sacrifices.

Why forty days? Cou ld these days be a prophetic portrayal of the time in the dis­pensation of Law? If so, how could forty days fit into the picture? As I pondered this question, I remembered the Jubilee -the fiJtieth year. There are forty Jubi lees in 1960 years.

According to the Talmud (Sanhedrin 97-B), Rabbinical theologians wrote that there should be 2,000 years of desolation, 2,000 years wherein the Torah would flourish; and 2,000 years for the Messianic era -followed by a seventh millennium wherein the Messiah would be exalted.

Therefore, let me suggest that we include the dispensation of Promise in the overall picture of the dispensation of Law. The to­tal time given by rabbinical scholars for the "flourishing of the Torah" is 2,000 years, thus combining the Abrahamic covenant of Promise (500 years) with the Mosaic cov­enant of Law (1,500 years).

Likew ise, though the tablets of stone contain ing the Ten Commandments were given during this fift h trip of Moses, the Law was spoken orally on the occasion of Moses' fourth trip. whieh symbolized the dispensation of the Promise. Therefore, it is the possible that the forty days spent by Moses in the presence of God are compa­rable to forty periods of Jubilee, during which time the "Torah flourished."

A Jubilee was commanded to be ob­served every forty nine years. Therefore, over a period of 1960 years the people should observe forty Jubilees. Some theo­logians feel the forty days and nights Moses spent in the presence of God may be sym­bolic of forty Jubilees. Those forty days ended with a rejection of Moses' efforts, the building of a golden calf, and the break­ing of God's law. As a prophetic overview of the dispensation of Law, the rebellion of Israel fits quite well with the rejection of Chrisl some 2,000 years later.

What a perfect prophetic parallel! The ministry of Moses matches the mission of the Messiah. No wonder Moses wrote, "God shall raise up unto thee a prophet /ike unto me."

Transition Between Law and Grace While Moses was atop Mt. Sinai, Joshua

stayed nearby. When Moses began his de~ scent, Joshua joined him:

"And Moses turned, alld went down from the mount, and the two tables of the testi­mOllY were ill his hand: the tables were written on bOlh their sides: on the one side and on the other were they written.

"And Ihe tables were the work of God,

28 Prophecy in the News

After a second forty days on Sinai, Moses descended with glory radiating from his appearance. This corresponds to the second coming of Christ. Our Lord will also have a similar appearance: "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself" (Revelation 19:12).

and the writing was the writing of God, graven IIpon fhe tables.

"And when Joshlla heard the noise of the people as fhey showed, he said unto Moses, There is a liaise of war in the camp" (Exodus 32: 15-17).

How prophetic that Joshua accompanied Moses down the mountain at the close of his fifth trip! It is a perfect allegory of that prophet whom God wou ld raise up "like IInto Moses." The name Joshua in the Old Testament is basically the same as the name Jesus in the New Testament. Furlhennore, it was Joshua who succeeded Moses after his death on Mount Nebo. It was Joshua who led the children of lsrael into the Promised Land. Surely, the name of the Messiah could have been nothing other than Joshua - the Hebrew word for the Greek tenn translated Jesus.

As they descend, Moses and Joshua hear a clamor in the camp. They arrive to find a golden calf. At this point, Moses brakes the tables of stone, grinds the golden calf to powder, spreads it upon water, and makes the people drink. This tragic affair culmi­nates in the deaths of 3,000 men:

"And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God 0/ Israel, Pw every man his sword by his side, and go ill and olitfrom gate 10 gate throughout the camp, alld slay

every man his brothel; alld every man his companion. and every man his neighbor.

"And the children of Levi did according to the word 0/ Moses: and there/ell o/the people that day aboul three thousand men" (Exodus 32:27-28).

The number is reminiscent of3,000 con­verts who submitted to baptism fo llowing Peter's sermon. Baptism is a symbol of death, contrasting with the deaths of those who helped bui ld rhe golden calf.

Moses' Sixth Encounter: The Dispensation of Grace

Now, for the six th time, Moses ap­proaches the Lord on behalf of Israel. This time he offers himself as a substitute- an allegory of Christ, the Great Substitute. Moses becomes a mediator:

"And Moses returned wHO the LORD, and said, Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold.

"Yet now, if thou wilt,forgive their sin; and if not, blot me. I pray thee, out of thy book which Ihou hast wrillell" (Exodus 32'31-32),

It is here that we can see the ministry of Christ. Moses became the "mediator" be­fore the Lord. He said, " .. .forgive ... and if not, blot me, I pray thee, Ollt o/thy book.

(Continued on Page 33)

Page 29: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

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that its words are inspired and ,

The Book of Br Cltutlltt Lu/cin This work is the result

of 2S yem study of the book of Ruelation by Clarence Larkin, oothorof Ihe classic \I'ork , '"Oispen­sational Trulh~" Larkin wasoneofthe ladilg the0-logians on prophetic stud­ies in the early years of this century. His book can be fOllnd on the sheh-es of pas­tors all across America_ Af­ter l..arkin 's dl'llth. his de­roun~ation for distributing

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::;~:::~~:~~!:~:;:~'~hole counsel of God as em-not only for his oll'n hearl, as fully as j)OSSibletoknuw

Page 30: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

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Page 32: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996


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Page 33: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

(Continued From Page 28) Moses offered himself as a substitute fo r the people. In like manner, Christ became our substitute. On Calvary He prayed, "Fa­ther,forgive Ihem;for they know nol what they do" (Luke 23:34). TIlen from the cross Hcprayed, " ... My God, my God, why hast Ihouforsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). The Great Substitute is pictured here as Moses prays, "Forgive ... alld if not, blot me . .. alit oflhy book."

This encounter prophetically corre­sponds with those transition years which concluded the dispensation of Law and in­stituted the dispensation of Grace:

"And the LORD said !Into Moses, De­part, and go up hence, thou and the people which Iholl hasl broughilip 0111 of the lalld ofEgYPI, IIl1to the lalld which f swore UIllO

Abraham, 10 Isaac , and 10 Jacob , saying, Unto thy seed willi give ;1:

"And f will selld all aI/gel before thee; and I will drive out the Canaanite, rhe Amorite, alld Ihe Hillire, and the Perizzite, the Hivile, and the l ebusite:

"Unto a land flowing with milk and honey: for I will not go up in the midst 0/ (hee: forlholl art a stif/necked people: lest I (:onsume thee illlhe way" (Exodus 33: 1-3).

At this point Gods turns from the people in the same way He turned from Israel af­ter the crucifixion, setting aside the Jews and taking His message of salvation to the Gentiles. God said that He would not "go up in the midst" of Isracl. In a symbolic gesture, Moses returned to his own tent:

.. and pitched it witholll the camp, afar off from the camp, and called it the Taber­nacle of the congregation .. . . " (Exodus 33:7).

This was not the proposed Tabernacle containing a Holy Place and Holy of Ho­lies. This was Moses' own tenl. Moses went to his home, dismantled his tent, took it outside the camp, and raised it up. It is a prophetic picture of the Lord Jesus Christ who left the camp of Israel and pitched His Tabernacle. or New Testament Church, outside the camp - among the nations.

With the children of Israel looking on, Moses and Joshua entered the tent:

"And it came to pass, as Moses entered into the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar de­scended, and stood at the door a/the tab­ernacle. and the LORD talked witl! Moses.

"And all the people saw the cloudy pil­lar stand 01 the tahemacle door: and alf rhe people rose up and worshipped, every man in his tent door.

"And the LORD spake unto Moses/ace to face, as a mall speaketh unfO his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshlla, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out 0/ the tabernacle"

Moses saw the Promised Land from the summit of Mount Nebo, but was not allowed to enter the land with the Chosen People. He represented law, whIch cannot provide eternal life. Only Joshua, a type of grace, could lead the people across Jordan. likewise, only Christ can provide eternal life - by grace.

(Exodus 33:9-1 1). When Moses left the tent,Joshua stayed!

This is a prophet ic allegory of the future Messiah who should succeed Moses. It is a fulfillment of Moses' prophecy of the Prophet who would be raised up in his like­ness. Just as Joshua stayed in the tent, Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, left His people to establish the New Testament Church. How pe rfect then, is the parallel -Joshua stayed in the tent which was lo­cated outside Ihe camp!

The Establishment of Grace In the following encountcr, Moses fi nds

grace in God's sight: "And Moses said un/a the LORD. See,

thou sayest unto me, Bring up this people: and thou hast not let me know whom thou will send wilh me. Yet thou hast said.' kl/ow thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.

"Now therefore, I pray Ihee, if I have found grace in thy sight, shew me now thy way, that' may know thee, tharl may find grace ill thy sight: and consider thar this nation is thy people.

"And he said, Mypresence shall go with ,hee, and I will give thee rest .

"And the LORD said IIntO Moses, J will do this thing also thaI thou hast spoken: for thou has/found grace in my sight, and'

know thee by name" (Exodus 33: 12- 14,17). The word "grace" is the key. Just as

Moses found grace (unmerited favor) in the sight of God, even so, after Christ's death on Calvary, a new dispensation was insti­tuted - the dispensation of Grace:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith: and that /lot a/yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8).

Th is sixth encounter with God, along with its attending events, seems to be a prophetic picture of the em we presently enjoy - gmce.

Moses' Seventh Encounter: The DIspensation of the Kingdom After Moses' sixth encounter, he asked

the Lord to show him His glory. II is hcre that God promised Moses thaI, though he could not see His face, he would be allowed LO see His back side. The preparation be­gins for Moses' seventh and final trip to the top of Sinai:

"And he hewed two tables of stone like unto rhe first: and Moses rose up early ill the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and rook in his hand the two tables of stone.

"And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him Ihere, and proclaimed the name o/Ihe LORD.

"And the LORD passed by before him,

Prophtcy in the NaJJS 33

Page 34: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

anti proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, IOllgsufferillg, and abulldalll ill goodness and truth" (Exo· dus 34:4-6).

It is here that Moses appears to follow a prophelic scenario which corresponds with the event s of Pentecost. Moses ascends the mountain where he spends a second period of forty days. This is a prophetic type of Christ, who ascended in clouds of glory. Thus begins His long stay in the presence of God. So far, Christ has not yet re turned 10 earth. 1l1cse fony days are a prophetIc allegory of another set of forty Jubilee pe­riods. Those forty Jubilees are now con­cluding, therefore, Jesus should return soon. We are now in the countdown for Ihe rcturn of Messiah!

AI Ihi s point, Moses illustrates the present work of Christ before the throne of God:

·'And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earrli, and worshipped.

"And he said. Ifnow 1 havefoulld grace ill thy sight, 0 LORD, let my LORD, I pray thee , go amOllg us: for il is a slijfnecked people; alld pardon 0111' illiqllily alld Ollr sin, (JI1l1 take liS for thine inheritance" (Exodus 34:8-9).

Here Moses acts as a mediator. In like manner, the Lord Jesus Christ has ascended inlO heaven 10 become our Advocate be­fore the Father. He is our High Priest who has gone to plead our case.

In response to the prayer, God agrees to go. But He also warned of severe punish­men t w hich wou ld befall Ihe Jewi sh people:

"And he said, Behottl, 1 make a COl"

ellam; before aff thy people / will do mar­vels, sllch as have 1I0t bee" dOlle ill all the earth, liar ill allY nation: ami all the people among which tholl art slwll see Ihe work of the LORD :for ;1 is a terrible Ihing that I will do with Ihee" (Exodus 34: 10).

Th is appears 10 be a promise thai God will bring great judgment and tribuliltion upon the Jewish people. In direct fulfill­ment of that prophecy, over the past 2,000 years the Jews have suffered. They suffered in A.D. 135 as the Romans deported the Jews and sold them on the slave markets of the world.

The Jews have suffered the persecutions of Imperial Rome; the Crusades and Inqui­sitions of Religious Rome; the pogroms or massacres of the Russian CZars; and the Holocaust of Hitler. One day, they will ex­perience the worst period of suffering they have ever known. God predicted a coming Tribulation Period ~ referred to in the prophecies of Jeremiah liS " Jacob's trouble."

34 Proplr~cy II! till! News

God said to Moses, "/ will do marvels, such as have f10l been in all the eanh, f10r in allY nation .. . for il is a terrible thing that / will do with thee." I believe this prophecy includes the future Tribulation Period. Jesus said in Matthew 24:

"For then shall he great Iribulation, such as was not since the heginlling oflhe world to this time, 110, liar ever shall be.

"And excepl/hose (lays should be sho/"l­ened, there shollld no flesh be saved .. (Matthew 24:21 ,22).

e xodus 34:28 tells us that Moses ..... was there with Ihe LORD forty days and forty lIigllts; lie di(1 neither eal bread, liar drillk water. AII(I he wrote IIIJOII tile tables the words of the covel/am, the tell command-ments

Moses fasted fony days. There were three people in Ihe Bible who fasted fo r forty days ~ Moses, Elijah and Jesus. Moses fasted on top of Sinai. Elijah spent forty days fas ting on Mount Sinai. Also, Jesus weill into the "wilderness" where He fasted for forty days. Perhaps He fasted at the same place:

"Then was JeSll.~ led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

'·And whell he Iwd fasled forty days and forty lIights, he was afterward all hlln ­gered" (Matthew 4: 1-2).

Jesus went into the wilderness. The Scripture does not say which wilderness. It is possible that He went all the Wity to Sinai lind fasted there. It would seem fit­ting that Jesus followed the footsteps of Moses and Elijah in his forty day fast.

The Second Coming of Moses Finally, after forty days, Moses carne

down the mountain. His return to the camp of Israel is a Tremendous prophetic picture of the Second Com ing of Christ.

··And it came to pass, when Moses came down from MI. Sinai wilh the two tables of lestimony in Mose.f" hand. whell he came down from the mOIlf/(, 1"(If Moses wist not that the skin of his f(lce sholle while he talked wilh him.

"And when Aaron and all Ihe childrell o/Israel saw Moses, behold, rhe skill oJhis face shone; alld Ihey were afraid /0 come lIigh him" (Exodus 34:29-30).

When Moses made his final descent from Sinai, he returned to the people in power and great glory. Likewise, in perfect pro~ phet ic fulfi llment, Jesus will return one day in clouds of glory. Moses received that glory at the beginning of the forty days period illld revealed it untO his people when he returned. In like manner, Jesus received His glory at resurrection and shall reveal il to the world when He returns.

When Moses returned to the people af­ter his seventh trip 10 Ihe top of Sinai, he began the construction of the Tabernacle. This is exactly what Christ will do when He comes to establ ish His Kingdom , He will build the Millennial Temple. Zechnriah predicted it:

"And speak IInto him, saying, Thus speakelh Ihe LORD of hosts, saying, Be­hold tlte mall whose /lame is The BRANCH: and he shall gmw up Ollt of his place, (lnd he shall build the temple of the LORD:

··Even he shall build the lemple Of the LORD: alld he shall bear the glory, lind shall sit and rule upon his throne: and he shall be a priest IIpon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both" (Zechariah 6: 12- 13).

According to this prophecy, Christ will build the Temple when He comes, just as Moses built the Tabernacle in the wilder­ness after the conclusion of his final fony days. Christ will return someday (perhaps at the end of forty Jubilees), in power and great glory to bui ld the Temple and estab­lish His Kingdom on the earth.

Notice that the entire sequence of events began in thc third month of the year. Ac­cording to the book of Jasher (an ancient apocryphal writing), the Law was given on the sixth day of the third month. This cor­responds with Pentecost. How fascinating to contemplate the possibili ty that Pente­cost marked the introductions of both dis· pensations - Law and Grace!

Moses made his descent in power and glory on Yom Kippur, Ihe Day of Atone­ment. That day represents a prophetic por­trayal of another great sacrifice to be made by God during the Batlle of Annageddon. Blood will run as deep as the horses' bridles. The Day of Atonement is also a prophetic picture of the coming of Christ in power and great glory at the conclusion of Armageddon.

Indeed, the story of the ages is played out prophetically in the life and ministry of Moses. No wonder Moses silid in Deuteronomy 18:15: "The LORD thy God will raise lip UII/O thee a Proflltet from the midst Of Ihee, oJ lhy hrelhren, like 'IIItf} lIle; IInto him ye shall hearkell."

In thi s study we have noted how these seven divine encounters of Moses corre­spond to the great dispensations of human history. It is marvelous to note how his­tory compares with these scriptures. Obvi­ously the Bible was not of human origin. Only God could have fo reseen the futu re and could have guided the sacred journey of Moses to be an allegory of those events which should one day bring forth the re­demption of man .•

Page 35: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

Dear Rev. Church, I received with sadness your plea for

funds today, and I'm enclosing a small gift which I wish could be marc but for some reason right now, God has willed that I be out of work - so I'm sorry to say that lhis gift is infinitely smaller than I'd like it to be. I just watched a program in which the pastor referred to Zechariah 4: J 0 - nOt to despise the day of small things - so here is my small thing. I hope the Lord will mul­tiply it greatly! It wou ld be a tragedy if you were to cease production.

Onc of the most attractive features of your greal ministry is your telling the un­varnished truth - a rare thing nowadays - as well as your deep and eye-opening research! Your program is one of my weck's highlights! I don 't now why God is allowing you to struggle, but alii cun offer besides my prayers is the hope offcred in Hcbrews 12:11. I praise God for you and plaY t!Jal Ht: will st:t: yuu throug h Ihis event.

Naturally, I wish God had made me a millionaire. I do believe that I have been faithful in that which is least - and you certainly have - bUi just remember Daniel in the Lion's den - Jesus came and closed their mouths!

Very si ncerely yours, K.E. Bellaire, TX

Dear Bro. J. R. Enclosed is a love offering to PrOI)hecy

in the News ministry. My husband and I truly wish there was more we could do. The Lord has uscd you and brother Gary to bless our hearts tremendously. We just received our 1995 video tapes of Prophecy ill the News and are seriously considering join­ing the monthly video club. Unfortunately at this time finances are pretty tight. Con­tinue to stand fast. We will continue 10

stand in prayer for the ministry. Blessings in Yeshlla ha Mashiach, V. T. Albuquerque, NM

Dear J . R. & Gary, Your ministry is a blessing to me. as well

as an answer to my prayers. It is obvious that your ministry is anointed and I pray

for continued blessings. Please accept my love gift in addition to this order. Keep al­lowing the Holy Spirit to work through you!

In Jesus Name, T.F. Denver, CO

Dellr Rev. Church, I watch your program every week. I have

learned so much from you and Gary. The code in the Bible was so very impressive. I cannot see how anyonc would deny OUf

God is God of the Universe!! You are both in my prayers, both personally and for your ministry. I truly wish I could send you more of a g ift but I hope this will help a lillie. God bless you both.

Love in Christ Jesus, R. P. Merritt Island, FL

Editor 's Note: Yes, the "Yeshua Codes" are all incredible witness 10 the divine in­spiration of Scripture. Recently, we had the privilege of visiting with Yacov Rambsel in our television studio and we've prepared a special video presentation on the subject. You can find an adverti semcn t for the Yeshua video on page 18.

Dear J. R. and Gary, I just wanted to write and tell you how

much you have been teaching me and how much your program means to me. I can 't begin to tell you everything I've learned. I believe that you are men sent from God to infonn the world that Jesus' return is near. The Bible says that once we become Chris­tians, we should move from being fed scrip­tural "m ilk" to feeding on scr iptural '·meat." You arc provid ing that "meat" for me and many others.

I am a subscriber to the Prophecy in Ihe News magazine lind after I am done wilh each magazine I send them to my mother in Aiken, Sc. She doesn't get the program on the air down there. I can' t afford to be­come a monthly supponer, but here is a donation for the ministry. I will also be re­newing my subscription soon, God will­ing for the last timc before His coming!

God bless you both. M. W. Lexington. K Y

Dear J . R., Gary, and Staff, We wanted to send you a note of thanks

and suppon. Your program is fascinating and so informative. We made Jesus our Savior about a year ago and then moved to an arell where your show airs.

Your program has been helpful as we progress in reading the Bible, lind is also helping us connect current world situations to the Bible.

Thank you a lso for your help over the phone in te ll ing me where to find I Thess­alonians 5:3! We continue to pray for you as you spread the Gospel of our Lord and Savior.

Mr. & Mrs. T. G. Eyota, MN

Shalom Brother Church, 1 am compelled to write to you and thank

you for the article in the July '96 Prophecy in the News, entitled " Return From £.xile."

1 am a Messianic Jew that attends a few Protestant churches with a friend. I also attend my own Messianic Jewish congre­gation. I am often surprised 10 hear several of the anti-Semetic remarks that this article addressed coming from Chri stians.

I have studied with you and Gary for several years now, and am always uplifted by your teachings. This anicle, however, dcserves a special "Mazeltov" from some of your Jewish brothers and sisters in Yes/ilia fla Mashiach.

Tell Gary that those of us who study the Word arc relieved that the biblical bird has flown the coop! May Hashem bless you and safeguard you. May Hashem illuminate His countemmce for you and be gf'dcious to you, and your ministry.

Your sister in Christ, O.G. Tijeras, NM

Dear Prophecy in the News Staff, I wish I could send morc. J hope you

don't go off the Inspirational Network but I'd still send offerings if you do. I believe that people should know that there is real proof that the Bible is the inspired Word of the Lord and no person alone could have put it together.

There were years when someone would challenge my belief and I had no answer for them except my faith. Now, I still don't have the abil ity to explain it, but t do have a concrete reason to give them. And I can always refer them to your work! I think that's olle of the fulfillments of "knowledge will be increased"!!

Thmlks again, S. J. Clarksdale, MS •

Prop/lrcy in the NI!WS 35

Page 36: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

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Page 37: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

By Thomas let & Timothy Del1lY

Emerging developments in microchip compu ter tethnology are now testing the public's will ingnWl to embrace the concept of a cashless society.

Co uld this be a fin al

By J. R. Church o1ldjri,nds

I)erhaps no othet' sub­ject prompts mort discus­sion among Christians than the turbulent time in which we now til',.

This book dtals wit ll

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subjed, "HoIII Nco.r is Ihe Mark ojfht" Join­ing me are my fr iends \I'ilh some of their essays in Apo<'alypse:

• "Raging Human Seas oj Hatred" by William T. James

• "The Global Church" by David Webber ,

By Hal Untisly There are some truths

in the Bible tha t are so fundamental to l i ~i n g a fulfilled, happy and suc­cessfu l lire, that t lley should Ire taught to Chris­tians immedia tely and re­\' iell'ed frequently. Vet they art seldom laught in all Christendom. This

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By RatuillU Price Not since they were

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" II

By }. R. Church, Gary SztannQII, and F rilntls Joining J. R. Church

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llJy'. 9(. Cflludi. Th~ psa lms con t ~in a chnmological di ary or Jew.

ish struggle in Ihis re nlory. Ju~t pick 8 y~8r sinO' 1901 - then gu tu Ihe psalm numbered according to tha t yea r and find a prophecy relating 10 b raet! Psalms J?-4S describe the hulOCllust or W\\-' II ; Psalm 411 dl.'S(ribes tht birth uf Isruel in 19411; Psalm 91 de­scri bes the gulf war In 1991: Pulm 93 alludes 10 tht noodsor I !WJ. Item # S101 - $14.95

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The st,·en golden lamps of the Menorah oITer a prophetic message for Ihis gene ration. Its unique story hM~ been hidden fur centuries.

In these 12 programs, J . R. Churc h and Gary Stea rman discuss the Menor3h design of the Bible and compare Ilicir fi nd with the 22 leite rs of the Ue· brew Alpha bet---5howing the Divinc inspiration uf the books of the New Testament. Item # Sl1 3 - $14.95

Page 39: The Battle For Jerusalem Has Begun! -  Prophecy in the News Magazine -  Nov 1996

48 Prophetic Studies on 12 VHS Video Tapes V4601

1-4 Looking at 1995 and Beyond: (Psalms ~5·119), V4602

1-4 Are We Really Living in the Last Days? V4603

1&2. Alexander the Greal: Archetype of Antichrist 3. Who Were the Legendary Giants? 4. On the Morning of lIle Third Day

V4604 I. The Mystery of the [9th Ltuer- Koph [J] 2. Kingdom of the Dragons 3&4. The "Year" Verses in the Tornh

\'4605 I. Tragedy Strikes Oklahoma City 2. The JU;(laposilion of the Psalms 3&4. An Islamic Cauldron is Boiling

V4>06 I. The Psalm of the Cross 2. TheAJphabelic Design of Psalms ]·22 3&4. The Alphabe1ic Design of Genesis 1-22

\'4607 1&2.The Alphabetic Design of Genesis 2J.50 3&4. A TOPlcallnde:< of the Bible

V4608 I. J.R.QulI1:h Interviews Hal Undsey on ''The Final Banle" 2,3,&4. Genesis 23-50: Topical Index of the Bible

V4609 1&2, Isaiah's Minialure Bible: The Old TeslOmeni 3&4. Isaiah's Miniature Bible: The New Teslamenl

V4610 I P;a]m 96: The Ark Arrives 2. Psalm 97: There's A Cornel Coming! 3. Psalm 98: Have We Been Raplured Yel? 4. Psalms 94-107: ''Even So Come, Lord Jesus!"

V4611 l. Who Made Those Mysmious Crop Cirdes? 2. The MYSlery of the Horseleach 3. Uniled Stales Issues New Currency 4. Rani Levy Discusses Yitzhak Rabin

V4612 l. Yirzhal: Rahin: Victim of Fear or a Kabbalisl Curse 2. Along Came Arnalek 3&4. A Fresh Look al Seven Dispensations

Join our Tape-A-Month Club and co llect t his yea r's studies as they become available. See add on back.

Did you miss viewing our television programs last year? Well, here is the entire collection for 1995! You will be able to review all 48 studies on VHS video.

Use these tapes to broaden your knowledge in bibl ical prophecy. Show them to your Bible study group. They make a great soul-winning tool for evangelizing others. Or, you may want to add them to your church library.

Don't miss your opportunity to get this treasure trove of prophetic studies!

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oO~;;ri~ with brackets in the text. .. # 81616 $14.95

1. - 2, Mystery or the Blood Moon · There were two full eclipses of the moon in 1996 - and both were on Jewish Holy Days. The first occurred at Passover, April 3, and the other happened on September 26, at the onset of the Feast of Tabernacles. The circumstances surrounding both of these blood moons may point to "signs in the heavens." There will not be another full eclipse of the moon until January 21,2000.

3. George Washington's Warning - A handwritten manuscript of Washington's inauguration speech was sold at auction recently. The concluding paragraph predicts what it will take for America to be destroyed . Those very descriptions arc rampant in our country today.

4. The Mars Rock - According to scientists, analysis of a rock from Mars suggests that primit ive life once existed on the red planet. Over the next decade, several probes will be sent to confion the find . How could a discovery like that affect the Christian view of creation?

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