the bbfc

The BBFC The BBFC are a company that are able to give films the rating they have. They can choose from all the ratings possible (U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18 and 18R). They have guidelines that are refreshed each year for their workers to go by. These films are watched and analysed way before the film’s release date so that the cinemas know who to let into the theatre. They also specialise in making sure TV programs are helped to. They have been going since 1912. They have been run as an independent organisation and have nothing to do with the government. They also don’t have an income. They make their money based on how long they spend on analysing your film. Every film and DVD has to have a age rating. However, local councils can overthrow the certificate given by the BBFC. If the BBFC don’t agree with something in your film they have the power to tell you to re-cut the film and make sure that your film is suitable for the public. The BBFC guidelines cover: Context Theme Tone and Impact Discrimination Drugs Imitable Behaviour Language Nudity Sex Threat Violence

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Post on 20-Feb-2016




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Page 1: The BBFC

The BBFCThe BBFC are a company that are able to give films the rating they have. They can choose from all the ratings possible (U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18 and 18R). They have guidelines that are refreshed each year for their workers to go by. These films are watched and analysed way before the film’s release date so that the cinemas know who to let into the theatre. They also specialise in making sure TV programs are helped to. They have been going since 1912. They have been run as an independent organisation and have nothing to do with the government. They also don’t have an income. They make their money based on how long they spend on analysing your film. Every film and DVD has to have a age rating. However, local councils can overthrow the certificate given by the BBFC. If the BBFC don’t agree with something in your film they have the power to tell you to re-cut the film and make sure that your film is suitable for the public.

The BBFC guidelines cover:ContextThemeTone and ImpactDiscriminationDrugsImitable BehaviourLanguageNuditySex Threat Violence

Mad Max Fury Road has very small criteria in which the BBFC can regulate. For example the whole film is based around a car chase with very little points for the film to slow down. There is the odd fight scene and momentary gore. The BBFC gave this statement to why the film was given a 15:

MAD MAX FURY ROAD is a post-apocalyptic action drama in which a man teams up with a woman to rescue a group of women from an evil warlord who controls what remains of life's necessities.ViolenceFrequent scenes of violence and threat include sustained vehicular chase scenes. These include scenes where people fight, are shot and stabbed, or run over by vehicles. However, injury detail is limited. There is also a scene in which a man is struck on the chest by a chainsaw, which is followed by a brief blood spurt. In another scene a man's mask is ripped from his face, and there is a brief gush of blood.

A woman has a baby cut from her body. The cutting occurs below frame and is followed by sight of a man handling the placenta. There is also brief non-sexualised female nudity and mild bad language ('bollocks', 'shite').

Page 2: The BBFC

This tells us that Mad Max Fury Road has its fair share of action and has it in moderation to. For example it is described that there is gore and threat but to a respectable extent. However it does not have something from every possible category.